Course Outline - Strategies of Teaching and Learning - Ce728

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COURSE NAME: Strategies of Teaching and Learning
PREREQUISITES: The Emerging Professional


As the needs of the learners diversify and evolve, the classroom teacher must become
more equipped to manage the pedagogical demands placed upon him/her.
Such demands dictate that teachers acquire the requisite skills to meet the context of the
Jamaican classroom. The dynamics of this environment require an understanding of the t
heoretical framework, the approaches and strategies that are implicit to learning as well
as the development of skills to plan and implement these strategies. This course will
provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to address the needs of our


This course allows student teachers to learn about and reflect on the fundamental
principles of teaching and understand how students learn. Linkages will be made with
the new Primary and Secondary curricula as well as knowledge of different approaches
to teaching and learning. They will be exposed to different curricula in the Jamaican
context and will learn various pedagogical skills utilizing technological tools to enhance
the teaching learning/process

The course is structured into four units which will allow student-teachers to develop
sound principles and research-validated approaches to teaching and learning. Student
teachers will be actually engaged in teaching using student-centered approaches, and integ
rating technology in the process. They will also develop skills in executing and
evaluating integrated and subject-based lessons.

UNIT – 1: Theoretical Framework for Teaching and Learning

No of Hours: 15
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit student teachers should be able to:

1. Differentiate between teaching and learning

2. Discuss the objectives of effective teaching
3. Discuss the central tasks of teaching
4. Examine the effects different learning styles have on students’ learning.
5. Explain various principles/theories of learning and their implications for
teaching, learning and assessment.
6. Define ‘intelligence’
7. Analyze the implications of multiple intelligences for teaching, learning and

1. Definition of teaching and learning

2. Objectives of effective teaching
3. Central tasks of teaching
 Listen to/understand students’ thinking
 Understand students’ experiences
 Organize subject matter/plan for teaching
 Get students to learn worthwhile things
 Create a safe learning environment
 Affirm students’ sense of self
4. Learning styles
 Auditory
 Tactile
 Verbal
 Kinesthetic
 Visual
 Effect of these on student’s learning
5. Theories of learning ( concentration on how they are used to effect teaching.)
 Constructivist (Lave, Piaget, Dewey, etc)
 Situated Cognition
 Engagement Theories
 Behavioral
 Humanistic
 Cognitive ( Piaget, Gagne, Vygotsky, Bruner, Swaab)
 Constructivism
 Subsumption theory/meaningful reception learning theory ( Ausubel)
 Information processing theory
6. Multiple Intelligences (Gardener)
 spatial
 linguistic
 logic/mathematical
 musical
 interpersonal/intrapersonal
 naturalistic
 bodily kinesthetic
 existential

UNIT – 2: Strategies for Lesson Implementation

No of Hours: 10

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit students should be able to

7. Identify factors to be considered when planning a unit/lesson

2. Differentiate among multi-grade, subject based and integrated curricula
3. Explain the importance of each element in the subject/integrated lesson plans
4. classify objectives according to each domain of knowledge
5. Describe ways of creating a student-centred classroom
6. Analyse the relevance of the social curriculum
7. Design lesson plans for multigrade/subject/integrated teaching*


i. Factors to consider when planning a lesson

 Learner characteristics e.g. age, competencies, etc.
 Grade level
 Topic
 Objectives (general & specific)
 Performance indicators of learning/assessment procedures
 Methods/strategies
 Instructional materials
 Principles of teaching/learning that will be incorporated in the lesson e.g.
learning styles
 Exceptional studentsb) Definition of the following: multi-grade, subject based
and integration ( types)
c). Elements of a lesson plan (multigrade/subject-based and Integrated)
d) Writing objectives using Bloom’s revised Taxonomies of educational objectives

 Cognitive
 Psychomotor
 Affectivee). Construction of lesson plans (subject/Integrated)
1. Multigrade teaching
2. Ways to create student-centred classroom
3. Social Curriculum

UNIT 3 – Models and approaches to Teaching

No of Hours: 10

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the units, student teachers should be able to

1. Distinguish between the different models and approaches to teaching

2. Discuss the benefits of each to teaching and learning
3. Prepare plans to show how the different models can be used in their area of


a. Models ( define, importance, benefits and constraints)

b. Lecture (expository)
c. Interaction (discovery, guided discovery)
d. Demonstration
e. Projects
(b). Approaches

f. cooperative learning
g. mastery learning
h. direct instruction
i. advanced organizers
j. collaborative learning
k. research
l. field trip
m. inductive/Socratic learning
n. deductive/didactic learning
o. case based learning
p. problem based learning
q. team teaching

UNIT 4 – Effective Teaching

No of Hours: 10

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit student teachers should be able to:

1. Plan and execute lessons that reflect practical examples of how these models and
approaches can be used in the classroom - teaching individually and in groups.
2. Critique models and lessons used by peers.
3. Reflect on lessons taught


0. Writing lesson plans for subject-based and Integrated lesson- Micro-teaching

- Self- assessment, Peer assessment
b. Evaluation
- Peer and self evaluation


1. Analyzing and critiquing videos

2. Reflective journals( written or blogs)
3. Discussions oral as well as discussion boards
4. Debates
5. Portfolios
Weighting: 60%

Coursework should include 3 PIECES as follows:

1. Critique and report of movie/video OR presentation (20 marks)

2. Individual essay (20 marks)
3. Micro teaching (20 marks)

Written Examination
Weighting: 40%

The final examination should be 2 hours

Should include a choice of TWO (2) essays from four OR one essay from 3 and One com


1. Approaches and Processes for Integration – Primary Education

2. Aarzano, Robert, et al (2001). Classroom Instruction That Works – Research-
Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria: associations for
Supervision 7 Curriculum Design
3. Gagne, Robert M, Wager, Walter, Golas, Katharine, Keller, John (2005).
Principles of Instructional Design, Fifth Edition. Belmont, USA: Wadsworth Thomson
Learning Inc.
4. Gary Borich. (2011). Effective teaching Strategies. Research Based. (7th ed). Boston:
5. Green, William, et al (2005). Pedagogical Foundations of Education. Kernersville: synergy Plus
Martin, David J & Loomis, Kimberly Martin S (2007). Building Teachers – A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education. Belmont,
USA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning Inc.
7. Mastropieri, Margo, A and Scruggs, Thomas, E. (2007). The Inclusive Classroom – Strategies for Effective Instruction, 3 rd
Edition. New
Jersey: Pearson Educational Inc
8. MOE ( 2008) .Manual for multigrade classes in Jamaica. PESP
9. Rinne, Carl H. (1997). Excellent Classroom Management. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
10. Slavin, Robert. (2001). Educational Psychology. USA: Allyn and Bacon
11. Snowman, J and Biehler, R. (2003). Psychology applied to teaching. (10th ed.). USA: Houghton Mifflin.
12. Woolfolk, Anita, E. (2005) Educational Psychology, 7 th Edition. USA: Allyn & Bacon


1. Lean on me
2. Take the lead
3. To Sir with Love

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