Mil Q2 Mod1

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MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

Definition of Terms reach the public and provide

commentary has been present ever
since the existence of a town crier. The
Is something new and difficult which tradition of oration has evolved to
requires great effort and determination. broadsheet, books, radio, television,
and now to the digital age.” In April
Cybercrime 2016, the World Economic Forum
Criminal activity or a crime that published an article titled 6 ways social
involves the internet, a computer media is changing the world that
system, or computer technology. discussed six observations and
predictions for the way social media is
Illegal Content changing the world from experts from
Any type of content that could be the Global Agenda Council.
damaging to young people. 1.) Social media, from a “nice to
Opportunity have” to an essential component
of any business strategy.
Is a set of situations that makes 2.) Social media platforms may be
possible to do something the banks of the future.
Power 3.) Social media is shaking up
healthcare and public health.
Media power means the concentration
of symbolic power in media 4.) Social media is changing how we
institutions, particularly those of govern and are governed.
television, radio, and the press.
5.) Social media is helping us better
LESSON 10: Opportunities and respond to disaster.
Challenges in Media and
Information 6.) Social media is helping us tackle
some of the world’s biggest
Media and other information providers challenges, from human rights
play a central role in information and violations to climate change.
communication processes. Nowadays,
media become the common outlet of
self-expression and creativity. Its huge Another article from TECH
influence spreads speedily across the by Bilal Ahmad updated in March 2016
globe. The connection between published an article titled “10
technological advances and people’s Advantages and Disadvantages of
connectivity created a huge impact on Social Media for Society” enumerated
the lives of today’s generation. the following:
 Connectivity
March 2016, TCC Group published an  Educate
article by Charles Gaspar, entitled  Help
“How media Affects Social Change”  Information and updates
which reports the following: “Media  Promotion
and more importantly its ability to  Noble cause
MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

 Awareness Helps Gov’t and “fact checker” can’t keep up. Also,
agencies fight crime because anyone can access the
 Improves business reputation internet, some information are not
 Helps in building communities reliable.
Disadvantages: Age Inappropriate Content
 Cyberbullying It’s hard to verify the age on the
 Hacking internet and since anyone can access
 Addiction the internet including underage. Thus,
 Fraud and Scams they are easily exposed to
 Security Issues inappropriate contents for underage
 Ruin Reputation like sexual implicit and violent
 Cheating and Relationship Issues contents.
 Health Issues
Illegal Content
 Social Media causes death
 Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol Some media are used to distribute
illegal contents:
 Illegal images of child sexual abuse
CHALLENGES IN MEDIA  Content promoting hate based on
INFORMATION race, religion or sexual preference,
 Content instructing or promoting
CHALLENGES crime, violence,
Crimes  Content that advocates unsafe
behaviour like extreme dieting or
 Incitement of harm, drug taking.
 Infringement of human
rights/defamation. OPPORTUNITIES
 Money theft/phishing.
 Commercial fraud
Politics Media acts as an
 Bullying
effective check
 Copyright Infringement on government
 Identity theft. power and
influence over its
citizens. With
It seems as though privacy is unprecedented
something that is very easily broken growth in mass
into when referring to the media and its media and also
audiences. It is very difficult for cheapness of
radio, TV,
individuals to keep their information
satellite, and
private, which is why this is such an
internet services.
important ethical issues. This helped bring
Lack of Verification political
information to a
Because of the new media, information much wider
spreads faster than ever, so fast that audience.
MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

Economy Often one can resources efficiently, investors and

figure out how other groups increasing value and
economy will demand a governancemonitoring
trend based on role from the media. A free and
the bias of independent press can provide
different media. information and monitoring to the
Education Both media and economic policy development
technology can
process leading to more effective
effectively be
economic policies. It can also
used in schools
as phenomena to reduce political risk and increase
learn both “from” good governance -conditions that
and “with”. are important for robust economic
Tourism Aids the development.
marketing and
promotion of Media improves the efficiency of
tourism. It gets the economy by providing actors
people talking more and better information with
then this is a sign which make decisions and
of a good mass improving stability.
marketing drive.
Employment Some social
- Media enhances political
media channels
coordination in the development of
are widely
perceived as an sound economic policy
recruitment -Media sector development can
channel. Social reduce political risk, increasing
Media is stability for higher risk countries.
important to 2. Education
candidates as a In Sites Using Video
method for As we know from the recent
researching the ubiquity of online digital video, the
market. video has become a compelling
Business Using different
tool for educational representation.
Processes media will let you
students use it in their projects:
information that teachers and pre-service teachers
can help you use it to study pedagogy; and
making decisions researchers use it for capturing and
for your examining how learning happens,
business. as they unfold.
3. Social
In today's world, media becomes
as essential as our daily needs.
1. Economy Media of today is playing an
Economic actors need accurate outstanding role in creating and
and timely information to allocate shaping of public opinion and
MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

