Carbon Capture and Storage History and The Road Ahead
Carbon Capture and Storage History and The Road Ahead
Carbon Capture and Storage History and The Road Ahead
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Frontier Research on Carbon Neutrality—Review
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is becoming increasingly urgent in the
Received 27 July 2021 global path toward net zero emissions; however, global CCS deployment is significantly lagging behind
Revised 16 October 2021 its expected contribution to greenhouse gas emission reduction. Reviewing and learning from the exam-
Accepted 24 November 2021
ples and history of successful CCS practices in advanced countries will help other countries, including
Available online 12 March 2022
China, to promote and deploy CCS projects using scientific methods. This paper shows that the establish-
ment of major science and technology CCS infrastructures in advanced countries has become the main
source of CCS technological innovation, cost reduction, risk reduction, commercial promotion, and talent
CCS research facility
Net GHG emission reduction
training in the development and demonstration of key CCS technologies. Sound development of CCS
Energy consumption requires a transition from pilot-scale science and technology infrastructures to large-scale commercial
Monitoring infrastructures, in addition to incentive policies; otherwise, it will be difficult to overcome the technical
barriers between small-scale demonstrations and the implementation of million-tonne-scale CCS and
ten-million-tonne-scale CCS hubs. Geological CO2 storage is the ultimate goal of CCS projects and the
driving force of CO2 capture. Further improving the accuracy of technologies for the measurement, moni-
toring, and verification (MMV) of CO2 storage capacity, emission reduction, and safety remains a problem
for geological storage. CO2 storage in saline aquifers can better couple multiple carbon emission sources
and is currently a priority direction for development. Reducing the energy consumption of low-
concentration CO2 capture and the depletion of chemical absorbents and improving the operational effi-
ciency and stability of post-combustion CO2 capture systems have become the key constraints to large-
scale CCS deployment. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is also important in order for countries to maximize
fossil fuel extraction instead of importing oil from less environmentally friendly oil-producing countries.
Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and
Higher Education Press Limited Company. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
1. Introduction Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [6] has projected that the cost of miti-
gation will rise by 138% in 2100 if CCS technologies are not adopted.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon capture, utilization, CCS is listed as one of three mandatory emission reduction technolo-
and storage (CCUS) is recognized internationally as an indispens- gies in the four key emission reduction technology pathways [7] in the
able key technology for mitigating climate change and protecting 1.5 °C special report released by the IPCC in 2018.
the human living environment (Fig. 1) [1–3]. Both the International The IEA [8] has summarized four strategic areas in which CCUS
Energy Agency (IEA) [4] and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership should be used to address emissions: existing infrastructure, low-
Forum (CSLF) [5] have stated that, in order for the energy sector carbon hydrogen production, the most challenging emission in sec-
to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, the global scale of CCS in tors such as heavy industry and aviation, and removing carbon
2030 and 2050 must respectively be 10–15 times and 100 times from the air. Both CCS technology and renewable energy technol-
greater than the current 40 Mta 1 as of 2020. The Intergovernmental ogy are key technologies for mitigating climate change; however,
from the perspective of land use, CCS is an underground-space uti-
lization technology, and coal-fired power plants plus CCS require a
⇑ Corresponding author. much smaller land area than solar and wind power plants.
E-mail address: (J. Ma). Coal power/natural gas power generation plus CCS is still the
2095-8099/Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
Fig. 1. The CCS industry chain and its driving factors. UAV: unmanned aerial vehicle.
cornerstone of power production safety and stability on the pre- technology, and thus do not rank it high enough in importance
mise that renewable energy cannot provide large-scale industrial to predict its contribution to China’s emission reduction. However,
power and presents intermittency and energy-storage problems China is heavily dependent on coal, so we consider a higher emis-
that are difficult to solve. In addition, CCS technology is the only sion reduction contribution value from CCS to be preferable. For
effective option for direct and rapid emission reductions from example, according to the latest Asian Development Bank (ADB)
fossil-energy-based large-scale sources such as the steelmaking, forecast, the contribution of CCS to emission reduction in China
cement, and chemical industries [8]. CCS will become a large must reach (0.3–1.2) 108 ta 1 in 2030, (8.5–25) 108 ta 1 in
industry on the same scale as the oil and gas industry (Fig. 2). 2050, and (13–26) 108 ta 1 in 2060 in order for China’s carbon
Scholars’ predictions for the role CCS will play in China’s carbon neutrality goal to be achieved [12]. Given the anticipated emission
neutrality pathway differ [9–11], with different prediction models reduction needs of the Belt and Road countries in the future, wide-
corresponding to differences in the magnitude of CCS’s contribu- spread use of CCS will give Chinese enterprises more room to expand.
tion to China’s emission reduction and in the amount of govern- Negative emission technologies, such as direct air capture (DAC) and
ment investment in the future. Some Chinese scholars regard CCS bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), are futuristic and
technology as a ‘‘minimum” technology rather than a necessary require scaling up to determine their economic viability.
Fig. 2. The CCS industry chain and its driving factors. MMV: measurement, monitoring, and verification; BECCS: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage; DAC: direct air
capture; EOR: enhanced oil recovery.
