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S.Y. 2018-2019

Name: _________________________________________ Score:

Date: _____________________________ Parent’s Signature: _____________________

I. Draw a smiling face ( ) on the box if the sentence is true and a sad face ( ) if it is false.

1. A push or pull can move objects.

2. Objects move without force.

3. Running water is a force.

4. Riding a bicycle needs force.

5. When you squeeze a balloon, you are using force.

II. Shade the circle of the correct answer.

6. It is a push or a pull.
O Force O Motion O Magnet

7. Motion is a movement. It also changes in position of an object using a reference

O False O True O No Answer

8. It is a piece of hard iron that attracts materials made of steel.

O rubber O wood O magnet

9. Materials that are attracted by a magnet.

O Magnetic materials O Nonmagnetic materials

10. Materials that cannot be attracted by a magnet.

O Magnetic materials O Nonmagnetic materials

11. The fast back-and-forth motions are called _____.
O force O motions O vibrations

12. A guitar, a piano, and a flute produce ___________.

O musical sound O gives signal O light sound

13. Ships use ultrasonic waves to detect the position of submarines.

O TRUE O FALSE O No answer
14. A drum is sounded by ____________.
O beating O strumming O blowing
III. Write M for magnetic materials and NM, for nonmagnetic materials.

_______15. marble _______18. nails

_______16. pair of scissors _______19. tin can

_______17. rubber _______20. cartolina

IV. Identify what kind of force involved in each item. Choose the answer inside the box.

_________________________21. television switched on Electricity

________________________ 22. kite flying Gravity

_________________________23. log floating on a river Wind

_________________________24. nails attached to a magnet. Magnetism

_________________________25. riding seesaw

Running water

V. Identify the force in each activity. Write PUSH or PULL.

__________________26. closing a door

__________________27. pressing on a door bell

__________________28. shooting a basketball

__________________29. stretching a rubber bond

__________________30. a carabao carrying a cart

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