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20/06/2022 CODE-A

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


MM : 720 Test-8 Time : 3 Hrs. 20 Min.

1. (1) 41. (2) 81. (3) 121. (4) 161. (2)
2. (1) 42. (3) 82. (2) 122. (2) 162. (1)
3. (1) 43. (1) 83. (3) 123. (2) 163. (2)
4. (2) 44. (3) 84. (3) 124. (1) 164. (3)
5. (1) 45. (3) 85. (3) 125. (4) 165. (2)
6. (1) 46. (1) 86. (1) 126. (3) 166. (3)
7. (2) 47. (2) 87. (1) 127. (4) 167. (1)
8. (3) 48. (4) 88. (4) 128. (2) 168. (3)
9. (3) 49. (2) 89. (4) 129. (3) 169. (3)
10. (2) 50. (1) 90. (3) 130. (1) 170. (1)
11. (1) 51. (2) 91. (1) 131. (3) 171. (2)
12. (2) 52. (3) 92. (4) 132. (4) 172. (1)
13. (2) 53. (1) 93. (3) 133. (2) 173. (4)
14. (2) 54. (4) 94. (2) 134. (3) 174. (4)
15. (2) 55. (4) 95. (3) 135. (4) 175. (1)
16. (1) 56. (4) 96. (3) 136. (3) 176. (3)
17. (1) 57. (2) 97. (2) 137. (2) 177. (4)
18. (2) 58. (3) 98. (3) 138. (4) 178. (4)
19. (4) 59. (4) 99. (4) 139. (1) 179. (3)
20. (2) 60. (3) 100. (1) 140. (1) 180. (3)
21. (2) 61. (2) 101. (2) 141. (2) 181. (3)
22. (2) 62. (1) 102. (4) 142. (1) 182. (2)
23. (2) 63. (2) 103. (3) 143. (1) 183. (2)
24. (4) 64. (3) 104. (1) 144. (4) 184. (3)
25. (3) 65. (1) 105. (3) 145. (2) 185. (1)
26. (4) 66. (4) 106. (1) 146. (2) 186. (2)
27. (3) 67. (4) 107. (4) 147. (3) 187. (2)
28. (3) 68. (3) 108. (2) 148. (3) 188. (4)
29. (2) 69. (1) 109. (2) 149. (2) 189. (1)
30. (1) 70. (2) 110. (4) 150. (2) 190. (3)
31. (2) 71. (1) 111. (3) 151. (3) 191. (4)
32. (2) 72. (3) 112. (3) 152. (2) 192. (3)
33. (2) 73. (3) 113. (1) 153. (1) 193. (2)
34. (3) 74. (2) 114. (2) 154. (4) 194. (3)
35. (4) 75. (3) 115. (1) 155. (3) 195. (4)
36. (3) 76. (3) 116. (3) 156. (4) 196. (3)
37. (1) 77. (2) 117. (2) 157. (4) 197. (3)
38. (3) 78. (3) 118. (4) 158. (4) 198. (1)
39. (4) 79. (3) 119. (3) 159. (4) 199. (2)
40. (1) 80. (1) 120. (4) 160. (3) 200. (3)

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

20/06/2022 CODE-A

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


MM : 720 Test-8 Time : 3 Hrs. 20 Min.

Hints and Solutions


SECTION-A 1  1 1 
 = R  2 − 2  (R → Rydberg constant)
1. Answer (1) 1 2 3 

RT 36
v=  1 = = 6563 Å
M 5R
(Symbols have their usual meaning) For second member of Balmer series
1.3  8.3  143 ni = 4 nf = 2
v= −3
16  10 1 1 1
= R 2 − 2
( T = –130°C = 143 K, Molecular weight of 2 2 4 
methane = 16 g)
v  311 m/s 2 =
2. Answer (1)
1 36  3 6563 Å
Intensity  (Amplitude)2  = =
2 5  16 2

( a1 + a2 ) = (15 + 10 )2
Imax 80  6563
= = 25  2 = = 4861 Å
( a1 − a2 ) (15 − 10 )
Imin 2 2