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
2. Review of the origin of CCS project development of Energy, the Saskatchewan government, and other government
agencies and enterprises [17–19]. After completion of the planned
CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) has been carried out in the scientific research, the project has been converted into a commer-
United States and Canada since the 1960s. The world’s first cial project.
large-scale CO2-EOR project, Scurry Area Canyon Reef Operating The success of the Weyburn Project has established the irre-
Committee (SACROC), has been implemented by Chevron in the placeable role of CCS technology in reducing greenhouse gas emis-
oilfield in Scurry County, Texas since January 26, 1972 [13]. The sions (Fig. 3). Firstly, it is the world’s first project to carry out the
CO2 for this project comes from the natural CO2 fields in Colorado large-scale capture and long-distance transportation of low-cost
and is pipelined to the oilfield for flooding. More than 175 million and high-concentration CO2 from the use of coal (i.e., the Dakota
tonnes of natural CO2 in total were injected in the SACROC project Gasification Company) for EOR and storage. It has demonstrated
during 1972–2009 [14]. that it is possible to use CCS technology to reduce the CO2 gener-
However, the concept of CO2 capture, transport, and storage in ated by coal—which contributes the highest proportion of carbon
the modern sense, as a means of reducing anthropogenic CO2 emis- emissions in fossil energy use—on a large-scale, rapid, and low-
sions, was first proposed by Marchetti [15]. The Sleipner CCS pro- cost basis, so as to make clean use of coal. Secondly, the project
ject, which began in 1996, and the IEA Greenhouse Gas (IEAGHG) benefits from relying on CO2-EOR; in the absence of government
Research and Development Programme Weyburn–Midale CO2 subsidies, the project has been in good operation for more than
Monitoring and Storage Project (Weyburn Project for short), which 20 years and has established the most successful CCS commercial-
began in 2000, were the first international demonstrations of the ization model. Thirdly, after solving the problem of how to effec-
large-scale capture, utilization, and storage of anthropogenic CO2 tively and efficiently capture and store CO2 emission sources
emissions. from the high-concentration coal chemical industry, the organizers
The Sleipner CCS project, which is a scientific research and of the Weyburn Project targeted the capture and storage of low-
large-scale commercial demonstration project implemented by concentration CO2 emitted from coal-fired power plants, and built
Equinor under the influence of the Norwegian carbon tax policy, the world’s first 1 Mta 1 post-combustion CO2 capture facility at
captures the CO2 separated in the natural gas purification process Unit 3 of the SaskPower Boundary Dam Power Station (abbreviated
and injects it into deep saline aquifers for storage and emission to BD3), so as to transport the CO2 to the Weyburn oilfield for EOR
reduction. The project has stored more than 20 million tonnes of and storage. Moreover, since the excess CO2 captured at the power
CO2 in total since 1996. The project has carried out advanced plant can be stored in nearby saline aquifers when the demand of
monitoring for 20 consecutive years and has achieved remarkable the oil company for CO2 is low, the SaskPower cooperated with the
scientific research results [16]. Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) to build the
The Weyburn Project is the world’s most complete multidisci- Aquistore scientific research facility for the geological storage of
plinary scientific research project on the geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers.
CO2. It has been ongoing for 12 years with a scale of 1.8 Mta 1 The Weyburn Project has also made the utilization of CO2 flood-
of CO2 injection and has safely stored over 35 million tonnes of ing into the best business model for CCS development without gov-
CO2 since October 2000. The Weyburn Project is conducted at the ernment incentives; therefore, ‘‘U” has been added to the concept
largest geoscience test site in the world, which was established of CCS for ‘‘utilization” and is widely praised internationally. How-
in the Weyburn field in Southern Saskatchewan, Canada, with ever, among the commitments and efforts countries are currently
the joint support of Natural Resources Canada, the US Department making to achieve carbon neutrality goals, some forms of CO2
Fig. 3. Scientific research facilities and solid scientific research laid the foundation for the success of the Weyburn Project. CSA: Canadian Standards Association; BD3: Unit 3
of the SaskPower Boundary Dam Power Station.
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
utilization, such as CO2-EOR, have not been fully effective in reduc- The Sleipner project involves offshore monitoring research on
ing emissions on a large scale [20]. Thus, this paper does not dis- the large-scale geological storage of CO2. Four-dimensional (4D)
cuss CO2 utilization such as CO2 flooding and so forth. seismic monitoring and time-lapse gravity monitoring from this
project revealed the principle behind CO2 migration and accumula-
tion underground during the process of CO2 injection. Other inter-
3. Classification of CCS projects nationally influential CCS science and technology infrastructures
(Table 1 [28,29]) include the Aquistore, Cooperative Research
There are many classification methods for CCS projects, with Center for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Otway,
that of the Global CCS Institute (GCCSI) [21] being the most well- Tomakomai, Ketzin, and the world’s first biomass CCS research
known. The GCCSI takes projects that capture, transport, and store project, Decatur Project, among others. These science and technol-
400 kta 1 CO2 from industrial emission sources, or projects that ogy infrastructures have a high level of construction technology
capture and store 800 kta 1 CO2 from coal-fired power plants, as and advanced monitoring technologies and equipment, and cover
the threshold for large-scale pilot testing, demonstration, or com- pre-injection site research on the geological storage of CO2, moni-
mercialization projects. According to the GCCSI 2020 report, there toring and research in the injection stage, and continuous monitor-
are currently 65 commercial projects in the world, 26 of which are ing and research after injection (post-injection and post-closure).
