Eisheth Zenunim Deity Associations

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Lady Eisheth Zenunim Associations, Enn’s, History, Etc.

General Info:
● Lady Eisheth Zenunim, alongside Lady Lilith, Lady Naamah, and Lady Agrat
Bat Mahlat are the four Queen’s of Hell. Some people consider them all to be
aspects of one being, primarily Lady Lilith, others view them as sisters or
separate beings entirely. They all embody Sacred Prostitution, which does not
equate to the modern meaning of the word, but rather sacred sex magic for
ritual use, self, and any other purpose. Lady Eisheth Zenunim is said to be an
Elder Vampire Goddess, and one of incredible power and wisdom. Through
our research we have found she can assist with astral and dream work
projection, baneful magic, breaking and cracking the foundation of curses
(she also has a lot of knowledge in blood curses specifically and can remove
those whose blood and generations may have been infected by deep curses),
defense, general protection magic, helps women - especially elderly women
and single mothers, justice magic, protects all prostitutes - especially those
who practice ceremonial magic, revenge magic, sex magic, shadow work,
teaching ancient magic and practices, Vampiric healing (recovery from
vampiric energy attacks, and returning it to sender), and much more.

In Depth History & Information:

● Some state that she is associated with the Sun, other’s Uranus, and some
even say the Black Moon. I believe the latter to be Black Moon Lilith
specifically but I may be wrong.
● Some believe all four Queen’s of Hell are the consorts of Archangel Samael,
some say that only Lady Lilith is the only whom is truly married to him. Some
also believe that Lady Eisheth Zenunim is a succubus, and that she had
relations with Samael, along with the other sisters, and they had children
together.I do not work with any of these lovely Goddesses currently, though I
have interacted with Lady Lilith on multiple occasions before, and I do work
with Archangel Samael, though I have not asked him about his relationships
out of respect for his privacy, as well as the privacy of his alleged wife(s).
● Lady Eisheth Zenunim is believed to be the first succubus by many, and the
eldest among her alleged sisters, although, many also believe she is an
aspect of Lady Lilith, and also, given that Lady Lilith is said to be the Mother
of all Succubi, Lady Eisheth Zenunim could also be said to be the youngest.
Some do say that because time is not linear in Hell, she is both the youngest
and oldest simultaneously. I would honestly say that this comes down to your
personal beliefs and interactions with her. I have some personal beliefs about
Lord Lucifer and Lord Samael that are simply my experience and unverified
personal gnosis (upg), as do many other practitioner’s. It also believed by
many practitioner’s that the Succubus aspect applied to these Queen’s was
originally intended to demonize the feminine Infernal Divine, especially given
that Succubi are said to devour or steal the soul’s of men while they sleep. In
my personal opinion and practice, I believe this to only be the case if you
approach a Succubus with disrespect. It’s extremely important to be
respectful to these amazing Goddesses as (again, in my personal opinion and
practice), we as humans are extremely lucky to be able to work alongside
them, worship them, and also receive their guidance and mentorship.
● Sources For All Above Information: D&D Eisheth Zenunim / Lady Azira's
& Kkate Grey's Video on Her / Teala Petrova's Video On Her
(DemonsandDemonolatry as well as Teala’s content on Tiktok and her
Patreon page are my favorite go-to’s. If you want other great resources in
the form of creators on TT I also recommend both Abella & Aziel. <3)

Lady Eisheth Zenunim’s Enn is:

● Septunon Arphal Eisheth Zenunim Chuker Halavon.
(In our personal experience, pronunciation does not matter as much as the

Some signs she may be reaching out are:

***Please note that this entire section will be our unverified personal gnosis (upg). We did
confirm with her via pendulum that these could be signs she is reaching out, but again, this
is simply our experience and could be entirely different from yours or anothers:***
● Having a fascination with, or general appreciation for vampires (or even just
bat’s). Being drawn to more Gothic architecture, clothing, colors. styles, etc.
Enjoying assisting the elderly, helping (Gentle Trigger Warning / TW) women
who have been in domestic violence relationships / abusive relationships, and
donating to women’s shelters.. Being drawn to the Sun or the night. Seeing a
lot of bat’s, cat’s, dove’s, or rabbit’s, and ram's.

