The 12 Dimensions - The Definitive Guide To The 12

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Welcome to one of THE most

important creations on this entire

This serves as a foundational

piece of information that
accurately reflects the 12
different levels of consciousness
that exist in the Universe.

While the Universe is of course

not limited to these frequency
bands expressed as dimensional
realities, this accurately
describes the jumps in
consciousness made when going
back and forth (or down and up)
from one Dimension to another.

While skipping a dimension is

entirely possible — going from
3D to 5D induced by DMT, for
example — every experience
to be integrated.

For you as an ascending

Human, the Dimensions 3–5
are by far the most relevant

Anything beyond Dimension 6 is

something you can imagine to
some degree — but cannot
comprehend yet.

A basic understanding of the 7th

Dimension requires a fully 5-
dimensional Heart-Mind.

For the sake of clarity &

completeness, I laid out ALL
dimensions that there are.
Take on what truly resonates,
disregard the rest.
1st Dimension —
The 1st Dimension can best be
described as pure existence. The
beings you are most likely to
know embodying and reflecting
this consciousness are bacteria,
viruses, parasites and, to some
degree, minor plants & life forms
falsely being attributed the name
“animals” (such as plankton).

There is no such thing as a

human, plant or animal existing
only in 1D consciousness.

Existing in 1D necessitates a
level of intelligence that can only
be described as “existential”.

There is no conscious
awareness of needing to eat,
fight, procreate etc.
All those functions are extremely

And that which is necessary is on

autopilot without the conscious
knowing of the entity.

Are bacteria intelligent, for

example? Yes, they are to the
level that they need to be.

Everything in existence
possesses organic intelligence.
That even applies to human-
made technology that is wrongly
considered artificial.

To keep this short and simple,

aligned with its inherent
simplicity, 1-dimensional
consciousness is one of simply

Not thinking, not feeling, not

even creating.

Simply being.
That’s it.

2nd Dimension —
2-Dimensional Consciousness
can best be described as one of
Instinctual Awareness.

That means: Whatever you

perceive from 2D gets
interpreted and ‘run through’
instinctual software (pattern)
templates that are imprinted into
your DNA.
That is why playing with animals
— who primarily operate on 2-
dimensional instinctual
awareness — has to happen
from a teaching/top-down

If not, the animal will think that

it’s in
charge which, depending on your
situation (let’s say being out in
the jungle or open safari), can
lead to dangerous situations.

If an animal perceives you as a

viable food option, it will take
advantage of you.

Unless you show it that you are

superior, i.e., of higher
consciousness and thus
prowess, to it.

For then, its survival instinct will

kick in, and prefer to live another
day rather than die at your
There is more to it, of course:
Being of 2D consciousness
comes with a lot of
responsibilities compared to 1D.

The being inhabiting (giving their

life & soul to) the creature of their
choosing will
come equipped with traits to hunt
prey — even if that’s just plants
that cannot run away yet still get

A certain amount of
consciousness must be there for
information to be processed. A
nervous system and a brain, to
make sense of the informational
input, whatever it may be.

Situational awareness, where to

find food, when to fight, when to
flee, when to sleep etc.

While the instinctual imprints are

present, a 2-dimensional
consciousness is mostly reactive.
It does not plan for the future.

It does not remember the past

(except for
experiential imprints necessary
for its life & survival).

2D Consciousness exists to live,

eat, procreate, and eventually

Simple — yet effective and fun a

life form to choose as an
incarnational experience.


3rd Dimension —
Physicality & Ego

Through Doing
Here comes the dimension that
humans have by far the most
experience with.
Removed from the human
experience, physicality is merely
a manifestation of energy. A
densified form of thought-feeling-
emotion-spirit; as you will learn
when reading about the higher
dimensions 4–7.

The so-called Laws of Physics

are merely reflections of a 3-
dimensional thinking mind that
tries to understand its
surroundings & reality through
the lens of a very finite

Using a telescope based on 3-

dimensional consciousness to
find life forms on other planets
that are of a higher
consciousness is impossible.