in operation, while others are at different stages of development. Early research infrastructures for the geological storage of CO2
CCS projects can also be classified according to the source of include a geological CO2 storage test site in Nagaoka, Japan, and
CO2—that is, CO2 from natural gas separation (e.g., Sleipner), car- the K12-B Offshore CO2 Injection Project in the Netherlands,
bon capture in the coal chemical plant (e.g., Great Plains Coal Gasi- among others.
fication Plant), hydrogen production in oil refining (e.g., Shell Quest However, on the whole, these CCS science and technology
[22] and Tomakomai), coal power plants (e.g., SaskPower Boundary infrastructures focus on geological storage and are designed for
Dam and Petra Nova), carbon capture in steelworks (e.g., Al conducting research on the measurement, monitoring, and verifi-
Reyadah), biomass energy capture (e.g., Decatur), and DAC (e.g., cation (MMV) of geological storage and testing the feasibility of
Carbfix and Climeworks, Heidelberg Cement’s ongoing Norwegian monitoring technology for storage capacities from 10 kta 1 to 1
Norcem’s Brevik cement plant, and the Canada Lehigh Cement Mta 1. Except for the Weyburn Project, whose research focus is
Company). Projects that directly use CO2 from the natural CO2 storage with EOR, the research focus of all the other projects is
fields for flooding and storage are not considered to be carbon CO2 storage in saline aquifers. This is because saline aquifers have
emission reduction projects, and thus are not considered as CCS much larger storage space than oil reservoirs in terms of storage
projects. potential. Projects involving CO2 storage in saline aquifers capture
The storage used in CCS projects can be divided into types such and store CO2 in the vicinity of the emission sources, thereby
as storage in saline aquifers, storage with CO2-EOR, storage in avoiding the cost of building long-distance CO2 transportation
abandoned oil and gas fields, and storage in basalt [23]. CO2 storage pipelines. Moreover, storage of CO2 in saline aquifers does not need
projects in basalt include Carbfix [24] in Iceland and Tomakomai to be taken into consideration the reduction or termination of oil
[25] in Japan. However, although the Tomakomai project success- companies’ demand for CO2 due to changes in international oil
fully injected CO2 in sandstone, attempts at CO2 storage in basalt prices. Such projects generally have a lower net-carbon emission
were not ideal. As a result, the Tomakomai reservoir has low injec- reduction cost than the storage of EOR projects. When storing
tivity and does not exhibit high-temperature conditions like those CO2 in saline aquifers, it is not necessary to capture a very high
of the basalt of the Carbfix project; thus, no mineralized storage concentration of CO2. Therefore, CO2 storage in saline aquifers is
has been achieved. Given these results, the potential for future the current direction of CCS development.
CO2 storage in basalt does not appear to be high at present. However, CO2-EOR should not be discounted, as this process
The development history of CCS projects, the scientific prob- creates a revenue stream to pay for a portion of the currently
lems encountered, and the technological progress achieved can expensive capture process. Technically speaking, CO2 geological
be better understood by classifying CCS projects according to sci- storage in saline aquifers is currently carried out by means of direct
entific research and commercial demonstration or operation. As injection; that is, no fluid is pumped out of the saline aquifers to
mentioned above, although the United States has carried out reduce the in situ pore pressure. This method differs from the
large-scale CO2 flooding since 1972, CO2-EOR technology focuses CO2 flooding method, which involves flooding oil and gas reser-
on EOR that part of injected CO2 remains in the reservoir and part voirs with CO2 to replenish the storage pressure. Injecting CO2 into
of CO2 comes out with oil from producing wells, rather than on the saline aquifers is more likely to result in a pore pressure that is
geological storage of CO2 and CO2 emission reduction. When CO2 higher than the in situ pore pressure, which in turn leads to the
flooding technology turns to CO2 geological storage in either saline rupture of caprocks, opening of reservoir cracks, opening of faults,
aquifers or oil reservoirs, the first questions to be answered are: Is and other leakage risks. However, the ongoing international CO2
the CO2 safely stored? How can the location of the stored CO2 be storage project in saline aquifers (e.g., Sleipner, Shell Quest,
verified? How can the CO2 storage capacity of different scales be Tomakomai, Aquistore, CO2CRC Otway) proves that such risks
verified? What technology and equipment are used to monitor are controllable.
the safety of CO2 storage over the long term? These questions must
be solved by CCS research projects and infrastructures; they are 4. Key issues of CO2 capture
also the basis for the commercial promotion of CCS. The Weyburn
Project was a scientific research project with the goal of achieving The difficulty of CO2 capture lies in its large scale and the need
CO2 monitoring and storage, while carrying out monitoring and to achieve low energy consumption or low cost when it is used for
testing as completely as possible [18,26,27]. The standard low-concentration emission sources (e.g., coal-fired and gas-fired
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z741 geological storage of power plants, steelworks, the cement and chemical industries,
carbon dioxide was based on research from this project, and was and waste incineration). According to a breakdown of the capital
in turn the basis for the international standard International expenditure investment of 790.3 million CAD in the Shell Quest
Standards Organization (ISO)/Technical Committees (TC) 265 CCS project [30], the costs of the capture, transportation, and stor-
carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage. age of CO2 with a concentration of 17% in the 1 Mta 1 heavy oil
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
Table 1
Typical global CCS science and technology infrastructures and their characteristics.
