Utilization of Microalgal Bacterial Energy Nexus Improves - 2023 - Ecotoxicology
Utilization of Microalgal Bacterial Energy Nexus Improves - 2023 - Ecotoxicology
Utilization of Microalgal Bacterial Energy Nexus Improves - 2023 - Ecotoxicology
Edited by Professor Bing Yan Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and coal are primary contributors of
greenhouse gases leading to global climate change and warming. The toxicity of heavy metals and metalloids in
Keywords: the environment threatens ecological functionality, diversity and global human life. The ability of microalgae to
Carbon sequestration thrive in harsh environments such as industrial wastewater, polluted lakes, and contaminated seawaters presents
Carbon storage
new, environmentally friendly, and less expensive CO2 remediation solutions. Numerous microalgal species
grown in wastewater for industrial purposes may absorb and convert nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matter
into proteins, oil, and carbohydrates. In any multi-faceted micro-ecological system, the role of bacteria and their
interactions with microalgae can be harnessed appropriately to enhance microalgae performance in either
wastewater treatment or algal production systems. This algal-bacterial energy nexus review focuses on exam
ining the processes used in the capture, storage, and biological fixation of CO2 by various microalgal species, as
well as the optimized production of microalgae in open and closed cultivation systems. Microalgal production
depends on different biotic and abiotic variables to ultimately deliver a high yield of microalgal biomass.
1. Introduction demand for energy from fossil fuels is continuously increasing with the
growth in the world population in recent years, which has led to
Climate change and environmental safety action with growing water increased emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). However, using fossil
pollutants globally remain the most complex challenges that present and fuels is an environmentally unsustainable source because the GHGs
future generations of humankind face and raise several security risks. cause global warming (Sial et al., 2021). Since the late nineteenth cen
The evidence of security risks arising from these challenges in the Global tury, increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have reached their
South provides forward-looking perspectives on increasing the resil highest level in the last thirty-five years, particularly after 2010, due to
ience of affected individuals and communities. It is crucial to demon anthropogenic activities that have raised the earth’s average surface
strate different strategies as key elements to drive a transformation temperature by 1.1 ◦ C (Gür, 2022). One-third of total CO2 emissions are
toward greater sustainability and resilience (Thorn et al., 2023). The from fossil fuel combustion in power plants. The highest value of CO2
Abbreviations: CCS, Carbon Capture Storage; CO2, Carbon dioxide; C, Carbon; N, Nitrogen; P, Phosphorus; K, Potassium; HMs, Heavy metals and metalloids; CCM,
Carbon concentrating mechanism; GHG, Greenhouse gas; GHGs, Greenhouse Gases; HM, Heavy Metal; PBR, Photobioreactor; PBRs, Photobioreactors; RSW, Real
Swine Wastewater; RAB, Rotating Algal Biofilm; HRAPs, High-rate algal ponds; ABSs, Algal–bacterial systems; AST, Activated sludge treatment.
* Corresponding author at: Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Khan Institute of Sustainable Halophyte Utilization, University of Karachi, 75270, Pakistan.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Abideen), [email protected] (J.W.H. Yong).
Received 3 July 2023; Received in revised form 24 October 2023; Accepted 27 October 2023
Available online 6 November 2023
0147-6513/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
concentration, from 280 ppm to 420 ppm, in the last decade has led to In this review, we focus on utilizing the algal-bacterial energy nexus.
global climate change and biological extinction. Currently, over 33.1 GT This concept involves harnessing the synergistic relationship between
of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, including a significant portion of algae and bacteria to improve CO2 sequestration and other environ
carbon (C) associated with direct combustion (Qin et al., 2021). mental and energy-related benefits. Both algae and bacteria benefit from
The complex challenges associated with CO2 generation and emis the synergistic relationship between them (Sial et al., 2021). Organic
sions (increased by 1.7% annually) make them difficult to address and matter is produced by algae in the process of photosynthesis, which is
undermine the adaptive capacities of affected individuals and societies. then consumed by bacteria. By breaking down organic matter, bacteria
Climate change erodes agricultural production and disrupts food sup release nutrients and other compounds that enhance algae growth. This
plies (Nguyen et al., 2023). The Paris Agreement was ratified in 2016 to cyclical process enhances CO2 sequestration and biomass production
mitigate, adapt, and finance strategies to tackle GHG emissions. The efficiency. Besides, wastewater can be treated by algae, which absorb
agreement’s goal was to limit global warming to 1.5 ◦ C. Given the nutrients and contaminants, and by bacteria, which break down organic
current situation, the World Meteorological Organization envisages that substances (Jiang et al., 2021). This article reviews the processes used in
the global average temperature will be raised to 3–5 ◦ C by 2100 (Gebel CO2 capture, storage, and biological fixation by various microalgae
et al., 2022). Therefore, the strategies to deal with CO2 emissions species. It also reviews microalgae production in open and closed
involve: cultivation systems. The growing concern for the increase of global
warming effects raises the challenge of finding novel technological ap
• Reduction of non-renewable energy sources such as the use of fossil proaches to stabilize CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Biological- CO2
fuels. mitigation, triggered through biological fixation, is considered a prom
• Optimize and enhance low-C emission renewable energy sources, ising and eco-sustainable method. Due to their faster growth, microor
including carbon-neutral technologies. ganisms such as cyanobacteria, green algae, and some autotrophic
• Utilization of carbon capture and storage as post-treatment bacteria could potentially fix CO2 more efficiently than higher plants.
technologies. Biological CO2 mitigation intensively studied in the last few years is
related to the possibility of performing carbon dioxide sequestration
Recent research has described carbon dioxide capture storage (CCS) using microalgae, obtaining, at the same time, bioproducts of industrial
and sequestration technologies. Therefore, there is a need to achieve interest. This paper presents the current scenario regarding microalgal
environmental and economic sustainability. For example, future fuel CO2 fixation, their cultivation, processing, and applications to be
production processes must be renewable and capable of sequestering economically competitive with other biomitigation. The major objective
atmospheric carbon dioxide. So, shifting from fossil fuels to low-carbon was to provide sufficient information about the role of microalgal or
fuels becomes the highest priority. The most effective ways to reduce ganisms in sequestering CO2 more efficiently compared to higher plants.
CO2 emissions are to improve the energy efficiency of each economic
sector and to reduce the cutting of tropical and temperate forests around 2. Microalgae and its advantages
the world (Tang et al., 2022). These methods, however, may not be able
to control CO2 emissions due to various political and socio-economic Microalgae are regarded as one of the most important photosynthetic
barriers, so other more innovative and less well-defined CO2 mitiga resources on the planet. Nearly half of the global photosynthesis activity
tion measures are required. The most practical of these innovations is to is done by microalgae. Photosynthesis is a crucial component for the
increase CO2 sinks through photosynthesis, including increased carbon survival of autotrophic microalgae, as the microalgae consume CO2 and
storage in standing tree biomass, the substitution of fossil fuels with solar radiation to produce energy. Microalgae treatment methods using
biofuels, an increase in soil carbon sequestration, and an increase in soil photosynthesis have recently gained much attention to lower CO2 con
primary productivity (Zahoor et al., 2022). Microalgae can be exten centrations in the atmosphere and creating a clean environment (Munir
sively used to capture CO2 from power plants, steel, cement, oil, auto et al., 2021). The microalgal photosynthesis process has the highest CO2
mobiles, and many other industries. The resulting algal biomass can be fixation rate among the biological processes, with no further disposal
used not only for biofuel production but also for various industrial requirement for trapped CO2. After removing CO2 from the atmosphere,
products. Besides giving environmental and economic benefits, large microalgal photosynthesis also produces lipid-rich biomass as a source
scale algae cultivation can create millions of jobs at different levels of of energy. However, little research has been conducted on using the
society (Tarafdar et al., 2023). Much work has been done on carbon microalgal photosynthesis process to reduce CO2 concentrations in the
sequestration and algae biofuel production, but it still needs much environment (Sharif et al., 2021). The rapid growth of microalgae in a
research to meet the increasing energy demand. We hope that biofuel photobioreactor (PBR) to efficiently consume CO2 is another benefit of a
will replace fossil fuels to a larger extent and reduce atmospheric CO2 to microalgae-engineered treatment system. The conversion of CO2 by
combat Global warming (Nguyen et al., 2023). microalgae into food derivatives, food additives, and biofuels helps
Renewable energy sources are considered an alternative to fossil ensure efficient CO2 circulation in the atmosphere. Effective microalgal
fuels due to low C footprints (Yadav and Mondal, 2022). Biological CCS photosynthesis can achieve CO2 sequestration from flue gas and biogas
technologies have gained popularity due to their ability to convert C (Hasnain et al., 2022c).
