Survey Questionnaire

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Teachers Survey Questionnaire

As part of me MAED-EM research proposal thesis at Saint Joseph Institute of

Technology, I am conducting a survey that investigates the “Factors in the Achievement
of Science Among Grade 5 learners”. I will appreciate if you could complete the
following table. Any information obtained in connection with this study that can be
identified with you will remain confidential.
Part A: Background Information
1. School: ________________________________________________
2. District: _______________________________________________
3. Gender: Male (__) Female (__) 4. Age: _________
4. What are your academic qualifications?
5. How many years have you been a teacher?
Part B: Teaching Strategies
Instructions: Fill in the necessary information on the space provided for each item. On a scale
from one to five, Check (√) ONE answer that would best describe the extent of each factor (as
expressed in each of the statements) had influenced you or is still influencing you. Each
response option on the scale is rated as in the following:

Scale Code Explanation

Always Observed 5 Felt 81-100% of the time
Often Observed 4 Felt 61-80% of the time
Sometimes Observed 3 Felt 41-60% of the time
Seldom Observed 2 Felt 21-40% of the time
Never Observed 1 Felt 1-20% of the time
Statement: Student Centered instruction Strategy 5 4 3 2 1
1. Classroom organisation enables teachers to establish
clear classroom procedures and reflection on teaching
2. Teachers management of time on tasks contribute to
improved students’ performance
3. Enforcing students discipline control improves their
4. Students management and regulation of their own
behaviour enhances their performance
5. Communicating clear teaching/learning objectives
improves students’ performance
6. Giving students opportunities to develop clear classroom
expectations contribute to improved performance
7. Providing variety of learning activities support students to
develop talents and improve their performance
8. Promoting social emotional development of students
improves their attitudes towards learning
9. Putting in place counselling sessions increases students
self awareness
10. Promoting positive teacher-student relationship
Statement: Student Centered instruction Strategy 5 4 3 2 1
Teacher dominates the teaching of the students in the
1. Teacher dominates the teaching of the students in the
2. Students are actively involved in undertaking the tasks
while listening to teachers instruction
3. Class assignments are undertaken independently and
silently by students
4. Lecture method improves performance of learners
5. Use of collaborative learning in groups enhances
students’ performance
6. Students comply with strict and well define expectations,
rules and regulation in the classroom which enhances
their performance
7. Receiving and memorization of learning information
enhances students’ performance
8. Use of demonstration method enhances students’
9. Use of drill and practice engages students in learning
leading to better performance
10. There is more emphasis on mastery of learning and recall
of information in the learning process
Statement: Assessment Strategy 5 4 3 2 1
1. Continuous assessment tests reinforces students’
learning of materials in a systematic way
2. Continuous assessment tests augment students’ learning
enhancing retention of the materials
3. Giving continuous assessment tests enhances learners
interaction connecting learning to the real world
4. Formative assessments enhances students active
participation in answering questions
5. Formative assessments equips students with ‘learning to
learn’ skills enhancing their performance
6. Providing timely feedback enhances students self
assessment enables students to take responsibility for
their own learning
7. Integrating assessments with teaching and learning
influences students’ performance
8. Summative assessment shows whether the learning
goals have successfully been met
9. Summative assessments ensure that the sequence of
instructional activities results in the intended learning
10. Giving students assessments increases accountability to
students performance
Statement: Resource-based Instruction Strategy 5 4 3 2 1
1. Utilising teacher resources effectively increases
acquisition of multiple skills by students
2. Providing high quality multiple learning materials both in
print and non-print enhances students’ deep involvement
in learning
3. Providing class-based learning facilities provide
opportunities for developing independent learning skills
and acquisition of knowledge
4. Establishing library resources to enhance access of
learning materials and research skills
5. Providing physical learning environment enhances
students’ active participation in their learning
6. Providing Information and Communication Technology
resources support learning
7. Making appropriate selection and use of ICT resources
increases in teaching and learning exposes students to
global experiences improving their cognitive and affective

Thank you for your participation


Student Survey Questionnaire

As part of me MAED-EM research proposal thesis at Saint Joseph Institute of

Technology, I am conducting a survey that investigates the “Factors in the Achievement
of Science Among Grade 5 learners”. I will appreciate if you could complete the
following table. Any information obtained in connection with this study that can be
identified with you will remain confidential.
Part A: Background Information
1. School: ________________________________________________
2. District: _______________________________________________
3. Gender: Male (__) Female (__) 4. Age: ________
Part B: Factors Affecting the Achievement in Science
5. Is there a Laboratory Facility? Yes (__) No (__)
Instructions: Fill in the necessary information on the space provided for each item. On a scale
from one to five, Check (√) ONE answer that would best describe the extent of each factor (as
expressed in each of the statements) had influenced you or is still influencing you. Each
response option on the scale is rated as in the following:

Scale Code Explanation

Always Observed 5 Felt 81-100% of the time
Often Observed 4 Felt 61-80% of the time
Sometimes Observed 3 Felt 41-60% of the time
Seldom Observed 2 Felt 21-40% of the time
Never Observed 1 Felt 1-20% of the time
Statement: Science Equipment Factor 5 4 3 2 1
Using laboratory
Using technology in science subject
Is there an internet connection
Chemicals for testing
Science lab apparatus
Science Books
Statement: Environmental Factor 5 4 3 2 1
Family Size
Family Culture and Traditions
Socio-economic status
Parents/Guardians Occupation/profession
Environmental factors such as noise, weather, flood and pandemic
affect learning
Friendship in science classroom
Well explained school rules motivate students academic
Special rewards given to students who did well in their exams
motivate students
Having social gathering in school motivates students
Fear of failure motivates students
Family support for science studies
Physical condition of the classroom
Sitting arrangement in the classroom
Good communication between students and teachers motivates
Parents with high level income has a significant impact on
academic performance of students
Parents occupation influences students
Parents providing basic needs for children influences students
Parents socio-economic status in community
Parents assisting in school assignments
Parents encouraging students to study
Statement: Peer Factor (Social belongingness) 5 4 3 2 1
I spend much time with my peer group
Lack of self-confidence among peers
My friends and I share problems with each other
My friends give me advice in my problems
My friends and I do school activities together
I and my friends share thoughts and opinions to strengthen
our bond
Statement: Peer Factor (Curiousity)
I like to do something new
I want to explore to my capabilities to do things
I like starting a new activity
I want to explore my upcoming teenage years
I want to experience relationship
Statement: Peer Factor (Education)
My friends help me on what to do in my academic
performance in school
My friends inspire me to work hard in my studies
We always help each other with academic difficulties
I am always focus on class with my peers
My friend’s assistance in group discussion to improve my
Statement: School Science Activity Factor 5 4 3 2 1
The frequency of making experimentation
Using laboratory
Doing hands-on activity in class
Using different teaching materials other than textbooks
Making the project on science topics
Using technology in science class
Thank you for your participation

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