Hvac Cooling Load Report

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Submitted By:

Milan Gurung (076BME021)

Sudarshan Poudel(076BME043)

Submitted To:

Vishwa Prasanna Amatya

Associate Professor (HVAC)



11th Bhadra, 2080

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3. SCOPE & FOCUS ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4. IMPORTANCE AND SIGNIFICANCE ...................................................................................................... 2
2. HVAC LOAD CALCULATION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. FACTORS AFFECTING LOAD CALCULATION: ................................................................................. 3 People: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Lighting: ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Electrical Equipment: ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2. External Factors: ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Climate Conditions: ............................................................................................................................... 5 Solar Radiation: ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Wind Exposure: ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Building Orientation:............................................................................................................................. 5 Outdoor Air Quality: ............................................................................................................................. 5 Geographic Location: ............................................................................................................................ 6 Altitude: .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Seasonal Variations: .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2. LOAD CALCULATION METHODS: ........................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1. Rule-of-thumb methods:............................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2. Engineering methods: ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.3. Computerized methods: ............................................................................................................................ 7
3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1. LOAD ESTIMATION:.................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1. Conduction: ................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.2. Solar Cooling Load Factor: ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.3. External Cooling Loads:.......................................................................................................................... 10
4. CALCULATIONS AND ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 12
4.1. FLOOR PLAN: ............................................................................................................................................ 12
4.2. LOAD CALCULATION FOR ROOFS:.................................................................................................... 14
4.3. LOAD CALCULATION FOR WALLS: ................................................................................................... 15
4.4. WINDOW LOAD CALCULATION: ........................................................................................................ 17
4.5. LOAD CALCULATION FOR DOOR: ..................................................................................................... 21
4.6. OCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATION: .................................................................................................... 21
4.7 EQUIPMENT LOAD CALCULATION: ................................................................................................... 22
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4.8 INFILTERATION LOAD CALCULATION: .............................................................................................. 24
4.9. TOTAL LOAD CALCULATION: ................................................................................................................. 25
Total load calculation: ............................................................................................................................................. 25
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.1. LOAD CALCULATION RESULTS:......................................................................................................... 26
6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ............................................................................................ 30
7. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................... 31

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Figure 1: Ground Floor Plan ......................................................................................................... 13

Figure 2: First Floor Plan .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3: Psychrometric chart ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4: Ground floor plan with ac units ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 5: First floor plan with ac units.......................................................................................... 29

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Table 1: Design Conditions .......................................................................................................... 12

Table 2: Example of area calculation............................................................................................ 14
Table 3: Example of load calculation for Ground Floor roofs...................................................... 15
Table 4: Example of load calculation for First Floor roofs .......................................................... 15
Table 5: Example of load calculation for Ground floor partition wall ......................................... 16
Table 6: Example of load calculation for First floor partition wall .............................................. 16
Table 7: Example of conduction heat transfer through Ground Floor windows .......................... 19
Table 8: Example of conduction heat transfer through First Floor windows ............................... 19
Table 9: Example of radiation heat transfer through Ground Floor windows .............................. 20
Table 10: Example of radiation heat transfer through First Floor windows ................................. 20
Table 11: Load calculation for Ground Floor doors ..................................................................... 21
Table 13: Occupant load calculation for both Floors.................................................................... 22
Table 14: Example of Ground Floor equipment load calculation................................................. 23
Table 15: Example of First Floor equipment load calculation ..................................................... 23
Table 16: Infiltration Load Calculation for both Floors ............................................................... 24
Table 17: Total load calculation for Ground Floor ....................................................................... 25
Table 18: Total load calculation for First Floor ............................................................................ 25
Table 19: Total load with suitable AC Units ................................................................................ 26


We want to convey our sincere thanks to our teacher, VishwaPrasanna Amatya, for his invaluable
guidance and unwavering support throughout the duration of this project. His expertise and
insights provided us with the essential framework to explore and comprehend the intricacies of
"Cooling Load Calculation Using CLTD Method."

