How Are The Licenses For The As and OS Counted in PCS 7 V7.0 Onwards - ID - 38855207 - Industry Support Siemens

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Entry type: FAQ Entry ID: 38855207, Entry date: 05/13/2015

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How are the licenses for the AS and OS counted in PCS 7 V7.0 onwards?
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In PCS 7, a difference is made between AS and OSprocess objects with respect to licensing. This entry shows the different ways of counting
the process objects taking a practical example. There are slight differences between the different versions of PCS 7 in the details of the
counts. These will be highlighted explicitly.
AS process objects (license: "AS RT PO") (#chapter_284512_0)
OS Process objects (license: "OS RT PO") (#chapter_284512_1)
Examples for counting (#chapter_284512_2)

AS process objects (license: "AS RT PO")

The following objects in the S7 program each take 1 "AS RT PO" license:

Block instances that can be operated/monitored, support messaging and are not driver blocks
SFC charts
SFC type instances

In PCS 7 V8.0 onwards there are single blocks which occupy more than one "AS RT PO" license.
Example: Condition Monitoring Library V8.0 SP1 (Entry ID  82857062 (/cs/document/82857062/simatic-pcs-7-condition-monitoring-library-v8.0-sp1-released-for-delivery?lc=en-ww) ):

Block Lincenses

PumpMon 20 PO

VlvMon 10 PO

Table 01

The dialog below (Multiproject is selected) shows you how many process objects have been created and how many have been booked.
PCS 7 V7.0: "Process Object Statistics" dialog (Options > Charts > Configured Process Objects...)
PCS 7 V7.1 onwards: "PCS 7 License Information" dialog (Options > PCS 7 License Information...)

Note on counting the AS RT PO in PCS 7 V8.0 onwards

In PCS 7 V8.0 onwards a minimum of AS RT POs can be booked depending on the utilization of the CPU memory. This PO counting is applied only if due to the objects in the S7 program less AS RT POs are booked than provided for in the
occupied memory in the CPU (see attached PDF "Minimum_PO_demand" and "Downloads").

OS Process objects (license: "OS RT PO")

The following objects each occupy 1 OS process object

1. Count
Process objects and manually created tags with process connection are taken into account in the first count.

Blocks that can be operated/monitored, support messaging and are not driver blocks
SFC charts
SFC type instances
25 process tags created in the WinCC project, but not through AS-OS compilation.
Up to PCS 7 V7.1 the tags created are rounded down (for example: tags < 25 = 0 PO, tags >= 25 = 1 PO)In PCS 7 V8.0 onwards the tags created are rounded up (for example: tags >0 <= 25 = 1 PO, tags > 25 = 2 PO)
The raw data tags "#RawEvent" and "#RawArchive" are counted as tags that have not been created through AS-OS compilation.

In PCS 7 V8.0 onwards there are single blocks which occupy more than one "OS RT PO" license.
Example: Condition Monitoring Library V8.0 SP1 (Entry ID  82857062 (/cs/document/82857062/simatic-pcs-7-condition-monitoring-library-v8.0-sp1-released-for-delivery?lc=en-ww) ):

Block Lincenses

PumpMon 20 PO

VlvMon 10 PO

Table 02

2. Count (is taken into account only if this exceeds the number of PO of the 1st count)
In the second count, tags created through AS-OS compilation are taken into account. Here pro X tags = 1 PO are counted (rounding up), whereby X stands for a constant that has different values in the different versions of PCS 7.
PCS 7 V7.0: X = 50
PCS 7 V7.1: X = 60
PCS 7 V8.0 onwards X = 90

Process objects are taken into account in the first count. In the second count, the tags are taken into account, whereby the existing PO license is multiplied by X (50, 60, 90), for example, 1,000 POs = 90,000 tags).

The number of POs in the second count is not displayed in WinCC. However, when the OS project is opened, an entry is made in the log file "License_Info.log" with the number of tags used.

Up to PCS 7 V7.1 information about the process objects occupied is in the "License_Info.log" file which is stored in the "Diagnostics" folder in the WinCC installation directory.

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Fig. 01

In PCS 7 V8.0 onwards information about the process objects occupied is in the "LicenseLog.xml" file which is stored in the "Diagnostics" folder in the WinCC installation directory.

