Rephrasing - Rewrite The Following Sentences

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1) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original

sentence. Static verbs not used in Continuous tenses

a) Whose bag is this? (belong) 
b) Ron plans to leave for Paris next Thursday. (is)
c) I’m always nervous when Peter drives.  Peter’s driving …
d) The weight of this box is three kilos.  This box …
e) He has the nasty habit of talking behind people’s backs.  (forever)
f) He isn’t interested in literature.  Literature…
g) During lunch we will discuss this  While …
h) In my opinion, Domingo is a great opera singer.  I …
i) Is it necessary to whistle all the time?  (have)
j) Suzy paints better than David does.  (as well as)

2) Rewrite. Past Simple / Past Continuous

a) I am fifteen years old.  (ago)
b) I have my grandfather’s clock collection. (from my grandfather)
c) George isn’t in the country. He is abroad.  (last week)
d) It was very sunny when we went out.  The sun …
e) The alarm went off in the middle of her phone conversation.  While…
f) I woke him up by ringing the doorbell.  (still sleeping)
g) He never forgot that hateful meeting with Alice.  (the fateful day)
h) I started reading this book before he came in.  (while)
i) During lunch we heard the fire engines go by.  (as)
j) When was the accident?  (take place)

3) Rewrite. Time Expressions

a) She started studying Chinese eight years ago.  (since)
b) Do you have any experience in editing books?  (ever)
c) Diane bought the car some time ago and she still has it.  (for some time)
d) We last saw a royal procession three years ago.  (for)
e) I haven’t bought a new book for two years.  It …
f) He gave up smoking in 2003.  (since 2003)
g) I can’t find her phone number now.  (lost)
h) The exchange group went to Italy and is back now.  (been)
i) The postman arrived two minutes ago.  (just)
j) Anna is visiting the dentist for the first time.  This is the first time …
k) When did you first get to know Maria?  How long …
l) Paul went to Cardiff three weeks ago. He’s still there.  (for two months now)
m) I always take my holidays in Italy.  (never)
n) The government has no more money for development.  (already)
o) Harry crashed the car again, for the third time this month.  This is the third
time …

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4) Rewrite. Present Perfect Simple & Continuous
a) It’s snowing. It started to snow as we left my aunt’s house.  (since)
b) I first met Tom in 2001 and we are still good friends.  Tom and I …
c) They started selling tickets this morning and now there aren’t any left.  (just)
d) Charles disappeared several months ago.  (for)
e) We bought this house in 2002.  (since)
f) She started taking driving lessons a month ago.  (now)
g) When did Sara start learning Japanese?  How long …
h) Last week Carrie moved into her new flat.  (since)
i) I turned the radio on early this morning. It’s still on.  (all day)
j) They got married nine years ago.  (for)

5) Rewrite. Various tenses

a) The Levi Strauss Company started selling jeans in 1849.  (since)
b) She has experience in flying many different kinds of aircraft.  (already)
c) I haven’t had a holiday for ages.  It’s …
d) Henry arrived in the country a week ago.  (for)
e) I’ve been at this school since 2004.  (for)
f) How long has he been gone?  (ago)
g) When did you last visit Madrid?  (since)
h) He started working here 15 years ago. (for)
i) Sarah was here a moment ago, but she’s not in now.  (just)
j) He saw his first western at the age of eight and he still enjoys them very much.
 (since)
k) I’ve known Mark for 25 years.  (first)
l) Mr Smith has had this car since 1999.  (in 1999)
m) John has played the leading role in the musical for a year.  (ago)
n) Josh moved from Liverpool to Manchester when he was 25 years old.  (until
he was 25)
o) Sammy left Rome when she was a little girl, about eleven years ago.  (for the
last ten years)

6) Rewrite. Present Perfect / Past Perfect

a) Walt Disney made his first animated cartoon in 1928.  (before 1928)
b) Alan started waiting for the train at 8:15 and it finally arrived at 9:35. 
c) Anne first met Dan in 1990 and they are still friends.  (since)
d) We sold our house in Seville and then moved to Vigo.  (only after)
e) Our neighbours last washed their car two weeks ago.  (for)
f) He began his stamp collection in 1983.  (since)
g) In Hollywood, they first created films with sound in 1927 and then added
Technicolor in 1932.  (had)
h) Bob had no money left at the end of this holiday.  By … all this money.

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i) The two friends bought tents and sleeping bags and then went camping. 
j) The tourists from Germany arrived in Spain a month ago.  (for)
k) Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.  No one …
l) The secretary typed all the letters. Then her boss decided to make changes. 
m) They presented the first “Oscar” in 1927.  (before)
n) She finished writing her book and then published it.  When …
o) We arrived late at the wedding. The ceremony began before we arrived.  By
the time …

7) Rewrite. May / might have + Past Participle

a) Perhaps he telephoned, but I was out earlier.  He …
b) It’s possible a bank loaned them the money.  The bank …
c) Maybe he didn’t want to meet us.  He …
d) She seems upset. She could have overheard our conversation.  She seems
upset. She …
e) Maybe the show was taken off the air because of poor ratings.  The show …

8) Rewrite. Must have + Past Participle

a) She hasn’t called me. She probably didn’t remember my number.  She …
b) My bag has simply disappeared.  Someone …
c) The flight has gone and they are still at the airport.  They …
d) He was here a moment ago. I’m sure you saw him.  You …
e) I suppose be bought you a birthday gift.  He …

