Field Visit 2023 by Shamim Alam

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Serial Contents Page

no. No.
01. Acknowledgement 02
02. Abstract 03
03. Introduction 04
04. Objectives 06
05. Design/Strategy 08
06. Findings 10
07. Conclusion 13
08. Limitations 14
09. Recommendations 14
10. References 15


First of all, I am extremely grateful to the almighty

creator for allowing me to visit the field and write
the report accordingly. I would like to express from
the core of my heart special thanks to my
department that gave me a golden opportunity to
participate and complete the field visit. The field
visit provided me to communicate and also know
the individual, group and community people and
their all activities. I want to say special thanks to
my honorable teacher Prof. Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam
who helped me a lot to visit the field and guided
me properly to make this report. I want to also say
thanks, the project Director, Coordinatore and
Co-workeres and all the members of SSSF. They
were warmly welcomed and gave lots of
information so that we can benefit and properly
complete our field visit.

Md. Shamim Alam

ID No: 2211044167
Session: 2021-2022
Department of Social Work
University of Rajshahi.

Many children in our country cannot study because

of poverty, conflict, displacement, disability, cultural
barriers or social discrimination. Several factors
contribute to the high number of out-off school
children in Bangladesh, including poverty,
geographic location, cultural norms, gender
disparities, and the impact of natural disasters.
The Out-of-School Children Programme (OSCEP)
is an initiative designed to provide educational
opportunities to children who are not enrolled in
any formal educational institution. The programme
aims to bridge the educational gар for these
children by offering alternative learning pathways
and flexible education programmes tailored to their
specific needs and circumstances. The NGO
named Shastha Shikkha Sheba Foundation
(SSSF) is trying to help them and play's a very
important role. It aims to ensure that no child is left
behind and that all children regardless of their
circumstances, have the opportunity to develop
their full potential through education.


Field visit is when a social worker goes out into the

community to observe a situation first hand. It is
one of the important activities of social workers.
Field visit is an academic part selected for the first
year second semester course for students of social
work. The field visit course no. is SOW-126. We
visited a school for field visit with our honorable
teacher Prof. Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam.

We started Our journey at 9:00 am and reached

there at 10:15 am at Mohanpur thana. We
collected information from the officers of SSSF.
Then we visited the school named Potropur
Non-Formal Primary school, Thana: Mohanpur,
Upazila Mohanpur, District: Rajshahi. After
reaching there we collected data. We have known
that SSSF works for out of school children
education and they provide non-formal primary
education to dropout student.There are some
problems we found in the school. These are below:
1.There are lack of learning environment
2. There are lack of housing
3.There are lack of land

4.There are no playground for the children
5.There is a lack of electricity.

Mentioning all the problems is very troublesome.

As a result, the students and teachers of the
school suffered from it. So giving them education
facilities properly is most important. The foundation
(SSSF) plays a very important role to ensure
primary education to the out of school students.


● The main objectives of the field visit are to

know the activities of Shastho Shikkha Sheba
Foundation (SSSF). How to get help out of
school children by Out-of-school children
Programme (OSCEP).

1. To learn off -school children Programme, the

Shastho Shikkha Sheba foundation (SSSF) at
Mohanpur branch.

2. To know the problem of out of school

children and how to solve their problem by
delivering the foundation.

3.To learn practically about the education and

programme of an NGO.

4.To explore the contribution of the programme

to the education of dropout students.

5. To identify how their works are linked to

social work practice

6. To identify the challenges or gaps of the


The field visit has followed a number of strategies

and techniques to fulfill the objectives. Such as:

● Participatory Approach:

I have followed the participatory approach to know

the education project of SSSF, as I have attended
a presentation delivered by the project coordinator.

● School Visit:
I have participated in school teaching
programmes and talked with the
beneficiaries(students) at the project area Potropur
Mohanpur thana, Mohanpul Upazila, Rajshahi.

● Interviews:

I have talked to a student to know their service and

activities, outcomes and challenges of the SSSF,
PEDP-4 at Non- Formal Primary School.

Case study:

I have talked with a child named Mariam, age: 07,

father's name: Lalchan, mother's name: Julekha,
studies in class 2. Her father works in the field.
She can read and write well! She is a good

I have observed the school and rural environment.

Shastho Shikkha Sheba Foundation(SSSF) get
services the dropout students by Out of School
Children Education Programme(OSCEP).They try
to increase the literacy rate of our country.After
visiting the school we got lots of information.We
found in details the services:

Out of School Children’ Education Program as

Second Chance Education (SCE) Program under
the sub-component 2.5 of PEDP-4 aims to provide
primary education through a flexible non-formal
education system to 37,200 out of school children
of 8-14 years age group implemented by Dhaka
Ahsania Mission (DAM) as an Implementing
Support Agency (ISA). The second chance
education program has operated under the overall
structure of Bureau of Non-Formal Education
(BNFE). Second Chance Education is a purposeful
and systematically organized form of learning with
flexibility in delivery, based on the requirement of
educationally deprived out of School Children to
complete their primary education cycle. The
intervention was designed in an effort to overcome
the barriers and challenges causing dropouts.
Second chance education will play a crucial role
alongside formal primary education mainstream.
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) has been
implementing this project with 8 Associate NGOs
in Chattogram District. There are a total 05
Thana/Area Offices under City Corporation and 12
Upazila Offices covered through a District Office to
support 37,200 Learners through the 1240
Learning Centre establishment in Chattogram.
Cohort and Multi-grade Teaching Learning
Approach introduced in the learning system.
Program will followed some implementing strategy
that are: Selection of students through children’s

survey, establishment of 70 learning centers on
average in each upazila and 40 learning centers
(Double shift) for each Thana/City Corporation, 1
teacher in each Center, following NCTB curriculum
and textbooks, following accelerated model
syllabus, ensuring NCTB text, Educational
materials, school dress and bag supplies for each


For any profession, it is essential to have

connection with theoretical knowledge as well as
practical knowledge. In fact social work education
is a combination of knowledge acquired through
theoretical and practical training. The aim of
Shastho Shikkha Sheba Foundation(SSSF) is to
well-being of the dropout students.We were sent to
the Out of School Children Programme for
practical training from the social work Department
University of Rajshahi.Through this
organization we have learned or gained
experience in doing service work through social
work. Principles, values & methods of the
foundation needs to be social work students.
Through practical training I learned about the
dropout students of the Foundation & their
activities. The success & failure of the foundation's
ongoing initiative to tackle it. Finally as an
apprentice social
worker, I wish the prosperity and success of the
Shastho Shikkha Sheba Foundation.

In every job there are some limitations. We visited
the school under Shastho Shikkha Sheba
Foundation has some
limitation. Some of them mention below:
* We could not observe all things successfully
because we visited within a short time.
* Further we could not get all the information from
the members of the Foundation because we
could not ask more & more questions.
* The shortage of time is a big limitation.


1.They should increase the learning components.

2.They should increase the playground for the



2.Lectures from Prof. Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam.


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