Bioethanol Production As A Renewable Energy Source From Algal Biomass & Corn Stalk

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Bioethanol Production as a Renewable Energy Source

from Algal Biomass & Corn Stalk


The energy demand for transportation has Residue of crops or waste bio-based
been changing remarkably because of the products are called second-generation
negative effect of fossil fuels (coal, crude biofuel and third generation biofuels are
oil, natural gas) on the environment. The obtained from algal biomass
combustion of fossil fuels in vehicle
engines releases greenhouse gasses such as 5. SLAYT: WHAT IS BIOETHANOL
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur, AND WHY DO WE NEED IT?
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide which
cause air pollution by depleting the ozone Bioethanol is an alcohol produced from
layer and contamination of soil and water organic biomass such as sugar, wheat or
on the earth. In addition, the release of maize, and represents over 80% of global
carbon dioxide increases the temperature biofuel production. Bioethanol is a
of the earth’s surface. Thus, alternative biodegradable, non-toxic and proven
renewable energy sources are essential to alternative to fossil fuel that can be
prevent greenhouse gas emissions. The blended for use in any petrol-engine car
production of energy from biomass is the today
major alternative to fossil fuels because
biomass is obtained from organic materials  It can be refined from biomass of
which creates sustainable and renewable land areas and living creatures in
energy source for the transportation sector. water: farm products, the residue of
plants and algae. Compared to
3. SLAYT WHAT IS BIOFUEL?: fossil fuels, bioethanol is a clean
Biofuel is a fuel that is produced through and sustainable energy source.
contemporary biological processes, such as  They reduce green house emission
agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather  According to the researches the
than a fuel produced by geological expected increase in world
processes. population to 8 or even 10.5 billion
Biofuels are low in carbon intensity so by 2050, combined with significant
they don't directly affect global warming in economic growth in emerging
fact, it is suggested that biofuel economies will result in
formulations can remove materials like substantially increasing energy
logging waste and cooking oil from the consumption. To be able to respond
waste stream. to this growing demand, we need to
There are 3 types: BIOETHANOL, use natural resources more
BIODIESEL, BIOBUTANOL efficiently and increase the use of
We will focus on bioethanol at this renewable energy, such as biofuels.
The production of bioethanol from  Algaes are Aquatic organisms that
feedstocks that are edible and grown in have the ability to conduct
land areas first generation biofuels. photosynthesis and produce oxygen
 Two types: 2. Ammonium is oxidized to decrease
Macro algae: multicellular the harm in the sea
organisms with a stem and leaves 3. Diminish the amount of inorganic
compounds by nitrification and
Micro algae: one cell organisms denitrification
which can be cultivated in fresh
water tanks 10. SLAYT: Algal Biomass is the
Renewable Energy Alternative as a
 Algae are found in a range of Third Generation Bioethanol Fuel
aquatic habitats, both freshwater
and saltwater.  Algae have high growth rate and
 Includes prokaryotic organisms — rapid photosynthesis ability that
cyanobacteria abd eukaryotic converts carbon dioxide into the
organisms (all other algal species). food source, so they can be easily
harvested in great amounts.
7. SLAYT: OKU ALGAE TANIMI  They can produce plenty glycose to
DEVAMI convert it into ethanol by
8. SLAYT: WHY USE ALGAE?  ALSO the structure of microalgae
 Microalgae are very useful biomass is a great lipid supply because they
for the production of bioethanol have also the ability of synthesizing
and the decrease of greenhouse gas lipid which can be used as the
emissions. source of ethanol production.
 Some algae store energy (converted  94,000 L of bioethanol per year can
from sunlight) in the form of be produced from micro algal
natural oils which can be converted biomass.
to biofuels.
 Extract that oil, and you have the
raw materials to make fuel for cars, 11. SLAYT: The Process for The
trucks, trains, and planes.
 One of the most promising long- Bioethanol Production from Algal
term, sustainable sources of Biomass
biomass and oils for fuel, food, BU STEPLERİ ANLATMAYA
feed, and other co-products GEREK VAR MI BEN ŞÖYLE
9. SLAYT :
BENEFIT OF ALGAE 1) Growing starch-accumulating,
The toxic matter in the sea can be filament-forming or colony-
cleaned with the cultivation of micro algae forming algae in an aqua culture
because micro algae also consume the environment;
harmful materials in waste water, such as
ammonium, nitrate and phosphate so that 2) Harvesting the grown algae
greenhouse gas emissions in the sea can to form a biomass;
drastically decrease.
The treatment of waste-water applied in 3) initiating decay of the
three steps to decrease greenhouse gas biomass;
1. Large particles are destroyed 4) contacting the decaying
biomass with a yeast capable of
fermenting it to form a unknown chemical which might contaminate
fermentation solution the ethanol production.
In the distillation process, bioethanol is
5) separating the resulting purified to decrease impurities.
ethanol from the fermentation
solution. 12. SLAYT: PROCESS CHART

