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Column by Sourov Sir

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Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

CEE- 405 A
Structure VI (Elements of Building Structures)
(2.0 credit)

Sourav Ray
Assistant Professor
Department Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

[email protected]


• Reinforced concrete columns

• Prestressed concrete
Reference Books:
1. A.H. Nilson, D. Darwin, C.W. Dolan (2014),Design of Concrete
Structures, 14th/15th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
2. G. Winter, L.C. Urquhart, C.E. O’Rourke and A.H. Nilson (1964),
Design of Concrete Structures, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
3. M. N. Hassoun and A. Al-Manaseer (2015), Structural Concrete:
Theory and Design, 6th Edition, Wiley, New York.
4. Park and Gamble (2000), Reinforced Concrete Slabs, 2nd Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, New York.
5. Park and Paulay (1975), Reinforced Concrete Structures, Wiley,
6. J.C.McCormack and J.K.Nelson (2008), Design of Reinforced
Concrete: ACI 318-05 Code, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New
 Columns act as vertical supports to beams and slabs, and to transmit the
loads to the foundations.
 Columns are primarily compression members (i.e. can carry load chiefly in
compression), although they may also have to resist bending moment
transmitted by beams.
Column sections
• Common column cross sections are: (a) square, (b) circular and (c)
rectangular section.
• The greatest dimension should not exceed four times its smaller
dimension. (h≤4b).
• For h>4b, the member should be regarded as a wall for design
Classification of Columns
1. Classification on the Basis of Shape:
 Square section.
 Rectangular section.
 Circular section.
 L-section.
 T-section.
Classification of Columns
2. Classification on the Basis of Reinforcement:
• Tied Columns: These columns have the bars braced or tied at close
intervals by close loops called ties.

• Composite Columns: These columns consists of a structural steel or

cast iron column encased in concrete reinforced with both longitudinal
and transverse reinforcements.
Classification of Columns
2. Classification on the Basis of Reinforcement:
• Spiral Columns: These columns have the bars and the core
concrete wrapped with a closely spaced helix.
• Pipe Columns or Concrete Filled Steel Tubes: These
columns are circular, rectangular or square hollow sections filled
with concrete without any additional reinforcement.
Classification of Columns
3. Classification on the Basis of Type of Loading:
 Concentrically Loaded Columns: When the resultant of the load
coincides with the centroid of the cross section, the column is said to
be concentrically loaded column.

Fig. Concentrically Loaded

 Eccentrically Loaded Columns:
When the resultant of the load not coincide with the centroid of the
cross-section, the column is said to be eccentrically loaded column. There are
two types of eccentrically loaded columns;
i. Uni-axially eccentrically loaded columns. (Fig. a)
ii. Bi-axially eccentrically loaded columns. (Fig. b)
4. Classification on the Basis of Type of Length:

• Short column: Short columns those whose ratio of the effective length to
the least lateral dimension is less than 12.
• Long Column: Short columns those whose ratio of the effective length to the
least lateral dimension is greater than 12.
Failure modes of columns

• Columns may fail in one of three mechanisms:

 Compression failure of the concrete or steel reinforcement;

 Buckling
 Combination of buckling and compression failure.
 Compression failure is likely to occur with columns which are short and stocky.
 Buckling is probable with columns which are long and slender.

Compression failure
 Longitudinal Steel:
It is that steel which is present along the length of the column.
purposes of longitudinal reinforcement:
 The main function of longitudinal reinforcement is to prevent creep and
shrinkage in concrete.
 It provides resistance against lateral bending, cracking and reduction of
moment of inertia value.
 It reduces the size of the column.
 Transverse Steel:
 It provides confinement to the inner concrete or core concrete i.e. the concrete
which is present inside the longitudinal reinforcement.
 Confinement provides ductility and it also increases the strength of the
 Transverse steel reduces the chances of buckling of longitudinal steel.
 It holds the longitudinal steel in position during casting
 Transverse steel provides resistance against shear.

Types of Transverse Reinforcement:

 Ties or Transverse Ties: Lateral ties are used in the columns because of lesser
construction cost and ease of placement.