sources into valuable products (Daneshvar et al., 2022; Shahbaz et al., The removal of inorganic elements in wastewater, including N and P,
2021). Bioethanol and biodiesel are currently available renewable en is critical. Microalgae have proven beneficial in eliminating inorganic
ergy sources from conventional crops. However, crop production and contaminants by utilizing them for their growth. Therefore, microalgae
price pose a real challenge for these sources. Therefore, biofuel pro can be considered for tertiary wastewater treatment (Khilji et al., 2022).
duction from microalgae could be a potential source that does not Tertiary wastewater treatment is costlier than primary treatment due to
interfere with human food (Onyeaka et al., 2021). Microalgal cultivation the massive investment. As a result, microalgal culture growth offers a
has advantages over crop-based production, such as high biomass pro cost-effective solution for tertiary water treatment while reducing CO2
duction, less land cultivation requirement, and low cost per yield. CO2, concentration. Furthermore, microalgae treatment has proven effective
water, nutrients, and sunlight are required to grow microalgae, but in removing heavy metals (HMs) and toxic contamination from waste
water and inorganic nutrients are limiting factors in using microalgae as water (Munir et al., 2023). So, the microalgae system provides an
a biofuel source. Effluent wastewater contains nitrogen (N) and phos affordable and optimized solution for water ecosystem management. In
phorus (P) as the primary nutrients for microalgae cultivation. Hence, addition, low capital investment, lower operating costs, and low energy
the same process can achieve effluent wastewater treatment and consumption make the microalgae-engineered system a favorable option
microalgae cultivation (Bolognesi et al., 2022). for wastewater treatment (Alami et al., 2021b).
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
3. Microalgal-bacterial nexus could be determined from the carbon content of the microalgal cell
(Razzak et al., 2013). Microalgae can grow in poor-quality water, from
The microalgal-bacterial nexus, which combines algae and bacteria, manure to industrial waste to seawater, by using CO2 and carbonates.
is an effective solution to tackle increasing atmospheric CO2 (Viswa Moreover, microalgae can fix up to 50% of CO2 with SO and NO from
naathan et al., 2022). The ability of microalgae to absorb and convert exhaust gases and show a 40% increase in growth. Table 1 shows the
CO2 into organic biomass makes them well known for their impressive CO2 fixation potential of various microalgae (Priyadharsini et al., 2022).
photosynthetic rates. The CO2 fixation process can be significantly Spirulina sp. can withstand 50% less growth while increasing biomass,
enhanced when combined with certain bacterial strains. For example, proteins, pigments, lipids, and carbohydrate content by 20%. Various
organic compounds can be decomposed by bacteria, releasing carbon microalgae have shown diverse tolerance limits and fixation abilities
dioxide as a result, which microalgae can use for carbon. Furthermore, (250–1000 mg/L/d) (J. Q. Cheng et al., 2018; J. Cheng et al., 2018).
some bacteria release growth-promoting compounds that stimulate algal Sydney et al. (2014) concluded Dunaliella sp. (273 mg/L/d), Chlorella sp.
proliferation, creating a symbiotic relationship. With this relationship, (251 mg/L/d), Spirulina sp. (320 mg/L/d), Botryococcus sp. (498
carbon sequestration is maximized, particularly when organic wastes mg/L/d), and Chlorococcum sp. (1000 mg/L/d) for bulk production.
are used (Smith and Thompson, 2018; Viswanaathan et al., 2022).
Algal-bacterial systems can demonstrate their full potential in 5. Heavy metal uptake and microalgae-based wastewater
wastewater treatment plants. In such treatment facilities, organic pol treatment
lutants and abundant nutrients are combined to create a favorable
environment for both bacterial decomposition and algal growth (Vis Industrial development generates approximately 14 billion liters of
wanaathan et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023). By incorporating an wastewater daily, high in nutrients and CO2. Annual production of
algal-bacterial tandem system into these wastewater treatment setups, it wastewater from municipal, agricultural, and industrial aspects is huge
becomes feasible to tackle dual environmental issues concurrently: and contains excessive nutrients, and improper treatment may lead to
ever-increasing CO2 emissions and wastewater purification. During the environmental problems such as eutrophication of water bodies.
breakdown of organic contaminants, bacteria release CO2 as well as Currently, conventional wastewater treatment technologies are mainly
providing the microalgae with a constant source of carbon. In addition based on physical, chemical, and biological methods, such as activated
to ensuring clean water output, this intricate process reduces waste sludge to remove organic matter and nutrients and adsorption to remove
water treatment’s carbon footprint significantly (Martinez Kim, 2019; heavy metals. However, these methods have the disadvantages of a large
Viswanaathan et al., 2022). Despite the promise of the land area, high energy consumption, and a large amount of activated
microalgal-bacterial nexus in environmental remediation, its large-scale sludge discharge (Srimongkol et al., 2022). Besides, the nutrients in
deployment can be challenging. For example, the stability of such wastewater have not been effectively recycled, resulting in a waste of
intricate systems is paramount, especially when exposed to changing resources that could be recycled. However, microalgae-based waste
environmental conditions. Researchers are also studying the optimal water treatment technology is a promising technology that can replace
algae-to-bacteria ratio that will maximize CO2 capture while decom conventional treatment methods. Microalgae have various characteris
posing waste efficiently. Choosing compatible microalgae and bacteria tics, such as high photosynthetic efficiency, fast reproduction speed, and
species is crucial to ensuring that they coexist productively and effi strong environmental adaptability, and can convert nutrients in waste
ciently. Despite these challenges, the cost-effective and environmentally water into algal biomass. Therefore, it is considered an ideal biological
beneficial algal-bacterial system is an area of significant interest in both material for comprehensively utilizing wastewater (Hashmi et al.,
the academic and industrial sectors (Chen and Gupta, 2020). 2023). Algal remediation is an operative technique that remediates
wastewater by assimilating HMs and lethal organic contaminants, which
4. CO2 capture and fixation by microalgae have an extraordinary tolerance for HMs. Industrial wastewater (except
agro and food wastewater) contains toxic contaminants and low content
CO2 capturing and fixation by microalgae is preferred for seques of nutrients, which suppress algal biomass.
tration, as microalgae fix CO2 10 times greater than plants. Approxi Furthermore, deceased microalgae can remediate HMs from the
mately 280 tons/ha/year of microalgae sequester 514 tons of CO2 by water via biosorption, biodegradation, bioaccumulation, etc. (Fig. 1),
consuming 10% solar energy (Song et al., 2019). Microalgae can absorb but with less efficiency than living algal cells (Liu and Hong, 2021).
