Immune System Student Reading Pages

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Introduction to the Immune System

Do you remember the last time you were sick? Chances are you remember having had a head
cold or the flu, or maybe even a stomach virus. You might have thought that you were never
going to recover, but in a few days, you were feeling yourself again. That is thanks to your
immune system!

What makes you sick?

Bacteria and viruses are usually to blame for

bringing on nasty colds, fevers and fatigue, and
many serious infections. There are other life forms
that can infect you as well, such as parasites and

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fungi, and also non-living things like chemical toxins. Any microorganism that causes an
infection is called a ​pathogen​.

How do you get sick?

Pathogens can spread in many different ways causing infections. They can be spread from
sneezing, coughing, kissing, and touching contaminated areas. This is how the common cold is
spread. Eating and drinking contaminated food and drinks, such as food poisoning. More
chronic diseases can spread through the exchange of blood or sexual contact, like the HIV

There are many ways pathogens spread from person to person, and each pathogen is different.
Sometimes all we have to do to get sick is breathe in air-born particles!

With so many points of entry and so many dangerous microbes out there, it seems that we
should be sick all the time. Luckily, our immune system is working round the clock to fend off
infections. It defends the body against outside particles and cleans the body of dead or old cells.

What is our Immune System?

The immune system is the body's own defense system against ​pathogens​ attacking the body.
Various cells, organs, and other systems all over the body work together to form the immune
system. Some components of the immune system work together to prevent the entry of
pathogens. This forms our first line of defense. However, sometimes the pathogens pass
through the first line of defense and enter our body. This is when our​ innate immune system
and ​acquired immune system ​come into play.

A big part of our guard cells recognizing and destroying harmful cells is being able to determine
which cells belong in the body and which cells do not.

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As mentioned earlier the immune system is made up of a number of different cells and organs
working and communicating with each other. This site contains extensive explanations of
various components that play a part in the immune system. Use the chart below to guide your
exploration of how the immune system works.

What happens if the Immune System malfunctions?

In the case of ​autoimmune diseases​ the immune system malfunctions. Rather than protecting
the body from harmful particles, the immune system begins to attack healthy cells in the body.
Examples of autoimmune diseases include Type I Diabetes and Lupus Erythematosus.
Scientists are still unsure as to why the immune system does this, but have identified two main
factors that could trigger this malfunction.

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1. Environmental factors such as viruses, drugs, and chemicals.

2. Genetic factors

More on: What is the Immune System?

Again, the immune system is the body's own defense system against pathogens attacking the
body. Various cells, organs, and other systems all over the body work together to form the
immune system.

The bone marrow found in the center of our bones produces special blood cells called B and T
white blood cells. These blood cells can identify, destroy, and remember pathogens that enter
our body. Remembering the pathogen helps prevent infection in the future. The lymphatic
system also plays a role in the immune system. All the waste materials from the destroyed
pathogens are removed by the lymphatic system.

You might ask, how does each cell know what job to do? Are they just born that way? And how
do they differentiate between “good” and “bad” cells, knowing not to attack your own healthy

Distinguishing Self from Non-Self

All the materials and substances that belong

in the body can be described by the term
"self." On the other hand, the term "non-self"
describes anything that is new and does not belong inside the body. Thus, the main function of
the immune system is to distinguish between self and non-self cells and substances.

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How does the immune system protect us from attack?

As you begin to explore the immune system, it is important to remember that our immune
system has ​learned to learn and remember. ​As organisms evolved over millions of years, the
immune system has developed its ability to ​learn​ and ​remember​ the billions of different cells and
substances it comes into contact with every day. Without this ability to learn and remember, you
would keep getting sick from the same thing over and over.

General Mechanisms

All organisms, including our body, live in a state of balance. Organisms eat and breathe to
supply the body with energy needed to survive. As we eat and breathe our body also needs to
protect itself from harmful organisms or substances that may enter through food, water, and air.
We must eat and breathe to produce the energy needed to defend our body!

Harmful particles and substances use various methods to harm the healthy body cells.

● Some pathogens, like bacteria, may release toxins that destroy healthy cells.

● Other pathogens, like viruses, enter the body cells and use the cell's machinery to replicate


● Sometimes, damaged or dead body cells can become harmful to the other cells.

The immune system is on constant watch to respond quickly and correctly to any three of these
above instances.

The First Line of Defense

Like any other defense system, the first step is to prevent the entry of foreign attackers. Your
skin forms the biggest barrier to stop pathogens from attacking. Think of it as a big stone wall

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protecting the castle on the inside. The skin shields your delicate organs and tissues from
attack. Our nasal passages have hair-like structures called cilia that sweep the air breathed in
for foreign particles like bacteria, pollen, and dust. This is why we sneeze! Saliva, the enzymes
found in our tears, and mucous lining in the nasal passages, the lining of the lungs, intestines,
urinary tract, and reproductive tracts all destroy pathogens that enter the body. Imagine the cilia
and enzymes like soldiers, protecting the gates around the castle.

Sometimes the first line of defense by our immune

system is not enough. In these instances, the immune
system uses its innate and acquired defenses to destroy
the unwanted visitors.