13.SLAYT: Economic Restrictions

Macro algae are consisting of organic
for the Production of Bioethanol
components with the oxygen supply and
inorganic materials that are the source of from Algal Biomass (BURADA
The structure of macro algae covered with YAZILAR DÜZELTİLMEDİ)
sugar-based cellulose and hemicellulose
can be hydrolyzed into ethanol. The production of bioethanol from algal
First, the collection of macro algal biomass biomass is not commercially available
from fresh water requires 30-35-meter because of economic problems. High
depth with slow flow rate. energy demand from algal biomass
The lipid content in the algae’s structure increases the cost of production process
can be calculated by subtracting initial due to the depreciation, raw materials, side
lipid amount from the final amount of materials and the number of labor. [3].
extracted lipid and the calculated The use of side materials, such as water
difference is multiplied by the weight of oil and energy, increases the quality of refined
extract. bioethanol while raising the money
Methanolic sulfuric acid is used to demand for the production. The cleaning of
degenerate the lipid content into fatty acids water with the pump motor has a
in the transesterification process. remarkable effect on the production cost
The four-stroke-engine process examines during the bioethanol production. In
the combustion characteristic of bioethanol addition, energy is necessary to be able to
by blending algal biomass. perform each process, so the power supply
The extracted lipid content from the algal is the major economic factor that increases
structure is dried to obtain the exact the production cost.
amount fermentable sugar.
Then HCl and H2SO4 acids hydrolyze the
extracted lipid content in three different III. Second Approach: Corn-stalk as a
concentrations to increase the yield. Second-Generation Bioethanol Fuel
Cellulase enzyme breaks down the long
sugar chain into monomers in the Bioethanol can be synthesized from
enzymatic process and the residual algal corn stalk rather than edible products such
biomass is removed by the centrifugation. as corn, sugarcane to decrease the
Sugar concentration is analyzed by the production cost. The corn stalk is better
chromotography and the calorimetric alternative than edible corn supply for the
method. bioethanol production because the use of
The yeast performs at 32 °C and pH 5 for a corn residue increases the corn
week in the fermentation process to get productivity while decreasing the demand
maximum ethanol yield. for occupying new farm areas to cultivate
During acid hydrolysis, new chemicals are feedstock for bioethanol production. [4]
obtained so fermentation inhibitors are Thus, corn prices in the market decrease as
necessary to prevent the negative effect of the corn residues are treated like a renewable
energy source. In year 2022, the renewable
energy demand from corn stalk or stover can be obtained. The 5g/L of dried yeast can
would be compensated in great amounts. function in the medium of glucose 50g/L,
[see Fig.1.] peptone 5g/L, MgSO4. 7H2O 1g/L,
K2HPO4. After the same autoclaved
process at 121°C for 15 minutes, the
destroyed corn stalk particles mix in the shaker
with the yeast for 18 minutes at 30 °C. [5] In
the fermentation process, the speed of the
shaker is increased to enhance the function of
the yeast. Filtration and vacuum evaporation
are applied to purify the liquid bioethanol fuel
from the unknown solid particles. High
Performance Liquid Chromatography is used
to calibrate bioethanol at different
Fig. 1. The Location of Crop Land concentration. [See Fig.2.]
Resources for the Second-Generation
Biofuels [4]

A. The Process for the Bioethanol

Production from Corn Stalk

The condition of the environment

affects the enzyme activity. Thus, the
optimum temperature is at 50 °C to get
48.90% ethanol from corn stalk for the
enzymatic process. [5] Corn stalk includes
pentosic which is an easily hydrolysable Fig. 2. Linear Graph Plot of Ethanol
polysaccharide to produce ethanol. Thus, corn Calibration [5]
stalk is a great energy supply with the content
of 19.35% lignin, 40.28% cellulose, B. Kinetic Modelling
35.06% pentosans. The most important
steps for bioethanol production from corn As mentioned before, yeast
stalk are enzyme treatment and fermentation plays a significant role for the
fermentation process with the role of yeast. synthesizing bioethanol from corn stalk.
After corn biomass is harvested, the corn Thus, immobilized yeast bioethanol
stalk is separated, and it is dried at 60-70 fermentation is a technology that is applied
°C with the leaves to obtain high quality based on the Kinetic Modelling which
bioethanol as an energy. [5] The dried corn examines the yeast growth rate, bioethanol
stalk is crumbled into small pieces before the production rate and substrate consumption
enzyme treatment. Enzymes can easily rate in fermentation process to produce the
denature the small corn stalk particles. The high quality of bioethanol fuel.[6]
buffer solution is prepared with acetate and the Saccharomyces cerevisia is the
crumbled corn stalk at pH 4.8 and autoclave immobilized yeast which is used in Kinetic
moulding which is a machine that applies Modelling. umax represents the maximum
pressure and temperature to the substances is growth rate of the immobilized yeast in the
actualized at 121°C. After autoclaved Kinetic Modelling and KIS and KIP are the
moulding, enzymatic reaction with a substrate and production constants
viscoenzyme and cellulolytic enzyme mixture respectively. Based on the Kinetic
occurs at different temperatures to determine at Modelling, 1.427 g/g.L is the maximum
which conditions the high quality of ethanol
production rate that can be reached during and side materials. The process of
whole process. [See Fig. 3.] synthesizing bioethanol from the structure
of algae does not have negative impact on
the environment. In addition, algae
decrease the release of greenhouse gases
by cleaning the wastes in water during the
Fig. 3. Kinetic Modelling [6] process of bioethanol production.
IV. Discussion: Comparision Between
Algal and Corn Stalk Biomass for the VI. References
Bioethanol Production
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