Ee Surface Effect

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Free Surface Effect

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Free surface effect and the loss of transverse statical stability

5.3 Calculating free surface effect

5.3.1 Calculating the free surface effect of a rectangular shaped tank
5.3.2 Free surface moments

5.4 Representation of free surface data in tank sounding/ullage tables

5.4.1 Method 1 - Free surface moments for an assumed density value are
5.4.2 Method 2 - Moments of inertia (m4) are tabulated
5.4.3 Summary

5.5 Factors influencing free surface effect

5.5.1 Tank breadth
5.5.2 Tank length
5.5.3 Density
5.5.4 Ship displacement

5.6 Important points to note regarding free surface moments

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
5.1 Introduction
Many cases of instability are the result of free surface effect; the loss of transverse
stability caused by the movement of liquids within the ship. This occurs when tanks
are partially full, or slack. When the ship heels, liquid in a partially filled tank will
move to the low side; this adversely affects the transverse stability and will be
cumulative as more numbers of tanks are slack. The effect of slack tanks on the
transverse stability of a ship must be clearly understood; for reasons which will
become evident, the number of slack tanks at any one time should be kept to a

5.2 Free surface effect and the loss of transverse

statical stability
Figure 5.1 shows a ship with a cargo tank partially filled with a liquid cargo. Imagine
that the liquid in the tank is frozen and the ship is heeled to a small angle of

Fig. 5.1 – Ship heeled with ‘frozen’ liquid cargo in the tank.

In the heeled condition GZ is the righting lever. Because the liquid is frozen it acts
as a static weight and does not move.

Consider what happens if the liquid in the tank melts and is free to move as the ship
heels. Figure 5.2 shows the ship heeled to the same small angle where a wedge of
the liquid is transferred to the low side of the ship (gg1).

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Fig. 5.2 - Loss of effective righting lever GZ due to free surface effect.

Since weight has shifted, G moves parallel and in the same direction as the shift of
the weight (GG1).

This causes the righting lever to be reduced from GZ to G1Z1.

The righting lever G1Z1, is the same as the GZ that would have existed had G been
raised to GV.

GGV represents the virtual rise of G that results from the free surface effect of the
slack tank.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
G does not actually rise, but the movement of the liquid in the tank has the same
effect on GZ values as if G had actually been caused to rise - hence the term ‘virtual
rise of G’!


GM is termed the solid GM;

GVM is termed the effective or fluid GM.

When calculating the GM of a ship, it is important that the effects of free surfaces
in all slack tanks are accounted for. The loss of GZ will increase as the number of
slack tanks increase, i.e., the cumulative effect of all slack tanks must be accounted



When the ship returns to the upright condition the centre of gravity (G1) will move
back to its original position at G as the liquid in the tank finds its own level.

5.3 Calculating free surface effect

For a rectangular shaped tank, the calculation of the effect of free surface is
straightforward. However, not all tanks are this convenient regular shape and data
relating to tanks of all shapes on board are included in the ship's Tank Sounding Data
tables. This data can be provided in a number of ways, the officer on board
conducting the ship stability calculations must be familiar with the form of data

5.3.1 Calculating the free surface effect of a rectangular shaped tank

For a tank that has a rectangular free surface, the virtual rise of G in metres can be
calculated by the formula:

GGV = lb3  dt
12V ds

where: GGV is the virtual rise of G in metres;

l is the tank length;
b is the tank breadth;
dt is the density of the liquid in the tank;
ds is the density of the water in which the ship floats (1.025 t/m3),
V is the volume of displacement of the ship.

i.e. W = V  ds

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
it follows that: GGV = lb3  dt

GGV is often referred to as being the Free Surface Correction (FSC) to be applied
to the ‘solid’ KG or ‘solid’ GM where it will compensate for the slack tank or
tanks within the ship.



Example 1
A ship has initial displacement of 10500 t and KG 7.60 m. A rectangular cargo oil
tank of length 30 m and breadth 20 m is partially filled with 9600 t of oil (RD 0.86).
If the Kg of the oil is 8.00 m, calculate the effective GM if the KM for the final
displacement is 8.80 m.

Taking moments about the keel, calculate the new solid KG.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 10500 7.60 79800
Cargo oil 9600 8.00 76800
FINAL 20100 7.791 156600

Calculate the effect of free surface.

GGV = lb3  dt = 30  203  0.86 = 0.856 m

12W 12  20100

(The final displacement must be used!)

