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1. Safety and Health Committee
2. Function and Responsibilities
3. On – Site safety and Health Promotion
4. Safety Rules and Regulation
5. Accident prevention plan
6. Emergency Preparedness Program

7. Fire Protection Program
8. Accident and Incident Reporting
9. Emergency Preparedness
10. Protection of the General Public
11. Personal Protective Equipment
12. Material Storage and Handling
13. Site Transport
14. Cranes and lifting Equipment
15. Housekeeping and Environmental Considerations
16. Sanitation and Safety
17. Excavation
18. Temporary Electrical Installation
19. Scaffoldings
20. Welding and Cutting
21. Working in High Areas
22. Floor and wall Opening
23. Fuel/Lubricants and Chemical
24. Noise and Vibration
25. Confined Spaces
26. Compressed Air
27. Safety Signage’s
28. EHS Audit
29. Toolbox Meeting
30. Environment, Health and Safety Meeting
31. Hand and Power Tools
32. Penalties and Sanctions for Violations
33. Proposed Toolbox Meeting Topics
34. Solid Waste Management
35. Sequence of Reaction to Fire Breakout
36. Guidelines in case of Medical Emergencies
37. First Aid Treatment
38. Treatment of Wounds
39. Wound with Severe Bleeding
40. Burns
41. Poisoning
42. Bruises, Sprains and Strains
43. Eye Injuries
44. Proposed Hours of Work and rest Breaks
45. Forms and certificates


people, property and the environment from harm, damage, and loss in the pursuit of its
business to provide customers with superior construction products and services.
To realize this policy, the company shall

 Promote a culture of environmental, safety and health responsibility among its

employees, suppliers, subcontractors, clients, and the community.
 Comply with all pertinent environmental health and safety legislations.
 Implement cost effective program related to:

A. Resource Conservation

B. Environment Protection

C. Elimination of Accident

d. Provision of safe and protective work environment

In support of these, the company shall set the challenging targets for the
continual improvement of its Environment Health and Safety Performance.

Project Manager

Main office: 1388 Icasiano cor. Gernale st. Brgy. 685 Paco Manila
Telephone No. 564-19-21 to 26 / Fax No. 563-66-10
Jobsite: NGCB Field Office Lot 3 & 4, Blk 4, Asean Avenue, Barangay Tambo, Parañaque City



A safety and health committee as required under the Rule 1040 of the OSHS will be organized
and regular weekly meeting will be held at the project site.

The minutes of the meeting will be recorded by the secretary of the safety and health
committee and distributed to all members. A copy of the minutes of the meeting shall be
submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the Department of Labor and employment.

The Project safety and Health Committee shall established coordination and communication of
safety issues in the project, not only to its workers but likewise coordinate with the safety and
health committee of the main contractor and or client.

It shall be a forum of the exchange of the safety information and views among all parties
involved in the project. Recommendations and suggestions will be encouraged among its
workers office staff and thus will be acted upon by the committee at the most possible time.

Composition of Project Safety Committee

Chairman - ENGR. Darwin G. Cabingas (PM)

Secretary - Mario R. Marimon (EHS Head)

Asst. Secretary - Christine A. Zuñiga (Project Nurse)

Members - ENGR. Anthony Rey Rico (P.I.C)

All subcon safety Officers



1. The overall coordinator in the implementing Occupational Safety and Health

2. Plans and develops accident preventions programs for the construction of the

3. Direct the accident prevention efforts of the establishment regulations in order to

prevent accidents from occurring in the work place.

4. Provide necessary assistance to government inspecting authorities in the DOLE

Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

5. Conduct Safety Meeting at least once a month.

6. Review reports of inspection, accident investigation and implementation of


7. Submit reports to the project manager on its meeting and activities.

8. Initiates and supervises safety training for employees.

9. Develops and maintains a disaster contingency plan and organize such emergency
service units as may be necessary to handle disaster situations pursuant to the
emergency preparedness manual of the office of Civil Defense.



To promote and maintain awareness, knowledge through regular and continuing safety training
and education.

To developed positive attitudes among workers ensuring the pro-active approach to safety.


Pertinent information shall be communicated to all employees at the work site by practical
means, to make employees will informed about matters important to their safety and well-

Safety seminars for supervisors and engineers:

The Project Safety engineers or Project Safety Officers will schedule and arrange the availability
of safety courses for supervisors and engineers. Training will have to be time according to work

progress and availability. The seminar shall reinforce the responsibility of supervisors and
engineers for workers safety and welfare.

Safety promotions items like bulletin boards, posters, signages and other may be utilized
for the purpose.

Recognition will be given to selected workers who diligently performed and followed the
company safety rules and regulation.


1. No I.D., No Proper PPE NO ENTRY policy will be strictly implemented.

2. Project’s I.D.s will be issued 1 week after attending the Safety Orientation conducted by
Gen. Con. Representative; Temporary ID will be issued by Safety personnel valid for 1 week

3. No personnel are allowed to enter the project site until 10:00 pm unless they have a
written consent from Gen. Con. Project Manager or his representative.

