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Third Quarter

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________________
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Choose the answer inside the box.

energy force greater motion shape

1. ______________ is the push or pull of an object.

2. ______________ is the ability to do work.
3. ______________ refers to the condition wherein an object changes its position or place.
4. If the object is heavy or big, the amount of force to exert is ______________.
5. Force can also change the ______________, size or movement of an object.

Direction: Write the kind of force exerted on each object Write PUSH or PULL. (6-10)

Direction: Box the object that needs GREATER FORCE to move.
Example: coin plate tire
11.Cabinet chair table
12.Book eraser paper
13.Basketball soccer ball golf ball
14.car bicycle cart
15.DVD laptop television

Direction: Put a check ( ) if the following statement shows safety measures when doing
physical activities and cross ( )if not.
16.______ Do not run along the corridors and pathways.

17.______ Step on the chairs and tables or climb up shelves and cabinets on your rooms.

18.______ Pass one at a time in going inside the classroom.

19.______ Avoid running when going out of the room.

20.______ Push and kick each other when in the line.

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. When the same poles of two magnets whether north or south are placed close to each other they
a. push each other b. pull each other
c. did not attract each other d. does not move

2. If you break a magnet into pieces, what will happen to the force that will be exerted by the
magnet when in use?
a. Force remains the same. b. Force exerted will decreased.
c. Force will be doubled. d. Force of each magnet will not be affected.

3. The following materials are attracted to magnet except_____________.

a. iron nail b. thumbtacks c. coins d. eraser

4. When two magnets are placed near each other with different poles, they will ________.
a. repel b. attract c. stop d. break

5. The act of pushing and pulling of a magnet is called_______________.

a. force b. magnetism c. gravity d. friction

Direction: Write YES if the object can be attracted by magnet and No if it cannot be
attracted by magnet.
6. Coins _________
7. Paper clip _________
8. Wooden chair _________
9. Plastic envelope _________
10. Ballpen _________

Direction: Draw a sun if it is a LUMINOUS OBJECT (God-made) and a candle if it is

11. Lampshade __________

12. Flashlight __________

13. Wood- __________

14. Fireflies __________

15. Chair- __________

Direction: Write TRUE or FALSE.

_______16. Light travels in a straight line.

_______17. When a light is blocked, a shadow is formed.

_______18. The sun is the main source of light on earth.

_______19. Light waves travel out from their source in straight lines called rays.

_______20. Stars are examples of artificial source of light.

WEEK 5-6
I.Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is incorrect.
_________ 1. Light is a form of energy.
_________2. Light travels in a zigzag line.
_________3. Light can pass through any kind of materials.
_________4. Shadow is created by opaque materials.
_________5. Transparent materials allow almost all of light to pass through them.

II.Look at the objects below. Write TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT or OPAQUE.

6. log 7. Clear glass 8. Umbrella 9. Wooden door 10. Bond paper

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

III. Fill in the blank of the correct word. Choose your answer inside the box.

all directions sound wave water vibration very fast

11. Sound is produced through _________________.

12. Vibrating objects send out sound waves that travel in _________________.
13. _________________ causes the vibration of the surrounding air.
14. Sound waves travel _________________through solid.
15. Sound waves travel a little faster through _________________.
IV. Write LOUD or SOFT sounds.
______________ 16. Chirping of the birds
______________ 17. The siren of the ambulance
______________ 18. A baby laughing
______________ 19. The audience yelling
______________ 20. The ringing of the school bell
WEEK 7-8
I. Draw a check mark (√) if the illustrations show reflection or a cross mark (×) if they show

_______ _______ ________

_______ _________
II. Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 6. All of the following are producers of light EXCEPT _________.
A. fire B. moon C. light bulb D. sun
_____ 7. Mirror will most likely cause light to ________.
A. bounce off or reflect C. refract or bend
B. move in waves D. pass through
_____ 8. The bending of light is called _____________.
A. Refraction B. reflection C. light rays D. opaque
_____ 9. It is an example of an object that reflects light.
A. mirror B. wooden wall C. plastic bottle D. your face
_____ 10. The bouncing of light is called _____________.
A. Refraction B. reflection C. light rays D. opaque


_________11. Sun is the main source of heat and light on earth.
_________12. Heat may be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation.
_________ 13. Conduction is the travel of heat across an empty space o vacuum.
_________ 14. Convection is a method of heat transfer in gases and liquids.
_________ 15. Plastics are good conductor of heat.
IV. Identify the method of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) taking place
in each situation.
________________16. putting the metal skewer near the campfire
________________17. boiling soup in the casserole
________________18. exposing nail to the candle flame
________________19. spoon stirring a cup of hot coffee
________________20. heat coming from the bonfire

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