Calculate the solid GM and then apply the free surface correction to obtain the fluid

KM 8.800
SOLID KG 7.791
SOLID GM 1.009
FSE (GGv) 0.856
FLUID GM 0.153

5.3.2 Free surface moments

The moment of inertia (I), often termed the second moment of area, of the free
liquid surface of a rectangular tank may be determined by:

I = lb3 (m4)

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Moments of inertia (I) were introduced in the previous section.

If the value of I is multiplied by the liquid density, then a value of Free Surface
Moments (FSMs) (t.m) is obtained.

FSMs (t.m) = lb3  dt


Consider the previous free surface effect formula:

GGV = lb3  dt

Therefore: GGV = FSMs (t.m)


Since: KG (m) = Σ MOMENTS (t.m)


it is evident from the above that the greater the value of the free surface moments;
the greater the value of the effective KG and the greater the loss of GM (GGV).

In calculating the effective KG, it is usual to make allowances for free surfaces by
incorporating the FSMs into the KG table where they must always be ADDED.

Consider the previous example reworked.

Example 2
A ship has an initial displacement of 10500 t and KG 7.60 m. A rectangular cargo oil
tank of length 30 m and breadth 20 m is partially filled with 9600 t of oil (RD 0.86).
If the Kg of the oil is 8.00 m, calculate the effective GM if the KM for the final
displacement is 8.80 m.

Calculate the FSMs using:

FSMs (t.m) = lb3 × dt


FSMs (t.m) = 30 × 203 × 0.86 = 17200 t.m


Taking moments about the keel, also adding the FSMs in the ‘moments’ column,
calculate the fluid KG.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)
Initial displ. 10500 7.60 79800
Cargo oil 9600 8.00 76800
FSMs 17200
FINAL 20100 8.647 173800

Apply the fluid KG value to the final KM to obtain the final fluid GM.

KM 8.800
FLUID KG 8.647
FLUID GM 0.153

5.4 Representation of free surface data in tank

sounding/ullage tables
In tank sounding or ullage tables, free surface data for use in calculating the
effective KG and GM can be represented using alternative methods.

5.4.1 Method 1 - Free surface moments for an assumed density value

are tabulated
Consider the extract from a tank sounding table shown paying particular attention
to the column headings.

Tank: 2CO.Stbd Cargo Oil Density: 0.740

Sounding Weight LCG TCG VCG FSMs
(cm) (tonnes) (m foap) (m) (m) (t.m)
0 0.00 78.145 0.063s 1.503 0.0
25 13.00 78.29 2.963s 1.656 269.6
50 30.83 78.345 3.242s 1.785 300.3
75 49.31 78.366 3.365s 1.914 333.3
100 68.44 78.379 3.457s 2.044 368.2
125 87.92 78.389 3.525s 2.174 370.9
150 107.46 78.398 3.569s 2.302 373.7
175 127.05 78.406 3.602s 2.430 376.5
200 146.70 78.414 3.628s 2.557 379.3
225 166.41 78.421 3.648s 2.684 382.1

Table 5.1 – Tank sounding data for an assumed density of liquid.

The table is for a cargo oil tank in a tanker - No. 2 Cargo Oil Tank Starboard.

Free Surface Moments (FSMs) in tonnes-metres are tabulated for an assumed liquid
density of 0.740 t/m3.

Weight of liquid in the tank is tabulated for an assumed liquid density of 0.740 t/m3.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
VCG (Vertical Centre of Gravity or Kg) indicates the vertical position of the oil within
the ship in terms of metres above the keel for the appropriate sounding. TCG
(Transverse Centre of Gravity) indicates the centroid of the oil as being so many
metres to port or starboard of the centreline.

Example 3
A ship displaces 5400 t and has a KG of 7.860 m. No. 2 Cargo Oil Tank Stbd. is filled
to a sounding of 150 cm with cargo oil RD 0.740.

Calculate the final effective KG and GM if the KM for the final condition is 8.000 m.

Use the above sounding table extract.

Obtain cargo data from table with sounding 150 cm.

Weight (tonnes) = 107.46 VCG (m) 2.302 FSMs (t.m) 373.7

Calculate the final effective KG and hence the final effective GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 5400.00 7.860 42444.0
Cargo oil 107.46 2.302 247.4
FSMs 373.7
FINAL 5507.46 7.819 43065.1

KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.819
FLUID GM 0.181

For intermediate soundings, interpolation would be necessary to extract the values.

The previous example was straightforward, whereby the tank was loaded with liquid
of the same tabulated density.

However, if liquid of a different density to that assumed by the tables had been in
the tank, the tabulated values of both weight and FSMs would be in error!

Therefore, tabulated values must be corrected for the appropriate density.

