Chapter 1 5 W References 4 Repaired 2 1 2
Chapter 1 5 W References 4 Repaired 2 1 2
Chapter 1 5 W References 4 Repaired 2 1 2
A Thesis Submitted to
Faculty of the Junior High School Department
Tecarro College Foundation, Inc.
June 2023
APPROVED by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ___.
Junior High School Principal
June, 2023
The purpose of this study was to determine the parenting styles and
study seeks to identify the parenting styles and personality traits based on
neuroticism, openness for personality traits. This study aims to prove the
questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The result of the study
school administrators to use this study to help and serves as their guide to
effective parenting style and best possible ways for reducing poor
teachers to use this to create ideas and classroom activities for the students
to decrease their bad habits and maintain good relationship with their fellow
students. Lastly is for the future researchers. They should further study
about this topic and seek for best methods that yield to effective ways for
personality traits.
for his time and effort which led to the improvement and completion of the
Ms. Angel Sweet M. Linao, thesis grammarian, for her time and
support for our financial needs and spiritual support that propelled the
Above all, to the Almighty GOD, for the gift of health, wisdom, and
The Researchers
Chapter 1
Rationale 1
Theoretical Framework 4
Conceptual Framework 5
Definition of Terms 8
Chapter 2
Parenting Styles 9
Authoritarian 13
Authoritative 13
Permissive 14
Uninvolved 14
Personality Traits 15
Extraversion 18
Agreeableness 18
Conscientiousness 18
Neuroticism 19
Openness 19
Chapter 3
Research Design 21
Research Locale 21
Research Instrument 22
Chapter 4
Significance of Relationship 32
Chapter 5
Summary 35
Conclusions 36
Recommendations 37
e. Questionnaires 49
1 Parenting Styles among Junior Highschool students 28
1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 6
Chapter 1
crime and violence have become common problems today that the prevention
of serious maladjustment is essential, not only for the individual, but for the
community at large. Students at school and college level suffer from irritability
worries over health and so on, which are indicative of the lack of optimum state
and they feel that students must be helped in developing good emotional,
social, health, home and other types of adjustment besides the intellectual
pupil, who cannot benefit from college education in spite of his best efforts,
It stands for the various methods that parents employ to raise their kids. This
essay examines the numerous parenting philosophies that families use. There
are several challenges with modern parenting. The bulk of adolescent mental
health issues have parental styles as their underlying reason. The majority of
Parenting is one of the most important tasks in human society, and there
become “trustees of the future” and are responsible for the physical and mental
for procreation and increased awareness of the future. Parents have a lot to
contend with, but religious parents are rare. This is the case if the parents live
in a different state or city from the child. Camp for over a decade of research,
found that children who live apart from their parents are more likely to become
problems, have lower self-esteem, drink liquors, smoke or get involved in illegal
drugs, has been shown to indicate a high likelihood of drug use, several times
more than children whose parents are active. Statistics also show that children
who grow up with violent or drunken parents are more likely to exhibit such
underlying factors that influence the students’ parenting styles and personality
discussed. Despite the fact that the aforementioned topics have been
extensively researched around the world, the researchers have yet to come
across a study that examines and discusses the relationship between parenting
styles and personality traits. As a result, in this study, the researcher conducted
Highschool Students. In this regard, the study’s finding may benefit not only
also civil society and the government. Similarly, the findings of the study will be
between the parenting styles and personality traits among Junior Highschool
in terms of.
1.1 authoritarian,
1.2 authoritative,
1.3 permissive,
1.4 uninvolved?
2.1 extraversion
2.2 agreeableness,
2.3 conscientiousness,
2.4 neuroticism,
2.5 openness?
The study tested the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance which
Theoretical Framework
Family is the main pillar and the first of child's personality development.
the determining factor of adjustment and their interaction to each other as well
Conceptual Framework
two variables. The independent variable is Parenting Style, while the dependent
The first indicator is authoritarian. This is when they want their child to
follow instructions because they are the authority to decide what to do or not
what to do. The second indicator is authoritative. This is when they used to
understand the feelings of their child. The third indicator is permissive. This is
when they are very soft with their child so that they cannot correct them at
proper time by punishment. The fourth indicator is uninvolved. This is when they
do not have any demand or control on their child and they give total freedom.
helpful and unselfish with others. The third indicator is conscientiousness. This
is when they persevere until the task is finished. The fourth indicator is
neuroticism. This is when they are depressed. The fifth indicator is openness.
