Pinasling GAD-Plan-and-Budget-2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Tarlac
Municipality of Gerona


FY : 2022

Region : III Total Barangay Budget : Php 6,228,356.00

Province : Tarlac Total GAD Budget : Php 582,400.00
City/Municipality: Gerona Percentage of GAD Budget : 9.35 %
Barangay : Pinasling

Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Program/Project/Activity Performance Target and GAD Budget Responsible Person
(PPA) Indicator
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


GAD Mandate:
Section 26 MCW Right to
Training materials Brgy. Kgd. Helen A.
Other abundant resources are idle To generate additional income and Thirty (30) women trained on Php 10,000.00 Guimba
labor force particularly women develop GAD Livelihood programs. marketable skills as source of Comm. Chair on Women
(including wives of PWUDS) who lacks Thru: livelihood for income Meals for participants and and Family and Children
opportunities and capacity to earn augmentation trainer. (snack and lunch)
additional income for their family. Conduct of livelihood trainings Php 7,500.00

Gender Issue:

There were poor women with young Provision of livelihood capital Thirty women granted capital P 2000/beneficiary Brgy. Kgd. Helen A.
children who need home-based assistance for home-based livelihood assistance for home-based Guimba
livelihood assistance to augment projects income-generating project Php 60,000.00
family income

Gender Issue:

RA 6949, Series of 1990 – declaring Brgy. Kgd. Helen A.

March 8 of every year as National To conduct/support Municipal and BUSILAK and MUTYA officers and Php 10,000.00 for Guimba
Women’s Day Provincial celebration of Women’s members were provided transportation assistance
Month and National Consciousness mobility/transportation assistance Bgy. Kgd. Myrna A. Carlos
RA 10398 declaring November 25 as Day VAW Desk Officer
National Consciousness Day for the
elimination of Violence Against
Women and Children

Gender Issue:

Prevalence/increase incidence of Immediate and Appropriate 100 % VAWC cases acted upon Transportation assistance P/B Danilo A. Cancio
VAW cases from 10 % of 2020 to 15 % response of the VAWC Desk Officer and provided immediate and
of 2021 and Punong Barangay appropriate assistance Php 5,000.00 for gasoline Bgy. Kgd. Myrna A. Carlos
allowance of barangay VAWC Desk Officer
Issuance of Barangay Protection 100% of request for BPO service.
Order (BPO) processed and issued and
prevented further abuse to victims

Referrals to concerned agencies Referred VAW victims to

(RHU, MSWD, PNP Women’s Desk) concerned agencies for needed
Gender Issue :

Limited opportunities and access To strengthen women’s organization Provided support for women Snacks for Participants
among marginalized women for self- organization in the conduct of
enhancement/development, (Barangay Pinasling has 2 women their quarterly meetings cum Php 20,000.00
community participation and organization. BUSILAK and MUTYA session on Modular package for Transportation allowance of
involvement in barangay policy- with combined more or less 300 Women. women organization
making and planning processes members) At least 5 % of members of two presidents in attending
(2) women organization involved monthly meetings, trainings
in the community/municipal social and municipal
welfare/protection for women events/celebrations
Php 10,000.00 for I year
Inclusion of representative of allowance of 2 presidents
women organization in barangay
committees such as BGFPS, BDC,

Gender Issue:

Role performance among men as Partnership with MSWD in the re- Barangay ERPAT re-organized with Snacks during re-organization Brgy. Kgd. Helen A.
husband and father needs organization of ERPAT 25 members Guimba
enhancement; some become pre- Php 3,500.00
occupied in vices that usually caused
conflict and domestic violence among Snacks during 4 sessions
most reported VAW-C cases
They also have limited awareness of Modular session on ERPAT/PES Php 6,000.00
the laws on the rights and protection conducted
of women.

Gender Issue
To identify and assist unmarried 10 unmarried couples were Snacks and gasoline BHWs
Increasing number of Unmarried couples living together for more identified and assisted in securing allowance
couple than 5 years in securing requirements and be included in
requirements needed in their the Kasalang Bayan in November Php 5,000.00
Gender Issue:

RA 9344 – Strengthening of CCPC Conduct of Monthly Meetings BCPC conducted monthly Snacks Php 6,000.00
Prevalence of CICl and CAR in the Conduct Barangay
barangay. Intervention/Diversion Barangay Intervention/Diversion Transportation expenses in Brgy. Kgd. Helen A.
Program conducted by the BCPC attending hearings/psycho- Guimba
Most of the CICL and CAR cases are to CICL and CAR social sessions and other
male and belong to poor and interventions. SK Chairperson Rachell B.
Dysfunctional families Php 1,500.00/case/year Ancheta
(1500x5) = Php 7,500.00 MSWD, PNP DepEd
Increasing vulnerability of the youth
on the emerging concerns on teen- Php 500.00/mo/student
age pregnancy HIV and AIDS and drug Partnership with MSWD on Unlad
abuse Kabataan Program ALS/Back to School educational Php 500.00 x 5 student x 10
assistance to CICL and CAR mos. =
Php 25,000.00
IEC on the prevention of teen-age
pregnancy, HIV and AIDS Php 10,000.00/year for socio-
awareness, and mental health and cultural activities
drug abuses prevention.
Php 35,000.00 for sports
Ensure the availability of wholesome Purchase of Sports materials
recreational activities in the Php 100,000.00 for sports
barangay league expenses
Annual Barangay Sports League
Gender Issue:
Occurrence of drop-out students To initiate the Lapis, Papel and 60 day care children and 150 Php 31,500.00 Barangay Officials
among indigent pupils due to Tsinelas program to elementary and elementary pupils with a total of
incapability of family to Day Care children 210 beneficiary
provide/support the school needs of
Gender Issue:

