Lesson 1 - Integrating ICT Didactic Teaching

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Lesson 1: Integrating ICT to Support Didactic Teaching


Students should be able to describe how didactic teaching and ICT can be used to support students’
acquisition of school subject matter knowledge. (UNESCO ICT-CFT TL.3.a)

Total of 5 notional hours – 1.5 hour lecture, 2 hour computer practical session, 1 hour group tutorial,
30 minutes’ self-study at a computer.

Lecture Content (1.5 hour)

Notes to Facilitator
The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview and position Didactic teaching methods in
contrast to other methodologies. Didactic teaching, however, needs to be the focus as Constructivist
and other methods will be covered in detail later in Knowledge Deepening. Learners need to be aware
that they will in all likelihood use multiple methods in their teaching and ICT can be employed to
support each method.

Preparatory Readings:
Anderson, T. (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. p14-44. (CC: BY NC)
Wikibooks. (2006). Learning Theories. p4-15 (GNU Free Documentation License)
Open University. (2011). The Constructivist Model of Learning. Unit 3.2. (CC: BY NC SA)

Your current studies will have introduced you to a number of different teaching methodologies to
support the teaching of your subject. Two popular methodologies often used by teachers include
Constructivism and Didacticism. You might want to revise these two methods by reviewing the
following two Wikipedia articles:

“Constructivist teaching is based on constructivist learning theory. This theoretical framework holds
that learning always builds upon knowledge that a student already knows. Because all learning is
filtered through pre-existing knowledge, constructivists suggest that learning is more effective when
a student is actively engaged in the learning process rather than attempting to receive knowledge
passively. A wide variety of methods claim to be based on constructivist learning theory. Most of these
methods rely on some form of guided discovery where the teacher avoids most direct instruction and
attempts to lead the student through questions and activities to discover, discuss, appreciate and
verbalize the new knowledge.” [Read more… Constructivist Teaching Methods (Wikipedia CC: BY SA)]

“Didacticism is an artistic philosophy that emphasizes instructional and informative qualities in

literature and other types of art. The word "Didacticism" finds its origin in the Greek "didaktikos" or
"διδακτικός"; the meaning of the Greek word is 'related to education/teaching'. The primary intention
of didactic art is not to entertain, but to teach. Didactic plays, for instance, teach the audience through
the use of a moral or a theme. … The term "didactic" is also used as a criticism for work that appears
to be overly burdened with instructive, factual, or otherwise educational information, to the

detriment of the enjoyment of the reader. Edgar Allan Poe called didacticism the worst of "heresies"
in his essay The Poetic Principle.” [Read more… Didacticism (Wikipedia CC: BY SA)]

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) can support either methodology but in different ways.
The purpose of this lesson is to investigate specifically how ICT can support a teacher-led instructional
approach to teaching and learning, namely, the Didactic approach. In the next section, Knowledge
Deepening, we will investigate how ICT supports other methodologies. However, it needs to be
acknowledged at this point that a typical teacher will ‘mix and match’ methodologies and is rarely an
advocate of one method exclusively. Issues of time, complexity of the subject matter, objectives,
assessment requirements and student preparedness will all impact on a teacher’s decision to adopt a
particular method for a section of work.

Characteristics of Didactic Teaching

The Didactic teaching method can be characterised by noting the roles both teachers and students
play in the teaching and learning relationship. Study this table:

The Didactic Classroom

What the Teacher Does What the Students Do

Identifies desired learning outcomes and Follow the teacher's plan and do
selects tasks accordingly pre-selected tasks as required
Presents information (for example, how Read, watch or listen to new
osmosis works in plant cells or why smoking is learning content
bad for you)
Models procedures or techniques (for Observe and then copy or imitate
example, how to conduct an experiment or
calculate a percentage)
Orchestrates activities and manages Do as told (or not)
Asks questions to check understanding and Try to recall the information they
recall of information received to answer questions
Selects assessment foci and creates Prepare for assessment by revising
assessments to check understanding and previously learned, pre-selected
recall information
Feeds results and comments on performance Listen to or read feedback and
back to students (through marking or verbal (possibly) try again

(From Microsoft Educator Learning Journeys)

If you think about this lecture, for example, the roles we are assuming as teacher and student fit
perfectly with the didactic method!