9) Rewrite. Should / ought to have + Past Participle

a) It was wrong of you not to wait for him.  (waited)
b) What a pity the boy didn’t apply for a grant in advance.  (ought)
c) We expected him to the prize, but he didn’t.  (should)
d) It was stupid of me to try and push the car on my own.  (have)
e) You made a big mistake leaving the car unlocked.  (left)

10) Rewrite. Modals

a) It isn’t necessary to phone before you visit me.  You …
b) Taking the book without permission was the wrong thing to do.  You …
c) Do you want to go to Benidorm this summer?  (like)
d) Perhaps Josh is at school now.  (be)
e) Chewing gum is forbidden in class.  (chew)
f) I suggest you get a second opinion.  You …
g) He isn’t here. Perhaps he went home.  (may)
h) I expected him to pass his driving test, but he failed.  He …
i) It puzzles me why she likes him so much.  (understand)
j) If you want my advice, see a doctor!  You …

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k) He can only come here next week.  (able)
l) The teacher allows students to leave early on Fridays.  Students …
m) My coat needs dry-cleaning. I’ll take it tomorrow. (must)
n) Perhaps the post will arrive soon.  The post …
o) A driving licence isn’t necessary for that job.  You …

11) Rewrite. Passive voice

a) Harvard University will offer him a scholarship.
b) A taxi driver gave him a free ride to town.
c) They have sent the surgeon to Canada to learn a new surgical technique.
d) The insurance company paid Ellis the money for his car.
e) They showed us around Luxor while we were in Egypt.

12) Rewrite. Passive voice

a) We have reserved a table for dinner at the Hilton.  A table …
b) They were selling tickets for the concert this morning.  Tickets …
c) Are all the students registered before the school year starts?  (they)
d) After we had serviced the car, we took a holiday.  (been)
e) Parliament passes laws in English.  (by)
f) Are the hotel rooms cleaned every day?  (clean)
g) The whitefly is destroying melon crops in the USA.  Melon crops …
h) Everybody in this city knows him well.  He …
i) She didn’t tell anyone about the phone call.  (told)
j) The school doesn’t permit smoking.  Smoking …
k) Christopher Marlowe wrote those lines, not William Shakespeare.  Those
lines …
l) You don’t have to pay this bill until next week.  This bill …
m) No one has ever driven this car before.  (never)
n) The US government doesn’t approve of insecticides in California. 
Insecticides …
o) The UN has flown experts into Eritrea to organize relief work.  Experts …
p) An anonymous caller tipped off the police.  (by)
q) Acid rain is destroying the forests of Germany.  The forests …
r) Many tourists visit Bangkok’s Grand Palace when they go to Thailand. 
Bangkok’s Grand Palace …
s) The ancient Egyptians used papyrus to write on.  Papyrus …
t) Was your doctor notified of your illness?  Did …
u) I will have finished this report by next Wednesday.  This report …
v) What a pity they didn’t use this camera to film the wedding.  This camera …
w) The immigration department will have to consider my application for a passport.
 My application …
x) Art thieves have looted temples in Cambodia.  Cambodia’s temples …
y) The date for returning this book was yesterday.  (have)

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13) Rewrite. Word order
a) John was never late the whole time he was a t school.  Never …
b) Carla cannot only speak German and Italian, but she knows French as well. 
Not only …
c) It hardly ever rains in Algeria.  Hardly ever …
d) This door should never be left open.  Never …
e) It is rarely possible to talk to Nina because she’s always so busy.  Rarely …
f) We will not only go to England this year, but to Ireland and Scotland as well. 
Not only …
g) Jonas was really happy only when he was very busy.  Only when …
h) Anne is rarely seen without a sweet.  Rarely …
i) Our phone seldom rings.  Seldom …
j) It won’t be an easy task and I won’t be able to complete it today.  It won’t be
an easy task nor …

14) Rewrite the following sentences, putting the adverb in its usual position.
a) Never can a really obstinate person be persuaded to change his mind. 
b) Seldom was Tim heard to swear. 
c) Not only is Daphne the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, but she is also one
of the most pleasant. 
d) Hardly ever can Ashley be found at home in the evening. 
e) Only when she makes a promise can Martha be trusted to keep a secret. 
f) Never once was Patrick known to be angry. 
g) Scarcely is Tony awake in the morning before he puts the radio on. 
h) On no account should dogs be allowed out without somebody to watch them. 
i) Seldom does he get home before midnight. 
j) Never will Bill do any work unless he is made to. 