The Innate Immune System

If a foreign particle gets through the first line of defense,

the body cells around it will release histamine. Histamine
is an enzyme that increases the temperature of blood and
causes it to flow faster. The higher blood temperature can kill some of the bacteria. As the blood
flows faster, the white blood cells can arrive at the infection site faster.

Along with the red and white blood cells, blood also carries many proteins. These proteins are
part of the ​Complement System​ that helps the immune system. Proteins in the blood react with
other substances on the pathogen, activating the protein. The activated protein begins to break
down the pathogen chemically causing them to burst (lysis). As the pathogen cell bursts, it
releases another enzyme- ​cytokines​.

Cytokines signal special swallowing cells called macrophages to the infected site. The
macrophages eat and digest the pathogen cells destroying them.

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It is important to understand that the proteins and macrophages work together at the same time
to destroy the pathogen.

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The first lines of defense, the proteins in the Complement System and the macrophages, are all
part of the innate immune system. The innate defenses occur immediately after attack and are
non-specific. This means it does not identify the attacker, it simply defends the body from
non-self particles.

If the innate immune system is unsuccessful and the pathogen is not destroyed, then the
acquired immune system​ is triggered.

The Acquired Immune System

The acquired immune system is a vital component that helps defend our body. It is able to
identify harmful non-self particles, destroy them and remember them, too. This part of the
immune system is described as "acquired" because it is constantly identifying new particles and
saving this information to its memory for future use.

The acquired immune system consists of the macrophages, B and T white blood cells, and
other cells more vulnerable to pathogens. The B and T cells save the information about the
different pathogens that it encounters. This way they can fight off future infections using this
saved information.

Together, the innate and acquired defenses of the immune system pose a double threat to

Passive Immunity

There is a third kind of immunity- passive immunity. Passive immunity comes from receiving
antibodies from another person. This happens between a mother and her child since they share
blood and also during lactation. This protection is immediate and very effective but does not last

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Organs of the Immune System

The organs that make up the immune system include the bone marrow, the spleen, the thymus,
and the lymph nodes and lymph vessels.

Bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside of the bone produces the white blood cells. All T cells, B
cells, macrophages and others are first created in the bone marrow. B cells mature in the bone
marrow, but T cells travel to the thymus to grow.

Just like blood travels through the blood

vessels, the cells of the immune system
have their own transportation system where
they perform many functions. This is called
the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is a network of

vessels, lymph nodes, and organs
throughout the body. The lymph vessels help
the white blood cells travel around the body
quickly and connects the lymph nodes and
the blood stream.

White blood cells like macrophages and T cells concentrate in the lymph nodes, where they can
quickly disable any bacteria or virus passing through. Here, B cells divide and multiply, sending
a flood of antibodies through the blood and lymph vessels.

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A bad infection will cause a lot of
activity in the lymph nodes,
causing swelling. This is
noticeable in some viral
infections like Mononucleosis,
where the lymph nodes in the
neck are swollen and tender.

Stem cells are very important. Right now, scientists are researching how to use these stem
cells to help cure diseases like Diabetes. Read on to Autoimmune Diseases and Diabetes to
learn more about stem cells and regenerative medicine!


A macrophage is an important type of white blood cell. The function of a macrophage is to

swallow foreign particles and smaller cells.

Macrophages carry out their function through a process called ​phagocytosis. ​This cell
constantly roams around the body looking for and destroying dead cells and particles that do not
belong in the body.

Macrophages cannot recognize specific target cells. So they are considered part of the ​innate
immune response.​ They also help directly with the ​specific​ immune response.

Where and how are macrophages made?

Macrophages are a type of white blood cell called monocytes. These cells are produced from
stem cells in the bone marrow. The new monocytes formed in the bone marrow are released

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into the bloodstream. Once it leaves the bloodstream it matures into either a ​wandering
macrophage​ or a ​fixed macrophage.

● Wandering macrophages ​travel around the blood stream and the lymph system looking for

unknown cells and particles to eat up.

● Fixed macrophages ​stick to and guard a specific location in the body that is at a higher risk

of infection. For example, the lungs and intestines.

Therefore, macrophages are found all around your body in different tissues, lungs, skin, and
organs of the immune system like the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.

What role do macrophages play in the immune system?

● ​ acrophages travel around the body looking for non-self

In the innate immune system: M

antigens it does not recognize. These cells are programmed to look for specific structures of

proteins on the surface of other cells to distinguish between self and non-self particles.

Macrophages look for and eat any foreign particles that live in the fibrous environment

(extracellular matrix) between cells, as well as eat the debris of damaged or dead cells.

Special receptor sites on the cell membrane enable the macrophage to receive chemical

signals sent out by bacteria, attracting them to points of infection. This way macrophages will

not hurt the healthy cells in our bodies! By themselves, macrophages are good at destroying

bacteria, fungi, and different types of parasites (like worms). They also help fight off tumors.

