AIEN CCUS Whitepaper

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White Paper

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS)

Opportunities and Implications for the AIEN

This white paper was produced by members from the Association of International Energy Negotiators (“AIEN”) CCUS Taskforce and represents the opinion of
the author(s) and not necessarily the opinion of the AIEN or its directors, of icers and members. Before relying on any information contained in this paper, you
should independently verify its accuracy and completeness for your purposes and seek legal advice, as necessary. The author(s) holds the copyright to this
paper. The permission of the AIEN is required to publish this white paper. © 2024
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3

WHAT IS CCUS?........................................................................................................... 4

WHY CCUS? ................................................................................................................ 5

CCUS FUNDING MODELS.............................................................................................. 6

CCUS BUSINESS MODEL .............................................................................................. 6

THE CCUS VALUE CHAIN ........................................................................................... 12

CO2 VALUE CHAIN – ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS .......................................................... 13

1 Point to Point ................................................................................................. 13

2 National CO2 T&S Cluster (Government sponsor) ..................................... 14

3 Open Market CO2 T&S Utility ....................................................................... 15

RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES ALONG THE CCUS VALUE CHAIN ................................... 17


SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................... 21

In the 1700’s Voltaire famously coined the phrase “Perfect is the enemy of the Good”, which reflects the sen ments that go back centuries, such
as "Be er a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one." Whatever the provenance of the saying, carbon capture, use and storage, or CCUS,
has sparked debate, most recently at the COP 28 gathering in the UAE, about whether carbon capture and storage technology, in associa on with
fossil fuel development, is an appropriate means to achieving “net zero”.

While carbon removal, or “net nega ve” technologies that rely on CCUS, such as Direct Air Capture (DAC) are also under development, at the
moment these are at an earlier stage in their evolu on, and at much higher cost compared to the abatement of CO2 allied to fossil fuel usage.
However, they remain a poten ally important future development as costs reduce and carbon pricing mechanisms evolve.

The Associa on of Interna onal Energy Nego ators, AIEN, is no stranger to the trade offs and compromises that have to be made in seeking ways
to provide the global economy with energy sources that address today’s trilemma of sustainability, security and affordability. As the nascent
CCUS industry emerges from the world of academic research and pilot scale tes ng and embarks on a process of growth and industrializa on,
AIEN can apply its decades long experience in commercializa on of energy concepts to good effect.

Some of the most notable advantages of CCUS as a carbon mi ga on technology rely on the century or more of developments in oil and gas.
Exper se in engineering and technology, understanding of complex geological structures and well comple on techniques, safe and reliable
opera on of complex and poten ally hazardous processes, and cost-effec ve supply chain management are all essen al elements of successful
CCUS deployment.

Furthermore, as the world counts the cost of zero carbon energy solu ons, and the implica ons for developing economies, affordability plays a
significant part in determining a suitable compromise between expensive but fully sustainable energy sources, and those that are cost effec ve
and deliverable with today’s technology. CCUS is one of the few avenues along the path to net zero that can claim to be both cost effec ve, at
least for certain industrial and power genera on applica ons, and without significant technology risk.

Aside from the more philosophical arguments for and against CCUS as a climate solu on, its significance in CO2 management in the medium
term appears assured. In fact, most of the models cited in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fi h Assessment Report1 required
CCUS for the goal of staying within 2 degrees Celsius of warming from pre-industrial days. As me progresses and developments on carbon free
energy alterna ves appears to be slower than planned, the role of CCUS as a mi ga on tool appears likely to grow.

In fact, with 32 Mtpa CO2 in construc on, 280 Mtpa CO2 in development and a total project pipeline capacity of 361 Mtpa CO2 (November
20232), it is clear that pragma sm and need are driving the CCUS industry forward. There is an immediate need for commercial and contractual

mechanisms, regulatory and policy approaches and mechanisms for financing and enabling. This is where the AIEN’s decades of experience can
pay dividends for this emerging industry.