 Spiral Reinforcement: Spiral columns are used where we need more ductility
i.e., in earthquake zones. Spirals are mostly provided in circular columns.
Spiral columns sustain maximum load at excessive deformation and
thus prevent the complete collapse of the structure before the total
redistribution of moments and stresses is complete. The disadvantage of spiral
reinforcement is that it is very difficult to place in the field, so, due to this
reason its use is practically limited.
Why spiral column sustains longer than the tied column?
Why spiral column sustains longer than the tied column?
Two different types of failure occur in concrete columns, depending on whether
ties or spirals are used as transverse reinforcement.

For a tied column, the concrete fails by crushing and shearing outward
and the longitudinal steel bars fail by buckling outward between ties. In this case
the column failure occurs suddenly, much like the failure of a concrete cylinder.

A spiral column undergoes a marked yielding, followed by considerable

deformation before complete failure. The concrete in the outer shell fails and
spells off. The concrete inside the spiral is confined and provides little strength
before the initiation of column failure .
A hoop tension develops in the spiral, and for a closely spaced spiral,
the steel may yield. A sudden failure is not expected.
Figure shows typical load deformation curves for tied and spiral columns.
Up to point a, bouth column shell spalls off. After the factored load is reached, a
tied column fails suddenly (curve b), whereas a spiral column deforms appreciably
before failure (curve c).
Why spiral column sustains longer than the tied column?
Preliminary sizing of column
The approximate relation between axial load and gross area for tying column is,

Or, Ag ,trial 
0.55( f c'  f y  g )

Minimum overall dimensions (initial approximation):

 For columns supporting heavily loaded floors- minimum overall dimensions of

one-fifteenth the average span of the panel

 Roof columns- one-eighteenth the average span of the panel.

Thank you
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

CEE- 405 A
Structure VI (Elements of Building Structures)
(2.0 credit)

Sourav Ray
Assistant Professor
Department Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

Lecture Two
Guide line for tie or spiral reinforcement

 No. 3 bar for longitudinal bar up to No. 10

 No. 4 bar above for longitudinal bar up to Nos. 11, 14, and 18 and
bundled longitudinal bars***.

 The spacing of the ties shall not exceed 16 diameters of longitudinal

bars (16D), 48 diameters of tie bars (48d), nor the least dimension (T
min) of the column
Guide line for tie or spiral reinforcement

 No bar shall be farther than 6 in. Clear on either side from such a
laterally supported bar
 The ties shall be so arranged that every corner and alternate
longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a
tie having an included angle of not more than 135°.
 Spirals shall be a continuous bar of not less than #3. The clear
spacing between turns of the spiral must not exceed 3 inches (but not
less than 1 inch).
Why low reduction factor is used for column than beam?
1) Such lower reduction factor in the column representing the greater
importance of column in a structure
2) A beam failure may normally affect only a local area, whereas a
column failure can result in a collapsing of the entire structure.
3) During the casting of column segregation occurred.

Parameter Reduction factor

Flexure (for beam) 0.90
Shear 0.85
Tied column 0.70
Spiral column 0.75
Design of axially loaded column
For concentrically loaded spirally reinforced column

Capacity, P  Ag ( 0.25 f c  fsg )


For concentrically loaded tied reinforced column

Capacity, P  0.85 Ag (0.25 f c'  f s  g )

For concentrically loaded reinforced column

P  Ag {0.85 f c' (1   g )  f y  g }

  0.85 and   0.75 for spiral column
  0.80 and   0.70 for tied column
Problem 01:
Design a tied column for load 500 kip both in WSD and USD.
Solution (WSD):
Let us consider,

P  0.85 Ag (0.25 f c'  f s  g )

 500  0.85 Ag (0.25  3  0.4  60  0.02)
 Ag  478.24 in 2 [ h 2  478.24  h  21.87" ]

Therefore select a square section of 22''  22''.

As =  g Ag = 0.02  22  22 = 9.68 in2.
Tie reinforcement:
So provide 10 No. # 9 bar as main bar.
1) 16D = 16×  18
2) 48d = 48×  18
3) tmin= 22'', So provide #3 @18''c/c as tie reinforcement.
Spacing of longitudinal bar (where Spacing of longitudinal bar (where
2 spacing are available) 3 spacing are available
3 9 3 9
22  ( 1 . 5  2   2   2) 22  ( 1 . 5  2   2   4)
8 8  8 8

2 3
 7 . 43 ' '  4 . 58 ' '

Try USD at home

Problem 02:
D.L = 90 kips, LL= 70 kips, fc’= 4 ksi, fy = 60 ksi, Design a circular
spiral column. Design in USD.

