Mainetti 2015

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A Smart Parking System Based on IoT Protocols and

Emerging Enabling Technologies

Luca Mainetti, Luigi Patrono, Maria Laura Stefanizzi, Roberto Vergallo

Dept. of Innovation Engineering
University of Salento
Lecce, Italy

Abstract— Enabling a sustainable mobility is one of primary drivers’ frustration. Such considerations suggest the
goals of the so-called Smart City vision, and the development of development of new smart parking systems able to better
intelligent parking systems represents a key aspect. To this manage the urban parking areas and perform road traffic issues.
purpose, this paper presents a novel Smart Parking System based
on the jointly use of different technologies, such as RFID, WSN, Among all the IoT-enabling technologies, Ultra High
NFC, Cloud, and mobile. It is able to collect, in real time, both Frequency (UHF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and
environmental parameters and information about the occupancy Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) represent two of the most
state of parking spaces, and to direct drivers to the nearest promising candidates for the development of an innovative
vacant parking spot by using a customized software application. parking system. RFID is a low-cost, low-power technology,
This last one leverages a NFC-based e-wallet system to allow mainly consisting of passive devices, named tags, which are
users to pay for parking fees. Furthermore, a customized able to transmit data when powered by the electromagnetic
software application, installed on a cloud platform, is able to field generated by a reader. Although the long lifetime of tags
manage alert events (e.g. improper use of a reserved space or makes this technology highly suitable for the development of a
expiration of the purchased time). In such a case, it promptly variety of application scenarios, however, their reduced
informs the traffic cops through an Android mobile app, which operating range (i.e. up to 10 m) limits the use of RFID
has been designed ad hoc for the considered scenario. solutions to object identification and tracking within quite
small areas [5]. On the contrary, WSNs are self-organizing
Index Terms—Smart Parking; Smart Cities; Cloud; Wireless
networks of small, low-cost devices that communicate in a
Sensor Network; mobile.
multi-hop manner to provide monitor and control
functionalities [6][7]. WSN motes usually integrate an IEEE
I. INTRODUCTION 802.15.4 [8] radio enabling up to 100-m outdoor
The recent assertion of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept communication range (single hop). Such considerations allow
is fostering the development of a plethora of applications, asserting that RFID and WSN represent two complementary
ranging in many different domains, such as home and industrial technologies, whose physical integration might give new
automation, healthcare, smart grids, automotive, and many perspectives to a broad range of innovative applications
others [1]. Among these, the application of the IoT concept to [9][10].
the urban scenario is becoming more and more interesting as it
responds to the strong requirements of many national In order to manage such RFID-WSN integrated devices in a
governments to adopt Information and Communications unified manner, the adoption of widely recognized standards is
Technologies (ICTs) in the management of public services in advocated. One of the most used communication protocol in
order to realize the so-called Smart Cities [2][3]. In this the IoT is Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [11]. Its
perspective, the IoT can significantly contribute to the design primary objective is to provide a lightweight access to physical
of a smart mobility able to answer to users’ requests in terms of resources in order to meet the limited capabilities of embedded
transport network efficiency and social sustainability. devices. Specifically, according to the REpresentational State
Transfer (REST) paradigm, CoAP allows sensor nodes to run
Enabling a sustainable mobility, in fact, is one of the most embedded Web services, through which their resources can be
challenging goals of the Smart City vision, and within it, the easily manipulated. Furthermore, the development of REST-
optimal management of parking areas represents a fundamental style IoT systems enables seamless interoperability with cloud
aspect. As highlighted in [4], it is estimated that 30% of the services, thus guaranteeing the implementation of scalable
daily traffic congestion in an urban downtown area is caused by solutions, which can be easily integrated with a complex Smart
vehicles cruising for parking spaces. Furthermore, some City infrastructure.
drivers, frustrated by the lack of parking spaces, often use the
parking spots reserved for people with special needs, such as Taking into account these considerations, it could be
disabled. This not only causes waste of time and fuel for possible to design and develop a smart parking system able to
drivers looking for parking, but also increases air pollution and reduce the traffic congestion and improve the citizens’ quality
of life. The system should be capable not only to drive users

