Ea Final Exam

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< HPGD2303>


SEP / 2023



IDENTITY CARD NO : 941111115324

Part A : Question 1

There are few reasons why developing a Table of Specifications (TOS) before
designing exam questions for a summative assessment is crucial.

Firstly, the table of specifications helps to maintain the content validity of the test. Teacher
prepare the TOS by detailing the topics to be asked in the test with the associated weightage.
This will ensure that the assessment adequately covers the breadth of the the curriculum
while providing a fair representation of the subject matter. For example, in science subject
teacher include all topics taught in the class during the test. The topic which are allocated
more time to be discussed in class gain more weightage.

Secondly, TOS helps educators to prioritize key areas of learning. Through assigning
specific weight to various topics and cognitive level, it helps focusing and prioritizing on
fundamental concepts of the subject matter. For example a multiplication topic has more
weightage than addition topic as multiplication require more complex thinking skill.

Third is, TOS assist teachers in constructing a well balanced test thus enhancing the test
construction. TOS serves as a blueprint for constructing a well balanced test. TOS guides
teachers in creating varied set of questions which assess range of skills and knowledge across
various cognitive levels. This balance not only assess factual knowledges but also higher
order thinking skills.. Thus TOS helps to evaluate the students’ understanding more
comprehensively. For example, teacher include wide level of knowledge in creating TOS
including remembering, understanding, applying and evaluating.

Next is TOS help to improve the test quality. A clear plan from the TOS enables teacher to
create a higher quality test reducing the risk of unintentionally overlooking the important
topics such as disproportionately emphasizing specific areas of topic.

Lastly, TOS helps in optimizing the time allocation. It helps in maximizing the utilization
of class time efficiently by connecting the time allocated for each topic in class with the
corresponding number of questions or time spent to when answering the test questions for

the topic. For example, those topic that learned in class with longer duration of time are
allocated more time to be spent during test. Through TOS, teachers can guarantee that the test
reflects the emphasis given to each topic during class instruction.

Part A : Question 2
Tiktok is a social media platform that gained increasing popularity for its short form video
content which exposes users to a diverse range of content making it a dynamic and engaging
platform. Using Tik Tok as an authentic assessment tool can offer a creative and engaging
way to evaluate students various skills and competencies.Below are the justifications the use
of Tik Tok as authentic assessment tool.

Tik Tok encourages students to think creatively which lead to diversity of outcomes as in the
process of creating Tik Tok videos students are prompts to think critically about how to
visually represent the academic concepts into interesting video content. They need to
consider how they should use the platforms’ feature to deliver their message. For example, a
student is tasked to present a cause and consequences of significant historical event using Tik
Tok. The student creatively create a short video such as include a dramatic musical backdrop
and create a split screen effect to make the video more interesting. This medium will enable
students to be more creative and fostering a more diversity of outcomes to learning and

Secondly, Tik Tok has a real world relevance. It effectively convey messages through the
video content. When educators prepared students to use this platform, students will have the
required skill to present themselves using this platform. For example, when student learn how
to create video in Tik Tok, they will be able to create any video they want. Through this
video creation skill, they might want to present their skill or talent they have in Tik Tok to
attract a job employer. This mirror the real world need for effective self presentation in a
professional context.

The third one is Tik Tok provide the opportunity to collaborate. Tik Tok offers a built in
collaborative features such as duets, stitches, and challenges which allows students to
collaborate seamlessly within the platform. For example, students are given a group

assessment task to create Tik Tok video highlighting the consequences of deforestation on
local ecosystems and suggest potential solutions. They divide the task based on individual
strength such as who is responsible for collecting information, edit and create video, and
promote the video. They can use Tik Tok’s duet feature to record individual part and stitch
them together seamlessly. This illustrates how Tik Tok can engage students in teamwork.

The next one is Tik Tok provide the opportunity to reflect as students are able to analyze
viewers reaction through the engagement rate such as analyzing the comments or like
received. From the engagement section, students can measure how their educational content
can impact others thus fostering a deeper understanding on how they can make
improvements. For example, when a student create a video task about historical event, they
the video is posted on Tik Tok. Then, they receive comments and reactions indicating how
their peers interprets the historical information. This reflective feedback process informs
potential revisions and improvements.