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) covers a host of technologies which together create a pathway to capture CO2, for example
from an industrial process or power genera on plant, and either use it in a way that keeps the CO2 from being emi ed into the
atmosphere, or enables it to be sequestered in geological forma ons deep underground, where it will be permanently stored.
While uses of CO2 in the food industry and other non-energy sectors are growing, the main use of captured CO2 to date is for
enhanced oil recovery (EOR). This is where the CO2 is used as a way to flood an oil-bearing reservoir both to pressurize and improve
flow characteris cs and has been an established way to improve the economics of oil produc on for many decades. While the vast
majority of the CO2 remains trapped underground, CO2 for EOR technology has been cri cized due to the oil produc on increases
that it can facilitate, and the carbon emissions associated with them. The counter argument is that geological permanent
sequestra on of CO2, typically in a deep saline aquifer or in a depleted gas reservoir, provides for carbon removal, thereby reducing
the carbon intensity of energy produc on using fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas.
Permanent sequestra on of CO2 also plays a role in other technologies unrelated to fossil fuels, such as those involving Direct Air
Capture, where air is processed using complex solvents and heat exchangers such that CO2 is removed and then injected into
storage. Another emerging technology which, like DAC, is a “carbon nega ve” solu on that removes the amount of CO2 in the
atmosphere, as opposed to simply neutralizing it, is the use of biofuels for power genera on. Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and
Storage, or BECCS, is similar to the use of CCUS alongside coal or gas fired power genera on, but since the fuel is carbon neutral, the
overall effect is one of net carbon removal.
In addi on to carbon capture alongside a conven onal power genera on cycle, such as the use of steam or gas turbines with carbon
removal process plants trea ng the exhaust gases, there are other ways to decarbonize the use of natural gas. These include pre-
combus on CO2 separa on, whereby an air separa on plant carries out CO2 removal, and oxygen is combined with natural gas to
produce pure water and high-pressure CO2 which can be more easily and cost effec vely stored. Furthermore, gas reforming plants,
such as Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) or Auto-Thermal Reforming (ATR) can be used to manufacture hydrogen, which can further
be processed into ammonia for easier long-distance transporta on.

Every day, we see reports in the media about various renewable technologies, sustainable fuels, and in par cular, the considerable benefits of a
hydrogen economy, based on green hydrogen that originates from electrolysers powered by renewable power sources. For many sectors, such as
transport which accounts for about one fi h or all CO2 emissions, this form of liquid fuel offers flexibility and a zero-carbon footprint.

For the power sector, renewable sources such as wind and solar can provide cost compe ve sources of genera on, but when grid stability and
intermi ency are taken into account, today’s ba ery technology is not yet at a stage of maturity or cost effec veness to provide a solu on.
O en, gas turbines have to be used to ensure uninterrupted power supplies, and the addi onal capital burden needed to do this is passed on to
the consumer. Fossil fuels con nue, therefore, to be required to maintain stable and cost-effec ve energy supply across the globe.

For CCUS, therefore, providing a low carbon source of energy at a cost that compares favourably with true zero carbon technologies is the
compromise that is offered. The key features that support this proposi on are as follows:

 Considerable low-cost fossil fuel resources, especially natural gas, are available globally and some of these exist in countries which could
benefit economically from resource development.
 Carbon capture process technology is well proven, and while there are potential improvements under development, performance, costs
and design basis can all be assessed with confidence.
 The engineering and execution of CCUS projects relies heavily on the proven core skills of the oil and gas industry, thus enabling cost
competitive and on-time project development.
 The supply chain involved in CCUS, including processing plant, pipelines, compressors and well drilling and completion are already in
existence and can be leveraged for this new segment of the energy industry.
 Finally, and of significance to the AIEN is that the contractual frameworks involved in CCUS contain strong similarities to oil and gas,
including framework agreements along the following lines:
o Joint Venture Agreements
o Gas transportation / pipeline tariff agreements
o Marine transportation / ship charters
o Pore space lease agreement
o EPC agreement / operating agreement
o Financing agreements
o Sequestration services agreement / CO2 offtake agreement (containing many similar provisions to e.g. an LNG Sale and Purchase

With these complex regulatory mechanisms emerging, funding models for CCUS typically involve one or more of five mechanisms:

1. A direct capital subsidy, which reduces the capital burden on the developer, but still leaves development risk and cost escalation, and
can take time to negotiate, for example with government agencies.
2. A tariff subsidy which can reduce the risk/cost of financing for a project but does not address development and cost uncertainties.
3. A preferential loan, which can reduce project WACC and provides some mitigation around development and capex risk but can take time
to negotiate and manage.
4. Government equity investment including an IRR threshold mechanism, which has the advantages of limiting the downside risk for
project sponsors and providing a mechanism for government to share in upside, but can set up a conflict of interest between regulatory
agencies and the project.

Examples of all 4 of these mechanisms exist within the emerging CCUS industry as governments and stakeholders seek to establish an investment
framework that results in cost effec ve project selec on and FID. These mechanisms translate into a range of business models which are further
described below.


Se ng aside EOR, which can result in an economic value placed on injected CO2 linked with the incremental oil produced, captured CO2 has
limited commercial value as a commodity. Instead, the value that is derived from carbon capture is the result of regulatory constructs that allow
an emi er to capture monetary value to recover the costs of installing and opera ng capture equipment and pay for storage.