978-1-5090-0366-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

toward the vacant parking lots, but also to allow traffic seamless integration of several heterogeneous IoT
authorities to adequately monitor the state of reserved parking technologies. The designed SPS is able to collect, in real time,
spaces. The ability for an user to automatically pay for the both environmental parameters and information about the
occupied parking spot could represent an important feature, as occupancy state of parking spaces via an ultra-low-power
it would allow the user to deal with a single application and, at Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) composed of 6LoWPAN
the same time, it would enable traffic authorities to perform nodes integrating UHF RFID Class-1 Generation-2 (Gen2)
real time checks of paid parking fees. Finally, the designed functionalities. The system directs drivers to the nearest vacant
system should be easily scalable and seamless interoperable parking spot by using a customized software application. To
with a complete Smart City infrastructure. simplify the storage and analysis of a great amount of data, the
retrieved information are delivered to a cloud platform, where
Several works addressing the aforementioned issues have an advanced monitoring application makes them easily
been already presented in the literature, but none of them
accessible via a set of Representational State Transfer (REST)
provides also a flexible and scalable solution. In [12], WSN Web services. The designed mobile application allows users to
nodes, equipped with a light sensor, are used to detect the state
pay for the occupied parking space, leveraging an authors’
of each parking lot in an indoor area and to report the retrieved previous work called IDA-Pay [21][22]. The revised version of
information to a Web server. The information was also sent to a
IDA-Pay presented in this current work takes fully advantage
central server using a Wi-Fi network, and make accessible to of the Mobile Proximity Payment (MPP) increasing trend, for
the drivers through a mobile phone. A new reservation-based
which more that 50% mobile phones in Italy will be NFC-
smart parking system, which not only broadcast real-time enabled in 2017. Furthermore, in case of improper use of a
parking information to the driver, but also provide reservation
reserved space or expiration of the purchased time, the
service was proposed in [13]. In [14], authors propose the use designed system is also able to promptly inform the traffic cops
of the RFID technology for the management of street parking
equipped with a smartphone connected to a small portable UHF
spaces. Also in this case, the proposed solution allows users to RFID reader. Finally, the SPS allows to retrieve and store
reserve the required parking spot. In our previous work [15],
important data about the environmental conditions, which can
UHF RFID tags have ben used to identify the unauthorized be easily manipulated to provide useful information to citizens
occupancy of reserved parking spaces, while the adoption of
or researchers, thus realizing a Smart City infrastructure.
wireless sensor devices have been proposed to detect the state
of the parking spots. A complex smart parking system has been The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
presented in [16]. It is based on the use of a customized cloud- provides an overview on the architecture design. A more
based infrastructure, able to manage information retrieved by detailed description of the system is presented in Section III.
the sensor devices. The urban mobility problem has Concluding remarks are drawn in Section VIII.
considerable attracted also the industrial world, and a number
of commercial smart parking systems are already available on II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DESIGN
the market. As example, Park Smart [17] is a new parking The designed SPS has been put into effect according to the
system which uses optical technologies to detect parked architecture illustrated in Fig. 1. As shown, it is composed of
vehicles. SmartCom [18] uses a mix of Infrared and HF RFID four main parts: (1) the Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN)
technologies to detect the car’s presence and to allow traffic hereafter, (2) the IoT Smart Gateway, (3) the cloud platform,
agents verify parking permissions. Siemens Integrated Smart and (4) the user interfaces for data visualization and
Parking Solution [19] represents a more complex system able management. Moreover, the payment network (5) has been
to evaluate the free parking spots probability basing on stored reported for completeness, even if its development is obviously
data. It uses the radar technology to detect the car presence. out of our work.
Kiunsys [20] is a complete Italian solution, which includes also
a park booking feature and an RFID-based access control The HSN consists of an integrated RFID-WSN 6LoWPAN
system for restricted areas. However, it is worth to observe that network composed of three types of nodes: (i) 6LowPAN
most of the cited solutions are based on the use of proprietary Border Router (6LBR), (ii) 6LowPAN Router (6LR), and (iii)
standards or obsolete technologies. On the contrary, the 6LowPAN Router Reader (6LRR). According to the
adoption of IoT-based communication standards in urban 6LoWPAN standard, the 6LBR is in charge of connecting the
scenarios represents a key aspect, since it allows the network to the Internet by translating 6LowPAN packets into
development of innovative systems, which can be easily IPv6 packets and vice-versa, a 6LR describes a node able to
extended and integrated within a complete Smart City provide forwarding and routing capabilities, while the 6LRR is
infrastructure. defined as a 6LR interfaced with an RFID reader. The designed
system assumes that 6LR, equipped with a light sensor, are
In order to address these issues, in this work, a novel IoT- placed on each parking lot in order to detect cars’ presence,
aware Smart Parking System (SPS) is presented and discussed. while 6LRR nodes are placed on poles located near the parking
It is able to guarantee innovative services for the automatic spaces reserved for people with special authorizations. Indeed,
monitoring and management of parking spaces, by exploiting in the propose system, the 6LRR nodes are used to check that
the potentialities offered by the jointly use of different, yet only authorized cars, labelled with special RFID tags, occupy
complementary, technologies and standards, such as RFID, the reserved parking places. In the future, car plates equipped
WSN, NFC, mobile, 6LoWPAN, and CoAP. To the best of with special RFID tags could be used to store a number of
authors’ knowledge, the proposed system represents the first information about the car and its owner, as well as optional
attempt to provide a flexible and scalable solution, based on the
Figure 1. Overall Smart Parking System Architecture