Lastly, Tik Tok has the capacity to integrate content from various subject seamlessly. The
Tik Tok’s multimedia nature acoomodates the integration of text, visuals and audio. This
aligns with the need for multimedia literacy in diverse subject such as science, literature, or
social studies. For example, student can create a Tik Tok video that integrates scientific
concepts, mathematical calculations, and language arts to explain a real world phenomenon
begin with introducing scientific concept of gravity, incorporate mathematic calculation to
demonstrate the principle of kinematics and use language arts skill to provide the background
information about understanding gravity. This illustrates how Tik Tok can serve as cross
disciplinary projects where students engage with multiple subjects in cohesive manner. This
authentic assessment tool certainly goes beyond traditional subject boundaries.

Part B : Question 2

To enhance students’ cognitive reasoning skills, examples of activities that can be done are
explained as follows;

Firstly, the timed problem-solving exercises. In this exercise, students are provided with
short time limited problems where students need to make a quick analysis and have a clear
thought process to get solution. When student need to analyze the problem within the set time
frame, it will promote the student abillity to process information rapidly. Moreover, it will
encourage students to irganize their thought efficiently in order to solve problems concisely.
This will enhance students’ capacity to asses complex situation quickly which is a crucial
aspect of cognitive reasoning. For example, teacher asked students to solve a Mathematic
puzzles with a set time frame individually.

The second one is quick debate where students need to think on their feet and articulate their
perspectives. In this activity, students must quickly analyze the given controversial
statement , consider various viewpoints, and form their arguments. This will enable students
to evaluate information rapidly which is a fundamental aspect of cognitive reasoning. For
example, a teacher present a controversial statement and ask students to quickly organize
their thoughts and engage in a brief debate in a classroom.

The next one is a case-based learning where students need to quickly understand the case
and make analyzation based on the case study. During the analyzation, students need to
identify the essential details within the case study that are crucial for understanding and
decision making. This process will surely enhances the students capability to approach
problems systematically and developed reasoned solutions contributing to the students
cognitive reasoning abilities. An example of case based learning is when a teacher provide a
brief case related to a scientific experiment such as why a rod can’t enter a ring, and a few
minutes later, it can enter the same ring. Then the teacher asks students to quickly analyze the
situation and draw conclusions.

The fourth one is simulation games where students need to use their strategic thinking to
solve the problems. Educational games often require students to formulate and execute
strategic plans to achieve specific objectives. They must also assess potential outcomes and
choose the most effective strategies in simulation games. This activity will cultivate the skills
in strategic thinking where students need to consider the long term goals, assess risk and plan
effectively which is a critical component of cognitive reasoning. For example, a teacher
create a Math Adventure Quest for her students where the students need to embark on a

virtual journey filled with Math challenges to win. Students need to plan their moves to
progress efficiently and overcome challenges with increasing difficulty.

The last one is mind mapping activity where students are encouraged to create visual
representations of concepts connecting ideas and relationships. To create a mind map
students must think critically to determine the relationship between concepts and decide how
to visually represent the connections between those concepts. As students learn to categorize
and arrange the information logically, it will enhance the students organizational skill which
is the key aspect of cognitive reasoning. For example, in a science class, teacher asks each
student to create visual representations of key scientific concepts. The activity require
students to recognize relationships, identify patterns, and map out complex concepts
cohesively. It helps students to not only articulate their understanding of scientific concepts
clearly, but also aids memory retention.

Part B : Question 3

Essay questions offer an efficient way to assess complex learning outcomes. It allows
students to synthesize, organize, and articulate ideas as well as critically evaluate value those
ideas. These skills are integral to a comprehensive educational assessment course which
needs students demonstrate the abilities to measure their understanding. For example, when a
student are required to create an test question for a student, students not only required to
recall information, but also to synthesize their understanding, organize though coherently,
and critically evaluate the effectiveness of the test question they are creating.

Secondly, essay questions enable learners to showcase their reasoning abilities. They required
students not only to provide answers but also articulate their reasoning processes and reveal
their ability to think critically. This allow educators in gaining insights into how students
approach problem solving and understanding while comprehensively evaluate students’
cognitive skill. For example, in a educational assessment test, educators asked students to
justify the use of difference levels of cognitive complexity. This require students not only to
present information but articulate a well reasoned argument to justify their answers.