This can be created in a number of ways, but the key driver for the majority of CCUS projects arises from:

 A carbon tax, imposed on the emitter, which results in a financial incentive, by way of tax avoidance, for the emitter
 A “cap and trade” market-based mechanism which places limits on the amounts of CO2 that can be emitted, either through a national or
regional scheme, and requires the purchase of “credits” for emitters who would otherwise exceed the cap.
 A tax credit, which can be in the form of an investment tax credit (ITC) or a production tax credit (PTC).
 A subsidy or grant intended to fully or partially compensate the emitter for installing appropriate carbon capture systems. This can be
on a $/tonne basis, or an agreed capital amount, or a combination.

The mechanisms above are typically part of what is termed the “compliance” carbon market, where a legislated mechanism for carbon
management has been established. The areas of the world where an ETS or carbon tax exists, or is being introduced or contemplated, is shown
Figure 1 Summary map of regional, na onal and sub-na onal carbon pricing ini a ves

There is another mechanism which can also create poten al revenue from carbon capture, which is usually termed the “voluntary” carbon
market or VCM, whereby a party wishing to offset their carbon emissions can contract with a party able to capture CO2, for example through
CCUS. To date, CCUS projects have not typically been able to benefit from the VCM, where most of the so-called “offsets” arise from nature-
based projects such as afforesta on. However, a protocol is under development to enable CCUS to par cipate in the VCM, which may make it
possible for CCUS projects in countries outside the compliance mechanisms, to benefit from revenues to support carbon capture projects.

The most noteworthy of these mechanisms, in the context of CCUS, are the provisions of the 45Q tax credits operated by the Inland Revenue
Service (IRS) 4an agency of the US federal government. 45Q credits are a flat rate tax credit, which can some mes be treated as a tax refund,
even if the en ty responsible does not have taxable revenues to offset. The level of tax credit available was increased as part of the so-called

Infla on Reduc on Act, in October 2022. With a tax credit5 of $60/tonne for EOR, $85/tonne for geologically sequestered CO2 from an industrial
process and up to $180/tonne for direct air capture, permanently sequestered, these levels of financial incen ve have spurred dozens of carbon
capture related project in the US. In par cular, Texas and Louisiana are the focus for much of this ac vity, as the regional geology is well suited to
CO2 storage in deep aquifers, but other parts of the US, par cularly where ethanol produc on from biomass is widespread, are also benefi ng.

The frameworks being used to incen vize CCUS investment in Europe typically have a greater degree of government involvement, including, in
some cases the sharing of investment costs and therefore risk. For example, in the case of the UK, the government has developed a regulatory
framework approach to CCUS that governs the CCUS network and users separately and has introduced different business model arrangements
for the different emi ers (e.g. industry, waste-to-energy, power sector). The emi ers are selected through a compe ve tender and granted a
contract. For instance, the contract for the industrial sector is referred to as the Industrial Capture Contract (ICC). The contract runs for a period
of 10 years with the op on for up to five one-year extensions. It provides emi ers with subsidies in the form of capital grants from the Carbon
Capture and Storage Infrastructure Fund and ongoing revenue support scheme with payment covering the CAPEX (including a return), OPEX, T&S
fees. The revenue stream is based on the price difference between a reference price (based on the UK-ETS) and a strike price (the cost of
abatement). Through these contracts, emi ers are also protected against some cross-chain risks.

The transport and storage segment is regulated separately and is funded through the Transport & Storage Regulatory Investment (TRI) business
model. The business model establishes an economic regulatory regime (ERR) linked to a user-pays revenue model plus a government support
package (GSP) and mandates open access networks. Under this business model, a private company is established (the T&S company or T&SCO)
which will be responsible for construc on, financing, opera on, maintenance, and decommissioning of the T&S network. Within the context of
the ERR, the regulator, who in this case is Ofgem, provides a license to the T&SCO based on key parameters including allowed revenue. The users
of the network will pay fees for T&SCO, and through these fees, the company will recover its allowed revenues. The T&S fees will be set by a
methodology that allows the company to recover its costs plus an allowed return. A Government Support Package (GSP) is in place to protect the
company from some events, such as CO2 leakage, if commercial insurance schemes are not available.

