APPENDIX 1 Research Instrument

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Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.

Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046


Quantitative Survey Questionnaire



Instruction: Suffice an honest and accurate answer to each

of the questions provided in this questionnaire. Before answering
this questionnaire, make sure you are fully aware of your
responsibilities as a respondent to this study. Your responses
will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will solely be
utilized for academic purposes only.

Part I. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Name (optional): ____________________________________

1.1 Age: 18-24 45-54

25-34 55-64
35-44 65 or over

1.2 Gender: Male Female

1.3 Position/Rank: T-1 MT Other. Pls. specify

T-2 PhD. ________________
T-3 EdD.

1.4 Length in Service: 0-3 years 11-15 years

4-6 years 16-20 years
7-10 years 21 and above

1.5 Highest Educational Attainment: Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s Unit Earner
Master’s Degree Holder
Doctorate Unit Earner
Doctorate Graduate
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

1.6 Seminars/ Trainings on Action Research attended

5 years ago 2 years ago
3 years ago a year ago/within this year

5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
3- Neutral
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

Question: How do the seminars/trainings on the Basic Concepts of

Research attended contributed to your knowledge on basic
A. Seminars on the Basic Concepts of Research 5 4 3 2 1
1. The seminar was well-conceptualized and
2. The seminar offers an introduction to the
basic research concepts of research as is
completed according to personal abilities
(e.g., self-paced).
3. The topics presented include how to design
and conduct research as well as how actions
are conducted throughout research.
4. The topics were selected by experts in
research methods in a variety of fields
(e.g., education).
5. The seminar includes learning objectives,
which are conveyed through key points,
examples, and an opportunity to complete
discussion questions and answer case
6. Committees were organized.
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

Part II. Factors affecting the conduct of Action Research

5- Always
4- Often
3- Sometimes
2- Rarely
1- None

Question: To what extent are the factors essential in the conduct

of action research?
A. Knowledge of Action Research 5 4 3 2 1
1. Contribute towards whole school improvement
2. Effect improvement in the
personal/professional practice of teachers.
3. Provide opportunities for faculty to become
involved in research projects.
4. Raise the community engagement and research
profile of the faculty.
5. Provide mastery to students with research
6. Contribute towards the improvement of
pupils’ learning experiences.
7. Upgrade teachers’ professional
qualifications to their research outputs.
B. Research Skills 5 4 3 2 1
1. Writing an Appropriate title
2. Expressing a problem clearly
3. Determining Factors of a problem accurately
4. Developing a Hypothesis
5. Analyzing the outcomes
6. Interpreting the outcomes
7. The ability to present outcomes
C. Attitudes 5 4 3 2 1
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

1. Action Research is a time-wasting activity.

2. Action research contributes immensely to
solving practical educational problems.
3. Action research benefited to outweigh its
contribution to education quality
4. Teachers' research involvement in action
research is one criterion for promotion.
5. Action Research improves teachers
6. Action research helps discover new
strategies that improve my instructions.
7. Research makes me anxious.
D. School Support 5 4 3 2 1
1. Act planned and programmed, work in
2. Follows the relevant resources and informs
us about innovations in education and
training (Instrumental Support)
3. Encourages to participate in national
congresses, courses, and competitions
(Moral Support).
4. Organizes training activities outside the
seminar period for our professional
development (Informational Support)
5. Creates environments where we can share
what we have learned (Emotional Support)
6. Meets with teachers one-on-one to discuss
strengths and weaknesses (Appraisal
7. Gets/receives assistance from local experts
for professional development

Part III. Significant Impact of Action Research

Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

5- Very important
4- Important
3- Neutral
2- Unimportant
2- Very unimportant

Question: How significant is the impact of Action Research?

A. Professional Development of Teachers 5 4 3 2 1
1. Increases awareness-raising.
2. Provides opportunities for self-reflection
on practice.
3. Increases professional confidence.
4. Develops a sense of leadership and
5. Improves relationships with the students
and create a positive classroom atmosphere.
B. Pupils’ Learning 5 4 3 2 1
1. Contributes to a deeper understanding of
individual student needs and learning
2. Tailors teaching strategies to better
address the diverse learning preferences of
3. Enhances the overall academic performance
of pupils.
4. Identifies and address learning gaps among
5. Fosters a more engaging and effective
learning environment for pupils.
C. School Environment 5 4 3 2 1
1. Creates a more dynamic and innovative
school environment.
2. Fosters a collaborative and knowledge-
sharing culture among teachers.
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

3. Enhances the overall professional

development culture within the school.
4. Keys driver in promoting continuous
improvement and reflective practices among
5. Aligns the school with global trends that
highlight teacher-led inquiry and
D. Linkages with other government agencies and 5 4 3 2 1
private institutions relative to research
1. Enhances linkages with other government
agencies and private institutions.
2. Establishes collaborative partnerships with
external entities, fostering a culture of
shared knowledge and resources.
3. Contributes to the school’s engagement with
external stakeholders, resulting in
valuable support and insights.
4. A keys driver to establish fruitful
collaborations with government agencies and
private institutions.
5. Creates meaningful connections and
partnerships, enhancing the school’s
research-oriented initiatives.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

In-Depth Interview Questionnaire

1. Can you describe a specific instance where action research

has contributed to your professional development as a teacher?
Follow-up question: How did this experience impact your teaching

2. In your opinion, how does action research influence pupils'

learning outcomes?
Follow-up question: Can you provide an example of how action
research has positively impacted student learning?

3. Please describe how action research has influenced the

teaching-learning environment in your school.
Follow-up question: Have you observed any specific changes in
student engagement or classroom dynamics because of action

4. How has action research facilitated linkages with other

government agencies and private institutions in terms of research
Follow-up question: Can you provide an example of a successful
collaboration resulting from action research?

5. In your experience, what are the key benefits of being a

professionally developed teacher through action research?
Follow-up question: How has this professional development
impacted your career growth or opportunities?

6. If you are to choose, make an Action Research or not? Why?

Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046




Author’s Note:

School: ______________________________________
Date of Interview: ___________________________
Special Remarks/ Notes: ______________________
Coded and Analyzed: __________________________
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

REMARKS OF THE VALIDATOR  Consider adding an introductory

For the Quantitative Survey section explaining the purpose of

the study and the importance of the

 The quantitative survey

respondents' participation to

questionnaire and the in-depth

enhance clarity and respondent

interview questionnaire seem


comprehensive and aligned with the

For the Interview Guide Questions

objectives of the study.


 Ensure that the language used in the

 Consider providing some context or

questionnaire is clear and easily

background information on action

understandable for the respondents

research at the beginning of the

to minimize any potential confusion

questionnaire to ensure that all

or misinterpretation.
respondents have a similar

 It might be helpful to pilot test the

understanding of the topic.

questionnaire with a small sample of

 It might be beneficial to include

respondents from the target

probes or follow-up questions to

population to identify any issues

delve deeper into specific responses

with wording, question flow, or

and extract richer qualitative data.

response options before full-scale

 Ensure that the questions are

phrased in a neutral and non-leading
Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc.
Graduate Studies
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur
Telefax (086) 211- 3046

manner to encourage honest and

authentic responses from the




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