Both mass (weight) and the value of the FSMs are directly proportional to density.

Consider the previous example again. This time salt water ballast (RD 1.025) is in
the tank at the same level as before.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Example 4
A ship displaces 5400 t and has a KG of 7.860 m. No. 2 Cargo Oil Tank Stbd. is filled
to a sounding of 150 cm with salt water ballast RD 1.025.

Calculate the final effective KG and GM if the KM for the final condition is 8.000 m.

Use the same sounding table extract.

Obtain cargo data from table with sounding 150 cm.

Weight (tonnes) = 107.46 VCG (m) 2.302 FSMs (t.m) 373.7

Actual mass of salt water ballast loaded is found by:

107.46 × 1.025 = 148.85 t


Actual FSMs for the salt water ballast loaded is found by:

373.7 × 1.025 = 517.625 t.m


The Kg of the liquid is as before - not being affected by density!

Calculate the final effective KG and hence the final effective GM exactly as before.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 5400.00 7.860 42444.0
SW ballast 148.85 2.302 342.7
FSMs 517.6
FINAL 5548.85 7.804 43304.3

KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.804
FLUID GM 0.196

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
5.4.2 Method 2 - Moments of inertia (m4) are tabulated
Consider the alternative extract from a tank sounding table for the same tank shown.

Tank: 2CO.Stbd
Sounding Volume LCG TCG VCG I
(cm) (cu. m) (m foap) (m) (m) (m4)
0 0.00 78.145 0.063s 1.503 0.0
25 17.57 78.29 2.963s 1.656 364.3
50 41.66 78.345 3.242s 1.785 405.8
75 66.64 78.366 3.365s 1.914 450.4
100 92.49 78.379 3.457s 2.044 497.6
125 118.81 78.389 3.525s 2.174 501.2
150 145.22 78.398 3.569s 2.302 505.0
175 171.69 78.406 3.602s 2.430 508.8
200 198.24 78.414 3.628s 2.557 512.6
225 224.88 78.421 3.648s 2.684 516.4

Table 5.2 – Tank sounding data with liquid volume and I value tabulated.

Moments of Inertia (I) in metres4 (m4) are tabulated.

Volume of liquid in the tank in cubic metres (m3) is tabulated.

Density of the liquid is NOT assumed.

To obtain the weight (mass) of the liquid and the Free Surface Moments which are
to be incorporated into the KG moments table, both volume and I values as
tabulated must be multiplied by the density of the liquid in the tank.

Example 5
A ship displaces 5400 t and has a KG of 7.860 m. No. 2 Cargo Oil Tank Stbd. is filled
to a sounding of 150 cm with cargo oil RD 0.740.

Calculate the final effective KG and GM if the KM for the final condition is 8.000 m.

Use the above sounding table extract.

Obtain cargo data from table with sounding 150 cm.

Volume (m3) 145.22 VCG (m) 2.302 I (m4) 505.0

Calculate the mass of oil in the tank.

Mass = Volume × Density; Mass = 145.22 × 0.740 = 107.46 t

Calculate the FSMs for the oil.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
FSMs = I × Density; FSMs = 505.0 × 0.740 = 373.7 t.m

Calculate the final effective KG and hence the final effective GM as before.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 5400.00 7.860 42444.0
Cargo oil 107.46 2.302 247.4
FSMs 373.7
FINAL 5507.46 7.819 43065.1

KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.819
FLUID GM 0.181

5.4.3 Summary
You will not have a choice as to which of the two methods to use, it simply depends
on the format of the tank sounding data that is provided for the ship.

Consider the significant errors in the calculation of GM that will occur if:

• Tabulated FSMs for an assumed liquid density are not corrected for the actual
density of the liquid in the tank!

• Volume is not converted to weight (mass)!

• Tabulated I value not being multiplied by the density of the liquid in the


By way of example tank sounding data is shown in table 5.3; a salt water ballast tank
on the 57000DWT bulk carrier that we refer to.

The following abbreviations are used with respect to the liquid in the tank at a
particular level:

HO (m) = Height of liquid level from tank bottom (sounding).