The UK has a target to capture and store 20-30 mtpa of CO2 (including removals) by 2030 and following a ‘cluster sequence’ approach. Hynet and
East Coast clusters were selected for ini al government support (Track 1) and planned to enter opera on by the mid-2020s, with two further
clusters selected, Acorn and Viking as Track 2, due to come online by 2030. The North Sea Transi on Authority (NSTA) regulates the CO2 storage
licensing rounds. In September 2023, it awarded 21 licences to 14 companies in the UK’s first ever carbon storage licensing round

In Denmark, the approach is different with the state being a co-investor in the project. What is fascina ng to note about Denmark is that pre-
2020, injec on of CO2 into the Danish subsoil was prohibited under legisla on, and all previous a empts at launching CCUS had been publicly
opposed. The change happened in 2020 when the Danish government passed the Danish Climate Agreement for Energy and Industry, commi ng

The tax credit requires a range of conditions to be met, applies only to projects commencing operations within a certain period, and continues for a limited
time period, currently 12 years.
the country to a 70% reduc on in GHG emissions rela ve to 1990 levels by 2030. The agreement acknowledged CCUS as a cri cal component to
achieve the target and a CCUS target was set at 4-9 mtpa of CO2 storage by 2030. In addi on, the Danish government has allocated over €3 billion
of support to projects across the CCUS value chain. Danish CCUS projects are also eligible to apply for funding from the EU Innova on Fund,
which aims to allocate over €38 billion towards low-carbon technologies by 2030. The state company Nordsøfonden will have a 20% interest in all
future CO2 storage licences. The state will receive a share of future profits and also invest in the project (sharing the risk) with investors.

Since then, a series of successive changes to update the country’s subsoil and marine laws have taken place. In January 2022, the Danish Marine
Act was amended to exclude geological storage of CO2 under the seabed from the prohibi on and carriage of materials and substances for
dumping. In October 2022, a bilateral agreement was signed under the London Protocol between Belgium and Denmark, which allowed for
cross-border transporta on of CO2 between the two countries. In January 2023, the EU commission approved a €1.1 billion Danish scheme to
support the role out of CCS technologies.

The staggering and rapid change in Denmark’s CCUS journey culminated in the ini a on of CO2 injec on at the Project Greensand pilot in March
2023. This was the first cross-border CO2 to be stored in the North Sea, and the first CO2 to be stored in a depleted North Sea reservoir. The
Greensand pilot received funding of 197 million DKK (€26 million) from the Danish Energy Agency.

In Denmark, storage licences are obtained by applying to the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), including a technical descrip on of the proposed
storage project, an environmental impact assessment, and a financial plan. The DEA reviews the applica on and makes a recommenda on to
the Ministry of Climate, Energy and U li es, who then decide whether to grant the license or not.

Norway’s approach to CCUS is also through government par cipa on in the project. The country has a rela vely long history with CCUS where
the Sleipner project has been in opera on since 1996, followed by Snohvit in 2008 and CO2 Test Center (TCM) opening in 2012. As such, Norway
has over 28 years of opera onal CCUS experience with around 22 million tonnes of CO2 stored so far. There is high-level and consistent poli cal
support for policies that have helped achieve this. This began with legisla ng a carbon tax in 1991, which effec vely led to the Sleipner and
Snohvit CCUS projects. The tax currently sits at NOK 952/tonne (US$91). Proposals are in place for it to rise steadily, reaching NOK 2000/tonne
(US$220) by 2030. The tax applies to EU Emissions Trading System and non-EU ETS emissions. The government also established Gassnova, a state
en ty responsible for all CO2 ac vi es in Norway.

In addi on, regula ons for transport and storage of CO2 are mature and have been in place since 2014. Following comple on of CO2 injec on,
the storage licence will be transferred to the state government no less than 20 years later. The operator will be liable for funding 30 years of
MMV costs post-closure. This must be paid into a fund upfront.

The Northern Lights is a CCUS project that has passed FID and is under construc on. It is a partnership between Equinor (majority owned by the
Norwegian government), Shell and Total, and will be the first ever cross-border, open-source CO2 transport and storage infrastructure network,
offering companies across Europe the opportunity to store their CO2 under the Norwegian seabed. It consists of two dedicated CO2 carriers and
will ship captured CO2 to an onshore terminal on the Norwegian west coast and, from there, transport it by pipeline to an offshore subsurface

storage loca on in the North Sea. Phase one of the project will be completed mid-2024 with a capacity of up to 1.5 mtpa of CO2. The ambi on is
to expand capacity by an addi onal 3.5 mtpa, to a total of 5 mtpa, dependent on market demand. The onshore receiving terminal will need to be
expanded, while the pipeline to the offshore subsurface storage loca on can already accommodate the addi onal volumes. Both phases will
offer flexibility to receive CO2 from European sources

Northern Lights was a first of a kind full chain CCUS commercial project based on industrial emissions. In the absence of a market for CCUS, the
project required a public-private partnership to kickstart the industry in order to assist and bridge the financing gap. Also posing a challenge was
the use of phases. It was difficult for the project to get commitment from industrial emi ers to build capture plants without having storage, but
the project required commitment from emi ers to jus fy building the storage. State support was therefore cri cal during the market
development phase. The Norwegian government provided funding of US$1.8 billion, covering 80%6 of the Northern Lights’ cost.