3. Answer (1) 5. Answer (1)

  
Since the length is long as compared to diameter 72
A180 ⎯⎯ → 70 A1176 ⎯⎯ ⎯
→ 71A2176 ⎯⎯ →

A3172 ⎯⎯ → 69 A4172
B = 0ni (Symbols have their usual meaning) 69

200  4 6. Answer (1)

n= = 800
100  10−2 u 2 sin ( 2 ) u2
At  = 45°, R= =
B = 4 × 10–7 × 800 × 10 T g g

B = 32 × 10–4 T u 2 sin2  u 2

H= =
4. Answer (2) 2g 4g
For first member of Balmer series R 4
 =
ni = 3 nf = 2 H 1

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7. Answer (2) l F
Kepler’s second law is based on conservation of l Ya
angular momentum. TC Ti
 =
8. Answer (3) YC  dC2 Yi  di2

T = m (g  a)  YC  dC2 = Yi  d i2

 10 − 0 −2  1.1 108  dc2 = 3.3  108 di2

T1 = m (10 + 1) = 11m  a1 = 10 = 1 m s 
 
dC 3.3
 10 − 10  = = 3
T2 = m (10 + 0 ) = 10m  a2 = 20 − 10 = 0  di 1.1
 
12. Answer (2)
0 − 10
T3 = m (10 − 2 ) = 8m  a3 = 
= −2 m s−2  NkBT
 25 − 20  P=
T1 : T2 : T3 :: 11: 10 : 8
PV 1.01 105  20
N= = = 4.88  1026
9. Answer (3) kBT 1.38  10−23  300
 = MBsin 13. Answer (2)
M = NIA For A : QA = nCP T = nCP (30)
 = NIABsin = 2000 × 4 × 1.6 × 10–4 × 7.5 × For B : QB = nCV  T '
10–2 × sin30°
 nCP (30) = n  CV  T ' (QA = QB)
= 0.048 N m = 4.8 × 10–2 N m
 CP  7 210
10. Answer (2) ( T ' ) =    30 =   30 =  30 =
At natural frequency equal to driving frequency,  CV  5 5

circuit resonates. = 42 K
P= (IRMS)2 ×R 14. Answer (2)

R = 20 , VRMS = 200 volt Imax =  I1 + I2  = 9I0

 
VRMS 200
IRMS = = = 10 A 2
R 20 Imin =  I1 − I2  = I0
 
P = (10 )  20 = 100  20 = 2000 W = 2 kW
Imax 9
Imin 1
11. Answer (1)
TC + Ti + TC = 30g 15. Answer (2)
TC = 10g = Ti As we know that c = hence correct unit for
0 0
is m s–1.
0 0

16. Answer (1)

Emissive power of a body at absolute
temperature T
F l Emissive power of black body at same
=Y  (All will have equal strain) absolute temperature T
a l

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

17. Answer (1) 20. Answer (2)

Under steady state conditions, the power of point
source of heat equals heat flow rate from inner
face to outer face.
dT dr
P = −K  4r 2   P  2 = −K  4  dT
dr r
b T2
dr F – Fk = ma
 P 2
= −4K  dT
ar T1 F = Fk + ma = N + ma
K ·4ab (T1 − T2 ) = 0.2 × 50 + 5 × 2
 P=
= 20 N
18. Answer (2)
Now at t = 4 s, v = u + at = 0 + 2  4
Dipole moment of the dipole P = ql
= 8 m/s

Now power P = F  v = 20  8 = 160 W

21. Answer (2)
Balancing torque on pulley for equilibrium
Rmg = 3RMg
 m = 3M
22. Answer (2)
As water moves away from axis, moment of inertia
Now Torque  = PE sin 
increases which results in loss of angular speed.
Here  = 53° or  = 127°
(Conservation of angular momentum)
So  = qlE sin53 = qEl 23. Answer (2)
For SHM F  –x1
Or  = qlE sin127 = qEl 
5 For oscillatory F  –xn
19. Answer (4) (Where n is an odd number)
Net flux linked through the complete cone 24. Answer (4)
As magnetic flux through the loop is not changing.
EMF will not be induced.
25. Answer (3)