Thank You
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

CEE- 405 A
Structure VI (Elements of Building Structures)
(2.0 credit)

Sourav Ray

Assistant Professor
Department Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

Lecture Three
Problem 03:

Design the Column A for Ground floor of a 10 storied building

1) Slab thickness = 6.5'',
2) Beam cross-section = 18''  12''
3) Live load on the floor = 100 psf
4) Live load in the roof = 60 psf.
5) Brick wall thickness = 5''.
6) Story clear height = 10'
7) f c' =3 ksi, and fy = 60 ksi


On Board

Item Calculation Load

Slab load = 25 22 2017 6.5 353.3 kip
0.15(   ) 10
2 2 12
Wall weight = 25 22 2017 5 18 178.5 kip
0.12( )  (10 ) 9 
2 12 12
Beam weight = 25 22 2017 1822 94.5 kip
0.15( ) ( ) 10
2 1212
Roof Live load = 25 22 2017 26.1 kip
0.06  (  ) 1
2 2
Floor Live load = 25 22 2017 391.3 kip
0.1  (  ) 9 
2 2
1043.7 kip

Ag ,trial  [  g  0.03 ]
0.45( f c'  f y  g )
1043 .7
Ag ,trial   438.2in 2 [ h 2  438.2  h  22" ]
0.45(3  60  0.03)
Select a square section = 22"  22" .
22 22
Column Self load of column = 0.15    10  10  50.42 kip
12 12
Total load = 1043.7+50.42=1094.12 kip

For concentrically loaded tied reinforced column Code provides the following formula for
maximum allowable load:
P  0.85 Ag (0.25 f c'  f s  g )
 1094.12  0.85 Ag (0.25  3  0.4  60  0.03)
 Ag  875.6 in 2 [ h  29 .58" ]

Select a square section = 30''  30''.


30 30
Column Self load of column = 0.15   100  93.8 kip
12 12
Total load = 1043.54+93.8=1137.45 kip
P  0.85Ag (0.25f c'  f s g )
1137.54  0.85Ag (0.253  0.4 60 0.03)
 Ag  910.31in2 [ h2  910.31h  30.11" ]

Select a square section = 31'' 31''.

31 31
Column Self load of column = 0.15    100  100.104 kip
12 12

Total load = 1043.54+100.104=1143.64 kip

P  0.85 Ag (0.25 f c'  f s  g )

 1143.64  0.85 Ag (0.25  3  0.4  60  0.03)
 Ag  915.28 in 2 [ h 2  915.28  h  30.25" ]
So, the section 31''  31'' is ok

As = g Ag = 0.03 31 31 = 28.38 in2,

So provide 30 No. # 9 bar as main bar.
1) 16D= 16   18''
2) 48d= 48  18''
3) t min = 30'', So provide #3 @18''c/c as tie reinforcement
Thank You
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

CEE- 405 A
Structure VI (Elements of Building Structures)
(2.0 credit)

Sourav Ray

Assistant Professor
Department Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

Lecture Four
Interaction Diagram:

Plot or graph of column axial capacity Vs. the moment.

For a concentrically loaded column the governing equations are:


Interaction Diagram
Problem :
For a column L.L = 250 kips, D.L= 300 kips, M=500 kip-inch L.L, fc’= 4 ksi, fy = 60
ksi, Design it in U.S.D. Take steel ratio 0.03.
Total factored load, P = 1.2 D.L +1.6 L.L =1.2 x 300 +1.6 x 250 = 760 kips.
Total factored moment, M =1.2 D.M +1.6 L.M =1.2 x 0 +1.6 x 500 =800 kip-in
M U 800
∴ Eccentricity, e= = = 1.05
PU 760

Now, P  Ag {0.85 f c (1   g )  f y  g }


⇒ 800 = 0.80 x 0.7 Ag 0.85 × 4 1 − 0.03 60 × 0.03

∴ Ag 280 in2
=16.74’’ x 16.74 ’’
Considering a square column, provide 17’’ x 17’’ (Tied)

Now, e/h 1.05/17 0.06 0.1 (Thus the column is a concentric column)
∴ AS  g Ag =0.03 x 17 x 17 = 8.67 in2
∴ Provide 9 # 9 bars.

