Flight.: Pobjoy

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cooled broad-arrow type engine, and ihe latest unit of this type, to be produced is the Lion XV of 560 h.p. The smaller DI the engines of " H " formation is the sixleen-cylinder Kapier, the latest version of which is the moderately supercharged Series VI, which has been designed to run on 87 octane fuel. At 4 oooft. and 3.500 r.p.m. the. power is 360 h.p. K'/iown as the Dagger, the larger " H " type, which has twenty-four cylinders, is produced in various forms. The latest in production are the Series II (695 h.p. at 10,000ft.) and the Serins III (725 ii.p. at 3,300ft.). The Series III engine is to equip 11 K.A.F. squadron. 11 iioth tlie Dagger types are similar in construction, having a crank case of aluminium alloy, in two halves, with a detachable noscpiece forming a cover for the main reduction gears and housing the drives for the magnetos and distributors. The cylinders, which arc in four banks of six, are steel forcings with heads o[ aluminium alloy. One inlet and one exhaust valve ler cylinder are provided, being operated by hydraulic
rockers. The connecting rod assembly for each crank consists of a forked rod, in which the lead-bronze lined steel bearing shell is fixed, and a plain rod which ; oscillates on the outside of the taaring of the shell. The assemblies are arranged in groups of three, the front three starboard ami the rear three port plain rods being attached to pistons in the top cylinders, the position of tin; forked and plain rods being reversed in the other cylinders. The present Napier range also includes the NapierJunkers Culverin compression-ignition engine, which gives 720 h.p. at rea level. This unit has six cylinders, with two pistons in each, and works on the two-stroke cycle.



POBJOY KECENT development by I'ubjoy Airmotors and Aircraft, Ltd., of .Rochester, is the Niagara II, an improvement upon the Niagara I, which, in 1934, was installed in the Monorpar which won the King's Cup race. The light alloy crank case ot the. Niagara II is in four parts, and carries a patented single-throw two-piece crankshaft on four bearings. The single crankpin is hardened, and on it runs a floating bronze bush running inside the hardened eye, integral with the nickel-chrome steel master rod, to which are linked the six articulated connecting rods. Of die cast aluminium, the. cylinder heads are screwed to the steel barrels. The valve gear is completely enclosed in oil-tight aluminium castings. Each cylinder head carries one inlet and one exhaust valve, these lieing actuated by ball-bearing rockers. A reduction Rear ol the double helical type is fitted, and includes n shock absorber to eliminate chattering at low speeds. The cowling is supplied as an integral part of the engine. All the air entering is forced to circulate over the cylinder heads or around the barrels by deflectors and helmets. Situated inside the outer bonnet arc the exhaust collectors.

The 250 h.p. Scorpio is the most powerful engine of the Wolseley range at present in production. an aluminium alloy impeller having radial blades and being driven by a speed-multiplying gear, with a special iricton device to protect the gearing against shock and damage due to impeller inertia under sudden acceleration and deceleration of the crankshaft. All engines in the present Kestrel series have l>een typetested to run compositely cooled. This term is used to connote 1 system providing for partial water-cooling and partial fteam cooling. It is possible to use a radiator which would normally be used for an engine of 25 per cent, less power. During a sustained climb this radiator is inadequate to dissipate all the heat generated, and steam is formed. This is led to a condenser, where the steam is condensed and taken back, as water, into the main cooling system. SCOTT SMALL two-stroke aero engine designed specifically for use in very light aircraft such as the " Pou-du-Ciel " is being produced by the Scott-Motor Cycle Co., of Shipley, Yorks. It is an inverted type with the air-cooled cylinders arranged in line. Straight spur reduction gearing having a ratio of two to one is provided. For a weight of 85 lb. the unit delivers a maximum of 34 h.p. at 5,200 r.p.m. ...

I -C O D " Yee p e engines are, a n d h L1 Qleu' I DveryrOi nmgaLnEtheyears, a'tent y years t ofe yKolls-Koyce.auvLeet dd beene A y speciality . , of Derby. D u past h have prod c th Kestrel. B u z / a r d a n d Goshawk series, a n d special r a c i n g engines, one of which gave 2.J<MJ h . p ior t h e last Schneider ivie, Their most r i c e n l p r o d u c t i o n is tin very powerful Merlin, which has not yet I><-n type-tested, but which, in general ( u t l a y . fallows previous Rolls-Rovce p r a c t i c e . l!v far th<? l>est known t y p e is 1'ie Kesirel. This is being produced at present in three forms normally aspirated, moderately supercharged and iully s u p e n h.irgrd- -each ot these Innns bring available with reduction gear ratios ot o . 6 ; j . "o.i.i " ' !<~ ' l ' n o h'Hv supercharged version is' r a t e d at 000 ti.p. at i i . o o o t t . tin- .M.S.. t h e m o d e r a t e l y supercharged tvpc, at 075 h.p at 3.0110M.. and the unsupercharged engine at 570
h.p. .It si ,i U-vel.


Hasicallv. all tin- engines are similar, having twelve cylinders 1 1 two banks < l six. cast in " monobloc " lorin. The 1 > pistons are machined lrom " V alloy forcings and the crankshaft is d! the six-throw type- o[ nickle-chroine steel, with one torked and one plain connecting rod on each crankpin. Two castings of aluminium alloy arc used for the crank case, these being joined on a plane slightly below the crankshaft. Plain spur reduction gears are provided. The supercharger, when fitted, is a high-speed centrifugal fan mounted co axially with the crankshaft at the rear of the engine. Aii is drawn through a twin-choke carburetter by

WOLSELEY HREE types of radial engine are at the moment in production at the .Birmingham works of Wolseley Aero Engines, Ltd. These are the 170 h.p. Aquarius, 225 h.p. Aries, and -*,o h-p Scoipio. Extensive development work is in hand, and a series of medium and fullv supercharged engines is in the experimental stag'". This includes the Scorpio II (250 h.p. at 5,000ft.), Leo (280 h.p. at 6,000ft.), Libra (390 h.p. at O,oooft.), and Gemini (5A5 h.p. at 6,000ft.). The latter is a 1 two-row type. The Arn -. Mk. Ill is a nine-cylinder geared engine, the Mk. I Aquarius lias seven cylinders and direct drive, and the Scorpio Mk. I is a nine-cvlinder unit with reduction gearing. The majority of constructional features are common to all these types. The crank case is made in two halves, split transversely along the centre line of the cylinders, and the crankshaft, which is of the single-throw two-piece type, is of nickel chrome mol\-bdenum steel and is produced from drop forgings which are machined all over. Cylinder barrels are carbon

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