We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) for their comprehensive handbook. This ASHRAE
handbook proved to be an indispensable resource, offering a wealth of information and
methodologies that greatly enhanced our understanding of cooling load calculations. The extensive
knowledge shared within the handbook significantly contributed to the precision and depth of our

Our gratitude also goes out to all those who directly or indirectly contributed to our project,
including our peers, friends, and family members. Their support and constructive discussions
played a crucial role in shaping our project and refining our ideas.

Finally, we are thankful for the opportunity to engage in this project, which not only deepened our
understanding of cooling systems but also fostered our growth as learners and aspiring

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In the realm of modern education, practical insights have gained equal importance alongside
theoretical knowledge across all disciplines. This awareness compelled us to bridge the gap
between theoretical concepts and their real-world applications, particularly within the domain of
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). Although we acknowledge the existence of
diverse AC systems used in different scenarios, we lack an in-depth understanding of how these
systems are thoughtfully selected and accurately sized to cater to specific needs.

As we navigated through our HVAC studies, we became acutely aware of a significant gap – our
limited understanding of the intricate processes involved in designing, selecting, and rating these
systems. This realization became our motivation to initiate a transformative project. Within this
endeavor, we undertook an exhaustive load analysis of a residential building, meticulously
identifying its precise cooling requirements.

Through a thorough and methodical approach, we calculated the exact AC system capacity that
the building necessitates to uphold optimal indoor comfort. This experience empowered us with
the knowledge to curate AC solutions that seamlessly align with the distinctive needs of each room.
Essentially, we've transcended the realm of theory, translating our conceptual understanding into
tangible actions. By bridging the gap between theory and practical application, our project acts as
a stepping stone towards mastery of the intricate domain of HVAC systems and their real-world

● To acquire a comprehensive understanding of both load calculation and air conditioning
system design for a building.


In this project, we're going to use manual calculations to figure out how much cooling and heating
a 3-story house needs. Once we know that, we'll choose the right air conditioner size for each
room. Then, we'll pick the best type of air conditioner for the job. Our main goal is to learn how
to do these calculations ourselves, using guidelines from ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers), which is an organization that sets standards for
this kind of work.

Load calculation is a fundamental and critical aspect of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning) system design and installation. Its importance lies in the fact that accurate load
calculation forms the foundation for creating efficient, effective, and properly sized HVAC
systems that provide optimal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. Here are some key
reasons why load calculation is crucial in HVAC:

● Right-Sized Equipment Selection: Load calculation helps determine the exact heating
andcooling capacity required to maintain desired indoor conditions. Oversized equipment
can lead to short-cycling (frequent starts and stops), inefficient operation, and increased
energy consumption. Undersized equipment might struggle to meet temperature
requirements. Accurate load calculation ensures that the HVAC system is appropriately
sized, leading toefficient and effective operation.

● Energy Efficiency: An HVAC system that is accurately sized based on load calculation
operates within its design capacity, leading to optimized energy consumption. Overly large
systems waste energy by consuming more power during frequent cycling. Right-sized
systems run longer cycles at a steady rate, improving energy efficiency and reducing
operating costs.

● Comfort: HVAC systems that are properly sized through load calculation can maintain
consistent indoor temperatures and humidity levels. This results in enhanced occupant
comfort by avoiding temperature swings and maintaining a balanced and comfortable
indoor environment.

● Indoor Air Quality: Load calculation takes into account ventilation requirements,
ensuring that the HVAC system provides sufficient fresh air intake for good indoor air
quality. Proper ventilation helps dilute pollutants, odors, and moisture, creating a
healthier living or working environment.

● System Durability and Longevity: An accurately sized HVAC system experiences less
wear and tear because it operates at a consistent load, reducing stress on components. This
leads to improved system longevity and reduced maintenance requirements.