While Asia is s ll looking at a range of regulatory structures, Indonesia became one of the first countries in the Asia-Pacific region to introduce
regula ons on CCUS, when it issued MEMR Regula on 2/2023 in March 2023. The regula on aims to support upstream oil and gas ac vi es and
help decarbonise the extrac on industry in Indonesia, on top of being a step towards Indonesia’s net-zero emissions target by 2060. The
regula on sets out ways that carbon can be captured, how carbon is to be used (including EOR), how carbon is to be stored in accordance with
various technologies, and how carbon is to be transported. Even before the processes can begin, interested par es must seek approval from
MEMR, which will then evaluate whether the proposed CCUS ac vi es take into account the technical, economical, opera onal, environment
and safety considera ons.

CCUS ac vi es can be mone sed by carbon trading in accordance with the applicable laws and/or through reimbursement of opera onal costs.
For carbon emissions not from upstream oil and gas ac vi es, CCS facili es can profit from storage services. Following these rules, Indonesia is
also looking at introducing a “cap and trade” and a “cap and tax” mechanism, along with tax incen ves. Indonesia's state-owned Pertamina has
signed preliminary agreements with ExxonMobil and Chevron to develop its own CCUS hubs, which will rely heavily on the new regula on to
proceed smoothly.

In Malaysia, the government has acknowledged the cri cal importance of CCUS in delivering significant emission cuts in fossil fuel-based
emissions. It has partnered with the Global CCS Ins tute to develop and implement the Malaysian CCS Capacity Development Program.

The Malaysian government has said they would always support any ini a ve that can reduce carbon emissions to become a carbon-neutral
na on as early as 2050. The Budget 2023 proposes new tax incen ves for companies working on CCUS ac vi es as a new source of economic
growth and in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emission. Currently, CCUS projects in Malaysia will be regulated using the exis ng na onal
legisla on. Malaysia is also developing a carbon pricing mechanism, but has no carbon price yet.

In addi on, Petronas recently signed a Memorandum of Coopera on (MoC) with Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and
Japan Organiza on for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) to strengthen collabora on on cross-border CO2 transporta on from business to
business for CCUS projects.

Malaysia’s Petronas took FID to develop the Kasawari CCS project off the coast of Sarawak, Malaysia, in November 2022. The facility will be able
to capture around 3.3 mtpa of CO2. The other project in development is also offshore, where the operator will be Thailand’s PTT Explora on and
Produc on Public (PTTEP). This will capture CO2 from the Lang Lebah field, offshore Sarawak, and then transport it to the Golok field. The
company hopes to reach FID this year and start commercial produc on in 2026. State-owned Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) has also received
their first licence for carbon storage to begin its strategic role as resource manager for CCUS in Sarawak.

China’s CCUS projects are state-led and controlled through the mul tude of state-owned companies. For example, the first integrated 1 mtpa
Qilu Petrochemical - Shengli Oilfield CCUS Project came into opera on in 2022. Furthermore, Baogang Steel Group plans to build an integrated 2
mtpa scale CCUS demonstra on project for the steel industry, and a first phase of the 500,000 tpa demonstra on project has already started
construc on. Meanwhile, CNOOC, Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, Shell China and ExxonMobil China signed an MoU to
jointly study a large-scale CCUS hub in Daya Bay. However, the development of CCUS in China s ll faces challenges such as the lack of market
mechanism or sufficient policy incen ves.

Since the introduc on of China’s “1+N” policy system for emission peaking and carbon neutrality, more CCUS-related policies have been released.
By May 2023, China had issued about 80 CCUS-related policies at the na onal level, including plans, standards, roadmaps, and technology
catalogues accumula vely. CCUS has been included for the first me in China’s na onal Five-Year Plan (2021-2025).

In general, the current policies issued for CCUS are at the guidance stage, with the aim of se ng out ini al incen ves. There is currently no
specific legisla on to regulate in detail the access, construc on, opera on, regula on and termina on of CCUS. China has also implemented its
own ETS in 2021 and is the world’s largest in terms of covered emissions, however, the carbon price is set at only $8/tCO2e.

At this stage in the evolu on of the CCUS sector, considerable varia ons exist in the extent to which the regulatory and economic condi ons exist
to facilitate or encourage investments.

