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Clauneck Magick

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Clauneck Money Magick

Amara Yasmine
Copyright © 2023 by Amara Yasmine
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S.
copyright law.

The information in this book is spiritually protected.

In order to make the information in this book work for you
you must pay for it.
Pirated books will bring you negative results.
Do NOT attempt to steal this information.Since the goals of using this book
include bringing you money and increasing your cashflow,
you must obey to the rules of money:
To receive, you must give. If you can’t invest a few dollars to attain money
later, you will never have it.
This book is dedicated to Clauneck and to the souls that search to elevate
their mind through magick throughout their life.

The information and advice contained in this book are based upon the
research and the personal experiences of the author.
Following the advice in this book could work for you and completely
transform your life. On the other hand, it may not and you could hurt
yourself in the process. So, regardless of the claim I just made – and the
claims I made on the cover, back cover, and throughout this book – I make
no claims. Use at your own risk. Only use this book when you’re mentally
healthy and stable, and when you’re ready to work with this level of
magick. Be careful what you wish for.
Table of contents

Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
Grimorium Verum 5
Chapter 2 Money Magick 7
Clauneck 8
Correspondences: 10
Offerings 11
Blood Magick 13
Chapter 3 The Rituals 16
Ritual 1 – Conjuration 19
Ritual 2 – Contact via Enn 25
Ritual 3- Money Jar or Money Lamp Spell 26
Ritual 4- Fast Cashflow Talisman 31
Ritual 5 - Pathworking 33
Building a Relationship with Clauneck 34
Final Words 38
Sources: 39
Chapter 1

This book is a small personal grimoire that aims to guide your work with
the spirit Clauneck for successful money magick. Since you have picked up
this book, you have most likely heard of the spirit Clauneck, and have an
idea what you are getting into. This isn’t a fluffy, woo woo type of money
magick book. It’s demonic money magick after all. That’s why I’m
assuming you aren’t a total novice, and this isn’t your first magick book or
first attempt at money magick.
In recent years, occultism has come up from the shadows of the internet
and occult bookstores, to be all over the internet, on social media platforms,
out in the open and even all over Amazon. Information that had been once
difficult to access, was made much more accessible when new authors came
in and simplified magickal methods significantly. It’s now easier than ever
to connect with other magickians and to learn magick and work different
Through popular books in recent years, even working with demons has
become more mainstream and certain spirits have become more known.
One of those spirits is Clauneck, or Claunech.
Considering where he first appeared, he is definitely still somewhat
obscure. He initially appeared in a grimoire called Grimorium Verum. He
also appears in Secrets of Solomon under the name Claunth. I will explain a
bit more about the grimoires later. Other alternative names according to
these grimoires are Chaunta and Elantiel.
Since you picked up this book, you’re probably open-minded about
working with demons, and don’t think they are evil per se. I still want to
take a minute to discuss this a little bit, before we get to Clauneck directly.
What are demons? There are many theories, but no one can say exactly
what they are. They may be fallen angels, ancient gods or something else.
Christianity has made everything that isn’t God evil, and according to
Christian beliefs they are just evil, and one should stay away. However,
since demons appear in Jewish traditions, there are many methods of
working with them that involve the psalms, and sometimes corresponding
angels. So according to the Kabbalistic view, demons come from the
Qliphothic Tree, also known as the “Tree of Death,” and the inverted Tree
of Life of the Kabbalah.
Why would anyone attempt to work with “demons,” when there are
spirits that seem safer and have a better reputation? There are several
reasons for this. One of them is that they have highly specific skills. They
seem to be closer to us humans than angels and therefore results can happen
faster. They work especially well when it comes to “earthly” goals, such as
money, sex, and influence. What I want to mention at this point, is that they
are also spirits of great wisdom that you can choose to work with to excel in
certain areas. Some of them are great for divination, or connecting to the
Some are very friendly, while others seem neutral. Some of them can
even feel heavy and threatening. It all depends. Their energy is very
distinct, and I have personally never experienced it as evil. Your personal
conditioning, and how you treat the spirit make a great impact on the
experience you will have in the ritual.
So now let’s get to Clauneck. I have worked with him for several years,
and with great success. He is one of the spirits that really appreciates
building a relationship, while other demons seem to care much less about
that. Another thing about Clauneck is that he doesn’t just want to bring you
fast money, even though he is great at it. If you develop a relationship with
him, he wants you to evolve, become a better business person and develop a
mindset of wealth. This is why I highly recommend to everyone that they
should build a relationship with him, to completely transform their
relationship with money. He is a spirit of great wisdom, and will give
business advice (in his way!) If you are newer to the occult and magick, this
may seem a bit weird. Not everyone has the ability to hear spirits, but even
in that case, Clauneck has his ways to get your attention and point you in
the right direction. This can include reminding you of someone you should
listen to or work with, reminding you of a business book you forgot to read,
giving you a new useful idea for a venture, or showing you other
synchronicities that will be helpful for your path.
Sometimes he makes opportunities happen that lead to certain business
moves, or he connects you with someone that later turns out to be important
for your work or business.
Clauneck is said to sit next to the throne of Lucifer. Lucifer is also a
spirit of great wisdom—when you think of one of the many stories of
Lucifer—he is the “Morning Star” and brought illumination and knowledge
to humans to help them be independent. If Clauneck sits right next to him, it
makes a lot of sense that he wants to bring us wisdom about money.
It is said that Clauneck is loved by Lucifer. For this reason it also makes
sense to develop a relationship with relationship with Lucifer, or to contact
Clauneck in conjunction with Lucifer. However, this book will not go into
any more detail about this topic. The rituals and methods I’m showing you
in this book are more than enough to get excellent results, there is also lots
of material on Lucifer, freely available online, and he’s easy to connect with
for anyone who is interested.
Grimorium Verum