H (m) = As above.
FILL (%) = Percentage of the total capacity of the tank that is filled at the
level indicated.
VOLM (m3) = Moulded volume of tank; in this table relating to the volume of
the tank as calculated using the outside surfaces of the tank
VNET (m3) = Net volume of the tank; in this table relating to the volume of
the tank as calculated using the inner surfaces of the tank
plating. This is used to calculate the actual volume of the liquid
in the tank. This must be multiplied by the density of the liquid
in the tank to obtain the weight of liquid in tonnes.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
L.C.V. (m) = Longitudinal centre of volume of the tank from the AP (+ being
forward of AP; - being aft of AP) (LCG or lcg foap).
T.C.V. (m) = Transverse centre of volume of the tank from ship’s centreline
(+ being to port; - being to starboard) (TCG or tcg).
V.C.V. (m) = Height of the centre of volume of the tank above base line (KG
or kg).
IMOM (m4) = Transverse moment of inertia of the free liquid surface. This
must be multiplied by the density of the liquid in the tank to
obtain the free surface moments (tonnes-metres) (I).



Abbreviations in blue are those used for stability calculations in this text.

Table 5.3 – Tank data for No.2 Port Salt Water Ballast Tank (57000DWT Bulk Carrier); note that the
constantly changing values of I indicate that the tank is NOT rectangular in shape.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
5.5 Factors influencing free surface effect
For rectangular tanks consider the free surface formula for loss of GM (GGv):

GGV (m) = lb3  dt


It is clear that the breadth of the tank is the most influential factor.

5.5.1 Tank breadth

If a tank is subdivided the loss of GM can be greatly reduced. This is demonstrated
by way of the following worked examples.

Example 6
A ship has a displacement of 12000 t and initial KG of 7.84 m.

A rectangular double bottom tank has the following dimensions; length 20 m,

breadth 15 m and is filled with salt water ballast (RD 1.025) to a sounding of 2.00

If the KM for the final condition is 8.00 m, calculate the final effective GM.

Calculate the mass and Kg of the ballast water.

Mass = Volume × Density;

Mass = (l × b × sounding) × density;
Mass = (20 × 15 × 2) × 1.025 = 615.0 t

Since it is a double bottom tank the Kg of the ballast water will be half the

Kg = 0.5 × 2.0 = 1.00 m

Calculate the FSMs for the rectangular free liquid surface:

FSMs (t×m) = lb3 × dt


FSMs (t×m) = 20 × 153 × 1.025 = 5765.6 t.m


Taking moments about the keel calculate the final KG and hence the final KM:

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 12000.0 7.840 94080.0
SW ballast 615.0 1.000 615.0
FSMs 5765.6
FINAL 12615.0 7.964 100460.6

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.964
FLUID GM 0.036

To satisfy the intact stability requirements the minimum GM requirement for a ship
is 0.15 m.

This ship clearly does not satisfy this requirement!

Consider the same example, but this time the tank is equally subdivided into two

Example 7
A ship has a displacement of 12000 t and initial KG of 7.84 m.

A rectangular double bottom tank is equally subdivided and has the following
dimensions; length 20 m and breadth 15 m and is filled with salt water ballast (RD
1.025) to a sounding of 2.00 m.

If the KM for the final condition is 8.00 m calculate the final effective GM.

See figure 5.3.

Fig. 5.3 – Example 7.

Calculate the mass and Kg of the ballast water.

Mass = Volume × Density;

Mass = (l × b × sounding) × density;
Mass = (20 × 15 × 2) × 1.025 = 615.0 t


Mass per tank = Volume × Density;

Mass per tank = (l × b × sounding) × density;
Mass = (20 × 7.5 × 2) × 1.025 = 307.5 t

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Total mass = 307.5 × 2 tanks = 615.0 t

Since it is a double bottom tank the Kg of the ballast water will be half the

Kg = 0.5 × 2.0 = 1.00 m

Calculate the FSMs for both tanks for the rectangular free liquid surfaces:

FSMs (t.m) = lb3 × dt × 2 tanks


FSMs (t.m) = 20 × 7.53 × 1.025 × 2 = 1441.4 t.m


Taking moments about the keel, calculate the final KG and hence the final GM:

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 12000.0 7.840 94080.0
SW ballast 615.0 1.000 615.0
FSMs 1441.4
FINAL 12615.0 7.621 96136.4

KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.621
FLUID GM 0.379

Subdividing the tank has resulted in the final GM being much improved.

This is a direct result of the reduced free surface moments.

For the undivided tank the total FSMs where 5765.6 t.m.

For the subdivided tank the total FSMs where 1441.4 t.m.


i.e. 5765.6 = 1441.4 t.m


Consider the same example, but this time the tank is equally subdivided into three

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Example 8
A ship has a displacement of 12000 t and initial KG of 7.84 m.

A rectangular double bottom tank which is equally subdivided into three

compartments has length 20 m and overall breadth 15 m and is filled with salt water
ballast (RD 1.025) to a sounding of 2.00 m.

If the KM for the final condition is 8.00 m, calculate the final effective GM.