● In the acquired immune system: An​ important function of the macrophages is that they can

activate the acquired immune system! After a macrophage has eaten and digested a particle,

it displays some of the broken down germ proteins (antigens) on its cell surface. These

antigens act as identification signals for Helper T cells. Helper T cells can “read” these

signals and tell what kind of particle the macrophage has eaten! If the T cell determines the

macrophage has eaten something harmful (a pathogen), it can trigger a powerful reaction

towards the specific pathogen.

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How do macrophages eat or engulf the harmful particles?

Phagocytosis​ (“phago”=eat, “cyte”=cell) is a fundamental biological process, where organisms,

cells and/or particles are “eaten” or engulfed and digested.

When a macrophage encounters an outsider, it extends its cell membrane around the particle,
drawing the particle into itself. It then forms a vesicle called a phagosome. Lysosomes inside of
the macrophage release enzymes that break apart the captured particle inside of the

Macrophages are not the only type of cells that function through phagocytosis. There are other
important swallowing cells that make up the immune system, such as cells called granulocytes,
neutrophils and dendritic cells. Macrophages are the biggest and most effective of the

Phagocytosis was ​one of the earliest forms of metabolism​, meaning that it was first used to
get food needed for energy. You can still see some organisms using phagocytosis for eating
and digestion, like the amoeba from the Protista kingdom. The amoeba is a single-celled
organism that can swallow other cells, then break down the cell and use it for energy—the same
way that macrophages swallow and break down bacteria and harmful pathogens. This ancient
swallowing ability has been retained by some cells in modern organisms, like the macrophages,
for protection!

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So, phagocytosis has evolved from a simple form of metabolism to being also a major part of
our immune system, helping to keep us healthy!

B cells

B cells are another type of white blood cell. They are similar to the swallowing cells like
macrophages but they are specific, meaning they can only attack one kind of intruder. B cells
create ​antibodies​ during an immune response.

Where and how are B cells formed?

Like T cells, B cells are lymphatic cells that are born from stem cells in the bone marrow. But,
unlike T cells, B cells stay in the bone marrow until they are mature. Once mature, they travel
through the body, moving in and out of the lymph and blood streams and collecting in the lymph

The most important part of a B cell is its​ receptor site​. This site is called an ​antibody​. Each B
cell is born with a specific site on their membrane that can bind to only one kind of harmful
particle. So this receptor site allows the B cell to recognize and identify one kind of infectious
foreign particle. It can do this by binding to the specific protein structure on the particle’s
surface. But, antibodies do a lot more, read on!

How do B cells function?

When a B cell finds a particle in the body that matches its unique receptor site, it attaches by its
receptor site and digests it through a process similar to phagocytosis. It then displays the
digested viral or bacterial pieces on its cell surface which attracts Helper T cells. If the Helper T
cell also has a specific binding site that matches the digested bits on the B cell, then it ​knows
that the digested particle is harmful! If it hadn’t already been alerted (and activated) by a
macrophage of the same threat, it now becomes activated.

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The activated Helper T cell, in turn, activates the B cell, and this interaction causes the B cell to
divide. After a few days, the young B cells will
mature and differentiate into ​plasma cells ​and
memory B cells​.

● Plasma cells​ use their machinery to

produce ​antibodies​.

● Memory B cells ​remain in the body and

"remember" the proteins the infectious particle

had. So in the future if it encounters the same

particles with the same antigens then it can launch

a quicker and stronger response.

How do antibodies work?

Antibodies are “Y” –shaped protein structures made by B cells. They are made to specifically
bind with one kind of infecting virus or bacteria. Think of how a lock and key work. The key has
to match exactly into the lock for it to open the door. Likewise, the Y shaped antibody protein
locks into a specific place on the infecting virus or bacteria​. ​So, each type of virus or bacteria
requires a different set of antibodies—antibodies made against the Influenza virus don’t have
any effect on, let's say, the Mononucleosis virus, although their symptoms are very similar!

Antibodies can work in three ways to fight against an infection:

1. They travel through the blood and lymph to the site of infection and attach themselves to the

matching foreign particle. This causes the foreign particle to become immobile, preventing

them from spreading or reproducing.

2. Antibodies make the foreign particle more attractive to macrophages and other phagocytes,

who quickly come and eat the immobile particles.

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3. Antibodies can also travel to the intestines or our external mucous membranes to stop their

pathogen before more of it enters the body!

What do Memory cells do?

The other set of cells produced during B cell division are ​memory B cells. ​These continue to
exist in the body long after the infection has been cleared. This way, they keep the antibody
that recognizes the specific harmful outsider. In other words, they have the bacteria or virus on
file! The next time it enters the body, the memory B cells will have all the information needed to
start a quick antibody response and stop a chronic infection before it occurs. These B cells can
stay circulating around your body for years, or possibly forever!

Memory B cells are the reason we can have vaccines and, unfortunately, allergies!

How do B cells recognize bacteria or viruses?


Each piece of virus or bacteria that causes an infection has its own different genetic makeup.
This genetic makeup is expressed in the proteins that are displayed either on its surface or on
the surface of an infected body cell. These proteins are called antigens.