4. All personnel working overtime (5:00 pm and beyond) are to submit their names and
activities at the Gen Con office not later than 4:00 pm (to be done engineers or project in
charge. Overtime request must be approved gen Con Project Manager or P.I.C.

5. All materials, tools and equipment of all subcontractors (owner, General Contractor,
subcontractor,) are to be registered (serial number, brand, color of any identifying marks)
before entering the site.

6. No materials, tools and equipment are to be brought outside the project’s premises
without a Gate Pass signed by Gen. Con. Project Manager or his representative. This rule is
applicable to all personnel (Engineers, Supervisors, etc.)

7. All visitors are not allowed to enter without the approval coming out from the Gen. Con.
Project Manager or his representatives. Visitors are required to deposit any valid I.D to the
guard before entering.

8. All bags and vehicles are to be checked before entering or leaving the Construction Site.

9. All Safety and Security Requirements are to be complied as soon as possible.

10. All Suppliers or Applicants are not allowed to enter the site without the approval from the
General Contractor.
OBJECTIVES: To be able to complete the project with ZERO ACCIDENT and ZERO LOSSTIME
and to eliminate additional costs due to damages or injuries.

a. Safety Orientation / Induction

Every employee is to attend this orientation before starting any work

during his first day at the site.

b. Daily Safety Toolbox Meeting

Daily Safety instructions and other general instruction are given.

c. Visual Awareness

Through the use of signage’s and posters.

d. Suggestion Program

Encourage all employees to give suggestions or comments that could

improve safety at the site.


a. Excavations

All excavations are to be barricade with warning signs and have

appropriate slope protection.

b. Fall Protection

All overhead works are to be monitored to ensure that the risks of falls
are eliminated.

c. Fire Protection

All hot works are to be monitored to ensure that the risk of fire is
eliminated and firefighting equipment is available.

d. Electrical Works

All electrical works are to be monitored to eliminate the risk of electrical


e. Equipment

All equipment to be used at the site are to be checked, tested and

qualified regularly before being utilized.

f. Housekeeping

All excess and scrap materials are to be stored properly in designated



a. Medical facilities

1. Should be accredited by a nearby hospital that could

provide immediate medical treatment

2. A Full – time nurse at the site if total man power exceeds


3. First aid kit are available in clinic at all times.

b. First Aid Training

First aid training which are to be conducted by the Philippine National

Red Cross are to be given by selected workers who are to part of the
safety committee.

c. Evacuation Plan

Certain areas are to be designated as evacuation routes which are to be

visibly market and kept clear at all times.


Objectives: To be able to prevent fire and to have an emergency response team
at the worksite.
1. Educate workers on the proper use of the fire extinguishers and other fire
prevention measures which will be part of the Safety Orientation f workers.
Poster will also be displayed to create awareness.

2. Assign and train a group of workers who will be part of an emergency response

3. Fire extinguishers/ Fire drums which are checked regularly will be located in
strategic areas,

a. Generator Area

b. Fuel storage area

c. Warehouse

d. Offices

e. Barracks

f. All areas where hot works is being done. (Welding, oxy-acetylene

cutting and other works which will produce sparks or open flame
from torches are used).

4. Hot works Permit should be secured and approved by Gen. Con Engineer and
Safety Engineer before any hot work is done.

5. Coordination with the Local Fire Department.

6. Constant monitoring of areas where there are risk of fire.

7. Designate a specific area where cooking will be done.

8. No Smoking Policy will be implemented; Location for Smoking Area will be



In compliance to RULE 1054 of the OSHS of DOLE, records of accidents and illness shall be kept
and maintained open at all times for inspection by authorized personnel.
All accidents and incidents shall be thoroughly investigated to find the root causes. Measures to
prevent the re- occurrence of the accidents/incidents tend to be more effective if targeted to
the root causes: otherwise, treating the symptoms would just increase the waste of resources.

An immediate investigation will be completed by the supervisors or foremen. The investigation

process shall be supervised by the project in charge and project safety officer

 The Accidents/ Incidents Investigation Report Form should be used. (Forms from the
OSHS may be used)
 All Accidents/Incidents shall be reported on the standard form by the supervisor.
 High potential Accidents and near-miss accidents shall be reported to the attention of
upper levels of management to assure full investigation and action by appropriate
 The safety officer shall ensure that all corrective actions listed for major high potential
loss accident are implemented.

Accident details should be submitted in writing including what was done or is being
done to prevent recurrence should be submitted as soon as possible. This written report
may be preceded by a telephone call for possible representation of the owner. The
narrative report will include the following information.