strengthening of society. Media is 6. The Impact of Polls

the sword arm of democracy. Media Political polls are an important part
acts as watchdog to protect public of every campaign. They are often
interest against malpractice and confusing, because you can often
create public awareness. find multiple polls with contradictory
4. Political results posted on the very same
The political landscape has day.
changed quite a bit in the last
couple of decades. The internet As with other types of political
has played a large role in this news, the internet has greatly
transformation. Social media, in increased the number of poll result
particular, is now a serious factor in as we see each day. Social media
political campaigns and in the way has accelerated this even more.
people think about issues. Not only do social media sites
report the results of polls, you can
Candidates and their supporters actually participate in Facebook
constantly post their views on polls.
Facebook and Twitter. Each party
has its own pages, from which it Polls results have a big influence
broadcasts propaganda and on elections. This is true even if
requests for donations. Let’s look at they are flawed. A poll can be a
some of the leading ways that self-fulfilling prophecy. For
social media influences politics example, if people think one
today. candidate is far ahead in the race,
5. News Around the Clock One they might conclude there’s no
of the ways that social media has point in voting for the underdog.
transformed politics is the sheer When people are posting the latest
speed at which news, poll results poll results on social media
and rumors are shared. Whereas in throughout the day, there’s a great
the pre-internet days, people 9 had deal of pressure on candidates to
to wait for the next newspaper or pull ahead of their opponents.
TV news show to get the latest 7. Direct Interaction With Politicians
information, online news is a 24/7 One of the positive effects that
phenomenon. social media has on politics is the
opportunity for voters to interact
Social media has taken this a step more easily with candidates and
further. While you can access news elected officials. Traditionally, if you
on many websites at any hour, wanted to meet a politician or
most people spend more time on candidate, you’d have to attend a
sites such as Facebook and Twitter live event. Not everyone is able to
than they do on serious news or do this. With modern technology,
political websites. This means that it’s now possible to attend virtual
you get all of the latest trending events where you can participate in
news stories and opinions shared live streaming events and interact
by your friends whenever you log with politicians and candidates.
MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

8. Demographics and Targeting 3. Copyright Infringement

Targeting is used throughout the
It is the use of works protected by
advertising industry to make sure
copyright law without permission,
that ads and messages reach the
infringing certain exclusive rights
right audience. Politicians do this
granted to the copyright holder, such
as well. In the age of social media,
as the right to reproduce, distribute,
politicians and people running for
display or perform the protected work,
office are able to target their
or to make derivative works.
4. Identity Theft
If a candidate wants to address the
concerns of women, college It is the deliberate use of someone
students, retired people, Latinos or else's identity, usually as a method to
any other group of voters, they can gain a financial advantage or obtain
now tailor their messages. Just as credit and other benefits in the other
advertisers on Facebook are able person's name, and perhaps to the
to use analytics and targeted other person's disadvantage or loss.
advertising, so can candidates and POWER
politicians. Thus, if you notice that
political messages seem to be 'Media power' means here the
talking to you personally, this is no concentration of symbolic power in
accident. media institutions, particularly those of
television, radio and the press (the
CHALLENGES. common-sense definition of 'the
1. Illegal Content media'), although the long-term impact
of new media on media power is
It’s any type of content that could be considered.
damaging to young people,
including:real or simulated violence 1. Business Strategy
sexually explicit content illegal images It’s a trend that is already spreading to
of child sexual abuse content businesses beyond the newsroom,
promoting hate based on race, religion whether it be because of digital
or sexual preference content marketing or new customer service
instructing or promoting crime or communication channels.
violence content promoting violent
extremism content that advocates 2. Banks of the Future
unsafe behavior like extreme dieting or Social media is transforming banking
drug taking the use of a computer as relationships in very significant ways,
an instrument to further illegal ends. from improving customer service to
2. Cybercrime allowing users to send money to
others via online platforms. New
Criminal activity or a crime that financial technology companies are
involves the Internet, a computer using social media to help people
system or a computer technology. simply open a bank account. Social
media can even impact your ability to
get a loan.
MIL _ Quarter 2 – Module 1: Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information

3. Health Care & Public Health

Social media has been responsible for
relevant changes in both personal and
community health, especially by
making it easier for large numbers of
people to rapidly share information.
Looking back on the opportunities and
power of media presented above, we
can conclude that technology becomes
a very powerful in almost all aspect of
human living and society. However,
challenges in regards with its use are
also lurking in every corner. With
these, responsible use media should
always be taken into consideration.

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