Typical Structure of a Didactic Lesson

Obviously, lesson structure is shaped by your teaching preferences, the requirements of the objectives
and time available, among others. Below is a typical example of the structure of a didactic lesson:

Step 1: The ‘Hook’.
The teacher evokes a stimulus of some type such as a story, an activity or a question
designed to engage the students’ attention and interest.

Step 2: Lesson Objectives Shared

The teacher identifies the lesson objectives or outcomes and shows how these fit into the
overall learning plan.

Step 3: Teacher Input

The teacher provides necessary information, skills, procedures, etc.

Step 4: Student Activities

Students are given an opportunity to engage with the content/skills, usually through a set of
activities in order internalize the information or behaviors.

Step 5: Learning Check

Actual learning against the objectives is checked through a series of formative
assessment opportunities. Teacher ascertains needs for both support interventions
and/or extension work.

Step 6: Review
Students and teacher interact to summarize important points of the lesson.

Typical Activities in a Didactic Lesson

It is clear that the teacher’s role above is pivotal. The teacher needs to have designed the lesson and
leads the students through Steps 1-3. The students engage with teacher-designed activities and
complete any assessment tasks set by the teacher. Finally, the teacher leads a summing-up activity.
We can divide these activities into 3 categories:
 Teacher exposition (Steps 1-3)
 Student processing (Step 4)
 Teacher and students monitor progress (Steps 5-6).

The Didactic Method Supports Specific Objective Types

If a Didactic method is to be used for a section of work, it must suit the objectives you have selected
for that particular section of work. The Didactic method supports learning where the students are
supposed to know the content and information, understand issues and concepts, and perform a skill.
We could say the Didactic approach supports:
 Knowledge-based objectives or outcomes
 Understanding-based objectives or outcomes
 Application-based objectives.

So how can ICT support Didactic teaching activities in order to achieve these types of objectives?

Tools to Enhance Teacher Exposition

Research suggests that learning retention rates are low if we rely largely on our students’ ability to
listen. A lecture mode of exposition, or talking to the students like I am doing now, is considered an
inefficient way to get information across to students. Research suggests that the more senses we can
engage the better the retention of a lesson’s content. Research also suggests that the best way to
learn something is to teach it to someone else! It is in light of these findings that ICT can offer a teacher

a number of tools to enrich the lesson’s content or provide ways to make the transfer of knowledge
more palatable to the students.

There are numerous technology/software combinations on hand when it comes to presenting or the
distribution of information. A typical but not comprehensive list could include the following tools:
 A presentation package (e.g. MS PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress)
 A word processor (e.g. MS Word, OpenOffice Writer)
 Movie and/or photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, MS Windows Live Movie Maker,
 An audio file or podcast creator tool (e.g. Audacity)
 An online distribution platform for media like Slideshare.net for presentations, Flickr.com for
photos, or YouTube.com for video streaming, etc.

In the rest of this module we will investigate a number of these packages with an eye to integrating
them into your Didactic lessons.

Tutorial (1 hour)

Notes to Facilitator
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide students with a deeper appreciation of the tools available to
enhance teacher exposition. Use an empty version of the grid below and encourage students to
brainstorm and discuss what ‘value added’ characteristics the tools offer teachers in getting the
lesson’s message across.

Tutorial Introduction
As a group, using the empty form below, brainstorm what enhancements the technology tools
identified in this table can bring to the teaching process:

Technology Tool Suggested Feedback

Data Projector/
MP3 Player/iPod
Graphic Package
(Photoshop or
Word Processor
(MS Word, Open
Office Writer)
Video Editor
(Movie Maker)

