IG2 Report, MUHAMMAD ALI, 00796731, Nbiz Information Consultancy LLC .
IG2 Report, MUHAMMAD ALI, 00796731, Nbiz Information Consultancy LLC .
IG2 Report, MUHAMMAD ALI, 00796731, Nbiz Information Consultancy LLC .
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I
malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for furth
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for lea
assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the rele
Part 1: Background
You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.
Topic Comm
Name of organisation* Mari Drilling Services Unit (MDU)
Site location* Mari, Pakistan
Number of workers 160
First discovered in 1957, the lower Kirthar Limestone Form
Stanvac Petroleum Project, a joint venture established in
Eastern Incorporated U.S.A. In 1967, the field started ope
Foundation, Government of Pakistan (GoP), and Oil and G
The business persisted as a public limited corporation tha
General description of the organisation The rig is operating 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 6 days a week in
morning shift start from 7am to 6pm and the night shift sta
are only required to work 11 hours per day as 1-hour brea
operation is closed at the weekend.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all o
You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried out this Before visiting the site I concluded my risk assessment from the follo
should include:
sources of information consulted;
who you spoke to; and
how you identified:
- the hazards;
- what is already being done; and
- any additional controls/actions that may be required.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
Work at height All the workers working on PPE, such as a complete body
Worker working on height. harness with lanyards, is available for
the scaffolding By standers or the worker who working at heights.
, which is pretty high are just passing through. A second spotter who’s always there
above ground and A fall can cause serious brain for assistance.
approx. 30 meters damage, multiple bone Rope grabs devices designed to travel
above the rig surface, fractures, severe spinal or neck alongside lifeline system.
presents possible risk injuries, or in the worst Always doing work under someone’s
of falling down. situations, even death. supervision.
A guard rail and a safety net.
Proper rescue system for works at
Slip and Trips All field personnel, Sufficient illumination
Unstable surfaces maintenance and repair Non-skid footwear provided. Slip areas
when working outside personnel, housekeeping staff being indicated .
in bad weather, and guests.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
deck openings Falls caused by tripping and To lower the chance of slipping, strict
uneven exteriors junk slipping may result in injuries housekeeping procedures are adhered
on the deck like sprains, bruising, and to, including the prompt cleanup of
Inadequate cleaning fractures to the hand, wrist, and spills.
chemical and oil spills arm, among other possible
tripping over injuries.
apparatus, hoses,
and buildings poor
Equipment and Inspectors, field personnel, and Proper PPE such as a hard hat.
Materials Above: guests. harm to the brain, eyes, Ensured toeboards are in place.
Shifting or Falling etc. Cutting, pierce, and
Low-rise wall dropped property damage to pipes,
items from the structures, and equipment leak
overhead operation from the machinery
Fire Explosion All the workers, the supervisors Providing fire resistant clothes.
Chemicals and and the visitors. Placing of fire blankets in specific
volatile hydrocarbons Fire can cause major burns or places.
in warm areas damage from smoke inhalation. Conducting fire and safety training.
combustible severe traumatic injuries
substances brought on by explosions or
spontaneous burning.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
caused by cargo In the worst situation, smoke Respiratory masks provided. Monthly
welding or oily rags. inhalation could cause indirect fire extinguisher checkup.
death from the flames or direct
death from the flames.
overstrain, posture, Field worker, the drilling crew Rotation and the introduction of breaks
and and the maintenance workers. for workers .
musculoskeletal Manually handling heavy Clearing the area where the obstacle
wellness (manual drilling equipment, such as will move.
lifting) Manually slips, can result in a number of Adequate lighting at work area.
operating safety health problems associated to Providing suitable PPEs such as
valves, drilling slips, the job, including as upper limb gloves and grippy boots.
heavy components, disorders, tendon and ligament
small tubes, and damage, and back injuries.
other equipment on
the rig floor.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
Electrical Hazard All the workers, the supervisors All power lines have premium double-
Exposed live wires and visitors insulated cables installed.
leading from the main The possible risks and dangers The power lines near the cranes
generator to the connected to electrical systems marked with warning signs.
worker cabins. that causes risks such as Proper training giving to the crane
Damaged insulation burns, electrocution, arc flash, operators on electrical hazards and its
of power lines that electric shock, and other consequences.
could potentially severe injuries can result from Electrical workers are given testers
touch with a crane. these hazards. Extreme and voltage detectors.