 Injured employee (s) name (s), company, group, designation, age, sex,
date and time of accident.
 Description of accident; detail of what the employee was doing and what
tools, equipment, structures, or fixtures will involve.
 Severity and nature of injuries or illness.
 Accident causes that contributed to the incident.
 Corrective action to prevent similar accident

A photograph shall be taken, if possible, as attachment to written report for serious

accident resulting to lost time injury. After the conduct of investigation, the employer
through the safety officer shall submit a report to the DOLE Regional Office or before

20th of the month following the date of occurrence of accident using the DOLE/BWC-IP-
6 form








a. Pedestrians will be protected in general work area. Complete barricading and enclosure
of the work area will be done to keep away people from getting or crossing into the
project site.
b. Covered walkway/canopy shall be built structurally safe for public protection. Canopy
shall have a solid fence built along its entire length on the construction site.

c. Protective nets shall be provided to around the building where there is a high degree of
falling hazards from construction debris or other waste materials.

Immediate actions

1. Call and inform 117 center of the situation, including time and location of the explosion,
extent of damage and number of injuries, and whether there is a fire or collapse

2. If you are instructed to evacuate (the policy may select not to used fire alarms). Instruct
occupants to quickly collect their personal possessions and proceed to assigned
evacuation staging areas. Assist persons with disabilities.

Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants, and walk ways clear for emergency vehicles and crew.

Assist emergency crews as necessary, if requested.

DO NOT re-enter evacuated building until those in charge of evacuation say it is safe to do so.

Hazardous Materials
Immediate Action

1. Determined need to evacuate the building.

2. If evacuating, move calmly and stay upwind, upslope, upstream, at least 300 feet from
the building or spill. Assist persons with disabilities or injuries.

3. Close doors leading into the building to isolate (DO NOT lock doors)

4. Keep streets and walk ways clear for emergency equipment.

5. Notify 117 about

- Exact location of the spill, including the room number if inside a building

- Name of spilled materials if known

- Quantity

- Appearance-solid, liquid, odor, etc.

- Injuries or physical effects to those who have been exposed.

- Whether any victims are trapped within the isolated area

- Area of contamination.

- Your name, department and phone number of you are calling from.

6. If hazardous materials is on a person

- In eyes: Hold the eye open and flush with water at least 15 minutes.

- On skin: Remove the contaminated clothing and flush area with water in a
running faucet for at least 15 minutes.

- See medical attention immediately. Sand Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
with the injured.

Do not return to evacuated area until the area is declared safe by uniformed or another trained.


Persona Protective Equipment (PPE) is a substitute for engineering controls or feasible work or
administrative procedures. While this control are being implemented, or it has been
determined that control methods are not feasible, personal protective equipment are required
whenever there are hazards that can do bodily harm through absorption, inhalation, or physical
contact. All PPE shall be of a safe design and constructed for the work to be performed and
shall be maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition.


 Safety helmets shall be provided for all employees. Helmet shall be impact resistant.
For the purpose of proper selection, design, construction, testing & use of head
protectors will be adopted.


 Eye protection is required when there is a possibility of injury from chemicals or flying
particles. Eye protectors (goggles, spectacles or face protection) and shields complying
with standards for eye protection equipment. Workers must take care of their eye

protectors and use them properly. If protective equipment is found to be defective
immediately report this to the foreman for a replacement.

Examples of the operations using the eye protection include, but are not limited to:

 Chipping, grinding, and impact drilling.

 Breaking concrete, brick, and plaster.
 Welding or helping in welding of any type.
 Cleaning with compressed air.
 Tinning or soldering lugs or large joints.
 Riveting, grinding, or burning metals.
 Handling chemicals, acids, or caustics.

 Rubber protective gloves shall be worn by personnel working in a battery shops or were
acids, alkalis, organic solvents, and other harmful chemicals are handled.


All unnecessary accumulation of materials and supplies in the shop area shall be
avoided. The presence of unnecessary material in the shop could cause such incidents as
tripping, falling or slipping; this could be especially hazardous around equipment that is in
operation. The only material in the shop area shall be that actually in work. The only places that
materials should accumulate in quantity are in store rooms and material holding areas.

 The storage of materials shall not, of itself, create a hazard. Material stored in tiers shall
be stacked, strapped, blocked or interlocked and limited in height so they are stable and
secure against sliding or collapse. Storage racks shall have sufficient capacity to bear the
loads impose on them.
 Stored materials shall not obstruct fire extinguishers, electrical switch boxes, machine
operation, emergency lighting, first aid or emergency equipment, r exits.
 Heavy materials and equipment should be stored low and close to ground or floor to
reduce the possibility of injury during handling.
 All passageways and storerooms shall be maintain clean, unobstructed, dry, and in
sanitary condition. Spills shall be promptly removed.
 Where mechanical handling equipment, such as lift trucks are used, safety clearance
shall be provided for aisles at loading docks, through doorways, and wherever turns or
passages must be made. No obstructions that could create a hazard are permitted in