Tutor’s version of the form

Technology Tool Suggested Feedback
Data Projector/ Allows not only lesson notes projected large onto the wall but also web content
SmartBoard directly from the Internet. This will allow the teacher to show concrete, real
world examples of the conceptual work being covered. For example, a
geometry lesson on triangles could use imagery of the construction of bridges,
where this shape is being employed, etc. Sharing of supplementary material is
easy when projected large for all to see.
Could also be used to project the teacher’s pre-prepared PowerPoint slides
(text, visuals and sound) to the class.
MP3 Player/iPod Audio players could be used to first capture a lesson and then allow it to be
played back as revision, either at school or later on the bus or at home. The
teacher could also use the device to bring external expert voices into the lesson.
Smartphone Sophisticated cell phones come with a number of tools that could be employed:
text messaging, camera and video, not to mention numerous apps, some that
have an educational focus. The teacher SMSes the main points or a summary of
the lesson to the class members, or uses a camera to record local examples of
the lesson’s focus for inclusion in PowerPoint.
Presentation Excellent tool to present text, images, video and audio clips to class in a
Package structured, linear manner. Also an easy way to develop graphs and charts.
Graphic Package A tool to help teachers develop graphical material to illustrate their lesson
(Photoshop or content.
Word Processor Essential tool to develop lesson plans, class notes and worksheets in a clear and
(MS Word, Open professional manner. Eliminates the problem of handwriting legibility. Spelling
Office Writer) and grammar is checked, and it’s very easy to revise the master document year
in, year out. Can be printed out or distributed electronically, which is more cost
effective. Allows the incorporation of images and clip art.
Video Editor Tool to help teachers develop video content to support their lesson. Videos can
(Movie Maker) be captured using cell phone video cameras and then edited into a usable form
for the lesson.

Computer Practical (Total 2 hours)

Notes to Facilitator
Set up the venue so that the students can access the computers. They will need to cover ‘Computers
and Peripherals’, ‘Operating Systems and Controls’, ‘the Desktop’ and ‘File Systems’. Ideally you can
take them through a tour of the content making it fun and asking them to engage with the
components. If however you would prefer the participants to consult a text then use the attached
textbook. They should use the online version but if bandwidth is limited they can access the version
on the CD.

You have already been exposed to a number of ICT tools in previous modules such as the Internet
browser and you have also begun to master MS Word. In this practical we will start to have a look at
some additional tools but also spend some time explaining the computer set up. While the jargon we
use might sound sophisticated you will find that once you start using the correct terminology using a
computer is easy enough! Access the textbook called ‘Basic Computing Using Windows’ and study
pages that cover these topics:
1. Computers and Peripherals

2. Operating Systems and Controls
3. the Desktop and
4. File Systems

Online version of Basic Computing Using Windows:

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Basic_Computing_Using_Windows or use the CD Rom version here

Then see if you can answer the following questions on this Worksheet.
Compare your answers with your neighbor.

Self-Study (Total 30 minutes)

Reading Assignment 1 (30 minutes)
Read the following article.

Wikibooks: The Uses of ICTs in Education?

“Each of the different ICTs—print, audio/video cassettes, radio and TV broadcasts, computers or the
Internet—may be used for presentation and demonstration, the most basic of the five levels. Except
for video technologies, drill and practice may likewise be performed using the whole range of
technologies. On the other hand, networked computers and the Internet are the ICTs that enable
interactive and collaborative learning best; their full potential as educational tools will remain
unrealized if they are used merely for presentation or demonstration. ICTs stand for information and
communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a “diverse set of
technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and
manage information.” These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies
(radio and television), and telephony.”

Access at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT_in_Education/The_Uses_of_ICTs_in_Education or use

the print version on the CD here.

Resources Used in this Lesson Unit

Wikibooks. (2006). Basic Computing Using Windows. Available online at

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT_in_Education/The_Uses_of_ICTs_in_Education Accessed 11/11/11

Skills for a Changing World. (2009). Basic Computer Terminology Worksheet. (CC: BY)

Wikibooks. (2006). Learning Theories. Available online at

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Learning_Theories Accessed 5/10/11. (GNU Free Documentation License)

Wikibooks. (2011). ICT in Education. Chapter on The Uses of ICTs in Education. Available online at
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT_in_Education Accessed on 03/11/11 (CC: BY)

Wikipedia. (2011). Constructivist Teaching Methods. Available online at

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivist_teaching_methods Accessed 08/07/11 (CC: BY SA).

Wikipedia. (2011). Didacticism. Available online at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didactic. Accessed

08/07/11 (CC: BY SA).

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