Bruce Characerizing Subspaces

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Characterizing k-flats in Geometric Designs


University of California, Los Angeles, California



Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, and

Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bombay, India

Cummutzicated by R. C. Bose

Received January 8, 1975

Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over GF(q), and let ZJ be a

k-dimensional subspace of I/. Let [y] denote the set of r-dimensional
subspacesof U, and let C(n, k, ,;j) = (I[“,‘] n [:]I: W is an (n -,j)-
dimensional subspace of V>. C(n, k, u,,j) is the set of cardinalities of
“r-intersections” of U with all (n -j)-subspaces. In this paper we are
concerned with the following question: Suppose S is a set of u-subspaces
of V, and j S 1 = [I], the number of r-subspacesin a k-space over GF(q).
Then if (1S n [‘:]I: W is an (n -,j)-subspace of V} C C(rz, k, r,j), must
S = [F] for some k-subspace UC V? In [4, 51the answer was shown to be
affirmative if I’ = I or j = 1. In this paper we show that the answer is
affirmative for arbitrary Y and ,j provided that IZis sufficiently large. The
minimum sufficient size for n is not decided here. The bound we obtain is
clearly too crude.
What we actually do here is to prove a theorem for somewhat more
general objects than vector spaces.One specialcaseis that of graphs. In this
case we get a theorem related to the Ulam reconstruction conjecture. In
particular, we can reconstruct the complete graphs from only the number
of edgesin the maximal subgraphs in certain cases.This also suggeststhe
q-analog of the reconstruction conjecture.
* Work partially supported by NSF Grant GP-33.580 and the Alfred P. Sloan Foun-
** Work partially supported by NSF Grant 40583.
Copyright Q 1976 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

Let G be a combinatorial geometry with rank function 01.We will follow

Crap0 and Rota [l] for terminology and notation. G will be called a
geometric design if all k-flats (closed sets of rank k) have the same cardi-
nality i;. We will have 0 = 0, = 1. Geometric designs were first defined
by Edmonds, Murti, and Young [2], who called them simple matroid
designs. Many examples of geometric designs are given in [2], and we list
four of them here.
(a) n-dimensional projective space over GF(q). The k-flats are
(k - I)-dimensional subspaces, and we have E = (qk - l)/(q - 1).
(b) n-dimensional affine space over GF(q). The k-flats are (k - l)-
dimensional subspaces, we have E = qk--l, k 2 1, 0 = 0.
(c) The subsetsof an n element set. The k-flats are the setsof size k,
and k = k.
(d) The geometric design G formed from a t - (v, k, X) design
(see [l]) as follows. A t - (v, k, h) design D [4] is a pair (X, L) where X is
a set with 1X j = zi, L is a family of subsetsof X such that for all B EL,
1B / = k, and for any t-subsets Y C X, there are exactly h elementsA EL
such that Y _CA.
We define a geometric design as follows: the k-flats are all the
-- k-subsets
of X if k < t, the numbers of L if k = t, and X itself if k = t + 1. Thus,
Now let G be a geometric design. We will denote by [“,I the set of r-flats
contained in the set S. If S is a k-flat, then the usual argument of counting
basesin vector spacescan be easily extended to show that /[“,]I is inde-
pendent of the choice of k-flat, and that
= k(k - i) ... (k - (r - 1))
jq - 1) . .. (F - (T-1)) r>,l

[I]. Note that r > k implies [z] = 0.

Let G be a geometric design of rank ~1.Then CG(tz,k, r,j) (or just
C(n. k, r,j)) will denote the set (0, [:I,..., [$?I). We say that a set R of
r-flats of G satisfiesP(n, k, r, j) if
(9 I R I = Cl
(ii) / R n [“,]I E C(n, k, r, j) for every (12- j)-flat A of C.
If G is any of examples (a), (b), or (c) above, and if R = [f] for some
k-flat K, then R satisfiesP(n, k, r,,j).
We will say that R satisfiesQ(n, k, r, j) if (i) above holds together with
(iii) I R n [$]I = [:I or 1R n [:]I d [“;‘I for every (n -,j)-flat A
of G.