15) Rewrite. Reported Speech.

a) “I can’t live on my basic salary,” said Paul. “I’ll have to offer to do overtime.”
 Paul said …
b) “Who has been using my laptop this morning?” said my mother.  My mother
wanted to know …
c) “I’m broke,” said John. “Shall I lend you some money? said Pam  John said
… and Pam …
d) “Don’t put sticky things in your pockets,” said his grandmother.  His
grandmother warned …
e) “Could you read the last sentence again, please?” said the teacher.  The
teacher …
f) She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and was
very badly lit.  She said to me “…”
g) “Let’s go to the beach” Anne said. “Yes, let’s,” I said. Anne … and I …
h) “Sit down and tell me what is worrying you,” Sam said to her.  Sam …
i) “How do you get on with your brother in law?, said Mr Jones.  Mr Jones …

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j) “My sister wants to be a policewoman,” said Mark. “I can’t think why. None in
our family has ever been a police officer.”  Mark …
k) “Are there any letters for me today?” Peter asked.  Peter asked …
l) “What shall I do with all this foreign money?” said Charles. “Why don’t you
take it to the bank and get it changed?” said Mary.  Mary … and Charles …
m) “Don’t let henry any more money,” Carol said to Arthur. “He never pays his
debts.”  Carol told …
n) “Walk along the line of men,” said the detective “and if you recognize the
burglar, just nod. Don’t say anything.”  The detective …
o) He said, “If what you are saying is true I must go to the police station.”  He …
p) He suggested going down to the harbour and seeing if they could hire a boat. 
He said …
q) “Nothing ever happens in the village,” Carla said. ”It’s like a dead village. All
the young people have drifted away to the towns.”  Carla …
r) “Do you grow your own vegetables in that little orchard?” Bob wanted to know.
 Bob wanted to know …
s) “Read the questions twice,” said the examiner, “and don’t write in the margin.”
 The examiner recommended …
t) They offered me some more tea and I accepted.  They said …

16) Rewrite. Reported Speech

a) “Where do you live?” he asked her.  He asked her …
b) She wanted to know whether he would arrive on time.  “…?” she wanted to
c) “Take this money and put it in your bank!” his mother said.  His mother …
d) “Let’s go to the cinema now,” he said.  He
e) “Who took my books from here?” she asked.  She asked …
f) He asked how much it cost.  “…?” he asked.
g) “Please don’t smoke here,” she asked him.
h) “They will have finished painting our house by next month,” she said.  She
said …
i) “Are you leaving early tomorrow?” he enquired  He
j) “Europe is the shortest of the five continents,” he said.  He said …
k) “Go and bring your things to me now,” she said to him.  She …
l) “We must fill in our tax returns tomorrow,” he said.  He said …
m) She asked where I had studied for my first degree.  “…?” she asked
n) The clerk wanted to know my date of birth. (born)  The clerk asked,”…?”
o) Norman apologized for being late.  “Please…” said Norman
p) “Who wrote it?” he wanted to know He wanted to know…

17) Rewrite. Connectors or linking words

a) Despite the age of the house, we managed to sell it.  Although …
b) Because the weather was bad, we cancelled our holiday.  Owing …

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c) There are many methods of travel nowadays, for example cars, trains, buses,
ships and aeroplanes.  (such)
d) There is an art gallery in the city and a museum as well.  In addition…
e) She took a course in dressmaking in order to be able to make her own clothes.
 (could)
f) Her children have long conversations on the phone. Consequently, the phone
bills are expensive.  (result)
g) Although the tickets were expensive, we went to the concert.  In spite of …
h) Everyone arrived at school on time with the exception of Josh.  (for)
i) Hannah is very busy at work. Andy is on holiday.  (whereas)
j) Because of the freezing temperatures, children were sent at home from school.
 Owing …
k) All of the students are going on this trip with the exception of Rob.  (from)
l) Despite the doctor’s advice not to play football, he played last week.  Even
though …
m) Many birds migrate over the Mediterranean, for example eagles and cranes. 
Eagles and cranes … that migrate over the Mediterranean.
n) His strenuous exercise resulted in a back injury.  He suffered …
o) In contrast to his sister, Bobby is a poor swimmer.  (whereas)

18) Rewrite. 1st Conditionals

a) You will fall your exam unless you work harder.  (if)
b) Dana never believes anything if she doesn’t see it with her own eyes.  (unless)
c) The opera singer won’t make an appearance unless the photographers are there.
 (if) 
d) I won’t be able to help you unless I get a full report by tomorrow.  (if)
e) Matt usually walks to school if no one gives him a lift.  (unless)
f) I’ll come round tomorrow if I don’t have to work late.  (unless)
g) The manager is going to be tired unless the team’s results improve.  (if)
h) I’m going to call the police if this noise doesn’t stop.  (unless)

19) Rewrite. Conditionals

a) I think it will rain tomorrow. We’ll have to stay indoors.  (if)
b) You are driving much too fast. A police car might stop you.  (if)
c) I want to organize a successful party. First of all I will choose a good location.
 (if)
d) I need vaccinations for a trip abroad. I must see my doctor.  (unless)
e) Peter wants to go to the football match. He must buy a ticket.  (if)
f) Sandra wants to learn to play tennis. She can take lessons from a professional.
 (if)
g) I won’t go to the dentist on my own. Please come with me.  (unless)
h) You don’t like my cooking. Don’t eat it.  (if)
i) I might finish about ten o’clock tonight. I’ll ring you then.  (if)

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j) You have no parking permit. You can’t park here.  (unless)
k) The company may offer her the job. She’ll take it.  (if)