net = 1 + 2 =

Here 1 = 0
1 = 180 − 2 ( 45 )
So 2 =
20 = 90°

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= t2


• v = u + at

v = 0 + 10(4)
2 = 180 − 2 ( 45 ) v = 40 m s–1
= 90° 32. Answer (2)
26. Answer (4) mi = mf
sin ( i )
= 4 3 4 r 
sin ( r )  r =  '   
3 3 2
r = 90 – i
4 3 4 r 3
  = tani  r =  '
3 3 8
Mathematically  can have any value between 0
 = 8
to .
27. Answer (3) v1 r2  1
= 2
v2 r  2
A most precise measurement may be most  2   8
accurate and vice-versa.  

28. Answer (3) v 2 = 2v1

Lest count of screw gauge
33. Answer (2)
Main scale division (Pitch)
Number of circular scale divisions 1 q
V = 
40 r
1 mm
Least count = = 0.01 mm
50  1.6  10−19
= 9  109 
29. Answer (2) 9  10−15
The material having Eg > 2 eV may be = 80 × 105
semiconductor too.
= 8 ×106 V
The resistivity of semiconductor lies between
34. Answer (3)
(10–5 to 106)  m.
30. Answer (1) Q
For CE amplifier, for given transfer characteristics,
the transistor works as switch off in cut off mode 35. Answer (4)
i.e. in region I.
i = ne
31. Answer (2)
1 n=
• s = ut + at 2 1.6  10−19
n = 0.4375 × 1019
80 = 0 +  10t 2
2 n = 4.375 × 1018

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

PV = V  Vf = nV
36. Answer (3) n f
From first law of thermodynamics
Q = W + U = W
 1
= Pn ( nV – V ) = PV 1– 
 n 
 1
= RT  1– 
 n
40. Answer (1)

V 220 sin (100t )

I= = = 11sin (100t )
F OA = −ILB0 j R 20

F AB = −F CO Peak occurs when sin (100t ) = sin  
F BC = 2ILB0 j
 1
100t1 =  t1 = s
F Loop = F OA + F AB + F CO + F BC 2 200
F Loop = B0IL j RMS value is I =
37. Answer (1)
T 2  R3  100t2 =
 R1 = R 2
t2 =
 T1 = T2 400
38. Answer (3) 3 1 1
t = t2 − t1 = − = = 2.5  10−3 s
400 200 400
41. Answer (2)

mgsin – f = ma
6 × 10 × sin30° – f = 6 × 0.5
30 – 3 = f 30 − 6
I= = 8 mA
 f = 27 N 3  103

39. Answer (4) For RL = 3 k

IL = = 2 mA
3  103
For RL = 30 k
IL = = 0.2 mA
30  103
Iz, min = I − IL, max = 8 − 2 = 6 mA

Since, Iz, max = I − IL, min = 8 − 0.2 = 7.8 mA

Ti = Tf  U = 0
 6 mA  Iz  7.8 mA
That means PiVi = PfVf

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42. Answer (3) L2

I = Icom + M
[h] = [ML2T–1] 36
Now from relation n1u1 = n2u2 2
 I = I0 − ML2
2 −1 9
M  L   T 
n2 = n1  1   1   1  46. Answer (1)
 M2   L2   T2 
Virtual object is between P and + so image will
2 −1
 kg   m   s  form between P and F.
6.6  10−34     
 kg   m    s 

= 6.6  10−34  −1−2  unit )
43. Answer (1)
 2
When x = , =  I = I0
3 3
When  = 60°, I = 3I0 uf −f
v= , m=
u −f u −f
 
When x = ,  =  I = 2I0 On substituting u as +ve, f as –ve we get v as
4 2
–ve, m as +ve and less than 1.