Grimorium Verum was written by an unknown author, rumors are that it

was authored by “Alibeck the Egyptian" of Memphis. Even though the
book appeared in the 18th century, it is said to have been written in 1517.
Sometimes I see reference to“Clauneck, the Goetic demon,” and every
time I see this, I cringe. Clauneck has nothing to do with the Ars Goetia in
the Lesser Key of Solomon. Even though there may be a connection
between the books, and the style of magick is similar, Clauneck does not
appear in these books. There are spirits, such as Astaroth that appear in
Grimorium Verum, as well as in the Ars Goetia, but like I said, Clauneck is
not one of them.
Since Grimorium Verum is one of the early high ceremonial magick
grimoires, that deals with the conjuration of demons, the processes and
rituals described involve an elaborate chain of preparations, and it may
seem a bit difficult for a beginner. The ancient grimoires also have a very
different approach when working with darker spirits that involves coercion
and a somewhat hostile relationship between the magickian and the spirit.
Luckily, people have mostly evolved from this unhealthy approach. You
don’t have to see spirits as friends that you can trust, but just because it was
a business transaction with someone you don’t know, why be hostile and
I want to point out, that the earliest versions that appear of grimoires are
so obscure and incoherent that modern occultists usually go in at some
point, to untangle the information to make it coherent and understandable.
As I mentioned before, the earliest sources of this text appeared around
1800 and were then edited by several French and Italian occultists. I want to
give a shout out to Joseph H. Peterson. He has edited, and reworked several
of the important old grimoires, including Grimorium Verum. Without his
additional explanations, I wouldn’t have understood this grimoire. I had
another version of GV by an unknown author, and it was extremely
GV itself gives very little information about Clauneck. What we do
gather from it is that Clauneck is one of 18 demons working under Duke
Syrach. This is his description according to GV:
“Clauneck has power over goods and riches, and can help you find
hidden treasures for those that make a pact with him. He can give great
riches, being greatly loved by Lucifer. And it is he, who makes him bring
the money. Obey him, and he obeys.”
Chapter 2
Money Magick

Magickal manifestations always happen through natural means, and follow

the path of least resistance. The universe and the spirits require natural
means, in order to materialize the result. When it comes to money magick,
this becomes even more important. If you’re interested in money magick,
you’re trying to improve your material conditions. Maybe you want to
attract a fixed amount or you want to level up, by increasing your wealth
and the flow of money into your life. Either way this can manifest through
natural means like:

someone giving you money (family, friends, wealthy

associates, etc.)
finding a better mode of employment, switching careers
starting a new project or income stream
getting more customers or clients, closing business deals, or
expanding your current business
any kind of “passive” income, such as investing in the right
things, at the right time
Be very clear about where the universe could help you out. If you don’t
see any avenues where spirits could help deliver your result, actively work
on creating opportunities in your life. If you picked up this book because
you’re currently broke and you are just sitting at home doing nothing,
hoping that money will be delivered to your doorstep, or fall out the sky,
check your expectations.
The most effective money magick works when you are actively engaged
and make an effort to improve your situation. If you find yourself feeling
triggered or have negative feelings whenever the topic arises, you should
work on your money mindset before you even attempt to do any money
magick. Yes, spirits and especially Clauneck can do incredible things that
just the simple law of attraction won’t achieve, but STILL— if you work on
your mindset and get clear about the beliefs you hold around money, and if
you’re putting in the work in the mundane world, your results will be much
more powerful.