VSP: vertical seismic profiling; DAS: distributed acoustic sensing; DTS: distributed temperature sensing; GPS: Global Positioning System; HiPACT: high pressure acid-gas
capture technology; JGC: Japan Gasoline Company; BASF: Badische Anilin-und-Soda-Fabrik; InSAR: interferometric synthetic aperture radar.
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
hydrogen-production process are about 55%, 16%, and 5%, respec- the 400 kta 1 capture facility for the Fortum Oslo Varme waste
tively. The cost of CO2 capture for low-concentration emission incineration process; the 6 Mta 1 CO2 capture facility of the
sources always accounts for the great majority of CCS investment, Mustang Station Natural Gas Power Plant; the full-scale 800 kta 1
while the cost of geological storage is the lowest. In addition to the capture facility that is about to be built for the Canadian
high cost of investment in carbon capture facilities, there is still Heidelberg Caspian Lehigh Cement Plant; and the 750 kta 1 cap-
room for the optimization and improvement of the compression ture facility for chemical processes such as hydrogen production
process and steam energy consumption; moreover, the very high by Shell (Canada) Polaris. The 3 Mta 1 CO2 capture facility of the
solvent degradation rate requires the replenishment of solvents Kemper County integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC)
in large quantities during the operation of capture facilities, was unsuccessful; however, the ambition shown by this project
increasing the operating cost and the cost of capture. and the accumulation of experience from it are still useful as an
The CO2 capture process also presents various additional chal- exploration of large-scale pre-combustion CO2 capture technology.
lenges, including limited land space, a limited water resource uti- The characteristics of industrialized technological progress: The
lization rate, tolerance to other flue gas components (i.e., the experience and lessons learned in the early operation of technolo-
need to adapt to the emission sources of different flue gas compo- gies are applied to improve the design and operation of the next-
nents including iron and steel, cement, smelting, etc.) and other generation equipment, thereby improving efficiency and reducing
local power plant standards (e.g., the main operation and mainte- capital and operating costs. It was the success of the SaskPower
nance intervals and the reduction of output loads). The scale of BD3 capture facility that led to the subsequent establishment of
capture is also an important indicator of technological advance- the second-generation post-combustion capture technology for
ment, as large-scale post-combustion capture has many benefits. the Shand Power Station, which is based on the operation practice
Many of the abovementioned performance issues are being solved. of the first-generation CO2 capture facility but reduces the project
For example, companies such as China Huaneng Group are explor- cost by 67% [8,37].
ing how to adjust the solvent makeup for each flue gas in order to
reduce degradation issues.
The scientific community has carried out a great deal of 5. The status quo of China’s CCS projects
research in the field of low-concentration CO2 capture technologies
[31–34], but there are few technologies that can be commercial- At present, China does not possess full-process CCS science and
ized on a large scale. As the world’s first post-combustion CO2 cap- technology infrastructures, and current CCS research is carried out
ture facility for a megaton-scale coal-fired power plant, the through small-scale full-process CCS pilot test projects and CO2-
completion and operation of the SaskPower BD3 capture facility EOR demonstrations [38–41]. The main goal of these projects is
in Canada is a milestone. The capture facility has been in stable to study CO2-EOR in order to improve oil recovery. Field-level
operation since it was first put into operation on October 2, research on the safety of CO2 geological storage in China is insuffi-
2014. As of the end of May 2021, it has captured a total of cient. Although many scholars have carried out related monitoring
4.143519 million tonnes of CO2. Its annual actual capture capacity studies [42,43], there is not enough evidence to confirm CO2
is greater than 75% of the designed scale. The capture process uses storage capacity, CO2 distribution, and storage safety; moreover,
Shell’s Cansolv technology, which is an integrated SO2–CO2 ther- Chinese scholars are not significantly involved in researching the
mal capture process that uses a proprietary amine solvent. These geological storage of CO2. China is inherently deficient in its CCS-
solvents are regenerated using low-pressure steam from the power related scientific research level, technical level, and investment
plant. At the SaskPower BD3 capture facility, the high energy funds, and a very big gap exists between China’s CCS research
requirements for the regeneration of amine-based solvents, solvent infrastructures and those of advanced countries.
degradation, and so forth require optimization and improvement China’s early CO2-EOR projects in China National Petroleum
[35]. Among the second-generation capture technologies Corporation (CNPC) and Sinopec used CO2 from the natural CO2
supported by the US Department of Energy, Linde/Badische fields for CO2 flooding and storage. However, as mentioned earlier,
Anilinund-Soda-Fabrik (BASF)’s advanced aqueous amine solvent such projects cannot be recognized as CCS and emission reduction
process [36] achieves a capture energy consumption of less than projects. The subsequent Shenhua Ordos Saline Aquifer CCS
2.7 GJt 1 of CO2 (at an unknown operation scale), and the smallest Demonstration, Jingbian CCS, Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield CO2-
amine-based solvent degrades during 5500 h of operation. Baker EOR, and CNPC Changqing Oilfield CO2-EOR are demonstrations
Hughes’ compact carbon capture technology is more suitable for based on low-cost and high-concentration CO2 captured from coal
most emission sources for which the space for capture land is chemical plant [38–41].