Unbonded Fuel situations may potentially result PPEs that provide insulation are being
Transfer Lines. in fires or explosions, employed, like electrical gloves and
endangering lives and rubber boots.
workplace. Shut down switches placed on
Covering up all the exposed wires.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
Confined Places The worker given the task to Conducted a thorough risk
Cleaning of storage clean the storage tank. assessment and hazard analysis
tank from the inside. Unconsciousness or hypoxia before entering the confined space.
brought on by gases, fumes, or Use appropriate personal protective
low oxygen levels inside the equipment (PPE), including respiratory
mud tanks. unconsciousness protection, fall protection, and
brought on by a fever. protective clothing.
unconsciousness or death a confined space entry permit system
brought on by H2S exposure. with clearly defined entry and exit
Burns from hot mud in the tank procedures
can be very serious. Established clear emergency
Which can result in skin response and evacuation procedures.
cancer, rashes, or burns. Confined space entry signs in place.
severe wounds to the body or
incapacity resulting from the
Due to a high concentration of
combustible gases inside the
tank, there could be an
explosion and fire that can
result in third-degree
burns or death.
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
Managing and Personnel handling chemicals, Wearing goggles and gloves as
Exposure to maintenance workers, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Chemicals those in the vicinity. Defined procedures for storing
the use of dangerous Hazards of poisoning, chemicals.
chemicals and their respiratory problems, skin Routine instruction on handling
handling during irritation, or long- term health chemicals.
maintenance, drilling, problems. Protocols for responding to chemical
and other operations spills in an emergency
on an oil rig. This
covers the dangers of
unintentional spills,
leaks, and incorrect
chemical storage and
Vibration and noise Mostly impacts maintenance Providing anti-vibration gloves and ear
Exposure Workers personnel, people using protection.
on an oil rig are machinery, and those near Maintaining machinery on a regular
subjected to high noisy equipment. basis to reduce noise and vibration.
levels of noise and Long-term musculoskeletal Work schedules that rotate to reduce
vibration from various issues, hand-arm vibration extended exposure.
machinery and syndrome, tinnitus, and hearing
equipment. This loss are among the risks.
includes the dangers
of using
Hazard category Who might be harmed and What are you already doing?
and hazard how?
vibrating instruments
for extended periods
of time and being
near loud engines or
drilling equipment.
Severe weather and Impacts every outside worker Providing weather-appropriate
exposure to the on the oil site, including the personal protective equipment (PPE)
environment maintenance team, the drilling like thermal clothing, waterproof gear,
Workers are crew, and the logistical staff. and slip- resistant footwear.
subjected to Risks include frostbite, heat Regular weather monitoring and
inclement weather, exhaustion, slips and falls on advisories to workers.
including strong ice or wet surfaces, and Sheltered areas for breaks and safety
winds, intense heat or reduced operational safety in during extreme weather.
cold, and lots of rain. inclement weather.
This includes the
dangers of working
outside in inclement.
Weather on an oil rig,
which could result in
slips, falls,
hypothermia, or
Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions
Moral, general legal and financial arguments Mari Drilling Services Unit has a strong moral duty to protect all w
at the drilling site because it is an employer. Ensuring a safe and h
come to work intending to make a living, and they have an inheren
and hazards related to their line of work. In order to avoid any bod
essential. In addition to having an immediate negative effect on th
a serious injury sustained at work can also have a major negative
location. Mari Drilling Services Unit is accountable for more than ju
ensure that each and every person on the drilling site is safe.
Upholding the health and safety standards for its personnel at the
Services Unit. If these requirements are not followed, regulatory a
measures could take the form of fines, improvement notices that d
amount of time, prohibition notices that temporarily halt certain hig
made, or, in the worst situations, the cancellation of operating lice
effect on Mari Drilling Services Unit's business operations and futu
image and reputation. They could also lead to the loss of importan
If any kind of incident happen on the oil rig the Mari Drilling service
• The costs associated with providing injured workers with paid sic
How effective the action is likely to be in Power cables with double insulation improve electrical safety by lo
controlling the risk. This should include: particularly in high-risk locations close to cranes.
the intended impact of the action; Given the serious hazards involved, prompt implementation is ess
justification for the timescale that you between quick action, safe installation, and minimal disruption to o
indicated in your risk assessment; and Double insulation can greatly reduce electrical hazards, but it cann
whether you think the action will fully control conjunction with other safety measures like routine maintenance,
the risk
How effective the action is likely to be in Adding locks to mud tank suction lines and valves for mechanical
controlling the risk. This should include: tank cleaning operations by preventing hot drilling mud from inadv
the intended impact of the action; done.
