Rubrics For Jingle

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Theme A B C D

Jingle stays on topic Jingle stays on Jingle stays on Jingle doesn't

throughout. Topic is topic. Topic is topic some of the stay on topic.
positive and positive and time. Topic is Topic is not
appropriate for appropriate for occasionally shown in a
school advertising. school advertising. positive and positive way or
Clever lyrics. Competent lyrics appropriate for is not always
to advertise topic. school advertising. appropriate.
Fine lyrics written Group has
with some teacher difficulty and
support. needs much
support to
write lyrics.

Melody A B C D

Melody is simple Melody is simple Melody is fair, but Melody

and very "catchy". and "catchy". not "catchy". requires much
Rhythm and melody Rhythm and Could be improved improvement,
range appropriate melody range rhythmically or is not
and appealing. Is appropriate and melodically. Lacks appealing, or is
original. appealing. originality. "stolen" from
Demonstrates another source.
some originality.

Group A B C D

Entire group Entire group All group Group does not

involved in involved in members are work well
composition and composition and involved in together, not
performance performance, but composition and everyone
equally. All group not all equally. All performance at involved in
members ideas are group members times in every composition
always valued - ideas are usually class. Teacher and/or
group demonstrates valued - respect is must mediate performance.
respect at all times. shown most of the occasionally. Group
time. Respect often members
shown. undervalue
ideas - Respect
not shown.
Group either
falls apart,
requires much
intervention, or
does not finish

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