Scientific Articles Physical and Chemical Properties of A New Root-End Filling Material

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Copyright © 1995 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 21, No. 7, JULY 1995


Physical and Chemical Properties of a New

Root-End Filling Material

Mahmoud Torabinejad, DMD, MSD, PhD, C. U. Hong, DDS, MS, F. McDonald, BDS, PhD, and
T. R. Pitt Ford, BDS, PhD

This study determined the chemical composition, of a class I cavity and placement of a root-end filling material. A
pH, and radiopacity of mineral trioxide aggregate number of substances have been suggested and used as root-end
(MTA), and also compared the setting time, com- filling materials (1).
pressive strength, and solubility of this material Recently, an experimental substance, mineral trioxide aggregate
(MTA), has been suggested as a potential root-end filling material.
with those of amalgam, Super-EBA, and Interme-
In a series of in vitro studies, Torabinejad et al. (2-5) evaluated the
diate Restorative Material (IRM). X-ray energy dis-
sealing ability of MTA, compared with commonly used root-end
persive spectrometer in conjunction with the scan- filling materials. Statistical analysis of their data showed that MTA
ning electron microscope were used to determine had significantly less dye (2, 3) and bacterial (4) leakage than
the composition of MTA, and the pH value of MTA amalgam, Super-EBA or Intermediate Restorative Material (IRM).
was assessed with a pH meter using a tempera- In addition, when marginal adaptation of MTA root-end fillings
ture-compensated electrode. The radiopacity of was compared with those of amalgam, Super-EBA, and IRM under
MTA was determined according to the method de- scanning electron microscope, they reported no noticeable gap
scribed by the International Organization for Stan- between MTA and its surrounding dentinal walls (5).
dardization. The setting time and compressive Because these studies show that MTA leaks less and has better
adaptation to the root-end cavity walls than commonly used root-
strength of these materials were determined ac-
end filling materials, its other characteristics---such as chemical
cording to methods recommended by the British composition, physical properties, antibacterial effects, cytotoxic-
Standards Institution. The degree of solubility of ity, and biocompatibility--should also be investigated.
the materials was assessed according to modified The purpose of this study was first to determine the chemical
American Dental Association specifications. The composition, pH of the setting cement, and radiopacity of MTA,
results showed that the main molecules present in and second to compare the setting time, compressive strength, and
MTA are calcium and phosphorous ions. In addi- solubility of this material with those of three commonly used
tion, MTA has a pH of 10.2 initially, which rises to root-end filling materials, amalgam, Super-EBA, and IRM.
12.5 three hours after mixing. MTA is more ra-
diopaque than Super-EBA and IRM. Amalgam had
the shortest setting time (4 min) and MTA the long- MATERIALS AND METHODS
est (2 h 45 rain). At 24 h MTA had the lowest com-
Chemical Composition
pressive strength (40 MPa) among the materials,
but it increased after 21 days to 67 MPa. Finally, To study the chemical composition of MTA, we used the KVEX
except for IRM, none of the materials tested Delta 4460 X-ray Energy dispersive spectrometer, modified with
showed any solubility under the conditions of this Micro EDS software (BEMAX UK Ltd.), in conjunction with a
study. Hitachi $520 scanning electron microscope. MTA was mixed with
sterilized distilled water and allowed to set in a 37°C incubator
with 5% carbon dioxide and moisture. The material was set on a
glass cover slip that had been previously sterilized using alcohol
and flaming. Five set specimens with different proportions of water
When nonsurgical root canal therapy fails or cannot be performed, and powder were examined. For quantitative X-ray analysis, the
surgical root canal therapy is conducted. The procedure usually specimens were carbon-coated to a thickness of 100 nm and again
consists of root-end exposure and resection, as well as preparation mounted in the $520 using the quantum DVEX system. Acceler-