 Gas cylinders shall be stored in a safe dry and well- ventilated place.
 Flammable substances and explosive liquids shall not be stored in the same place.
Oxygen and flammable gas cylinders shall be stored separately.
 All cylinders shall be provided with valve cap
 Cylinders shall be secured in upright position by chain or other bracing.
 Always consider cylinders as full and handled with care.
 Do not roll cylinders during transfer from one place to another.
 Use cradle to facilitate lifting of one or more cylinders. Never wrap the wire/cable or
nylon rope around the cylinder to lift it.
 Keep valve free of dirt to avoid possible damage of valve thread.
 Avoid exposing cylinders to heat or sun. do not place near flammable materials.
 Use applicable hose for cylinders content and coupling necessary for connection.
 Oxygen and gas regulators shall be in proper working condition & applicable check valve
& flashback arrestor shall be installed at all times.
 Check oxygen and fuel hose connection at all times to avoid leaking and fire incident.
 Valve hand wheels shall be in place whenever cylinder is in service.

Concrete is composed of cement, sand, aggregates (size stones), and water. When mixed in
correct amounts, concrete is a stable and versatile building medium which can be used in a
variety of applications ranging from roads, bridges and buildings, to septic tank and ever
countertops for household use. The versatility in building applications is accomplished by
altering the proportions of air and other variables in the mixture. Strengthening materials such
as rebar, fiber glasses, and plastic rods, are then added.

For workers protection, the following precautions should be adhered to when working with

 Try not to over exert yourself when mixing or moving concrete, especially when using a
wheelbarrow, shovel, or trough. Concrete is extremely heavy and caution must be taken

to avoid back, shoulder, or other muscle strains. Keep yourself physically fit and
performing re-work stretching exercises can aid in injury prevention.
 Always safety glasses when mixing or pouring concrete. The lime and cement dust can
be very irritating to the eyes. If it enters your eyes, rinse for 15 minutes. If eyes are still
irritated, see medical attention.
 Always wear gloves and long sleeve shirt, if possible, when working with concrete. The
cement can cause irritation when it comes into contact with skin. Lime burns are
common in the industry but can be lessen by barriers cream or gloves to protect hands
and forearms from industrial dermatitis.
 Read and heed the manufacturers recommendations on concrete additives, acids for
itching, form release oils, or other chemicals used in conjunction with concrete
 Your supervisor should recommend the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for
the specific task and provide the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
 All portable electrical tools shall be grounded.
 Only inspected and approved pneumatic hoses shall be used in any operation that
requires compressed air.

A. All vehicles used on site will be maintained in a road worthy condition.
B. All drivers of all vehicles must be over eighteen years of age, trained and expected,
driver carefully, respect the site speed limit.
C. All vehicles and mobile construction plant with restricted rear view vision must not be
carried unless the vehicle is designed for that purposed.
D. Vehicle movement along populated areas should wherever practicable be limited to day
time hours.


a) Cranes and lifting equipment will be only operated and used by trained and experienced
personnel. No crane or lifting device will be used on site unless it is in good conditioned
and safe operation.
b) Relevant certification will be required prior to use of equipment. In case lifting appliance
such as crane or hoist should confirm that it has been tested and thoroughly examined
by a competent person with the preceding twelve months and six months in respect of
lifting gears.
c) No lifting operation will be carried out until proper and thorough assessment has been
made, having taken into account among other things the positioning of crane outriggers,
slinging arrangements and banks men control.

d) No wire rope will be used for lifting or lowering of any 10 meter length, the total
number of wires in a rope.
e) Cranes and lifting equipment will be clearly marked as to their lifting capacity and not
used beyond that capacity.
f) Testing of site built lifting devices such as overhead crane must comply with regulation
and specified design requirements. The necessity of witness by an independent third
party will be established prior to the test.
g) Crane or load must observe a minimum clearance of three meters when working near
high voltage line 50KV or below. For lines rated 50 KV minimum, clearance between the
lines and any part of the crane or load shall be 3 meters plus 1 cm for each KV.


 All temporary electrical installation shall conform to Philippine Electrical Code.
 All high voltage apparatus will be located in fence of area; statuary warning notices will
be installed. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted to enter high voltage
apparatus compounds.
 Electric generators and electrical distribution boards must have suitable connection to
earth as approved by Electrical Engineer, and distribution system must be protected by
an earth leakage circuit breaker.
 Work on electrical system shall be carried out only by authorized and competent
 All portable tools, hand lamps and other portable apparatus must be connected to the
system by means of plugs and sockets. The plug must be such that they can only be
inserted in the correct outlet for any particular voltage.
 All portable electric tools and equipment must comply with local regulations, must be in
sufficient size to the duty to be performed, properly protected against mechanical
damage, and in good condition.
 All electrical cables must be elevated of at least 7 feet from the floor or laid down away
from walkways to prevent from being in contact with.