The whole goal of the B cell is to recognize the specific structure of these proteins, and
manufacture antibodies that will “fit” their shape. Antibodies have specific binding sites allowing
​ f one type of key—per
them to only bind to one kind of antigen. It’s like creating ​thousands o
second—that will unlock one door. It is estimated that there are ​10 million​ different variations in
protein structure that viruses and bacteria can express. So the body competes by producing ​10
million​ B cells that each have a uniquely-shaped receptor! Our B cells represent one way in
which our immune system has adapted over time. These adaptations enable it to acquire and

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remember information about viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens that threaten our

One of the Least Well Known But Major Players of the Immune System:


As you keep reading this page you will learn more about the innate immune system and the
acquired immune system. But, before we can discuss these topics we must look at the
importance of one player of the immune system that is not as well known: the proteins.

The proteins act on their own and form the complement system to the immune system. They
help all the cells in the immune system communicate with each other. Furthermore, they play an
important role in identifying each cell or germ.

Identifying cells and Proteins

All cells (human, bacterial and everything in between) hold some form of genetic material. The
genetic material carries the information that tells the cell what to do. This genetic material codes
for proteins that become part of the surface of the cell, its membrane. The proteins are called
antigens​ in the context of the immune system.

​All livings things are made of

cells, from one cell to millions of
cells – including us and the
organisms we refer to as
pathogens. In all organisms,
each cell holds genetic material
in the form of DNA in their

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nuclei. Combinations of different molecules called​ nucleic acids​ make up who we are—they
encode for every aspect of our bodies. The formation of our organs, bones, muscles and
tissues as a fetus and the color of our hair, eyes and skin, and even our own immune
system—are all expressions of our unique DNA. Even though we each have our own variations
of DNA, which is most noticeably expressed in physical features, each species has a different
set of DNA. This is true except for viruses, which only have RNA (one strand of ribo-nucleic
acids instead of two). Likewise, there are millions of different bacteria, viruses, and infectious
organisms that exist in the world and each one has a different genetic makeup.

DNA holds the information, but how does the body use it?

Each cell builds proteins from the different combinations of amino acids encoded in the
DNA.​ Proteins carry out many functions in each cell in the body and they play a major role in
the immune system. At any point, each cell in your body is producing proteins from its DNA.
These proteins can stay inside the cell, become a part of the cell's membrane and even go out
of the cell.

Proteins are characterized by having complex 3D shapes, but the shapes depend on their
composition. Since each protein usually has a unique composition,​ proteins can be
distinguished by shape​ (and by other molecular interactions).

The type of protein a cell makes

depends on two factors​:

1) The type of cell making the protein. For

example, a brain cell has different functions
to a heart cell. Thus, the proteins the brain
cell makes will be different from the proteins made in the heart cell.

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2) The circumstances under which the protein is being made, for example, the proteins a cell
makes when it is healthy, is different from when it is lacking essential nutrients or is ready to

Self antigens ​are proteins made by a cell during its natural life. "Self" means belonging to the
cell. The proteins made by an infected cell are called ​nonself antigens​. This means the
proteins do not belong in a healthy body. The immune system recognizes the nonself proteins
and destroys them.

Memory in the Immune System

During an immune response, B and T cells create memory cells. These are copies of the
specific B and T cells that responded to a threat. These cells remain in the body, holding
information about each threat and how to fight against the threat. This gives our immune system
memory​. So the immune system is able to prepare a quicker and more powerful response if it
comes across the same threat again.

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Our immune system's capacity for memory allows us to develop ​immunities​. When our immune
system knows what a germ looks like, it can stop any new infections before we get sick again.
That means we are immune to that particular germ.

Our immune system's capacity for memory allows us to gain immunity through vaccines.
However, it can also get us in trouble with autoimmune disorders or with allergies.


There are thousands of bacteria and viruses in the world, some of which your body has never
seen before. That’s why we get vaccines. Vaccines help protect us from these bacteria and
viruses. When you go to the doctor to get a vaccine, you are actually injected with a form of
whatever virus or bacteria you are trying to prevent! Scientists today have engineered vaccines
that are very safe. Some vaccines don’t even use the whole virus or bacteria, but simply a part
of it. Your B cells pick up the vaccine and begin making antibodies and memory cells against it.
The next time your body comes across that virus or bacteria, your B cells will be ready to
produce the right antibodies against it.

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Ever wonder why it takes days, sometimes weeks to get over a cold? Remember that you
produce millions of different B cells. With so many different cells to produce, it’s impossible to
make a lot of each. Your body only has so much energy and space. Whenever an infectious
outsider is introduced, the right B cell has to be weeded out. Not only that, that B cell has to
divide and produce antibodies. With the common cold, the body needs a few days to get its B
cells in full operation. But with more chronic diseases, like Tuberculosis or Hepatitis, the body
benefits from the introduction of a vaccine. That way it will already have many of the necessary
B cells and antibodies needed to prevent infection.


The Functions of Histamine

On a general level, histamine is a chemical neurotransmitter produced by the body during an

allergic reaction, most noticeably causing skin, nose, throat and lung irritation (itchiness,
redness, swelling, rash, cough and flem, mucosa) in response to various allergens: insect bites
or topical irritants, dust pollen, food allergies. These reactions are part of the inflammatory
response, which is an important part of the overall immune response. Other functions:
histamine helps regulate physiological function in the gut, helps to regulate sleep, and aids the
sexual response.

