Annotated Bibliography 2

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Lolley 1

Jordan Lolley

Mrs. Miller

English 12

31 January 2024

Importance of Postnatal Care: An Annotated Bibliography

The Doctors Bjorkman. “Pediatrician Explains Newborn Baby Basics: Feeding, Safe Sleep,

Pooping, Car Seats, and More.” YouTube, 3 Mar. 2021, Accessed 16 January 2024.

In this video the doctors covered essential topics relating to the care of a newborn. They

discuss many important topics such as caring for a baby's umbilical cord, what you need

to bring to the hospital for and after childbirth, how to know if your baby is getting

enough nutrients, and tips for safe sleeping. This video serves as a guide for new parents

to ensure a healthy start to caring for their new baby. All of these topics are beneficial for

my research paper because it gives me specific information on the importance of taking

care of a baby after childbirth. During your postnatal period you are constantly learning

something new and these are good tasks that need to be addressed during the postnatal

period. The doctors explain everything a new mother in her postpartum period could be

concerned about. While this video is published on YouTube I believe it has two credible

and trustworthy authors. The authors of this video are Mr. Kent Bjorkman a pediatrician

and Mrs. Sarah Bjorkman an Ob/Gyn. I believe they are credible because they both have

gone to school for many years to gain their medical degree and experience. A pediatrician

and an Ob/Gyn deals with the importance of the health of women, children, and family

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Piotrowski, Nancy A., PhD, and Alvin K. Benson PhD. “Postpartum Depression.” Magill’s

Medical Guide (Online Edition), Sept. 2023. EBSCOhost, . Accessed 18 January 2024

Piotrowski’s online medical guide gives readers information on the most common

conditions after childbirth. The most common conditions after childbirth are “baby blues”

and “postpartum depression”. This online medical guide gives specific details about these

conditions. It tells you exactly how to differentiate between baby blues and postpartum

depression and when to seek medical attention. This guide gives you examples of ways

you can treat these conditions from counseling to getting put on antidepressants. This

online guide is beneficial to my research of postnatal care because it provides me with

information about postpartum conditions. It is known that “approximately 70 to 80

percent of women who have given birth have experienced what is often called ‘baby

blues’.” These conditions are important to know about during your postnatal period. One

importance of postnatal care is to care for yourself and knowing what to expect and how

to deal with these conditions that could develop after childbirth and this article helps me

bring awareness to these conditions. I found this article credible because both of the

authors have their PhDs so they went through an accredited program and earned their

degree. Nancy Piotrowski is a psychologist with more than 35 years of experience in the

work field. While I couldn’t find any information on Alvin Benson, the online guide is

reviewed by many experts in the medical field and that is why I considered this source

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“Your baby's checkups.” March of Dimes, n.p., January 2019,

Accessed 16 January 2024.

Taking your baby for regular checkups is important for the overall health of your baby.

During these doctor visits the doctor will look at the overall health of your baby and

where he/she is at in their growth and developmental stages. These appointments are

“important to show how the baby is growing between appointments” and getting your

baby started on vaccines to prevent the spread of illnesses to the newborn. These visits

are also important so the parents can ask questions about feedings or if they have any

other concerns. It also provides the mother with time to talk about her postpartum

experience and if she is feeling stressed and or developing symptoms of PPD. This article

is beneficial to the importance of postnatal care because the doctor visits after childbirth

are very important to go to. This article gives specific examples of what to expect when

taking your newborn to his/her appointments and why you should take them to their

appointments. Also this article provides me with information on how often your newborn

should go to doctor visits and I could include that in my research topic. While this article

doesn’t have a specific author, March of Dimes is a not-for-profit organization that has an

86-year legacy of helping and supporting pregnant women and their families. “March of

Dimes is dedicated to funding life savings research and providing educational programs.”

“In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt struggled with polio and this led to the creation

of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis also known as March of Dimes.” March

of Dimes helped create a polio vaccine and soon expanded their research to pregnancy.
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Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care. The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric,

and Neonatal Nurses, 2022.

Postpartum is a challenging time in life for a mother. Mothers are going through so many

changes and learning how to adapt to them. Postpartum can lead to postpartum

depression and it is important to know the signs and symptoms of this condition. During

the postpartum stage you are learning how to properly care for your newborn such as

caring for a circumcised or intact penis, umbilical cord care, diapering, sponge baths, and

so much more. It is also important to know the benefits of breast feedings so you can

make an educational decision on whether you want to breastfeed or formula feed.

Breastfeeding has so many important benefits for not only your baby, but also you. This

booklet is beneficial to answering the question of why postnatal care is important because

during postpartum you are learning so many new things, and it is important to know how

to do these tasks correctly to ensure safety of the newborn. This booklet provides step by

step guidance on how to do these tasks. This information is important for my research

because I will be able to explain how to perform proper tasks on a newborn. I found this

booklet credible because the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal

Nurses published this booklet. “AWHONN is a nonprofit membership organization

whose mission is to improve and promote the health of women and newborns to

strengthen the nursing profession.” The president of this organization is Cheryl Bellamy,

“a Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit Michigan who

has over 20 years of experience.”

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“Your postpartum checkups.” March of Dimes, n.p., September 2023,

s. Accessed 16 January 2024.

While it is important to take your newborn to check ups after birth, it is important to take

care of yourself by going to postpartum check ups. During these check ups you will be

given a physical exam to make sure you are healing properly after childbirth. This exam

includes checking your vagina, uterus, cervix and cesarean site (if applicable). Also, your

vital signs will be obtained and this provides valuable information about your overall

health. This check up provides mothers with time to talk and ask questions during this

new phase in life and to make sure she is all caught up on her vaccines. This article is

beneficial to my research because check ups during your postpartum period is crucial to

make sure you are healing. This article provides me with information on why it is

important to go to postpartum check ups. Also it provides me with information I can use

for the importance of the mother’s care after childbirth. While this article doesn’t have a

specific author, it is a not-for-profit organization that has an 86-year legacy of helping

and supporting pregnant women and their families. “March of Dimes is dedicated to

funding lifesaving research and educational programs.” Also March of Dimes helped

create a polio vaccine and soon led their research to pregnancy.

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