Dim Kingsley Chima - 00807044

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Marbu Construction Company (MCC)
Site location* Umm Salal Mohammed Qatar.
Number of workers 200
MARBU CONTRUCTION COMPANY M.C.C stands as a formidable presence in Qatar's
construction and contracting sector. With a proven track record, we are committed to providing a
comprehensive range of electromechanical and construction services, placing a strong emphasis
on quality and safety. Our Grade A-status in the industry is reinforced by certifications in ISO
45001:2018, 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2017, and 9001:2018 quality management systems.
General description of the organisation
Operating on activities ranging from sand filling, surface preparation, piling, and electrical
installation to excavation, masonry work, formwork, and activities related to work at height, our
unwavering commitment to safety is integral to every aspect of our operations.

Double shift practice (Day 6:00am to 4:00pm and Night 6:00pm to 4:00am)
Description of the area to be included in the
Crusher plant powercreen equipment with over 120db of noise.
risk assessment
Any other relevant information
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.

Learner number: 00807044 Learner name: Dim kingsley chima Page 1 of 15

Outline how the risk assessment was carried I initiated the risk assessment by reviewing organizational health, safety, and environmental
out this should include: documents, including accident/incident records, sickness records, and training records. External
 sources of information consulted; references included Qatar Construction Standards (QCS 2014), construction risk management
 who you spoke to; and guidelines from www.hse.gov.uk, and www.hse.uk.pubns.hsg163 for additional guidance. Internal
 how you identified: documents such as risk assessments, accident records, workers' complaints, and employer-
- the hazards; worker consultation records were also utilized.
- what is already being done; and I engaged in discussions with operatives, foremen, supervisors, and engineers actively involved in
- any additional controls/actions that crusher plant operations. These discussions provided valuable insights into the day-to-day
may be required. activities and potential hazards associated with the crusher plant.
I identified hazards through on-site inspections and inquiries. Hazards included poor ventilation,
noise, dust, vibration, exposure to hazardous substances (fuels, lubricants, and materials),
housekeeping issues, missing guards on power portable tools, and inadequate use of safety
equipment (e.g., full-body harnesses).

I recognized existing control measures such as, dust suppression methods, and noise reduction
strategies. Identified positive aspects of housekeeping practices and signage. Acknowledged the
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) but identified gaps in compliance, especially
concerning full-body harnesses for working at heights.
Advised the implementation of periodic inspections for power portable tools, emphasizing the
importance of tool safety and arranging training sessions for workers. Recommended the
enforcement of full-body harness usage for working at heights above 2 meters, emphasizing
briefings, and close supervision by designated supervisors. Emphasized the need for
documenting corrective actions taken and establishing a system for continuous improvement.
This ensures that safety measures are consistently maintained and adapted based on changing
conditions or operations within the crusher plant.

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name:
Date of assessment:
Scope of risk assessment:

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Confined Maintenance team -The use of a watcher while in 1. Installation and maintenance of Project
space during performing tasks confined space. mechanical ventilation systems manager
inside the crusher could Wearing designed to ensure an adequate
Poor face respiratory issues if -Allowing only one worker in supply of fresh air into the confined 3 weeks.
Ventilation ventilation is not sufficient confined spaces. space and the removal of
which increases the risk contaminants. This may include the
of inhalation of other use of blowers, fans, or other
harmful particles that can ventilation equipment.
cause throat infections.
Crusher operators 2. Monitoring and controlling the air
operating the crusher exchange rates within the confined
machinery may be space to meet regulatory requirements 1 month Safety
exposed to inadequate and ensure that sufficient fresh air is manager
airflow, leading to the supplied to maintain a safe working
accumulation of dust and environment.
particulate matter.
Prolonged exposure can 3. Implementing a confined space
result in respiratory entry permit system that includes a 2 weeks
issues, such as lung thorough risk assessment, proper Safety
diseases or irritation. planning, and authorization before manager/
Inspectors and entering a confined space. This Permit
Supervisors who are administrative control ensures that controller.
assigned to oversee and entry is restricted to trained and
assess the crusher plant authorized personnel.
are also at risk when they
enter poorly ventilated

