Lecture 2b
Lecture 2b
DC wave
We choose a 12V transformer rated at 12W (12V * 1A) or a little above.
(The bridge rectifier introduces a voltage drop of 2*0.7=1.4V but the
motor will run just fine on 10.6V)
We need to calculate the PEAK current and voltage the rectifier will
I(peak) = 1.0 * √2 = 1.414A
V(peak) = 12 * √2 = 17.0V
As before
Transformer: 12V 6A= 72VA+
Bridge rectifier: >50V 10A
Smoothing calculation
Calculate capacitor
CV=I t C * 0.5 = 6 * 0.01
C = 6 * 0.01 / 0.5 = 0.03 Farads = 30,000uF
Positive voltage V+
Series regulator
mains Un-regulated
supply Voltage
(basic circuit with reference
smoothing, Fig 2)
General operation of
series regulated supply
This uses a series regulator to control the current flowing
to the load.
The output voltage is compared with a reference voltage
and corrections applied to maintain the output voltage
Series regulated supplies always require a higher voltage at
the input to the regulator, which is then reduced to give the
required output. This is called insertion loss.
Because of this the series regulator consumes power equal
to (Vin - Vout ) * Iout, and so the regulator must be
designed to cope with the heat produced.
Simple regulated supply: Fig 4
Vin Vout
Circuit explanation
In this simple regulated supply a voltage reference
is produced by passing a current through a zener
diode. The reference voltage Vref is compared
with the emitter voltage Vout. If Vout rises the
base-emitter bias is reduced and the voltage
restored to its proper value.
Here the transistor is acting as series regulator
AND compare/amplify.
Limitations of simple circuit
1. The current to the zener diode is not
regulated, so Vref can change
2. The base-emitter voltage of the
transistor changes with temperature.
3. The amplification is not very high, so the
regulation is not great.
4. The voltage reference circuit uses up to
10% of the available power.
Simple regulated supply: Fig 4a
To deliver 7.5V at 1A
Vin Vout
+17V max
120 ohm
8.2 - 0.7
= 7.5V
Imax = 8.2V 1W