Third is essay questions offer authentic experiences by requiring learners to construct

responses where the process more reflective of real life situations. In the work environment,
employers seldom present a predetermined list of options for problem solving, instead they
required us to construct the solutions for the problem indicating that essay question closely
aligned with real life scenarios. An example in educational assessment course, educator may
require students to create a test paper, and distribute the test paper to students in school which
mirroring the real life scenario experienced by students.

Next is essay questions enables the application of assessment principles. Crafting and
evaluating test paper in educational assessment indirectly involves the application of key
assessment principles. For example, when students where asked to create a test paper, they
need to apply the assessment principles such as the validity and reliability of the test paper
they need to create.

Lastly, essay questions enable the opportunities for constructive feedback, aligning with the
assessment cycle emphasized in educational assessment course. Feedback is crucial to
enhance the learning outcomes and promote continuous improvement. For example, when a
teacher give task to student to analyze the best scoring method tool to use when mark a
question, then teacher provide detailed feedback on each students’ essay and students review
the feedback provided to gaining more valuable insights.

Part B : Question 5

a) There are three types of validity which are content validity, construct validity, and
criterion related validity.

Content validity assesses the extent to which a test instrument covers the content it is
supposed to measure. It involves ensuring the items or questions included in a test are
relevant and comprehensive in covering the content being measured. For example, in a

mathematics test, content validity is present when the questions cover a broad range of topics
from the Mathematic curriculum rather than focusing on a specific topic only.

Construct validity assesses the extent to which a test instrument measures an abstract concept
or theoretical construct. It involves examining the underlying theoretical framework to
ensure that the test is truly measuring the intended construct. For example, when a
psychological test is designed to measure intelligence, the test should demonstrate construct
validity by accurately reflecting the underlying concept of intelligence which correlate well
with other established measures of intelligence.

Lastly, the criterion related validity. Criterion related validity examines the relationship
between scores on a measurement tool and the scores of an external criterion. There are two
types of criterion related validity which are predictive validity and concurrent validity.
Predictive validity measures how well scores from a measurement tool predict future
performance or behaviour. For example, a university admission test is examined for its
predictive validity by correlating students’ scores with their subsequent academic
performance in university. If the test accurately predicts future success, its demonstrates
predictive validity.

Concurrent validity measures the extent to which the scores from a new measurement tool
correlate with the scores of an established criterion measured at the same time. For example,
when a newly developed stress questionnaire is administered to a group of participants, and
their responses are compared with their scores on an already established stress scale
administered at the same time, the correlation between the two sets of scores demonstrates
concurrent validity.

b) Several factors that can affect the validity of a test include the length of the test, selection
of topics, method of test administration, and method of marking.

In term of the length of the test, longer text may offer more comprehensive coverage where
it may include of enough questions measuring the students skills and knowledge from the
syllabus thus making the test more valid. However, excessively long test can lead to fatigue

which can impact the students’ performance. Thus, balancing the need for thorough sampling
with considerations for test taker endurance is crucial to maintain the test validity.

In term of topics selection, there should be an alignment between the test questions with the
way topics were taught in classroom. If the test measures skills or knowledge that were not
adequately covered during teaching and learning process, the validity of the test is
compromised. For example, if critical thinking wasn’t emphasized in teaching but is assessed
in the test, the validity may be affected.

In term of method of test administration, proper test administration is important to maintain

the validity of results. Factors such as the arrangement of test items, monitoring of test taking,
and ensuring favorable condition for test taker when taking the test contribute to the overall
validity of test. For example, when students taking a SPM examination, clear instructions are
given and a suitable environment are provided to minimize the confusion and distractions.

Lastly, in term of method marking, the marking process should be as objective as possible to
maintain the validity as subjective marking can introduce low validity due to human
judgement. The subjective marking validity may be increased by the use of reliable
assessment tool such as rubrics. Objectives items are easier to be marked but can also
introduce errors especially when large number of scripts are being marked. Thus, it is
important implement checks, for example, checking through the learner’s comment
themselves on their marked papers.

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