Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Learning Outcomes .
At the end of the Chapter, the student should be able to:
• Explain what portfolio assessment is;
• State the elements of a portfolio;
• Distinguish among the types of portfolio and
• Discuss how to use portfolios effectively.
This Chapter dwells on portfolio assessment which is one of the authentic and Non- traditional
assessment tools in education. The use of portfolio assessment is a response to the growing clamor for
more authentic means of assessing students’ growth and development in school. The Expanded Tertiary
Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) of the Commission on Higher Education
is one example of a program that calls for a comprehensive educational assessment program at the
tertiary level that recognizes, accredits and gives equivalencies to knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
gained by individuals from relevant work. Beneficiaries of this Program must be able to show proof of
proficiency, capability and the field applied for equivalency. Assessment thorough knowledge with the
use of a portfolio is a reliable way to assess proficiency.
Types of Portfolio
There are several types of portfolio and each type has a distinct function. These are: 1) assessment
portfolio, 2) development or growth portfolio and 3) showcase or best work or display portfolio.
An assessment portfolio, as the name implies, is intended to document what a student has learned
based on intended learning outcomes. The results of an assessment portfolio inform both the classroom
teacher and the student the extent to which the intended learning outcomes have been attained.
A developmental or growth portfolio consists of “the student’s work over an extended time frame
(throughout the school year or even longer) to reveal the student’s progress in meeting learning targets.”
(Santrock, 2009). Developmental or growth portfolios provide concrete evidence on how much a student
has changed or developed over time. To see how much a Kindergarten pupil has improved in his skill in
writing his/her name, one needs to compare his written name from the beginning of the school year with
that of the middle and the end of the school year.
Obviously, growth portfolios serve both students and teachers.
A best-work portfolio, also known as showcase portfolio or display portfolio, presents the student’s
most outstanding work. It documents student’s proof of best efforts with respect to learning outcomes. It
may include evidence of student activities beyond school (a story written at home, for example). Best-
work portfolios understandably are more selective than growth portfolios.
A display or best-work or showcase portfolio may be maintained from year to year, with new
pieces added each year, in order to document growth over time. These showcase portfolios are very
useful for parent-teacher conferences, students’ future teachers, admission in college and in future job
application to supplement other information.
In summary, assessment portfolios are meant to diagnose students’ learning. Developmental or
growth portfolios document students’ cognitive and psychomotor progress in learning Showcase or
best-work or display portfolios lead learners to celebrate learning because they present the best
product or the best performance of the student.
Regardless of their primary purpose or audience, portfolios have the power to transform the
learning environment in the classrooms where they are used. Danielson and Abrutyn (1997) state: “The
magic of portfolios lies not in the portfolios themselves, but in the process used in creating them and
the school culture in which documented learning is valued.”
For each item- a brief rationale for choosing the item should be included. This can relate students
performance, to their feelings regarding their progress and/or themselves as learner.
Students can choose to reflect upon some or all of the following:
• What did I learn from it?
• What did I do well?
• Why (base on agreed teacher -student assessment criteria) did I choose this item?
• What di I want to improve the item?
• How do I fell about the performance?
• What were the problem areas?