● Cost Savings: Properly sized HVAC systems consume less energy, resulting in lower
utility bills over the system's lifetime. Additionally, right-sized systems often have
reduced maintenance and repair costs due to less strain on components.

● Compliance and Codes: Many building codes and energy efficiency regulations require
load calculations as part of HVAC system design and installation. Accurate load
calculations help ensure compliance with these regulations.

● Environmental Impact: Energy-efficient HVAC systems contribute to reduced

greenhouse gas emissions and overall environmental impact. By consuming less energy,
they help mitigate the carbon footprint associated with building operations.

● Effective Zoning and Control: Load calculations enable proper design of HVAC zoning
systems, allowing different areas of a building to be controlled separately for temperature
and comfort. This enhances occupant control and further improves energy efficiency.

In essence, HVAC load calculation is the cornerstone of designing HVAC systems that are
tailored to a building's unique requirements. It ensures that the system's capacity matches
the actual demands, resulting in improved energy efficiency, occupant comfort, indoor air
quality, and overall system performance.


HVAC load calculation refers to the process of determining the amount of heating and cooling
capacity required to maintain a comfortable and consistent indoor environment within a building.
It involves assessing the combined effects of various internal and external factors that influence
the heat gain and heat loss of the building. The purpose of HVAC load calculation is to accurately
size and design heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to match the specific
needs of the building, ensuring efficient energy usage, optimal comfort, and proper indoor air


2.1.1. Internal Factors:

Internal factors in HVAC load calculations are the elements and conditions within a building that
contribute to its overall heating and cooling requirements. These factors are directly related to the
occupants, activities, and equipment present inside the building. Accurate consideration of these
internal factors is crucial for designing HVAC systems that effectively regulate indoor conditions.
Here's a brief explanation of the key internal factors:

3|Page People:
The presence of occupants in a building generates heat through their bodies and activities. The
heat generated by people is influenced by factors such as the number of occupants, their metabolic
rates, clothing, and physical activity levels. In load calculation:

● Sensible Heat Load: The sensible heat generated by occupants affects the indoor
temperature. More people in a space lead to higher sensible heat loads, requiring more
cooling capacity to maintain comfort.

● Latent Heat Load: Occupants also release moisture into the air through breathing and
perspiration, contributing to the latent heat load. Proper ventilation is required to manage
this moisture and maintain acceptable indoor humidity levels. Lighting:
The lighting systems in a building generate heat as a byproduct of their operation. Incandescent,
halogen, and some types of fluorescent lights produce more heat compared to energy-efficient
LED lights. In load calculation:

● Sensible Heat Load: The heat generated by lighting contributes to the sensible heat load,
impacting the indoor temperature.

● Internal Gains: The heat generated by lighting systems is considered an internal gain,
influencing the overall cooling requirements. Electrical Equipment:

Various electrical appliances and equipment, such as computers, printers, televisions, kitchen
appliances, and more, release heat into the indoor environment while in operation. In load

● Sensible Heat Load: The heat produced by electrical equipment contributes to the sensible
heat load, affecting the indoor temperature.

● Internal Gains: Like lighting, the heat generated by electrical equipment is categorized as
an internal gain, influencing the overall cooling load.

In HVAC load calculation, these factors are quantified based on their heat output and the duration
of operation. Properly accounting for the heat generated by people, lighting, and electrical
equipment is essential for accurately sizing HVAC systems. Failure to consider these factors could
lead to an undersized system that struggles to maintain comfort during peak loads or an oversized
system that wastes energy and increases operational costs.

2.1.2. External Factors:
External factors significantly influence load calculations in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air
Conditioning) systems. These factors are related to the outdoor environment and the building's
surroundings. Accurate assessment of these external influences is essential for designing an HVAC
system that can effectively manage the indoor environment. Here are some of the key external
factors that affect load calculations: Climate Conditions:

● Temperature: The outdoor temperature directly affects the cooling or heating requirements
of a building. Hotter climates demand more cooling capacity, while colder climates require
more heating capacity.