Clauneck is excellent for business owners, freelancers and

entrepreneurs. Any money and success magick always depend on the
opportunities that are available to the person. Based on how Clauneck
works, it usually provides better results for people that are not bound to a
fixed income. At least this is what I have seen from many people that have
worked with him. There are other spirits that work especially well for
promotions and the like, but Clauneck seems to require a certain level of
flexibility to bring powerful results.
Clauneck does not apply any moral judgment to goods and services, and
only cares about the value. Therefore he is helpful in any type of business
and does not discriminate against certain things, the way humans would. If
he does work with you, you are incredibly lucky. He works very fast and
aggressively. The way he brings about results can be so obvious, that you
will know he intervened on your behalf, because he wants you to know! I
cannot stress enough how important it is to try creating opportunities for
oneself while working any financial magick, but especially when working
with Clauneck. Only then, will he perform at his best and bring you the best
possible results.
What you perceive when you contact him depends on your psychic &
magickal ability, as well as your state of mind, and on Clauneck himself.
Does he want to observe you first? Speak to you? It all depends. I have
always perceived him as a very royal, but friendly spirit. Like a serious, yet
kind businessman.
Illustration of Clauneck (de Plancy)

His sigil
The brain stands for knowledge. It appears to be an eye, the heart and
the male phallus.


Color: Red (planetary), green, purple

Stones: Garnet
Incense: Dragon’s blood, sandalwood
Planet: Mars
Days of the week: Tuesday (Mars correspondence), Thursday (Jupiter
→ best day for money magick)
Associated spirits: Duke Syrach/ Lucifer
Clauneck’s planet according to GV is Mars. Therefore he likes the color
red and things associated with Mars. However since he is the spirit that
controls the astral vault, and anything with money is directly related to
Jupiter, he responds well when you work with him on a Thursday. In case
you already practice planetary magick, working with the spirits of Jupiter in
conjunction with Clauneck works extremely well too.

Since I don’t know how familiar readers are with working with spirits,
I’m going to explain the process of offerings a little bit. Just know, that
there is a lot of discussion and different opinions on this in the occult
community. Some say you never have to offer anything, because the spirits
have to serve you, while others insist that you must always reward a spirit
for a completed task.
Also, there are two ways of giving offerings. There are people that will
give something to the spirit upfront, others that will only give something as
a reward. Especially when working with demons, the idea is to keep the
spirit motivated to complete the task, kind of bait them into doing
something, and then pay up after “delivery.” Demons are thought of as
entities, that do have free will, so it would make sense to “make them want
to do something,” vs. angels that are thought of as spirits that do not have
free will. So many thoughts, so many opinions.
How do we handle this with Clauneck? Ultimately, it’s up to you. Even
a candle and incense are offerings in a way, so it may be easiest to start with
that. If you’re comfortable, you could promise him small rewards, such as
to serve him a drink for a few days, gift him a small crystal or offer
something else that comes to mind when you make your request. Often,
offerings that the spirit may like will pop into your mind when you make
your request, and that is normally what they want. You do not have to agree
to these demands, if you aren’t comfortable with them. I remember when I
first started to work with spirits, this whole topic confused the hell out of
me and I made many mistakes, such as giving things I promised even
though the task wasn’t completed.
Things do change though, once you develop a relationship with a
demon. You may be confident that this is an ongoing relationship, where
you choose to give offerings upfront on the regular, because the spirit
continuously supports you on your journey. Money magick is a great
example for this. Maybe after a while you won’t have a specific request,
you just want to continue to build your wealth, move up in your career and
ensure that the flow of money keeps increasing. As you see, in this case it
would make sense to give offerings upfront on the regular. Things like these
usually come naturally after establishing a relationship with a spirit, and
your intuition will guide you.
So which offerings does Clauneck like?