20) Rewrite. Conditionals

a) Danny must practise more to be a really good pianist.  If Danny …
b) I’ll phone you tonight unless I’m delayed at work.  If …
c) You must be more polite or people won’t like you  If …
d) Jane can’t expect to look nice in those old-fashioned clothes she wears. 
Unless …
e) If anyone complains, refer them to the manager.  Should …
f) I am willing to help her, but she has to calm down first. (would just) 
g) I want to study law, but I haven’t got a university place yet.  It …
h) I can’t become an opera singer if I don’t have the correct training.  Unless …
i) You can get help by calling the emergency number.  If …
j) You have to have a visa to enter China.  Unless …
k) Visitors aren’t allowed at the hospital outside visiting hours.  If …
l) I need a grant in order to study university.  I won’t …
m) Were I to be asked, I would gladly contribute to this cause.  If
n) You should ask your friends for help.  If
o) Jonas wants to go to Canada, but he hasn’t got enough money.  If
p) If hairs were money, Hairy Harry would be a millionaire.  Were
q) Take my advice – don’t move into that neighbourhood.  If

21) Rewrite. 2nd Conditionals

a) I want to visit China, but I don’t have a visa.  If …
b) In my opinion, you ought to rest for a few days.  If I …
c) I dream of wining a lottery in order to buy a large car.  If …
d) The schools want to offer the pupils music lessons, but there is no budget for
them.  If …
e) I don’t live near school, so I have to travel by car.  If …
f) If you had a haircut, you’d look much better.  If your hair …
g) If you want my advice, don’t sell your car.  If I …
h) Desiree can’t go to visit Deborah because she lives too far away.  If Deborah

i) Apologize to her! I know she’ll forgive you.  Were …
j) You make such a noise that I can’t hear the news.  If …

22) Rewrite. 3rd Conditionals

a) Moira was late for school because he woke up late.  If …
b) We didn’t sell our car last year and so we didn’t get a new one.  If …
c) The swimmer drowned because the sea was too rough.  If …
d) Tim didn’t buy the book he wanted because it was too expensive.  If …
e) When Bob slipped down the stairs, he broke his leg.  If …

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f) We couldn’t go to the British Museum because we didn’t have enough time. 
If …
g) Because she didn’t behave himself, Thomas was sent to bed early last night. 
Thomas wouldn’t …
h) We missed our plane because our taxi to the airport was held up in a traffic jam.
 We wouldn’t …
i) I went to bed very early last night because I felt so tired.  If …
j) Bruce was stopped by a police car because he was speeding.  If …

23) Rewrite. Mixed Conditionals

a) I don’t wear my new shoes. They aren’t comfortable.  I would …
b) Charles didn’t stay after school to help. No one asked him to stay.  If …
c) Donna may go to USA. She will go to by plane.  Donna will …
d) Manny wants to join a health club. He will have to sign up a few months in
advance.  If Manny …
e) Susan didn’t miss the train. Her son woke her up in time.  If Susan’s son …
f) I’m very stubborn. I can’t admit I was wrong.  I could …
g) The plumber couldn’t fix the tap. He didn’t bring the right tools.  If the
plumber …
h) She’s not here. She can’t give us a hand with the decorations.  If she …
i) Gary will probably not be here in time. We should leave without him.  Unless

j) Tim may attend the two-day seminar this week. He’ll only go if Maureen goes
too.  Tim would …

24) Rewrite. Other ways of Conditionals

a) Make a note of it because you may forget.  (in case)
b) If that actor doesn’t improve, he will be replaced.  (otherwise)
c) I wonder how he would react if he received that telegram now.  Suppose …
d) You must eat only fresh fruit and vegetables in that country. Otherwise, you may
get food poisoning.  Provided …
e) Do you know what to do in case of fire?  Suppose …
f) If I asked you to help out, would you be willing to do so?  Supposing …
g) They didn’t make any noise because they didn’t want to wake up the baby. 
(in case)
h) The author will complete the book in time, but the needs his agent’s help.  (as
long as)
i) The only way to get a room at this hotel is to book in advance.  Providing …
j) Learning a foreign language is easy for those who start at an early age.  (as
long as)

25) Rewrite. Wishes

a) What a pity Jane missed the film last night.  Jane wishes …
b) I don’t really want to go to the dentist.  I wish …

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c) Diana has a low grade in history.  Diana Wishes …
d) Joe is too short to be a basketball player.  Joe wishes …
e) The Johnson’s regret cancelling their holiday in Croatia.  The Johnson’s wish

f) Dan really wants you to stop smoking,  Dan wishes …
g) It’s a pity we don’t have money for a pizza now.  I wish …
h) If only he didn’t talk so much.  I wish …
i) What a shame you missed the school trip.  I wish …
j) I hope it snows at the weekend.  I wish …

26) Rewrite. Subjunctive after expressions

a) “What about having a party?” Helen suggested.  Helen suggested that …
b) The teacher insisted on the pupils cleaning up the classroom.  The teacher
insisted that …
c) It’s important to check your car before the winter.  It’s important that …
d) A suggestion made by the unions was to shorten the working day.  The unions
suggested that …
e) “Paul should finish the course of antibiotics,” the doctor said.  The doctor
advised that …
f) I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping this a secret.  It is vital
that …
g) We really need a first-aid kit in the car.  Anna proposed that …
h) “Perhaps we shouldn’t make a decision so soon,” Hannah said.  Hannah
proposed that …
i) Sean must pay me the money that he owes me.  I insist that …
j) The tutor didn’t think it was wise of her to take too many courses in one term. 
The tutor recommended that …

27) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.

