Patrol Angis Errata

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Welcome to the extended errata for Patrol Angis. This free article is
for your use in Patrol Angis, Callsign Taranis and also some of the
expansion articles for the game system already in existence. Realise
that you are not required to make use of any of the entries in this errata
if you do not wish to and if you are a member of a gaming group do
ensure that all players adopt the new and changed rules.
Following up on the free bolt on article ‘Client Races and Skills for the
Khanate Empire’ to be used with The Khanate Return book this errata
was on the whole written by Mr Aris Kolehmainen. A new member of
the small Ion Age Team wargamer and keen supporter of our work Mr
Aris is taking a larger role in the continued development of the game.
Use this article alongside your booksand if you wish to see the titles
in the Patrol Angis series then visit our website HERE.

Note that the tables in this article are present in plain format to denote
that they are not the tables from the published game books. A MUSTER PLATOON
“Yes it is true, dear Princess, that the search for insight in these The standard formation Muster Platoon is a very fluid and task
dark times is a dangerous task. Yet, much as the shoreline does possible entity. This has been proved in dozens of localised
change to each rising and falling of the tide, so too must we conflicts and also in the Civil War too. While we are not born to
change and adapt to the changing of our own tides, no matter the noble ranks of the Retained or the lofty idealism of the
how they may present themselves.” Starvaulters we have our own elan, our own pride in our skills
and our martial prowess. During your training you will learn this
- Grand Archivist to Princess Daphne Cyon well. After you have earned your place in the ranks you will be
Recorded council meeting assigned to a Platoon within your Regiment. Why a Platoon and
not a Squad? The Platoon is the instrument of our war and our
New Rules way of winning that war whether it’s against Yordan or Canlaster
or if you are unlucky the alien horde. Our armour gives us some
Pistoleers protection, certainly more than the low impact armour of the
Pistoleers share many similarities with Knights Errant. Both are soldiers planet bound militias, but not enough to slug it out with knights.
who break away from the main military and political atmosphere to The Platoon gets us around this and means that your Moth 6
pursue their aims, however while the Knight Errant sets out on a Rifles and Anvil 888's can deal out some real damage.
specific quest to prove their worthiness to a cause, the Pistoleer sets
out on a journey to prove their prowess in combat. Twenty two soldiers in a Platoon and from there it’s up to your
Majoris how they use you. Against tough enemies the Platoon
Pistoleers generally where custom painted Alwite Armor and brandish would divide into two squads of ten and a command stick of two.
two pistols. These pistols are meticulously tuned and weighted to the Able to deliver concentrated fire power on a target and secure in
individual Pistoleer. So accurate and proficient are Pistoleers with their numbers. When facing weaker foes the Platoon might well divide
weapons of choice that has been said that a Pistoleer isn’t so much into five fire-teams of four each and a command stick of two.
as aiming a weapon, but simply pointing a finger at what is about to Spread out and able to cover a lot of angles at the same time.
die. But in some cases, in places where assault from much heavier
Pistoleers have led patrols, paired up to fight deep in the heart of the forces is expected the Platoon can become a 'Pyre' breaking up
enemy, or even gathered together to put their considerable talents to into eleven sticks of two ready to light it up from anywhere.
good use.
So the Platoon is your best friend, your mother, your home. You
will be one platoon among a hundred most of time maybe more
at times but at all times it is the troopers in your own Platoon
that will save your life and take the lives of the enemy. Remember
that and your military career will be all the better.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4335 IC
Pistoleer Advanced Rule: Weapons Table
Some concerns were made about the viability and costs of some of
True Grit
A pistoleer are masters of their weapons of choice, so much so that they are the weapons the Prydians had access to during three years of play
able to target multiple enemies while maintaining clear focus. A Pistoleer may reports. After extensive review, we revised the points, (and in a select
choose to split their pistol attacks between two seperate units within range. If few cases the stats) for these weapons. Please note that some of these
there are more than one pistoleer in a troop element, they must all choose to options are illegal for for use in non Callsign Taranis play, (as noted
split their attacks at the same targets. Terms of use: Pistoleers Only. Points on the list).
Cost: 5 points per model.
Unit Clarifications
Havelock Battlesuit
• The battlesuit has 2 weapon hardpoints: Right Arm and Back.
• The back hardpoint may ONLY be fitted with an Anda Missile Pod.
• The battlesuit MUST take an Impact Gauntlet.
• The Anda Missile Pod is now optional.
• You may equip an Anda Missile Pod in the Right Arm hardpoint.
• The Flamer on the left Impact Gauntlet is optional.