In Japan, the Japanese Government “set a goal in 2020 to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions for realizing carbon neutrality by 2050, and in
2021 declared that it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% compared to FY2013 by FY2030. In addi on, in the ‘Basic Policy for
Realiza on of GX’ the Japanese Government states that it will support advanced projects that would become role models for developing the
business environment toward the start of CCS.”7 Japan’s CCS policy is further underpinned by the Government’s “Japan’s CCS Long Term
Roadmap” for developing the said business environment to achieve “opera on ready” status for several commercial scale “Advanced CCS

JOGMEC (2023) “First Step to Launch Japanese CCS Project - JOGMEC selected 7 projects, starting CO2 storage by FY2030.” Available at
Projects” for a total CCS capacity of 6-12 mtpa by 2030, and to further enable the delivery of 6-12 mtpa of CCS capacity annually to hit its 2050
target of 120-240 MTPA8. In 2023, JOGMEC announced its “selec on of 7 role model projects (5 for domes c storage and 2 for overseas storage)
for Japanese Advanced CCS Projects. JOGMEC provides (funding) support (to these 7 role model projects) for the first me in Japan toward the
ini a on of CCS that is to capture and store CO2 underground9” for delivering on the “Japan’s CCS Long Term Roadmap.”


For most carbon capture applica ons, the emissions arise from an industrial process such as gas processing, power genera on, or some other
sort of petrochemical or industrial plant. The appropriate form of carbon capture process is highly varied and depends largely on both the CO2
concentra on and its pressure. In general, high pressure, high concentra on CO2, such as one might find in the sort of natural gas processing
plant that sits within an LNG liquefac on plant, represents an ideal source of CO2 which requires minimal addi onal treatment prior to transport
and storage. Conversely, gas fired power genera on, or cogenera on facili es that might be found in a refinery represent low pressure, low
concentra on applica ons that require considerable addi onal treatment and compression. Examples of carbon capture candidates, and where
they sit in the purity/pressure hierarchy are shown below:
Figure 2 Carbon Capture candidates sorted by purity and pressure characteris cs

METI (2022) “Japan’s CCUS policy” presentation at GCCI’s Japan CCS forum 2022, pg 14. Available at
JOGMEC (2023) “First Step to Launch Japanese CCS Project - JOGMEC selected 7 projects, starting CO2 storage by FY2030.” Available at
Due to the unique characteris cs of each carbon capture candidate plant, a generic carbon capture offering by a company specializing in this type
of plant has yet to emerge. The effect a carbon capture plant has on its host can be wide ranging in terms of efficiency, reliability, availability and
maintenance requirements and as such, few large industrial or power en es are ready to outsource these services. As a result, carbon capture
design, construc on and opera on are typically handled by the owners of the emi ng plant, such as an LNG facility or a power sta on.

However, the remaining features of the value chain, including aggrega on, transport, compression, injec on and storage are such that dedicated
en es are emerging which are focused on carrying out these tasks efficiently, and profitably.


A number of different models are being applied to CCUS, which are summarized graphically above. These comprise, in general, the following

1 Point to Point

A single emi er teams up with a single sequestra on agent, typically close to the emi ng source, and contracts to take the CO2 emissions from
the emi er and sequester them usually through permanent geological storage.

Key CharacterisƟcs

 Limited development and coordina on risks

 In general emi er, transport and capture single owner, operator
 Bespoke T&S infrastructure with limited flexibility for expansion of T&S
 In general ‘First of a Kind’ projects to prove concept with capture ready emi er
 Direct government subsidy of project (in many cases) to bridge funding gap


Project name Country

Gorgon CCS Australia

Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (IL) United States
Qatar LNG Qatar
Quest (ALB) Canada
Sleipner Norway
Snohvit CO2 capture and storage Norway

2 National CO2 T&S Cluster (Government sponsor)

A number of CO2 emi ers contract with a sequestra on agent to take and store CO2 emissions. The transporta on element of the chain can be
handled by the same en ty as the storage operator, or a different en ty that contracts only to take the CO2 from the emissions source to the
storage loca on, including compression of the CO2 up to super-cri cal pressures if required. In the case of large-scale aggrega on coupled with
marine transport to a storage loca on, the T&S agent is typically different to the storage en ty.

Key CharacterisƟcs

 Significant coordina on risk, from commercial and financing complexity of mul ple emi ers
 Transport and storage regulated to avoid monopoliza on of infrastructure and overcharging for CO2 disposal services, inherent flexibility
for expansion

 Direct government subsidy of emi er CAPEX to bridge investment case for capture plant and OPEX to bridge funding for T&S charges
 Government subsidy or equity investment in T&S infrastructure to reduce capital burden or share project risk
 Government may take equity in return for capital contribu on in T&S infrastructure to gain insight and control of development.
 T&S agreement nego ated between operator and each individual emi er


Project name Country

Aramis CCS phase 1 Netherlands
Errai storage project Norway
L10 CCS Netherlands
Northern Lights Phase 1 Norway
Northern Lights Phase 2 Norway
Porthos phase 1 Netherlands
Project Greensand phase 1 Denmark

3 Open Market CO2 T&S Utility

Currently almost exclusively focused on the US, the commercial model, typically supported by 45Q tax credits, is run as a typical energy
infrastructure project, with aggregated emi ers paying a tariff for a service which typically includes the T&S hub taking on tle and all risks and
liabili es associated with the CO2 as soon as it enters the transmission system allied to the sequestra on asset or assets.