a) David and Irene don’t really want to go to the wedding.  (rather)
b) Your hair is too long. It needs cutting.  (high)
c) I prefer tennis to squash.  (play)
d) You shouldn’t neglect your health.  It’s high time care of yourself.
e) I don’t think it’s a good idea to park here.  you had
f) In this case, I’d rather them give a cheque than pay on my credit card. 
g) I prefer taking my holidays in this country to taking holidays abroad.  (rather)
h) You must tidy up this messy room.  (time).
i) what do you want to do – stay in a hotel or camp?  (prefer)
j) I advise you to check the brakes on your car.  (better)
k) We are really in need of a holiday.  It’s
l) I prefer you not to smoke in my house. (rather)
m) It wouldn’t be wise to drive in such bad weather.  (better)
n) Would you rather go by bus or train?  (going)

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o) It’s a pity you didn’t tell me last week instead of now.  (rather)

28) Rewrite. Prepositions

a) I am against the project.  (object)
b) The English take great pride in their democratic tradition.  (proud)
c) Politics doesn’t interest me.  (interested)
d) You can’t get into the building from here.  (access)
e) We haven’t visited my family in the north since 2001.  (for)
f) While I was having my dinner, friends arrived.  (during)
g) My date of birth is February 5th, 1994.  (born)
h) The cooking time for this dish is 1-½ hours.  This dish should be cooked …
i) Large dogs frighten me.  (afraid)
j) I really admire Jessica.  (admiration)
k) We reached the airport at 7:30.  (arrived)
l) You can trust him.  (rely)
m) “His death was caused by poison,” said Watson.  (died)
n) “Don’t worry! I’ll take care of the problem,” Hannah said.  (attend)
o) It’s your responsibility to lock all the doors.  (responsible)

29) Rewrite. Phrasal Verbs

a) The washing machine stopped working yesterday.  (down)
b) Could you collect me from the museum at 4:30?  (pick)
c) The teacher has postponed the exam until next month.  (put)
d) We really must economize on page.  (put)
e) The football match was cancelled because of rain.  (called)
f) Albert resembles his father.  (takes)
g) Rhona and I have a very good relationship.  (get)
h) Thousands of people were present at the demonstration.  (turned)
i) Police are investigating his untimely death.  (looking)
j) If you don’t understand a word, use your dictionary.  (look)
k) I met Paul by chance yesterday.  (ran)
l) Could you please write a cheque for the amount?  (make)
m) When Malcolm arrived late at school, he invented the most ridiculous excuse. 
n) It’s difficult to remove chocolate stains.  (get)
o) The thieves stole a number of valuable paintings.  (made)

[email protected]

1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- She has _____________________________________________________.

2. I don’t have a computer so I can’t type the essay on English grammar.

(Conditional Sentence)

- If __________________________________________________________.

3. Despite having been vaccinated she caught the flu. (Contrast Connector)

- Although she ___________________________________________________.

4. “We will arrest them for illegal entry in the country”, the policeman said.
(Reported Speech)

- The policeman said ____________________________________________

5. The teacher glued the pieces of the broken toy. (Passive)

- The pieces ___________________________.

6. It is possible that I finish work earlier than usual today. (Modal verb)

- I ____________________________________________.

7. This is the place. We last had coffee together here. (Relative Clauses)

- This is ______________________________________.

8. I love German. Unfortunately, I can’t speak it fluently. (Wish)

- I wish _____________________________________.

9. As he hadn’t behaved himself, his parents got angry with him. (Causal

- His parents ________________________________________.

10. Everybody must read the instructions first. (Passive)

- The instructions _____________________________.

11. He made an effort to speak in English. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- He tried __________________________________

12. I spent my holidays in France. (Question)

[email protected]
- __________________________________________

13. This is the man. His job is very dangerous. (Relative Clauses)

- This is __________________________________________.

14. The engineer has repaired my television. (Have sth. Done)

- I’ve _______________________________________

15. She gave up going to French lessons. (Gerund/ Infinitive)

- She stopped ____________________________________.

16. I regretted having hit the dog on the head. (Wish)

- I wish ___________________________________.

17. I’m not as good at English as you are. (Comparatives)

- You ____________________________________.

18. The policeman knew where the thief was hidden. (Question)

- _____________________________________________________?

19. If your friend doesn’t come before ten, he will miss the train.

- Unless ______________________________________________.

20. The children stayed at home because it was raining. (Causal Connector)

- As ____________________________________________________.

21. “What time do the banks close today?” (Reported Speech)

- Tim asked me ____________________________________________.

22. Sharon hasn’t eaten junk food since last May. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Sharon stopped _______________________________________.

23. My kitchen is being redecorated at the moment. (Have sth. Done)

- I am _________________________________________.

24. I am not sure that she is his girlfriend. (Modal Verb)

- She ______________________________________________

[email protected]
25. Albert’s drawing isn’t as good as Gerard’s. (Comparatives)

- Gerard’s drawing ___________________________________.

26. “Why don’t we play computer games?” said Michael. (Reported Speech)

- Michael suggested ______________________________________

27. She said: “Are you coming to the party on Friday?” (Reported Speech)

- She asked him __________________________________________.

28. They came to live in New York two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- They have ________________________________________________.

29. Smoking is forbidden in hospitals. (Modal Verb)

- You __________________________________________________.