Units in Cover
Frequently Asked Questions
(Patrol Angis pg27) Cover is cumulative, but it's not clear if you're
General: summing the cms and using that modifier, or measuring each piece
and summing the modifiers?
If I have 3 troop elements, and have 3 activation tokens to place after
initiative has been rolled, can I put all 3 on one element, or spil the 3 You would measure the total distance the line of sight travels through
between two of of them? and use that as the basis for your modifier. If that total is greater than
10cm, that unit cannot be seen.
No you cannot. You MUST place one activation token on each one of
your troop elements before you can add a second. After every unit has
one, you may choose to stack further on a single unit however. (Patrol Angis pg27) The cumulative cover bonus is capped at +4. Fully
inside terrain is +3, but does not count toward the cumulative cover
bonus. Does that mean you might have a cover bonus of +6?
Can I pre-measure range? The max you can gain from cover alone is +4. Modifiers can raise or
Yes. lower this.

(Patrol Angis pg28) If an ISV has a movement of base value of 20, (Patrol Angis pg27) Does the cover that a Troop Element fully occupies
does it have a flat +1 modifier apply to it, or does that +1 cancel out interfere with their own shots?
the -1 it has for being an ISV? Troopers within cover are not hindered by their cover when shooting
It cancels out the ISV -1. at an enemy element. It is assumed they have found appropriate firing
lanes within their cover.

(Patrol Angis pg52) I think there might be a problem with some of the
example units. Knight Errant Mina has one Veteran and one Errant,
meaning neither benefit from either of those abilities. This carries over
to Nobles Mina, Retained Signaller Mina, Retained Medic Mina, General Combat
Desteria Banneret Mina, and the equivalent Muster Sticks.
You are correct, there appears to be a miscalculations here. (Patrol Angis pg29) Does the initiative controller distribute HITs or
KILLs? If it's HITs, who distributes KILLs? If it's KILLs, how do you
handle different armor types in the same Troop Element (since you
Can we allow Nobles to be able use the Errant Advanced Rule? don't know who the target was until after the armour roll)?

Yes, Nobles may now take Errant. Initiative winner chooses the KILLS.
The case of mixed infantry armour types is a relatively unique situation.
In this case, the attacker would choose where shots are going. Make
Who can take the Baron Special rule? saves for all armour types of the same type, and tally the successes
Only Retained or Desteria Nobles. separately. The initiative winner chooses where the kills (or damage
when units have multiple DMR) land within those armour types.

Can I take Baron and Errant special rules on the same miniature?
(Patrol Angis pages 21, 27, 32) "Centre". Troop Element Cohesion is
Yes. around a "centre" figure. That section describes this as front and centre,
with the rest of the Troop Element beside or behind this leader. So,
more "middle", really. Is this the same "centre" used for range and LoS
I feel Desteria Knights should be able to move and fire their weapons, and Close Combat?
even though they are support weapons. Can they do this?
Front, centre most model in the element.
Desteria Armor is designed to carry into battle some of the most
powerful weapons developed by the Prydians. Desteria Armor may Movement trays make this determination much easier.
move and shoot support weapons, but may not use them to Snap Fire.
Ranged Combat

(Patrol Angis pg32) You can "Move and Fire" to get into Close Combat.
Does that mean you can shoot, move, and melee as an action?
What happens is you declare you want to move into close combat,
however if your movement value is not enough to enter close combat,
it turns into a Move and Fire action. This way, your action wasn’t fully
You could however spend an action to make it into close combat, then
provided you survive to your next activation, use a Move and Shoot to
break away and shoot at the enemy element.