Candles and incense as mentioned above

Hell bank money, also called ancestor money
Alcoholic beverages such as red wine, Fireball whisky or
Captain Morgan rum

Blood Magick

We’re talking demons, dark stuff, so we must talk about blood magick
… (inserts spooky music!) Just kidding. Blood magick has a long tradition
within many different magickal paths, and that’s for a reason. By the way,
you don’t ever have to do this, if this topic disturbs you, feel free to skip
this section altogether. You CAN achieve good results without blood too. I
personally do use blood with demons. But first let me explain a few basics
about blood magick:

Blood contains your DNA, as well as your life-force

Blood is very binding
Whatever is done with blood (magickally) can never be
As you can imagine or are already aware of, blood magick is yet another
very controversial topic within the occult community. Some magickians say
it permanently binds a spirit to you. Others say once the spirit is bound to
you, that spirit can now drain your life-force. One thing is for sure: Blood
magick is serious business. If you are unsure, leave it alone.
Not every spirit is interested in blood. Most demons seem to like blood.
If you do give this, it should be done for something that is important to you,
it’s not something I would offer for a minor thing. Clauneck does accept
blood, and he likes it. Whenever I give a blood offering, I use a diabetic
needle and a lancet. One drop of blood is enough.
Before I write any further about this, let’s establish some basic rules,
because I don’t want to be responsible for anyone doing stupid, harmful
things to themselves or, another living creature.

Do not hurt yourself, or do anything unnecessary like cutting

Do not harm another person, or attempt to take anyone else’s
blood for this. SERIOUSLY.
Do not harm an animal, or practice wannabe animal
sacrifice. It’s unnecessary.
Yes, I know, animal sacrifice is practiced in the African Traditional
Religions, such as Voudou, Palo, Ifa etc. If you practice any of those
religions and are sacrificing animals as part of that practice, okay, you do
All I’m saying is DO NOT do this when working with Clauneck. He
doesn’t like it, or care for it. It’s unnecessary and violent. Also he doesn’t
want a huge amount of blood or a bloody massacre on the altar. A drop
from your finger is more than enough. Rub it over his sigil. That’s it.
No violence is necessary. I still remember how this wannabe dark
magickian stabbed his neighbor’s cat and posted about it on Facebook. I
was happy to see people verbally attacking him, and denouncing what he
did. It was on the news too. This is why regular people think magickians are
insane. I’m pretty sure the goetic demons that he was offering the poor cat
to didn’t care for his bullshit either. Bottomline, blood offerings can be
powerful, but there’s absolutely no reason to do anything cruel to yourself,
another human or an animal. If you feel “called” to do anything violent or
cruel, I hope that you put this book away and call a mental health hotline.
We good? Okay, rant over.
Chapter 3
The Rituals

I follow several traditions and practice different styles of magick. As you

can imagine, some of the rituals are based on the grimoires, other parts are
channeled directly by me. Some parts have a more hands on folk magick
approach. Review the options for yourself, and try what resonates with you.
I tried to offer a variety of rituals for different purposes, and used different
styles. I am sure you will find the type of ritual that works for you.


Traditionally, preparatory rituals are recommended in order to facilitate

a successful ritual. These serve multiple purposes: they cleanse your space
and your aura, and therefore enable you to call in and connect with spirits
more effectively, in an energetically clean environment. It is also said that
they pretty much light up your aura in a way that you’re more visible in the
astral world. Last but not least, these preparations will get you into the right
state of mind, so you are mentally ready to do a successful ritual.
Some of the modern authors (Damon Brand, Ben Woodcroft and Ars
Aurora) have simplified banishing & preparatory rituals in their books.
They all work well—you can also perform a classic Lesser Banishing Ritual
of the Pentagram (LBRP) and/ or Middle Pillar Ritual to prepare yourself
and your space. Both of these can easily be googled or watched on
YouTube, there are lots of free videos with demonstrations. If you are super
new to magick and have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, you
probably shouldn’t be dabbling in demonic magick (yet)! You could also
perform the ritual without any banishing, but you do that at your own risk.
Some magickians like to take a bath or shower before a ritual, and then put
on fresh clothes, or any magick clothes if you have them. If this doesn’t
resonate with you, don’t do it. At the very least, you should clear the space
with an incense such as Palo Santo, sage, or even spray Florida Water. You
could also imagine a bright white light around you and sit quietly for a few
Here’s a very short way to prepare yourself and your space for ritual