30. Although the weather was horrible, we went skiing. (Contrast


- In spite of ________________________________________________.

31. I would like to have more free time these days. (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________.

32. I met that famous writer a year ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- It’s been a year _________________________________________

33. Wendy didn’t study for her test. Therefore, she failed. (Conditionals)

- If _____________________________________________________.

34. “Don’t speak so loud, please”, she said to the students. (Reported

- She _____________________________________________.

35. We won’t buy that house because we don’t have enough money. (Causal

- As _________________________________________________________.

36. That man’s brother is my new English teacher. (Relative Clauses)

- That is the man ___________________________________________.

[email protected]
37. Steve advised me to tell Paul about it. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Steve suggested _______________________________________________

38. I didn’t make a note of it in my diary, so I forgot about it. (Conditional


- If ______________________________________________________

39. She lost the race in spite of running well. (Contrast Clauses)

- Although ___________________________________________________.

40. It’s possible that her boyfriend is coming to the wedding. (Modal Verbs)

- Her boyfriend _______________________________________________.

41. Beth hasn’t smoked since last December. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Beth stopped ___________________________________________.

42. My new neighbours have got a baby. Her name is Wendy. (Relative

- My _________________________________________________________.

43. Although Orson was over seventy, he continued to cycle to work every
day. (Contrast Connector)

- Despite _______________________________________________________

44. I haven’t read a play by George Bernard Shaw for eight years. (Verbal

- It is _____________________________________.

45. “Perhaps it would be better to go out in the afternoon”, Sharon’s mother

said. (Reported Speech)

- Sharon’s mother recommended ________________________________.

46. The fireman managed to rescue the child from the burning house. (Modal

- The fireman was _______________________________________________.

47. The police don’t oblige the suspects to say anything. (Passive)

- The suspects ____________________________________________.

[email protected]
48. My grandfather is eighty-two years old. (Question)

- ________________________________________

49. She hasn’t enjoyed herself so much for years. (Verbal Tenses)

- It is years _______________________________________.

50. I am going to the theatre tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to it.
(Modal Verbs)

- I’m really looking _____________________________________________.

51. She’s getting someone to mend the windows. (Have sth. Done)

- She’s having ____________________________________________

52. I thought it would be better than that. (Comparatives)

- It’s not ________________________________________.

53. Mary said to us “Don’t be late.” (Reported Speech)

- She told __________________________________________.

54. She made a lot of mistakes because she didn’t study hard for the exam.

- If she ________________________________________

55. Her jokes are not as good as his. (Comparatives)

- His jokes ______________________________________.

56. It is possible that we’ll be together soon. (Modal Verbs)

- We ______________________________________________

57. People speak English all over the world. (Passive)

- English __________________________________________.

58. I am sorry I didn’t tell him everything. (Wish)

- I wish _______________________________________________.

59. Fiona is smiling in the picture. She is my boss. (Relative Clauses)

- Fiona, ________________________________________________________.

[email protected]
60. Despite the fact that it was very hot, she was wearing her winter clothes.
(Contrast Clauses)

- Although ________________________________________________.

61. I was not invited and I am sorry about that. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- I would like to ___________________________________

62. I am having my house painted now. (Passive)

- My house _______________________________________.

63. I’m sorry I haven’t got a car. (Wish)

- I wish _______________________________________.

64. The teacher said to me “Wait for me outside”. (Reported Speech)

- The teacher told me _______________________________________.

65. She needed a job, so she sent off an application form. (Causal

- She sent off an application form, ________________________________.

66. It takes me two hours to get there. (Question)

- _____________________________________________

67. The last time she wrote a poem was two years ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- She _____________________________________________.

68. You must not smoke in here. (Modal Verb)

- Smoking ________________________________________

69. If the tickets don’t arrive, we won’t be able to go. (Conditional Clauses)

- Unless __________________________________________

70. Where are my keys? (Question)

I wonder ___________________________________.

71. The mechanic is going to repair her car next week. (Have sth. Done)

- She ___________________________________________

[email protected]
72. What a pity I didn’t have time to see you last week. (Wish)

- I wish _________________________________________

73. This story will shock you. (Passive)

- You ____________________________________________

74. Will you post this letter for me, please? (Gerund/Infinitive)

- Do you mind ____________________________________________

75. If you don’t review your notes tonight, you won’t do well tomorrow.

- Unless _________________________________________________

76. “How much money have you put into the account?” they asked.
(Reported Speech)

- ____________________________________________________

77. I’m sorry I can’t speak French perfectly. (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________

78. The next plane leaves at 9.45 p.m.. (Question)

- ___________________________________________

79. You should post these letters. (Passive)

- _______________________________________________

80. Although she was ill, she visited other countries. (Contrast Connector)

- Despite ________________________________________________.

81. “I have never seen anything so beautiful”, he said. (Reported Speech)

- He said _______________________________________________________

82. Mary was sorry she ate so many cakes. (Wish)

- Mary wished _______________________________________________

83. I have failed all my exams at the university because I didn’t study
enough. (Conditionals)

- If _______________________________________________________

[email protected]
84. I forgot to phone Lisa on her birthday. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- I didn’t remember _____________________________________

85. Sheila is 1.55 m tall. Her brother is 1.70 m tall. (Comparatives)

- Sheila _______________________________________________

86. Although it was cold, we went to the countryside. (Contrast Connector)

- In spite of ______________________________________________.

