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French-based B2B Biofarming Platform as a

Service to optimize plant yield for Health,
Cosmetics, and Food companies.

By combining automated farms (BioPods), AI,
Founder Chief of Monnoyeur Head of Head of Crop Head of Lead Lead Lead System Lead Business and bioscience, Interstellar aims to
CEO Finance Design Development
Innovation Science Operations Software Supply Chain accelerate plant growth and provide
sustainable plant-based ingredient solutions.

Team At a Glance and Impact Value

B.Belvisi: serving as CEO with a journey spanning Finance, VC and hardware
innovation. Previously VC Investment Manager at A Plus Finance , Co-Founder & Revenue Plant Growth Commercial
Former Managing Partner of Elephants & Ventures, Co-Founder of Hardware Generating Optimization Phase
Club and participated in the launch of international innovation programs such
as Hello Tomorrow and the Family. Alongside, key roles include: J. Rhoné, CPO Impact-driven mission is to preserve life on Earth and expand it to space,
and experience from Trimble, Jean Nouvel and Cofounder of 3D printing startup supporting clients to produce the cleanest plant-based ingredients. Their
Soliquid; A. Monnoyeur, Finance Director from AXA; M. Gilles, Head of bio-farming technology combines automated farms, AI, and bioscience with
Innovation, PhD in Chemistry and experience in flavour and fragrance with IFF a data-driven approach, using plants as bioreactors for production of
tenure; M. Maggioni, Head of Crop Science and experience in indoor farm from targeted molecules to provide a sustainable solution for plant-based
Infarm and Local Green; S,Lempke, Head of Operations from Volkswagen. ingredients production to large health, beauty, and F&B companies.
Problem Solution
The plant bio-compounds* supply-chain in cosmetics, pharma, medicine and All-in B2B Biofarming Platform as a Service aiming to enhance efficiency,
F&B faces pressure to source, track, and scale botanical ingredient production. traceability and durability of the bio-products supply-chain:
(i) Industry Challenges: Large payers need more cultivation, varietal selection, (i) BioPod Value: requesting to clients desired bioproducts to design farms
climate adaptation and a predictable supply to stay competitive sustainably. (BioPods) to analyze plant molecular data and develop runnable programs
(ii) Unidentified Bio-compounds:+50k bio-compound used and +5m unknown. (ii) Environment Control: Obtaining algorithms to control pods for each plant
(iii) Environmental Unawereness: Temperature, humidity, CO2, light, water, (water, temperature, humidity, CO2 levels light intensity, and solar radiation).
nutrients, radiation and gravity greatly influence bio-compound production. (iii)Data & AI: Optimizing plant bioproducts growth for client supply needs**.
*Plant bio-compounds are natural compounds derived from plants and widely used in cosmetics, pharma, medicine, and food production. **As an example, cosmetic player requests plant bioproduct like argan oil, Interstellar works to enhance its supply-chain’s efficiency.