(Patrol Angis pg34) Rules Query: Rapid Move and Snap Fire -
Situation: My Retained Post (10-men) has successfully finished using
Rapid Move action and is within Line of Sight of an enemy Fire Team
(4). I do not attack (as that is part of the restriction of using Rapid Move)
but once the turn is passed to the opposing player, the Fire Team
immediately activates and uses a Move and Ranged Attack action,
takes aim and fires on my Post. Regardless of the outcome of the
attack… can my Retained Post use Snap Fire? If yes, is there a penalty Close Combat
for having used its Rapid Move Action in its own last movement?
Yes you may Snap Fire as per the normal rules, and no there is not a General combat clarification: The book refers to “Close Combat
penalty to shooting in this instance. Attacks” and “D8 rolled per Attack”, however, only the defender rolls
dice and there are no “attack rolls”. Here is an explanation on how this
should work:
(Patrol Angis pg34) Overwatch - If Overwatch prevents all actions until • By default, each attacker gets 1 attack in close combat
ended, how does one get multiple Overwatch tokens? • Each Attack generates 1 HIT dice your opponent has to save
• A weapon generates more HIT dice per Attack
You may opt to use Overwatch as one of your first activation tokens,
(for example a Octa sword give 2d8 per 1 attack)
may choose to continue to stack it with Overwatch actions. Each • Brawler adds 1 more HIT dice per attack
Overwatch token grants a single instance of interrupting ranged fire, (Standard 1 attack = 2d8, or with a Octa, 1 attack = 3d8)
which you may choose to spend all on an enemy element, or not, when • Assaulter gives a model that has purchased the ability an additional 2 Attacks,
it enters range. Remember that unspent Overwatch tokens carry over (for a total of 3 attacks)
turn to turn!