350 Torabinejad et al. Journal of Endodontics

TABLE 1. Material used for experiments The setting times of test materials were determined according to
the method recommended by the ISO (6). Before mixing, the test
Material Manufacturer
materials, mixing pads, spatulas, and fiat glass plates were placed
Sybraloy amalgam Kerr Mfg. Co., Romulus, MI in a room with a temperature of 23 -+ I°C for 1 h. Each material
Super-EBA Harry J. Bosworth Co., Skokie, IL
was then mixed and placed in a circular metal mold (15 mm
IRM I.D. Caulk Co., Milford, DE
diameter and 5 mm high). The assembly, comprising mold and test
MTA Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
material, was placed on a metal block in a cabinet at 37°C and
relative humidity of 95 to 100%, 2 min after the start of mixing.
After a further 30 s to 1 min, the indentor needle (Gillmore) was
ating voltage for standard examination was 15 kV and that for lowered vertically onto the surface of the material (1.0 mm/min)
X-ray analysis was 10 kV. and allowed to remain there for 5 s. This process was repeated
every 30 s until the needle failed to make a complete circular
pH Value indentation in the test material. The setting time was the duration
of time that elapsed from start of mixing to when the indentor
The pH of MTA as it set was measured with a pH meter (Pye, needle failed to make an indentation in the material. This test was
Cambridge, UK) using a temperature-compensated electrode. repeated six times for each material.

Radiopaeity Compressive Strength

The radiopacity of MTA was determined according to the The compressive strengths of test materials were determined
method described by the International Organization for Standard- according to the method recommended by the ISO (6). The instru-
ization (ISO 6876), section 7.7 (6). After mixing, MTA was packed ments and the test materials were conditioned at 23 --- I°C in the
into a stainless steel ring mold with an internal diameter of 10 mm laboratory for 1 h before testing. Each material was mixed and
and a depth of i mm. The mold was placed on a glass slab before
placed in split stainless steel molds (12 mm high and 6 mm wide)
insertion of the material. It was covered with a glass slide and
within 2 min before start of mixing. Each mold was packed to
allowed to set for 3 h. excess and was placed on the bottom plate with the application of
Radiographs were taken with a target-film distance of - 3 0 cm slight pressure. After removing any extruded material and placing
using a cardboard extension to the cone of the X-ray machine. the top plate, the mold and plates were clamped together. The
The dental X-ray unit (Heliodent MD, Siemens, Bensheim, whole assembly was transferred to an oven with a constant tem-
Germany) was set at 70 kV, a current of 7 mA, and an exposure perature of 37 -+ I°C for 3 h within 3 rain after start of mixing. The
time of 0.25 s to give a radiographic density reading of - 2 specimens were removed from the molds and examined for voids
(including base and fog) for the exposed and processed film under and chipped edges. Defective specimens were discarded, and six
the 1-mm thick section of the stepwedge (Protex Ten-Step Alu-
acceptable samples were prepared for each test material for each
minum Stepwedge, Everything X-Ray Ltd., Watford, UK). The
time interval. The specimens were immersed in distilled water for
specimens were placed directly on the film packet. A total of five 21 h or 3 wk before their compressive strengths were measured
films were taken for each specimen. The films were processed in using an Instron 1185 Testing Machine (Instron Ltd., High Wy-
an automatic developing machine (P10, Hope Industries, Letch- combe, UK). After placing each specimen with its fiat ends be-
worth, UK). tween the platens of the apparatus and ensuring that the load was
The photographic densitometer (Melico/Photolog, B/W Trans- applied in the long axis of the test sample, the maximum load
mission Densitometer, Model TDX, Medical and Electrical Instru- required to fracture each specimen was noted, and the compressive
mentation Ltd., London, UK) was used to take readings of the strength (C) was calculated in Megapascals using the formula
radiographic image of the specimens, each step of the stepwedge,
and the unexposed part of the film. Three readings were taken for
each film and the mean calculated. The net radiographic density
C- ,n.D2
was derived from the following equation:

Net Radiographic Density where P is the maximum applied load in Newtons, and D is the
mean diameter of the specimen in millimeters (6).
= (Gross Radiographic Density) - (Base and Fog).
One way analysis of variance with Duncan multiple compari-
Graphs were plotted for log-net radiographic density of the aIu- sons were used to determine statistical differences between com-
minum steps versus thickness of aluminum (mm) for each group. pressive strengths of the various test materials at both time inter-
These gave straight line plots, and from these the mean net radio- vals.
graphic density values of the materials were transformed into
radiopacity expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum.