Tie bar: 16 D =16 x 9/8 = 18’’

48 d =48 x 3/8= 18’’
T min = 17’’

Provide #3 bar @ 18’’ C/C as tie bar.

Problem :
In a two storied structure an exterior column is to be designed for a service dead load
of 142 kips, maximum live load of 213 kips, d.l. moment of 83 kip-ft, l.l. moment of 124
kip-ft. The minimum live load compatible with the full l.l. moment is 106 kips, obtained
when no live load is placed on the roof but a full live load is placed on the 2nd floor.
Consider column dimension b= 16 in, and h= 20 in, fc’= 4 ksi and fy= 60 ksi.
(a) Find the column RF for the full live load condition
(b) Check to ensure that the column is adequate for the conditions of no live load
on the roof.
Solution: (for 1st story)
Total factored load, Pu =1.2 D.L +1.6 L.L =1.2 x142 +1.6 x 213 = 511.2 kips.
Total factored moment, Mu =1.2 D.M +1.6 L.M =1.2 x 83 +1.6 x 124 = 298 kip-ft
Pu / Ag = = 1.60 ksi
16 20
Mu / Ag h= = 0.56 Ksi
16 20 20
20  5
  0.75
Using ID R 4.60.75
 g = 0.025
AS g Ag =0.025 x 16 x 20 = 8.00 in2
Provide 14# 7 bars.

Tie bar: 16 D =16 x 7/8 = 14’’

48 d =48 x 3/8= 18’’
T min = 16’’

Provide #3 bar @ 14’’ C/C as tie bar.

b) Pu= 1.2 D.L +1.6 L.L =1.2 x142 +1.6 x 106 = 340 kips
Mu= 298 kip-ft (as before)
Now Pu/Ag= 340/ 320= 1.06 ksi and Mu/(Ag*h)= 298*12/ 320*20= 0.56 ksi
20 5
λ= = 0.75

From graph, ρg= 0.019

Therefore, As= ρg*bh= 0.019 × 16 × 20= 6.08 sqr inch.
So no modification is required (OK!)

Design the column carrying a factored load 518 kips and factored moment
530 kip – ft.
Thank You
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

CEE- 405 A
Structure VI (Elements of Building Structures)
(2.0 credit)

Sourav Ray

Assistant Professor
Department Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

[email protected]

Lecture Five
Problem 09:‐
A column 12”x12” in dimension have a clear height of 25’
reinforced with 8 No. 6 steel bars. Calculate the safe load on the
Thank You
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE 405A
Structure VI
(2.0 credits)

Sourav Ray
Assistant Professor, CEE, SUST
[email protected]
Lecture Six
Prestressed Concrete

1. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

– T.Y. Lin and Ned H. Burns

Internal resistance set up by a body when it is deformed.

  ;Where, σ = stress; P = Force; A = X-sectional area

Three basic types

1. Axial
2. Flexural
2. Shear

Flexural or Bending Stress



My ;Where, σ = stress; M = Moment;

 y = distance from neutral axis
I I = second moment of area
Reinforced Concrete

 Concrete is strong in compression and weak in tension.

 Steel is strong in tension

 Reinforced concrete uses concrete to resist compression
and to hold bars in position and uses steel to resist
 Tensile strength of concrete is neglected (i.e. zero).

 R.C beams allows crack under service load.

Prestressed Concrete
 Internal stresses are induced to counteract external
Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed Concrete

 Reinforced concrete combines concrete and steel bars

by simply putting them together.

 PC combines high strength concrete with high strength

steel in an active “manner”.

 This is achieved by tensioning the steel and holding it

against the concrete, thus putting the concrete into

 Concrete is a brittle material with its tensile capacity

now improved by being compressed.
Prestressed Concrete

According to ACI (American Concrete Institute)

Concrete in which there have been

introduced internal stresses of such
magnitude and distribution that the stresses
resulting from given external loadings are
counteracted to a desired degree.

Prestress is commonly introduced by tensioning

the steel reinforcement.
Development of Building Materials
Materials resisting Materials resisting Materials resisting
Compression Tension Tension & Compr.

