ĐỀ TÀI BTL MT2013 - 2023 - danh - sach - de - tai

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This dataset include data for the estimation of obesity levels in individuals from the countries
of Mexico, Peru and Colombia, based on their eating habits and physical condition. The data
https://archive-beta.ics.uci. contains 17 attributes and 2111 records, the records are labeled with the class variable
edu/dataset/544/estimation+of+obesity+levels+ba NObesity (Obesity Level), that allows classification of the data using the values of Insufficient
KHOA HỌC ỨNG DỤNG- sed+on+eating+habits+and+physical+condition? Weight, Normal Weight, Overweight Level I, Overweight Level II, Obesity Type I, Obesity Type
FACULTY OF APPLIED OF fbclid=IwAR2cuYHj0Ulm0jgunpyUv1yRzEPxsRnS II and Obesity Type III. 77% of the data was generated synthetically using the Weka tool and
1 SCIENCE -u4_rm8nNJTbwAkhjXV71OnkO4s the SMOTE filter, 23% of the data was collected directly from users through a web platform.
This dataset contains detailed specifications, release dates, and release prices of computer
The dataset contains two CSV files: gpus.csv for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and
cpus.csv for Central Processing Units (CPUs). Each table has its own list of unique entries,
KHOA HỌC VÀ KỸ THUẬT MÁY https://www.kaggle. but the list of features includes: clock speeds, maximum temperatures, display resolutions,
TÍNH - COMPUTER SCIENCE AND com/datasets/iliassekkaf/computerparts? power draws, number of threads, release dates, release prices, die size, virtualization support,
2 ENGINEERING resource=downlo and many other similar fields.
Access to safe drinking-water is essential to health, a basic human right and a component of
effective policy for health protection. This is important as a health and development issue at a
national, regional and local level. In some regions, it has been shown that investments in
water supply and sanitation can yield a net economic benefit, since the reductions in adverse
KỸ THUẬT HÓA - FACULTY OF https://www.kaggle. health effects and health care costs outweigh the costs of undertaking the interventions. The
3 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING com/datasets/adityakadiwal/water-potability water_potability.csv file contains water quality metrics for 3276 different water bodies.
CƠ KHÍ - FACULTY OF This dataset comes from research by TR/Selcuk University Mechanical Engineering
INDUSTRIAL MAINTAIN The aim of the study is to determine how much of the adjustment parameters in 3d printers
TRAINING CENTER - TRUNG TÂM https://www.kaggle. affect the print quality, accuracy and strenght. Where there are nine setting parameters and
4 BẢO DƯỠNG CÔNG NGHIỆP com/datasets/afumetto/3dprinter three measured output parameters.
The actual concrete compressive strength (MPa) for a given mixture under a
https://www.kaggle. specific age (days) was determined from laboratory. Data is in raw form (not scaled). The data
com/datasets/vinayakshanawad/cement- has 8 quantitative input variables, and 1 quantitative output variable, and 1030 instances
5 XÂY DỰNG - CIVIL ENGINEERING manufacturing-concrete-dataset (observations).
The study area includes four wilderness areas located in the Roosevelt National Forest of
northern Colorado. Each observation is a 30m x 30m patch. You are asked to predict an
integer classification for the forest cover type. The seven types are: 1 - Spruce/Fir, 2 -
Test: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/forest- Lodgepole Pine, 3 - Ponderosa Pine, 4 - Cottonwood/Willow, 5 - Aspen, 6 - Douglas-fir, 7 -
cover-type-prediction/data?select=test.csv Krummholz.
MÔI TRƯỜNG VÀ TÀI NGUYÊN - Train: https://www.kaggle. The training set (15120 observations) contains both features and the Cover_Type. The test set
ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL com/competitions/forest-cover-type- contains only the features. You must predict the Cover_Type for every row in the test set
6 RESOURCES prediction/data?select=train.csv (565892 observations).
The "Cereals" dataset is a collection of nutritional and marketing information
for 77 breakfast cereals sold in the United States. available through various sources, including
the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The dataset includes 16 variables, such as the amount
https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/crawford/80- of sugars, fiber, and vitamins in each cereal, as well as the manufacturer, type and rating of
cereals? the cereal. This dataset provides an opportunity to explore the relationships between various
QUẢN LÝ CÔNG NGHIỆP - fbclid=IwAR1RDQze0H56zGFewQ6XQutfaN4rAif cereal attributes and their impact on consumer ratings, as well as to identify potential trends
7 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT xGNc52escxR4SOUL_opsbRzh9HtA and patterns in the breakfast cereal market.
There are two files: (1) train.csv contains 81 features extracted from 21263 superconductors
along with the critical temperature in the 82nd column, (2) unique_m.csv contains the chemical
https://www.kaggle. formula broken up for all the 21263 superconductors from the train.csv file. The last two
VẬT LIỆU - MATERIALS com/datasets/tunguz/superconductivty-data-data- columns have the critical temperature and chemical formula. The goal here is to predict the
8 TECHNOLOGY set critical temperature based on the features extracted.
This dataset contains information on air traffic passenger statistics by the airline. It includes
GIAO THÔNG - https://www.kaggle. information on the airlines, airports, and regions that the flights departed from and arrived at. It
TRANSPORTATION com/datasets/thedevastator/airlines-traffic- also includes information on the type of activity, price category, terminal, boarding area, and
9 ENGINEERING passenger-statistics number of passengers
ĐIỆN ĐIỆN TỬ - ELECTRICAL and retail-dataset-of-electronics-store? This dataset contains information about an online electronic store. The store has three
10 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING select=dirty_data.csv warehouses from which goods are delivered to customers.

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