CO2 from flue gas produced by industries and fix more than 66 Gt of C Various heavy metals such as Cu+2, Zn+2, Ni+2, Fe+2, and many others
per year, equal to 66,000 of 500 MW-producing plants with a fast are effectively utilized as micronutrients for microalgae. This metallic
growth rate (Alami et al., 2021a). Microalgae use three different inor content is vital for microalgae cell metabolic activity. However, other
ganic carbon assimilation pathways: (1) direct carbon dioxide assimi heavy metals such as mercury, titanium, cadmium, silver, and gold are
lation via the plasmatic membrane, (2) the use of bicarbonate by not helpful for microalgae growth and behave as toxins for metabolic
inducing the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which converts HCO3 to CO2, activity. Microalgae are promising and effective in bioremediation due
and (3) the direct transport of bicarbonate via the plasmatic membrane. to outstanding attributes such as survival in harsh environments, ease of
PH measurements can evaluate the control of CO2 feeding to minimize growth, superb binding affinity, effective area, and ecological friendli
the loss of CO2. As a result, CO2 fixation using microalgae can reduce ness, and dead microalgae can be used for many other purposes (Gos
CO2 emissions from power plants, which has a positive environmental wami et al., 2022). Numerous binding groups, such as carboxyl, thiol,
impact. The efficiency of CO2 removal or fixation in a closed cultivation hydroxyl, and acyl, are present in the algal surface and cytoplasm to
system depends on (1) microalgal species, (2) CO2 concentration, (3) endorse metal biosorption. HMs attach to these groups via ion exchange,
photobioreactor design, and (4) operating conditions (Razzak et al., replacing calcium, sodium, and potassium (K). Metal ions excretion from
2017). Chlorella vulgaris possesses a maximum CO2 removal efficiency of the algal cell wall also produces proline, metallothioneins, and gluta
55.3% at 0.15% CO2 in a membrane photobioreactor, and Spirulina sp. thione to preclude cell damage by metals. HMs accumulate within the
and Scenedesmus obliquus possess a maximum CO2 removal efficiency of algal cell via bioaccumulation and inhibit photosynthesis and growth.
27–38% and 7–13%, respectively, in a three serial tubular photo However, ion exchange, chelation, and adsorption are effective mech
bioreactor. However, their CO2 fixation efficiencies were reduced to anisms to overcome the toxicity of HMs by converting them into
7–17% and 4–9% under 12% CO2 aeration (Cheng et al., 2006). In other non-toxic forms (Bădescu et al., 2018; Bulgariu, 2020; Lucaci et al.,
words, the CO2 removal efficiency and fixation depend on the micro 2020). Microalgae-mediated detoxification is carried out by binding HM
algal species due to the physiological conditions of microalgae, such as to an internal organelle, transporting it to the vacuole, and excreting it
the potential for cell growth and CO2 metabolism. The CO2 fixation rate by an efflux pump (Goswami et al., 2022) (Fig. 2).
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
Table 1
CO2 fixation by different microalgae.
Microalgae Optimal Conditions CO2 CO2 Fixation References
concentration (%) (g/L/d)
Anabaena sp. At 25 oC, 7 pH, light intensity 12 h light/12 h dark, providing 3000 μE m− 2 s− 1 as maximal 10 1.1 (Li et al., 2022)
incident irradiance on the photo-bioreactor’s surface.
Botryococcus sp. At 25 oC in 1-L Erlenmeyer glass flasks under 12 h light/12 h dark to simulate diurnal light 5 0.50 (Dutta et al., 2022)
with fluorescent lamps of 60 µmol photons m-2 s-1 light intensity 10 0.31
Chlorella sp. At 30 ◦ C in 110 mL glass bubble columns, photobioreactors 10 0.26 (Priyadharsini
10 0.23 et al., 2022)
5 0.71
C. sorokiniana At 30 ◦ C, 7.5 pH with an illumination intensity of 4000 Lux 4 0.24 (Do et al., 2022)
Chlorella vulgaris At 30 ◦ C in 110 mL glass bubble columns photobioreactors for 7 days. Agitation during 5 0.26 (Dasan et al., 2020)
microalgae cultivation was provided by bubbling CO2-enriched air through a needle. 0.10 3.56
Illumination was provided by four fluorescent lamps on one side of the photobioreactors at an 1 6.31
irradiance level of 70 µmol m–2 s–1 5 0.15
2 0.42
Dunaliella sp. At 25˚C, 8 pH with 30 μE m-2 s-1 of light intensity under the LED fluorescent light 5 0.28 (Goswami et al.,
3 0.33 2021a)
10 0.28
15 6.12
Euglena sp. 3.5 pH, 27 ◦ C, and 480 ± 10 µmol m–2 s–1 10 0.07 (Kim et al., 2022)
Nannochloropsis at 30 ◦ C, 7.5 pH under 20 μmol m–2 s–1 light 10 0.27 (Alami et al.,
sp. 2021b)
Chlorella vulgaris At 25 ◦ C, 7.5 pH under 80 μmol m–2 s–1 light - 0.29 (Paul et al., 2021)
Coelastrella sp. - 0.20
Chlorella - 0.11
Scenedesmus sp. - 0.21
Spirulina sp. At 30 ◦ C, 7.5 pH under 200 μmol m–2 s–1 light 5 0.32 (Shen et al., 2021)
6 0.23
2 − 1
Scenedesmus sp. At 25 ± 1 ◦ C, 7.5 pH, illuminated with 90 μmol m− s fluorescent light 12 0.15 (Satpati and Pal,
15 4.5 2021)
2.2 1.21
10 0.54
20 0.41
10 0.29
2.5 0.37
10 0.22
Similarly, Chlorella minutissima removed 62% zinc, 84% manganese, Chinnasamy et al. (2010) obtained 18 tons of biomass per hectare per
74% cadmium, and 84% copper. Cladophora sp. removed 99% copper year and 68% oil with 97% nutrient removal from Botryococcus. braunii
and 85% zinc from oil ponds. Cladophora sp. was also used to remove and Chlorella sp. using 90% carpet mill and 10% municipal wastewater.
arsenic from drinking water in India. Oedogonium sp. removed 46% Wang et al. (2010) remediated 87% aluminum, 23% calcium, 100%
copper, 34% nickel, 48% zinc, and 50% cobalt in acid mine drainages. iron, 98% magnesium, 100 manganese, and 57% zinc from municipal
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
wastewater by cultivating Chlorella sp. for 15 days. In another study, bacteria and fungi due to their lower nutrient requirements and higher
Chlorella sp. removed 88% BOD, 82% COD, 70% nitrogen, and 60% biosorption efficacy (15 – 85%). Usually, innate algal strains are chosen
phosphorus in 15 days from effluent (Ho et al., 2019). Khilji et al. (2022) for wastewater treatment due to their greater resilience towards envi
removed 44% chlorides, 54% chromium, 58% cadmium, and 59% lead ronmental stresses and high growth rate.
in leather effluent after 45 days by using ZnO-NPs synthesized from
Oedogonium sp. C. vulgaris removed 79% of the chromium from leather 6. Heavy metal effects on the algal metabolites
effluent in 120 h (Mirza et al., 2021). Scenedesmus sp. removed 99%
phosphate and 87% ammonium from sludge (Chen et al., 2019). With an Biofuel generation, along with waste management, is a very
effective biomass gain under suitable conditions (for example, economical and eco-friendly strategy. Algal uptake of metals has trig
3.9 g/L/d), Chlorella sp. can remediate many types of wastewater. gered algal metabolites (lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates) (Hasnain
Table 2 provides a summary of various algal species with HMs removal et al., 2022a). C. minutissima abolished cadmium, copper, zinc, and
efficacies. Microalgae are the most cost-effective biosorbents than manganese via intracellular accumulation with extracellular
Table 2
Metal and metalloid ion removal efficiency by microalgae in wastewater.
Wastewater Microalgae Optimal Conditions Metal/ Removal Mechanism References
metalloid efficacy (%)
Smelter Spirulina sp. At 25–30 ◦ C, light intensity of 1500–2000 Lux, 14 h Copper 91 Biosorption (Chojnacka et al., 2004)
Wastewater light/10 h dark cycles, and regular air injection.
Raceway pound At 3 pH over 100 h Chromium 77 (Kiran et al., 2017)
Mine wastewater At 35 oC, under illumination (32.7 W m-2) with a Calcium 98 Adsorption (Spiridon et al., 2011)
photoperiod of 12 h light and 12 h dark.
Padina Waste P.capillacea at 27 oC on a shaker for 120 min at 1 pH Chromium 100 Sorption (H. S.R.M.S.R. Mohamed
et al., 2019; H.S.
Mohamed et al., 2019)
Wastewater Chlamydomonas White fluorescent lamps Illumination was provided with Neodymium 100 Adsorption (Heilmann et al., 2015)
sp. a light intensity of 150 μmol m− 2 s− 1 and a light/dark
cycle of 16:8 h. The temperature was 26 ℃ with 6 pH for
4 days.