Look into nature, what do you

see? Doesn’t a praying mantis, a
dragonfly, a tarantula and many
plant species look very alien

Wanting to find humanoid life

forms that are similar to what
humans already know
(themselves) on other planets is
contradictory in itself.

No planet is alike, every planet

has its own unique blueprint (or
what scientists would call
atmosphere and base for life).

To SEE these life forms, one has

to have a consciousness that
allows for the energy of these
beings to permeate your senses
— then being interpreted by your
brain/mind to tell you: This is a
different kind of life form, alien to

Even if these life forms were 3-

dimensional, the current baseline
(i.e. lowest) consciousness of
humanity, it
would still require an open mind
to be able to accept their
existence and see them for what
they are.

Now, on to the true purpose of


Physicality allows for a

grounded-ness in reality that can
only be accurately described as

The physical dimensions is one

of great self-exploration (think
athletes, olympics, soldiers)
while being inherently limited.

One will be able to take it only so

far (such as running 0.001
seconds faster than the other
guy) or appearing to be a tiny bit
more attractive than the other
human of your comparative
choice before reaching the road
block of physical limitation.
Since 1980, many Souls have
incarnated with a template for
higher abilities (4D) while
children of 2000+ are already

As these children have had great

problems in the world they found
(I’m speaking from experience),
they struggled with adjusting to
the norm.

This struggle would lead to

conditions known as ADHD,
Autism and many others.

It also left them performing very

poorly in the 3rd dimension.
Physical feats were simply not
their strength — their abilites lied
in the higher, non-physical 4D
4th Dimension —
The Matrix

Information: Mental
Thoughts create reality.

And feelings form the fertile

substrate for thoughts.

You see: Mental does not only

mean thought.

It encompasses also empathy.

“A sixth Sense”, as it were.

An intuitive feeling (feminine

charge) is
just as powerful a creative force
as a clearly formed and
precisely-directed thought
(masculine charge).

As you will learn shortly, in the

5th dimension, an Emotion is the
combinatory force of Thought &

The dualistic perspective of an

emotion manifest is
thus Thought + Feeling =

To bring Energy into Motion, a

thought needs to be nourished
for it to take form.
The masculine and feminine
principle manifest in duality.

In the decades past, thoughts

and mental thought processing
capacity (IQ) have been
considered more important.
This is a masculine-charged idea
of the 4th dimension (Intellect)

That this idea has been so

prevalent can in essence be
explained by the fact that the
feminine (intuitive-feeling-
empathic) collective, human
females, have been the dominant
energy and part of humanity
since 1980 — all the while
completely rejecting their

This empowering of the feminine

principle presented an
opportunity for great change as
well as karmic balance.

What it also did was to reveal the

Shadows of the Feminine
Collective like never before in
recent history.

The more these Shadows were

the more women either rejected
their femininity or simply doubled
down and abused their new-
found powers.

This self-rejection has led to

women embodying more
(inverted) masculine energy, thus
competing with men on all levels
of human existence.

This exacerbated the human

experience to a great degree as
gender-specific realities were
inverted — until the Galactic
Node Point known on Earth as
‘2012’ was reached.

The devaluing of the Divine

Feminine and all its human-
manifest aspects continues to
this day in the 3–4 dimensional
human experience and is quickly
imploding on itself.
Gender Wars, Feminism,
Demasculinization, False
Feminine Spirituality (The
Goddess Complex), to name but
a few.

All those who are intent on

furthering their intellect are
operating on a purely 4-
dimensional consciousness

All women who focus on

increasing their empathy (EQ)
are doing the same — Empathy
is a 4-dimensional expression of
the Feminine.
No matter how ‘smart’ a human
becomes, how high their IQ or
how well-defined their AI
programmes: They are still just
4-dimensional beings.

It is not until 5D is reached that a

Human becomes activated and
begins its
Ascension consciously.

A highly-developed 4D Human is
a conundrum to itself.

A being with a vast amount of

intellectual resources — yet
completely imprisoned by its own
egoic ambitions and trauma-
driven pursuits.