Let’s look at these functions one by one, beginning with how histamine functions as a chemical

Histamine as a Neurotransmitter​: A neurotransmitter is a chemical that is passed between

neurons in the nervous system. When a neuron releases molecules of a chemical
neurotransmitter, it passes from what is called the “presynaptic nerve terminal” or the end of the
neuron, through the “synapse” or the gap between neurons, and is finally taken up by a
“receptor” area on the receiving neuron. That neuron then continues to pass the

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neurotransmitter, resulting in a reaction. The constant stimulation of neurons causes reactions
in the body which are specific to the type of neurotransmitter that is passed.

Histamine is grouped with a class of neurotransmitters called “Small Molecule Neurotransmitter

Substances,” alongside Serotonin, Epinephrine (adrenaline) and Dopamine.

Histamine in Allergic Reactions:​ There is always a small amount of histamine circulating

through your body at any given time. When a foreign substance is introduced, such as the toxic
chemicals of an insect bite or the oil of poisonous plants like poison ivy, the body releases larger
amounts of histamine to the site of infection. In individuals who are allergic to certain types of
food like strawberries or foods containing sulfur, the body can release very large quantities of
histamine which can result in shock and sometimes death. The body cannot handle large
amounts of histamine. As a result, the body will counter-act histamine by producing Epinephrine
(adrenaline) which helps to de-activate histamine. Sometimes high levels of adrenaline can
result in unwanted anxiety and panic attacks. Medication like Benadryl or other antihistamines
help to clear some histamine from the body for relief. This is why, whenever you are sick with a
head cold, you want to take medicine that contains antihistamine, to relieve swelling resulting
from infection inside the nasal cavity and stimulate fluid secretion.

What is the purpose of histamine in allergic reactions?​ : The histamine reaction in relation
to the immune response (in both allergic reactions and immune reactions) serves two main
functions: 1. It causes what is called “vasodilation.” Vasodilation occurs when the muscular
walls that surround blood vessels are relaxed, causing the interior of the blood vessel to widen.
2. It induces fluid secretion at the site of infection. Both of these responses are an important
part of the inflammatory response. Vasodilation allows white blood cells to move easily to the
site of infection. Fluid secretion is important in ridding the body of infectious agents or allergens.
It is also known, at a molecular level, that histamine helps to stimulate certain macrophage
responses as well as Helper T cell responses, and so it is purported through the latter that
histamine also helps induce antibody response.

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Histamine in Digestion:​ Histamine plays a role in gastric secretion by helping to induce the
production of acid in the stomach.

Histamine in Sleep:​ The body regulates the amount of histamine in circulation and maintains a
careful balance. This is most important with keeping the body awake and alert. ​Antihistamines
are known to cause drowsiness and sleep.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body.
When this autoimmunity starts to harm the body it is called an autoimmune disease.

It seems counter-productive for our immune system to attack our own bodies. Yet, scientists
think that there is a naturally occurring level of autoimmunity that is going on all the time in
humans and other higher animals. ​ ​Scientists still do not completely understand why the
immune system does this, or why only certain individuals are affected while others are not.
However, they can conclude that genetics, drugs, viruses, and certain chemicals seem to be
associated with autoimmune diseases.

There are over 80 different types of immune disorders. Some of the most common are Lupus
Erythematosus, thyroid disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis, Celiac Disease, and Type I
Diabetes, to name a few. Some of these diseases affect only a specific organ or tissue in the
body, thus being ​localized​. While others can affect the whole body, and are termed ​systemic​.
Localized diseases attack a specific area of the body, like tissues and joints, the nervous
system, the blood, and the pancreas for example. Metabolism, muscular movement, brain
function—these are just some of the body’s major functions that can be de-regulated by

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autoimmune disorders. Your whole body is an interconnected system. So, if one organ or
individual system is attacked it will affect many other functions in the body.

Type I Diabetes is an autoimmune

disease where a rare error occurs and the
immune cells attack some special cells in
the pancreas. Keep reading to find out
more about Type I Diabetes.


Type I Diabetes affects approximately 5% to 10% of the general population. It usually begins
during childhood. The specific cause for Type I Diabetes has yet to be found. But scientists
believe genetics and environmental factors play a role. Like many other autoimmune disorders,
if someone has family members that are diabetic, they have a greater chance of developing
diabetes than someone who has no family history of diabetes.

Scientists believe environmental factors, like certain chemicals and viral infections, begin or
exacerbate Type I Diabetes. Also, there is evidence linking Type I Diabetes to other
autoimmune diseases like anemia, thyroid disease, and Addison’s disease.

Pathogenesis:​ what happens inside the body of someone who has Type I Diabetes?

