20 Art Bostan

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Micro-hydropower stations for conversion of kinetic energy of river water without… 93


Bostan I.,PhD, Dr.Sc, Dulgheru V., PhD, Dr.Sc, Bostan V., PhD, Ciobanu O., PhD student
Technical University of Moldova

1. INTRODUCTION Namely, only this area participates in the

transformation of water kinetic energy into
To avoid the construction of dams, the mechanical one. As well, the prior blade covers
kinetic energy of rivers can be utilised by means of approximately 2/3 of the blade surface sunk utmost
exploiting water stream turbines. This type of in the water (h’’≈ 2/3h’). This fact reduces
turbines is easily mounted, is simple in operation significantly the water stream pressure on the blade.
and maintenance cost is suitable. The 1m/s current The blade that comes next to the blade that sunk
velocity represents an energetic density of maximally into water is covered completely by it
500W/m2 of the crossing section, but only a part of and practically does not participate in the
this energy can be drawn off and converted into conversion of water kinetic energy. Therefore, the
useful electrical or mechanical energy. This fact efficiency of such hydraulic wheels is small.
depends on the type of rotor and blades. Velocity The insistent searches of authors lead to the
is especially important as a double increase in the elaboration and patenting of some advanced
water velocity can result in an eight times rising of technical solutions for floatable micro-hydro power
energetic density. Prut river has a section stations, based on the hydrodynamic effect,
equivalent to 60 m2 and an average velocity in generated by the hydrodynamic profile of blades,
explorable zones of (1 – 1,3) m/s, which is and their orientation at optimum positions
equivalent to an approximate theoretical energy of concerning the water streams with account of
(30 – 65) kW. Taking into account the fact that the energy conversion in each phase of the turbine rotor
turbine can occupy only a portion of the river bed rotation (fig. 2) [1]. Therefore it was necessary to
perform a large volume of multi-criteria theoretical
research concerning the selection of optimum
hydrodynamic profile of the blades and the design
of the orientation mechanism towards the water

Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of the water wheel

with rectilinear profile of blades.
the generated energy might be much smaller. There
are various conceptual solutions, but the issue of
increasing the conversion efficiency of water
kinetic energy is in the view of researchers. The Figure 2. Conceptual diagram of the rotor with
analysis of constructive versions of floatable micro- hydrodynamic profile of adjustable blades
hydro power stations previously examined did not concerning the water streams.
satisfy at all from the point of view of conversion streams.
efficiency of water kinetic energy. In a classical The basic advantages of these types of micro-
hydraulic wheel horizontal axle (fig. 1) the hydro power stations are as follows:
maximum depth at which one of blades is sunk ƒ Small impact on the environment;
makes approximately 2/3 of the blade height h.
94 Micro-hydropower stations for conversion of kinetic energy of river water without …