Battery Scenedesmus sp. At 7 pH Lithium 90 (Kashyap et al., 2021)
Graphene Chloroidium sp. At 30 ◦ C and illuminated at 25–40 μmol m-2 s-1 80 (Ahmad et al., 2019)
Municipal Chlorella sp. At 7 pH, 150 rpm under continuous illumination at 100 Calcium 56 Biosorption (Wang et al., 2010)
wastewater μmol m-2 s-1 at 26 ◦ C for one week. Magnesium 57
Zinc 62 Adsorption (Manzoor et al., 2019)
Manganese 84
Copper 74
Cadmium 84
Chromium 85
Tannery effluent Scenedesmus sp. At 27 ◦ C, continuous cool white fluorescent lamps Calcium 59 Biosorption (Venkatesan and
Illumination was provided 4000 lux with a dark/light Magnesium 29 Sathiavelu, 2022)
period of 16:8 h for 12 days. Chromium 60
Drinking water Cladophora sp. At 5 pH with 40 μmol m− 2 s − 1, temperature 18 ◦ C, Arsenic 100 (Ji et al., 2012)
Oil sands tailings light/dark 12:12 h. Copper 99
Cadmium 78
Zinc 85
Petrochemical Mixed culture At 30 ◦ C under continuous light for 15 days Copper 94 Ion (Cechinel et al., 2018)
wastewater Nickel 94 exchange
Zinc 93
Wastewater Ulva sp. At 5 pH, the contact time was 120 min at 30 ◦ C. Chromium 96 Biosorption (Ibrahim et al., 2016)
Industrial Dunaliela sp. At 2 pH, 25 ◦ C, Continuous illumination was provided by Cadmium 74 (Mofeed, 2017)
wastewater cool white fluorescent light (2000 lux)
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
immobilization and triggered lipid production of up to 21% by cadmium algal strains and their CO2 fixation potential. Eloka-Eboka and Inambao
and 94% by copper (Ahmed et al., 2022). The growth rate of Dunaliella (2017) conducted a comparison study among four algal strains. They
sp. was increased by lead, aluminum, and cobalt, while Nostoc sp. was concluded Dunaliella sp. was more effective in CO2 fixation than
triggered by arsenic. Cobalt-enhanced proteins (34 mg/L) and lipids C. vulgaris, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and Synechococcus sp., while C.
(10 mg/L) are present at a concentration of 0.001 mg/g in Tetraselmis vulgaris accumulated the highest biomass. However, several researchers
sp. (Dammak et al., 2022). Table 3 shows the effects of HMs on algal (e.g., Sadeghizadeh et al., 2017; Senatore et al., 2021) have shown that
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. A small quantity of HMs plays an Chlorella sp. has a greater capacity to fix C (up to 2 g/L/d) because it can
important role in the cellular functions of microalgae, such as iron and withstand high CO2 concentrations (0.05 – 19%) with high photosyn
copper in the electron transport chain, manganese in the water oxidizing thesis efficacy and a better growth rate than other algal strains, it is,
center during photosynthesis, cobalt in vitamins, and zinc in carbonic therefore, the best strain for CO2 fixation.
anhydrase, which act as cofactors in CO2 fixation and RNA polymerase
for transcription (Dammak et al., 2022). 7.2. Cultivation duration
Many studies have shown that wastewater can not only realize the
reuse of wastewater itself but can also transform and obtain a large Microalgae cultivation duration varies from 5 to 30 days, depending
amount of biomass, especially in producing microalgae biofuels and on the selected algal strain and cultivation conditions. Takabe et al.
other applications, which has great application prospects. Treating all (2016) reported that 3 days were enough for maximum biomass
types of wastewater requires huge capital investment, and the win-win (15 g/m2/d) of Chlorophyceae under 25 ◦ C and 8 MJ/m2/d irradiation in
for producing microalgae biomass would be to reduce treatment costs effluent with CO2 addition. Moreover, the mixed microalgae consortium
while purifying wastewater. in coffee industry waste was identified after 5 days of cultivation (Wong
et al., 2022). However, the cultivation duration was extended to 45 days
7. Factors that influence algal cultivation in wastewater and in leather industrial wastewater for efficient heavy metal removal (Khilji
CO2 uptake et al., 2022).
Microalgae cultivation and CO2 uptake are influenced by numerous 7.3. Nutrients
factors, some of which positively or negatively influence algal growth,
such as algal strain and growth, temperature, pH, CO2 concentration, Microalgae generally need nutrients like C, N, P, and K, with addi
light, nutrients, and flue gas composition. tional selective requirements like iron and magnesium depending on the
algal strain. The preferred form of N is ammonium (< 100 mg/L), which
7.1. Algal strains requires little energy to assimilate and be absorbed by microalgae
(Valdovinos-García et al., 2021). Chlorella pyrenoidosa growth is
The first and most dangerous step is selecting an algal species for a inhibited by ammonium concentrations greater than 100 mg/L. Scene
specific use that can be cultivated on a large scale, is native, and can desmus sp. and Chlorella sp. are adaptable and tolerant to different
survive in fluctuating ecological conditions while producing a lot of wastewaters, efficiently remove nutrients, and yield 14 g/L and 10 g/L
biomass. B. braunii, Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. are superlative of biomass, respectively, in food waste, which contains 600 mg/L of
entrants to mitigate CO2 and fuel production. As different microalgae ammonia (Kwon et al., 2020). Chlorella sp. thrives in nature due to its
have different CO2 sequestration mechanisms, Table 1 lists additional ability to grow in both light and darkness while utilizing C, nitrate, or
Table 3
Heavy metal-triggered effects on algal metabolites.
Microalgae Metal/metalloid Quantity Lipids Carbohydrates (DW) Protein Reference
A. coffeaeformis Copper 10 mg/L 200 mg/L 449 µg/L 350 µg/L (Anantharaj et al., 2011)
Cadmium 10 mg/L 170 mg/L 381 µg/L 250 µg/L
Anabaena sp. Copper 0.07 mg/L 24 mg/g - - (El-Sheekh et al., 2005)
Iron 3.7 mg/L - -
Lead 0.064 mg/L - -
Manganese 0.068 mg/L - -
C. fontana Copper 0.07 mg/L 11 mg/g 270 µg/mg - (Fawzy and Issa, 2016)
Iron 3.7 mg/L - -
Lead 0.064 mg/L - -
Manganese 0.068 mg/L - -
Pavlova sp. Copper 0.05 mg/L - - 5 × 106 /Cells (Lourie et al., 2010)
Zinc 0.65 mg/L - - 3 × 106 /Cells
Chlorella sp. Iron 1 × 10-5 mol/L 57% - - (Brar et al., 2022)
Cobalt 10-9 M - - 0.6 µg/mg
Copper 10-9 M - - 0.7 µg/mg
Zinc 10-9 M - - 1.5 µg/mg
Spirulina sp. Lead 0.2 mg/L - - 100% (Chojnacka et al., 2004)
Copper 0.2 mg/L - - 90%
Zinc 0.2 mg/L - - 100%
Scenedesmus sp. Cadmium 0.1 mM 63 mg/g 125 mg/g 60% (Apandi et al., 2022)
Nannochloropsis sp. Arsenic 3.1 mg/L 26% - - (Goswami et al., 2021b)
Cadmium 0.6 mg/L 22% - -
Chromium 5.2 mg/L 26% - -
Copper 5.2 mg/L 21% - -
Cobalt 0.64 mg/L 21% 300 µg/mg -
Lead 2.16 mg/L 22% - -
Nickel 10 mg/L 29%
Mercury 0.4 mg/L 22% - -
Zinc 17.6 mg/L 24% 310 µg/mg -
Selenium 0.4 mg/L 22% - -
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
ammonia in various pH ranges. Scenedesmus obliquus was grown in recommended (Kong et al., 2021). Nannochloris sp. grows well at less
sugar mill effluent with a nutrient ratio of 0.1 C: 0.07 N: 0.04 P and than 100 ppm NO (Suresh and Benor, 2020). Dunaliella sp. can remove
yielded 1.3 g/L of biomass (Hernández-García et al., 2019). Chlorella sp. 96% of the NO, 15% of the CO2, and 185 ppm of SO (Viswanaathan
yields 100 tons/ha/year by sequestering 1500 tons C/ha/year in open et al., 2022), while Tetraselmis sp. utilized 15% of the CO2, 186 ppm of
culture (Koyande et al., 2019). Table 4 lists the nutrient removal effi SO, and 124 ppm of NO from the flue gas (Nishshanka et al., 2022).
