Can We Reduce The Risk of Readmission For A Patient With An Exacerbation of COPD

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Q: Can we reduce the risk of readmission QUESTIONS

for a patient with an exacerbation of COPD?

Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic TABLE 1
Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Checklist for COPD patients
before they leave the hospital
Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic; Associate Professor,
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve
Counseling on smoking cessation if the patient is a smoker or is
University, Cleveland, OH; Deputy Editor, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine at risk of starting smoking again
Appropriate influenza and pneumonia vaccinations

A: We think so. Some strategies to re-

duce readmission rates, such as co-
ordinating care and managing comorbidities,
Long-acting bronchodilators: an anticholinergic or a beta-ago-
nist, or both (except GOLD group A patients, who have few symptoms
and are at a low risk of exacerbations); inhaled steroids for those
apply to chronic diseases in general, while oth- with previous exacerbations who are at high risk of relapse
ers are disease-specific. To reduce the need for
hospital readmission for chronic obstructive Long-term oxygen therapy, if indicated, ie, in those with chronic
pulmonary disease (COPD), coordinated ef- resting hypoxemia (room air Pao2 ≤ 55 mm Hg or ≤ 59 mm Hg with
forts involving both inpatient and outpatient signs of right-sided heart strain or polycythemia)
care are necessary. This can be achieved by us- Home exercise program or pulmonary rehabilitation referral
ing a checklist before discharge (TABLE 1) and after an exacerbation
by implementing outpatient COPD programs Patient education regarding symptom monitoring and in-
that continue patient education and provide haler therapy, including proper inhaler technique (see http://
rapid access to medical support if needed.
See related commentary, page 528
Consider home noninvasive ventilator support in select
There is room for improvement. COPD patients with recurrent hospitalization for acidotic exacerbation of
is common and expensive, with high rates of COPD if the patient qualifies under Centers for Medicare and Medic-
hospital readmission,1 and up to 70% of the aid Services guidelines,20 ie:
money we spend on it goes for hospital care.2 • Paco2 ≥ 52 mm Hg and
No wonder then that the Centers for Medicare • Evidence of nocturnal hypoventilation based on nocturnal oximetry
and Medicaid Services has now expanded its showing sustained desaturation to < 89% for ≥ 5 min on oxygen use and
Readmissions Reduction Program to include • Sleep apnea excluded
acute COPD exacerbations.3 Yet in a retrospec- COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD = Global Strategy for the Diag-
tive study, Yip et al4 found that fewer than half nosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease6
of patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation
of COPD received appropriate vaccinations,
counseling on smoking cessation, and long-act- ■■ SMOKING CESSATION
ing inhalers—all of which are on our checklist.4 Cigarette smoking is the most common and
The following interventions have been easily identifiable risk factor for COPD exac-
demonstrated to be useful in reducing COPD erbation.5
hospital admissions and the risk of death. Au et al5 found that quitting smoking re-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.81a.13139 duces the risk of COPD exacerbation (adjust-
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ed hazard ratio 0.78, 95% confidence interval cation, and appropriate inhaler therapy with
[CI] 0.75–0.87), and the risk keeps decreasing proper inhaler technique reduces the number
the longer the patient stays off tobacco.5 of COPD exacerbations and hospitalizations.6
Whether counseling hospitalized patients Long-acting beta-agonists and anticholin-
on smoking cessation reduces the COPD read- ergics reduce the risk of COPD exacerbation
mission rate has not been well studied. How- and hospitalization and so are preferred over
ever, a meta-analysis of nine randomized con- short-acting formulations except for patients
trolled trials, two of which were done in the in GOLD group A, ie, those who have few
hospital, revealed higher abstinence rates in symptoms and are at low risk of exacerba-
COPD patients who received extensive coun- tions.6
seling on smoking cessation.7 For these rea- Long-term treatment with inhaled corti-
sons, hospitalized COPD patients who smoke costeroids with long-acting bronchodilators
should be strongly encouraged to quit.6 is recommended for patients at high risk of
exacerbations (ie, those with two or more ex-
■■ PNEUMOCOCCAL AND INFLUENZA acerbations in the previous year or a forced ex-
VACCINATIONS piratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] less than
In a large retrospective study,8 pneumococcal 50% of predicted).6
vaccination was associated with a significantly
lower risk of hospitalization for pneumonia in ■■ OXYGEN THERAPY
patients with chronic lung disease, including Two older randomized controlled trials, the
those with COPD (relative risk [RR] 0.57, Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial and the
95% CI 0.38–0.84). The benefit was even Medical Research Council study, reviewed by
greater with pneumococcal and influenza vac- Stoller et al,12 provided clear evidence that
cinations during the influenza season (RR oxygen therapy reduces the death rate and im-
0.28, 95% CI 0.14–0.58). proves quality of life in COPD patients who
Randomized controlled trials indicate that have chronic resting hypoxemia (room air
influenza vaccination may reduce the rate of Pao2 ≤ 55 mm Hg, or ≤ 59 mm Hg with signs
Needed: of right-sided heart strain or polycythemia).
COPD exacerbations, especially in epidemic
coordinated years when the proportion of exacerbations
efforts due to influenza is higher.9 ■■ PULMONARY REHABILITATION
Wongsurakiat et al10 found a significant re- Pulmonary rehabilitation likely reduces hos-
involving both duction in the incidence of influenza-related pital admissions by improving exercise capac-
inpatient and acute respiratory illness in COPD patients in a ity.13 A systematic review of six trials in 230
outpatient care well-designed randomized,10 placebo-controlled patients found that respiratory rehabilitation
trial (RR 0.24, P = .005). after an acute COPD exacerbation reduced
Similarly, in another randomized controlled the risk of COPD hospital admission (RR
trial, pneumococcal vaccination was effective 0.26, 95% CI 0.12–0.54) and the risk of death
in preventing community-acquired pneumonia (RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.22–0.91).13
in COPD patients under age 65 and in those
with severe airflow obstruction, although no ■■ OTHER INTERVENTIONS
statistically significant differences were found Home noninvasive ventilator support re-
among other groups of patients with COPD.11 duced hospital and intensive care unit read-
Therefore, influenza and pneumococcal vac- missions in select patients recurrently hospi-
cinations are recommended by major COPD talized for acidotic exacerbations of COPD in
guidelines, such as GOLD (Global Strategy for one small study.14
the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Long-term antibiotic therapy. Although
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease).6 there is evidence that azithromycin, taken
daily for 1 year, decreases the frequency of
■■ INHALERS COPD exacerbations,15 concern persists that
Inhaler therapy is recommended based on this approach promotes antibiotic resistance,
COPD severity according to GOLD classifi- and the GOLD guidelines do not recommend
526 C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L O F M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 8 1 • N U M B E R 9   S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4