​ f the Islet cells in the pancreas and

In Type I Diabetes, the immune system becomes ​intolerant o
trigger an immune response against it. The pancreas is a vital organ in the digestive system that
secretes enzymes to break down food, and regulates the blood sugar level. The Islet cells in the
pancreas secrete ​insulin​. It is a hormone that allows cells to use the sugar in food to make
energy. In the case of Type I Diabetes, the T cells of the immune system attack, destroy, and

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activate antibodies against the Islet cells. Thus, preventing the body from producing insulin and
regulating its blood sugar level.

It is unusual for the body to mistake healthy cells for infected ones. There are many steps taken
to prevent this. T cells are the mediators and regulators of the immune system. They activate
the antibody response and stimulate phagocytosis. If they mistakenly recognize healthy body
cells as infected, they activate other cells of the body to attack as well. To prevent this, when T
cells are maturing in the thymus, they get evaluated before they are released into the body. If
they are designed to recognize and attack body cells, then they are automatically
destroyed—about ​90% of T cells are destroyed in the thymus before traveling to the body!

If the thymus destroys malfunctioning T cells, then how is Type I Diabetes caused? Keep
reading to learn about the major theories of what causes Type I Diabetes.

Possible Causes of Type I Diabetes

Diabetes Type I is not a new disease. There are records of Type I Diabetes existing in ancient
Egypt. Today, there are several explanations being considered, including viruses, drugs and
chemicals. But there is significant evidence that Type I Diabetes usually results from a
combination of both pre-disposed genetics and environmental factors.

Modern Treatments for Type I Diabetes

There is currently no cure for diabetes, but there are a few available treatments, and a lot of
options being researched! Right now, there are two popular types of treatment for patients with
Type I Diabetes:

1. Insulin replacement therapy:

The majority of individuals that live with Type I Diabetes undergo insulin replacement therapy.
This means that everyday, many times a day, they must inject a very specific amount of insulin

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into their blood streams. This insulin makes up for what their dead insulin-making cells cannot
produce. Although many diabetic patients can lead healthy lives with insulin replacement
therapy, it is a painstaking method to treat the disease. Despite having to constantly monitor
blood sugar levels and administer many shots daily, sometimes this treatment is not effective
enough. It is difficult to imitate the delicate balance of the pancreas. If the shot contains too little
or too much insulin, or a shot is missed, the patient runs the risk of developing further health

2. Islet cell transplant:

Instead of constantly injecting the body with insulin, some doctors are in favor of transplanting
new islet cells or even a new pancreas into the diabetic patient. Doing so potentially replaces
the insulin-producing islet cells and restores the body’s metabolism of glucose. Islet cells are
transplanted into the liver, where they are able to produce insulin. Recent studies show that one
year after the operation, 58% of Islet cell transplant patients were insulin independent. But there
are many problems with this method. Not only is this a costly procedure, it often takes two or
more donors for a successful transplant, so there is a long waiting list. Also, the transplanted
islet cells can fail to function after a few years. However, the biggest risk is that the transplant
can be attacked by the immune system—this is called ​rejection​. ​Rejection is a risk with all
transplants.​ Any cells that are transplanted into one person’s body from another person’s are
likely to be attacked by the white blood cells of the immune system. They recognize the cells as
foreign, and so will again destroy the islet cells! To counteract rejection, transplant patients must
take​ immunosuppressant drugs ​for the rest of their lives to allow their new islet cells to
function. Immunosuppressant drugs usually weaken the whole immune system. This causes
the patient to experience fatigue and sickness and is likely to develop other health problems.
Sometimes it is better for the diabetic patient to avoid transplants.

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Current treatment methods like islet cell transplants and insulin injection both help the diabetic
patient, but they cannot cure the disease. Scientists are now looking to regenerative medicine
for the answers!

Regenerative Medicine Treatment

Modern medicine offers a few options to help reduce the symptoms of diabetes but as of now it
doesn't offer a cure. So, researchers are looking at a relatively new and promising field of
regenerative medicine​. Instead of replacing cells and organs in sick individuals, the idea of
regenerative medicine is to re-grow the body’s own natural cells that were destroyed. In
patients with Type I Diabetes, scientists are studying how to regenerate the insulin-producing
islet cells of the pancreas.

What role do stem cells play?

The key to re-growing cells is to use ​stem cells​. Stem cells are special self-renewing cells
found in certain areas in the body. These cells have the ability to mature into different cells,
organs, tissues, and muscles.

Scientists are experimenting with harvesting and cultivating stem cells that could mature into
islet cells. These cells can then be transplanted into patients with Type I Diabetes. For example,
some researchers at Stanford University believe that stem cells from the brain can mature into
islet cells.

Even with new insulin-producing cells from the individual’s own body, an autoimmune reaction
against them is still a problem. As defined earlier, in Type I Diabetes the body attacks its own
cells. So it's T cells and other white blood cells are still programmed to attack any new cells
introduced to the body. Instead of taking damaging immunosuppressant drugs, scientists are
developing two methods to resolve this problem.

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One is to place the re-grown beta cells into special protective capsules that would not allow the
immune system to detect the cells. The capsules would be designed to let insulin out and allow
blood sugar in.