ciency of algal species in wastewater. Similarly, Chlorella sp. removed 74% of CO2 from flue gas produced by
At a 0.2 g/L growth rate, approximately 27% lipids, 29% proteins, the oil manufacturing industry (Hariz et al., 2019).
and 28% carbohydrates were extracted from municipal wastewater
cultivated with Chlorella sp., with 71% COD, 82% ammonium, and 94%
7.5. Light properties
phosphate removal rates (Ansari et al., 2019). Krzemińska et al. (2019)
extracted 45% lipids from Auxenochlorella protothecoides, including 35%
Light plays a vital role in biomolecule synthesis in microalgae,
oleic acid, 39% linoleic acid, and 9% palmitic acid. Moreover, Hasnain
making light intensity, spectrum quality, and photoperiod the main
et al. (2022c) improved the biodiesel quality of Oedogonium sp., Ulo
concerns during cultivation. In large-scale cultivation, 1000 lux is suf
thrix sp., Cladophora sp., and Spirogyra sp. with metabolite content
ficient for growth and can be increased to 10,000 lux, but overheating
(proteins, pigments, carbohydrates, and lipids) by using waste molasses
causes photoinhibition and hinders photosynthesis, ultimately halting
as cultivation media. Table 5 shows the nutrients’ utilization and lipid
algal growth (Levin et al., 2021). Red and blue light are mainly rec
recovery during microalgae cultivation in wastewater.
ommended, as they have active quotas to assist in photosynthesis. The
biomass of Chlorella sp. was 0.029 g/L/d at 9 W/m. However, fluores
7.4. Temperature cent lamps with 50 W are used to treat industrial waste with microalgae
(Chankhong et al., 2018). The light intensity can be amplified using
Temperature affects CO2 uptake and nutrient solubility; when tem more lamps based on wastewater quantity. The 12 hr light to 12 hr dark
perature increases, the solubility of CO2 decreases. Moreover, in open ratio is normally applied during research. Algal pig and brewery waste
ponds, CO2 escapes into the air. Temperature influences the metabolic treatment has been provided under 24-hour light (S. S. Wang et al.,
activities of microalgae by affecting the cell composition, CO2 uptake, 2022; Y. Wang et al., 2022; S.-K. Wang et al., 2022). Nevertheless, a
nutrients, and algal growth. The optimum temperature for microalgae 14:10 hr ratio was provided for soybeans and an 11:13 hr ratio for
growth is between 20 and 35 ◦ C. Even though algal growth surges with recalcitrant processes. Different algal strains amend themselves ac
high temperatures, photorespiration destructively affects algal produc cording to light fluctuations (Büchel, 2020).
tion (Hasnain et al., 2022b). Fan et al. (2014) concluded that 28 ◦ C was
the optimal temperature for photosynthesis because algal growth dou 8. Synergistic effect of algal–bacterial co-cultivation in
bles in 12 h and drops from 28 ◦ C to 33 ◦ C. Although algal growth varies wastewater
with algal strains, H. pluvialis grows vigorously at low temperatures
(15 ◦ C) (Perera et al., 2021), whereas Spirulina sp. grows between 28 and The combination of algae and bacteria in a co-cultivation system has
35 ◦ C (Hadiyanto et al., 2021). The temperature range for Chlorella sp. in been shown to be highly effective in removing contaminants and pro
wastewater cultivation is 25–27 ◦ C, but 30 ◦ C for Scenedesmus sp. moting algal biomass growth. This is due to the synergistic cooperation
(Dahmen-Ben Moussa et al., 2021). between the two, which involves the exchange of carbon (refractory
Compared to pure CO2, a direct supply of flue gas to algal culture organics, carbon dioxide) and the promotion of beneficial metabolites.
increased biomass by 30% due to the additional nutrients such as nitrate Algal-bacterial treatment systems have been widely proven to be an
and sulfur. However, the growth of some microalgae is stopped by flue efficient and economical way of achieving this symbiotic association.
gas with 50 ppm SO; hence, flue gas with less than 50 ppm SO is The successful partnership could be attributed to the synergistic
Table 4
Nutrients removal from wastewater by microalgae.
Microalgae Wastewater Pretreatment Cultivation Light Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus COD Reference
period (day) intensity dioxide (%) (%) (%)
(μmol m-2 s-1) (%)
light (h):
dark (h)
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
Table 5
Nutrients utilization and lipid content of microalgae in wastewater.
Wastewater Microalgae Nutrients utilization by microalgae Biomass (mg/ Lipid References
L) (%)
Ammonium (mg/ Nitrogen (mg/ Protein (mg/
L) L) L)
Municipal wastewater Chlorella sp. 87 133 215 1180 11 (Lam et al., 2017)
Metropolitan wastewater 265 291 531 1060 10.5 (Li et al., 2011)
Centrate wastewater 126 131 56 3011 10.8 (Ren et al., 2017)
Pig wastewater C. zofingiensis - 149 157 2960 37 (Zhu et al., 2013)
- 140 147 2861 34
- 138 145 2006 35
Dairy wastewater C. vulgaris 69 70 62 1871 11 (Khalaji et al., 2021)
C. zofingiensis 6 11 16 145 18 (Huo et al., 2012)
Chlorella sp. 113 172 14 1711 14 (Y.-K.Y.-K. Choi et al., 2018; K.-J. Choi
99 129 19 1392 10 et al., 2018)
Alcohol wastewater C. pyrenoidosa 170 189 47 2151 38 (Yang et al., 2015)
Coke manufacturing C. vulgaris 169 884 121 1252 40 (Chen and Chang, 2018)
Brewery wastewater C. vulgaris 171 91 19 2263 27 (Farooq et al., 2013)
coordination between the two kingdoms of microorganisms (Zhong growth. Hence, in algal-bacterial coordination, wastewater can be
et al., 2021). Bacteria, often called probiotics, break down refractory treated without oxygen supply along with CO2 absorption from the air
organics. They also secrete beneficial metabolites that promote bacterial (Fig. 3). Moreover, bacteria convert dead microalgae into dissolved
growth and enhance removal efficiency. Algae, on the other hand, organic matter to make wastewater more nutritious for algal bacterial
produce oxygen and consume CO2, creating a closed carbon source. The growth (Jimenez-Bambague et al., 2021). Table 6 shows the efficacy of
extracellular organic matter produced by the algae-bacterial system al nutrient removal from wastewater by an algal bacterial consortium. The
lows for higher polysaccharide production, providing nutrients for the improved algal biomass is then used to make valuable products like fuel
algae and bacteria in the system by transporting them to the extracel (Hasnain et al., 2021), phycochar (Abideen et al., 2022), and bio
lular environment. Notably, the co-cultivation of mono-algae and fertilizers (Jakhar et al., 2022). Fig. 3 depicts a simplified algal-bacterial
mono-bacteria also significantly improves microalgal biomass and system. The combination of methanophiles and microalgae oxidized
removal efficiency. Moreover, bacteria in wastewater treatment systems methane from wastewater and prevented it from escaping into the at
may be profitable for enhancing algal-based remediation (Viswanaathan mosphere (Jiang et al., 2022). Tetradesmus sp. removed 80% nitrogen,
et al., 2022). 70% phosphorus, and 98% pharmaceuticals, mainly atenolol, bisopro
Algal-bacterial synergy enhances carbon capture in wastewater lol, citalopram, and diltiazem, from wastewater (Pacheco et al., 2020).
