Chemistry 11

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Annual Examination (2023-24

) ~
Cl as s-X I
Sub}ect- Chemistry (043) ~
1,me·. 3\-\rs. M.M. 70
Name ~DO>-'- T\A. J;:
~· . ••
a CU\L
1 <f sc P
Cl as s~ ~e :.: ::: ::= ::: ::: R o l l n o ~
::: :--- -
GeneTa\ \nstrnct\ans:
Read the following instruction
s carefu\\'/,
a) The re are 35 que stio ns
in this question paper.
b) SEC TIO N A con sist s of
16 MCQ carr yin g 1 ma rk eac
c) SEC TIO N B con sist s h,
of S VSA que stio ns car
cf) SEC TIO N C con sist s of ryin g 2 rna,~s each,
e.,,\ SEC TIO N D con sist s of
7 sho rt ans we r que st·
2 cas e- bas ed que st· 10ns car · h
f) SECTION E con sist s of 3 rym g 3 marks eac ·
lon g ans we r que t·ion s carry· 4 k ach
9) AJI que stio ns are com pul sor s ion s carry·mg ma r s e ·
h) Use of log tab les and cal cul mg S mar ks eac h.
ato rs is not allo w d
e •

The following que stio ns are SECTION A

There is no internal choice ltiple-choice questions
in this sec tion . wl th one correct answer
1. v.:h)at will be the mo .
lality of(tbh)elsMolution contain
,a 0 •1 rn ing 18 _25 g of HCI gas in
500 g of water?
2. Number of angular nod
es for 4d orbital is _ _ _ (c} o.s m (d) 1 m
(a) 4 _
(b) 3 (c} 2
3. Which of the following (d) 1
is responsible to rule out the
(a) Pauli's exclusion princip existence of definite paths
le. or tra jec tor ies of e\ec
(b) Heisenberg's unc erta txo ns?
(c) Hund's rule of maximum inty prin cip le.
multiplicity. (d) Aufbau principle
4. \n N0 ion, the number of
3 bond pairs and lone pairs of
\o) l, l e\ectrons on nitrogen 3 ato
lb) 3, 1 m are
':>. '\Nh\c.h o, the fo\\ov- (c) 1, 3 (d) 4, 0
i,ng spe des has tetrahedral
(a) BH"- geometry?
lb) NH 2 - (c) C0 3 i-
6. Which of the following (d) H30+
is not correct?
(a) L\G is zero for a reversible
reaction (b) tlG is positive for a spo
(c) t.G is negative for a spo ntaneous reaction
ntaneous reaction (d) tiG is positive for a non-sp
7. Acidity of BF can be exp ontaneous rea ctio n
3 lained on the basis of which
(a) Arrhenius concept of the following concepts?
(c) Lewis concept (b) Bronsted Lowry concep
8. In which of the follow (d) Bronsted Lowry as well as
ing, functional group isomeris Lewis concept.
(a) Alcohols m is not possible?
(b) Aldehydes (c) Alkyl halides
9. Electrophilic add itio (d) Cyanides
n reactions proceed in two
Na me the typ e of inte rm step s. The first ste p involves the
edi ate for me d in the firs addition of an ele ctr oph ile.
➔? t step of the following additio
n reaction. H C-H C = CH
3 2 + H+
(a) 2° Carbanion
(b) 1° Carbocation (c)
10. Arrange the foll ow ing 2° Car bocation (d) 1° Carbanion
in dec rea sin g ord er of the
lP..) n-b uta ne ir boiling points.
lB) 2-m eth ylb uta ne
lC) n-pentane
(D) 2.,2-dirnethylpropane
(a)A_>B>C. >D {b) B> C> D> A
11. The increasing ord er of (c) D> C> B> A (d) C> B> D> A
red uct ion of a\kvl hal ide s
(a) R-C\ < R-1 < R-Br
with zinc and dilute HCI is
{b) R-CI < R-Br < R-1 (c) R-I < R-Br < R-C I (d) R-Br < R-1 < R-CI

fAnn 11:: ,/ Pv~ m · .