(Patrol Angis pg33) Shooting into Close Combat, are HITs or KILLs
(Patrol Angis pg34) Overwatch - If I want to use multiple tokens, do split between the close combat engagement? If KILLs, what about
they stack all at once, or does my opponent get to snap fire after each armour differences?
overwatch attack? Hits become automatic KILLS, (regardless of armour type) and are
Your opponent gets to Snap Fire after you compete your Overwatch divided up 50/50 with any remainder going to the opponent’s element
attack, but before moral is rolled (as per normal) unless you choose to re-roll everything. If you do choose to do so, only
rolls of 7+ count as HITS (and therefore KILLS). These KILLS are
distributed wholly to the opponent’s unit.
(Patrol Angis pg34) Overwatch - My opponent failed his moral check
and want to spend another token to continue firing. Does this work like
shooting as normal on a unit with a Re-motivate Token? Yes.
(Patrol Angis pg33) "If a course of action is not chosen that involves
(Patrol Angis pg34) Overwatch - Can I use Support weapons with moving away..." So, Move and Fire would work. Can you fire first in
Overwatch? Absolutely. that situation?
Your element is engaged in close combat until you break away. You
would have to move before you fire.
Speculation: If my model has two ranged weapons, can it fire both in
a turn?
If a model is equipped with two weapons that both have “Pistol” or
“MPI” in their name, they may be fired together at the same target. You (Patrol Angis pg33) If you don't move away from a close combat, the
may Snap Fire with both Pistols/MPIs as well. Other ranged weapons other side gets to initiate a close combat before they choose an action.
may not be fired in this way. Does that apply even if you choose to keep fighting? If not, then you'd
fight, and the enemy could then fight you twice on their turn.
This falls to whoever player’s activation it is. If you want to keep fighting
Speculation: What if an ISV has multiple ranged weapons? but it’s your opponent’s activation round and they decide to break away,
It may only shoot 1 of its weapons per activation, but you get to choose that is within their ability to do so.
which weapon.
(Patrol Angis pg33 and 47) Do close combat weapon dice *replace* (Patrol Angis pg32) A new morale test is made each time a Troop
the base close combat die, or *add* to it? Element is attacked. It doesn't say "lost members". Does this only apply
The close combat weapon increases the number of HIT dice your to a Troop Element with Re-motivate tokens?
opponent has to save. For an infantry element, normally one attack If the unit has a Re-motivate token in place when it receives a new
generates one HIT dice. However, adding a weapon like an Octa Sword attack, take a moral test. If that test fails, a new Re-motivate token is
replaces the number of HIT dice generated, (in the case of the Octa immediately added.
sword, one attack would generate 2 dice).
Normally if you enter close combat with a 4 man Retained Demi without
weapons, each model would get 1 attack and each attack would Special Rules
generate one HIT die to be saved against. So, 4 models would do 4
Attacks which would generate 4 HIT dice. (Patrol Angis pg36) Ablative Shell: "...every miniature in the Troop
Element automatically passes one armour save...".
If you enter close combat with a 4 man Retained Demi all with Octa
Swords, each model gets 1 attack, and each attack generates 2 dice. Armour saves are by hits, not troops. How does this work? If my Mina
Thus, you would get 4 attacks (1 for each man in your Demi) and with takes 4 hits, do I ignore two of them and roll armour saves for the last
each attack generating 2 dice, would come out to 8 HIT dice your two?
opponent would have to save. The key is in the very first part of the rule “The FIRST TIME a Troop
Element where all miniatures have this ability is hit by ranged fire or
attacked in close combat…”. Ablative shell is basically saying “The
Speculation: If I have a model with 2 close combat weapons (Like FIRST TIME this unit is attacked, each model with the rule receives
IMP41 Baron McCauld), how does that work for close combat hits? one automatic save”. After that first attack, the shell is gone regardless
If a model has 2 close combat weapons, you would add together the of how many HITS actually occurred.
hit dice for both weapons, and this would become that model’s base As an example, let’s say you have a Desteria element who is getting
number of close combat attacks. shot at for the first time this game with 7 HITS:
In the case of the Baron McCauld: Pelleas Powered Mace (2) + • Ablative Shell kicks in and Automatically saves 5 of this HITS
Desteria Impact Fist (3) = 5 close combat dice. • You must then make save rolls against the remaining 2 HITS
• Ablative Shell has now been spent for the remainder of the game
As an example, let’s say you have a Desteria element who is getting
(Patrol Angis pg34) Third Troop Element in close combat says fight shot at for the first time this game with 3 HITS:
and check morale, but there's no morale check in close combat. • Ablative Shell kicks in and Automatically saves all 3 HITS
Correct, there should not be a moral check in this situation. • Ablative Shell has now been spent for the remainder of the game