Key CharacterisƟcs

 Significant coordination risk, from commercial and financing complexity of multiple emitters
 Emitter negotiates with Storage operator for T&S services
 Storage owner operator negotiates transportation agreement with pipeline operator
 Limited Government subsidy of infrastructure
 Subsidy provided to emitter via tax credit and dispersed to storage and transportation entities via T&S tariff

 T&S infrastructure regulated for environmental compliance, but owner, operators have full commercial freedom to offer assets or
capacity as required
 Potential for monopolization of existing pipeline or corridors


Project name Country

Midwest Carbon Express (NE, SD, ND, MI, IA) United States

Denbury Ascension Parish sequestra on (LA) United States

ExxonMobil Vermilion parish storage (LA) United States

Central Louisiana Regional Carbon Storage (CENLA) Hub (LA) United States

Gulf Coast Sequestra on Hub Lake Charles (LA) United States

Each segment of the CCUS value chain (carbon capture, transporta on, and storage) carries key risks and opportuni es which have to be
addressed through suitable risk alloca on to par es best posi oned to manage the risks, contractual arrangements to clarify the terms and
condi ons of the risk alloca on agreed among the par es across the value chain, and risk mi ga ons and remedies to be addressed by the
par es who will manage the risks. While each project is unique, key risks that tend to me common among all projects are summarised below.

Key Risks and OpportuniƟes DescripƟon

Risks Cost / Schedule Overrun and  Risk of overrun of EPC schedule and/or cost
Performance Risks  Risk of achieving guaranteed performance threshold within the warranty
period from EPC handover
 Risk of achieving guaranteed performance threshold (post warranty period)
Delivery / Oŏake Risks  Risk of fulfilling annual CCS volume
 Risk of mee ng agreed CO2 specifica on
Asset Damage / Loss Risks  Risks of asset damage or loss due to Force Majeure (FM) event during EPC ad
opera on
 Risks of asset damage or loss due to non- FM event during EPC ad opera on
Payment Risks  Failure of counterpar es to pay agreed fees
 Failure of carbon credits to be obtained for conduc ng CCS (where relevant)
CO2 Price Risk Risk of carbon credit market price fluctua on rela ve to CCS price
Environmental LiabiliƟes Remedia on & 3rd party liability obliga on for CO2 leakage / release
Decommissioning LiabiliƟes Obliga on to decommission facili es a er comple on of opera on
Long Term SequestraƟon Liability  Obliga on to monitor and ensure sequestra on a er comple on of opera on
 Risk for being able to transfer long term liability to government
OpportuniƟes Under-run of EPC Schedule and/or Cost Opportunity of under-run of EPC schedule and/or cost
Excess CCS Volume / Capacity Availability to manage more CCS volume rela ve to annual contract volume
CO2 Price Upside Opportunity of CCS price rela ve to carbon credit market price
Residual Value of FaciliƟes AŌer IniƟal Opportunity to extend CCS dura on post ini al contract dura on, leveraging
Contract DuraƟon amor sed facili es


As a project evolves and the Front-End Loading (FEL) stages are completed, a sufficiently well defined set of CO2 handing requirements, technical
features, and responsibili es along the value chain are defined, a commercial framework can be developed. Depending on the project, different
en es or corporate bodies are likely to be accountable for carrying out certain tasks, ranging from capturing the CO2, moving it, and
sequestering it. Equally, other interfaces will start to be defined, such as the Engineering Procurement and Construc on (EPC) arrangements,
where such things as technical performance guarantees, volumetric specifica ons, and reliability will be relevant.

As with any major project, a framework of contractual mechanisms will evolve which assign risk to a poten ally large number of different en es
involved in some aspect of the CCUS opera on. The commercial arrangement set out below is one such summary and is shown by way of an
example of how a CCUS project can be structured. The example below involves the following commercial arrangement, no ng that this example
is a ship transporta on based CCS project:

 CO2 Emitter enters into a CO2 Offtake Agreement with the Upstream JV, under which the ownership of CO2 and the associated legal
responsibility of CO2 emission will transfer from the CO2 Emitter to the Upstream JV. CO2 Emitter is assumed to be the attributable party
for carbon credits.
 Upstream JV is the titleholder of CO2 storage acreage, owns the upstream facilities and wells to sequestrate CO2, and enters into a CO2
Ship lease arrangement with the CO2 Ship JV (owner of the CO2 Ship) for transportation.
 This commercial arrangement is subject to confirmation of compatibility with the jurisdiction(s) that the CCS project will be situated.