justification for the timescale that you For a number of critical reasons, the one-month timeframe for set
indicated in your risk assessment; and to make sure that the right locks are ordered, the rig crew needs t
whether you think the action will fully control and suction lines. Requesting authorization is a step in the proces
the risk delivery duration as well as any possible delays. Thus, setting up
While incorporating locks for the mud tank's mechanical isolation o
it might not completely eliminate it. To completely control the risk,
must be utilised in conjunction with the other controls and actions
Specific legal arguments The Building Code of Pakistan - Fire Safety Provisions (2016)
safety in fire situations, and protecting buildings and structures fro
As per ILO (International Labour organization) C155 - Occupat
Article 12-part (b) which says make available information concern
equipment and the correct use of substances, and information on
properties of chemical substances and physical and biological age
International Labour Organization’s Occupational Health and
“Employers shall be required to provide, where necessary, for me
emergencies and accidents”.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Due to the presence of hazardous combustible and flammable sub
types of injury or ill health explored during the drilling process, fire can cause severe damag
number of workers at risk situation could be catastrophic. While speaking with workers, I lea
how often the activity is carried out substances because the likelihood of a fire occurring is very high
how widespread the risk is and processes like hot works, welding, and grinding are also ongo
All the workers, supervisors and visitors at the rig site are at risk o
Many people may be affected because of any eventuality if fire oc
serious fatalities, so the severity is also very high and needs to b
How effective the action is likely to be in Even though MDU has provided many facilities in terms of necess
controlling the risk. This should include: how to use that equipment in the worksite area. Although training
the intended impact of the action; hazard of fire and explosion, they can help create a
safe work environment so that employees can work in a safe man
justification for the timescale that you I have decided on a one-month time frame for a thorough planning
indicated in your risk assessment; and time, in my opinion, should be enough to design a training program
whether you think the action will fully present at the site, etc. Additionally, the pertinent departments wil
control the risk sessions.
Although awareness and training alone cannot completely eradica
and an environment where the likelihood of an event is greatly red
Part 4: Review, communicate and check Suggested word counts for each section:
Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 1
Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date /period with MDU upholds a risk assessment policy that is reviewed annu
reasoning significant changes in the workplace, procedures, or laws. I advise
assessment's next evaluation in order to guarantee our opera
continued safety and compliance.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will schedule a meeting with the rig manager, the HSE officer, an
communicated AND who you need to tell finished. A summary of the risk assessment's conclusions and nex
tasks will be delegated to the appropriate supervisors during the m
with any additional controls or actions, will be efficiently shared wi
before each shift begins. To guarantee that all employees are awa
boards and the company intranet portal will broadcast the findings
An email with the Risk Assessment and Non-compliance report w
the head office.
How you will follow up on the risk assessment to To ensure that this risk assessment is followed up on, I'll keep a jo
check that the actions have been carried out contact information for the individual in charge of each task will be
will revise the timeline/timescale for these kinds of actions in light
whether predicted or unanticipated—and their potential causes. La
schedule are being carried out by checking up on them. We will pu
has passed. Activities that take longer than expected may be post
engagement with the senior management team, which includes th
manager (Plant).
that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the work is my own is
OSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while completing all parts of this
also be downloaded from the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH
t (MDU)
the lower Kirthar Limestone Formation in the Mari Gas Field was first held by the Pakistan
ct, a joint venture established in 1954 by the Government of Pakistan and M/s Esso
S.A. In 1967, the field started operating. M/s Esso Eastern sold its full shares to the Fauji
of Pakistan (GoP), and Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) in 1983.
s a public limited corporation that was entirely owned.
AM to 5:00 PM 6 days a week in office and working on site within the two shifts, the
am to 6pm and the night shift start from 6pm to 5am. Workers
11 hours per day as 1-hour break for lunch and dinner on the weekdays and site
peration is under the control of the rig manager. The HSE Officer is in charge of overseeing
ig site and immediately reports to the rig manager.
uded my risk assessment from the following sources:"Electricity at work: Safe working practises HSG85" from the HSE website https://www.hse.gov.uk/
October, 2023
d word counts
150 words
strong moral duty to protect all workers and guests who might be harmed by activities
employer. Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is crucial. Our workers
a living, and they have an inherent right to a safe working environment free from risks
of work. In order to avoid any bodily harm or occupational disorders, this protection is
immediate negative effect on the worker's physical, emotional, and financial health,
can also have a major negative effect on the mental health of other workers at the
nit is accountable for more than just following the law; it has a strong sense of duty to
on on the drilling site is safe.
standards for its personnel at the drilling site is mandated by law for Mari Drilling
nts are not followed, regulatory agencies may impose harsh penalties. These
fines, improvement notices that demand improvements be made within a certain
s that temporarily halt certain high-risk activities until the required improvements are
the cancellation of operating licenses. Such legal measures could have a severe
nit's business operations and future prospects in addition to having a negative public
d also lead to the loss of important contracts.