Stationary Scaffolding

a) All system of scaffolding / erected in such a way that it can withstand four times
the maximum load intended.

b) Scaffold leg will be set foot on steel base plate and timber sole plates. For
purposes of adjustment due to ground vibration, adjustable base plate is highly
recommended for use.
c) Post or standards will be plumed enough to withstand equal distribution of load.
d) Transom, ledger and sway braces are so located to withstand distribution of
maximum load and to maintain stability.
e) Hand rail and toe board are required for a height 6 feet and above.
f) Wooden planks will conform to 2”x10” dimension and will be free from any
g) Planks will extend over the support up to a minimum of 6” but not more than
h) Access ladder will be provided for each scaffold with corresponding landing.
i) For a height more than 2 meters, use of safety belt/ lifeline will be implemented.

Mobile Scaffold
a) In case rolling scaffold will be used, the height will not exceed three time the
minimum base requirements.
b) Suspended scaffold will not be less than 20 or 36 inches wide.
c) Caster brakes must be locked when the scaffold is being used. Necessary
outrigger or support brace must be installed for a three meter high scaffold.


It is compulsory for welders & fabricators to undergo training before
commencement of the work. All personnel involved in this type of worked must
learned necessary safety procedures on how to avoid fire and any other incident
trade assistants and supervisor shall be aware of fumes inhalation and sparks
hazards and expected work practice standards, including the use of personal
protective equipment.

 Use welding mask with appropriate lens shade during welding works.
(Welding mask should be designed to suit working conditions)
 Keep the fire extinguishers available during the course of welding job.
 Welding cables shall be free from damage and splices shall wrap with the
required insulation tape to maintain original strength.
 Grounding cables shall be provided to serve the purpose and never use scrap
metal as grounding system. Grounding rod specifications are:
- Steel Iron Rod: 16mm x 2.4m (5/8” dia. X 8ft length)
- Copper clad Steel Rod: 12.5mm x 2.4m (1/2”dia. X 8ft length)
- Galvanized Pipe: 20mm x 2.4m (3/4” x 8ft length)
 Damaged electrode holders shall be change immediately to avoid electrical
shock and possible burns.
 Use the fire resistant protective clothing, cuffs, trousers and leather gloves for
protection from possible burns.
 Do not weld near flammable liquid or explosive materials.
 A trained fire watch shall be provided during welding operations.

1.1 All employees

1.2 Those that have resigned but have not yet been issued a clearance by the
company or his accountabilities for infractions committed before his resignation.


The code of Discipline provides a list of employees offences with corresponding
penalties or misconducts or un lawful acts while in the company’s premises or on official
duty which shall be subject to disciplinary action or sanction will be taken against any
employee, regardless of classification, seniority, duties, or assignments, who is directly
involved in misconduct. Offences or infractions defined therein are in addition
authorized and just causes provided by the Labor Code.

2.1 Infractions shall refer to all acts and omissions that are in violation of the norms of
conduct embodied in this code and in the safety policies. Such offences shall subject the
concerned employee to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of this

2.2 Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee, regardless of classification,
seniority, duties, or assignments, who is involved in any infraction.

2.3 The sanction indicated for each infraction in this code shall be imposed so as to ensure
uniformity in application and to ensure that disciplinary action taken are neither to light
nor too severe. However, when circumstances exist which would serve to mitigate or
aggravate the offence, this circumstance must be taken into consideration in imposing a
lighter or more severe penalty than that provided for in this code.

2.4 Ignorance of the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations stated in this code as well
as in circulars and memoranda disseminated by the company shall excuse no one from
compliance therewith nor exempt them from administrative sanction imposed for
violations thereof. This principle shall also apply to guidelines of the company which
have been issued.

3.1 VERBAL WARNING – is a verbal notice calling the attention of the person committing an
infraction and warning him from further committing the same. A memo for the record
by the superior shall be submitted to HR/Admin Division.

3.2 WRITTEN WARNING REPRIMAND – is a written notice calling the attention to the
commission of an infraction, and warning the person committing the same against
repetition of such infraction in the future.

3.3 SUSPENSION – a physical detachment from service for a designated period of time
without salary and benefits.

3.4 REMINATION FOR CAUSE – is a dishonorable separation from employment. A dismissed

employee automatically forfeits all benefits which would normally accrue to him on
retirement or separation other than for cause.

3.5 RESTITUTION – is an order requiring the offender to restore a thing lost, damaged or
destroyed to its original state or to pay its value. It maybe imposes along with other

3.5.1 For equipment or vehicles that are covered by comprehensive insurance, the
first deductible or participation fee may be imposed on the erring employee
depending on the circumstances and or gravity of the case.

3.6. Any infraction that results to serious injury to the persons or serious damage to/loss of
property and disruption of operations shall be penalized with termination and/or
restitution of the expenses incurred due to property damaged/loss or injury.