Obviously, P(n, k, r,j) implies Q(n, k, r,j). In any geometric design G

if R = [f] for somek-flat K, then R satisfiesQ(n, k, r, j).
If for some geometric design G a set R of v-flats satisfies Q(n, k, r, j)
(respectively, P(n, k, u,j)) if and only if R = [f] for some k-flat K, then
we say that Q(n, k, r, j) (respectively, P(n, k, r, j)) characterizes k-flats of G.
Rothschild and van Lint [5] proved in examples (a) and (b) above that
P(n, k, r,j) characterizes k-flats (except for q = 2, r = 1, j = n - 2 in
case(b)) if Y = 1 orj = 1, and n - 2 2 j. In this note we will prove that
if G is a geometric design of rank n satisfying the following condition

then Q(n, k, v,j) characterizes k-flats of G provided that y1> r[f] + j - 1.

We note that (a), (b), and (c) above satisfy (*). But not all goemetric
designs do. For example, some t-designs (example (d)) give rise to
geometric designsnot satisfying (“).

THEOREM 1. Let G be a geometric design of rank 12satisfying (“1. Let

n 3 r[:] + j - 1. Then Q(n, k, r, j) characterizes k-flats of G.
First we prove two lemmas (seealso [2]).

LEMMA 1. Let G be a geometric designof rank n. Let K be a k-Jut of G,

j A4 / is independentofthe choice of K and is given by 1A4 1 = ([~]/[~])[;J =
th kj).
Proof. This formula follows by counting bases as above for the
formula for [z].

LEMMA 2. Let G be a geometric designsatisfying (*). Let kl > k. Then

(i) 3 <-L ifkbl


(ii) k1 - (k, - 1) > K - (k - 1)

(iii) T;, -(k,-l)>k-(k-l)@$=$&

1 -

Proof. (i) and (iii) are obvious, and (ii) is easily proved using the
exchange property of geometries. -- (iv) follows ___
from (i) and the elementary
fact that --
since k, > k, and thus, (k, --- 1) > (k - l), etc., we always have
(ii1 - c)/(k, - 1) - c) < (I? - c)/((k - 1) - c) for all 0 < c < (k - 1).
Proof of Theorem 1. Let R be a set of r-flats of G satisfying Q(n, k, r,,j).
Let KR = {x 1 31 E R with x E I}, and let RR be the closure of KR (the
smallest flat containing it). Let the rank of X, be ol(K,) = k, . We note
that R C [?I.
First, if k, < &, we have [F] = j R 1 < I[?]1 = $1 < [:I. Hence
k = k, and R = [>I.
So assume k, > k. Let (e, ,..., ek,) C KR be a basis for KR . Let
M = {H 1His an (n -j)-flat of G such that the rank OL(H n KR) = k, - I}.
If S is any (k, - 1)-flat of RR , then S is contained in exactly
t(n, k, - 1, M - j) (n -j)-flats of G by Lemma 1. Exactly t(q kl , n - j)
of these (n - j)-flats will contain KR . Thus

I M I = (f(n, k, - 1, ’ -8 - ‘h k, >’ -j>) [klkh 11’ (1)

For any HE M, let d(H) denote the number of I E R such that I C H, i.e.,
d(H) = I[:] n R /. Not all the ei can be in H or else H n RR = iz, . Thus
d(H) < [F]. By Q(n, k, r,j) we have d(H) < [“;‘I foqall HE M. Thus

H;M4H) d I ~4I [” ; ‘] (2)

By Lemma 1, any I E R is contained in exactly t(k, , r, k, - 1) (k, - l)-

flats of K and thus in exactly t(k, , r, k, - l)(t(n, k, - 1, y1- j) -
t(n, k, , n - j)) elements of M. Thus

C d(H) = t(k l,r,kl-l)(f(n,Ic,--I,n-i)-f(~,kl,n-i))[~].

