Nazi Germany Thesis Topics
Nazi Germany Thesis Topics
Nazi Germany Thesis Topics
The depth
of research required, coupled with the sensitivity and gravity of the subject matter, can often
overwhelm even the most seasoned academic. From analyzing the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party to
examining the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, every aspect demands meticulous attention
and scholarly rigor.
One of the greatest challenges lies in selecting a thesis topic that not only captures the essence of this
dark period in history but also offers a fresh perspective or contributes to existing scholarship.
Whether exploring the socio-political dynamics that facilitated the Nazis' ascent to power or delving
into the psychological mechanisms behind their ideology, the breadth of potential topics can be both
daunting and exhilarating.
Furthermore, crafting a thesis requires not only extensive research but also critical thinking and
analytical skills. Interpreting primary sources, evaluating historical interpretations, and constructing a
coherent argument necessitate a deep understanding of the subject matter and a keen awareness of
historiographical debates.
Given the demanding nature of writing a thesis on Nazi Germany, seeking assistance from reputable
academic services can prove invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support tailored
to the unique challenges posed by this topic. With a team of experienced researchers and writers,
they provide expert guidance and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that your thesis meets the
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By entrusting your project to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty
associated with writing a thesis on Nazi Germany. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to
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I have used this resource successfully with students targeted Levels 4 - 9. This was all part of a
deliberate plan to prevent women having careers. Government organized printing a money to pay the
workers. These were certainly known about and many German businesses used Jewish workers in
their factories. Hitler would have found it difficult without scaring people but I think that
propaganda did help a bit because it kept people on his side for a bit before he could really get the
terror going. The standards of national identity and what it means to develop and cultivate a
believing population, have changed over the years by market economies, globalization, and capitalist
enterprise today. Germany’s reparations would be altered to spread out the payments over more
years, thus making it easier to pay; payment was also assisted by American loans; the USA also
promised to encourage investment in the German economy to rebuild strength. Hitler blamed
Communists and made Hindenburg to pass a law Enabling Act that could make Hitler operate on
him own. The Jews were forced to do intense labor and were treated horribly. About 1.1 million
Jews died in concentration camps in World War II. Failed when socialist groups (e.g. trade unions)
organized a general strike against the putsch. The organization had experienced a bit of a slump after
1936 when participation had become mandatory. The question of the success of the
Volksgemeinschaft is immeasurable because it depended on the experience of the individual. Girls
studied no foreign languages and the only maths and science they learnt was linked to cooking and
childcare. After 1918, as a consequence of treaty of Versailles and Great Depression German
yearned a leader who can make Germany into one and give them hopes. Emerging from this was a
completely different power relationship to the people. Extermination Camps like Auschwitz and
Treblinka were built outside of Germany. SA used as auxiliary police by the Nazis to disrupt
opponent’s political rallies. It was attractive for many young people with its regime of camps,
sporting activities and marches. This was done continuously through the Nazi regime to bombard the
public with the Nazi message in order to reduce opposition. The government even gave medals to
women for producing lots of children. Many teachers were already nationalistic and accepted that
they should teach Nazi ideas. Anti-Semitism was a huge part of Nazi life and was actively
encouraged by the government. Therefore, Elias characterizes nationalism as evidence that a
“specific social phenomenon characteristic of large industrial state-societies at the level of
development reached by the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (p.151)”. There is an intrinsic implied
solidarity and obligation to the nation of an almost religious character mediated by love. Though it
was Hitler himself who conducted his own project, the events would have resulted differently if
these men had chosen not to participate, as a man cannot accomplish much without a team. All boys
had to join the Hitler Youth and girls had to join the League of German Maidens. This new society
required a change in the consciousness of the German people, perhaps not possible in the short time
the Nazis had. On 30 June 1933 Hitler ordered his bodyguards SS to murder Rohm ad 70 other
leaders of SA. To strongly portray this point there was a huge book burning in May 1933 when
hundreds of Berlin students set fire to these banned books. In regards to the civilizing process Elias
suggests that, “a personality structure attuned to an absolutist-monarchic or dictatorial regime allows
great scope for readiness in the individual person to accept orders, to allow him- or herself to be
guided by external constraints”. For some like in sources C and E it was a good thing, but for others
it was terrible, Jews for example.
Children's songs were about bloodshed, violence and anti-Semitism. Of course this all ended in the
mass-extermination of the Jews in the holocaust. On the other hand there was also a lot of
admiration for Hitler and for what he had done for the country. Jews were segregated in schools
after 1933 and then banned from state-funded schools after 1935. The true story was only discovered
when the Allies advanced across Europe in 1945. Thirdly, there were numerous public displays of
Nazism. From 1944 Germany was under great pressure in the war. History was basically rewritten so
that any thing bad about Germany was deleted, all wars that Germany entered they won and so on.