ƒ It is not necessary to carry out civil streams in various phases of rotor rotation by
constructions; utilizing blades orientation mechanism. Thus,
ƒ The river does not change its natural practically all blades (even those which move
course; opposite the water streams) participate
ƒ The possibility to utilise local knowledge simultaneously in the generation of summary torque
in order to produce floatable turbines. moment. The blades which move along the water
Another important advantage consists in the streams utilize both hydrodynamic forces and water
fact that along the river course it is possible to pressure exercised on blade surfaces for the
mount a series of micro-hydro stations at small generation of the torque moment. The blades which
distances (approximately 30-50 m) because the move opposite the water streams utilize only
influence of turbulence provoked by the adjacent hydrodynamic upward forces for the generation of
installations can be excluded. the torque moment. Due to the fact that the relative
The results of the carried out research by the velocity of the blades toward water streams at their
authors concerning the water flow rate in the motion opposite water streams is practically twice
location selected for the micro-hydro power stations bigger, the hydrodynamic upward force is relatively
mounting, the geological prospecting of the river big and the generated torque moment is measurable
banks in the place of anchoring foundation to the one generated by the water pressure. This
mounting, the energetic needs of the consuming effect forms the basis of all patented technical
potential, represent initial data for the conceptual solutions.
design of the micro-hydro power stations and its In the process of designing industrial
working element. prototypes of micro-hydro power plants for the
Conceptual design of the micro-hydro power conversion of river water kinetic energy, the
station constructions with hydrodynamic profile of following criteria and requirements have been taken
blades was carried out on the basis of three into consideration:
conceptual schemes: - the elimination of dam constructions and
- micro-hydro power station with pintle and implicitly, of the negative impact on the
blades mounted on vertical axles anchored by the environment;
metallic structure; - minimal costs;
- floatable micro-hydro power stations with - construction simplicity and operation;
pintle and blades mounted on vertical axles; - high reliability at dynamic overstressing
- floatable micro-hydro power stations with caused by operating conditions;
horizontal spindle and blades mounted on horizontal - utilization of resistant composite materials
axles. including increased humidity conditions;
Aiming at an increase of the conversion - automatic control of micro-hydro power
coefficient of the water kinetic energy (Betz plant platform position at water level variation;
coefficient), a number of structural diagrams of The adopted technical solutions have resulted
floatable micro-hydro power plants have been in an ample theoretical and experimental research
designed and patented [1-4]. They comprise a rotor carried out at the Centre for Renewable Energy
with pintle and vertical blades, and hydrodynamic Conversion Systems Design, Department of the
profile in normal section. The blades are Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts. To
interconnected by an orientation mechanism justify the constructive and functional parameters,
towards the direction of the water streams. The supplementary digital modelling and simulation
motion of rotation of the rotor with pintle is have been carried out by utilizing ANSYS CFX5.7
multiplied by a mechanical transmission system and software. Subprograms developed by authors for the
is transmitted to an electrical generator or to a MathCAD, AutoDesk MotionInventor, etc.
hydraulic pump. The mentioned knots are fixed on a software, have been utilized, namely simulation of
platform, mounted on floatable bodies. The the interaction „flow-blade” of the floatable
platform is linked to the bank by a hinged metallic steadiness and also the optimization of blades
truss and by straining cables. hydrodynamic profile, with the purpose to increase
A very important aspect in the functional the river water kinetic energy conversion efficiency
optimization of micro-hydro power plants is the for different velocities by using 3, 4 and 5 blade
selection of optimum hydrodynamic profile of the rotors. In the process of micro-hydro power plants
blades which allows increasing the conversion design, the experience gained at research-design-
coefficient (Betz coefficient). Due to the manufacturing of the pilot plant was utilized.
hydrodynamic upward forces the increase in the The efficiency of micro-hydro power plant
conversion level is reached by means of ensuring operation by private consumers for special purposes
the optimum position of the blade towards the water depend on the right selection of micro-hydro power
Micro-hydropower stations for conversion of kinetic energy of river water without… 95

plant constructive configuration and of the 2. MICRO-HYDRO POWER PLANT

functional characteristics of the component WITH HYDRODYNAMIC ROTOR
aggregates participating in the process of flowing
water kinetic energy conversion into useful energy.
In order to satisfy the objectives and ENERGY CONVERSION
consumers demand for micro-hydro power plants,
and also for the increase in the flowing water The micro-hydro power plant with
kinetic potential conversion efficiency in the certain constructive configuration MHCF D4x1,5 ME for
zone of the river, the authors have designed the river water kinetic energy conversion into electrical
following constructive and functional concepts and mechanical energy (fig. 3) is poli-functional
based on modular assembling: and can be utilized for street illumination, heating,
1. micro-hydro power plant with water pumping for irrigation by weeping, for
hydrodynamic rotor for river water kinetic energy drainage of agricultural areas adjacent to rivers.
conversion into mechanical energy – for water The assembling of blades 1 with NACA 0016
pumping (MHCF D4x1,5 M); profile in hydrodynamic rotor 2 and its mounting on
2. micro-hydro power plant with the inlet shaft of the multiplier 3 are done in the
hydrodynamic rotor for river water kinetic energy same manner as for micro-hydro-power plant. The
conversion into electrical and mechanical energy kinematics and constructive peculiarities of micro-
(MHCF D4x1,5 ME); hydro plant are the following: rotation motion of
3. micro-hydro power plant with hydrodynamic rotor 2 with angular speed ω1, by
hydrodynamic rotor for river water kinetic energy
conversion into mechanical energy at small
rotations (MHCF D4x1,5 ME);
4. micro-hydro power plant with
hydrodynamic rotor for river water kinetic energy
conversion into electrical energy (MHCFD4x1,5 E).
The mentioned micro-hydro power plants,
conceived as modular ones, allow the modification
of destination and functional characteristics by
replacing certain aggregates with other (generator,
pump, blades with different hydrodynamic profile,
3-5 blades rotor).
Micro-hydro power plants have similar
resistance structure as constructions calculated from
the point of view of resistance and rigidity at
dynamic demands. Floatability and maintenance of
the perpendicularity of micro-hydro power plant
rotor spindle for a variable river water level are
ensured by technical solutions protected by patents
[1-4]. The instant orientation mechanism of blades
for a constant entering angle concerning the
direction of the water flow represents Know-How
and it is not described. The main working element
Figure 3. Micro-hydro power plant with
on which the quantity of kinetic energy converted
hydrodynamic rotor river water kinetic energy
into useful energy depends is the blade with the
hydro-dynamic profile NACA 0016, developed on conversion into electrical and mechanical energy
the basis of the performed digital modelling. Two (rotor diameter D = 4m, water-submersed blade
types of rotors with 3 and 5 blades have been height h = 1,4m, length of the blade cord l =1,3 m)
designed for the mentioned micro-hydro power (MHCF D4x1,5 ME): 1. hydrodinamic NACA 0016
plants. The installed capacity of micro-hydro power profile blades; 2 – 3-blade rotor; 3 – planetary
plants with diameter D = 4 m, water-submersed multiplier with multiplication coefficient i = 112; 4
blade height h = 1,4 m and the length of the blade – belt drive with multiplying coefficient i = 1,9; 5 –
cord l = 1,3 m for water flowing velocity V = 1...2 generator with permanent magnets (characteristics
m/s can be within P = 2...19 kW. – p. 5.4); 6 – impeller pump CH – 400
(characteristics – pumping flow rate Q = (20-40)
m3/h la at pumping height 15...32m); 7 – plastic
mass pontoons, 8 – guide path, 9 – space case.
96 Micro-hydropower stations for conversion of kinetic energy of river water without …