If we take a basis for each I E R, their union certainly spans RR . Thus,
k, < Y[:] and by the assumption of the theorem, n - j 3 k, - 1. Hence
t(n, k, - 1, n -.j) - t(n, k, , n - j) > 0. Thus we can combine (2) and (3)
and use Lemma 1 to obtain:


If r > 2, this contradicts Lemma 2(iv).


__-Thus we assume I’ = 1. If for any HE h4 we have d(H) < [“;l] =

(k - I), then the inequality in (2) is strict, and hence the inequality in (4)
is strict, contradicting Lemma 2, (i). Thus we must have d(H) = (k - 1)
for all HE M, and equality in (4).
We now proceed -- as in [5]. Let xH be the characteristic function of the
-- H. Then (k - 1)” I ~4 I = CHM (4H)Y = CHM (LR XHVY. So
(k - 1)’ I A4 I = CLZ’ER am4 XHU) xfm = CM CHEAI (XHW +
c I#Z’ER CHEM x&I) xd’) = (1 R 1 @I > 1, k - 1) + 1 R 1 (1 R 1 - 1) @I >
2, k, - 1)) * (t(n, k, - 1, n -j) - t(n, k, , n -j)). Now using the formulas
for / M 1 from (l), for t(n, k,.j) and for [J, we get:
k, - 1

(k)’ [k,:
11 = k 1;1 [k,k’ I]
k(k - ‘)
[ 1[k,:
Jfl l]
I 2I
(k - 1)” - -
= k(k;- I) + It(F - l)(k, - l)((k, - 1) - 1)
1 El& - 1)

Using the equality in (4) again, this gives E - (k - 1) = E, - (k, - l),
contradicting Lemma 2(iii), and completing the proof of Theorem 1.
We have shown that Q(n, k, r, j) characterizes k-flats provided
y2 > r [E] + j - 1. This fact was used only once in the proof above in order
to guarantee that k, - 1 < n - j. k, was the rank of the smallest flat
containing all f-flats in R. But it is obvious that in order for k, to be
anywhere near the value r[f], R would necessarily not satisfy Q(n, k, r, j).
Thus the bounds could be easily improved.
We will consider briefly the case of example (c), subsets of a set, and in
particular the r = 2 case. This is the case of graphs. Namely, suppose
we have a graph G on n vertices and (3 edges. Suppose every induced
subgraph on YI - j vertices has either (5) edges or at most (“2’) edges. Then
if y1is large enough, Theorem 1 guarantees that G consists of a complete
graph on k vertices together with 12- k isolated vertices. If f(k,j) is the
smallest y1 for which this property holds (i.e., Q(n, k, 2,j) implies that G
has this structure), then Theorem 1 implies that f(k,,j) < O(k2) for
fixed j.
Even a rather crude argument can improve this to O(k). For suppose
j - 1 of the vertices are isolated. Then using these in the complement of an
y1- j set we see that any vertex with positive degree has degree at least
k - 1 by property Q. This forces G to be the desired graph. On the other
hand, suppose at most j - 1 vertices have degree 0. Then if we take
II > (k + l)j, and divide the vertices into (k + 1) disjoint j-sets, each

,j-set must meet at least (k - 1) edges of G, by property Q. This requires

more than (3 edges. Thus f(k,,j) < O(k). Since k vertices at least are
required to have Q satisfied at all, we getf(k,j) = O(k).
Similar arguments apply more generally. It may be true that for some c,
f(kj) < k + c.


1. H. H. CRAPO AND G.-C. ROTA, “Combinatorial Geometries,” MIT Press, Cam-

bridge, 1970.
2. J. EDMONDS, U. S. R. MURTI, AND P. YOUNG, Equicardinal matroids and matroid
designs, in “Combinatorial Mathematics and Its Applications,” Second Chapel
Hill Conference, 1970.
3. D. R. HUGHES, On t-designs and graphs, Amer. J. Math. 87 (1965), 761-778.
4. J. MACWILLIAMS, Error-correcting codes for multiple-level transmission, BeN System
Tech. J. 40 (1961), 281-308.
5. B. ROTHSCHILD AND J. VAN LINT, Characterizing fiinite subspaces, J. Combinatorial
Theory, Ser. A 16 (1974), 97-110.

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