Stone Bamboos
Bricks Ropes

Iron bars Structural

Steel wires Steel

Passive Reinforced
combination Concrete

High-strength High-strength
Concrete Steel

Active Prestressed
combination Concrete
Hoop Stress
Concept of Prestressing
 The concept of pre stressing was invented years ago
when metal bands were wound around wooden
pieces to form barrel

 The metal bands were tighten under tensile stress

which creates compression between the staves
allowing them to resist internal liquid pressure.
Historical Example

Principle of prestressing applied to barrel construction

Wooden stave as a freebody


Here compressive Tensile prestress

prestress will resist hoop
tension produced by
internal liquid pressure
Half of metal band as a freebody
Brief History
Before the development of prestressed concrete, two significant
developments of reinforced concrete are the invention of Portland
cement and introduction of steel in concrete.
Brief History
Brief History
Why high-strength steel and concrete is mandatory?

Steel is Prestressed of steel

Shrinkage and
Prestress is lost Creep of concrete
Why high-strength steel and concrete is mandatory?
Consider an ordinary structural steel bar prestressed to a
stress of 124MPa and E = 200x10E3 MPa,
Assuming unit Loss of concrete due to shrinkage and creep is
= 0.0008

Then unit elongation of steel is:

  0.00062  0.0008

That means, the unit elongation of steel will entirely be lost

Why high-strength steel and concrete is mandatory?

Lengthening of steel =

Shrinkage & creep of

concrete= ‐‐ 0.008L
Why high-strength steel and concrete is mandatory?

In 1928, E.Freyssinet started using high strength steel wires for


Such wires, with an ultimate strength as high as 1725MPa and

a yield point over 1240MPa, are prestressed to about
1,000MPa, create a unit strain of δ= 1,000/200,000 =0.005

Assuming a total loss of 0.0008 due to shrinkage and creep, a

net strain of 0.005-0.0008=0.0042 would still be left, which is
equivalent to a stress of

F = E δ= 0.0042x200,000=840MPa.
Why high-strength steel and concrete is mandatory?

Lengthening of steel =

Shrinkage & creep of Effective strain in steel =

concrete= ‐‐ 0.0008L 0.0042L

Entire section of concrete becomes effective

Very suitable for longer span and heavier load (as

higher strengths of materials employed)

As more slender, more Artistic !!

As partial testing of both the steel and the concrete is

performed during prestressing operations, it seems safer !

Deflect appreciably before failure

Economical when same unit is repeated many times

Cons (Contra in Latin)

Stronger materials have higher unit cost

Many auxiliary materials are required (anchorages, conduits etc)

Extreme care needed in design, handling and construction

Sometimes weight is desired than strength, those structures are not

suitable for prestressing as it is light weight

 Bridges
 Slabs in buildings
 Water Tank
 Concrete Pile
 Thin Shell Structures
 Nuclear Power Plant

Fig: Odawara Blue-Way Bridge Fig: Kiso River Bridge


Fig:Alathiyur Silo(Blending),TamilNadu

Fig: Indira Sagar Dam,Khandwa


Fig: Maheshwar Hydroelectric Power Project ,MadhyaPradesh


Mohakhali Flyover

Khilgaon Flyover
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE 405A
Structure VI
(2.0 credits)

Sourav Ray
Assistant Professor, CEE, SUST
[email protected]
Lecture Seven
Prestressed Concrete

Three different concepts are available

Prestressing to Transform Concrete into Elastic Materials

Prestressing for combination of High‐Strength Steel with Concrete

Prestressing to Achieve Load Balancing

Concept‐1: Prestressing to Transform Concrete into Elastic


 Concrete which is weak in tension and strong in

compression is compressed (generally by steel under high
tension) so that the brittle concrete would be able to
withstand tensile stresses.

 From this concept, the criterion of no tensile stresses was


 It is generally believed that if there are no tensile stresses in

the concrete, there can be no cracks, and the concrete is no
longer a brittle material but becomes an elastic material.

Most common in practice (Eugene Freyssinet ; French Civil

Precompression No Tension !!!

by steel under high tension No Crack

Compressive stress counteracts

the tensile stress developed

Since no tension is developed in

Elastic !

From this standpoint concrete is visualized as being subject to

two systems of forces:

 i) Internal prestress and

 ii) External load

let us consider a simple rectangular beam prestressed by a

tendon through its centroidal axis and loaded by external loads.