Lot 3 & 4, Blk 4, Asean Avenue,Barangay Tambo, Parañaque City

Item Offenses/Violations Liability 1st offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

Failure to elevate wires and cables overhead and or on 3 Days 10 Days
1 Electrician Written
safe location. Failure to provide proper insulation Suspension Suspension
Failure to provide machine guards for power hand 3 Days 10 Days
2 All Workers Written
tools such as but not limited to grinder, cutter, and etc. Suspension Suspension
Not wearing prescribed PPE such as but not limited to Verbal/ citation+ 5
All Workers Dismissal at
3 hard hat, safety shoes, eye or face protection, safety Written days
and Staff project site
vest, and etc. Warning suspension
Verbal/ citation+ 5
Not Wearing of fall body harness or safety belt Dismissal at
4 All Workers Written days
specially on leading edges project site
Warning suspension
Un authorized used, vandalism of firefighting 10 days Dismissal at
5 All Workers Written
equipment suspention project site

Deliberate removal/tampering tampering of safety citation

6 signs/traffic signs/barricades or barriers/protective All Workers until
coverings. rectification

Allowing workers to ride on heavy equipment not 10 days Dismissal at

7 All Workers
design for transport. suspension site
Negligence that causes incident and damage to 5 days Dismissal at
8 All Workers
property. suspension site
Un-authorized used/operation of electrical and or 10 days Dismissal at
9 All Workers
mechanical equipment. suspension site
Tampering electrical wiring connection to a circuit citation
10 breaker/electrical panel boxes and unsafe wiring All Workers until
installation. rectification
Smoking on prohibited and on Un designated area/ Dismissal at
11 All Worker
location site

Unsanitary acts, urinating defecating anywhere of the 3 days 10 days Dismissal at

12 All Workers
jobsite aside from the designated toilets and urinals. suspension suspension project site

5 days
13 Failures to comply carry out safety instruction. All Workers
14 Not wearing I.D and project uniform. All Workers No Entry

Violation of R.A 7877, other known as “Anti sexual Dismissal at

15 All Workers
Harassment Act of 1995". project site

Unauthorized possession of fire arms or any bladed Dismissal at

16 All Workers
weapons within the company premises project site

Assaulting a superior, official or co-employee of the

Dismissal at
17 company whether out or inside the company site All Workers
project site
Theft or to steal or remove company property and and
18 resources from company premises without prior All Workers returning of
authorization. the value

Coercing, threatening, or intimidating of co employee

or official of the company. Provoking another Dismissal at
19 All Workers
employee to a fight inside the company or site premises project site
during work hours.

Possessions and or used of prohibited drugs inside the All Workers Dismissal at
project site. and Staff project site
10 days
21 Damage to Property All Trades
n cost

Drinking any intoxicating drinks with in company/site

3 days
22 premises except on company occasions. Reporting for All Workers
work under the influence of liquor.

3 days 10 days Dismissal at

23 Sleeping while on duty All Workers
suspension suspension project site

Failure to maintain proper housekeeping at temfacils 5 days

24 All sub trades
and working area suspension

* Anyone caught violating safety rules and regulation, all penalties involving money will be
automatically deducted to progress billing of sub-trades respectively*


Effectivity of implementation of Safety Rules and Regulations with the attached Violations and
Sanctions if sign by the following listed below.

OCTOBER Resource Person

1st Week In-house/Company Rules and Regulation MARIO R. MARIMON

2nd Week Personal Protective Equipment

3rd Week Be Alert of Moving Equipment


1ST Week Back Safety/House Keeping

2nd Week Electrical Safety

3rd Week Traffic Safety

4th Week Horse playing


1st Week “Accident Before and After”

2nd Week Scaffolding Safety

3rd Week Concrete Safety

4th Week Power Tools


1st Week “Sharp Workers Avoid Cuts”

2nd Week Short Cuts

3rd Week Material Stock Filling

4th Week Fall Protection


1st Week Form Work Installation Procedure

2nd Week Back to Basic

3rd Week Confined Spaces

4th Week Orientation to Workers


1st Week Fire Safety/Fire Extinguisher

2nd Week Construction Safety Signage’s

3rd Week Hazard a Risk at Construction Site

4th Week Safety Demolition


I. Objectives

 To comply with regulatory requirements on proper storage, handling and

disposal of waste.

 To ensure the preservation of the environment, protection of employee’s health

and he immediate community near the work area.

 To encourage resource conservation and sound utilization.

 To encourage all employees to practice proper waste reduction method.

II. Responsibilities

Project Manager

 It shall be the duty of the Project Manager to implement this guideline in the
project site at all times.

 He shall see to it that all necessary devices, equipment and structures are
provided to ensure proper storage, handling and disposal of solid waste.

 He shall designate specific area of storage of waste.

Administrative Officer

 He shall assist the Project Manager in the full implementation of these guidelines
by supervising the overall performance of all parties concern.

 He shall enforce sanctions for violation or disregard of these guidelines.

Safety Officer

 It shall be the responsibility of the Safety Officer to orient and instruct all field
personnel on proper storage, handling and disposal of waste.

 He shall directly supervise the implementation of this guideline, document

results and recommend ways of improvement of this guideline to the Project
 He shall oversee the collection of waste and ensure the procedures in this
guideline are enforced

III. Waste Segregation Storage

 There shall be separate container for each type of waste from all sources. Waste
generated shall be stored in receptacles painted, marked or identified for on-
site collection and in accordance to the following waste category.