ln::I Hnn r./;:i<;<; xr f.hemistrv Set-Bl
12 . 1'hc co1,, HJPAc; 11:11110 of tho lollow!np. nlkilll1~ is

11 C-CI I,-CI 1-CM:-CH&-c,ll-Cf·J~~r-r

l I l
;\ I .
CH., CH., CH,
(Q 3,6 _ ['llt,thyl- 2- m~thylocr:m~
{ii) 5 - lsopropyl - 3 - rthyloctanc
{iii} 3 - Ethyl - 5 - isopropylort.1ne
(i ) ·3 - lsopro1>vl - 6 - ~thylcctnn~ .
iv ' ., · half of its
13 Assertion (A): n,e empirical mass of ethene is . I molecular rnass.
· I presents the simp est whole nu b .
Reason (R): The empirical formu a re m er ratio of various atoms present in a
compound. I nation f A
(aJ Both A and R arc true and R is the correct exp a O •
(b} A I) true but R is false.
{c) A is false but R1s true.
(d) Both A and Rare false.
14. Assertion (A}: Among the two 0-H bonds in HiO molecule the .
the other 0-H bond is the same ' energy required to break the first 0-H bond and
Reason {R}: This is because the electronic environment .
0-H bond. arou oxygen 15 the same even after breakage of one
(a) A and R both are correct and Ris correct t·
, exp Iana ion of A.
(b) A and R both are correct, but Ris not the correct expla t·
{c) Ars true but Ris false na ion of A.
(d) A and R both are false.
15. Assertion (A): For any chemical r f .
characte ns• t·1c property. eac ion at a particular temperature, the equilibrium constant is fixed and is a
Reason lRl: Equilibrium constant is independent of temperature
(a) Both A and Rare true and R is correct explanation of A. .
(b) B~th A and Rare true but R is not correct explanation of A.
(c) A 1s true but R is false.
(d) Both A and Rare false.
16. Assertion (A): All the carbon atoms in H2C= C= CH are sp 2 hybridised
Reason {R): In this molecule all the carbon atoms are attached to each other by double bonds.
(a) Both A and Rare correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and Rare correct but R ,s not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and Rare not correct.
(d) A is not correct but R is correct.

This section contains 5 questions of very short answer type and carries 2 marks each.
17. Define Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity.

18. Explain why BeH 2 molecule has a zero dipole moment although the Be-H bonds are polar.
@) A swimmer c_9ming out from a pool is covered with a film of water weighing about 18g. How much heat
must0be supplied to evaporate this water at 298 K? Calculate the internal energy of vaporisation at 298K.
6vapH for water at 298K= 44.0lkJ moi-1

20. What is meant by the conjugate acid-base pair? Find the conjugate acid/base for the following species:
HN0 2, CN-, HCI0 4, F -, OH-, CO/-, and S2-

21. A.ssign oxidation number to the bold elements in each of the following species:
(a) NaHS04 (b) H4P201

22. Give bond line structural formulas and identify the functional group(s) present, if any, for: (a) 2-Hydroxy-
1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid (b) Hexanedial

23. Why is Wurtz reaction not preferred for the preparation of alkanes containing odd number of carbon
atoms? Illustrate your answer by taking one example.

! -[Annual Examination Class XI Chemistry Set-BJ

sed er. ~t10n Each q ~ n a~ ~ 4 rr.Jrh f~aj •

a , so tha1 the ccnvers.on of re.a.. t to :& w~(f,,

dee.a~~ ta>n ol a W""• ,.m lnor.potar, reatt.r.: o-:
n1 ., i;o.; ts ostwa :1 d lit on IJ-,11 1s the appiicat.Jon of tt-".«! ~ c-' "'~
~t e :ectrofytes m sc:,_- ~!1.
d 4 ,. 3•es to A. and ~r iom I e.

