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Petroleum & Coal

ISSN 1337-702

Available online at www.vurup.sk/petroleum-coal

Petroleum & Coal 55 (2) 133-136, 2013



Khulud Rahuma1, Elmahboub Edreder2

University of Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya, P.O. Box 13126, [email protected]
Libyan Petroleum Institute, Tripoli-Libya, P.O. Box 643

Received January 30, 2013, Accepted May 15, 2013

In this work the idea was to apply literature models to predict viscosity of crude oils. Fifteen different
oil samples from Libyan reservoirs have been used. Experimental data collected from the Libyan
Petroleum Institute database. Supplementary data were collected from published literature. Chew-
Connally, Beggs-Robinson, Labedi, Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt, modified Kartoatmodjo, and Elsharkawy
& Alikhan models have been investigated for saturated oil , while Beal , Vasquez and Beggs, Khan
and Ali, Labedi ,Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt, and Elsharkawy & Alikhan have been used to undersaturated
oil. The accuracy of models for investigated viscosity were applied to the acquired data set and a
comprehensive error analysis was performed based on a comparison of the predicted value with
the experimental value. The results obtained indicate, that modified Kartoatmodjo model is the
best and accurate for saturated oil viscosity, while Beal’s model is the best for undersaturated oils.
The less AARE % was calculated 23.9% for saturated oil, and 21.9 % for undersaturated oil.
Key Words: Viscosity; model; sample; saturated oil; undersaturated oil.

Viscosity is a strong function of the temperature, pressure, oil gravity, gas gravity,
and gas solubility. Viscosity could be measured by two methods semi-theoretical which
are derived from a theoretical framework, but involve parameters experimentally determined,
or empirical, which include a wide variety of equations used throughout the industry.
Empirical models can be classified to corrective, which is an experimental mixture data
used for evaluation of model parameters, and predictive which is the properties of pure
components are utilized.
The viscosity is usually reported in standard PVT analyses. If laboratory data are not
available, engineers may refer to published correlations, which usually vary in complexity
and accuracy depending upon the available data. The viscosity of hydrocarbon mixtures
and petroleum reservoir fluids is commonly measured by either the rolling ball viscometer or
the capillary tube viscometer. In the rolling ball viscometer, the time required by the steel
ball to travel through the fluid is correlated to its density and viscosity. Other nonconventional
methods include the laser light scattering and the piezoelectric quartz crystal techniques.
The objective of this study is to apply an accurate correlations to predict oil viscosity
at various operating conditions. In the literature, several empirical correlations have been
proposed for oil viscosity prediction (saturated, and undersaturated). Here, based on Libyan
oil reservoirs data, accuracy of these correlations has been confirmed by comparing the
obtained results of these correlations with experimental data for Libyan oil samples. Statistical
analysis is the criteria adopted for the evaluation in this study.
PVT experimental data of fifteen samples include bubble point (saturated) pressure
Psi , API gravity and solution gas-oil ratio Scf/STB at reservoir temperature Fº. A typical
viscosity plot as a function of pressure is shown in Figure 1 (sample No 6). It can be seen
from Figure 1 that, the oil viscosity decreases with pressure reduction in single phase
(undersaturated condition). This reduction continues to bubble point. As the pressure
decreased below the bubble point pressure causes gas release. Therefore the oil viscosity
K. Rahuma, E. Edreder/Petroleum & Coal 55(2) 113-136,2013 134

has been increased. It can be concluded that the minimum value of the viscosity is at
bubble point pressure.

Statistical experimental data are shown in table 1. At pressures above bubble point
pressure, oil is at single-phase state, while its solution gas–oil is constant and it seems
that pressure will be the most effective in oil viscosity.
Table 1. Statistical experimental data of sample oils

Sample T F° Υ API° Pb psi Rs scf/stb P psi µob exp µo exp

1 170 48.7 1655 930 5015 0.4933 0.5767
2 184 36.51 3302 1382 4509 0.2888 0.4583
3 174.4 47.8 1560 800 5015 0.4342 0.5033
4 161 38.94 1400 521 5000 0.696 0.828
5 200 43.25 287 119 3015 0.7615 0.8761
6 131 37.5 375 173 3015 1.4304 1.8247
7 250 38.86 5935 1738 7015 0.5541 0.5931
8 270 30.41 3002 649 5206 0.662 0.739
9 167 42.183 340 138 3015 0.734 0.933
10 176 46.62 2445 1762 5000 0.29 0.44
11 210 35.7 495 90 3015 1.07 1.426
12 262.4 38.49 3130 864 5515 0.388 0.516
13 262 41.14 1525 536 5015 0.5362 0.6354
14 257.8 37.03 2805 1215.7 5615 0.4107 0.4711
15 285 42.08 3240 904 4515 0.408 0.45