Another idea is to “shave” off the proteins on the surface of the insulin-making cells that seem to
be activating the autoimmune reaction. Since cells use the proteins on their surfaces to read
each other and take specific actions from these signals, the proteins on beta cells could be
responsible for telling T cells to attack the insulin-producing cells. Getting rid of some of these
proteins might prevent the immune system from attacking.

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Hopefully, scientists will soon be able to create insulin-producing cells from stem cells as well as
prevent an autoimmune reaction and cure people with Type I Diabetes.


It is estimated that over 200 million people in the world today are living with Type II Diabetes.
This number is significantly more than those living with Type I Diabetes. Although Type II
Diabetes has some of the similar effects of Type I, its cause is different from Type I Diabetes.
Type II is not an autoimmune disorder nor is it connected to autoimmunity.​ In Type II
Diabetes the body also can’t use insulin properly. Instead of being unable to produce it, ​the
body seems to produce too much​.

Diabetes Type II is not well understood yet but doctors agree that a few things seem to be
associated with it like ​hyperglycemia​ (too much sugar in the blood) and ​insulin resistance​.
The latter, insulin resistance, is when cells in certain tissues, like the muscle, liver and fat cells,
stop responding to insulin in the body. This can result in both insulin and sugar accumulating in
the blood! Too much insulin and glucose in the blood can become toxic. Also, if the cells don’t
take up enough sugar either, the cells starve. These problems over time can affect the health of
whole organs and leave the individual very weakened.

Studies indicate Type II Diabetes is linked to genetics, environmental factors, diet and lifestyle,
and is specifically linked to obesity.

Type II Diabetes develops over time, and seems to affect older adults, the overweight, and
some ethnic groups. Lately, there have been more and more cases of Type II Diabetes affecting
children and even individuals who are not overweight. ​However, doctors agree that this type
of diabetes can be controlled and even prevented through diet, exercise, and regular
medical check ups.

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Metabolism and the Immune

Life forms can be made up of only one cell or

millions of cells. Millions of years ago, life
consisted mostly of one-celled organisms. Yet,
over time, a variety of bigger and more complex organisms emerged.

Single-celled organisms, like bacteria, are efficient at surviving in very specific and harsh
environments! For example, some bacteria are able to live on the ocean floor where there is no
sunlight, while others live in hot springs. More complex organisms need more energy but are
also more able to move and interact with their environment. This helps them seek food and
comfort, use more specialized ways of protecting themselves or muscles and legs that allow
them to move greater distances with greater control.

Life has evolved over millions of years. Life exists as a myriad of shapes and forms, from
one-celled organisms like bacteria to organisms with millions and millions of cells, like human
beings! But in every size, shape and form, ​life is always in a constant balancing act of
getting food for energy and protecting ourselves from things that might disrupt and
infect our bodies. ​ These basic needs give rise to the most fundamental processes in our
bodies: metabolism and the immune system!


All organisms, regardless of their size, and all the cells that compose them, need energy to
survive.​ Metabolism​ is the process through which a life form gets energy from its environment

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and uses it to live. Metabolism includes eating food, breaking it down into nutrients, getting the
nutrients to each cell of the body and each cell’s processes that utilize this food energy.


The immune system is not a simple organ with a simple function. It is a group of cells and
tissues that work together to protect the body. The immune system carries out the challenging
task of identifying what belongs to the body (the self) from those that may be harmful- like old,
dead cells or​ outsider​ particles like some kinds of bacteria or viruses. Our immune system has
to be intelligent to deal with the magnificent variety of unknowns in the world.

Metabolism and the immune system share a common purpose, somehow they must swallow
other particles, one for energy, one to stop a harmful invader. Keep reading to discover the role
of the swallowing cells in both!


When life first began, all organisms were single-celled. These cells could get all their energy
from the ocean or the sun. They absorbed and digested what they could, individually. Over time,
these small single-celled organisms evolved into bigger cells. These bigger cells had the ability
to swallow other smaller cells and digest them for energy. Hence becoming the ​swallowing
cells​. These cells were able to get energy a lot faster! These swallowing cells became central to
the development of more complex digestion and immune systems we see in organisms today.


Millions of years ago, cells started to be able to work together. This cooperation allowed the
cells that make up these tiny animals to start specializing, and carrying out different roles. Some
cells, on the outside of the animal become tougher to protect the animal, like a sort of skin.
Some swallowing cells became really good at absorbing food and took over eating. In small

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animals, this works well, as all the cells were close to the eating cells, so they can easily share
energy with their neighboring cells.

Cell cooperation involves cells being able to communicate with each other. This communication
is at the basis of almost all processes in your body! For example, your immune cells use
chemicals to work together, and your neurons and muscle cells send electrical signals from one
to another.

Some swallowing cells became good at moving around and sniffing out harmful cells or
particles. This is the beginning of a simple​ immune system​!

Even in modern animals, the ancient ability to swallow certain cells and small debris has been
retained by some special cells. So, in addition to digesting food, swallowing cells can destroy
things that may be harmful to an organism, such as some kinds of bacteria, viruses, or old dead
cells. So what was once a form of nutrition became a form of protection, too!

These swallowing cells are found in the immune system of human beings, too! They are called
macrophages​ and ​B cells​.