not reserved, and has a good application prospect. Current CO2 capture experiments and demonstrations based on
The coal-powered Petra Nova plant contains the largest coal- low-concentration CO2 sources include the CR-Power (Haifeng)
fired power-plant CO2 capture facility in the world, with an annual carbon capture test facility built by China Resources Holdings in
CO2 capture capacity of 1.4 Mta 1. CO2 capture is carried out using Guangdong in May 2019, the 100 kta 1 CO2 capture unit of the
Kansai Mitsubishi’s CO2 recovery process. The process uses a pro- Shanghai Shidongkou Second Power Plant built by the China
prietary KS-1 solvent (a sterically hindered amine), which is regen- Huaneng Group in 2009, the 60 kta 1 pre-combustion capture
erated using the steam from an independent gas-fired power plant. facility of the Tianjin IGCC Power Plant completed by the China
The CO2 generated from the Petra Nova post-combustion plant is Huaneng Group in 2017, the 50 kta 1 post-combustion capture
used for EOR, so low oil prices will affect the operation of the cap- facility of the Anhui Baimashan Cement Factory, and the newly
ture facility until regulations are in place to reduce industrial car- built 150 kta 1 CO2 capture facility of the Guohua Jinjie Power
bon footprints. Plant of the National Energy Group in Shaanxi. However, there is
Projects with landmark CO2 capture facilities include the cap- no downstream large-scale storage or utilization project for these
ture project of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Al Reyadah steel CO2 capture facilities, so they cannot complete long-term capture
plant, which has a capture capacity of 800 kta 1 CO2 and uses and full-load operation tests. There is a large gap between China
the gas-based direct reduced iron (DRI) process; the UK Drax bio- and the United States and Canada in terms of the testing of capture
mass power-generation capture facility, which is under construc- technologies, including the testing of different types of adsorbents,
tion, with a projected capture capacity of 4 Mta 1; the 400 kta 1 operational efficiency, operational stability, energy consumption,
Norcem Brevik CO2 capture project by Norway Heidelberg Cement; and—especially—the scale of capture.
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
6. Key scientific and technical issues in the geological storage of pointing out that CO2 injection and geological storage may induce
CO2 earthquakes, and that even a small earthquake will cause CO2 to
escape to the surface. The main problem with this perspective lies
CCS projects are based on actual geological storage capacity, the in the fact that Zoback’s experimental research was based on gran-
safety of geological storage, and the monitoring, reporting and ite; however, it is extremely unlikely for granite to be used as the
verification (MRV) of CO2 emission reductions [44]. This is the basis sealing layer or caprock in actual storage. Secondly, it is unreason-
for enterprises to enter the carbon trading market and obtain gov- able to deem that the permeability of both joints and fractures in
ernment incentives, such as the 45Q tax credit in the United States caprocks will increase in all cases so as to form a path allowing
and carbon tax in Norway and Canada. Early in 2008, the National the migration of CO2 to the surface. The degree of increase in the
Academy of Engineering regarded carbon storage as one of the 14 permeability of joints and fractures depends on multiple factors
major unsolved engineering challenges in the 21st century. In such as rock type, stress state, and fillers. In fact, in many cases,
2019, the MIT Technology Review listed carbon storage as the first large faults exhibiting a large degree of slippage play a sealing role
of the top 10 technical challenges in the world. The most critical and have no impact on permeability. This is the case with reser-
scientific and technical issue is how to study and develop a series voirs in California (USA), Iran, and even China’s Bohai Bay Basin;
of technical methods for the MMV of field-level geological storage despite frequent large earthquakes, oil and gas reservoirs can still
of CO2, and then to assess the underground storage risk and storage be preserved very well without leakage. In these regions, the faults
capacity, and ensure the safety of long-term underground storage. themselves play a sealing role rather than being fluid-migration
The US Department of Energy began funding CCS research in 1997, channels; in fact, the reservoirs of oil and gas were originally
and its initial investment focused on geological storage [45,46]. It is formed in previous geological periods because the faults blocked
only once the geological storage problem is solved that the destina- the migration of oil and gas. The fault discussed by Zoback is a huge
tion of captured CO2 can be ascertained, which in turn drives the fault extending from a deep injection layer to the surface. The pos-
development of CCS projects. sibility of such faults in a basin is very low, and they can be avoided
in the selection of geological storage sites. MIT scholars [57] and
Carnegie Mellon University scholars [58] have all deemed the pos-
6.1. Safety and risk monitoring sibility of generating huge faults by earthquakes induced by CO2
injection and storage to be extremely low.
Concerns about the safety and risks of the geological storage of Geoscience Australia [59] is taking the lead in studying the
CO2 have always been one of the primary CCS-related topics in the safety of fault sealing in a field-scale CO2 injection project being
scientific community and among the public [47,48]. The risks of carried out at the CO2CRC Otway scientific test site. So far, no leak-
the geological storage of CO2 mainly come from three aspects: age of CO2 along the fault has been found. Of course, similar to the
① Direct leakage channels may be present, such as injection or induction of earthquakes by oilfield water flood development and
production wells connecting geological storage bodies, under- geothermal exploitation [60], large-scale fluid injection may
ground water layers, and the atmosphere [49–51]; ② the CO2 induce earthquakes [61]. In order to prevent the induction of earth-
injected underground might induce earthquakes, open faults, or quakes during CO2 injection, pressure control is the most impor-
breaks through caprocks, resulting in leakage; and ③ external tant regulatory measure [62], as the activation of faults and
forces such as natural earthquakes might damage geological CO2 caprock breakthroughs are mainly caused by pressure changes.
storage bodies (including borehole walls) so as to cause leakage.