Six years of war would follow with the full participation of the Hitler Youth eventually down to the
youngest child. Commentary on 'Daddy' and 'The Arrival of the Bee Box' By Sylvia Plath. This was
all part of a deliberate plan to prevent women having careers. All youth groups were brought under
the control of the Hitler Youth organisation. All schools were single sex and girls and boys were
educated quite differently. Also, the Nazi's complete control over the media meant that they could
control what people thought, and so in theory the Volksgemeinschaft could have succeeded. Jan
1934 - all state government structures brought under direct Nazi control. No freedom of the press; no
freedom of expression; no public meetings (unless approved by the Nazis). Children were taught that
they had never been defeated in World War I. To enforce this point Hitler ordered the murder of
hundreds of his opponents both in and out of the party, this was known as the “Night of the long
knives”. A Jewish body. Smoke is in the background to symbolize havoc and destruction. But the
main impact is that Hitler’s policies led to the World War 2 - almost whole Europe was occupied by
Nazis and in all this territory the Holocaust was in action. Pupils had to pass an exam, and
unsatisfactory performance could lead to expulsion. They were trained how to use guns and to hate
Jews. He also manages to secretly agree with GB and sign German-Anglo naval agreement. Our
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Not the right resource. Specific sectors of the population therefore had specific reasons for
supporting Hitler. I think this was because the amount of propaganda was so large the German
people were indoctrinated into liking Hitler. It also meant that children had little spare time to pick
up ideas that the Nazis did not approve of. Right from the start the Nazis showed there was no room
for opposition during their regime and any incurred would not be tolerated. Was such a policy
incompatible with the policy of increasing the birth-rate. They also went door to door collecting
scrap metals and other materials needed for war.
As Hesse worked with the Nazis, this source appears to be reliable and not biased; it was only
written in 1954, after the downfall and death of Hitler. He also manages to secretly agree with GB
and sign German-Anglo naval agreement. Also they resented the loss of income and saving due to
the world economy and this led them to support Nazi’s anti-communism propaganda attract them.
During the great depression Hitler promised new jobs for the workers. They used slogans so that
people remembered the Nazis so that it could be seen by a mass of people like the rallies. However,
looking at sources A and B together, we realise even though everybody could hear the Fuhrer most
people didn't listen. Hitler’s hatred translated into economic boycott and racial laws, therefore
triggering government inspired hate-violence. To begin with it would be very serious crimes that
carried this penalty but later on something as simple as listening to foreign radio stations incurred the
death penalty. A Jewish body. Smoke is in the background to symbolize havoc and destruction.
Prompted by the promise by the government to re-start reparations payments to the Allies. His
involvement in Nazi Germany and the Nazis medi. Children were used to control their parents by
being encouraged to report what they did and said. Right from the start the Nazis showed there was
no room for opposition during their regime and any incurred would not be tolerated. Women were
expected to have at least four children. Individuals were forced to accept the roles given to them in
society - women should be educated to become housewives and mothers, men should be educated to
become workers and soldiers. It even goes as far as to say the violence was “carried out by SS men
and storm troopers not in uniform”. The communist party was banned from the Reichstag because
they were against Hitler and his policy. Of course this all ended in the mass-extermination of the
Jews in the holocaust. Further success for Germany over the issue of reparations was achieved in
1929 when Stresemann successfully negotiated the Young Plan which reduced the total payment of
reparations and spread them out even further. He then used Germany’s new money to rebuild his
armies and rearm Germany ready for war. Almost immediately after he came to power he began to
attack them. They created single pot Sundays which people were expected to take part in this is were
every Sunday when family’s made Sunday lunch they were to make it in one pot and give the
money saved to collectors that came in the afternoon. He had re-established Germany’s reputation in
Europe and the rest of the world. They were trained how to use guns and to hate Jews. The terrible
consequence was that these masses were more or less willing to ignore the highly criminal attitude
behind it i.e. the killing of minorities. Education was changed dramatically it was anti Jew because
Hitler wanted all young people to grow up hating Jews. The most successful policies were simply an
enhancement of existing prejudices. Secondly, there was the Catholic Church who could have easily
overthrown the regime but chose not to oppose. Why not? He would protect their families and help
them to have enough money. Journalists where given detailed instructions as to what to write in their
newspapers, and what the radios could broadcast.
A Jewish body. Smoke is in the background to symbolize havoc and destruction. Many countries
threatened to boycott the games because of Hitler’s policies on Jews but they ended up competing.