special permission for impaired people or for granting access in the pain of collecting coins for paying the due parking fee. The
traffic restricted areas. former IDA-Pay version used the NFC Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
working mode to transfer payment credentials (e.g. encrypted
The retrieved information is delivered to the IoT Smart
credit card information, payment amount) to the Point of Sale
Gateway, which is connected, on the one hand, directly with (POS). The new version of IDA-Pay architecture exploits the
the HSN and, on the other hand, with the Internet through a
Cloud-based tokenization feature that has been recently ratified
3G-communication interface. The gateway plays the role of from VISA and MasterCard [23][24]. Such approach falls
6LBR, enabling the communication between HSN nodes and
within the scope of the Android’s Host Card Emulation (HCE)
remote users. The gateway, in turn, allows the RESTful technology, by which NFC-enabled mobile phones can emulate
communication with the cloud platform.
virtual (tokenized) payment cards sent from the cloud. As a key
This last one is equipped with the following different advantage with respect to the first version of IDA-Pay, the new
modules: (i) Data Storage Module, in charge of storing the mobile wallet is compliant with the existing POS infrastructure.
sensed data; (ii) Device Management Module, responsible to On the iOS side, the payment feature is handled by the Apple
control and manage sensors; (iii) Virtual Card Management Pay service, which is a cloud service.
Module, designed to manage the payments; and (iv) a
Management Application (MA), able to execute the business III. SYSTEM DETAILS
logic. When the MA realizes that a reserved parking spot has In the following subsections, major implementation details
been occupied, it checks if a new tag has been read by 6LRR on the software architecture of the SPS are provided.
node responsible for controlling that specific reserved space,
and, in such a case, it verifies the car’s authorizations. In case A. Hybrid Sensing Network
of improper use of a reserved space or expiration of parking To develop all the HSN components, as well as for
receipt, the MA exploits Push Notifications (PN) to inform the integrated 6LRR nodes, the XM1000 sensor board from
nearest traffic cops. Advanticsys [25] has been used. Specifically, the 6LRR has
been implemented by interconnecting the Sensor ID Discovery
The REST paradigm has also been adopted to make the Gate UHF [26] reader to the XM1000 sensor board via the
collected data easily accessible from the users. To this purpose, UART interface.
two different mobile applications have been developed, called
TrafficApp and DriverApp. More in detail, in the designed Furthermore, in order to develop a scalable solution, easily
system the traffic cops are equipped with a smartphone extensible in a complex Smart City architecture, the REST
connected to a portable RFID reader and running the Request/Response paradigm, piggybacked on CoAP messages,
TrafficApp. Through this App, traffic cops can interact directly has been exploited. CoAP design is similar to that of HTTP
with the tags placed on the cars and check their permissions or since it provides a request/response model interaction between
retrieve information stored into the Cloud. The TrafficCop App two end-points and includes key concepts of the Web, such as
allows operators to issue a fine and to update the memory URI and media types. CoAP also provides a resource
content of RFID tags with important information to remind observation mechanism, which allows a client to receive
(e.g. the date and time of the last check, information about the notifications upon every change in the state of resources it has
expiration of the authorization, etc.). The DriverApp allows the previously subscribed to.
driver to find the parking spaces available in a given area, get
Three different kinds of resources can be identified in the
the right directions to the selected parking spot, pay the parking
proposed architecture: (i) detection sensor, (ii) ambient sensor,
fee, check the remaining parking time and receive notifications
and (ii) RFID-related resources. 6LR devices expose a light
when the purchased time is expiring. Following the footsteps of
resource, which is used to identify car’s presence (e.g.
one of our previous work called IDA-Pay, we avoid the user
coap://[aaaa::1]/detection/light). 6LRR nodes are Usually the merchant inputs the amount the customer has to
equipped with several sensors able to monitor environmental pay. In our system instead the DriverApp computes the price
parameters and, therefore, they expose CoAP ambient sensor (basing on the amount of parking time inputted by the user).
resources (e.g. coap://[aaaa::2]/ambient/light and The app sends the amount to the billing subsystem in advance,
coap://[aaaa::2]/ambient/temperature). However, such in order the EMV-style POS to request for the right amount to
kind of nodes are also equipped with an RFID reader, which the NFC mobile phone.
allows them also to expose an RFID related resource
C. Cloud Services
(coap://[aaaa::3]/RFID/reader). This last one represents an
aggregated information of tags read within the 6LRR RFID Storing, organizing, and retrieving information related to