During the operation of injection or production wells, the wellbore 6.2. Fault activation and caprock breakthrough
may narrow, expand, rupture, or collapse, and corrosion of old well
casings and cement sheaths may occur, creating leakage paths with An assessment of the safety and risks of geological storage of
the highest risk in CO2 geological storage. Wellbore integrity CO2 requires an investigation on whether the injected CO2 will
ensures the safety of geological storage. Therefore, the US National break through a complete structure or lithologic trap, such as well-
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the Class bores, multiple sets of faults, or caprock combinations. The follow-
VI Rule for CO2 geological storage wells, which aims to ensure ing considerations need to be ascertained and understood: the CO2
the safety of wellbores and the long-term safety of geological stor- storage capacity of geological traps; the migration and accumula-
age during CO2 injection. tion principles of CO2 injected into reservoirs in strata; the possi-
Two CCS scientific research facilities in Nagouka and bility of leakage or seepage caused by the opening of faults or
Tomakomai, Japan, focus on investigating whether natural earth- caprocks by the injection pressure or external forces; possible
quakes will cause damage and leakage risks to geological CO2 paths of CO2 leakage; whether CO2 will escape to the shallow sur-
storage facilities. Geological CO2 storage bodies in these two areas face to pollute underground drinking water and cause damage to
of Japan have experienced multiple earthquakes, including earth- the surface ecological environment; if CO2 leaks through breaking
quakes with magnitudes of 6.8 and 6.7 and epicenters just 20 caprock or opening the fault firstly but does not escape to the sur-
and 30 km away, which did not cause any leakage in the projects face, whether multiple sets of caprocks in the overlying strata of
[52–54]. Scholars from the Research Institute of Innovative Tech- reservoirs will continue to seal and isolate the CO2 for a second
nology for the Earth (RITE) checked the borehole wall integrity of time; and how to ensure wellbore integrity and ascertain whether
the Nagouka Project before and after the earthquakes, assessed reservoir engineering, technology, and so forth will cause wellbore
the seismic bottom hole pressure and injection facilities, con- damage and CO2 leakage.
ducted air tightness/pressure tests [55], and demonstrated the Research on the safety and risks of the geological storage of CO2
safety of the wellbore by means of acoustic cement bond log has already been carried out internationally in a series of large-
(CBL) and hole imaging. scale geological storage and scientific research projects that focus
However, CO2 that has been injected underground might induce on researching field-level safety and risk monitoring and verifica-
earthquakes, resulting in danger due to the opening of faults or the tion. Some scholars consider that a small part of the injected CO2
breakthrough of caprocks. This issue presents difficulties in safety might have broken through the caprocks and faults and entered
monitoring and early warning, as the relevant pressure-change law the overlying strata in the Weyburn Project (personal communica-
and CO2 flow direction are unknown. A paper published by Zoback tion). Because it was impossible to conduct field-level monitoring
and Gorelick [56] in 2012 triggered a debate among scientists by in the overlying saline aquifer, the possible breakthrough position
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
was not known. It could not be detected using geochemical meth- 6.3. MMV of CO2 geological storage capacity
ods, and no abnormal noise was found through passive seismic
monitoring. During the injection process—and especially after the Many scholars have carried out core experiments and numerical
storage was completed—the use of geophysical (4D seismic) meth- simulation studies on caprock sealing properties and fault opening
ods were the only feasible means to monitor and verify the under the conditions of the chemical and physical actions of CO2–
caprocks and overlying strata [26,63]. saltwater–strata [75,76], deepening our understanding of the pos-
China has also carried out a number of small-scale CO2-EOR and sibility of the evolution of caprocks and faults during the long-term
storage projects and CO2 storage demonstration projects in saline geological storage of CO2. However, the physical and chemical
aquifers in Ordos [38,39,64]; however, the focus of these projects changes in these reservoirs, as well as changes in the chemical
is CO2-EOR [65]. While there are many numerical simulations for reactions of CO2–water–rocks in caprocks and faults [67], are rela-
the research and verification of geological storage safety, there tively small compared with changes in formation pressure and CO2
are few studies on the field-level and large-scale risk monitoring saturation [77], and thus are not easily observed and monitored.
and verification of caprocks and faults; thus, the distribution scope, The safety of geological CO2 storage has a mutually corroborating
safety, and storage capacity of CO2 underground cannot be defini- relationship with geological CO2 storage capacity. The monitoring
tively known. Surface 4D seismic monitoring of CO2 injections has and verification of geological CO2 storage capacity can identify
only been carried out in the Gao-89 block of the Sinopec Shengli both emission reductions and leakage risks that may be predicted
Oilfield [66]. Although the findings of domestic CO2-EOR projects when the injection volume is not equal to the storage capacity. The
have not been publicly reported, the leakage of CO2 along borehole most critical parameters are formation pressure and CO2 satura-
walls into the overlying strata is currently the predominant risk. tion, because an increase in formation pressure after CO2 injection
No CO2 leakage caused by fault opening has been observed in may induce breakthrough through caprocks and faults, as well as
any of the CO2-EOR projects at home and abroad. borehole wall breakage. In addition, CO2 saturation is a key
The petroleum industry has very mature and successful experi- parameter in determining the underground distribution scope of
ence in studying and predicting the integrity of caprocks. Of course, CO2 and calculating the storage capacity. Of course, monitoring
concerns about the storage process still remain: For example, when of CO2 distribution has to demonstrate that CO2 may or may not
CO2 is in contact with the caprock, will the geochemical reaction of break through multiple sets of caprocks or open multiple sections
CO2 with the rocks affect the pores and permeability [67]? What is of faults and then enter the shallow surface or the atmosphere
the mineralization situation of CO2 in reservoirs? Will CO2 diffuse before the occurrence of real leakage is ascertained. Monitoring
to caprocks and then corrode leakage channels? What are the of the surface environment and monitoring of underground phrea-
requirements for caprock thickness in order to seal off CO2? Never- tic aquifers are also important links in determining whether CO2
theless, the preservation and sealing of existing natural CO2 in gas will leak to the surface or to the shallow surface.