means of multiplier 3 and of belt drive 4 having an and in case of water pumping (at the shaft of the
effective multiplying coefficient i = 212,8, is being pump):
multiplied up to angular working speed of the η∑ = η1η2ηrη gηme = 0,9 ⋅ 0,95 ⋅ 0,99 ⋅ 0,87 ⋅ 0,91 = 0,67,
generator with permanent magnets with small
rotations 5: where: ηg is generator efficiency; ηme – efficiency
ω3=ω1⋅i1⋅ (s-1). of the hydraulic pump of the electric motor.
Torque moment T3, applied to rotor 5, is: On the basis of the conceptual diagram
designed above, technical documentation was
T1 ⋅η1 ⋅η 2η r
T3 = ,( Nm ) , developed and industrial prototype of micro-hydro
i power plant for river water kinetic energy
where: η1 is the mechanical efficiency of the conversion into electrical and mechanical energy
multiplier (η1 = 0,9); was manufactured (fig. 5). Thus, micro-hydro
η2 - mechanical efficiency of the belt drive power plant MHCF D4x1,5 ME provides
(η1 = 0,95);
ηr - mechanical efficiency of the
hydrodynamic rotor bearings (η1 = 0,99).
i – effective multiplication coefficient equal
to the composition of multiplying ratios of the
planetary multiplier and of the belt drive. Diagrams
of the summary torque moment T1 at the
hydrodynamic rotor shaft with blades for different
water flow velocities is shown in fig. 4.
The electric energy produced by the generator
with permanent magnets 5 (fig. 4) can be utilized

Figure 5. Industrial prototype of micro-hydro power

plant river water kinetic energy conversion.
conversion of up to 73,6% and 67% of useful
energy for electricity production and for water
pumping from the energy potential of flowing water
entrapped by the hydrodynamic rotor.


1. Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Sobor I., Bostan V.,

Figure 4. Micro-hydro power plant MHCF D4x1,5 Sochirean A. Renovable Energies Conversion
ME kinematics. Systems: solare, eoliene, hydraulic. Tehnica Info,
Chişinău, 595 p. ISBN 978-995-63-076-4.
both for private consumer needs of power and for
2. Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Ciupercă R.
supplying electricity to impeller pump 6 (CH 400),
Anthology of inventions: renovable energies
for water pumping into irrigation systems by means
conversion systems. Bons Offices” SRL, Chişinău,
of weeping or drainage of agricultural areas
458 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-283-3.
adjacent to the rivers (by relocation of the impeller
3. Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Ciobanu O.,
pump 6). In the fig. 5 the dependence of the torque
Sochireanu A. Patent nr. 2991(MD).Hydro-electric
moment T1 at hydrodinamic rotor shaft at one
plant / U.T.M. Publ. BOPI, 2006.- Nr.2.
rotation is presented. In the case of electric energy
4. Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V. Sochireanu
production, the energy utilization efficiency with
A., Ciobanu O., Ciobanu R. Dicusară I. Hydro-
account of mechanical losses in the kinematics
electric plant. Patent nr. 3104 (MD). BOPI nr.
chain of the micro-hydro power plant and in the
generator with permanent magnets makes up (at
generator terminal):
η ∑ = η1η 2η rη g = 0,9 ⋅ 0,95 ⋅ 0,99 ⋅ 0,87 = 0,736 , Recommended for publication: 16.09.2010.

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