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routinely using antibiotics in patients with tion of an exacerbation, appropriate use of in-
clinically stable COPD.6 halers and nebulizers, and advice on smoking
Roflumilast. According to the GOLD cessation.16
guidelines, the phosphodiesterase-4 inhibi- On the other hand, a Veterans Administra-
tor roflumilast (Daliresp) may be useful in tion randomized controlled trial was stopped
reducing exacerbations in patients who have early because of a higher rate of death in the
an FEV1 less than 50% of predicted, chronic group that underwent a comprehensive care-
bronchitis, and frequent exacerbations.6 management program of COPD education, an
Referral. Patients who have severe recur- action plan for identification and treatment of
rent COPD exacerbations despite appropriate exacerbations, and scheduled proactive tele-
therapy will likely benefit from referral to a phone calls for case management.19
pulmonary specialist for other options such Further study is needed to investigate the
as theophylline, lung-reduction surgery, and cost-effectiveness and safety of COPD man-
lung transplantation. agement programs and whether to adopt such
programs on a systematic level.
In conclusion, COPD patients require a
comprehensive approach based on studied
interventions. This may be achieved through
There is growing evidence that outpatient systematic methods that allow each patient to
programs that provide education and medical benefit from all possible interventions appro-
support significantly reduce the rate of hospi- priate for him or her. Hospitalization of COPD
talizations for COPD.16–18 Patient education patients provides an excellent opportunity to
includes symptom monitoring, early recogni- implement this comprehensive approach. ■

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