fields have demonstrated that these concerns are unnecessary [68– Borehole observation is the most direct method to monitor the
70]. safety of the geological storage of CO2. However, in most cases, the
At present, more than 90% of geological CO2 storage projects are risk of breakthrough through caprocks and faults is not around the
being carried out in oil reservoirs; however, deep saline aquifers injection wells, and the scope of well monitoring is very limited.
are still the largest geological CO2 storage spaces and those with Relying on surface geophysical monitoring, and especially 4D seis-
the greatest potential. White et al. [71,72] used InSAR data to mic techniques, to monitor changes in underground geological
observe the surface deformation near a CO2 injection well with storage bodies has become the preferred technical means for geo-
saline aquifers that was carried out by BP and others in In Salah, logical CO2 storage projects around the world [16,27,78]. In all CCS
Algeria; the researchers then supported the hypothesis that the science and technology infrastructures (Table 1), 4D seismic imag-
reservoir was fractured and the bottom caprock was broken ing has become the most effective evidence to prove the safety, dis-
through after nearly four million tonnes of CO2 had been injected tribution scope, and distribution status of the geological storage of
into the 950 m deep saline aquifer, although no CO2 leakage was CO2. The Ketzin project accurately predicted CO2 saturation and
observed on the surface. No surface deformation has been CO2 storage capacity [79], which may be related to the relatively
observed in other large-scale CO2 storage projects around the shallow CO2 storage. The Aquistore project drew many lessons
world, such as the Weyburn Project in Canada. from the Weyburn Project, deployed permanent geophones, and
Verdon et al. [29] compared the stress deformation caused by used Vibroseis to avoid the problem of non-repetitive shot point
the three megaton-scale geological storage projects Sleipner, In locations in two vintages of 3D seismic monitoring with dynamite
Salah, and Weyburn. The comparison showed that the impact of sources. Borehole distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology
injection pressure on the safety of geological storage is the greatest was used to obtain pressure, temperature, and VSP monitoring
for low-permeability saline aquifers. Pressure control is a key data at different depths at the same time without affecting CO2
scientific problem to be solved for the safety and future leakage injection in the well [80]. Meanwhile, 4D surface seismic monitor-
risks of geological storage of CO2 in either reservoirs or saline aqui- ing before CO2 injection was carried out to study the impact of
fers [62]. changes in shallow-surface elastic parameters caused by seasonal
Of course, assuming that CO2 breaks through a set of caprock or changes on 4D seismic differential information [81]. It was demon-
opens a fault and then enters the previous set of strata, as long as strated that CO2 distribution could still be imaged by means of
the CO2 is blocked by multiple sets of overlying caprocks layer by seismic monitoring under the conditions of a 10 kt injection scale
layer, it is not considered to be leakage. Research conducted by and CO2 injection in the deepest (3400 m) saline aquifer in the
Rinaldi et al. [73] showed that induced seismic activities related world [82]. The distribution and saturation of CO2 at a depth of
to fault resurrection will not necessarily open a new flow path 1500 m and with an injection volume of 5000 t were successfully
for leakage. A single induced event in a layer is usually insufficient imaged using CO2CRC Otway advanced 4D seismic monitoring
to substantially change the permeability over the entire length of with a buried DAS array, 4D VSP with optical fibers on the tubing,
the fault. In that case, even if changes occur in the permeability and continuous seismic sources [83]. To image CO2 distribution,
of a certain section of the fault, it does not mean that CO2 will the Sleipner [16] and Tomakomai [25] projects used marine 4D
migrate upward along the entire fault, break through multiple sets seismic monitoring technology, which is the most effective moni-
of caprocks, and then enter the overlying drinking water layer [74]. toring means for the storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers. Sleipner
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
[84] carried out time-lapse gravity monitoring and was the first to makes it difficult to directly replicate many technologies and
demonstrate the effectiveness of low-cost gravity monitoring tech- achieve the desired results using them. For example, CO2-EOR in
nology for the monitoring of large-scale geological storage of CO2. China has not achieved the same high recovery and stable flooding
The combination of time-lapse gravity monitoring with seismic results as in North America. Insufficient studies and understanding
monitoring improves the accuracy of seismic prediction of CO2 of scientific issues such as the storage status, migration and accu-
storage capacity. mulation principles, and safety of CO2 injected underground have
However, when using conventional P-wave information, it is restricted the large-scale development of CO2-EOR and storage.