Based on the commercial arrangement as outlined above, the matrix below summarises an example of how the key risks can be allocated among
the par es across the value chain (no ng the following terms used to represent each party across the value chain).

 CO2 Emitter - The supplier of CO2 to the CCS ship transportation based CCS project.
 CO2 Ship JV - The entity that owns the CO2 ship.
 Upstream JV - The entity that owns the upstream facilities and wells to sequestrate CO2, and is titleholder of CO2 storage acreage.
 CO2 Ship EPC Contractor - The entity that EPCs the CO2 ship.
 Upstream EPC Contractor(s) - The entity that EPCs the upstream facilities and D&Cs the wells.
 CO2 Ship O&M Provider - The entity that provides O&M services for the CO2 ship.
 Upstream O&M Provider(s) - The entity that provides O&M services for the upstream facilities and the wells.

As men oned in the sec on “Why CCUS,” the key risks and opportuni es highlighted above are similar to those that are addressed for oil and gas
projects. The table below outlines an example of the framework agreements that can be used to clarify the terms and condi ons of the risk
alloca on agreed among the par es across the value chain (as per the matrix above).

how the key risks can be allocated among the par es across the value chain (no ng the following terms used to represent each party across the
value chain).


The emerging CCUS industry is based on a fundamentally different form of revenue genera on, compared with the more tradi onal oil and gas
industry which involves selling a commodity at a price based largely on global supply and demand. As such, the investment case for CCUS
currently relies almost en rely on regulatory and policy measures which are quite diverse and variable. Furthermore, while most of the projects
in the US are largely commercially driven based on an cipated tax credits which create a revenue model, in the rest of the world there is o en a
much greater government involvement, through subsidies and/or equity par cipa on in a project.

However, at the heart of all these models lies the o ake or sequestra on services agreement, which governs the terms under which captured
CO2 is processed, moved, and place into permanent storage (or poten ally put to an alterna ve use based on removing the CO2 from the
ecosystem). An agreement of this type has many similari es with those already well adapted for the oil and gas industry. The similari es with
the LNG industry, with its focus on revenue assurance through take or pay mechanisms, and the commodity obliga ons that each counterparty
(seller or buyer) undertakes, with the corresponding credit and financial support. For CCUS, take or pay is subs tuted by a “send or pay”
arrangement, and it is the emi er who undertakes to supply a minimum quan ty of CO2 and the sequestra on en ty who undertakes to take
delivery and sequester the CO2 appropriately.

As with the gas industry, larger scale projects or hubs, of the sort that are emerging in both the US and Europe, also involve significant
transporta on infrastructure, with strong similari es to natural gas pipeline arrangements. Increasingly, this extends to the growing role of
marine transporta on of CO2, par cularly in Asia, where an analogy can be drawn to the well-established LNG marine sector, involving a series of
agreements from charter arrangements, to scheduling loading and unloading, and transfer of tle and responsibility.

Finally, as the CO2 reaches its des na on, typically in a depleted reservoir or saline aquifer, there are parallels with how mineral rights, pore
space access, and ownership are handled, which provides for another family of exis ng agreements that can be modified for CO2 use.

As the AIEN approaches the next phase of its work in model contract development for CCUS, the findings above will be used to selec vely rank
the exis ng range of model contracts, iden fy those with (a) a high relevance and applicability for CCS and (b) rela vely simple requirements for
adapta on, and a list of model agreements for amendment will be iden fied and pursued.


This White Paper was a collabora ve effort by members of the AIEN Task Force on CCUS, established to review industry needs, and guide the Task
Force to a recommenda on of contractual term development under the ongoing AIEN Model Contract brief. The team primarily responsible for
this paper includes:

Nicholas Fulford, Senior Director, Energy Transi on at Gaffney Cline, and also Chair of the AIEN Task Force, with major contribu ons from Daein
Cha, Managing Director deepC Store Pty Ltd, Greg Hammond, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pi man LLP, Raeid Jewad, Principal Consultant,
GaffneyCline, and Stephen Highfield, Principal Commercial Nego ator, Neptune Energy with addi onal help and support from Gabrielle Finger,
Commercial Advisor, Chevron New Energies, CCUS and also VP of New Energies at the AIEN.


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