87. The hairdresser cut my hair yesterday morning. (Have sth. Done)

- I ___________________________________________________________

88. This is the man. His dog bit my brother in the park. (Relative Clauses)

- This is the man ________________________________________________

89. I didn’t go to the gym yesterday because my foot hurt. (Conditionals)

- If ___________________________________________________________

90. The teacher said: “You have to hand your papers in at the end of this
class”. (Reported Speech)

- The teacher ___________________________________________________

91. If your boyfriend doesn’t arrive before eight, we will have to leave.

- Unless _______________________________________________________.

92. The children couldn’t go out to the playground because it was raining.
(Causal Connector)

- As _________________________________________________________.

93. The last time we saw that movie was six months ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- We have ________________________________________________.

94. Smoking is forbidden in most restaurants. (Modal Verbs)

- You _____________________________________________________.

95. The shop assistant didn’t give us the ticket. (Passive)

- We ____________________________________________________.

[email protected]
96. Al swims faster than Peter. (Comparatives)

- Peter ___________________________________________________.

97. I saw Frank two months ago. (Verbal Tenses)

- I haven’t __________________________________________________

98. He forgot to phone his wife yesterday. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- He didn’t remember __________________________________________

99. They are servicing my new car next week. (Have sth. Done)

- I ___________________________________________________________

100. If we don’t meet this month, it will be too late. (Conditionals)

- Unless ___________________________________________________

101. The trainer said: “Molly, come back to the team!” (Reported

- The trainer told her _____________________________________________

102. Ben drives 200 miles every day. (Question)

- ______________________________________________________-

103. “Where did the robbery take place?” he asked. (Reported Speech)

- He asked _________________________________________________

104. Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. (Passive)

- Penicillin _______________________________________________________

105. You can’t have a bicycle. (Modal Verbs)

- You are ___________________________________________

106. I don’t know her address, so I can’t write to her. (Conditionals)

- If I ___________________________________________________________

107. A new magazine is on the hall table.

- There is ______________________________________________________

108. John lives next door. (Question)

[email protected]

109. “Where are your brothers, Sheila?” (Reported Speech)

- _____________________________________________________________.

110. Perhaps they only open the museum in the morning. (Modal Verb)

- They _________________________________________________________

111. The meat was better than the fish. (Comparatives)

- The fish _______________________________________________________

112. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow. (Passive)

- Green paint ___________________________________________________

113. I have been playing the piano for twenty years. (Verbal Tenses)

- I started ___________________________________________________

114. I have English classes three times a week. (Question)

- ____________________________________________________________

115. Sharon is going to marry a man. He is Eric’s brother. (Relative


- The man ___________________________________________________

116. “Why don’t we have dinner out tonight?” said Martin. (Reported

- Martin suggested ____________________________________________.

117. I didn’t open the door because I didn’t know it was you.

- If I __________________________________________________________.

118. If you want my advice, go to the dentist! (Modal Verbs)

- You ______________________________________________________.

119. I forgot to post the letter. (Gerund/Infinitive)

- I didn’t remember _____________________________________________.

120. They say this tree is over 400 years old. (Passive)

[email protected]
- This tree _______________________________________________

121. The man said to us: “Keep off the grass!” (Reported Speech)

- The man ___________________________________________________.

122. They didn’t tell me the secret. (Passive)

- I _____________________________________________________________.

123. I’m sure they are at home. The lights are on. (Modals)

- They ________________________________________________________.

124. I didn’t invite Beth. I had forgotten her telephone number.


- If I ___________________________________________________________

125. Shakespeare was a famous writer. He wrote beautiful sonnets.

(Relative Clauses)

- Shakespeare, ________________________________________________.

126. Someone knocked at the door. The dog woke up. (Connector)

- The dog __________________________________________________.

127. It’s such a pity you can’t come along! (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________________.

128. Bananas are more expensive than apples. (Comparatives)

- Apples ______________________________________________________

129. In spite of her beauty, she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Contrast


- Although _____________________________________________________.

130. I last had flu five years ago. (Verbal tenses)

- I haven’t ____________________________________________________.

131. I’m sure she’s telling lies. (Modal Verbs)

- She __________________________________________________________.

132. The teenager in red has broken the window. (Passive)

[email protected]
- The window ______________________________________________.

133. In my opinion, taking some exercise would be good for you.


- You __________________________________________________________.

134. The teacher didn’t tell us the answer. (Passive)

- We ________________________________________________________.

135. I last visited London fifteen years ago. (Verbal tenses)

- I haven’t ___________________________________________________.

136. She asked me: “What time does your party start?” (Reported

- She asked ___________________________________________________.

137. Will you close the door when you leave, please? (Gerund/

- Do you mind _________________________________________________?

138. We bought our tickets on the Web because it was much cheaper.
(Causal connector)

- Since _______________________________________________________.

139. Albert is coming back from hospital tomorrow. He has just broken
his ankle. (Relative Clauses)

- Albert, ______________________________________________________

140. “How much is this T-shirt?”, she asked. (Reported Speech)

- She asked __________________________________________________.

141. If you want my advice, don’t eat so many cakes! (Modals)

- You _____________________________________________________

142. I’m sorry I didn’t work hard enough last year. (Wish)

- I wish ____________________________________________________.