bioremediation and facilitates biofuel production from their biomass. Algal-bacterial systems (ABSs) have been widely used since the mid-
This synergy holds significant potential in biorefinery operations, twentieth century to treat nutrient-rich wastewater. Research has shown
environmental remediation, carbon sequestration, and high-value that methane-oxidizing bacteria and microalgae can effectively remove
compound synthesis. Moreover, it offers applications in controlling methane from anaerobically treated wastewater that would otherwise
blooms, eliminating dyes, formulating agricultural biofertilizers, and be released into the atmosphere. However, the biological degradation of
producing bioplastics (Yong et al., 2020). Specifically, the methanol or methane using closed algal-bacterial photobioreactors re
microalgal-bacterial consortium exhibited superior efficiency in quires the supply of external oxygen or inorganic carbon, making this
removing nitrogen, phosphorus, COD, and color in batch-scale treat technique inefficient and needing further refinement (Sial et al., 2021).
ment. Notably, the consortium achieved remarkable removal rates: A novel method involves the use of algal-bacterial biofilm formation
58.57% nitrate, 86.42% phosphate, and 91.5% COD, alongside signifi systems. These systems are easy to cultivate, relatively self-contained
cant chlorophyll and bacterial dry cell weight yields. Conversely, compared to suspended systems, and simple to harvest. However,
single-stage treatment (algae only) achieved a commendable 41.54% applying this sewage treatment system on a larger scale is still far off
color removal. These findings highlight the cost-effective treatment (Qian et al., 2023). One of the challenges in using algal-bacterial biofilm
potential of this method for real textile wastewater, yielding valuable systems is that light access is limited to the photic zone, just a few
biomass for biofertilizers and energy-efficient applications (Raza et al., hundred millimeters below the water surface, which requires larger
2022). Using glucose and sodium acetate as co-substrates in the culti surface systems. Certain engineering-based studies are needed to over
vation of microalgae-bacteria consortium for enhanced sulfadiazine come this limitation, such as developing moving bed biofilm reactors
(SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) removal influenced bacterial com containing plastic biofilm conveyors to maximize the active biofilm
munity structure greatly. Glucose demonstrated a two-fold increase in surface area in the reactors (Deena et al., 2022).
biomass production with a maximum specific growth rate compared Microalgal biofilms can treat certain wastewater and significantly
with sodium acetate. Co-substrate supplementation enhanced the recover nutrients with a remarkable biomass yield. This approach can
degradation of SDZ significantly up to 703 ± 18% for sodium acetate resolve the harvesting problem for microalgae and greatly reduce the
and 290 ± 22% for glucose but had almost no effect on SMX. The ac burden of conventional settling tanks in wastewater treatment pro
tivities of antioxidant enzymes, including peroxidase, superoxide dis cesses. In addition to nutrients, various toxic metallic ions can also be
mutase, and catalase, decreased with co-substrate supplementation. eliminated by microalgae, achieving the refining properties of tertiary
Chlorophyll a was associated with protection against sulfonamides, and treatment. This method can treat different types of agro-industrial
chlorophyll b might contribute to SDZ degradation. Glucose enhanced wastewater (Jagaba et al., 2022). High-rate algal ponds (HRAPs) have
the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, while sodium acetate signifi proven viable and cost-effective platforms for the bioremediation of
cantly improved the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes (S. Wang et al., secondary effluent from a WWTP. The HRAP system has achieved a
2022; Y. Wang et al., 2022; S.-K. Wang et al., 2022). nitrogen removal efficiency of 60–80% and a phosphorus removal effi
In wastewater, normally, bacteria are present with microalgae that ciency of 60–70%. In addition, Tetradesmus dimorphus was successfully
oxidize COD to release CO2, which is utilized by microalgae through grown in an HRAP system and was found to deplete certain types of
photosynthesis, and oxygen is produced, which triggers bacterial pharmaceuticals. Removal efficiencies above 90% were demonstrated
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
Table 6
Nutrients removal from wastewater by algal–bacterial co-cultivation.
Wastewater Microalgae Bacteria Nitrogen (%) Phosphorus (%) COD (%) Reference
for pharmaceuticals such as atenolol, atracurium, bisoprolol, bupropion, transformation efficiency become critical in real-world applications
citalopram, diltiazem, and metoprolol. The HRAPs not only offer better (Sial et al., 2021).
removal rates and increase the probability of sewage treatment but also
offer the potential for biofuel production with a solid yield (Ricky and 9. Algal cultivation systems and potential applications
Shanthakumar, 2022). Overall, using algal-bacterial sewage treatment
processes offers greater efficacy, requires low energy utilization, does Agribusiness for algal biomass production is growing as a profitable
not require synthetic chemical substances, and results in higher micro commercial venture due to the rapid growth and effective CO2 absorp
algal biomass production, which can be used for further purposes. It tion (Piwowar and Harasym, 2020). Compared to terrestrial plants,
could be a leading alternative technology to aeration-based methods crops, or biofuel feedstocks like soybean, microalgae have a faster
such as activated sludge treatment (AST) (S. Wang et al., 2022; Y. Wang growth rate, require less space, and have higher biomass productivity
et al., 2022; S.-K. Wang et al., 2022). with a high oil content (Jalilian et al., 2020). Microalgae cultivation is
Microalgal growth removes nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon and ineffective due to low yield and high cultivation costs. As a result, new
recovers some resources like lipid, protein, or total algae cells. Conse approaches to obtaining higher quality and quantity of biomass from
quently, microalgae from wastewater cultivation can be used as bio various algal species have been proposed for the removal of dangerous
diesel, animal feed, and biofertilizer, supporting the sustainable HMs from contaminated soil and aquatic habitats (phycoremediation),
development of agriculture and industry. However, refractory contam carbon sequestration, and biofuel production, as well as the generation
inants such as suspended solids and carbon source deficiency in certain of polysaccharides, vitamins, pigments, fatty acids, and amino acids
types of wastewater (e.g., centrate wastewater, agricultural wastewater, (Bordoloi et al., 2020). Scenedesmus, Lyngbya, Spirulina, Chlorella, Ana
etc.) seriously inhibit algal growth and other pollutants transformation baena, Chroococcus, Oscillatoria, Synechocystis, and Gloeocapsa (Emparan
efficiency, even causing the failure of microalgal remediation. Thus, et al., 2019) are the common microalgae species that are used for phy
improving algal growth rate and associated contaminants coremediation. Open culture systems (open ponds, tanks, and raceway
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
ponds) and regulated closed cultivation systems (various kinds of pho PBR, after half a month of Chlorella sp. growth, 73% of the total organic
tobioreactors (PBRs)) are the two most used techniques for growing carbon and 92% of the total nitrogen were removed from the pre-treated
microalgae, the requirement for which depends on the goal of micro produced water (Das et al., 2019).
algal cultivation (Narala et al., 2016). Both natural and artificial light sources have contributed to the mass
production of microalgae. Nano-material light filters transmit specific
9.1. Open pond hybrid design wavelengths for improved yield and productivity of algal culture by
13–34% in flat panel PBRs and 70–100% in rotating algal biofilm (RAB)
In an open pond, only 10–20% of CO2 is effectively absorbed systems, respectively (Michael et al., 2015). Correlation between CO2
(Romagnoli et al., 2020). Identifying microalgae strains suited for removal rates and gas volume flux has shown that a feed of 25 dm3/h of
large-scale ponds can be aided by a microalgae biomass kinetic model gas by immobilized microalgae causes about 40% of CO2 removal, while
and the core design of novel stacked modular open raceway ponds in the case of 200 dm3/h groups, the removal efficiency of CO2 is 5.9%
(SMORPs) that maximize biomass growth in limited light conditions (Dębowski et al., 2021). In contrast, macroalgae or seaweed sequester
(Romagnoli et al., 2020). By utilizing 5-m3 outdoor open raceway ponds enormous amounts of carbon (173 TgC per year) worldwide, 88% of
to treat real swine wastewater (RSW), Chlorella vulgaris has provided which is sequestered in the ocean depths (Krause-Jensen and Duarte,
higher microalgal biomass, total fatty acid content, CO2 fixation, an 2016). Dunaliella salina uses indoor helical-tubular photobioreactors in
improved lipid product, and greater nutrient removal. Open raceway which the maximum amount of beta-carotene produced is 4.85 µg per
ponds with a 20–30 cm depth offer high area production and are thus mg of the dry weight of microalgae at 2.5 mol/L salinity (Hashemi et al.,
helpful (Benner et al., 2022). The high-rate microalgae ponds (HRAPs), 2020). Apart from salinity, temperature, and light intensity also play a
which use wastewater as their growth medium, comprise a shallow major role in beta-carotene production (Pourkarimi et al., 2020).