IV. Storage Bins and Wheeled Refuse Bins

 Storage Bins shall be watertight and wheeled refuse bins shall be operated in
such manner as to minimize leakage or spillage.

 Storage Bins in storage vehicles shall be readily washable or have liners of

paper, plastic or similar materials, or both.

V. Storage Area

 Storage area shall be maintained from rodents or pests. Construction of such

structures shall be a manner as to ensure that these are readily cleanable (tiled
and with adequate water provisions) including floor drains connected to the
sewer system.

 Storage areas, if not refrigerated, shall be sufficiently provided with screens to

prevent entry of rodents or pests.

VI. Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste

 Collectors shall ensure that wastes are handled properly and in accordance with
existing regulations.

 Waste material of any form shall be removed as early as possible and shall not be
allowed to accumulate in the premises.

 Waste material shall be disposed of in a manner that will comply with regulatory

 The employee who generates waste shall be responsible for the proper disposal
of waste to assigned receptacles or bins.

VII. Personnel Involved in the Collection of Waste

 Collectors shall ensure that wastes are handled properly and in accordance with
existing regulations.

 Collectors shall not be allowed to collect waste that is not sorted or segregated.

 No scavenging shall be allowed during the collection and storage of waste.

 Collectors shall not leave behind spilled contents of any container or waste
falling out of collection vehicle.

 Collectors and other personnel directly dealing with collection of solid waste
shall be equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment.

VII. Collection Vehicles and Equipment

 Collection and all transfer vehicles and devices used in the transport of solid
waste shall be cleaned immediately to prevent odors, insects, rodents, and other
nuisance conditions.

 Collection vehicles should be equipped with sidings, nets, canvass, and covers to
avoid dropping of waste material or leaking of material.

 He will prepare a monthly report to the Project Manager summarizing all

collection of waste material. The report will include but not limited to the
following information: volume of waste, dates, receiving party and location,
transportation, revenues collected, tips (fees) and disposal cost.


 It shall be the duty of all Line Supervisors to fully implement this guideline by
reminding their subordinates to the proper storage, handling and disposal of

 He shall report to the Admin Officer any violation of this guideline.

All Employees

 It shall be the duty of all employees to practice and fully abide by the provisions
of these guidelines at all times.

 They shall report any untoward practice in the storage, handling and disposal of
waste. It shall be their duty to clean their work areas of any waste material


At the scene of fire:

1. Anyone who notices a fire should shout:

2. Runs and calls up to notify fire breakout:
a) Fire Marshal Chief
b) Safety Office/officer

c) Guardhouse
3. Reaction from Disaster Control Center/Fire Brigade
a) Fire Marshal/Safety:
 Call for a fire control assistance from the nearest fire station.
 Notify offices concerned and members of the Fire Brigade.
b) Fire Fighting Team/Fire Extinguisher Squad.
 Shall act as “First Aider” for prompt and effective control of any fire breakout
at their respective work area.
 Promptly use the fire extinguishers installed at different areas to obtain or
put out the fire.
c) Security Team:
 Closed all entrances and exits at the perimeter.
 Shall not allow the entry of the personnel unless they are members of the
Fire Brigade, Company Officials and Firemen from neighboring Fire
departments called upon assistance.
 Take the names of personnel leaving the compound but never allow them to
re-entry during emergency fire operations.
d) Search and Rescue Team:
 Already with their air breathing apparatus, shall proceed to the fire scene
and secure the safety of affected personnel
 Shall immediately start search and rescue operations for left behind and
trapped personnel and bring out safety.
e) Property Conservation/Salvage Team
 Executes/ effects rescue and salvage operations
 Evacuates the area of its contents when so ordered using the following order
of priorities.
Red Label - 1st Priority
Green Label - 2nd Priority
Orange Label - 3rd Priority

f) First Aid Team

 Already with the first aid kits, shall proceed to the fire scene ready to render
assigned emergency task.


First aid is the immediate temporary care in case of accident or sudden illness before the
services of a physician can be secured, after first aid treatment is given, the injured or sick
employee should be brought to the nearest medical facility if immediate help is needed.

Start First Aid with this step:

1) Keep the patient lying down and quiet. If the victim has vomited and if there no
danger that his neck is broken, turn his head to one side.

2) Keep the patient warm with blanket or coat but don’t overheat him or apply
external heat.

3) Three things are of primary importance when you approach a seriously injured
 AIRWAY — Make sure the victims airway has not been blocked by the tongue
secretions or some foreign body.
 BREATHING — Make sure the person is breathing. If not, administers artificial
 CIRCULATION — Make sure the patient has a pulse. If none administer
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR.) while giving CPR, check for bleeding.

4) Although most injured persons can be safely moved, remember that it is vitally
important not to move the person with serious injuries of the neck or back,
unless it is necessary to save him from further danger.