Elon Musk serves as the best

representative of the
aforementioned state of being.

The Matrix
As 4D is the dimension of mental
energy and as thoughts create
reality, it also needs to be
mentioned that that which has
often been called ‘The Matrix’,
inspired by
the beloved 1999 movie, exists

While the movie was a very

necessary (as in helpful)
portrayal of the Matrix being
slavery, evil and something to
break out of, I want to state here
that, in truth, it is much more
neutral than that.

While no one enjoys being in

prison, it is a learning tool like
everything else.

Experiencing that which, once

broken out of, you consider and
realize to be imprisonment,
gradually changes to merely
another tool of learning on your
Ascension path.

One cannot go from 3D to 5D

without realizing that their
thoughts & belief systems are
holding them hostage.
Hence incarnating into a 3D
physical reality and thinking
thoughts of a 4-dimensional
nature will inevitably lead to
creating a reality.

So the Matrix has never been

anything else but a reality.

If that is a reality that you

consider evil and malevolent or
simply a stepping stone on your
Ascension path (a 5D+
perspective), is entirely upon

The Astral
Dimension (4.5 D)
Everything Astral should be
considered a dimension unto
itself due to its significance in
recent Human Ascension (1987–
It lies in between the 4th and the
5th Dimension which is why I
named it “4.5 D”.

Your Dream-time creations,

traditional shamanic practices
(hypnosis etc.), divination like
Tarot Card Readings are all
happening on the Astral

While the Astral Dimension can

seem exciting and benevolent, at
this point and especially since
2011, it is no longer a realm in
which conscious Magic
(Lightwork) should be practiced.

The frequencies here are simply

too low to support the energetics
of a 5D Lightworker.

Also: Digital Technology operates

on the frequency band of the
Astral while also manipulating
(working with) it.
The vast majority of digital traffic
is happening here. Blockchain,
NFC card readings, LTE, your
WiFi signal and the vast majority
of video games.

As of 2020, technology is quickly

changing towards 5D (5G,
Quantum Computing, 2025+

If you feel that you want to

explore the Astral Realm and that
level of spiritual awareness
more, I highly recommend the
works of David R. Hawkins,
Sadhguru and Teal Swan.

5th Dimension
Love — Truth —
Emotion: The
Once you reach this plane, you
have pierced through the veil of

Congratulations! You are now a

fully ascending individual.

The 5th Dimension is the most

relevant consciousness &
frequency band to humanity right
at this time.

This is changing to
predominantly 6D in 2026–2033
with the beginning of Metatron —
the 6-dimensional version of
Earth (the evolution of Gaia).

Since 21/12/2012 (The

prophesied end of
the Old World), The Planetary
Body has existed in a fully-
manifested 5-dimensional field of

With the 4-dimensional Earth

effectively having ended in 1999,
a transition happened from
1999–2012 from 4D Earth to 5D

To understand let alone

experience a 5-dimensional state
of Consciousness as a Human,
your Heart has to be open.

Allowing for a Flow of Pure

Energy that is no longer hindered
by the Human Mind and its
inherent limitations.

While everything was Duality

from 3–4D, now everything exists
in polarized opposites (5–7D).
To Understand more about
Duality & Polarity, their inherent
differences and significance for
Ascension, click here (Link).

Coming from a 3–4D Human

level, ascending into 5D
Consciousness means that
Equality and Equilibrium truly

When a human transitions from

4D to 5D, easily the hardest &
most challenging phase of
Human Ascension, breaking
through the veil of illusions and
common programming, the sole
focus of the human
becomes LOVE.
The focus goes from mental-
intellectual-thinking to emotional-
empathy-feeling. Experiencing.

The Heart is opened and the

Mind gives way to the Heart.
Love becomes the predominant
focus — all else becomes

All else falters in the presence of


Love becomes your Truth.

You think Love, you feel Love,

you become Love.

An overwhelming sense of
compassion runs at the Heart of
your being — you understand the
pain & suffering of others as you
have started conquering,
integrating and mastering your
own pain & suffering.