raceway with one or two loops and a paddlewheel to stir the microalgae
cultures. In mixed ponds, a greater amount of biomass is produced at low
operational costs than in PBRs because mixing promotes the growth of 9.3. Merits and demerits
microalgal cells (Yew et al., 2019). A few microalgal strains, such as
Spirulina and Dunaliella, were used to demonstrate the success of race Despite the benefits, microalgal production on a large industrial scale
way pond culture in terms of biomass output. The most effective and is difficult. Scenedesmus sp. has shown different quantities of biomass
ideal outdoor space to promote microalgae growth in an open system is production in PBRs (1.15 kg/m3/d) and open raceway ponds (0.5 kg/
in countries around the Mediterranean Sea coast that enjoy warmer m3/d) (Deprá et al., 2019). Microalgal production requires 121,000 ha
climates (Kumar et al., 2021). of the open pond and 58,000 ha of photobioreactor area to fulfill the
yearly demand for gasoline. It costs US $1.54 for PBR and $7.32 for open
9.2. Photo-bioreactor design for CO2 fixation ponds to produce 1 kg of algal biomass, and US $24.6 for PBR and $7.64
for open ponds to produce 1 kg of oil product from algal biomass (Mona
One of the popular carbon sequestration methods through biological et al., 2021). Compared to an open raceway pond, the life cycle
fixation of CO2 emitted from various industries and thermal plants in assessment estimated that an airlift photobioreactor would consume up
cludes using PBRs for microalgae-mediated CO2 sequestration that uti to 3.7 times more energy and have a higher environmental impact. In an
lize photosynthesis to produce algal biomass (Viswanaathan et al., open raceway pond and airlift photobioreactor, the net CO2-negative
2022). Some common algal species used for CO2 fixation include Sce culture changes to a net-positive culture through CO2 sequestration by
nedesmus obliquus, Chlorococcum humicola, Chlorella vulgaris, and Duna microalgae at higher biomass productivity and lower specific energy
liella salina (Kishi and Toda, 2018). For example, large amounts of algal consumption (Sarat Chandra et al., 2018). The simplicity and avail
biomass were produced from various PBRs, such as tubular PBRs, flat ability of resources for each approach shed light on the advantages and
panel PBRs, internally illuminated PBRs, and vertical-column/airlift disadvantages, which impact the quantity and quality of the biomass
PBRs. Flat-plate PBRs produced higher biomass than other PBRs produced. SMORPs system decreases land consumption, enhances
(Sirohi et al., 2022). Hybrid airlift PBRs, on the other hand, are also very lighting conditions, and lowers cultivation costs by using anaerobic
effective since they can choose the best microalgal species and feature a digestion of microalgal biomass to produce biogas (Romagnoli et al.,
mixotrophic growth mode that enables the calculation of the CO2 fixa 2020). Open ponds used as small raceway ponds on an industrial scale
tion rate by monitoring CO2 removal. Mixotrophic microalgal biofilm is offer low operating costs with paddle wheels for mixing and natural
a novel approach that has shown improved productivity and quality of sunlight illumination. However, they are undesirable due to potential
biofuels (2–3 and 2–10 times better biomass and lipid output, respec contamination and poor control of reaction conditions (Benner et al.,
tively, as well as 40–60% reduced ash content). Tubular, column, and 2022).
panel PBRs are the most effective outdoor cultivation systems for up On the other hand, the controlled environment in PBRs provides
coming industrial applications (Touloupakis et al., 2022). numerous advantages such as large-scale biomass generation, increased
A novel hybrid photobioreactor design for Scenedesmus obliquus photosynthetic capacity, decreased water evaporation, and reduction of
enhanced the surface per working volume unit, demonstrating the CO2 loss (Benner et al., 2022; SundarRajan et al., 2019). Closed PBRs
outstanding hydrodynamic performance of the system with great po increase productivity in both volume and area. For photoautotrophic
tential to scale up. It produced a maximum cell biomass of 2.8 kg/m3, microorganisms to create green products, closed systems are favored
with an average of 45.3 kg CO2/m3/d CO2 removed to produce 34.0 kg over open ones because they provide regulated culture conditions,
O2/m3/d of O2 (Deprá et al., 2019). As the growth of Chlorococcum optimal growth potential, useful byproducts, and lower contamination
humicola in an airlift photobioreactor provides greater biomass than in risk (Touloupakis et al., 2022). However, closed systems are also more
stirred tank photobioreactors, choosing the right photobioreactor for expensive to produce, install, run, and maintain since they need special
each species plays a significant impact on the quality of the biomass electric equipment, vigorous mixing and aeration, temperature control,
output (Powtongsook and Nootong, 2019). However, a cultivating sys and pH adjustment. A newer technology, floating PBRs use less power
tem set up into smaller stirred tank photobioreactors in series for the and are less expensive. Nevertheless, to enhance the mixing, light in
photoautotrophic cultivation of Chlorococcum humicola has shown an tensity, hydrodynamics, mass transfer capabilities, and algal growth
approximately 2.5-fold increase in both biomass and carotenoids when productivity of PBRs, computational fluid dynamics modeling and pro
compared to a single airlift photobioreactor with equivalent working cess intensification techniques must be used during the design and
volume and similar operating conditions (Wannachod et al., 2018). scale-up phases (Ranganathan et al., 2022). Moreover, Table 7 describes
According to a study on the effectiveness of pollutant removal in a 1 L CO2 fixation by algae in different bioreactors.
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
Table 7
CO2 fixation by microalgae in different bioreactors.
Reactor Algal strain CO2 Temperature pH Light Conditions CO2 Fixation Reference
Supply (%) (◦ C)
Type Volume Intensity Photo- Rate (gL- Efficiency
1 -1
periods D ) (%)
10. Challenges and limitations Such competition can affect both organisms’ growth rates and overall
productivity. Balancing algae and bacteria’s nutrient requirements to
10.1. Algal–bacterial co-cultivation ensure coexistence and mutual benefits can be challenging (Yong et al.,
2022). Besides, maintaining a stable balance between algae and bacteria
During co-cultivation, industrial flue gas and wastewater are sources is challenging. A group outgrowing another can disrupt the synergistic
of nutrients and organic matter for cultivating a microalgae-bacteria relationship and lead to one species dominating the other (Schulze et al.,
consortium to produce biomass that can be transformed into biofuel, 2006). Moreover, it is critical to note that not all bacterial species benefit
animal feed, and metabolites (Chia et al., 2021). The presence of both from algal growth, and some can even be harmful. Identifying and
bacteria and microalgae in the wastewater in HRAPs improves the ef promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria while suppressing harmful
ficacy of nutrient removal (Yew et al., 2019). Prevention of bacterial ones requires a deep microbial understanding.
biofilm is necessary as it hinders the growth of microalgae. Therefore, it
is essential to regularly clean the reactor and pond (Kumar et al., 2021).