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Hazardous Fuelling Personnel Workers are trained to safely 1. Designating an isolated 3 weeks Site manager
substances responsible for refuelling distribute fuel in the site. space for fuelling of the
machinery are at risk of crusher plant.
Diesel fuel and skin contact, inhalation of The use of PPE when coming 2. Isolating areas where
Lubricants for vapours, and accidental in contact with hazardous spillage of lubricants are 2 weeks Environmental
engines. spills, potentially causing substance. manager
skin irritation, respiratory
issues, or slip hazards. 3. Installation of safety signs to 1 month
Operators and communicate the situation of Safety
Maintenance Personnel the area where hazardous manager
who are in direct substances are kept.
exposure to fuels and 4. Training of workers on 1 month Safety
lubricants during routine chemical handling. manager
operations and 5. Introduction of PPE when in
maintenance tasks can contact with diesel and 2 weeks Welfare
lead to skin irritation, fumes. manager
chemical burns, or
absorption through the
skin, posing health risks
to workers. Emergency
Response Team
personnel involved in
emergency response in
the event of a fire or spill,
may face exposure to
hazardous fumes, burns,
or slips if fuel or lubricants
are not properly managed
or if safety protocols are
not followed.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Fire Nearby Workers who are There’s an already existing
in the vicinity, Inspectors detailed risk assessment in
Welding and and Supervisors place for fire related hazards
other hot work overseeing welding, and coupled with method
activities Welders who are welding statements.
parts of the crusher plant N/A N/A N/A
during maintenance
exposed to welding arcs
which can cause burns,
eye injury and respiratory
issues when inhaled due
to fumes and airborne
particles produced during
the activity.
Physical Prolonged exposure of Use of ear protection 1. Choose crushers and other 3 months Procurement
hazard Operators and Workers equipment machinery with lower noise manager/
to high levels of noise emission levels. Modern project
Noise generated by crushers Situating workers away from equipment may have manager
can lead to damaged or the crusher. features designed to reduce
impaired hearing loss and
noise. This maybe
other auditory issues. Toolbox talks
Noise from the crusher farfetched as all crushers
plant can extend beyond produces noise.
the worksite, affecting 2. Employer should install 1 month Safety
residents in nearby enclosures or barriers manager
communities and around noisy equipment to
potentially causing contain and absorb sound.
disturbances or long-term Ensure that these structures
health issues. are designed to minimize
Maintenance Personnel sound transmission.
involved in maintenance

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
tasks, such as repairing 3. Employer should Implement Foreman/ site
or adjusting crushers, job rotation schedules to manager.
may face elevated noise reduce the time each worker
levels, increasing the risk spends in high-noise areas.
of hearing damage if
proper protective
measures are not in
Hazardous The operators of the Water spraying by the workers 1. Employer should replace 1 month Project
substances. crusher plant, the site water tankers with spray manager
vistors and everybody Use of nose protective masks. cannon to limit human
Dust around the crusher plant contact
by the inhalation of this 2. Dust monitoring should be
dust it might cause lungs 3 weeks Environmental
damage and other health manager
related issues like skin 3. Rock materials should be 2 weeks
irritation if its absorbed by sprayed with water before Site manager
the skin. crushing begins
4. Usage of PPE. 3 weeks Safety

Health, welfare, Operators of these Use of competent

and work equipment, Mechanics Workers.
environment working on vehicle air Safe system of work in
condition systems. operation that all
workers are trained in
and work to; this

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Working on air Ill-health conditions likely includes identification of N/A N/A N/A
conditioning to be suffered are: refrigerant before work
systems in Frostbite – caused by Commences.
Wheel loaders skin or eye contact with Suitable PPE issued to
and refrigerant liquid or gas All workers involved.
excavators Asphyxiation – if gas Suitable arrangements
(extremes of escapes in sufficient in place to dispose of
temperature quantities into a confined Waste refrigerant.
working space
Electricity Crusher operators mainly. The electrical
Electrical shocks and installation for the
The electrical burns in critical situation. crusher plant has recently
operating been checked by a
panel of the competent electrician. A
crusher. NICEIC certificate is Well controlled risk – no further action N/A N/A
held confirming that the required at the moment.
installation is good.
Next check has been
diarised for three years
(unless there are
significant changes in
the meantime).

The mains switchboard has a

built in residual current device.
A maintenance programme is
in place and annual checks are
carried out on all 240V
equipment by a certified

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Safe The operators and drivers 1. Employer should Develop a Project
movement of of the vehicles may comprehensive traffic manager/
people and collide resulting to fatal management plan that traffic
vehicles. injuries and equipment includes designated traffic manager
Moving damages. routes, one-way systems,
and clear signage. Ensure
Vehicles and Collision may lead to loss 1 month
moving of life. that the plan is
equipments communicated to all
from the personnel and regularly
loading points reviewed.
of the crushed 2. Employer should Clearly
materials at designate separate paths for
the crusher pedestrians and vehicles,
plants areas ensuring that these paths do 3 weeks Safety
(includes not intersect. Use physical manager
collision of barriers or markings to
equipment e.g.
delineate pedestrian
wheel loaders
loading the walkways.
materials) 3. Employer should Identify
specific areas for loading 1 month
and unloading activities. Foreman/ site
Ensure that these zones are manager
well-marked, and implement
procedures to prevent
pedestrians from entering
these areas during vehicle