Addressed market & size: USP (unique selling proposition) & Metrics
i) Penetrating the supply-chain market of plant bio-compounds with a TAM of (i) Sustainable and Scalable plant-based ingredients production: in-house
$164 billion (2022) model for plant information translated into runnable programs for clients.
ii) Anticipating a CAGR of +8.31% from 2022 to 2032, the market is projected to (ii) Local and Traceable Sourcing: emphasizing sourcing and ensuring
expand, reaching a TAM of $332 billion in 2032. transparency through the supply chain, aiming to improve varietal selection.
iii) Global focus: signed contracts in France (Robertet, L'Oréal, and Firmenich), (iii) Ingredients aiming to Boost Competitive Advantage : ensuring uniform
targeting clients within the health, cosmetics, and F&B industries, and entering and predictable supply and anticipating climate change impact.
into commercial agreements for product development with NASA and ESA. Metrics: $1M Contract Value in FY23, $12M Forecasted and Signed in FY24
Business Model Competition
B2B Biofarming Platform as a Service targeting clients in specific industries: Interstellar Labs offers a platform for multiple ingredients, emphasizing:
(i) Discovery Plan: fast track program to try biopharming from a yearly price of (i) Regenerative & Sustainable Approach: BioPod made by durable materials,
$60k per plant, testing and studying environmental conditions on plant yield including features to control temperature via AI, reduce power consumption,
and find the receipt for growth (L'Oréal and Firmenich signed the plan). water access with a 500L tank and a 99% recycling water system.
(ii) Grow Plan: a 5-years contract to scale biopharming, offering one BioPod (ii) Integration with Supply Chain: farm creation and assembly to provide
for one plant species from a price of $800k per BioPod, final price includes: biomass clients may buy, via one proprietary manufacturing facility in France.
Hardware Price of $349K, as well as Licensing Software $3.2k per month and (iii) Research of Bioactivities: requesting to clients desired bioproducts.
Service Fee $3.2k per month. (Robertet signed the Grow Plan). (iv) Plant-Based: Emphasizing plant-derived ingredients and not animals,
Note: Interstellar Lab retains IP on recipes and plant molecules. microorganism, and other biological materials.
Regarding the pricing strategy, they recently doubled the pricing of the 5-year (v) Platform Business Model: Elo and Ayana Bio have a different model.
contracts due to a growing demand and a signed contract value ahead their (vi) Research in Space: space-related innovations with NASA and ESA.
2024 targeted forecast of $12m. As a reminder, the 5-year contract Competitive landscape compromises Botalys, Elo, Brightseed, Debut and
compromises hardware acquistion (BioPiod) and Software License. Ayana Bio with different ingredients in their portfolio offer.
Commercial strategy (go-to-market approach) The Vision
Initial GTM: Request client inquiry regarding desired bioproduct development. Interstellar Lab is on a mission to safeguard life on Earth and propel human
GTM Deep Dive: Initial commercial traction with 3 signed clients via inbounds presence into space, aiming to employ innovative strategies to protect
(Robertet, L'Oréal, and Firmenich) and currently engaging with clients like Earth's biodiversity while also facilitating its expansion beyond planet.
Hermes, Chanel and Siamoise, discussing their pipeline and offerings. (i) Biodiversity Preservation and Expansion: employing AI and advanced
Simultaneously, exploring collaboration with universities for scientific validation. technology to preserve Earth's biodiversity and extend it to space..
GTM Plan: prioritizing inbounds approach and aiming to penetrate in a $10 (ii) Technological Advancement and Automation: utilizing technology and
billion SOM market with a commercial focus on +40 clients, currently part of the automation, aiming to create self-sustaining habitats on Earth, fostering a
commercial pipeline and in discussion. Additionally, marginal space-related sustainable coexistence between humans and nature.
innovation programs through signed commercial agreements with NASA in (iii) Commitment to Innovation: dedicated to developing solutions that
2024 and a partnership with Astrolab and SpaceX in 2026. preserve life on Earth while enabling humanity's expansion into space.

Miles achieved Roadmap to roll-out (18-month vision)

Tech achievements: Tech roadmap: constructing Pilot Factory producing 2 BioPods 2.0 monthly
(i) Technology Integration: Incorporating genetic software for automated pod (i) Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA): in Q3 2024, Development
control, alongside in-house technology optimizing plant growth with of BioPod 2.0 manufacturing processes at BioPod Lipot Factory.
AI-regulated temperature and a regenerative atmosphere. (ii) Testing and Assembly: in Q4 2024, Incorporation of components and
(ii) Sustainable Tech Infrastructure: Utilizing durable materials and innovative testing of BioPod 2.0.
techniques to capture 1 ton of CO2 yearly, while reducing power consumption. (iii) Delivery with Software Updates: in 2025, scaling up production and
(iii) Pilot Factory and IP: Contract with the French gov for a manufacturing delivering BioPod 2.0 units with updated software features.
facility in France, retaining IP rights over recipes and plant molecules. Business roadmap:
Business achievements: (i) Consistent Pipeline Planned: With 40 clients like LVMH and Chanel.
(i) Traction and Offering: 3 clients signed and 5-year contracts with recurring (ii) Finalizing term sheet negotiations and evaluation for a +$15m Series A
fees and setup charges per BioPod, recently doubled to $1M price. funding with the identified lead investor.
(ii) Contract Signed: Surpassed 2024 forecast with $12M in signed contracts (iii) Bio-farming units to test at Voyager analog space station in Q3 2024.

Financials Fundraising metrics

Key indicators: Interstellar Lab is looking to raise a Pre-Series A round of $2.5M by April FY24,
● Total Contract Value YTD: $1.2M (FY23), $12M (signed for FY24) via SAFE with a 15% discount and no valuation cap.
● Previous secured capital: Total funding to date round of $1M via Pre-Seed 80% (€$2M) of the round has already been committed by investors.
(+$0.2M non-dilutive) and a Seed round $7.4M (+$1M non-dilutive and +$2M Funding allocation of the Pre-Series A round:
non dilutive for BioPod factory). Existing Investors: DVx Ventures, 7pc, AUXXO, (i) Human Resources
Type One Ventures and family offices. (ii) CAPEX
● Cash burn monthly: $400k $15M Series A round expected in Q2 2024 and term sheet negotiations are
● Breakeven in Q4 FY25 under discussion with the lead investor.
● EBITDA: Projected positive from 2025
● Shareholders shares: B.Belvisi (72%), Seed Investors (19%), ESOP & Warrant (9%)

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