Over time more complex organisms with more and more cells appeared. Since these organisms
had more cells they needed specialized ways to get more energy and spread the energy to
other cells.

Some organisms evolved with special pockets to break down the food in one area. Others
evolved with a passageway to make the distribution of energy easier. Eventually, this passage
evolved into a complex system with special organs similar to the digestive system we see today.

Look at the diagram below to learn more about the evolution of metabolism.

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The digestive tube, being very good at absorbing broken down food, is also a big point of entry
for outsiders! So, lots of immune cells are found very close to digestive tubes.

As organisms became more complex and ​specialized,​ with many different types of cells, the
harder the immune system's job became. Think of the human body, how many different cells
and particles can you think of that belong to your body? Skin cells, hair cells, eye cells, bone
cells and even the calcium in your teeth! So, the ​immune system​ needed to become more
complex! New types of cells, like B cells and T cells, and tissues, like the lymphatic system,
evolved to work together and be more efficient and specific. Once the immune system has
discovered a particle or dead cell in your body, it calls a team of special swallowing cells that set
to work breaking it down, like food!

The Partnership in Education, Duquesne University 32

Metabolism, Sugar, and Diabetes

Your body needs a great deal of energy to complete your day-to-day activities. For example,
you need energy to do homework, play soccer, or even read a book! For any of these activities,
even when you’re just sleeping, all of your cells need energy to continue being healthy and to
function correctly.


Your body is constantly busy getting energy. The cells store the food energy and then spend it,
maintaining themselves and doing fun things! ​All the processes in your body that involve
getting or spending energy are known as your metabolism​. A high metabolism occurs when
your body is both getting a lot of energy and using a lot of energy. Whereas a low metabolism
occurs when the body neither has nor is able to use a lot of energy.

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So where does your body get all this energy from? Eating a healthy diet helps provide your body
with a great deal of its energy. The food you eat is broken-down into smaller parts like sugars,
fats and proteins and other nutrients in a process called ​digestion​. As the food travels through
the digestive tract it gets broken-down into smaller pieces. In the small intestine the nutrients
such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed by the blood. The blood carries the
nutrients all over the body so that cells can use them.

A special chemical, called insulin, helps cells absorb sugar from the blood stream. ​Sugar
is one of the main sources of energy for the body so without insulin, most of the cells in your
body would not get ANY energy!

Our body has a carefully regulated mechanism to deal with the amount of sugar in our
body.​ Too much and too little can be harmful! Our body constantly decides how much sugar
each cell needs, how much sugar to have in our bloodstream for quick use and how much sugar
to store for later.

However, there are certain instances where the regulatory mechanism malfunctions. An
example of such an instance is the case of ​Diabetes.

In a person diagnosed with​ Diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or the
body cells stop responding to insulin.​ In both these instances the cells can not absorb
sugars and the sugar level in the blood starts to rise. As a result, the body gets tired, dehydrated
and blood pressure lowers. Many other health problems can occur as well.


If you gave a human a lot of sugar their metabolism level will not be sustained and would drop
quickly! Despite the human body needing sugar to gain energy, too much sugar can actually

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overwhelm the body. The body has a specific and delicate mechanism that controls the use and
storage of its sugars. Too much sugar stresses out this mechanism. As a result causing the
regulation mechanism to malfunction.

Getting too much or too little sugar can both be significant problems. But getting too much sugar
is a more common problem seen in both adults and children.


The Good Sugars

Natural sugars are examples of “good sugars” your body can easily store and use. They even
have other health benefits such as boosting your immune system, strengthening the power of
your pancreas and ridding your body of toxins that may make you feel sluggish and unhealthy.
These kinds of “healthy sugars” are found in some fruits like apples, pears and blueberries,
vegetables and legumes like yams and beans, nuts and foods containing whole grains.

The Bad Sugars

While there are many “good sugars” out there, you have to watch out for the sugars that aren't
so good for you! The main sugar to watch out for is called “​refined sugar​”. It is also known as
“white sugar” and most people use it everyday! It is present not only in obvious foods like candy
and soda, but also in other foods like breads, lunch meats, ketchup, canned vegetables and

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When a bar of candy is digested, white sugar is broken down by the body into very simple
sugars in an unusually quick manner. This causes a person’s sugar levels in their blood to rise
drastically (hyperglycemia), and causes an equally quick response of big insulin-production from
the pancreas. This uncontrolled production of insulin can lead to removing too much sugar from
the blood! In this situation, the body gives order to release sugar that is in storage in the liver to
replenish the sugar in the bloodstream. If these imbalances happen a lot, they can really wear
out our sugar control mechanism! This can lead to health problems like diabetes and
hypoglycemia, as well as a lot of trauma to the pancreas!

People with diabetes are prone to experience the sharp highs and lows described above, since
the lack of insulin leaves the body in a state of stress, usually with too much sugar in their

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bloodstream. So, when a diabetic eats, their body will immediately have a harder time dealing
with the added sugars.

The balance of sugar in your body is directly related to the kinds of foods you eat. A healthy,
balanced diet lets your body have an easy time digesting and using its energy.

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