Qabalistic Cross

Face east
Point up with two fingers (index & middle), while holding
down thumb, ring and small finger
Touch your forehead, vibrate Ateh (AH-TAH)
Touch your solar plexus, vibrate Adonay


Touch near your crotch, vibrate Malkuth


Touch your right shoulder, vibrate Vegeburah


Touch your left shoulder, vibrate Vegedulah


Clasp your hands, vibrate Leoleam (LE- OLAM)

Point up and say AMEN
Optional —calling in the angels to your quarters

Face east
Say this while visualizing a white light appearing in the
quarter you’re calling to:
Before me Raphael
Behind me Gabriel
At my right-hand Michael
At my left-hand Uriel
Now stand with this for a few moments, breathe in deeply through your
nose, and out through your mouth. Imagine a bright white light entering
your crown, and then going through your entire body and down into the
earth, through your feet. Imagine this energy moving and circulating
throughout your body, where the energy flows down and comes back up.
Stand still and experience this for a little bit.

Ritual 1 – Conjuration

Maybe some of you have read Wealth Magick by Damon Brand and
seen his ritual to Clauneck at the end of the book. Because my first ritual
will be similar, I want to point out that Brand and the Gallery of Magick
took the sigils and conjuration words from Grimorium Verum. Therefore, I
am not copying them— I am simply using the same source that they did.
The original ritual in GV is quite complex, with lots of preparatory steps. I
have not found this to be necessary, therefore I am giving you a simple, yet
powerful version below. If you have never worked with Clauneck before, I
recommend you perform the first ritual at least once, because it is more
traditional and is a great way to introduce yourself to this spirit.
What you will need

Paper and pen

Candle: One green candle is good. You can also add red,
since he likes that color as well
Incense: Dragon’s blood or sandalwood
Both sigils below, you can use them from this book, print
them or even better draw them yourself
Optional: Any money or business oil to anoint the candle. If
you don’t have that, you can use Abremalin oil
Offering: You can offer the drinks mentioned above up-front,
or after he comes through for you

Best Ritual Times:

Daytime, hour of Mars or around the sunset (his favorite time!)

Thursday for money magick, or Tuesday for his planet Mars
New Moon or waxing moon are the best moon phases for this kind of


Set a clear goal for the ritual, write down your request on a
sheet of paper.
Print out the sigils if you can, and if you aren’t drawing them
(If not use them out of the book)
Perform any preparation you like
Set up small working altar with the above items
Meditate for a few minutes to settle down into the ritual
Perform banishing of choice or any other preparatory ritual,
at least clear the space
Anoint and light candle
Light incense
Meditate on both sigils. Trace over Clauneck’s sigil.
Think about your goal and how you feel about your situation
at the moment.

Know that Clauneck is a very powerful spirit that can help you. Be strong
and humble at the same time. Clauneck’s presence can feel royal. In the
grimoires it says, “Obey him, and he will obey you.” Keep that in mind.
When you feel ready, read the conjuration using the phonetic spelling in
“Osurmy (OH- SOOR- MEE)
Delmusan (DEL- MOO- SAN)
Atalsloyim (AH- TAH- SLAW- YEEM)
Charusihoa Melani (KAH – RU- SEE- HAW- A MEH- LAH- NEE)
Liamintho (LEE- AH- MEEN- TOW)
Colehon (KOH- LE- HAWN)
Paron (PAH- RONE)
Madoin (MAH- DAW- EEN)
Merloy (MARE- LOY)
Bulerator (BOO- LEH- RAH- TOR)
Donmeo (DAWN- ME- HO)
Hone (HAW- NEH)
Peloym (PEH- LOYM)
Ibasil (EE- BAH- SEEL)
Alymdrictels Person(AH- LEEM- DREEK- TELLS PEHR- SON)
Crisolsay (CREAS- OWL- SAY)
Lemon Sesle Nidar (LEH- MAWN SESS- LEH NEE- DAHR)
Horiel Peunt (HAW- REE- ELL PEH- UNT)
Halmon (HAHL- MAWN)
Asophiel (AH- SOH- FEE- ELL)
Ilnostreon (EEL- NOH- STREE- AWN)
Baniel (BAH- NEE- ELL)
Vermias (VER- MEE- AHS)
Eslevor (EH- SLEH- VAWR)
Noelma (NOH- ELL- MAH)
Dorsamot (DORE- SAH- MOT)
Lhavala (LAH- VAH- LAH)
Omot (OH- MOTT)
Frangam (FRAHN- GAHM)
Beldor (BELL- DORE)
Dragin (DRAH- GEEN)

I call you Clauneck, by the virtue of the sacred names Adonay and Elohim.”