● Humidity: High outdoor humidity can influence the latent heat load, affecting the system's
dehumidification efforts. Solar Radiation:

Solar heat Gain: The amount of solar energy entering the building through windows, walls, and
roofs contributes to the cooling load. Proper shading and solar control strategies can help mitigate
this heat gain. Wind Exposure:

Wind affects the rate of heat transfer through the building envelope. Windy conditions can
increase the convective heat transfer, impacting both heating and cooling loads. Building Orientation:

The direction in which a building faces (north, south, east, west) affects how it receives solar
radiation. South-facing areas may receive more sunlight, leading to higher cooling loads, while
north-facing areas might require more heating. Outdoor Air Quality:

Pollutants and outdoor air quality can influence the amount of ventilation needed to maintain
acceptable indoor air quality.

5|Page Geographic Location:
Elevation and geographical location influence outdoor temperature and humidity conditions,
impacting the overall cooling and heating requirements. Altitude:
At higher altitudes, the air is less dense, affecting heat transfer and potentially influencing the
system's performance. Seasonal Variations:

Load calculations must consider how the external factors change with the seasons. Winter and
summer conditions differ, leading to varying heating and cooling requirements.

Accurate incorporation of these external factors into load calculations ensures that the HVAC
system is appropriately sized to handle the unique characteristics of the building's location and
surroundings. Advanced load calculation software taken into account these variables, providing a
more precise assessment of the cooling and heating demands and aiding in the design of an efficient
and effective HVAC system.


There are many different heat load calculation methods in HVAC, each with its own advantages
and disadvantages. Some of the most common methods include:

2.2.1. Rule-of-thumb methods:

Rule-of-thumb methods are the simplest and quickest way to calculate the heat load for a building.
They are based on simple formulas that take into account the building's size, occupancy, and
climate. However, rule-of-thumb methods are not always accurate, especially for large or complex

2.2.2. Engineering methods:

Engineering methods are more accurate than rule-of-thumb methods. They take into account the
specific characteristics of a building, such as the materials used in its construction, the size and
location of windows and doors, and the amount of insulation. Engineering methods are more time-

consuming and require more specialized knowledge than rule-of-thumb methods, but they are the
most accurate way to calculate the heat load for a building.

2.2.3. Computerized methods:

Computerized methods are the most accurate way to calculate the heat load for a building. They
use software to taken into account all of the factors that can affect the heat load, such as the
building's size, occupancy, climate, materials, and construction details. Computerized methods are
the most expensive and time-consuming of all the heat load calculation methods, but they are also
the most accurate.

The best heat load calculation method for a particular project will depend on a number of factors,
including the size and complexity of the building, the accuracy required, and the budget. For small
and simple buildings, a rule-of-thumb method may be sufficient. For larger and more complex
buildings, an engineering method or computerized method may be required.


We've selected a two-story residential building as our focus. Within this context, we've conducted
a comprehensive load calculation for the AC system, adhering to the guidelines set forth by


Estimation of system load is based on the Load Temperature Difference/ Solar Cooling load/
Cooling Load (CLTD/SCL/CLF) load estimation method developed by ASHRAE.
A building typically has two types of cooling load components: space load and system load.

Space load component comprise of:

● Wall conduction
● Glass conduction
● Roof conduction
● Glass solar
● Partition conduction
● Infiltration
● People
● Lights
● Equipment
● floor

System load components comprise of:

● Plenum heat pickup
● Fans
● Ventilation

3.1.1. Conduction:
Conduction through a shaded surface is defined as:

Q = U. A.ΔT

Q= heat gain by conduction, btu/hr
U= overall heat transfer coefficient of the surface, btu/hr.ft2.oF
A= area of surface,ft2
ΔT=dry-bulb temperature difference across the surface, oF

The overall heat transfer coefficient is also called the U-Factor. It is the rate at which the heat will
be transferred across the surface.