Other Good to Know Info:

***Please note that this entire section (excluding only the Epithets section) will be our
unverified personal gnosis (upg). We did confirm all of this with her via pendulum, but
again, this is simply our experience and could be entirely different from yours.***
● Altar Suggestions: Carnations, chains, dahlia’s, dark colored candles,
Eclipse art or photo’s, gold items especially jewelry, roses, sunflowers, and
any symbols of the sun.
● Colors: Black, Cranberry, Dark Purple, Dark Red, Dark Silver, Green, Orange,
Purple, Red, Violet, White, and Yellow.
● Crystal Offerings: Black Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Dendritic
Agate, Dendritic Opal, Garnet, Hematite, Jasper, Jet, Midnight Lace Obsidian,
Obsidian, Opal, Petrified Wood, Rainbow Moonstone, Ruby, Rutilated Smoky
Quartz, Sagenite Agate, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz of any kind with Silver
● Food and Drink Offerings: Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Desserts, Ginger,
Moon Water (see Sun Water, just use the moonlight instead), Nutmeg, Red
Velvet Cake, Red Wine, Rum, and Sun Water (clean drinking water set
outside with the intention to charge under the sunlight, I usually chuck a 24
pack of water onto my backyard with a sigil haha.)
● Epithets / Other Names: Eisheth Zenunim (Heb. ‫אֵ ֶׁש ת זְנּונִים‬, "Woman of
Whoredom"), Qodeshah, Isheth Zenunim or just Eisheth, known as the
Woman of Whoredom, Mother of Prostitution ("the prostitute or woman of all
and any"), and Mother of the Goat. Also, quick fun facts haha, in the
Kabbalah, she is a princess of the Qliphoth, ruling over Gamaliel. She is
found in Zohar 1:5a as a feminine personification of sin. In Jewish mythology,
she is said to eat the souls of the damned. And lastly, she’s said to be the
ruler of the southern quarter, generally known as the lands of Egypt,
however, this is controversial as it is assigned to a country instead of a city
unlike the other quarters.
● General Offerings: Incense: Arabian Jasmine, Bergamot, Egyptian Musk,
Nag Champa, Sandalwood, Vanilla. Flowers, Herbs and Trees: Almond,
Black Cherry, Cherry, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Cypress, Dahlia, Ginger,
Musk, Nutmeg, Red Cedar, Roses of any kind - especially Wild Rose, Star
Anise, Walnut, and Zinnia. Random: Water with floating candles and flower
petals of any kind, especially red, white or purple flowers. Oils, especially in
scents she likes can be used in the water or to anoint candles given to her.
Boxes with ornate carvings and designs made of silver, bronze, crystal or
wood. (Please note the Random section is from the D&D website.)
● Service Offerings: Apologizing for mistakes, calling out abuse, donations to
homeless & women’s shelters, as well as (Gentle Trigger Warning / TW)
abuse & domestic violence organizations, helping the elderly especially by
making them feel loved and safe, taking accountability and volunteering at
nursing homes or similar places.
● Tarot Card Associations: These are cards that you can use to effectively
‘vet’ them and make sure that it is them you’re speaking to when it comes to
divination. Personally, I like to ask via pendulum, ‘yes or no’ and ‘truth or
false’ questions regarding their mythology, throwing in trick questions every
now and then. If they answer something wrong, stop the divination session
and burn incense and / or command firmly and strongly for the entity to
leave, that it is not welcome in your space now or ever again. Trickster spirits
are far less common than places like Witchtok on Tikok will have you
believe, but definitely be safe. I always recommend protection and warding
to novice witches before anything else. Moving right along though - when it
comes to vetting with the Tarot, these card associations will really come in
handy. You can ask them to throw these out while you shuffle, or you can
stop shuffling when you feel it’s right and try to pull one. I usually try to get
3-5 card identifiers to be safe before a divination session for clients, but if
you communicate with them more than three times a week, you don’t have
to do it every single time. Finally, here are the card associations: Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Remember, you
can always come up with your own associations, but I definitely recommend
keeping *these cards* in there somewhere.
● Last Minute Notes & Resources: D&D Eisheth Zenunim /

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