These people were in charge of keeping order during the process of murdering the Jews, giving them
most of the power to execute Hitler’s tactics. Although it was more recent to the time compared with
source A. This being the idea, many people were eager to participate as officers. Girls found that they
had little time for homework. Emergency powers used to control political meetings. Outside the
school the pupils joined the Hitler Youth were the instruction of. The recovery of the economy after
1933 was projected to a grateful population. This paper will attempt to explain the extremism behind
Germany’s nationalist mentality as well as create a neutral platform for the concept by observing
different points of approach. Now Hitler pronounced that as much of the population as possible
should work in Nazi Germany, and he constantly played on the economic miracle Nazi Germany
would manage to achieve if all Germans united to this aim. Symbols of collectivity were established
to create cohesion and feelings of attachment, and loyalty followed 7. They were expected to allow
their hair to grow and put in plaits or a bun. All children had to join Nazi youth organisations by
1939. With good reason. The sources also are all very reliable in my opinion. Secondly, there was “the
SA (Brownshirts)” who were no more than intimidators. A chancellor who was interested in his
nation and wants to create a powerful nation, why would someone not like this way of policy. In fact
the Hitler and Nazi’s appeal had an enormous impact, with gradually led to Germany’s revival. After
1923 Germany’s economy did revive somewhat (assisted by the Dawes Plan), there was sustained
economic growth between1924-29. In 1933 the Women’s Front was created to support the traditional
role of women. The Strength Through Joy organization gave holidays to workers. These would be
designed to promote Hitler and make him look a strong confident leader. But despite this the
American athlete “Jesse Owens” won over the audience winning 4 golds. Jan 1934 - all state
government structures brought under direct Nazi control. Journalists where given detailed
instructions as to what to write in their newspapers, and what the radios could broadcast. To Hitler’s
disgust Jesse was black and when it came to the awards ceremony Hitler refused to shake Jesse’s
hand. Many prisoners of war and Jews were worked to death in Concentration Camps, such as
Belsen and Dachau in Germany. They took control of the press, the radio and cinemas telling them
what they could and could not say anything that was anti-Nazi or any thing that was good about
Jews or communists was censored. In biology they were told how special they where because of the
Aryan race and everyone else was evil (“minderwertig”). Girls studied no foreign languages and the
only maths and science they learnt was linked to cooking and childcare.
Although it was more recent to the time compared with source A. The reorganization of the Nazi
Party in the years 1925-28 now produced results. They were used in parades and marched around
streets of Germany. By focussing on the past in attempting to identify what it is to be “German”, the
entire country embraced nationalism almost immediately to subdue the identity crisis brought on by
the long history of defeat in an effort to create a legitimate rule. With good reason. The sources also
are all very reliable in my opinion. Not much impact on standards of living in the first two years of
war, although rationing on many items was introduced from 1939. The fear of the SA pressured
people Germans who did not support the Nazis into silence. The aim was for the people to
subordinate their own needs to those of the nation, this is how nationalism tends to “gain power over
the believers themselves through a self-escalating process of mutual reinforcement”; people will
outbid each other in efforts to affirm their commitment to the cause 8. In five years the number of
women working increased from 11,6 to 14,6 million. Source A plainly states that the events that
happened on 9 th November 1938, were organised by Hitler and his Nazi party. Hitler got into
peoples heads so that when it came to voting they would always remember him and vote for him to
come to power. It was only when all these varieties of propaganda were used together that
opposition was suppressed. Source C says, 'Germany was a wonderful place to be alive' as long as
you were not in a minority group, but by definition the majority of people never are. Thirdly, they
both shared some common hatred and Hitler had promised to abolish some of them, in particular he
had torn up the treaty of Versailles and refused to pay reparation payments. Resistance groups were
found in Munich, Augsburg and Berlin. All functions were taken over by Nazi Special Commissioner
in each state and it had compete power of all officials and affairs. Children's songs were about
bloodshed, violence and anti-Semitism. Political chaos worsened; Article 48 used extensively. The
inflation and unemployed rate increased in perpendicular shape. Also, the Nazi's complete control
over the media meant that they could control what people thought, and so in theory the
Volksgemeinschaft could have succeeded. See other similar resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Where the elites engaged in war as
if it were a game of chess, strategic and with honour, the new ruling class’s conception of power was
placed in virtue. Between 1933 and 1939 the number of women working increased from 11,6 to 14,6
million. These youths didn’t attend the Hitler youth and were more interested in socialising and
dancing to unapproved music (e.g. English, American and Jazz). Emerging from this was a
completely different power relationship to the people. In school they learned in every subject about
the Nazi regime and their ideology. A woman could work until she got married, but she was then
expected to give work up to become. Mothers were greatly respected and they were honoured for
large families with the mother cross. The economy was always vulnerable to become weak again,
especially if the American loans were stopped (see impact of the Depression on Germany). But the
police and army did not support the rising and the march was shot down by the Bavarian police (16
Nazis killed).