Troop Formations (Patrol Angis pg36) Assaulter: When it says "TWO additional close
combat attacks", does that mean two extra HITS? Is that per trooper,
(Patrol Angis pg35) Can an injured 6-troop Post split into 2 3-troop or for the whole Troop Element?
Demis? Can a Demi with only 3 troops split into a 2-troop Mina and a This rule works much like Brawler in that it simply grants each model
1-troop Mina? Yes. with the rule 2 more attacks (3 total)
As an example: Retained Knight takes an Octa Sword and Assaulter.
Morale The Base attack of 1 is changed to 3 because of assaulter. When you
get to combat, that Knight deals 3 attacks, each using 2D8 because
(Patrol Angis pg31) Morale roll is "TWO (2) or more...", But the of the sword for a total of 6d8 rolled.
instructions say you have to roll MORE to succeed, and that just
EQUAL is a failure.
(Patrol Angis pg36) Assaulter: Troop Elements where every miniature
You must roll 2 or higher as a base value before adding or subtracting has Assaulter may make TWO additional close combat attacks. Does
modifiers. Rolling less than the total after modifiers are applied is the element do all three attacks at once/altogether? Or are they split?
considered a failure.
It’s one big hit altogether.
(Patrol Angis pg31) Morale says whatever % of Troop Element killed.
What is that a percent of? Maximum Troop Element size? Starting? (Patrol Angis pg36) Brawler: refers to extra dice in close combat
Most recent? attacks. That should be extra "Hits", yes? Yes.
The current size, rounded up. (Patrol Angis pg36) Brawler: If every member of the Troop Element
has Brawler then you may add ONE additional dice in all close combat
(Patrol Angis pg31) Re-motivate is described as a course of action, attack rolls. Does this mean the the Troop Element gets single
but it really isn't. It's just something that happens when assigning additional hit?
Activate tokens. I guess this is more of an opinion, but it's certainly
unlike all of the other actions. The example given within the rule states that single infantry model with
brawler would get 1 hit, plus 1 more for brawler. Therefore, a group of
Re-motivate tokens are unique in that they IMMEDIATELY drains the 10 Retained with 10 attacks, all of which have assaulter, would get
element of 1 activation token then removes itself from play, and if there their 10 attacks, plus an additional 10 from Brawler.
are no tokens, it remains until one becomes available to drain. It is not
an action, but a status ailment that forces you to spend an action to This rule works exactly the same as Assaulter.
remove it before you can do anything else.
Speculation: Let’s say there is a 4 man Retained Demi, all armed with
Roaz axes and also all have Assaulter & Brawler skills. This Demi does
would deal 48 hits in a combat round?
Well, let’s check your math: Assaulter kicks in first as it adds 2 to your
base attack stat, making it 3. Your Roaz Ax grants you 2 dice, and then
Brawler adds one more on top of that for 3 dice. So 3 attacks with 3
dice each comes to 9 dice per mini. Four minis comes out to 36 hits.
Brutal isn’t it?

(Patrol Angis pg37) Protector - If I won initiative, this rule means I have
to KILL these models first?
Exactly. Only once the Protectors are dead do you get to start choosing
where those shots land, (if you won initiative).

CALLSIGN: TARANIS Errata “Change is the nature of battle. Those who can navigate the ever
changing path of combat are granted admittance unto the hallowed
halls of victory. Those who cannot are dragged down by the
Special Rules Adjustments undertow of defeat and their names forgotten to the dusts of time.”
- Baron Murdo Officer Training Seminar
Equipped Shield:
We’ve seen the conversions and we love them. However, we’ve found
that having the shield for free on models that weren’t designed with
shields is a bit of a steal. Models that include Solid Shield in their stat
line, or Duxis Battlesuits using only close combat weapons still will (Callsign Taranis p28) Says that hover vehicles float 1cm high, and
have access to the Equipped Shield rule for free, however, all other can pass over most infantry. What is "most"? Also, figures are usually
units that opt to carry a Solid Shield must purchase one for the following 15 to 20 mm tall. Is 1cm really high enough? I'm not sure when that
points cost: will come up, bit it's in the rules, so...
Infantry: 3 points Most means laying down normal human sized so not Desteria or
Battlesuits: 8 points Warlords or such size. It came up a few times with rapid advance of
Mecha: 15 points lifter Adders in a recent game...ride over the lads and the lads get back