Six correlations were used to predict the viscosity of saturated oil, including: Chew-
Connally [1], Beggs-Robinson[2], Labedi [3], Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt [4], modified
Kartoatmodjo [4], and Elsharkawy & Alikhan [5] correlations, the accuracy of each correlation
of predicted saturated oil viscosity was checked with experimental data table2 reveals
average relative error (ARE%), and absolute average relative error (AARE%) for saturated
oil viscosity.
Table 2 ARE% and AARE% for saturated oil viscosity
Model ARE(%) AARE(%)
The modified Kartoatmodjo 6.51867 23.9795
Elsharkawy & Alikhan 20.2973 24.0984
Chew & Connally 13.4312 25.2184
Beggs & Robinson 24.4467 27.0632
Kartoatmodjo & Schmidt 24.3451 32.7524
Labedi 19.8468 35.901
K. Rahuma, E. Edreder/Petroleum & Coal 55(2) 113-136,2013 135

The contradiction may be clarified by referring to figure 2, which compares the scatter
diagram relationship between the measured and the predicted viscosity.

Figure 2 Accuracy of modified Kartomodjo correlation

The accuracy and ability of modified Kartoatmodjo correlation for calculating oil
viscosity was checked with experimental data, and the %ARE , AARE% obtained,
6.51867%and 23.9795% respectively.
Six correlations were used to predict viscosity of undersaturated oil, these correlations
are: Beal , Vasquez and Beggs, Khan and Ali, Labedi , Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt, and
Elsharkawy and Alikhan. The accuracy of each correlation for undersaturated oil viscosity
predicted was checked with experimental data table 3 reveals average relative error
(ARE), absolute average relative Error (AARE) for undersaturated oil viscosity
correlations respectively.
Table 3 ARE% and AARE% for undersaturated oil viscosity
Model ARE(%) AARE(%)
Beal´s 11.5994 21.9456
Khan & Ali 3.48919 22.6405
Labedi 11.2513 22.6869
Elsharkawy & Alikhan 8.4213 24.5423
Kartoatmojo & Schmidt 19.3142 25.4266
Vasques &Beggs -14.188 36.8857
The accuracy and ability of Beal's correlation for calculating oil viscosity was checked
with experimental data, and the %ARE , AARE% obtained, 11.5994% and 21.9456%

Figure 3. accuracy of Beal's correlation

K. Rahuma, E. Edreder/Petroleum & Coal 55(2) 113-136,2013 136

4. Conclusion
Several empirical models for estimating the viscosity of crude oils (saturated and under-
saturated) have been evaluated using viscosity data of crude oils from the selected Libyan
oil reservoirs. Good agreements between the predicted and experimental values have
been observed. It can be concluded from results that, the modified Kartoatmodjo, and
Elsharkawy & Alikhan correlations are the best and accurate for saturated oil viscosities,
while Beal’s, and Khan & Ali correlations are preferred to get accurate results for under-
saturated oils. The less AARE% was calculated 23.9% for saturated oil, and 21.9 % for
undersaturated oil.
[1] Chew, J., Connally, C.A., 1959. Viscosity correlation for gas saturated crude oil.
Trans. AIME 216, 23–25.
[2] Beggs, H.D., Robinson, J.F: J. Pet. Tech., Sept. 1975, p. 1140-1141.
[3] Labedi: J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 8 . 1992 ,p. 221 – 234.
[4] Kartoatmodjo, F., Schmidt, Z.: Oil & Gas J. 4, 1994, p. 51-55.
[5] Elsharkawy, A.M, Alikhan, A.A. : Fuel, 78, 1999, p.891-903.
[6] Beal, C.: Trans, AIME, 165, 1946, p.94-112.
[7] Khan, S. A., et al., “Viscosity Correlations for Saudi Arabian Crude Oils,” SPE Paper
15720, Presented at the Fifth SPE Middle East Conference held in Manama, Bahrain,
March 7-10, 1987.

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