the oil rig the Mari Drilling services is responsible for the following:
ding injured workers with paid sick time, hospital stays, and
Accidents Convention, 1993 (No. 174): If the exposed power line could lead to a
on would be relevant. It requires measures to prevent major accidents, provide
and workers, and mitigate the
& Production) Regulation, 1974: Issued under the Mines Act, these regulations
nd good industrial practices specific to the oil and gas sector, including drilling
ould be the possibility of electric shock or electrocution for anyone near or in contact
or even death may result from this. There's also a chance of burns or falls, especially
es equilibrium or control.
be taken into account, particularly those who operate or are in close proximity to the
ors, other nearby workers, such as maintenance people and other rig workers, are
of use of the crane and the frequency of worker approach to the electrical lines. An
s it is used on a daily basis.
o the vicinity of the damaged electrical lines and crane. For example, if there were an
re with other rig operations, start fires, or result in more mishaps.
on improve electrical safety by lowering the possibility of electric shocks and fires,
close to cranes.
ed, prompt implementation is essential; yet, the schedule must strike a balance
ation, and minimal disruption to operations.
uce electrical hazards, but it cannot completely remove all risks; it should be used in
asures like routine maintenance, employee training, and a strong safety culture.
ce .
or purchase locks to provide mechanical isolation of all valves and suction lines
ion’s Occupational Health and Safety Convention C155, article no. 16 states
nsure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
substances and agents under their control are without risk to health when the
on are taken”.
and Safety Recommendation R164, Part IV of the International Labour
employers to furnish and maintain workplaces, machinery, and equipment, along with
bly feasible and safe to avoid health risks.
routine task at a rig site and if the suction lines and valves are not isolated, the
hot drilling mud increases significantly, increasing the likelihood of injuries occurring,
is "likely" despite all current controls measures in place.
ch with hot drilling mud are considered "major" in severity because they are severe
t once.
e roustabouts who labour inside the muck tanks. Mud tank cleaning is a regular task
hin the tanks are at risk, and the danger is limited to the mud tank area.
lines and valves for mechanical isolation would significantly improve safety during
enting hot drilling mud from inadvertently flowing into the tank while the job is being
the one-month timeframe for setting up isolation locks is extremely important. In order
are ordered, the rig crew needs time to determine the kind of locks needed for valves
horization is a step in the process that could take some time. Take into account the
ossible delays. Thus, setting up isolation locks in a month or less is a suitable time
mud tank's mechanical isolation of its valves and suction lines will greatly reduce risk,
t. To completely control the risk, the action
h the other controls and actions that I have specified in the risk assessment.
- Fire Safety Provisions (2016) outlines regulations for preventing fires, ensuring life
cting buildings and structures from fires.
r organization) C155 - Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155)
ke available information concerning the correct installation and use of machinery and
substances, and information on hazards of machinery and equipment and dangerous
s and physical and biological agents or products.
ion’s Occupational Health and Safety Convention C155, article no. 18 states
rovide, where necessary, for measures to deal with
s combustible and flammable substances, hydrocarbons, and chemicals used and
ss, fire can cause severe damage to life and property. In an unfortunate situation, the
While speaking with workers, I learned that they are not very aware of the hazardous
d of a fire occurring is very high because flammable substances are widely available
lding, and grinding are also ongoing.
visitors at the rig site are at risk of being harmed/ injured by the fire.
cause of any eventuality if fire occurs; consequences could include explosions and
y is also very high and needs to be addressed by educating and training people.
many facilities in terms of necessary protective equipment, there are still issues with
worksite area. Although training and awareness cannot completely eliminate the
can help create a
mployees can work in a safe manner and without taking any risks.
me frame for a thorough planning of an appropriate training programme. This much
ough to design a training programme, make arrangements for a qualified trainer to be
ly, the pertinent departments will be able to spare their employees for the training
alone cannot completely eradicate a hazard, they can guarantee safe work practises
elihood of an event is greatly reduced.
ach section:
rig manager, the HSE officer, and each site supervisor after the risk assessment is
ssessment's conclusions and next steps will be shared, reviewed, and additional
ropriate supervisors during the meeting. The results of the risk assessment, together
ions, will be efficiently shared with the employees during toolbox talks, which are held
antee that all employees are aware of the results of the risk assessment, notice
portal will broadcast the findings.
nt and Non-compliance report will be forwarded to the Operation Manager (OM) at
ent is followed up on, I'll keep a journal and schedule all of the planned tasks. The
ual in charge of each task will be included in the schedule for all activities. After that, I
or these kinds of actions in light of each scheduled activity's progress, any delays—
d—and their potential causes. Lastly, I want to make sure that the tasks in the
checking up on them. We will pursue any possible postponement till the timetable
nger than expected may be postponed or rescheduled following appropriate
agement team, which includes the Plant project