One of your greatest challenges

here will be to not succumb to
victim-savior mode again but to
stay above & beyond in
frequency, knowing that all is
well, whatever happens.

6th Dimension —
Light: Geometry,
Frequency, Akash

6-dimensional Reality can best
be described by Sacred
Geometry, Colors, Lights
(Rainbows) and Light Language.

This dimension is what you tap

into when you dream-create in
the higher realms.

Visions and future timelines that

you create here will eventually
trickle down into your current
reality (almost instantaneously
for 5D Humans),
manifesting in a déjà-vu, a strong
intuitive feeling, vibration (“Soul
Shivers”) or otherwise.

Once this level of consciousness

is reached, a pure flow of energy
as information (“downloads”)

This is what many experienced

practitioners of meditation (4D
Level) are able to tap into —
even if only at brief moments.

The information presents itself in

Sacred, Hermetic and thus
Sealed, Geometric Figures.

These have to then be

interpreted by a 4D Mind or a 5D

These Figures represent crucial

aspects of
existence that make more sense
the more you familiarize yourself
with them in your
baseline/normal state of

That means looking at Sacred

Geometry, carrying something of
such geometry with you or
otherwise consciously working
with these Geometrical
representations of existence is
going to help you realize more of
how Creation works.

For Lightworkers/Starseeds,
Plant Medicine can open this
stream of consciousness
immediately and effectively.
Proper, Ascension-aligned Plant
Medicine Work focuses on
uplifting the 3&4-dimensional into
the 5&6-dimensional.

True Enlightenment
Coming from an unconscious
human experience in which you
are familiar with Jesus Christ, the
Buddha or another enlightened
being of your culture & socio-
religious programming, when you
tap into the 6th Dimension, you
will meet either of these beings
and realize that THEY are YOU.

In other words: You are reaching

your very own level and version
of Enlightenment.

This will first present itself as

your Higher Self “in disguise” of a
being that you recognize to be of
a higher level of consciousness.

Most likely an Ascended Master

or an Alien.
The Ascended Master that you
perceive in whichever form, it
being your Spirit Guide, will
eventually become you once you
start embodying this level of

You merge your consciousness

with your Greater Self.

That is what Ascension is all

about: becoming more than you
once were, opening your Heart &
Mind further to the truth.

~ Human Ascension
Complete ~
7th Dimension —
Energy Mastery -
Pure Light Body
Achievement through
A 7-dimensional Being is an
entity that embodies Pure Light
in the form of Pure Energy.

It holds no negativity whatsoever

and does no longer require the
assistance of other beings
(Spiritual Guidance) or
Ascension Tools such as DMT or

7-dimensional beings are still

rather rare in our Galaxy right
There are some beings closely
related to us, such as the
Arcturians & Pleiadeans, that
embody this pure state of

At this level, you see &

understand yourself
as an embodiment of Light.

Neither Karma nor Negativity

exist here.

The 7th Dimension is the

manifestation of Paradise from a
5–6D Human’s perspective.

Simultaneously, being a 7D
Human comprises the final point
of Human Evolution.

Beyond this point, you won’t be

able to experience your SELF as
Human anymore.

Human Ascension is complete by

reaching the 7th Dimension.

To reach this level of Pure

Energy and full embodiment, you
have to have mastered the
varying disciplines of Geometric
Patterns & Shapes, Frequencies,
Energy, Light Language and so
much more that naturally occurs
during your Ascension from
being a 3–6D Human to
becoming a 7D Ascended Master
in the Human Form.

Embodying 7D Consciousness
effectively renders you limitless
— a God on Earth in full

God as a Human.

Now you know how to

manipulate Energy so masterfully
and lovingly that you can create
your own Reality at will, without
any time constraints as they
existed before (4D Time equals
4D Creation, for example),
harmonizing your Field of Energy
with the Environment to such a
degree that there is neither Loss
nor Gain.
A natural equilibrium has been

Whatever you do is an act of




~ Unity ~

8th Dimension —
Unconditional Love
Upon reaching this state of
Consciousness, you start moving
towards a Galactic
Consciousness that is in no way
comparable to the individualized
experience you have had until

What this means in effect is: You

are now reaching out for the
Stars rather than focusing on
elevating your Human Being to
its maximum Light Capacity.