When  =  I = 2I0 47. Answer (2)
Work (W ) = 2T A
Where I = 4I0 cos   2
2 
= 2  25  10−3 4 ( 0.2 ) − 4 ( 0.1)
2 2

44. Answer (3)
= 2  25  10 −3  4  0.03
Applying work-energy theorem
Wall = K = 2  9.42  10 −3 J
= 18.84  10 −3 J
 Wgravity + WFext = K f – K i
48. Answer (4)
 −mgR 1 − cos 60 + F  R = mv 2 − 0 If both the charges are like in nature then on
2 increasing separation electrical potential energy
1 1 decreases. If the charges are unlike in nature then
 −10  10  5  + 300  5 =  10v 2 the electrical potential energy increases on
2 2
increasing separation.

(1500 − 250 ) 49. Answer (2)
 2 = v2
10 At highest point velocity of particle = usin
 v = 5 10 m/s h
de Broglie wavelength D =
45. Answer (3) mu sin 
50. Answer (1)
( n − 2) 
( n − 2) 
V across each cell = −ir +  =  − r
( n − 2)
=− 
ML2  2  2
Icom = I0 − =   =
4 n  n
CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

SECTION-A 60. Answer (3)
51. Answer (2)
At atmospheric pressure ice crystallises in the
hexagonal form but at very low temperature it
condenses to cubic form.
52. Answer (3)
Gem ‘ruby’ has Cr as impurity.
53. Answer (1)
−2 0 −1 0
2H2 O(l) + 2F2 (g) ⎯⎯→ 4HF(ag) + O2 (g)
It is the example of non-metal displacement
reaction in which H2O is oxidised and F2 is
reduced. 61. Answer (2)
54. Answer (4) PCl5 molecules has trigonal bipyramidal geometry
ZM 4  60 therefore axial P – Cl bonds are longer than
d= = equatorial P – Cl bonds.
NA  a 3
6  10 23
 (3  10−8 )3
62. Answer (1)
= 14.81 g/cm3
mmol of H+ = 0.1 × 400 = 40
55. Answer (4)
mmol of OH– = 0.2 × 100 = 20
• H+ ions has exceptionally high limiting molar
conductivity in water at 298 K. mmol of H+ left = 40 – 20 = 20

• Ion Ca2+ Br– SO24− H+ 20

concentration of H+ = = 0.04 M
100 + 400
° (S cm2 mol–1) 119 78.1 160 349.6 pH = – log[H+] = – log (0.04) = 1.4
56. Answer (4) 63. Answer (2)
In Frenkel defect the smaller ion in ionic solid is • Bredig’s Arc method or electrical
dislocated from its normal site to an interstitial site disintegration involves dispersion as well as
so density of crystal remain same and it is a
stoichiometric defect shown by ZnS, AgCl, AgBr
etc. • Metal electrodes are used in Bredig’s Arc
57. Answer (2) method.
• More branched carbon gets lower number. 64. Answer (3)
• IUPAC name: 3-Ethyl-1,1-dimethylcyclopentane k = Ae −Ea RT

58. Answer (3)

lnk = ln A −
lnk1 = ln A − …(i)

lnk 2 = ln A − …(ii)

59. Answer (4) Using (i) and (ii)

Cytosine, Thymine and Uracil are pyrimidine k2 Ea  T2 − T1 
bases while Adenine and Guanine are purine log =  
k1 2.303R  T1T2 
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65. Answer (1) 72. Answer (3)

Complex containing only one type of ligands is
known as homoleptic complex.
66. Answer (4)
For reaction, CH4(g) + 2O2(g) ⎯→ CO2(g) +
ng = 0
H = U + ngRT
 ng = 0, H = U
67. Answer (4)

73. Answer (3)

4H3PO3 ⎯⎯→ 3H3PO4 + PH3

Orthophosphorous Orthophosphoric Phosphine
acid acid
68. Answer (3)
74. Answer (2)
Number of electrons =
9.1 10−31
= 1.09 × 1030
75. Answer (3)
Due to minimum van’t Hoff factor, osmotic
69. Answer (1) pressure of aqueous solution of urea will be
HCHO ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
(i) RMgX/Dry ether
→ R − CH2 − OH minimum.
(ii) H O +
1 Alc.
76. Answer (3)
70. Answer (2) Molarity does not depend on quantity of solution.
Glyptal is a monomer of phthalic acid and ethane- 77. Answer (2)
1, 2-diol
CHCl3 + [O] ⎯⎯→ COCl2 + HCl