range. In this way, each resource can be individually accessed the occupancy state of parking spaces and environmental
from anywhere in the Internet by using CoAP methods. conditions are expensive processes from both the
computational and memory point of view. For this reason, the
For the sake of simplifying the development of the cloud seems to represent the solution that best suits this kind of
proposed solution, we drawn on the implementation presented needs, as its storing and computing capabilities allow to
in [27] where Erbium (Er), a low-power REST engine for process data more efficiently. In the proposed SPS, a cloud
Contiki, has been extended to support conditional observations platform has been used to store and manage the information
through a Conditional Observation Module. Such retrieved by the HSN and all the data related to payments and
implementation has been adapted to our hardware. Specifically, expiration of parking fees. We deployed the proposed solution
in the proposed solution, 6LR node embeds a light sensor used on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Specifically, as
to monitor the occupancy state of parking lot. If its value fits previously introduced, the cloud platform has been equipped
outside a specified range, it might indicate the car’s presence. with the following modules: (i) Data Storage Module, (ii)
The use of conditional observation methods allows client Device Management Module, (iii) Virtual Card Management,
applications to be notified only when critical thresholds are and (iv) Management Application (MA). In particular, the last
violated. Let us observe that, the aim of this paper is to one represents the functional core of the proposed SPS, since it
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed architecture, while is responsible for monitoring the parking lots state and alerting
finding the best cars’ detection method is outside the scope of traffic cops in case of critical situations. More in detail, the MA
this work. registers itself as an observer to the RFID reader related
B. Smart Gateway resources exposed by 6LRR nodes scattered in the parking
space, and to the light resources exposed by the 6LR devices
The Smart Gateway represents an important element of the used to monitor the parking lots’ state. When the 6LR detect a
designed architecture. It works as a bridge between the HSN car’s presence (i.e., the light value fits within a specific range),
and the cloud platform. It has been realized by connecting a this information is notified to the MA. Similarly, when the
Rasperry Pi 2 Model B board [28], equipped with the Raspian number of RFID tags read from 6LRR node changes, all the
operating system, to the 6LowPAN Border Router. The information stored into the memory of the tags inside the
gateway has been also equipped with a GPRS module, a GPS coverage region are delivered to the MA for a further analysis.
module, and the SCM SCL3711 13.56 MHz NFC contactless Such conditional observation methods allow the MA to be
reader [29]. Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer notified only when something new happens in the parking lot,
powered by the Broadcom BCM2836 system-on-a-chip (SoC). thus substantially reducing the number of notification messages
This SoC includes a quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU, clocked in the network. The MA is also able to send Push Notifications
at 900 MHz. It is equipped with 1 GB of RAM and powered by to the mobile devices of traffic cops using Google Cloud
a 5 V micro USB AC charger. From a functional point of view, Messages (GCM). In particular, we resorted to the Amazon
it is mainly composed of two different blocks: a proxy and the Simple Notification Service (SNS), since it can seamlessly
billing subsystem. scale and add an abstraction level allowing programmers to use
The proxy enables transparent communication with CoAP the same APIs for sending notifications on different platforms
devices. It has the burden of translating HTTP requests coming (e.g. iOS and Android).
from the cloud platform into CoAP messages and vice-versa. It D. Mobile Applications
has been developed by using the Spring Framework and
deployed on the Jetty application server installed on the Smart Users can interact with the system through user interfaces,
Gateway. The proxy logic has been extended by implementing accessible via Web browser by both desktop clients and mobile
a caching service, thus supporting multiple requests to the same devices. Such interfaces implement RESTful services, thus
resource and limiting the amount of traffic injected into the IoT enabling the communication with the cloud platform. They
peripheral network. offer two main functionalities depending on two possible client
The billing subsystem is aimed at acting like a Point of Sale
(POS): it retrieves the tokenized card data from the mobile • Traffic staff Interface. This interface allows traffic
phone via the NFC contactless reader, and forwards the request operators to manage current and historical information
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[30]. In order to fasten the POS development, we used a change the data about parking lots state and users’
commercial EMV Level 2 Kernel written in C++ language. The payments. Traffic cops can interact remotely with the
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