You understand yourself as a

Galactic Being. While
beforehand communicating
telepathically to other beings in a
hierarchical top-down fashion
(e.g. Spirit Guides), you now see
them as equals that are of
different qualities than yourself
— yet no less or more than you.
You have now effectively become
your Spirit Guides. Or rather, you
have merged your
consciousness fields with theirs.

The 8th Dimension serves as a

gateway to the 9th and especially
the 10th (Universal)

Here, you will find that all beliefs

you held as an individual have
become largely irrelevant.

Replacing the SELF of an

individual perception of reality
with a Greater SELF of a unified
perception of reality is going to
cost you everything.

Losing your Access to Human

Consciousness entirely equals
the Death of all your
relationships as they were.

The reward for this bravery will

be unfathomable until you get to
experience it yourself.

Feeling at one with the universe

while still navigating an
individualized experience Is
something that no other beings
on planet Earth have ever been
able to experience themselves

Not only do you feel that you are

at one with spirit, with source,
with the creator — but you
actually start embodying it here.

9th Dimension —
Sacred Unification of

Ultimate Love
The Unification of ALL.
All aspects, from 1st to 8th
dimensional are unified
harmoniously, making up a
greater being than before.
The main difference to 8D is that
in 9D, you are losing your sense
of SELF.

While you are an individual of

pure Light in 7D and a being of
greater Power in 8D, connected
to your Brothers & Sisters across
different dimensions, now you
start becoming THEM and they
are becoming YOU.

If you imagine making Love with

your Twin Flame as two pure
individuals of Love & Light on a
7-dimensional Level, now you
both would become one and
the same entity in 9D.
Polarity has thus been unified to
such a degree that it stops
existing entirely, without a
memory left of it (so to speak).

When Unified Polarity becomes

perfect Union is achieved.

It is the merge of one singular

consciousness that is more than
the 2 individuals comprising it.

Indeed, the whole is greater than

the sum of its parts.

Think of the 9th Dimension as

the Ultimate Love-Making

There is no greater Love that can

be expressed for one another
than merging into one singular
entity, surrendering your
individual identity completely.
Your different bodies grow to
accommodate a greater
consciousness that takes a seat
in your soul.
This requires the surrender of
your very own motives — so that
a greater consciousness can
guide you, be you, create love
with and through you.


10th Dimension —
Universal - Pure

Universal Laws &

The 10th Dimension marks
another great jump in

The extreme jump in

consciousness experienced from
4D going to 5D — breaking
through the limitations of the
Mind, opening the Heart and the
experience of true Love as a
Human — was nothing
compared to this level of a

Going from 5D to 10D is the

same as leaving Planet Earth
and living amongst the Stars as a
galactic being.

Unified in your existence, you

experience all realities
simultaneously, without
dependency on time nor space.

Time & Space cease to exist —

all that remains is a Connection
to Universal Oneness. Knowing
all, being all. Everywhere, at all

The 10th Dimension is the realm

of Divine Templates.

Here you can experience the

creation of
entire Galactic Systems.
Truly, the entire Universe is being
given form and birthed into
existence here.

The structure of galactic systems

is a reflection of Source itself.

What you can experience &

understand as Geometric
patterns translating to Frequency
in 6D, showing you the
intricacies of Creation in the
smallest of entities or structures,
here you can see 10-dimensional
Geometry that is so vast and
sophisticated, it formulates the
core aspects of entire galaxies.
An example for this would be a
Spiral Galaxy, with the spiral
serving as the backbone
structure for an entire system.

There really are no limits here —

everything you could dream of in
originated here.

11th Dimension —

Purity & Benevolence

11D is the realm of the Angels.