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Working at Maintenance workers risk Ensuring crusher operators are 1. Employer should implement 1 months Project
height falling from elevated provided with and use guardrails manager
Maintenance platforms, working on appropriate fall protection 2. Introduction of man-lift for 1 month Project
workers crushers or maintenance equipment such as harnesses maintenance workers manager
working in the structures. Operators and and lanyards. 3. Also enhance training 1 month Safety
crusher top site inspectors are also manager
frame. exposed to falls. Conducting regular training on
the safe use of fall protection 4. Implementation of permit to 1 month Permit
equipment and working at work on height. controller.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Marbu Construction Company places the utmost importance on the moral duty to protect the well-
arguments being of our dedicated workforce. Employees should not face the risk of falling ill or sustaining
injuries while contributing to our projects. Our commitment extends beyond the workplace,
acknowledging the profound impact on the lives of employees, their families, and friends.
Aligned with the International Labour Organization's Safety and Health Convention (C155), Marbu
Construction Company adheres to legal requirements ensuring the safety of its workers.
Compliance with these regulations is a fundamental aspect of our commitment to the welfare of our
Financial Impacts:
1. Injured Workers: Marbu Construction Company recognizes potential financial burdens,
encompassing sick pay, replacement worker wages, medical expenses, and lost working
time in the event of employee injuries.
2. Equipment and Infrastructure Replacement: Unforeseen incidents may necessitate the
replacement of equipment and infrastructure, imposing additional financial costs.
3. Enforcement Actions: Regulatory enforcement actions, such as prohibition or improvement
notices, pose a financial risk. Halting activities or non-compliance with corrective measures
can lead to substantial financial implications.

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Justification for action 1
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Hazardous substances- Dust.
assessment) Employer should replace water tankers with spray cannon to limit human contact

Specific legal arguments Marbu Construction Company, in adherence to the International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions,
particularly references Conversion C127 and Recommendation R164. This solid legal foundation
underscores the employer's commitment to upholding a secure workplace by providing suitable
machinery and work methods, as mandated by Article 10 of the conventions.
The suggestion to replace water tankers with spray cannons directly addresses the need for risk
mitigation. This aligns with Article 3 of Convention C127, which emphasizes the importance of not
subjecting workers to manual transportation that may affect their health. By opting for spray cannons,
Marbu Construction Company aims to minimize manual handling, thereby reducing the risk of
associated injuries, consistent with Article 6.
Furthermore, the proposal aligns with the state of Qatar's QCS2014 section 11, demonstrating Marbu
Construction Company's commitment to complying with local labor laws. This ensures not only the
adherence to international standards but also a proactive approach to meeting regional requirements.
Highlighting potential enforcement actions, such as criminal prosecution and compensation claims,
emphasizes the importance of compliance. Marbu Construction Company recognizes the potential legal
consequences and is committed to avoiding such outcomes, ensuring the well-being of its workers and
protecting its reputation.
The communication style maintains a formal tone, reflecting Marbu Construction Company's serious
commitment to safety and legal compliance. The use of legal references and a clear link between the
proposed action and established international and local standards enhances the credibility of the
justification. The organization's dedication to worker safety and adherence to legal and regulatory
frameworks is clearly communicated.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of dust generation in a crusher plant is high due to the nature of crushing, screening, and
material handling processes. Crushing activities involving rocks, stones, or concrete generate airborne
 types of injury or ill health dust particles. The frequency and intensity of these operations directly contribute to the likelihood of
 number of workers at risk dust exposure. The severity of health risks associated with crusher plant dust is significant. Dust
 how often the activity is carried particles generated during crushing processes can lead to respiratory issues, ranging from irritation and
out coughing to more serious conditions such as silicosis.