Tell Clauneck exactly what you want to achieve. Visualize

yourself achieving that goal and living in this reality. Feel
what you would feel if you attained your goal. Meditate on
this for as long as you want.
Feel into his presence. You may feel nothing, and that’s
okay. You may see images in your mind, or have a sudden
intuition about what to do to attain your goal. You can ask
him to give you a sign, or point you to something that will be
helpful to achieve your goal. You may even hear an inner
voice (well… that may be him!!!) tell you how to go about
certain things in your career or business. If you are lucky
enough for him to speak to you, be smart and take his
advice. Take notes if he tells you something.
Optional: Offer an extra gift if he comes through for you and
you attain your goal. (See chapter about offerings.)
When everything is said and done, close the ritual and recite
this license to depart:

“Clauneck, go in peace. Return to your dwelling, and

come any time that I call you. In the name
of the father, the son and the
holy spirit. Amen.”
Ritual 2 – Contact via Enn

Enns are often used in Demonalatry. Demonalatry is the worship of

demons, while demonology is the study of demons. I’m not a demonalator
myself, but I have often used enns to contact Clauneck. Enns are very
similar to mantras that are used in Hinduism. They connect you
energetically to the spirit and often channel the powers into yourself. This
method can be used to contact him, give him a request as well as to receive
guidance and inspiration. The Enn below has been floating around the
internet for many years. I have to admit that I’m not sure of the source.
Enns are usually channeled by magickians at some point, some appear in
books. If you know the source, feel free to contact me, so that I can list the
person/ book as a reference in future editions of this book. I don’t like
taking anyone’s work without crediting them!
Things you will need:

A green candle
A piece of paper
Alcohol that Clauneck likes & a glass to offer it
Start by settling into the ritual. If you want to perform any banishing
you can do that now. Light the candle and the incense. Pour the alcohol into
the glass and set it aside. Start by drawing Clauneck’s sigil. Take your time
to do it, and meditate on it for a few minutes. It’s normal to already feel
some kind of presence at this point, because Clauneck is very responsive.
When you feel ready, chant the Enn:
“Avahlen Esen Clauneck Kiar”
I recommend chanting it for about 10 minutes, or 108 times.
Talk to Clauneck and tell him what you want to achieve. Point out the
offering. If you want to give Clauneck something specific if he comes
through for you, now is the time to state it.
This method is also great to ask questions, or to ask for signs regarding
business or money. You can also use this method just to draw more
abundance into your life, or to get ideas that will make you money. That’s
why this method is really more of a meditation. You can also use this to
establish rapport with Clauneck if you want to work with him long-term.

Ritual 3- Money Jar or Money

Lamp Spell

The idea behind a money jar or a money lamp is always focused on

success over the long-term. It’s supposed to be something that gradually
supports the flow of money in your life. It accumulates energy over a period
of time as you are working with it. You could use this ritual for yearly
income goals, or a larger amount that you’re trying to attract over a period
of time. This is not a spell to attract a quick $100.

A jar with a metal lid, or oil lamp

Lamp only: floatable wick, or lamp wick, an oil to fill the
lamp with. Lamp oil is way more flammable and can turn
into a fire hazard. You can try a light oil such as safflower oil
Jar only: green or gold candles, rum or fireball whisky
Small piece of paper and a pen to write your petition
7 dimes
A loadstone and magnetic sand (gold magnetic sand if you
can find it)
Hell bank notes/ ancestor money
Honey (only if you’re doing a jar)
Any money and/ or business oil
Cinnamon sticks
Bay leaves
An incense that Clauneck likes (Sandalwood, Dragon’s
blood), frankincense or abramalin incense are good as well,
any money incense is good too
Optional herbs: alfalfa, mint (prosperity), high john root
Optional: any money or business powder
Optional: if you want to do a blood offering to Clauneck, use
a diabetic pen, lancet and use an alcohol wipe to disinfect
too (stay safe!!!)