Fig. 02

Examples for counting

The following descriptions show how the counting of process objects functions.
These examples use the PO counting of PCS 7 V8.1 with program blocks from one of the corresponding libraries.
When calculating the POs, make sure that you use the correct multiplicators (50, 60, 90) for your version of PCS 7. Make sure that in PCS 7 V8.0 onwards the POs of the first count are rounded up.

Example 1
The table below shows the blocks used as a basis for the sample calculations. Taking the example of these blocks we want to demonstrate all the ways process objects can be created. This is why we chose an SFC chart, a normal PO
[MotL] and a block [Intlk04] that is counted via the tags. The table is followed by a brief explanation of how the POs are calculated.
The blocks used are from this library: "PCS 7 AP Library V8.1".

Quantity Block Control and monitoring & message Number OS tags (OS PO 2nd count) AS PO OS PO (1st

9 MotL [FB1850] YES 585 9 9

4 Intlk04 [FB1825] - 132 - -

2 SplRange [FC372] - - - -

2 SFC chart YES 42 2 2

TOTAL 759 (9 OS PO) 11 12

Table 03

Counting of AS POs
The MOTOR blocks and the SFC charts can be operated/monitored and can trigger messages.

9 x MOTOR + 2 x SFC = 11 process objects in the AS

Fig. 03

Count of OS POs
The MOTOR blocks and the SFC charts are each counted as 1 PO.
The second count is based on the number of all OS tags.

1. Count
9 x MOTOR + 2 x SFC + 1 Var = 12 process objects in the OS

The raw data tags "#RawEvent" and "#RawArchive" count as 1 PO, because tags that aren't created through AS-OS compilation are rounded up since PCS 7 V8.0 (tags >0 <= 25 = 1 PO).

2. Count
Number of OS tags:
582 [MotL] + 132 [Intlk04] + 42 [SFC] = 759 OS tags
Number of OS POs:
759 / 90 = 8,43... = 9 POs (always rounded up)

Since the number of the 1st count exceeds the number of the 2nd count, 12 POs are occupied.

Fig. 04

Example 2
The table below shows the objects used through which the OS POs are created. The table is followed by a brief explanation of how the POs are calculated. The INTERLOK block used is from this library: "PCS 7 AP Library V8.1".

Quantity Block Control and monitoring & message Number OS tags (OS PO 2nd count) AS PO OS PO (1st count)

35 Manually created tags with process interface - 35 - 2

3 Intlk04 [FB1825] - 198 - -

TOTAL 233 (3 OS PO) - 2

Table 04

Count of AS POs
No POs are configured for the AS.

0 process objects in the AS

Fig. 05

Count of OS POs
>35 manually configured OS tags count as 2 POs, 90 tags of all the tags created in the OS count as 1 PO.

1. Count
35 manually configured tags = 2 POs (rounded up)

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2. Count Terms of use ( Digital ID (
Number of OS tags:
198[Intlk04] + 35[manually configured tags] = 233 OS tags
Number of OS POs:
233 / 90 = 2,58... = 3 POs (rounded up)

Since the number of the 2nd count exceeds the number of the 1st count, 3 POs are occupied.

Fig. 06

The POs of the 2nd count are only visible in the Information dialog of the SIMATIC Manager. In this way, it might happen that the limit of configurable process objects has already been reached even though according to the WinCC Explorer
display not all the POs are occupied.


Contents Download

Minimum PO requirement to be taken into account depending on memory Documentation (9,8 KB) (/cs/attachments/38855207/38855207_minimum_po_demand_e.pdf)
Table 05

Further Information
How you can read out the current number of process objects from your project is described in the documentation of your version of PCS 7 in the chapter " Counting and booking process object licenses" of the manual "PCS 7 - Engineering
More information on the topic of AS licensing is available in the documentation of your version of PCS 7 in the manual "CFC for SIMATIC S7".
More information on the topic of OS licensing is available in the documentation of your version of PCS 7 in the manual "PC Configuration and Authorization".

Creation environment
The pictures and downloads in this FAQ response were created with PCS 7 V8.1.

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