Setting Time The degree of solubility of test materials was determined by a

modified method of the American Dental Association (ADA)
To determine and compare the setting time and compressive specification #30 (7). The materials were prepared in line with
strength of MTA with other commonly used root-end filling ma- manufacturers' recommendations. Super-EBA cement and MTA
terials, amalgam, Super-EBA, IRM, and MTA were mixed accord- were hand-mixed, whereas amalgam and IRM were mixed in a
ing to the manufacturers' directions and evaluated (Table 1). machine. After mixing, each substance was made into a small disc
Vol. 21, No. 7, July 1995 Root-End Filling Material 351

pH TABLE 2. Means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of

13.0 [] compressive strength (MPa) for amalgam, Super-EBA, IRM,
1"10 [] and MTA after two time intervals (n = 6)
Material 24 h 21 days
Amalgam 312.5 311.1
(20.1) (23.8)
11.0 Super-EBA 60.0 78.1
(5.5) (9.3)
IRM 52.2 57.4
10.0 (3.4) (5.9)
MTA 40.0 67.3
(4.4) (6.6)

EBA was significantly greater than that of IRM and MTA after 24
8.0 h (p < 0.05); compressive strength of IRM was significantly more
0 5o lOO 1;o 2o0 2;0 3;0 " 1300
' 1350
than MTA (p < 0.05) at the same time interval. The compressive
Time/mins strength of all cements increased after 3 wk, and the strength of
Super-EBA was significantly higher than that of IRM (p < 0.05),
FIG 1. pH values of MTA at various time intervals.
but there was no significant difference between the strengths of
Super-EBA and MTA at these time intervals.
(20 mm × 1.5 mm) by the use of a metal former and two glass The mean weights (g) of specimens and standard deviation for
plates. the test materials at various time intervals are shown in Table 3.
Mixing and weighing of the samples were performed by a single Statistical analysis of the data regarding weight loss changes
operator at 23 _ 2°C and a relative humidity of 50 --- 5%. Six discs showed no significant changes for amalgam, Super-EBA, and
of each material were fabricated and tested. After fabrication, they MTA when the mean weight of the specimens were compared at
were placed in 100% humidity for 21 h and then stored individu- different time intervals. However, when the mean weights of IRM
ally in glass bottles containing 50 ml of distilled water at 37°C. The specimens were compared between day 1 and those on days 7 and
specimens were removed from the water after 1 day. All discs w e r e 21, significant differences were noted (p < 0.001). Similar differ-
desiccated for 1 h at 37°C. Each disc was then weighed to the ences were noted when the mean weight of the specimens were
nearest microgram. After weighing, each disc was replaced in the compared at day 7 versus day 21.
same glass bottle. The water in the bottles was neither changed nor
added to during the test periods. The desiccation and weighing
procedure was performed at 1 day, then at 7 and 21 days. Analysis DISCUSSION
of variance with Duncan multiple comparisons were used to de-
Numerous investigations have been performed to study the
termine statistical differences between weights of the test materials
at different time intervals. physical properties of dental filling materials (8-13). However,
information regarding the physical properties of root-end filling
materials is scant. Owadally and Pitt Ford (14) evaluated the effect
RESULTS of adding 10% and 20% hydroxyapatite (HAP) on the physical
properties of IRM and found that IRM had longer mean working
Examination of the MTA shows specific phases throughout the and mean setting times than IRM + 10% or 20% HAP. IRM also
material. All MTA was divided into calcium oxide and calcium had a greater compressive strength than both IRM + 10% HAP or
phosphate. Further analysis demonstrated that the former appeared IRM + 20% HAP. In addition, their results indicated that adding
as discrete crystals and the latter as an amorphous structure with no 10% or 20% HAP to IRM causes disintegration of these materials
apparent crystal growth but a granular appearance. The mean value in buffered phosphate and in bovine serum after 8 wk. In contrast,
of the prisms was 87% calcium and 2.47% silica, the remainder IRM and EBA cements showed no noticeable signs of disintegra-
being oxygen. In areas of amorphous structure, there seemed to be tion in the same media after 6 months.
33% calcium, 49% phosphate, 2% carbon, 3% chloride, and 6% MTA powder consists of fine hydrophilic particles. The princi-
silica. ple compounds present in this material are tricalcium silicate,
The change in pH as a function of time for MTA is shown in tricalcium aluminate, tricalcium oxide, and silicate oxide. In ad-
Fig. 1. The pH of MTA after mixing was 10.2, and it rose to 12.5 dition, there are small amounts of a few other mineral oxides that
at 3 h; thereafter, it remained constant. The mean radiopacity for are responsible for the chemical and physical properties of this
MTA was 7.17 mm of equivalent thickness of aluminum. aggregate. Bismuth oxide powder has been added to make the
The mean setting time and standard deviation for the test ma- aggregate radiopaque. Electron probe microanalysis of MTA pow-
terials were as follows: amalgam, 4 min (+30 s); Super-EBA, 9 der showed that calcium and phosphorous are the main ions present
min (+-30 s); IRM, 6 min (+-30 s); and MTA, 2 h 45 min (+-5 min). in this material. Because these ions are also the principal compo-
The means and standard deviations of compressive strength of nents of dental hard tissues, MTA may prove to be biocompatible
the test materials after the two time intervals are shown in Table 2. when used in contact with cells and tissues. In vitro and in vivo
Amalgam had the highest compressive strength among the mate- studies are in progress to test the biocompatibility of this material
rials tested. Statistical analysis of the data regarding the remaining in cell culture and tissues. Induction of a hard tissue barrier, similar
three materials showed that the compressive strength of Super- to that obtained in apexification procedures, following root-end
352 Torabinejad et al. Journal of Endodontics