Settle down, put on some nice music that puts you in the
mood to do magick such as binaural beats. Have all your
tools ready. Perform any banishing you want, as explained
Optional: Give an offering up-front, or later once the spell
has worked
Light the incense.
Take the piece of paper, write your intention three times, turn
the paper clockwise and draw the simple sigil over it three
times. On the opposite side of the paper draw the sigil again.
If you want to do a blood offering, now is the time to do that.
Put the drop of blood on the sigil.
Put the paper in the jar/ lamp.
Now take the seven ancestor bills. On each bill write the
intention/ amount and draw the sigil again:

When you’re finished with that, place your hands over the
bills and recite the following mantra seven times:

“Claunth feras catelam. (CLOUNT FEH- RASS KAHT-

Pinuth nemtheranot agan. (PEE- NOOT NEM- TEH- RA- NOT
Securma ferunt erithren. (SEH- KOOR- MAH FEH-
Clebanot nechin Trebren.” (KLEH- BAH- NOT NEH- KIN

Now tell Clauneck what you want to achieve and why. Tell
him what you will do when you receive the money. Fold the
bills individually into small packets and put them in the jar.
Next add the seven dimes.
Then add the lodestone and the magnetic sand. Pray over
them and state that money is magnetized to you just like the
sand is magnetized to the stone.
For the jar: Add the honey and the alcohol, leave space at the
For the lamp: Fill with the oil, leave space at the top
Add the herbs, powders and oils. Pray over each thing
individually and tell it to bring you prosperity, fast cash, luck
Make sure to leave a bit of empty space and don’t fill it all
the way to the top if using a jar.
For the jar: You may have to add more honey and alcohol to
make the ingredients fluid enough and get the right ratio so
that the ingredients “swim” and move around. Don’t overdo
the honey, or it will slow down the work. Put the lid on the
jar and shake it up. Put some oil on your candle, set it on top
of the jar and light it. Look at the jar, imagine it glowing in
For the lamp: Add the wick and light it. Imagine it glowing
in gold.
Meditate for a bit, imagine you’re receiving the money,
imagine what you will do and how you will feel. Sit as long
as you want. You can allow the candle to burn down each
time (for the jar), even if you’re not in front of your altar (as
long as you’re in the same room and the candle is still in
your sight… you know, fire hazard!!!)
Or, snuff it out (never blow it out) and continue the next day.
Thank Clauneck, or “Claunth” for his help. Feel free to say
another prayer, or repeat your goal in your own words.
Light the candle or lamp every day (if you can), and repeat
the mantra, and meditate with it at least for a few minutes
per day.

Ritual 4- Fast Cashflow Talisman

This is a simple way to achieve quick contact with Clauneck via the
names of God. Use this ritual to empower your business and/ or cash flow.
Look at the talisman as a whole and think about what you
want to achieve
Focus on the letters in the center. Scan them top to bottom,
right to left
Focus your eyes on Clauneck’s sigil for a bit, while focusing
on your intention
Feel gratitude, and say the words below:
Adonay (AH –DOH- NYE)
Ell (ELL)
Elohim Gibor(EH- LOH HIM GEE- BOOR)
Sehahl (SEH- HAHL)
Dani (DAH - NEE)
Clauneck, Clauneck, Clauneck

Continue to feel gratitude for your fulfilled desire

Meditate as long as you want
That’s it. There is no ritual close

Ritual 5 - Pathworking

Pathworkings are another method to contact spirits, and they work via
guided meditation. The sequence of images connects you to the place in the
astral plane where the spirits reside. I find it helpful to look at the sigil after
visualizing the sequence of images. This is a great way to communicate
with a spirit, to receive answers, or to make smaller requests. For bigger
requests, I would personally use any of the other methods or combine this
method with one of the first two methods. Experiment with this as you
wish. You can easily incorporate the pathworking with drawing the sigil,
lighting a candle or use his enn or conjuration.
These are the steps for the pathworking:

You go down a moving spiral in the dark

You land on a deserted planet that glows in a brownish red
The earth is uneven and cratered
The light around you looks like twilight just after sunset
You feel someone walking up from behind you and putting a
crown on your head
You close your eyes
As you open them again, you are in a bright empty room
with white walls and floors
To the left of you is a massive steel door
You open the door and realize it’s a massive vault
You see never-ending gold everywhere glowing and
Sometimes Clauneck may appear to you in the room. If he doesn’t,
don’t worry.