78. Answer (3)

Unit of coefficient of viscosity in cgs system is
79. Answer (3)
• Surface tension exist only at surface of liquid.
• Minimum surface area corresponds to lowest
80. Answer (1)

71. Answer (1) Element Cu Cr Ni Ti

Aspirin belongs to the class of non-narcotic o

EM 2+ (V) +0.34 –0.90 –0.25 –1.63

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

81. Answer (3) • Clemmensen reduction

Greater the number of exchange ways possible,
greater is the exchange energy i.e. d5 has 10
exchange ways possible. 89. Answer (4)

82. Answer (2) (Furan) is heterocyclic aromatic

Correct order of ionisation enthalpy
compound lone/pair of electron on the oxygen
• IE2(Li) > IE1(Be) atom is delocalised in the ring.
• IE1(Be) > IE1(Na) 90. Answer (3)
• IE2(Na) > IE2(Mg)
83. Answer (3)
• Anhydrous CaSO4 is known as dead burnt
• CaO, CaSO4  H2O and CaSO42H2O are
quick lime, plaster of paris and gypsum
84. Answer (3) 91. Answer (1)

Diborane is a lewis acid and undergoes cleavage For zero order r = k[A] = k
with lewis base. Therefore r and k have same units.
92. Answer (4)
e.g. B2H6 + 2NMe3 ⎯→ 2BH3NMe3
Associated colloids (Micelles) are strong
85. Answer (3) electrolyte at low concentration but colloids at
Maximum prescribed concentration of Cd in higher concentration (i.e. above CMC).
drinking water = 0.005 ppm. 93. Answer (3)
SECTION-B Addition of catalyst only increases the rate of
forward and reversed reaction equally.
86. Answer (1)
94. Answer (2)
Hg2Cl2: Hg2(I)Cl2
87. Answer (1)
 = It  qe × n = I × t
1.6 × 10–19 × n = 0.5 × 2 × 60 × 60 PH4Cl contains coordinate, ionic and covalent
 n = 2.25 × 1022 bonds.
95. Answer (3)
88. Answer (4)
• Wolff-Kishner reduction

• HVZ reaction

• Rosenmund reduction 96. Answer (3)

T  v 
s = nCv ln  2  + nRln  2 
 T1   v1 

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v  98. Answer (3)

 T1 = T2, so S = nRln  2 
 v1 
 Identical dipole at 180°
 200 
= 2  Rln   net = 0
 10 
= 2Rln20 = 2R × 3
= 6R  3 identical dipole at 120°
97. Answer (2) angle hence net = 0

 Identical dipole at 180°

net = 0

99. Answer (4)

For 5s n = 5, l = 0  n + l = 5 + 0 = 5

4p n = 4, l = 1  n + l = 4 + 1 = 5

3d n = 3, l = 2  n + l = 3 + 2 = 5

100. Answer (1)

Ionization enthalpy decrease with increase in

atomic number of alkaline earth metals.


SECTION-A 105. Answer (3)

101. Answer (2) The maize plant is a C4 plant. It spatially separates
Abscisic acid is also known as stress hormone the processes of primary carbon fixation (which
and its synthesis is stimulated by drought, water occurs in mesophyll cells) and the Calvin cycle
logging and other adverse environmental (which occurs in bundle-sheath cells). The tomato
conditions. plant does not separate these processes and is a
102. Answer (4) C3 plant.

Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba 106. Answer (1)

withdraws its pseudopodia and secrete three Regulator gene synthesizes a biochemical or
layered hard covering or cyst around itself. In regulator protein which can act positively as
favourable conditions, the encysted Amoeba
activator and negatively as repressor. It controls
divides by multiple fission.
the activity of operator gene.
103. Answer (3)
107. Answer (4)
When milk is converted into curd, it will improve its
Each codon is independent and one codon does
nutritional quality by increasing vitamin B12.
not overlap the next codon.
104. Answer (1)
108. Answer (2)
Fruits developing only from the ovary are called
true fruits and when thalamus also contribute to The mRNA produced in prokaryotes is
fruit formation, then it is called false fruit. polycistronic

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

109. Answer (2) 122. Answer (2)

The value of ‘Z’ in species-area relationship curve Herbivores and other animals obtain this element
lies in the range of 01 to 02 when analysis is done from plants.
in small areas. 123. Answer (2)
110. Answer (4) Na+/K+ pump is an energy dependent process of
transport through biological membrane. It is an
Nuclear radiations causes mutation at very high
active transport.
124. Answer (1)
111. Answer (3)
The cell organelles included in endomembrane
Water potential of a cell is affected by both solute system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
and pressure potential and the relationship complex, lysosome and vacuoles. Photolysis of
between them is, w = s + p. water occurs in chloroplast.
112. Answer (3) 125. Answer (4)
The enzyme nitrogenase is present exclusively in Nucleoplasm is the site for DNA replication and
prokaryotes. transcription.
113. Answer (1) 126. Answer (3)

Interphase lasts more than 95% of the total Sapwood is the peripheral region of secondary
xylem. Heartwood is resistant to attack of
duration of cell cycle.
microorganisms due to deposition of organic
114. Answer (2) compounds such as tannins, resins, oils, gums,
Anaphase is characterised by splitting of etc.
centromeres and movement of chromatids to 127. Answer (4)
opposite poles. Xylem and phloem within a vascular bundle are
115. Answer (1) arranged in an alternate manner along the
different radii in roots of flowering plants. In dicot
Sexual reproduction is oogamous and is
roots, vascular cambium develops at the time of
accompanied by complex post fertilisation secondary growth.
developments in red algae.
128. Answer (2)
116. Answer (3)
The given floral formula belongs to the family
Funaria, Polytrichum and Sphagnum are mosses. Solanaceae. Flowers in this family have valvate
117. Answer (2) aestivation of sepals and petals.

Mango belongs to the family Anacardiaceae. 129. Answer (3)

Potato and Makoi belongs to Solanaceae while Parietal placentation is found in mustard.
wheat belongs to the family Poaceae. 130. Answer (1)
118. Answer (4) Chitinous cell wall is seen in kingdom fungi and
Separate taxonomic keys are required for different they are mostly multicellular with saprophytic or
parasitic mode of nutrition.
taxonomic categories.
131. Answer (3)
119. Answer (3)
Bacterium that converts milk into curd is a
Aerobic respiration takes place in aerobic
prokaryotes too.
132. Answer (4)
120. Answer (4)
Conidiophores produce asexual spores by
Content of vitamins is improved not the quality. mitosis.
121. Answer (4) 133. Answer (2)
Commensalism is (+, 0) type of interaction where In a typical test cross, an organism with dominant
one species is benefited and the other is phenotype is crossed with a recessive phenotype
unaffected. organism.

Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

134. Answer (3) 141. Answer (2)

Ry RY rY ry Water having dissolved oxygen (DO) content
below 8.0 mg/L is considered as polluted. Heavily
Ry RRyy RRYy RrYy Rryy
polluted water have DO content below 4.0 mg/L.
ry Rryy RrYy rrYy rryy
142. Answer (1)
Probability of green-wrinkled (rrYy) seeded pea
The gymnosperms are heterosporous, they
plant = produce haploid microspores and megaspores.
143. Answer (1)
135. Answer (4)
Down’s syndrome occurs due to trisomy of an Sugars are loaded into a sieve tube by active
autosome i.e. chromosome 21. transportation.
SECTION-B 144. Answer (4)
136. Answer (3) Plants obtain CO2 from the atmosphere for
Ethylene is a gaseous PGR. photosynthesis.
Cytokinin or kinetin is an adenine derivative PGR.
145. Answer (2)
137. Answer (2)
The given graph is J shaped which is shown by
Acetobacter aceti – Acetic acid
organisms having unlimited resources.
Clostridium butylicum – Butyric acid
146. Answer (2)
Aspergillus niger – Citric acid
Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Ethanol Microbodies are membrane bound minute
138. Answer (4) vesicles found in both plant and animal cells.