Elderly and PWD women and men Provision of snacks during the Snacks for Participants
associations are in need of support in Funding support to the Elderly and quarterly meetings
their various activities which serve as PWDs of Senior Citizen and PWDs Senior Citizen and PWD
venue in enhancing their knowledge Php 60.00(100 SCs + 75 PWDs
and skills and collectively participate = 175 members) = 10,500.00 P/B Danilo A. Cancio
in identifying their needs, plan Provision of transportation x 4 quarter = Php 42,000.00 Brgy. Kgd. Antonio A.
solutions, endorse plan to the BGFPS, allowance to SC and PWD Cancio
assist in monitoring implementation Presidents in attending monthly Php 100.00 x 2 x 12 = Comm. Chair on Senior
of plan and evaluation of PPAs federation meetings, trainings, Php 2,400.00 Citizen
accomplished. seminars an d other Municipal and SC and PWD President
Provincial activities

Lack of food supplies/packs during To support/provide food packs Prepared 100 food packs to be Php 300.00 x 100 food packs
emergency/calamity/food crisis within the poorest rural household., provided during Php 30,000.00
Elderly and PWD including family emergency/calamity to identified
member of COVID positive. poorest rural household. Elderly.
PWD and family of COVID positive

GAD Mandate:

Section 21 GAD Code of Gerona -

Protection Against Drug Abuse

“ Municipality and Barangay shall To tap/include drug surrenders to 30 identified drug surrenderers No budget needed P/B Danilo A. Cancio
organize Anti-Drug Abuse Council in LGU’s financial assistance through tapped/included in the PESO Brgy Kgd Clemente M.
support to the continuing campaign in Municipal and Provincial PESO TUPAD programs Vijiga
the fight against illegal drugs for the TUPAD program Comm. Chair on Peace
protection of people against drug Preparation of 2 folder as and Order
abuse and proliferation of drugs” To upheld/support the advocacy of Upheld/support the advocacy to PEDEA’s requirements
barangay to be declared as Drug-free include Barangay Pinasling in the Php 20,000.00
Barangay rooster of declared Drug-free
GAD Mandate:

Gender- Responsive Indicator

GAD Issue:

Vulnerability of barangay residents Installation and Rehabilitation of 3 CCTV units and several solar Php 100,000.00 for Joanna Rose A. Mariano
particularly women and girls to CCTVs and streetlights installed in Purok installation, rehabilitation Bgry. Treasurer
untoward incidents/accidents or Installation of additional Solar Mauplas and Ambuklao 2; and maintenance of CCTVs
crime when home late from work or streetlights in the strategic areas of rehabilitation/maintenance of and Solar streetlights Kgd. Willy A. Balagso
school. the barangay that is prone to existing CCTVs Comm. Chair on
untoward incidents/movements Infrastructure
within the community

Sub-Total A – Client Php 556,400.00



GAD Issue:

Inadequate knowledge of Barangay Conduct seminar on Formulation of Seminar conducted and attended Provisions on meal and snack
Disaster Team in promoting disaster Disaster Preparedness Plan and by the barangay disaster team Php 5,200.00
preparedness, rescue and prevention disaster operation and rescue members composed of 9 Search Supplies BDRRMC
of casualties in times of calamity activities of its task units and Rescue team, 9 Evacuation Php 5,000.00
and Transportation team, 9 Incentives for 300/member
Medical team, and 9 Evacuation Php 10,800.00
Center Management team for a Php 21, 000.00
total of 36 members

GAD Issue
Provision for meals and
Inadequate knowledge/training of To strengthen the know-hows of Trainings and workshop snacks for Resource Persons, Brgy. Kgd Marilou S.
BHERT in the conduct of COVID-19 BHERT in COVID-19 testings conducted/attended by 10 BHERT BHERT Member and RHU Duldulao
testing members and 3 Resource persons personnel Comm. Chair on
and 3 RHU personnel Php 5,000.00 Health/BHERT Chairman

GAD Issue:

Outdated GAD data requirement for Updating of Barangay Gad Database Barangay GAD Database updated Meals and snacks and Estarlita M. Tejada
Barangay GAD Database based on Registry of Inhabitants allowances of BHWs in Barangay Secretary
(RBI) FRVA and Health Profile by profiling activities for 5 days BHWs
the end of March 2022 Php 8,000.00
To account fully, partially and For Office Supplies and
unvaccinated barangay populace. Profiling of Barangay Monthly gasoline for service vehicle
Inventory of fully, partially and Php 2,000.00
unvaccinated barangay populace

Sub-Total B – Organizational Focused Php 36,000.00


Title of Barangay Programs or HGDG Design/Funding Total Annual GAD Attributed Responsible Person
Project Facility Generic Checklist Program/Project/ Budget Program/Project/Budget

(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

None 0 0 0 -0-

Sub-Total C 0 0

GRAND TOTAL ( A + B+ C ) = ( Php 556,400.00 + 36,000.00 + 0) = Php 592,400.00

Prepared By: Attested by: Date:

JANUARY 24, 2022

Barangay Secretary Punong Barangay

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