10.2. Efficient CO2 mixing systems
The antagonistic effect among the microbes, e.g., algal metabolism, may
create high oxygen levels, a raised pH, and antibacterial compounds
CO2 supply in microalgal culture is necessary to overcome carbon
dangerous to bacteria, particularly gram-positive bacteria. In response,
limitation as atmospheric CO2 availability for photosynthesis in open
pathogenic bacteria release cellulolytic enzymes that weaken and
ponds is very low. The CO2 supply is mainly influenced by the optimum
degrade particular microalgal cell walls, leading to cell death (Yadav
culture pH, mixing, mass transfer coefficient, gas-liquid contact period,
et al., 2021). Other challenges include choosing microorganisms and
and sprayer type. A brief period of contact between gas and liquid due to
optimizing growth media for co-culturing with microalgae. It is also
shallow depth has identified gas transfer as a limiting factor for open
difficult to properly pretreat biomass and extract individual lipid and
photobioreactor efficiency (Costa et al., 2019). Direct and indirect
fatty acid content in mixed cultures due to the heterogeneous population
methods that measure CO2 fixation during microalgae culture involve
(Das et al., 2021). Moreover, microbial susceptibility to changing
measuring the carbon content using elemental and total organic carbon
operational and environmental factors that negatively affect their
analysis by assumptive values and at the entrance and outflow of PBRs
growth and performance, bulking and foaming brought on by the inhi
by gas chromatography or infrared sensors, respectively (Lim et al.,
bition of the nitrification process and an excess of the filamentous bac
2021). Greater vertical mixing decreases self-shading, which is neces
terial population, trouble in dealing with and disposing of sludge
sary to guarantee that algal cells cycle regularly between the lighter and
produced in bulk quantities, and ineffective microalgal harvesting sys
darker phases of the culture, making the maintenance of optimum
tems are some of the other limitations in the algal–bacterial wastewater
mixing costly and requiring higher energy inputs into the cultivation
treatment methods (Viswanaathan et al., 2022).
system (McGinn et al., 2011). With a sparer installed at the bottom, CO2
In the growth medium, algae and bacteria compete for nutrients.
delivered into the microalgae culture has a limited ability to transfer,
M. Hasnain et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 267 (2023) 115646
which limits both CO2 absorption and outgassing. As a result, external harvesting costs by being easily scraped off by hand or mechanically
gas diffusers such as hollow fiber membranes and porous materials that using a dry suction pump (Marella et al., 2019). Flocculation is used to
regulate gas flow rates are used, as are microbubbles with reduced size simplify harvesting before being purified using membrane filtration or
(< 100 µm) to improve mass transfer efficiency, CO2-containing solvents ultrafiltration, centrifugal sedimentation, or gravity settling (Viswa
passed through non-porous membranes to minimize CO2 loss and naathan et al., 2022).
transportation energy, carbonation columns, bubble sparing, and sump
systems. However, the limitations of these systems include the high costs 10.5. Post-harvest preservation and storage
associated with the deployment of sumps, membranes, and carbonation
columns, as well as the energy needs and system maintenance, such as Freshly harvested algal slurry or in paste form may degrade bio
plug biofouling mitigation and sophisticated control systems (Eustance chemically, and all its constituent parts will eventually deteriorate, often
et al., 2020; Viswanaathan et al., 2022). starting with valuable substances like lipids and specialized goods like
vitamins (Viswanaathan et al., 2022). After being harvested, algal
10.3. HMs and other pollutants in the effluents biomass can be treated via thermochemical, biochemical, trans
esterification, and photosynthetic microbial fuel cell conversion tech
Various forms of wastewater, including sewage waste, landfill niques. Post-harvest separation, recycling of nanoparticles, practical
leachate, municipal wastewater, and anaerobic digestion effluent, can application, and the generation of uncontaminated microalgal biomass
be treated by microalgae to remove contaminants (Rahman et al., 2020). remain the main barriers during microalgae cultivation (Mathimani and
Zinc, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, and nickel are haz Mallick, 2018). In some instances, harvesting may be followed by
ardous metals that should be avoided while treating industrial effluents dewatering. Dewatering involves eliminating the water content of cells
such as pharmaceutical residues, insecticides, dyes, and metal process to produce dried material (Saad et al., 2019). Since harvested algal
ing. Microalgae growth in effluents produces single-cell proteins that biomass is subject to microbial deterioration, long-term preservation of
provide animal feeds, lipids, proteins, biofuels, carotenoids, and other microalgae biomass is difficult, necessitating active storage strategies to
substances (Venugopal and Sasidharan, 2021). It can regenerate nutri prevent biomass loss. The conventional method of drying high-moisture
ents like carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen while using less energy in plant material is technically difficult and expensive for microalgae due
waste management techniques. Microalgae prevent secondary emissions to the high moisture content (80%) and rheology of the algal biomass
by utilizing inorganic resources for growth and bacterial assistance to (20% solids) (Wahlen et al., 2020). The fatty acid profiles and
make biomass. The recovered bioactive substances are also converted lipid-yielding efficiency may be increased, and costs associated with cell
into bioethanol, biofertilizers, biopolymers, dietary supplements, and drying and related equipment could be decreased by using the appro
animal feed (Ali et al., 2021). The best algal growth was seen in priate wet storage conditions and stress induction techniques (Shokravi
revolving algal biofilm reactors, which are effective systems in waste et al., 2022). It is difficult to dry the harvested wet microalgal slurry,
water treatment for total dissolved solids removal (Peng et al., 2020). which has an average moisture content of 80%, to produce storable dry
Wastewaters with an excess or deficit of certain chemicals, such as low biomass with a 5–10% moisture content (Hosseinizand et al., 2018).
levels of N and P molecules, may negatively affect the viability of Although drying, such as spray drying, drum drying, and sun drying, are
microalgae. Different microalgal species can bioaccumulate HMs and effective methods for manufacturing algal-based fuel, they are not yet
may adapt their development to the characteristics of industrial waste economically feasible due to the challenges involved. The most
water. Additionally, frequent issues with the treatment of liquid diges cost-effective method is filtering, followed by sun drying (Viswanaathan
tate include acidification, nutritional imbalance, ammonium toxicity, et al., 2022). A possible method of preserving algal biomass for con
and turbidity (Viswanaathan et al., 2022). version in the winter when microalgae productivity drops is the wet
anaerobic storage of microalgae mixed with herbaceous biomass
10.4. Requirements for efficient microalgae harvesting techniques (Wahlen et al., 2019).
The cost of harvesting, which substantially influences the practical 11. Conclusions
use of microalgae as a source of biomass for fuels and chemicals, is one of
the largest barriers to the commercialization of algal biofuels. Hence, it Microalgae are a promising solution to tackle our growing environ
is a key component of the microalgae wastewater treatment process. The mental challenges, such as carbon sequestration and wastewater biore
top objective for microalgae cultivation technology is creating an mediation. Biological algal systems for carbon capture have emerged as
effective and affordable microalgal harvesting method. Nearly 30% of a critical strategy to combat climate change and achieve the goal of net-
the overall capital expenditure for biodiesel is spent on harvesting costs zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Microalgae are an attractive option due to
alone (Mathimani and Mallick, 2018). Most harvesting techniques still their superior photosynthetic rates and wastewater treatment. Besides,
include chemicals, rendering harvested biomass unsuitable for imme microalgae have significant potential for producing biodiesel, animal
diate food, feed, and pharmaceutical manufacturing (Kurniawan et al., feed, and other bioproducts. Furthermore, the microalgal-bacterial
2022). Flocculation, filtration, flotation, coagulation, centrifugation, nexus represents a highly synergistic and efficient CO2 capture and
and sedimentation comprise the most used harvesting strategies (Rakesh pollutant removal system. Combining the innate abilities of both mi
et al., 2020). Less often used methods of harvesting include electro croorganisms increases the efficiency of the process. Microalgae, with
phoresis, ultrasonication, and electroflotation. In rare circumstances, their superior photosynthetic capacities, efficiently utilize carbon di
combining two harvesting techniques can increase biomass (Saad et al., oxide for growth, aiding carbon sequestration. Simultaneously, when
2019). Every process, however, has its own benefits and drawbacks, paired with specific bacterial strains, nutrient uptake and pollutant
including those related to time, cost, harm to biomass, the convenience breakdown are enhanced, particularly in wastewater environments.
of use, continuous operation, use of energy, chemicals, fouling, clogging Bacteria break down complex pollutants into simpler forms, which algae
of equipment, etc. (Viswanaathan et al., 2022). Harvesting microalgae can readily assimilate. Although most foundational research is still in the
with biocoagulants or bioflocculants is a practical and promising envi laboratory, promising startups like AlgaEnergy and AlgoSource are
ronmentally friendly method of producing microalgal biomass (Kur leading the way toward practical and scalable applications. However,
niawan et al., 2022). Low biomass output in an open system due to there are challenges to up-scaling microalgae-based solutions, including
contamination raises the harvesting price. Therefore, mixotrophic ensuring cost-effectiveness. We must balance economic feasibility with
microalgal biofilm offers high production at low harvesting costs. A environmental stewardship as the world moves towards a greener
compact biofilm of algal biomass produced by algal flow reduces future. Collaborative efforts between industries, dedicated research,
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