\• • D tor ry 1t1eai e.cect o!yte, Snee a <<1 U - a)= 1


A ~~~ '4-U\: ~d so::.."ll«) • mmanty af 0.00, M ~ pH of S. What ts fts ~ ionization

J.-1so- .. • ••,
2 -c 05 (d) 025
(I) lhr hyd .. c.o!lCerr.ra• oo of a 10.,. M HO <1queous sohrt1on at 298 K (K.. = 10-:..) ~
l t:'J>-7.'/
• s2, .. 1 r.-
CuiJ n faw s a;,pfiabJe to

(iv) ,, a {s the fraction of HI dlSSOClated at equ ilwium III lhe ruction, 2HI • "1 + IJ then~ with 2 mol
of HI, the total number of moles of neactafttl and products It eq ibrium ate
Ca 1 b) 2 c) 1 + a d 2 Za
3-n ~ rotatlem of caroon-ort>on sinp! bond (s-bond) due to cy.,t,dra symmttry of s-MOs (molK\Aaf orbiuls\
long Ii ternudear cnis, n .~nes results intO differtm spat11 arr1111,menu of atoms n ~ . that ire
·nterc.orve-rllb~ These arrancemenU • caled conlortNt ns ~ r . ~all r ~ i.nteflct10n are present
between the ad~nt bonds i n ~ ro the RKltiOn al c-c, ncle bond is not compfetety frtt and is hindefflt
by a sma eflfrgv bamen of 1·20 kl mol . The repws,,e lnterldlOn between the adjacent bond is due to
electron doud. The two ~ of a,nformnions are -my common, ,.e., staagered and eclipsed.The conformation
n WNCh the hydrogen ,toms ,ttadled to the two carbon atoms a,e as far apart as possible is called the
suggered conformat10n The conformatJOnS en which the hydropn atoms attached to the two carbon at09IS are

Ji ,.,.,,,,w,J Examinat,on Cla$$--Xl-Ch---,_----------------~

em.. Set..Sl 11y
~" c\oseo ,,s possible-
. ii. fallt.>d ec.liµsed conformation. Any intrrrned,ate conformation
. b etween the above
two is

c,,\\~rl !-"-~w or gauche conformation.

ll) The poss,b\e rotam~rs of ethane is/are
\i.))2 {b)3 (c)4 (d) oo

\,i) The different c.onformat\ons of ethane cannot be separated and isolated because
la)sma\\ energy barrier (b) large energy barrier
tc:) Both {a) .1nd lb) (d) Neither (a} nor (b) . "t of a conformatio n is termed as
\ii\) The repu\s\ve \nteractlon between the electron clouds, which affects stabih Y
\a) torsional strain (b) dihedral angle
\c.) torsional angle (d) conformation
\h1) Whit'h form of ethane has the least torsional strain?
1a\ Staggered (b) Skew boat (c) Eclipsed (d) Boat

The following questions are long answer type and SECTION-E

carry s rnarl<.s . s h ave an internal choice.
each. All question

31 A photon of wavelength 4x10-' m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal being 2.~3 eV.
Calculate (1) the energy of the photon (eV), (ii) the kinetic energy of the emission, and (iii) the vel ocity of
the photoelectron (1 eV= 1.6020 x 10-19 J).

The electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by En= (-2.18 x 10-18 )/n 2J. Calculate the energy required
to remove an electron completely from the n = 2 orbit. What is the longest wavelength of light in cm th at
can be used to cause this transition?

32. \A./hich hybrid orbitals are used by carbon atoms in the following molecules?
(a) CH3-CH3 {b) CH3-CH=CH2 (c) CH3-CH2-0H (d) CH3-CHO (e) CH3COOH

What is meant by the term bond order? Calculate the bond order of: N 0 2, 0/and 0 2·
33. Addition of HBr to propene yields 2-bromopropane, while in the presence of benzoyl peroxide, the sam e
reaction yields 1-bromopropane. Explain and give mechanism.

Write IUPAC names of the compounds :
faJ CH3 CH=C(CH 3) 2 (b) CH =CH-0:C-CH
2 3

(c) ~ (d i 0-cH,-Cff,-CH=CH,

r-(CH 3

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