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Good morning, Candidates!

Welcome to Megan’s Driving School Assessment Center in Driving NCII.
I am Gerry L. Ventura, your Accredited Driving NC II Competency Assessor.

First, I would like to introduce to you our Assessment Center (AC) Manager Dr. Sme J. Panes.
Our TESDA Representative, Mam Faith A. Gayona.
They are here to oversee the conduct of the assessment, if we are in accordance with standard
methodology and procedure of TESDA. They will not assess you; I will be the one to assess you my dear

Let me check first your attendance. Please prepare your Admission Slip and Valid ID. Please come

Please sign at the attendance sheet.

1. Aurelio, Kate…………. present

2. Dairo, Helen…………. present
3. Fabillano, Kurt..……. present
4. Indico, Frencht……… present
5. Labuen, Eric………… present
6. Pingoy, Jaype………… present

I will be distributing to you the Specific Instruction. Please read

I have here with me your accomplished Self-Assessment Guide (SAG). This will indicate that you know and
can perform the competencies of Driving NCII.

The purpose of this assessment is to measure your skills and knowledge on the different competencies and
certification purposes.

Our assessment would run for four (4) hours. You will be assessed through Written Test with 60 items,
Demonstration and Oral Questioning , the 3 Methods of Assessment.

During the demonstration, I will observe and rate you based on your Rating Sheets.
Our Qualification in Driving NCII is composed of 4 Core Competencies, namely:
1. Carry out Minor Vehicle Maintenance
2. Drive Light Vehicle
3. Obey and Observe Traffic Rules and Regulations
4. Implement and Coordinate Accident-Emergency Procedures
A person who has achieved this qualification is Competent to be a PROFESSIONAL DRIVER and LIGHT

After the demonstration, we will have a One-on-One Interview and Feedbacking of the result whether you
are COMPETENT (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC).

If you are not satisfied regarding the result of the assessment, you can make an appeal and address it to
our TESDA representative or you may write to TESDA Provincial Office where I and this Assessment Center
are accredited. Remember, you should not sign the rating sheet if you are not satisfied of the result.

If you do not understand some of the given instructions, just tell me, so that I can translate it to our
vernacular dialect like Ilonggo or Kinaray-a.

Likewise, if there is a need of medical attention you might as well inform me, we have enough medicine
and First Aid Kit. Comfort Room (CR) for male and female are located on the left side, and on the right side
is the water dispenser with hot and cold. Have your ballpen ready. For those who have no ballpen please
barrow to our supply office.

As you have noticed an attachment of Consent Form is given to you. You will sign it, that means you are
allowing TESDA and Assessment Center to get footage of your assessment process.

What are the DO’s and DON’T’s during the Assessment:

1. You are not allowed to use cellphone nor take pictures.
2. You are not allowed to go out once the assessment started.
3. This is confidential activity; you are not allowed to give information regarding the assessment process.
Any questions? Are we clear?

Then let us proceed to the roll call. I will assign you your number.
I will now distribute your number.
Candidate # 1 is Aurelio, Kate..
Candidate # 2 is Dairo, Helen….
Candidate # 3 is Fabillano, Kurt….
Candidate # 4 is Indico, French….
Candidate # 5 is Labuen, Eric….
Candidate # 6 is Pingoy, Jaype….

Now, I will give you a written exam with 60 items. Answer it honestly, do not cheat. I will give you 1 hour
to answer your exam. You may start now.

Time is up candidates.
Thank you for answering the written test. Please pass your paper.

We will now proceed to your Demonstration.

You will now demonstrate BLOWBAGETS, Nose In and Nose Out Parking, and the Parallel Parking.

Candidate # 1. Aurelio, Kate you are # 1, please proceed to driving range area. These are your tools,
materials, equipment needed to complete the task. This is the Key and the Car that you can use during
your performance. Please bring your Driver’s License.

Candidate # 2. Dairo, Helen you are # 2, please proceed to driving range area. These are your tools,
materials, equipment needed to complete the task. This is the Key and the Car that you can use during
your performance. Please bring your Driver’s License.
The rest of you, please stay at the Holding Area and wait for your name to be called.

Since demonstration had been done... Candidate # 1 Aurelio Kate please proceed to Interview Area for
Oral Questioning.
Candidate # 1. Please come forward and take your sit. I’m going to ask some questions.
1. What is the first step in driving light vehicle?--------------------------------Good answer.
2. What are the three pedals in driving light vehicle?-------------------------Okay, very well said.
FEEDBACKING to Candidate # 1.
Candidate # 1, during the interview you showed ample knowledge by answering my questions
correctly, and during your demonstration you did it correctly according to the Standards. With this I

found you COMPETENT. Congratulations! Please sign the Rating Sheet and the Competency
Assessment Results Summary (CARS). Our Assessment Center Manager will release the CARS to you.
You may claim and print your E-Certificate thru your personal email a day after tomorrow.

Oral Questioning to Candidate # 2.

Candidate # 2, please come forward and take your sit.
1. What gear position will you first move when driving light vehicle?-----------Correct answer.
2. What do you call the belt that can save you in case of car collision?--------Very good answer.

FEEDBACKING to Candidate # 2.
Candidate # 2, in COC 1 and COC 4 you performed well, and you answered the questions correctly, but in
COC 2 and COC 3 you did not bring the car to its proper parking area, you forgot to obey and observe
traffic rules and regulations. Therefore, I found you are NOT YET COMPETENT. I’m very sorry. I suggest
that you review and apply for RE-ASSESSMENT if you are ready. Please sign your Rating Sheet and your
CARS. Our Assessment Manager will release your CARS.

That ends our assessment. To all of you, thank you so much. Have a pleasant day and God bless us all.

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