The given figure is of an embryo of grass with 147. Answer (3)

labelling. Suberised endodermis in roots is responsible for
A – Scutellum symplastic movement of water through
B – Coleoptile endodermis.
C – Epiblast 148. Answer (3)
D – Coleorhiza
Lamina of leaf in pitcher plant modifies into pitcher
139. Answer (1) to trap insects.
Taylor et al. proved semiconservative mode of
replication in eukaryotes using tritiated thymidine 149. Answer (2)
(3H-thymidine) in roots of Vicia faba. All viruses have protein coat. They can have either
140. Answer (1) DNA or RNA. They are inert outside living cell.
Tropical areas receive more solar energy over the 150. Answer (2)
year as they are near to equator. Thus tropical
communities are more productive that can support In Drosophila brown body, red eye and normal
a wider range of species. wings are dominant traits.

SECTION-A 153. Answer (1)
151. Answer (3) Each organised skeletal muscle in our body is
made of a number of muscle bundles or fascicles
Expiration is initiated due to relaxation of the
held together by a common collagenous
diaphragm and the external inter-costal muscles.
connective tissue layer called fascia.
152. Answer (2) 154. Answer (4)
Afferent arteriole has a wider lumen than that of The thin myofilament is made up of three proteins
efferent arteriole. i.e., actin, tropomyosin and troponin.

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

155. Answer (3) 162. Answer (1)

Newcastle disease is caused by Paramyxovirus Neurons are excitable cells of neural system.
and is a poultry disease. Mastitis is a bacterial Arrival of disturbance at the neuron’s endings
disease. triggers events that may cause stimulation or
156. Answer (4) inhibition of adjacent neurons and other cells.

Alkaline phosphatase removes phosphate from 5 163. Answer (2)

ends of vector to prevent its self-ligation. This Collaterial glands are part of female reproductive
facilitates the ligation of foreign DNA into the system of cockroach.
164. Answer (3)
157. Answer (4)
Parotids - Found near cheek
If, n = Number of restriction sites in a DNA.
Then, the number of fragments obtained from a Sub-maxillary - Found below the lower jaw
linear DNA after restriction digestion = n + 1.
Sub-linguals - Found below tongue
While, from circular DNA = n
165. Answer (2)
158. Answer (4)
Caecum is a small blind sac which hosts symbiotic
dNTPs stands for deoxyribonucleoside
triphosphate. The temperature required for
extension step of PCR is 72°C. Taq polymerase is 166. Answer (3)
a thermostable DNA polymerase. • P-wave represents atrial depolarisation
159. Answer (4) • QRS complex represents ventricular
• Coelacanth fishes are called lobe-finned fishes depolarisation
and it is believed that they evolved into the first • The end of the T-wave marks the end of
amphibians. ventricular systole.
• T. rex was about 20 feet in height and had huge 167. Answer (1)
fearsome dagger like teeth.
The duration between lub and dub is 0.3 s.
• About 65 mya, dinosaurs suddenly
The duration between dub and lub is 0.5 s.
disappeared from the earth.
168. Answer (3)
• Reptiles are the first true land vertebrates and
they lay thick shelled eggs which do not dry up Heart is mesodermal in origin.
in sunlight unlike those of amphibians. 169. Answer (3)
160. Answer (3) The acid insoluble fraction has proteins, nucleic
A bottleneck effect is when there is a noticeable acids, polysaccharides and lipids. These classes
decrease in the size of a particular population. of compounds with the exception of lipids, have
Both bottleneck effect and founder effect are two molecular weights in the range of ten thousand
ramifications of genetic drift. When more daltons and above.
individuals acquire value other than the mean
170. Answer (1)
character value, it is called directional selection.
Aedes mosquito is the vector of dengue and
161. Answer (2)
chikungunya while female Culex mosquito
The first mammals were like shrews. Due to transmits filariasis.
continental drift, South American animals were
171. Answer (2)
overridden by North American fauna. Pouched
mammals (metatherians) survived because of Many fungi belonging to genera Microsporum,
lack of competition from eutherians (placental Trichophyton and Epidermophyton are
mammals). Seals and sea cows are aquatic responsible for ringworm which is one of the most
mammals. common infectious diseases.

Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

172. Answer (1) 180. Answer (3)

Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal Entry of one sperm blocks the entry of additional
world. sperms. Ovum does not pass through uterus.
GLUT-4 is a part of a family of glucose transporter Ootid is formed by 2nd meiotic division.
proteins. 181. Answer (3)
173. Answer (4) An ideal contraceptive should be reversible.
182. Answer (2)
Cellulose - Structural element of plant cell
wall Lactational amenorrhoea is effective only upto a
maximum period of six months following
Inulin - Polymer of fructose parturition.
Starch - Storehouse of energy in plants 183. Answer (2)
The image shows nematode infestation in tobacco
Chitin - Exoskeleton of arthropods
plant. A nematode Meloidogyne incognita infects
174. Answer (4) the roots of tobacco plants and causes a great
reduction in yield.
• Tentacles help in locomotion in coelenterates.
184. Answer (3)
• Pseudopodia is the locomotory structure in
protozoans. The gaps between two adjacent myelin sheaths
are called nodes of Ranvier.
• In ctenophores, ciliated comb plates help in
locomotion. 185. Answer (1)

175. Answer (1) The posterior pituitary is under the direct neural
regulation of the hypothalamus.
Cnidocytes/cnidoblasts/stinging cells are a
characteristic feature of coelenterates. Physalia is SECTION-B
a coelenterate. 186. Answer (2)
176. Answer (3)
Subphylum Vertebrata is divided into two
divisions; Agnatha and Gnathostomata
- Pisces includes only Chondrichthyes and
- Neck is absent in amphibians.
177. Answer (4)
In both plants and animals, hormones are
responsible for transition between the three
phases. Interaction between hormones and
certain environmental factors regulate the 187. Answer (2)
reproductive processes and associated Feathery wings are present only in birds. Pteropus
behavioural expressions of organisms. (Bat) is a mammal which has folds of skin forming
178. Answer (4) wing-like structure called patagium.
188. Answer (4)
The oviducts, uterus and vagina constitute the
female accessory ducts. Female external genitalia Adult echinoderms have radial symmetry. They
include mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, have complete digestive system with mouth on the
clitoris and hymen. ventral side and anus on the dorsal side.
179. Answer (3) 189. Answer (1)

LH acts on the Leydig cells to stimulate the The incidence of STIs are reported to be very high
secretion of androgens. among persons in the age group of 15-24 years.

CST-8 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022

190. Answer (3) 196. Answer (3)

Dolly is the first mammal to be cloned from an
adult somatic cell at Roslin Institute of Edinburgh,
191. Answer (4)
The cerebrum wraps around a structure called
thalamus, which is a major coordinating centre for
sensory and motor signalling.
192. Answer (3) 197. Answer (3)
MSH regulates pigmentation of the skin. Restriction endonuclease and methylase
enzymes were isolated from E. coli in the year
193. Answer (2)
1963. The first recombinant DNA was developed
Residual volume - 1100 mL to 1200 mL by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer in 1972.
EcoRI is isolated from RY13 strain of Escherichia
Expiratory reserve - 1000 mL to 1100 mL coli.
volume 198. Answer (1)
Lederberg’s experiment proved that mutations are
Inspiratory reserve - 2500 mL to 3000 mL
actually preadaptive.
The new environment does not induce the
mutations, it only selects the preadaptive
Tidal volume - 500 mL
mutations that occurred earlier.
194. Answer (3) 199. Answer (2)
Loop of Henle extends deep into renal medulla. Rhinoviruses infect the nose and respiratory
passage, but not the lungs.
195. Answer (4)
200. Answer (3)
Heart of humans is myogenic but heart of
The physical and chemical properties of amino
cockroach is neurogenic.
acids are essentially of the amino, carboxyl and
Intestinal juice is known as succus entericus. the R functional groups.

Systemic circulation provides O2 to the tissues Lysine is a basic amino acid.

and takes CO2 away for elimination. Proteins are polymers of amino acids.

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