Bruce Characerizing Subspaces
Bruce Characerizing Subspaces
Bruce Characerizing Subspaces
Cummutzicated by R. C. Bose
Proof. (i) and (iii) are obvious, and (ii) is easily proved using the
exchange property of geometries. -- (iv) follows ___
from (i) and the elementary
fact that --
since k, > k, and thus, (k, --- 1) > (k - l), etc., we always have
(ii1 - c)/(k, - 1) - c) < (I? - c)/((k - 1) - c) for all 0 < c < (k - 1).
Proof of Theorem 1. Let R be a set of r-flats of G satisfying Q(n, k, r,,j).
Let KR = {x 1 31 E R with x E I}, and let RR be the closure of KR (the
smallest flat containing it). Let the rank of X, be ol(K,) = k, . We note
that R C [?I.
First, if k, < &, we have [F] = j R 1 < I[?]1 = $1 < [:I. Hence
k = k, and R = [>I.
So assume k, > k. Let (e, ,..., ek,) C KR be a basis for KR . Let
M = {H 1His an (n -j)-flat of G such that the rank OL(H n KR) = k, - I}.
If S is any (k, - 1)-flat of RR , then S is contained in exactly
t(n, k, - 1, M - j) (n -j)-flats of G by Lemma 1. Exactly t(q kl , n - j)
of these (n - j)-flats will contain KR . Thus
(k)’ [k,:
11 = k 1;1 [k,k’ I]
k(k - ‘)
[ 1[k,:
Jfl l]
I 2I
(k - 1)” - -
= k(k;- I) + It(F - l)(k, - l)((k, - 1) - 1)
1 El& - 1)
Using the equality in (4) again, this gives E - (k - 1) = E, - (k, - l),
contradicting Lemma 2(iii), and completing the proof of Theorem 1.
We have shown that Q(n, k, r, j) characterizes k-flats provided
y2 > r [E] + j - 1. This fact was used only once in the proof above in order
to guarantee that k, - 1 < n - j. k, was the rank of the smallest flat
containing all f-flats in R. But it is obvious that in order for k, to be
anywhere near the value r[f], R would necessarily not satisfy Q(n, k, r, j).
Thus the bounds could be easily improved.
We will consider briefly the case of example (c), subsets of a set, and in
particular the r = 2 case. This is the case of graphs. Namely, suppose
we have a graph G on n vertices and (3 edges. Suppose every induced
subgraph on YI - j vertices has either (5) edges or at most (“2’) edges. Then
if y1is large enough, Theorem 1 guarantees that G consists of a complete
graph on k vertices together with 12- k isolated vertices. If f(k,j) is the
smallest y1 for which this property holds (i.e., Q(n, k, 2,j) implies that G
has this structure), then Theorem 1 implies that f(k,,j) < O(k2) for
fixed j.
Even a rather crude argument can improve this to O(k). For suppose
j - 1 of the vertices are isolated. Then using these in the complement of an
y1- j set we see that any vertex with positive degree has degree at least
k - 1 by property Q. This forces G to be the desired graph. On the other
hand, suppose at most j - 1 vertices have degree 0. Then if we take
II > (k + l)j, and divide the vertices into (k + 1) disjoint j-sets, each