IoT based sensor enabled smart car parking for advanced driver assistance
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Abstract— Smart parking systems typically obtain updating and deleting database which is maintained at central
information about available parking spaces in a server and android application provides user interface, allows
particular geographic area and process it in real-time to user to get real time status of parking slots, to book parking
facilitate vehicle parking at available positions. One of slot and also displays parking charge which has to be paid.
the key issues that smart cities relate to is car parking User authentication is accomplished by using unique ID
facilities and traffic management systems. Internet of which adhaar card number. The system not only provides
Things (IoT) enables the connectivity between ease to user for car parking but also reduces traffic which
surrounding environmental things to internet and makes occurs due to dead locking of cars while parking and also
easy to access those things from any remote location. The saves fuel consumption of car by avoiding unnecessary
effective use of an IoT technology can ease human life in traveling through filled parking lots which in turn reduces
some aspects. The proposed work is one of the carbon dioxide emission in atmosphere. The many efforts
applications of combination of IoT and cloud computing have made to solve the above mentioned problem and are
technology. The objective of this work is to design, explained as follows:
analyze and implement “IoT based sensor enabled car
parking system”, this enables the user to pre reserve IoT based smart car parking system in paper [1] ultrasonic
parking slot from remote place with the help of mobile sensors are used for detecting the availability of parking slot.
application. Authentication of the valid booking is Each sensor is attached with a Wi-Fi chip. The gateway
incorporated to benefit valid user. This system is comprises raspberry pi board which updates the cloud using
implemented using low-cost IR sensors, Raspberry-Pi MQTT protocol. Mobile application is provided for user
model 3b for real-time data collection, E-Parking mobile interface. Implementation cost of system is high as every
application. E-Parking mobile application is developed sensing node has its own Wi-Fi chip.
using android studio having baseband version of android
4.3. Parking availability prediction for sensor-enabled car parks
in smart cities in paper [2] the waiting time is predicted
based on the variable parameters such as time of the day, day
Keywords— IoT; Raspberry pi; ADAS;E-parking application; of week , weather, temperature ,humidity. The algorithm
User authentication. used for prediction is Regression tree, Support vector
regression, and neural network.
I. INTRODUCTION Parking is easier by using context information of a smart city
More than half of the world population lives in the urban in paper [3], The system defines four parking states which
areas so the cities have reached its full occupancy. As a are Available parking space, Reserved parking space, In use
result number of vehicles in the cities is also increased. Due parking space, load/unload parking space. The NFC
to this most of the people spend their valuable time on technology is used here for wireless payment. Geomagnetic
searching parking slots to park their vehicles. It is hectic job sensors are used for detecting presence of car. Major
to find parking space to park their vehicles. Work proposed disadvantage of geomagnetic sensor based vehicle
in this paper is an attempt to solve above mentioned problem. occupancy detection is sensor response is prone to magnetic
The system developed here is an integration of internet of interference
things (IoT), cloud technology, android application and user
authentication for ADAS system. Internet of things is the A cloud based intelligent car parking services for smart cities
internetworking of physical device embedded with in paper [6] the entire system developed with three layers
electronics that enables those physical devices to connect to sensor, communication, and application layer. The server
internet. IoT was first introduced in 1999 at auto ID center finds the best available car parking lot for the user based on
and first used by Kevin Aston. In this system IoT technology his preference and driving direction is returned to him.
is used to connect parking slots in parking area to the
internet. Here cloud technology is related to creating,
978-1-5090-3704-9/17/$31.00 © 2017 IEEE
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, India
Intelligent parking lot application using wireless sensor Advantages considered while selection of IR sensor for
networks [17] proposed the use of a combination of vehicle occupancy detection are
magnetic and ultrasonic sensors for accurate and reliable
detection of vehicles in a parking lot, also describing a x Sensor response is not dependent upon color,
modified version of the Min-max algorithm for detection of transparency of object
vehicles using magnetometers.
x IR sensors can work in critical conditions such as
All the above discussed works are not considered a valid dirt and dust
authentication and the cost effectiveness of the system and
this proposed work considered x The output is linear with the distance between
sensor and target
x User authentication x Accurate detection even of small object
x Eliminating false charge that occurs when user
parks car in parking slot other than his booked slot x Adjustable detection range up-to 30cm
x System is developed by using low cost IR sensors to
reduce overall cost. DC gear motor: It is used for opening and closing of parking
area main gate. Gate will open when user enters valid
II. METHODOLOGY booking ID otherwise it will be closed by doing this it
enforces user authentication. It is controlled by embedded
A. Proposed System Block Diagram
Mobile application: It is an android application running on Step3: In response to the user request, the corresponding slot
user mobile device. It facilitates user to check availability will be allotted to the respective user and that slot will be
status, to book parking lot and also integrated with adhaar locked for other users.
card for unique authentication of user. Android application
is developed using android studio IDE. Step4: When driver reaches parking area to park the car, the
driver and the vehicle is authenticated by using unique
Sensing nodes: Information regarding status of parking lot booking id which is generated at the time of booking and the
is collected by using IR sensors attached to parking lot. corresponding slot is provided to the user to park their
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, India
A. Hardware prototype
Fig. 9 represents the prototype of the proposed system. The
prototype is consists of 3 slots, each slot is monitored by IR
sensor and all the slots are connected to central node
raspberry pi which is in turn connected to cloud using IoT.
Each slot also contains status LEDs which indicates either
green or red signal depending on parking slot occupancy.
The system also contains geared DC motor controlled by
raspberry pi to enforce user authentication. Geared motor
controls the opening and closing of parking slot gate. Also
Figure 6. Profile window
there is one vehicle detection sensor included in system to
prompt enter booking ID message.
Slot Booking: Fig. 7 shows the booking window. Booking
of parking slot is done with the help of this window of
application. To book the slot user has to select slot number,
from time and has to enter valid booking ID
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, India
C. User authentication
Fig. 14 shows the vehicle detection done at parking area.
When system detects vehicle it will ask user to enter Figure 16. Valid booking
preregistered booking ID in on-site computer.
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, India