States of Matter - Entrance Exam Model Question Paper 2012

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1. Kinetic energy of molecules is highest in a) Gases b) Liquids c) Solids d) Solutions 2. At what temperature, the volume of a gas would become zero ? a) 00 C b) 2730C c) -273.150C d) 273 K 3. At what temperature would the volume of a given mass of a gas as constant pressure be twice its volume at 00C. a) 00 C b) 2730C c) -273.150C d) 273 K 4. Which the following is true about gaseous state? a) Thermal energy = Molecular attraction. b) Thermal energy Molecular attraction c) Thermal energy Molecular attraction d) Molecular forces those in liquids 5. A weather balloon filled with hydrogen at 1 atm and 270C has volume equal to 1200 litres. On ascending it reaches a place where temperature is -230C and pressure is 0.5 atm. The volume of the balloon is a) 24000 litres b) 20000 litres c) 10000 litres d) 12000 litres 6. If 300 ml of a gas at 270C is cooled to 70C at contstant pressure, volume is a) 280 ml b) 350 ml c) 135 ml d) 540 ml 7. Which of the following statement is correct if the intermolecular forces in liquids A, B and C are in the order A B C? a) B evaporates more readily than A b) B evaporates less readily than C c) A and B evaporates at the same rate d) A evaporates more readily than C 8. The total number of electrons presenting 1.6 gm methane gas at STP a) NA b) 2 NA c) 0 .1 NA d) 0.2 NA 9. The volume of 2.8 g of carbon monoxide at 270C and 0.821atm pressure is ( R = 0.0821 lit . atm.mol-1K-1) a) 30 L b) 3 L c) 0.3 L d) 1.5 L 10. Use of hot air balloons in sports and metrological observations is an application of a) Boyles law b) Newtonic law c) Kelvin;s law d) Browns law e) Charles law 11. Air at sea level is dense. This a practical application of a) Boyles law b) Charles law c) Avogadros law d) Dations law e) Gay-lussac law 12. Absolute temperature is the temperature at which a) all molecular motion ceases b) volume becomes zero c) mass becomes zero d) none of these 13. The mass of 11.21 of ammonia gas at STP is a) 8.5 g b) 85 g c) 17 g d) 1.7 g e) 4.25 g 14. 0.30 g of a gas was found to occupy a volume of 82.0 ml, at 270C and 3 atm pressures. The molecular mass of the gas is a) 60 b) 30 c) 90 d) unpredictable 15. At 00C the density of a gaseous oxide at 2 bar is same that of Nitrogen gas at 5 bar. What is the molar mass of the gaseous oxide? a) 70 b) 85 c) 17 d) 1.7 16. If the density of a gas A is 1.5 times that of B, then the molecular mass of A is M. The molecular mass of B is a) 1.5 M b) M/1.5 c) 3 M d) M/3. 17. The partial pressure of Hydrogen in a flask containing 2 g of H2 and 32 g of So2 is a) 1/16 of total pressure b) of total pressure c) 2/3 of total pressure d) 1/8 of total pressure. 18. To which of the following gaseous mixture, the Daltons law of partial pressures will not apply? a) Hydrogen and carbon dioxide b) Hydrogen and nitrogen c) Nitric oxide and oxygen d) Oxygen and nitrogen 19. Equal masses of SO2, CH4 and O2 are mixed in empty container at 298 K, when total pressure is 2.1 atm. The partial pressure of CH4 in the mixture is a) 0.5 atm b) 0.75 atm c) 1.2 atm d) 0.6 atm 20. To which of the following mixtures Daltons law of partial pressures is not applicable? a) CO and CO2 b) CO2 and N2 c) CH4 and C2H6 d) HCl and NH3 e) O2 and N2

21. Hydrogen diffuses six times faster than gas A. The molar mass gas of gas A is a) 72 b) 6 c) 24 d) 36 22. The rates of diffusion of gases A and B of molecular weight 36 and 64 are in the ratio a) 9 : 16 b) 4 : 3 c) 3 : 4 d) 16 : 9 23. 50ml of a gas A diffuse through a membrane in the same time as for the diffusion of 40 ml of a gas B under identical pressure temperature conditions. If the molecular weight of A = 64, that of B would be a) 100 b) 250 c) 200 d) 80. 24. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 250C. The fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen is a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 2/3 d) 1/3 x 273/298. 25. The rate of diffusion of methane is twice that of X. The molecular mass of X is a) 16 b) 32 c) 80 d) 64 e) 128. 26. The ratio of the rates of diffusion of helium with respect to methane under similar conditions of constant temperature and constant pressure are a) 2 b) 0.5 c) 16 d) 4.0. 27. A real gas obeying van der Waal equation will resemble ideal gas if the a) Constants a and b are small b) a is large and b is small c) a is small and b is large d) constant a and b are large 28. The constant a in van der Waals equation is maximum in a) Helium b) Hydrogen c) Oxygen d) Ammonia 29. The compressibility factor of an ideal gas is a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4. 30. In van der Waals equation of state of the gas law, the constant b is measure of a) Intermolecular repulsions b) intermolecular collosions per unit volume c) volume occupied by the molecules d) intermolecular attraction. 31. The temperature at which real gases obey the ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure is called a) Critical temperature b) Boyle temperature c) Inversion temperature d) Reduced temperature. 32. Critical temperature of the gas is the temperature a) Below which it cannot be liquified b) above which it cannot be liquified c) at which it occupies 22.4 L of volume d) at which one mole of it occupies volume of 22.4 L. 33. A gas can be liquefied under high pressure at 40C is a) Nitrogen b) Hydrogen c) Oxygen d) Ammonia 34. Which set of conditions represents easiest way to liquefy a gas? a) Low temperature and high pressure b) High temperature and low pressure c) Low temperature and low pressure d) High temperature and high pressure 35. Two flasks of equal volume contain CO2 and SO2 respectively at 250C and 1.5 atm pressure. Which of the following is equal in them? a) Masses of the two gases b) Rates of effusion c) Number of molecules d) Molecular structures 36. An ideal gas cannot be liquefied because a) Its critical temperature is always above 00C b) its molecules are relatively small in size c) it solidifies before becoming a liquid d) forces operative between its molecules are negligible. 37. Which of the following liquid will exhibit highest vapour pressure? a) C2H5OH(l) b) NH3(l) c) HF(l) d) H2O(l) 38. During evaporation of liquid a) The temperature of the liquid rises b) the temperature of the liquid falls c) the temperature of the liquid remains unaffected d) none of the above is correct 39. The internal resistance to the flow of the liquid is called its a) viscosity b) surface tension c) parachore value d) refractive index 40. A drop of liquid acquires spherical shape a) Because of its viscous nature b) because of capillary action c) because surface tension tends to minimize the surface area d) because of all the aforesaid reasons.

41. Capillary cation of the liquid can be explained on the basis of its a) Resistance to flow b) surface tension c) heat of vaporization d) refractive index 42. When the temperature is increased, surface tension of water a) increases b) decreases c) remains constant d) shows irregular behavior 43. There is more deviation in the behavior of a gas from the ideal gas equation PV= nRT. a) At high temperature and low pressure b) at low temperature and high pressure c) at high temperature and high pressure d) at low temperature and low pressure

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