R= resistance, hr.ft . F/ btu

All surfaces also have an indoor and outdoor surface resistance. AHRAE gives the R values of
common materials along with indoor and outdoor surface resistance.

The cooling load temperature difference (CLTD) is used to account for the added heat from radiant
heat transfer due to the sun shining on exterior walls, roofs, and windows, and the capacity of the
wall and roof to store heat. The CLTD is substituted for ΔT in the equation to estimate heat transfer
by conduction.


Since, the ASHRAE table provides hourly CLTD values for one typical set of conditions i.e.
outdoor maximum temperature of 95oF with mean temperature of 85oF an daily range of 21oF, the
equation is further adjusted to apply correction factors for conditions mentioned other than base
condition. Thus,

Q= U. A. corr. CLTD
corr.CLTD = CLTD + (78-TR) + (TM-85)

(78-TR) = indoor design temperature correction
(TM - 85) = outdoor design temperature correction
TR= indoor room temperature
TM = mean outdoor temperature
TM=maximum outdoor temperature -(daily range)/2

3.1.2. Solar Cooling Load Factor:

The solar cooling load factor (SCL) is employed to assess the speed at which solar energy
penetrates a space, warms its interior elements (furniture, walls, etc.), and subsequently dissipates
into the room. Similar to the CLTD method, SCL considers the space's ability to soak up and retain
heat, and it is applied to gauge the impact of solar radiation passing through window glass on the
cooling load.

The equation used to predict the amount of solar heat gain through glass is:

Q = A. SC. SCL

Q = heat gain by solar radiation through glass, Btu/hr
A = total surface area of the glass, ft2
SC = shading coefficient of the window, dimensionless
SCL = solar cooling load factor, Btu/hr • ft2

Factors which affect the solar cooling load factor are:

● Time of day
● Month
● Direction that the window faces

● Latitude
● Construction of interior partition walls
● Type of floor covering
● Internal shading devices (if any)

3.1.3. External Cooling Loads:

External cooling load refers to the amount of heat that a building gains from its surroundings,
primarily due to outdoor environmental conditions. It includes factors such as heat transfer through
walls, roofs, windows, and doors, as well as heat from the sun, outdoor air temperature, and
humidity. It includes:
● Solar heat gain through windows and transparent surfaces.
● Heat conduction through walls, roofs, and floors.
● Infiltration of outdoor air.
● Heat transfer from outdoor air due to temperature difference.
● Ventilation air cooling load.

Load through walls, roof and windows can be estimated by following equation:

Q= U. A. corr. CLTD

Load through window glass through solar radiation can be estimated by using the equation below:

Q = A. SC. SCL

3.1.4. Internal Cooling Loads:

Internal cooling load refers to the heat that is generated or released within a building's indoor space.
It includes factors like heat produced by occupants, lighting, appliances, and electronic equipment.

The equations for calculating sensible and latent heat gain produced by people are:

QS = sensible heat gain from people, Btu/hr
QL = latent heat gain from people, Btu/hr

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CLF = cooling load factor, dimensionless

Similarly, heat gain through lighting can be estimated by the following equation:

Q = sensible heat gain from lighting, Btu/hr
3.41 = conversion factor from W to Btu/hr
Watts = total energy input to lights
CLF = cooling load factor (dimensionless)
Ballast factor = 1.2 for fluorescent lights, 1.0 for incandescent lights

Equipment load can be calculated by:

Q = 3.41*watt*usage factor

Q = sensible heat gain from equipment, Btu/hr
3.41 = conversion factor from W to Btu/hr
Watts = rated energy of the equipment

Infiltration load is calculated by following ways:

At first, the infiltration air flow rate is calculated by using following equation:

The sensible and latent heat added by infiltration air flow is then calculated by:

Infiltration airflow = quantity of air infiltrating into the space, cfm
Volume of space = length × width × height of space, ft3
Air change rate = air changes per hour
60 = conversion from hours to minutes
ΔT = design outdoor dry-bulb temperature minus the desired indoor dry bulb temperature, oF

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ΔW = design outdoor humidity ratio minus the desired indoor humidity ratio, grains of water/lb
of dry air


We have chosen the following design conditions:

Table 1:Design Conditions

Design Conditions
Latitude 27.71°
Indoor Dry bulb Temperature(°F) 75
Indoor Wet bulb temperature (°F) 63
Daily Range (°F) 25
Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature(°F) 89
Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature(°F) 78


A two-storey residential building was selected to perform the cooling load calculation. The plan
layout of different floors of this apartment is attached below:

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Figure 1:Ground Floor Plan with dimensions

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Figure 2: First Floor Plan with dimensions

From this drawing plan, areas of different rooms were calculated as shown below:

Table 2: Example of area calculation

Kitchen Floor
plan Breadth Window/
Length Area Length Height Area Door Net Area
Wall(N) 10 7.46 74.6 5
5 25 W 49.6
Wall(E) 10 7.62 76.2 - - - - 76.2
Wall(W) 10 11.31 113.1 6.9 2.5 17.25 D6 95.85
Wall(S) 10 9.1 91 6.9 3 20.7 D5 70.3

In a similar manner, areas of all the rooms of all the floors were calculated.


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At first, the CLTD correction factor was calculated according to the design conditions from table
1, as shown below:

Tm = To – (Tdr /2) = 76.5oF

CLTD conduction correction = (78- tr) + (Tm -85) = 1.5oF

According to our design parameters, CLTD calculation has to be done for 27.7oNorth latitude but
the CLTD values for the mentioned latitude were not available to us. So, we have performed CLTD
calculation for latitude of 24o North as it is very close to the required latitude.
The roof of the top floor is only exposed to the solar radiation, so CLTD calculation for the top
only floor roof has been done. For determining the load from roofs of ground and first floor, basic
conduction equation has been used as they are not exposed to solar radiations.

Table 3: Example of load calculation for Ground floor roofs

Table 4: Example of load calculation for First Floor roofs


Load calculation for walls was done in a similar manner as that of roofs. The only difference is the
area of walls and its U- value.
The load calculation for outer walls exposed to sun was calculated using CLTD and the load
calculation for partition walls was done by using the basic equation of conduction.

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Table 5: Example of load calculation for partition wall of Ground Floor

Table 6: Example of load calculation for partition wall of First Floor

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Window load calculation involves two primary components:

• Conduction Load: This component deals with the heat transfer through the window due to
the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor environments. It's calculated
using the U-value (thermal transmittance) of the window. The formula for conduction load

Conduction Load (Q) = U-value * A * ΔT

U-value represents the thermal conductivity of the window
A=is the window's surface area.
ΔT is the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor.

Table : door area calculation

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Table: window area calculation

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Table 7: Example of conduction heat transfer through window for Ground Floor

Table 8: Example of conduction heat transfer through window for First Floor

• Solar Heat Gain Load: This component pertains to the heat that enters the building through
the windows due to sunlight. It's especially significant during sunny days and is influenced
by factors like the window's solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), the angle of the sun, and
shading devices. The formula for solar heat gain load is:

Solar Heat Gain Load (Q) = A* SC * SCL

SC = Shading Coefficient
SCL = Solar Cooling Load

The values of SC and SCL were determined from the ASHRAE fundamentals for the type of
window used as shown in window specification.

Table 9: Example of radiation heat transfer through window for Ground Floor

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Table 10: Example of radiation heat transfer through window for First Floor

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For the load calculation of the door, it is assumed to be made of wood and load calculation is done
similar to that of partition wall for simplicity.