5) Examine the victim gently. Cut clothing if necessary to avoid abrupt movement
or added pain. Don’t pull clothing Away from burns.

6) Reassure the victim, and try to remain yourself calm. Your calmness can ally his
fear and panic and convince him that everything is in control.

7) Don’t force fluids on an unconscious or semi-unconscious person; fluids may

enter the windpipe and cause strangulation. Don’t try to arouse an unconscious
person by slapping or shaking.

8) Have someone call for an ambulance, and doctor while you first aid. The doctor
should be informed of the nature of the-emergency and ask what should be
done before his arrival or the arrival of the ambulance.

9) Act fast if the victim is bleeding severely, or the victim has swallowed poison or if
his heart or breathing stopped. Every second count.

1) Apply antiseptic well down into and around the wounds. Do not pour it direct
into the wounds. Always allow it to dry before covering wounds with sterile
dressing. Never use such antiseptic in or near the eyes.
2) Do not wash a wound with water or attempt to wipe out dirt, Hydrogen peroxide
maybe used for cleaning.

3) Puncture wounds from nails, long splinters, etc. should receive immediate
attention of physician.

4) Do not remove foreign bodies, except small splinters from wounds. These may
be carefully removed with tweezers.


1) Secure medical aid at once.

2) Place patients in lying position and elevate injured part if possible.

3) Apply pressure with fingers on arterial pressure points is known.

4) Place large sterile gauze compress over wound and put bandage tightly in place.

5) Determine whether bleeding is arterial or venous. Arterial bleeding is one where

blood spurts are strong, while venous bleeding is characterized by blood oozing.

6) Do not give stimulants. Cold water may be given in small doses only.


1) Do not break blisters.

2) Carefully cut away clothing from burned area and apply sterile burn solution or
ointment, Never use iodine.

3) Cover burned area lightly with several thickness of sterile gauze or bandage
Never use cottons next to burns

4) In all cases of chemical burns on the skin, thoroughly flush burns with plenty of
clean water then treat as directed above.

5) For chemical burns to the eyes, wash with clean water continuously and bring
the victim to hospital.

1) In case of internal poisoning, send for a physician immediately.

2) If patient is conscious, force him to drink large quantity of soapy water, salt or
lukewarm water. Then tickle back the throat with fingers to produce vomiting.
Repeat this treatment several times.

3) After his stomach has been washed out, an antidote for the particular poison maybe

4) Always treat the patient for shock. If breathing stops, apply mouth to mouth


1) Bruises are not usually serious; however, other internal injuries should be suspected.
Apply cold application first, and then hot application twelve to twenty four hours
later. This will reduce swelling and pain.

2) Sprains and injuries to ligaments and joints. Place patient at rest and elevate injured
limb. Cold application will reduce pain and swelling.
3) Strains are injuries to muscles and tendons. Real injured muscles, Apply heat and
gently massage injured part. If strain is in the abdominal region, rupture should be

1) All cases except the most trivial ones, the patient must be sent to a physician.

2) Foreign body in the eye must never probe or dig the eye of removal of embedded
particles. If the object is floating on the surface, it may be brushed off with sterile
cotton applicator or with a corner of a sterile gauze compress.

3) Do not allow patient to rub his eye, this will only cause great irritation.

4) If objects cannot be readily removed or if irritation continues, the eyes should be

flooded with clean water and the patient be brought to hospital.
5) In all cases burns to the eye the patient must be brought to the hospital.

6) Never neutralize chemical burns to the eye; it is too risky for a novice to attempt.
Thoroughly and continuously flush eye with clean water, and immediately bring the
patient to the hospital.

7) Cover the eye with a soft gauze compress. Iodine must never be used in or near the

Injuries to bones are sometimes difficult to detect, if a fracture or dislocation is suspected, treat
it as such. Falls and other accidents involving injury to the back or neck may result in a serious
after-effect if the spinal cord is injured. Unless there is imperative need to move an individual
suspected of having a spinal cord injury to a zone safety, the injured is best not to move or
lifted, until a medical aid is obtained

1) Avoid unnecessary handling of patient in the-injured part, damage may be done by

the sharp edges of the bone puncturing blood vessels and tissues.

2) Place patient at rest in a comfortable position. Summon a physician at once, It is not

necessary to splint a broken bone unless the patient must be moved, but never
move patient until broken bone is splinted
3) In compound fractures where bone protrudes through skin, treat wound first.

4) A bone that is out of position at a joint is known is dislocation. Treat dislocation by

the application of cold or hot compress. Secure medical aid promptly. It is always
advisable to have physician to put the dislocated joint back in place.

Propose Hours of Work and Rest Breaks


Operational Time 8:00-12:00 1:00-5:00

Break Time 11:45- 1:00 pm 4:45- 6:00 for who

have an O.T

Note: Working days will be from Monday to Saturday. Additional working days
and hours for overtime will be added if necessary.



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