Authoritarian Extraversion
Authoritative Agreeableness
Permissive Conscientiousness
Uninvolved Neuroticism
The researchers believe that the results of the study will serve as the
basis for future action in order to produce and provide better valuable
Administrator. The result of this study can aid the school administrators
in conducting seminars or workshops for teachers so that they will know the
Teachers. The result of the study may help teachers recognize their
Parents. The result of the study help the parents to understand the
children’s behavior.
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Parenting Styles.
with general adjustment (Lamborn & Groh, 2009) and psychological wellbeing,
including a healthy self-esteem and satisfaction with life (Roman, Mwaba, &
Lens, 2008).
The adoption of intrinsic goals and aspirations could have positive implications
environments which could either enhance or hinder the satisfaction of the basic
for young people (Bray, Gooskens, Khan, Moses, & Seekings, 2010), as
suggests that paternal parenting is vital and has been linked to different
family. Parenting styles and to a limited extent parental practices have been
Limited research has been done linking parenting to the adoption of life
goals and aspirations. Research by Bray et al. (2010) showed that among
South African children, sharing a home with their parents did not guarantee
shortfall in their care in order to protect their wellbeing through silence, reaction
focused on the linkages between key attributes of parenting and the above
research has provided substantial support for the significant role parental style
led by Darling and Steinberg (1993) have long suggested that to better
parental styles and parental practices (Also see Bean et al., 2003, Brenner and
“a constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child
and create an emotional climate in which the parents’ behaviors are expressed”
whereas parental practices are “specific, goal directed behaviors through which
with the purpose of attaining specific socialization goals, and in this sense,
parental practices tend to have immediate impact on a child’s life. On the other
hand, Darling and Steinberg view the role of parental style as a moderator of
the link between parental practices and child outcomes, hence having an
Clark & Jeglic, 2009; Kaufmann, et al, 2000; Lim & Lim, 2003). Many of the
parents to three (or four) parenting styles according to their child rearing
patterns, on the basis of her interviews with parents and children. For grouping
are also on the rise. Several studies found that parenting style or parental
conformity and obedience and thus expect that they are obeyed without
display low level of engagement and trust toward their children. They most often
punitive and believes that a child should adhere to work in accordance to ethics
and should be obedient. In the authoritarian parenting style, parents are more
concerned with the traditional family structure; therefore, they limit the child’s
relationship between them (Piko & Balazs, 2012). Hoskins (2014) points out
verbal give-and- take, express reasoning behind rules and use power, reason,
and effective style of parenting among most of the families. In other words,
parents are neither responsive nor demanding. They behave in a manner that
is more affirmative toward the impulses, actions and desires of adolescent while
consulting with them about family decisions. In addition, they tend to avoid
engaging in behavioral control, do not set rules and set a small number of
Mensah & Gyimah (2018), found out that the predominance of neglectful
parenting style for high school aged males, since when males enter high school
the parents believe that their sons can manage themselves, and thus they
reduce their control as well as their close relationships. For instance, they rarely
assign their children chores. These parents also display low levels of
children's lives. As a result, these parents tend to grant their children a very
high degree of freedom to do as they wish. In addition, these parents tend not
Personality Traits.
Every human being is born with its distinctive and unique character from
personality is also one of the human unique factors (Fiest and Fiest, 1998).
Even, Engler (as cited in …2003) who is an expert in theory of personality also
(2003), these differences exist due to the genetic and environmental factors.
However, there are conflicts in this theory. Some believe that personality is
formed due to genetic factors. Others argue that differences occur due to
that, there are five core personality traits basic known as the big five theory,
neuroticism. Evidence of this theory has been rising and growing for many
years, beginning with the research of D. W. Fiske (1949) and later expanded
(Rahimi, 2007). The lifestyle of an individual is the unity of one's traits which
Personality comes from Latin word persona which means mask. The
personality as individual ways of interacting with each other or the role that is
organization, temperament, intellect, stable body shape and that defines unique
determine their specific behaviors and thoughts, such as being diligent, patient
and that defines unique adaptation to the environment. While Kagen, J & Segal,
patterns, actions and reactions over a long enough period of time. Based on
expression, interests, way of thinking and acting, habits, attitudes, manners and
abilities and aptitudes can define his/her personality. All in all, the individual’s
assumed and vital, the experience-based and innate, the non-essential and
extent (Corr & Matthews, 2009; Eysenck, 2013) but it is also dynamically and
characteristics and along with his/her experiences and interaction with his/her
environment. Even though personality is unique and specific for each individual,
this uniqueness does not mean that individuals have nothing in common.