The tensile prestress force F in the tendon produces an equal

compressive force F in the concrete.
Compressive stress due to prestress F,
f1= F/A

If M is the external moment at any section due to external load

& weight of beam then,

f2= My/I

y= distance from centroidal axis
I= moment of inertia
A= area of section
Concept-1 (Concentric tendon)

Force = F

F/A + Mc/I


F/A F/A - Mc/I

Due to prestress, F Due to External moment M Due to F & M

F My
f  
Concept-1 (Eccentric tendon)

e C.G.C
Force = F C.G.S

Direct axial compressive force


Couple (F*e)
Concept-1 (Eccentric tendon)

e C.G.C
Force = F C.G.S




F/A F/A+Fec/I-Mc/I
Fec/I Mc/I
Due to Prestress Due to External Due to F & M
Due to Prestress
Direct load effect Eccentricity moment M

F Fey My
f   
Some basics…
Double moment of area (So called moment of inertia !!)
For rectangular section

b 3
Ix 
I x= Moment of inertial about centroidal X-axis

Maximum moment at midspan of a simply supported uniformly

distributed load beam w per length

wL2 M
8 L
Concept-1 (Eccentric tendon: Prob-1)
Given: 3 k/ft

e C.G.C 30”
Force, F= 360k C.G.S

Compute fiber stresses in the concrete at the midspan section.

Solution: (Assume compressive stress -ve)

I = (20*303)/12 = 45,000 in4; 6 in

M = (3*242)/8 = 216 k-ft; e = ……
F Fey My
f   
 360,000 36,000 * 6 *15 216 * (1000 *12) *15
  
600 45,000 45,000
Concept-1 (Eccentric tendon: Prob-1)

F Fey My
f   
 600  720  864
For top fiber
= -600 +720 -864 = - 744 psi

For bottom fiber

= -600 -720 +864 = - 456 psi
Concept-1 (Curved tendon)


Free body of left side of section A-A


Compression C = F
Prestress, F

F Fey My
f   
Concrete stress at a section due to prestress is dependent only on the
magnitude and the location of F at the section
Concept-1 (Curved tendon: Prob-2)

Given: 3 k/ft

e C.G.C 30”
Force, F= 360k
9” 9”

Compute fiber stresses in the concrete at the midspan section.


Same as before !!!


Prestressing for combination of High‐Strength Steel with Concrete

Combination of steel
and concrete

Steel taking tension !

Concrete compression

Resisting couple play against

external moment

Very similar with RCC

“C” is not necessarily
at C.G.C !!


Prestressed beam RCC

Prestressed – No cracks and only Simply reinforced – Cracks and

small deflections excessive deflections
Concept-2 (Prob-3)
Given same as Prob.-2
3 k/ft
e = 1.2”
C = 360 k
arm C.G.C
16.2” 15”
T = 360 k
Compute fiber stresses in the concrete at the midspan section using concept-2.

I = 45,000 in4; M = 216 k-ft; ?
arm = ……

External moment = Resistant couple

216 = 360 * arm → arm = 7.2 in

e = 1.2 in
Concept-2 (Prob-3)

F Fey
f  
 360,000 360,000 *1.2 *15
 
600 45,000
 600  144
For top fiber
= -600 -144 = - 744 psi

For bottom fiber

= -600 +144 = - 456 psi

Prestressing to Achieve Load Balancing (by T.Y. Lin !)

Flexural Direct stress

member to member




Concrete as freebody
Parabolic Cord

Sag = h


Span = L

wb L2 8Fh
F F wb  2 F
8h L

Please referred to “Analytical Mechanics”-by V. M. Faifes; pp-93
Concept-3 (Curved tendon: Prob-4)

Given: 3 k/ft

6” C.G.C 30”
Force, F= 360k
9” 9”
Compute fiber stresses in the concrete at the midspan section using


Concrete as freebody
Concept-3 (Curved tendon: Prob-3)
Solution (cont..):
w = 3 k/ft

h = 6”

L = 24” wb = 2.5 k/ft

Concrete as freebody

8 Fh 8 * 360 * (6 / 12)
wb  2 wb  2
 2.5 k / ft
L 24
Net downward load = 3-2.5 = 0.5 k/ft

I = 45,000 in4; M = (0.5*242)/8 = 36 k-ft;

Concept-3 (Curved tendon: Prob-3)
Due direct load Due to unbalance moment
F Mc
f  
 360,000 36 * (1000 *12) *15
 
600 45,000
 600  144
For top fiber
= -600 -144 = - 744 psi

For bottom fiber

= -600 +144 = - 456 psi

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