Unlike what humans believe,

Angels don’t have any particular
shape or form. No name or a
specific purpose. Individualized
forms of ‘angelic beings’ are in
the 5th-7th Dimension,
presenting themselves as Spirit
Guides to humans that are then
interpreted as ‘Guardian Angels’
and so on.

The 11D Angelic Realm is a field

of infinite & unconditional LOVE.

Purely benevolent and helpful to

absolutely ANY creation. Even to
those creations that in the lower
dimensions will be considered
evil. Such creations are specially
loved and protected for they hold
great potential for teaching,
learning and expanding Love &

The numerology 666 & Lucifer

play a huge role here and need

The interpretation of Lucifer as

pure evil and a Fallen Angel is
both wrong as well as correct.

The Truth depends on the

perspective donned from the
consciousness of the individual
looking at it.

Imagine this: Looking at Beings

allowing that which you consider
to be Evil in your experience,
would you call them Angels?
Probably not.

Dark Angels, Demons, Helpers of

Satan and other religious speak
comes to mind.

A pure allowing of All, however, is

a consciousness beyond any
individual’s understanding.

In fact, even with the absolute

equilibrium and Mastery
achieved through 7-dimensional
embodiment, you still don’t even
get close to understanding the
Infinite Love that is required for
the beings of this consciousness
to do their work.
So humble yourselves and
acknowledge your Fears: The
infinitely powerful strike fear into
all those who are not willing to
surrender but resist Light & Love
sheer ignorance and close-

12th Dimension —

Ultimate State of
God Consciousness embodied.

You are no longer Human, Alien,

incarnated or non-physical.

This state of consciousness puts

you on par with the Gods that the
Altanteans (a 5–6 dimensional
race) worshipped and built
temples for and in the name of.

You have become something

that has been described in
religious texts throughout
history — yet has always been
misinterpreted and rumored to be
something that it is truly not.

When this level of existence

starts manifesting on a planetary
level through a vessel its choice,
then God has truly returned to
the lower dimensions.

Instead of worshipping, following

and trusting that consciousness
will take precedent.

A God Being requires no worship

(energy directed at it) as it is
complete and ultimate in itself.

This level of consciousness has

never existed in the realm of
incarnated humans.

There were only ‘Prophets’ and

Ascended Masters and Spirit
Guides that embodied a 5- to 6-
dimensional consciousness.

Until now.

A pure Level of Flow that is so

divine and congruent with
Source, it mirrors Source directly
in its Infinite Wisdom, Power &

Unconditional Love flows from

the Heart & Core of this being —
there is nothing else.


The 0 Dimension —
The Source of All
The Hidden
Now, to start this the right way:
This is not actually a Dimension.

But for the sake of this

conceptual model as well as to
break with the number 12 which
can be very loaded an fixed,
even, a Dimension 13

Rather, it is the all-encompassing

Energy, permeating absolutely

This is where Souls are born,

Stars are birthed and Infinity
simply is.

What comes after God? Who

created God? Who or what is the

This is.
Formless, Nameless,

Black Holes are a wonderful

manifestation and reminder of
this energy.

Many words can be used, none

will suffice.

When you experience this, you

can only come back into your
current form, saying: You have to
experience it yourself. I can’t
explain it.

This is all elusive and is meant to

spark and motivate the search
for one’s true origins.

In short: You came from

NOTHING. Because you are

Beyond Dimensions
Always remember this:

Your journey is unique.

Despite the “Definitive Guide”

which I stand by, this is not in
any way to be interpreted, taken
or used as religious gospel or
dogmatic principle.

Please do take all of this in with

the pure knowing that this was
created with one sole intention:

Helping you ascend.

Giving you a navigational

roadmap to understand your
journey better.

Empowering you to make

better decisions along your
And lastly: once you get to 9D-
10D, tapping into pure creational
templates and co-creating at this
level of consciousness, you start
to realize how limiting such a
concept can be 🙂

May this serve you for however

long it may.

The ultimate goal of all this is: to

break free from any concept.

To be the sole Ultimate Source

Creator in your reality.

And you can do however you

please — whenever, wherever.

Enjoy your Divine Journey here

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