Table 11: Load calculation for door for Ground Floor

Table 12: Load calculation for door for First Floor


The average floor area per person according to architectural design is often around 500 to 1,000
square feet. Keeping this information in consideration, we selected the number of people for each
room for calculation of occupant load. Then, we calculated the occupant sensible and latent heat
gain for moderately active work in following ways assuming CLF factor to be 1:

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Qsensible= No. of people*QS*CLF BTU/hr

Qlatent = No. of people*QL*CLF BTU/hr

Table 13: Occupant load calculation for both Floors


For the calculation of equipment load, different equipments were assumed to be available in the
room like computer, television, mobile phone etc. their usage factor were assumed and then the
load calculation was done in following ways:

Qequipment = 3.41* watt* usage factor BTU/hr

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Table 14: Example of equipment load calculation for Ground Floor

Table 15: Equipment load calculation for First Floor

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When an amount of air is enter in to the conditioned room through doors, windows. this is due to the
pressure difference on two sides of doors, window etc… this type of passing air is known as infiltrated air,
this type of effect is caused due to the stack effect, wind pressure. this type of pressure difference and
passing through different types of entries is known as air infiltration. when the load developed by the
infiltration phenomenon is known as infiltration load.

Qinfilteration = 1.2(ACH)(V)(to-ti)(1000/3600)

Q = sensible infilteration cooling load, W
ACH = air change per hour, l/h
V = volume of room, m3
to = outdoor temperature, °C
ti = indoor temperature, °C

Table 16: Example of infiltration load calculation for Both Floors

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Total load was calculated for the maximum conditions. The maximum CLTD values were used
for the calculation of total load and the required AC size was determined.
Total load was calculated by summing the heat gains from all the internal as well as external
sources. The table below shows the total load calculation of a room. In a similar manner, total load
calculations for each room were calculated.

Total load calculation:

Table 17: Total load calculation of Ground Floor

Table 18: Total load calculation of First Floor

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After the calculation of total load, the ac system to be used was selected. Generally, residential
buildings use split type AC, so we also chose Inverter type wall mount split AC. As we can see in
the above table, the total load is 1.225 TR, so for this we selected 1.5 TR inverter type wall mount
Split AC because 1.225 TR AC is not available in the market. Similarly, AC size and type for all
the other rooms were calculated and then selected.
The following tables display the chosen units for each room on every floor:

Table 19: Total load with suitable Ac Units

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Figure 3: Psychrometric representation of the Air conditioning processes

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The figures below illustrate the final floor plan after installing the ac units:

Figure 4: Ground floor plan with ac units

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Figure 5: First floor plan with ac unit

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In this project, we tackled the challenge of ensuring that a three-story residential building stays
cool and comfortable. We needed to figure out precisely how much cooling power, or "load," the
air conditioning (AC) system should provide. This was a crucial step in the design and installation
of the AC system.

Once we had determined the total cooling load, we moved on to the exciting part: selecting the
right-sized AC units for each room. However, it wasn't as simple as just putting AC units wherever
we wanted. We had to be strategic about their placement. We made sure not to put them in spots
with direct sunlight, near heat sources, close to bathrooms, or hidden behind furniture. The
placement had to be just right to ensure every corner of the room received optimal cooling, creating
a comfortable environment for all the occupants.

Our investigation revealed some fascinating insights. We discovered that the size, location, and
orientation of each room played a significant role in determining how much cooling it required.
For instance, rooms that were bathed in direct sunlight needed more cooling compared to those in
the shade. Additionally, we considered internal factors, such as how many people were in a room,
the lighting, and the electrical appliances. For example, kitchens with numerous electrical gadgets
needed larger AC units than other rooms.

In summary, our work extended beyond mere calculations. It encompassed a deep understanding
of how to create environments where people can thrive in comfort, even when the temperature

30 | P a g e

1. ASHRAE, “Handbook of Fundamentals, American Society of Heating,” Refrigerationand Air-

Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, 1997
2. Cooling Load | hand calculation example | HVAC 13
3. https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/number-persons-buildings-d_118.html

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