TABLE 3. Mean weight (g) of specimens and standard deviation for the four materials at various times

Time Amalgam Super-EBA IRM MTA

1 day 5.3961 _+ 0.1549 1.4484 _+ 0.1147 1.1885 + 0.0319 1.1794 _+ 0.1100
7 days 5.3959 + 0.1547 1.4466 _+ 0.1148 1.1811 _+ 0.0315 1.1814 +_ 0.1122
21 days 5.3961 _+ 0.1548 1.4465 _+ 0.1144 1.1774 _+ 0.0315 1.1746 _+ 0.1130

filling would minimize the interaction between material and host (8-13). Lack of solubility has also been stated as an ideal char-
tissues. Because MTA has a high pH similar to calcium hydroxide acteristic for root-end filling materials (1). Despite some advan-
cement, it is possible that induction of hard tissue formation may tages of controlled long-term clinical studies, variations in the oral
occur following the use of this substance as a root-end filling environment among participating patients are a major drawback of
material. such investigations. Because of the long setting time of MTA, the
Among other characteristics, an ideal root-end filling material recommended methods by ISO (6) or ADA specification #30 (7) to
should be more radiopaque than its surrounding structures when test the solubility of MTA had to be modified.
placed in a root-end cavity preparation. Shah et al. (15) determined From our results, it seems that amalgam, Super-EBA, and MTA
the radiopacity of potential root-end filling materials using the showed no signs of solubility in water; despite statistical differ-
same method utilized in our study and found that amalgam was the ences between the mean weights of IRM specimens at three time
most radiopaque material tested ( > 10 mm equivalent thickness of intervals, the clinical significance of the mean differences--
aluminum). The radiopacity of other relevant test materials in their 0.0074 g (day 1 versus day 7) and 0.0037 g (day 7 versus day
experiment was as follows: Kalzinol (7.97), gutta-percha (6.14), 21)--is questionable. Owadally and Pitt Ford (14) evaluated the
IRM (5.30), Super-EBA (5.16), and dentin (0.70). A comparison rate of disintegration of some zinc oxide-eugenol cements utilizing
between the radiopacity of MTA and those of other potential a replica method in conjunction with scanning electron micros-
root-end filling materials in Shah et al.'s (15) study shows that copy, and found that IRM and Super-EBA showed no noticeable
MTA is slightly less radiopaque than Kalzinol (reinforced zinc signs of disintegration after 6 months in buffered phosphate solu-
oxide-eugenol-based cement) and more radiopaque than IRM and tion.
Super-EBA. Because MTA is more radiopaque than conventional Erosion of restorative filling materials can occur either by acids
gutta-percha and dentin, it should be easily distinguishable on generated by bacteria, acids present in foods or beverages (17), or
radiographs when used as a root-end filling material. by mechanical wear. The root-end filling materials are normally in
Hydration of MTA powder results in a colloidal gel that solid- contact with periradicular tissue fluid until they are covered either
ifies to a hard structure in less than 3 h. The characteristics of the with fibrous connective tissue or cementum. Clinically, biocom-
aggregate depend on the size of the particles, powder-to-water patible root-end filling materials with good sealing ability should
ratio, temperature, presence of water, and entrapped air (2). In this generate little or no inflammatory response in periradicular tissues,
study, the ISO method of determining setting time was used (6). and encourage formation of fibrous connective tissue and/or ce-
The results showed that amalgam had the shortest setting time and mentum covering the entire root-end. Mechanical wear, an impor-
MTA the longest. The setting time for IRM in this study was very tant factor in coronal restoration, is not a significant factor in
similar to that found by Owadally and Pitt Ford (14). It has erosion of root-end filling materials.