Individuals with different personalities can still have some similar personality
seeking, and positive emotions have been the subject of popular fascination
and scholarly study for millennia. More recently, these behavioral patterns have
1973; Jung, 1921/1971), to which we refer via the shorthand label extraversion.
forgiving, soft hearted, and tolerant (Barrick & Mount, 1991). Agreeableness
suggests that the negative affectivity even influences more general life
tend to be less happy with their lives in general and hence they are unlikely to
perform well in tasks. As theorized with extraversion and trait positive effect,
because job attitudes are considered affective in nature, low emotional stability
and high trait negative affect likely to negatively impact individuals' job
affect are more likely to encode and recall negative information and tend to
affect the performance of the organization in which they are working for
the most difficult aspect. Such people appreciate emotions, are more sensitive
to emotional events, and also experience most emotions more strongly, which
in certain cases can lead to frustration, because a person may be confused and
overwhelmed with emotions. Studies also show that women tend to be more
open to feelings than men, and that this is due to higher rates of I anxiety and
mood changes in women Jonassaint et. al (2007) studied how various aspects
of openness to experience are associated with irritation and found that the
aspect of feelings had the most significant impact. They also found that high
assessment, which is the basis and cause of emotional experience and actions,
positive impact, and evaluating how a threat led to a greater negative impact. It
was also found that it was not extraversion, which, as is often supposed,
associated with assessments, was the impetus of this effect, but openness,
Research Design
collecting. Data are gathered through different methods such as polls and
having no control over variable. According to Calderon (2006) cited by Alieto &
Research Locale
G.E. Torres St., Davao City. Moreover, this was conducted from January 2023
to June 2023.
The respondents of the study were the Junior Highschool students from
TCFI. Universal sampling was used as sampling technique which means that
Research Instruments
The major tool used in the data gathering process was the survey
parts. Part I deals with the Parenting Styles with the following indicators:
from Shyny T. Y, (2017). The said questionnaire was measured through the
measurement, and theoretical perspectives from John, O. P., & Srivastava, S.,
asked permission to the office of the principal of the Junior High School
identified respondents.
the questionnaire, the researchers retrieved it from them. Afterwards, the data
were tallied and subject for data analysis with the aid of a statistician.
Mean. This tool was used to determine the level of Parenting Styles and
problems 1 and 2.
Presented in this chapter was the data gathering lifted from the research
mean of 3.21 or moderate. This means that the extent use of authoritarian
parenting style is done now and then at a short interval of time. It suggests that
the parents exhibited some elements of strictness, control, and discipline, but
That means that the respondents in the data gathering had difficulty
mean of 3.67 or high. This means that the extent use of authoritative parenting
style is done now and then at a short interval of time. It suggests that the parents
freedom, leniency, or flexibility. This means that the extent use of permissive
parenting style is done now and then at a short interval of time. it suggests that
This means that the extent use of uninvolved parenting style is done now and
then at a short interval of time. The mean score of 3.07 indicates that, on
moderate extent.
3.46 or high. This means that the parenting styles is above the expected level
and is done now and then at a short interval of time. Therefore, Junior
Table 1
means that the respondents’ extraversion trait evaluation is above the expected
level. It suggests that they tend to be more outgoing, talkative, and enjoy social
3.63 or high. This means that the respondents' agreeableness trait is above the
expected level. The mean score of 3.63 indicates that, on average, the
extent. It suggests that they tend to be friendly, kind, and compassionate in their
mean of 3.75 or high. This means that the respondents' conscientiousness trait
is within the expected level. This further means that the individuals being
attention to detail, and a preference for planning and structure. Individuals high
or high. This means that the respondents' neuroticism trait is within the
expected level. This further means that on average, the individuals being
or challenges.
high. This means that the respondents' openness trait is within the expected
level. It suggests that the individuals under study had significant openness
ideas, and love intellectual activities. Open people are frequently imaginative,
Table 2
This means that the level of personality traits is above the expected level and
is done now and then at a short interval of time. Therefore, Junior Highschool
factor in determining the level of personality traits among the Junior Highschool
students in Tecarro College Foundation, Inc. The findings of the study between
parenting styles and personality traits among junior high school students can
environments that promote healthy development for junior high school students
of Tecarro College Foundation Inc. Additionally, the study can contribute to the
existing literature on parenting styles and personality traits, which can help
Result of the statistical tests of the significant relationship between the variables
The overall P-value between parenting styles and personality traits is 0.222 is
implies that the Parenting Styles has nothing to do with the Personality Traits
of the Junior Highschool students. This leads to the acceptance of the null
The findings of the significance dispute the theory of Sarmast (2006) stated that
family is the main pillar and the first of child's personality development. The
was based on the previous literature (for instance, Tomsik and Ceresnik, 2017).