See figure 5.4; there are now three tanks each having a breadth of 5.0 m.

Fig. 5.4 – Example 8.

Calculate the mass and Kg of the ballast water.

Mass = Volume × Density;

Mass = (l × b × sounding) × density;
Mass = (20 × 15 × 2) × 1.025 = 615.0 t


Mass per tank = Volume × Density;

Mass per tank = (l × b × sounding) × density;
Mass = (20 × 5.0 × 2) × 1.025 = 205.0 t

Total mass = 205.0 × 3 tanks = 615.0 t

Kg = 0.5 × 2.0 = 1.00 m

Calculate the FSMs for the three tanks for the rectangular free liquid surfaces:

FSMs (t.m) = lb3 × dt × 3 tanks


FSMs (t.m) = 20 × 5.03 × 1.025 × 3 = 640.625 t.m


HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Taking moments about the keel calculate the final KG and hence the final KM:

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (t.m)

Initial displ. 12000.0 7.840 94080.0
SW ballast 615.0 1.000 615.0
FSMs 640.6
FINAL 12615.0 7.557 95335.6

KM 8.000
FLUID KG 7.557
FLUID GM 0.443

As a result of subdividing the tank into three it is evident that the final GM is further

This is a direct result of the reduced free surface moments.

For the undivided tank the total FSMs where 5765.6 t.m.

For the tank equally subdivided into three compartments the total FSMs where
640.6 t.m.


i.e. 5765.6 = 640.6 t.m


It follows that the original free surface moments (and loss of GM) will reduce by the
factor of:

where n is the number of equal sized compartments into which the tank is

i.e. one centre line division: 2 tanks: 1/22 = 1/4

two subdividing bulkheads: 3 tanks: 1/32 = 1/9

three subdividing bulkheads: 4 tanks: ¼2 = 1/16…….and so on.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Fig. 5.5 - For rectangular tanks, free surface moments reduce by a factor of 1/n2, where n is the number
of compartments that the tank has been equally subdivided into.

It is usual to subdivide tanks into three compartments at most. The benefit of any
further subdivision, which would improve effective GM by a decreasing amount each
time would be greatly offset by the additional steel weight and piping arrangements
required. An exception might be in the case of a product or chemical carrier where
such ships are designed to carry a wide range of cargoes at any one time in relatively
smaller quantities.

5.5.2 Tank length

Free surface moments and the loss of GM are directly proportional to the length of
the tank i.e., if the tank length is doubled so will be the value of the free surface
moments and the loss of GM.

5.5.3 Density
Free surface moments and the loss of GM are directly proportional to the density of
the liquid in the tank, the greater the density of the liquid in the tank, the greater
the FSMs and subsequent loss of GM.

5.5.4 Ship displacement

Free surface moments and the loss of GM are inversely proportional to the
displacement of the ship. For a tank of given size, the loss of GM will be smaller as
the displacement increases and vice-versa. It should be noted that the actual free
surface moments for any tank are not affected by the ship's displacement, since ship
displacement is not included in the formula for their calculation anyway!

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
5.6 Important points to note regarding free surface
These are summarised below and in figures 5.6-5.9:

(1) For a tank to be considered subdivided, it must be fitted with an oil-tight or

water-tight longitudinal bulkhead ensuring that there is no possibility of
liquid transfer. This means that any valves connecting the subdivided tanks
must be capable of being fully closed.

(2) A wash plate is fitted to prevent damage to internal tank plating that may be
caused by wave action within the tank.

It does not reduce free surface effect!

Fig. 5.6 – A tank fitted with a wash plate (as often found in the fore peak) is NOT a subdivided tank.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Fig. 5.7 – A tank fitted with watertight subdividing bulkhead.

(3) If a rectangular tank is filled to different levels, the free surface moments
will be the same in each case; consider the formula for FSMs if you are unsure!

Fig. 5.8 - The FSMs for a rectangular tank will be the same at different levels.

See Table 5.4 and figure 5.9 that illustrates this.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Table 5.4 – Data for No. 3 Hold (57000DWT Bulk Carrier).

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)
Fig. 5.9 – Range of constant I value for No. 3 Hold (57000DWT Bulk Carrier) – see Table 5.4.

(4) If a tank is empty or pressed-up, free surface moments will not exist in that
e.g., if ship is trimmed by the head.

(5) When calculating the effective KG or GM, the free surface moments of all
slack tanks must be incorporated into the KG moments table; loss of GM due
to free surface will be that which results from the cumulative effects of all
the slack tanks on board.

HR0L 35 5. Free Surface Effect (MAR Rev. 27-04-2022)

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