Beethoven Knowledge Organiser - Docx Version 1

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MR TIGHTS Features

Melody Short (six note) motif – basis of intro, sometimes 5 notes, & sometimes the 2nd last note rises 1- Motif – a short musical phrase; a salient recurring figure.
instead of falls. 2- Scalic - made up of notes that follow the order of a particular scale
Scalic passages - descending chromatic scale at end of intro; ascending scale: 1st subject 3- Sequence - the repetition of a musical phrase at a higher or lower pitch t
theme built on C minor scale, but with major third (E). original.
Arpeggios and broken chords (e.g. bars 29–30).
4- Ornament – notes that decorate a melody.
Ornaments – 2nd subject (acciaccaturas; mordents and trills.
Rhythm Grave (very slow) – intro 5- Trill - a musical ornament that rapidly alternates between two adjacent n
The time signature is common time. 6- Acciaccatura (grace note) – a very quick preceeding note.
Dotted rhythm (e.g. bar 1). 7- Mordent (upper and lower) – Played quickly, Upper = note-note above-n
(incl. tempo very rapid notes, including septuplets and 1/128th notes in bar 10. Lower= note, note below-note.
& metre) allegro di molto e con brio (very fast with vigour) section is in … 8- Grave – The slowest tempo in music; perform in a solemn, grave or slow
alla breve time (or cut time a fast two in the bar). 9- Septuplet – seven notes played in the same amount of time normally taken to per
Continuous quavers - accompaniment of 1st subject. or six.
Staccato crotchets - RH of 1st subject. 10- Alla Breve – cut time. 2/2 time signature.
Texture Homophonic (chordal) writing – slow intro & 2nd subject features melody and accompaniment 11- Staccato – ‘detached’, shortened notes.
style. 12- Homophonic - a texture comprising a melody part and an accompanim
Octaves in RH of intro 13- Octaves – pitches 8-notes apart, with the same letter name.
Monophonic passage - RH leading intorecapitulation.
2-part music with broken chords - 2nd idea of 2nd subject. 14- Monophonic – a single line/part.
In thirds – brief passage, where the trills are. 15- Crescendo – a gradual increase in volume.
Instrument Piano almost completely replaced the harpsichord as the keyboard instrument of choice. 16- Diminiuendo – gradually decrease in volume.
Fortepiano/pianoforte - now possible to play using all kinds of dynamic levels just by altering 17- Sustain pedal – the most commonly used pedal which lifts the string da
the pressure of the fingers on the keys. allowing the strings to vibrate freely.
(sonority) Beethoven was first to make extensive use of all kinds of dynamic possibilities - frequent 18- Virtuosic/Virtuoso - characterized by exceptional technical skill. ‘Virtuo
crescendos, diminuendos etc. means displaying considerable skill and agility in difficult ‘showy’ music.
Sustaining pedal was coming into use at the time and was sometimes worked by the knees 19- Sonata - a piece for solo instrument containing 3 or 4 movements, eac
instead of by the foot. different tempo.
Genre Ludwig van Beethoven - born in 1770 in the western German city of Bonn. As a young man he 20- Classical -The classical style or period (1750-1820)
moved to Vienna in Austria, where he became known as a virtuoso pianist. 21- Chromatic chords – a chord that includes at least one note not belong
8th published sonata written between 1796 and 1799, dedicated to Prince Karl von Lichnowsky. diatonic scale.
The French term pathétique means ‘moving’ or ‘emotional’. 22- Diminished seventh chord – a diminished (flattened by a semitone ea
Beethoven is regarded as one of the great composers of the Classical period together with with an added diminished seventh (four notes stacked in intervals of a mino
Mozart and Haydn. This piece shows early signs of the Romantic style too.
Harmony Chromatic chords, especially diminished sevenths. 22- Perfect cadence - a cadence comprising two chords. A perfect cadenc
Perfect cadences - end of the movement. V followed by chord I.
Interrupted cadence - introduction at b.9. 23- Interrupted cadence – an unfinished sounding cadence. Chord V follow
Circle of fifths – b.244 - 249 chord VI.
Augmented 6 chords – b.30 & 34.
Tonality C minor. 22- Circle of fifths - a series of chords in which the root note of each chord
Related keys - E♭ major (the relative major key) and the subdominant (F minor). lower or a fourth higher than that of the previous one.
Unrelated keys - E minor at the beginning of the development section.
Structure Sonata form, a complex structure used in the first and sometimes last movements of sonatas, 24- Augmented 6th chord –a chord which contains the interval of an augme
symphonies and other works of the Classical period. (stretched by a semitone) 6th.
Exposition - 2 main subjects, 1st in tonic (main home key), 2nd in dominant or other related

AoS1: Instrumental Music: Beethoven – Pathetique

Development - earlier tunes are altered, especially by modulating to different keys.
Recapitulation - restates exposition but both subjects now mainly in the tonic key.
Coda - end with a rounding-off section.

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