Henceforth, it could be said that parenting styles were the cognitive factors in
personality traits.
Table 3
in terms of.
1.1 authoritarian,
1.2 authoritative,
1.3 permissive,
1.4 uninvolved?
terms of.
2.1 extraversion
2.2 agreeableness,
2.3 conscientiousness,
2.4 neuroticism,
2.5 openness?
The study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship
between the Level of Parenting Styles and Personality Traits among Junior
Highschool students.
were gathered from the validated questionnaire which were answered by the
value of 0.222 which is greater than the tabular value of 0.05 level of
are given:
First is for the school administrators. They can use this study to help and
students to learn the effective parenting style and best possible ways for
Second is for the teachers. They can use this to create ideas and
classroom activities for the students to decrease their bad habits and maintain
Lastly is for the future researchers. They should further study about this
topic and seek for best methods that yield to effective ways for overcoming
Ericson O. Alieto & Richard M. Rillo (2018). Indirectness Markers in Korean and
Persian English Essays: Implications for Teaching Writing to EFL
Learners. Vol. 13 Issue 2.2 (2018) Retrieved from
Mensah & Gyimah. (2018) The Role of Permissive and Neglectful Parenting Style
in Determining the Academic Performance of Adolescents in the Senior
High Schools in the Birim Municipality, Journal of Education and
Practice Vol.9, No.4, 2018. Retrieved from
Kim Chankon, et al. (2015), “Parental Style, Parental Practices, and Socialization
Outcomes: An Investigation of Their Linkages in the Consumer
Socialization Context,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, 15–33.
Retrieved from
Lampropoulos, G., Anastasiadis, T., Siakas, K., & Siakas, E. (2022). The impact of
personality traits on social media use and engagement: An overview.
International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 4(1),
34-51. Retrieved from
Dear Ma’am:
The undersigned are presently conducting a study entitled “The
Parenting Styles and Personality Traits”. In this connection, we
would like to ask you good office to allow us to conduct out study and
administer out research instrument to the student in your department.
I believe that you are with us with our enthusiasm to finish this
requirement as compliance for our graduation and to develop our well-
being. The outcome of this study will provide insights to the students,
teachers and administrators of the department regarding the Parenting
Styles and Personality Traits.
Noted by:
Research Adviser & Research Coordinator
Approved by:
Principal of Junior Highschool Department
June 2023
Mr. Rodmark J. Flandez
Principal, Elementary Department
Tecarro College Foundation, Inc.
Davao City
Dear Sir:
In line with this, the undersigned would like to seek for your approval
to be the adviser of the aforementioned study.
Accepted by:
Research Adviser & Research Coordinator
June 2023
Ms. Angel Sweet M. Linao
Elementary Department
Tecarro College Foundation, Inc.
Davao City
Dear Ma’am:
The undersigned are the students from Grade 10 of Junior High School
Department presently conducting a study entitled “Parenting Styles
and Personality Traits” as partial fulfillment of the requirements in
ENGLISH 10 for the School Year 2022 – 2023.
In line with this, the undersigned would like to seek for your approval
to be the editor of the aforementioned study.
Accepted by:
Grammarian / Editor
Noted by:
Research Adviser & Research Coordinator
Dear Sir:
The undersigned are the students from Grade 10 of Junior High School
Department presently conducting a study entitled “Parenting Styles
and Personality Traits” as partial fulfillment of the requirements in
ENGLISH 10 for the School Year 2022 – 2023.
In line with this, the undersigned would like to seek for your approval
to be the statistician of the aforementioned study.
Accepted by:
Noted by:
Research Adviser & Research Coordinator
Questionnaire for Parenting Styles and Personality Traits
Authoritative Parenting
Uninvolved Parenting
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
NO All of Most Some Rarely Never
Statements the of the time
time Time
John, O. P., & Srivastava, S. (1999). The Big-Five trait taxonomy: History, -
Gracie Lu F. Baroy
Blk 5 Phase 1 Gwapings St. #41 S.I.R New Matina Davao City
Mobile No. 0977 167 5579
Email: [email protected]
Kirsten L. Batawan
Purok 23-A, Sapphire Street, Bucana, Davao City
Mobile No. 0949 797 7813
Email: [email protected]