143. Although he was exhausted, he managed to finish reading the

novel. (Contrast connector)

[email protected]
- Despite ______________________________________________________.

144. Gerard plays tennis twice a week. (Question)

- _____________________________________________________________

145. That woman’s husband is my boss. (Relative Clauses)

- That is the woman _____________________________________________

146. They have found the stolen money. (Passive)

- The stolen money _____________________________________________

147. She divorced him because he was so terrible to her. (Conditionals)

- If he ________________________________________________________

148. “I have read this book”, she said. (Reported Speech)

- She said ____________________________________________________

149. I am sure she knows you are here. (Modals)

- She ________________________________________________________.

150. I felt really tired so I stayed at home. (Causal connector)

- I stayed ______________________________________________________.

151. People consider that he is an expert on cricket. (Passive)

- He __________________________________________________________.

152. Please don’t shoot. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- He begged us ________________________________________.

153. Learning English is not easy. (Gerund / Infinitive)

- It is ________________________________________________________.

154. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time. (Conditionals)

- If we ________________________________________________________.

155. I’m sorry we accepted the invitation.(Wish)

- I wish _______________________________________________________.

[email protected]
156. Although she was poor, she was happy. (Contrast connector)

- In spite of ___________________________________________________.

157. They didn’t pay for the ring. (Relative clauses)

- This is the ring _____________________________________________.

158. Although the weather was awful, they had a great time. (Contrast

- In spite of ____________________________________________________.

159. They have given us a Roald Dahl novel. (Passive)

- We _______________________________________________________.

160. She hasn’t phoned her mother for two months. (Verbal tenses)

- It’s _____________________________________________

161. They don’t allow smoking in this room. (Modals)

- You __________________________________________________.

162. I’m sorry I didn’t go shopping with you. (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________.

163. London will fascinate you. (Passive)

- You _________________________________________________

164. I saw a man later. He was the president of the European

Community. (Relative clauses)

- The man, _____________________________________________________

165. Germany is richer than India. (Comparatives)

- India ________________________________________________________

166. “I don’t know”, he told them. (Reported speech)

- He told them ___________________________________________.

167. She can’t come to the party because she is so busy.


- If she _____________________________________________________

[email protected]
168. Maybe your friend will call you on your birthday. (Modals)

- Your friend ____________________________________________.

169. “Where is the nearest cinema, please?” (Indirect question)

- Could you tell me _______________________________________________.

170. I haven’t seen your wife for a long time. (Verbal tenses)

- It’s _____________________________________________________.

171. He didn’t revise for the test so he failed. (Conditionals)

- If he ___________________________________________________

172. The ophthalmologist tests her eyes every year. (Have sth. Done)

- She _________________________________________________________.

173. The Da Vinci Code is a best-seller. It was written by Dan Brown.

(Relative clauses)

- The Da Vinci Code, ______________________________________________

174. Mary goes swimming twice a week. (Question)

- _________________________________________________

175. I am sorry I didn’t remember your birthday. (Wish)

- I wish _________________________________________________.

176. He told us: “Don’t make so much noise!” (Reported speech)

- He ___________________________________________________________.

177. As it was Friday, the children stayed up late. (Causal connector)

- The children ___________________________________________________.

178. I have never read such an interesting book. (Verbal tenses /


- This is the ___________________________________________________

179. If you don’t hurry up, you won’t get tickets for the concert.

- Unless

[email protected]
180. I have to wear a uniform whenever I work in front of the customers.
- _____________________________________________________________

181. The film is not as good as the novel. (Comparatives)

- The novel ________________________________________________.

182. The hairdresser cut my hair last week. (have sth. Done)

- I ___________________________________________________.

183. “Let’s go to the cinema on Tuesday”, said Mary. (Reported


- Mary suggested _________________________________________.

184. What a pity the weather was so bad last weekend. (Wish)

- I wish ________________________________________________.

185. I haven’t seen a good film for ages. (Verbal tenses)

- It’s ______________________________________________________.

186. John bought a new Rolls Royce. (Question)

- __________________________________________________________

187. I visited a village yesterday but I did not like it. (Relative clauses)

- I _________________________________________________________

188. He knows how to play golf. (Modals)

- He ______________________________________________________.

189. It’s ages since I last visited Russia. (Verbal tenses)

- I ___________________________________________________________.

190. You won’t understand the problem if you don’t listen carefully.

- Unless ___________________________________________________.

191. Someone will cut your hair tomorrow. (Have sth. Done)

- You _______________________________________________

[email protected]
192. He visits his parents every Sunday. (Question)

- __________________________________________________________

193. “Can I go to the disco?”, Tim asked his mother. (Reported speech)

- Tim asked his mother ____________________________________________.

194. Despite the fact that the questions were difficult, she got a high
mark in her exam. (Contrast con)

- Although _____________________________________________________

195. It’s not necessary for you to make your bed. (Modals)

- You __________________________________________________________

196. They will tell us the news tomorrow night. (Passive)

- We ________________________________________________________.

197. I don’t earn much money. It’s a pity I can’t buy a new car.

- If ________________________________________________________

198. No other fictional secret agent is as famous as James Bond.


- James Bond ___________________________________________________

[email protected]

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