difficult to identify whether the difference between two vintages Without the research and technical support of scientific CCS
of seismic monitoring comes from changes in pressure or from research facilities, even if the construction of large-scale CCS pro-
CO2 saturation [78,85]. Therefore, the Weyburn Project used jects was carried out, it would be difficult to run the projects con-
advanced 4D and three component (4D3C) seismic monitoring secutively, and thus the goal of large-scale rapid emission
technology and combined P-waves with converted waves to distin- reduction would not be achieved.
guish pressure changes from CO2 saturation changes. Although CCS hubs, in which various carbon emitters are matched with
many difficulties still remain in the processing and interpretation appropriate local carbon storage areas and carbon transport is
of 4D converted-wave data at present, and the expected results established excellent, can achieve the cost reduction and large-
have not been achieved, this represents the forefront of seismic scale reduction of emissions from different types of emission
monitoring technology. sources within a region; thus, such hubs are the development
An issue with CO2 saturation—a key parameter in predicting CO2 direction of future commercial CCS projects. However, a CCS hub
storage capacity—is that it is difficult to accurately determine the has higher requirements for the geological storage capacity of stor-
CO2 saturation in a well; in particular, after CO2 injection, it is more age sites, and the detailed and accurate selection of geological stor-
difficult to accurately measure CO2 saturation in a cased well than age sites is particularly important. The CO2 storage potential and
that in the uncased well. The Nagaoka project was the first to carry injection capacity of a storage site determine the scale of the cap-
out geophysical logging more than 40 times in a well after CO2 ture and transmission pipelines and the construction scale of the
injection and has thus become a model for identifying CO2 changes CCS hub.
before and after injection in reservoirs and in different stages by The key direction for the future development of geological CO2
logging multiple times [55,86]. At present, the monitoring results storage is the storage of CO2 in saline aquifers, followed by the
of underground CO2 distribution mainly provide the CO2 distribu- storage of CO2 in oil reservoirs and abandoned gas fields. The stor-
tion in a set of strata. When monitoring the CO2 injected into two age of CO2 in saline aquifers allows more types of high-carbon
sets of saline aquifers—such as the volcanic and volcaniclastic emission sources to be located nearby, which reduces the construc-
Miocene Takinoue formation at 2400 to 3000 m which is the second tion cost of long-distance CO2 transportation pipelines and the car-
CO2 injection layer in the Tomakomai project—no monitoring bon footprint in the production and laying of steel pipes. Storage in
images for CO2 distribution have been obtained. Further research saline aquifers does not require the emission of CO2 to be captured
on monitoring and imaging methods to obtain the CO2 distribution into high-purity CO2 in order to reduce the cost of capture. During
status in multiple sets of reservoirs is necessary in order to deter- the deployment of CCS, it is necessary to improve the energy uti-
mine whether CO2 enters other reservoirs from the injection layer, lization efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint in each link of
and then whether geological storage is safe. The MMV of geological the entire process, calculate from the perspective of the entire pro-
CO2 storage requires the combination and mutual corroboration of cess, and achieve net emission reduction at the lowest cost.
multiple disciplines such as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, According to the construction period of successful large-scale
petroleum engineering, and more in order to demonstrate the CCS projects in advanced countries, it takes 5–10 years from site
safety of long-term geological CO2 storage. selection to the completion and operation of a CCS project. To
achieve the 2030 CCS emission reductions estimated by the IEA
and CSLF, action must start now; otherwise, the long-term
7. Concluding remarks temperature goal of the Paris Agreement cannot be achieved. Of
course, the most important factors in the successful development
Based on the experience of advanced countries in CCS develop- of CCS in advanced countries such as the United States, Norway,
ment, CCS in other countries will undergo a gradual transition from and Canada are the country’s incentive policies (e.g., 45Q), carbon
low-cost and high-CO2-concentration capture from coal chemical taxes, and restraint policies on enterprises’ carbon emissions. The
plant, low-cost natural gas purification and capture combined with European Union and China’s carbon markets have a positive role
flooding and storage, or direct storage in saline aquifers, to low- to play in promoting CCS technology. The increase in carbon prices
concentration tail gas capture in coal-fired power plants, refining will help CCS to gradually move toward profitability and
and hydrogen production, steelworks, cement, and so forth. The commercialization.
difficulty in capture technology still lies in the large-scale capture
of low-concentration CO2 tail gas with low energy consumption,
while the difficulty of geological storage lies in how to carry out
field-level MMV to determine geological CO2 storage capacity,
This work is sponsored by Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation
emission reductions, and storage safety.
(2021JCW-04) of Department of Science and Technology of Shaanxi
The science and technology CCS infrastructures that have been
for Northwest University. The authors would like to thank the edi-
built in advanced countries play a crucial role in the understanding
tors and anonymous reviewers for their helpful and constructive
of basic scientific problems related to CCS, reduction of the cost of
whole-process CCS technology, monitoring of the safety of long-
term geological storage, R&D of advanced technologies, and further
commercialization, promotion and demonstration, and talent Compliance with ethics guidelines
training. Sharing the CCS research results and knowledge of
advanced countries makes it possible to accelerate the reduction Jinfeng Ma, Lin Li, Haofan Wang, Yi Du, Junjie Ma, Xiaoli Zhang,
of the cost and risks of CCS and the commercial layout of CCS in and Zhenliang Wang declare that they have no conflict of interest
other countries; however, the complexity of geological conditions or financial conflicts to disclose.
J. Ma, L. Li, H. Wang et al. Engineering 14 (2022) 33–43
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