(Callsign Taranis p29) "Anti-aircraft weapons are designated as AT in

Frequently Asked Questions the Callsign Taranis weapons chart." I imagine that's supposed to be
"AA". Yes.
(Callsign Taranis pg31) Example conflicting with rules - Trying to brush
up on my vehicle rules and got stuck on Ramming example. Twice it
mentions Armor Save as equal to or LESS than X (Armour) but the (Callsign Taranis p31) Ramming - Rules say to make an Armour Save
example does the opposite (2 failed, 6 saved) so I'm kinda confused using the vehicle's own Armour Rating. Standard rules define a
what/how the right way to resolve this? successful armour save as EQUAL or BETTER than the target number.
Assuming both vehicles are able to ram them both roll 1D8 (Mullo That would mean that having better armour is WORSE for you.
Armour Rating is 3) and have to roll equal to or less than armour value This is an error in transcription. It should be EQUAL or LESS to succeed.
to avoid damage (so a roll of 1,2,3 for Mullo) if they roll 4 or more they
fail. If they fail then they are damaged. If they succeed they suffer
1DMR lost for the ram. If they fail then the vehicle failing suffers a lost (Callsign Taranis p31) Vehicles Moving Over Small Targets - Small
of DMR of 50% of the initial total DMR of the other vehicle it rammed targets get squished if the vehicle "cannot move through" them. What
so in this example 8DMR. I can see the confusion. It is not really an does that mean? Can't find a wide enough space around them? Can't
attack rather both players just see if damage happens and the loser avoid ending movement atop them? What if you *can* move through
really gets hurt. It does favour the bigger vehicle at all times; if a Taranis them, but choose not to (like vs. enemy troops)?
rammed an Adder and lost the roll then it would only suffer a couple
of DMR where as the Adder if it lost would be obliterated by 50 or so It means a space only possible for the vehicle to move through. If the
DMR lost. space was wide enough then it would move around them. Up to player
to choose intent and movement rate to avoid stopping atop. If you can
and choose not to then you just run over your own guys.
(Callsign Taranis p36) Fire Support - You get +2 if you're killing more
Troop Elements than you're losing, but is that +2 to the *result* or +2
to the *target number*?
The target number is 5+ but you add 2 if you’ve killed more Troop
Elements (making the new target number 7+).
The Khanate Return
Is Humascare affected by the rules Veteran or Calmer? Adjustments: Infantry Weapons Table

No it is not. As stated the only humans that are not affected are The Khanate Return Infantry weapons lacked Callsign Taranis
Starvaulters. attributes. Please refer to this table when playing Shia Khan forces in
Callsign Taranis.
What Transport options do Pioneers have access to?
Pioneers can access all Legionnaire vehicles and transports.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Xin Hegemony
If I roll all successes on my armour saves, do I still have the Dissipator
Adjustments: Advanced Rules rule on my element?
No, but once that element fails a save, you MUST activate Dissipator
Dissipator for the element to re-roll all failed saves (no matter how many failed
Xin heavy armour is a miracle work of flexible plates, interlocking saves that may be).
meshes, and layered nano-ceramics. The end result is armour that is
far more mobile than that of even the revered MkII Noblesse armour, If Ablative Shell triggers before Dissipator, do I have to use both?
while being nearly as protective. The first time an element would take Here is an example:
damage or KILLS from failed armour saves, you must re-roll all failed
armour saves. If a model has both Ablative Shell and Dissipator, On turn 1, an element with Ablative Shell and Dissipator fails 3 saves.
Ablative Shell triggers first. Terms of use: Part of Armour. Ablative shell kicks in first and negates those 3 saves. Ablative shell
is now spent, but Dissipator does not trigger.
On turn 2, the same element fails 2 saves, and triggers Dissipator.
Dissipator re-rolls the 2 hits and saves one. The element takes 1
damage, and Dissipator is now spent as well.

The Chan Quing Double Spade is listed as a ranged weapon and close
combat weapon, do I have to pay twice for it?
No, you only pay it’s cost of 35 points one time.

The Jade Ape has two massive fists, but it doesn’t seem to have any
close combat weapons associated with it…
Each Jade Ape should have two Yanshi Fists as ‘must take’ weapons.
Here are the stats.

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