generally been considered that a potential root-end filling material Based on the results of this study, it seems that MTA has
should set as soon as it is placed in the root-end cavity without adequate physical properties for use as a root-end filling material.
significant shrinkage. This condition would allow dimensional
stability of the material after placement and less time for an unset We thank Mr. PMM Shah for determining the radiopacity of MTA and Dr.
M. Sherriff for determining the pH of MTA.
material to be in contact with vital tissues. However, in general
terms, the quicker a material sets the more it shrinks. This phe- Dr. Torabinejad is Professor of Endodontics and Director of Graduate
nomenon may explain why MTA in previous experiments had Program in the Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda
University, Loma Linda, CA. Dr. Hong is Associate Professor in Dankook
significantly less dye (2, 3) and bacterial (4) leakage than other University, School of Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea. Drs. McDonald and Pitt
materials tested as root-end filling materials. Ford are senior lecturers in the Departments of Oral Biology and Conservative
Dental Surgery, United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St. Tho-
Compressive strength is an important factor to consider when a
mas's Hospitals, University of London, London, UK.
filling material is placed in a cavity that bears occlusal pressure.
Because root-end filling materials do not bear direct pressure, the
compressive strength of these materials is not as important as those
materials used to repair defects in occlusal surfaces. In the present References
study, MTA initially had the lowest compressive strength among
1. Owadally ID, Chong BS, Pitt Ford TR, Watson TF. The sealing ability of
materials tested, but its value increased with time. In a previous IRM® with the addition of hydroxyapatite as a retrograde root filling. Endod
report, the compressive strength of MTA was reported by mistake Dent Traumato11993;9:211-5.
as being equal to amalgam (2). The increase in compressive 2. Torabinejad M, Watson TF, Pitt Ford TR. The sealing ability of a mineral
trioxide aggregate as a retrograde root filling material. J Endodon 1993;19:591-5.
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studies might provide further information on compressive strength contamination of dye leakage of root-end filling materials. J Endodon 1994;
of MTA in the presence of moisture. However, the compressive 4. Torabinejad M, Falah Rastegar A, Kettering JD, Pitt Ford TR. Bacterial
strength value obtained for MTA is similar to those obtained for leakage of mineral trioxide aggregate as a root end filling material. J Endodon
Super-EBA, IRM, and zinc phosphate (69-117), (16). 1995;21:109-112.
5. Torabinejad M, Wilder Smith P, Pitt Ford TR. Comparative investigation
Solubility is another factor in assessing the suitability of poten- of marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate and other commonly
tial substances to be used as restorative materials in dentistry used root end filling materials. J Endodon 1995;6:295-299.
Vol. 21, No. 7, July 1995 Root-End Filling Material 353

6. International Organization for Standardization. Specification for dental root the relative solubility and erosion of dental cements. J Oral Rehabi11983;10:
canal sealing materials. ISO 6876. London: British Standards Institution, 1986. 57-63.
7. ANSI/ADA. Revised American National Standard/American Dental As- 12. Kuhn AT, Wilson AD. The dissolution mechanisms of silicate and
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8. Eichner K, Lauten Schlager EP, Von Radnoth M. Investigation concerning Int Endod J 1992;25:130-3.
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A Word for the Wise

A recent article, written by a person not in the legal profession but who had once been, was attributed to a
"recovering" lawyer.

I like that; will they form a Barristers Anonymous organization?

I. Solon

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