Building a Relationship with Clauneck

I highly recommend that you focus on building a long-term relationship

with Clauneck. He is a pleasant spirit and will help you to level up your life
and transform your relationship with money. Therefore I would tell anyone
to try working with him regularly. Even if you don’t have a direct request, it
is always useful to meditate with him. You never know what he may show
you or teach you. I know that people with varying magickal experience and
psychic abilities are going to read this book. Some people are able to
communicate with spirits and hear them, others aren’t. Either way, if
Clauneck wants to deliver a message to you, you WILL get it. Something
may happen after you meditate with him, you may see something online, or
someone may suddenly reach out to you and tell you something (money/
business related) that you needed to hear and you will know it was actually
Clauneck. Things like these have happened to me quite often as well, where
I delivered a message to one of my friends or vice versa, but it was actually
a spirit that wanted this message delivered. If you aren’t deep into the occult
yet, this may sound a little crazy, but just stay open-minded and you will
As mentioned before, Clauneck sits directly next to Lucifer and is said
to be much loved by him. Therefore it does make sense to build a
relationship with Lucifer as well, or call them both in conjunction.
Remember that Lucifer is a spirit of wisdom, and since Clauneck has a way
to teach you about money, it only makes sense that they work well together.
This is by no means a must, and I didn’t intend to write a book about
Lucifer. There are many resources out there. Feel free to experiment with
this as you wish, but only if you’re comfortable doing so.
Lucifer is not an “evil” spirit, and his energy does not feel threatening.
Just be respectful and you will be fine. If not, feel free to skip this all


I can’t write a book about Clauneck without mentioning pacts.

“Demonic pacts” may sound dark, or give you flashbacks of Hollywood
movies, where “selling your soul” to an evil power is a recurring theme. I
understand, and I’ve been there myself. However, pacts as I know them
have nothing to do with this at all. If you ever made a request to a spirit,
promised an offering and then have delivered that offering after the spirit
came through for you, that is in a way a low- level pact. A pact as they are
often practiced by left-hand path practitioners are a form of contract
between yourself and the spirit.
“What’s the difference between a pact and just making a request and
giving an offering then?,” you may ask. The answer is that a pact is usually
a much larger process over a longer period of time and the result that the
magickian wants to obtain is way bigger. It may require the magickian to
deliver offerings over a long period of time, or to offer something that
requires lots of effort. And no, please don’t think it means sacrificing a goat
or something violent. If you’re an artist, the demon may ask you to create a
whole collection of paintings where his image is incorporated (as you see it
in your mind). This is just one example, but there are so many ways. At the
end of the day, it’s an exchange of energy and if you’re asking for big
things, there has to be a way for you to also pay the demon in kind that
takes your energy as well. Another factor of pacts is that they are formed by
writing down the terms, and then signing it in blood. Usually the magickian
would do a ritual to call the spirit, and then write down the pact with a
magickal ink, such as bat blood. This is basically a magickal business
contract between you and the demon. It is self-explanatory that you would
figure out the terms before you attempt to make the contract. This is a vast
topic, and I recommend that you read more information about how to do a
pact if you want to form one. Since Clauneck is a business and wealth
demon, it is not surprising that he likes to work within a pact. He is a
business guy, in a spiritual sense. “You’re serious? Okay. I’ll deliver, but
let’s have clear terms and outline what this means.” This is the vibe that
I’ve gotten from Clauneck. There is no pressure to form a pact with
Clauneck, and he won’t accept it from everyone either (he may tell you no
when you ask), but I needed to mention this. If you are comfortable with
Clauneck’s energy, you seem to get along with him and he helps you out,
this may be something to consider.
Final Words

This is not a long book, but I do believe it is a good introduction to this

amazing spirit and has enough rituals to bring you financial success, if you
put in the work. I’ve been blessed to get to know Clauneck in this lifetime,
and I hope sharing this information was a worthy work to reflect his power.
More may follow in the future. I will be creating the website
clauneckmoneymagick.com, connect with me there soon.
To your success.
Amara Yasmine

Grimorium Verum by Joseph H. Peterson

Secrets of Solomon by Joseph H. Peterson
Copyright © 2023 by Amara Yasmine

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