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 how widespread the risk is Considering the scale of operations in a crusher plant, multiple workers may be simultaneously exposed
to dust. 30 approximately!
The frequency of dust-generating activities is likely to be regular in a crusher plant, as crushing and
screening operations are integral to construction projects.
The risk is confined to the crusher area only.
How effective the action is likely to be in
The replacement of water tankers with spray cannons is expected to have a substantial impact on
controlling the risk. This should include:
controlling the risk associated with human contact during water dispersion activities. The primary goal is
 the intended impact of the action; to minimize direct physical interaction between workers and water tankers, reducing the potential for
 justification for the timescale that injuries, contamination, or other safety hazards. Spray cannons provide an efficient and remote method
you indicated in your risk for water distribution, aligning with the objective of enhancing safety and mitigating risks associated with
assessment; and manual handling.
 whether you think the action will The timescale for implementing the action is justified by the urgency to address the identified risk
fully control the risk promptly. The potential for injuries and contamination is imminent during water-related tasks involving
tankers. Implementing the use of spray cannons within a reasonable timeframe reflects the
organization's commitment to prioritizing worker safety. The swift implementation also prevents
prolonged exposure to the identified risk, ensuring a timely and effective response to the potential
hazards associated with manual water distribution.
The action to replace water tankers with spray cannons is anticipated to significantly control the
identified risk. By eliminating or drastically reducing human contact during water dispersion activities,
the likelihood of injuries, contamination, and associated safety hazards is greatly diminished. However,
it's essential to acknowledge that no measure is entirely foolproof. Regular monitoring and evaluation of
the new system's effectiveness should be integrated into the risk management process. This ongoing
assessment will ensure that any unforeseen issues are promptly addressed, maintaining a proactive
approach to risk control.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Working at height-Maintenance workers working in the crusher top frame.
Employer should implement guardrails

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Specific legal arguments The International Labour Organization (ILO) sets out a Recommendation on Occupational Safety
and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155. Part IV of the Recommendation specifically
states that the undertaking (organisation) must:
• provide and maintain workplaces, machinery and equipment, and use work methods, which are
as safe and without risk to health as is reasonably practicable.
In addition to this, Qatar also has its own labour laws (QCS 2014) where the principles from the ILO
Convention and Recommendation have been adopted as legislation. At the moment IGG Ltd is in
contravention of the ILO Convention and Recommendations as well as the country specific
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood of injuries occurring from working in and around the crusher plant is quite high. The
severity will depend on what height the worker falls from e.g., from the top of the stockpile (over an
 types of injury or ill health eight-foot drop) or fall from the access steps.
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried The severity of the risk occurring could be serious. Injuries are likely to range from minor injuries
out such as bruising, sprains/strains, slightly more serious injuries such as fractures, or very serious
injuries such as head or internal injuries.
 how widespread the risk is
Approx. 8 mechanics regularly work around the crusher area. The crusher plant is in regular daily
use and most maintenance workers carry out repair work in this area.
The risk is confined to the inspection crusher plant area only and affects workers only in this area.
How effective the action is likely to be in
By implementation guard rails, the maintenance workers would be safe from falls and the hazards
controlling the risk. This should include:
associated with heights.
 the intended impact of the action; I have given a timescale of one month as this is a specialised guard rail. The employer will need to
 justification for the timescale that source a supplier and then arrange a delivery date. It is hoped that this project will be completed
you indicated in your risk well within the one-month timeline.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will The guard rail will reduce likely fall from height and fully shield maintenance workers.
fully control the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Physical hazard- Noise

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Employer should install enclosures or barriers around noisy equipment to contain and absorb
sound. Ensure that these structures are designed to minimize sound transmission.

Specific legal arguments The installation of enclosures or barriers around noisy equipment aligns with OSHA standards that
mandate employers to provide a safe and healthy working environment. OSHA's Occupational
Noise Exposure standard (29 CFR 1910.95) establishes permissible exposure limits (PELs) for
occupational noise levels. Implementing measures to control and reduce noise, such as enclosures,
is a legal requirement to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations.
Various jurisdictions have specific regulations addressing noise control in the workplace. By
installing structures designed to minimize sound transmission, Marbu Construction Company
ensures adherence to these regional or national noise control regulations. Compliance with such
regulations is a legal obligation that contributes to maintaining a safe and compliant work
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of noise-related injuries or ill health is moderate to high, depending on the noise
levels and duration of exposure. Potential health issues include noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus,
 types of injury or ill health and stress-related disorders. Severity: The severity can range from mild hearing impairment to
 number of workers at risk permanent damage, impacting the overall well-being and productivity of workers.
 how often the activity is carried
out The likelihood is high, especially if a significant portion of the workforce is exposed to crusher plant
or processes. Severity: The severity is notable, as a large number of workers being exposed
 how widespread the risk is
increases the overall risk of noise-related health issues across the company.
The crusher plant operations are always ongoing and this will further heighten the noise level an
impair hearings the more.
The widespread of noise is not minimized to the area only, it spreads to immediate environments.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Setting up barriers and noise absorbing material will significantly reduce the noise hazards and limit
controlling the risk. This should include:
it to some area of the crusher plant area.
 the intended impact of the action; One month is a realistic time for the management to implement this action both financially and by
 justification for the timescale that work force.
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This the reasonably practicable action as monitoring will open way for update and improvement.
fully control the risk

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with The planned review date should be every 6 months this is due to the seasonal changes that comes
reasoning with various hazards like heat stress as we are still in winter.
How the risk assessment findings will be I will arrange a meeting with the Finance Director and project manager to go through and agree the
communicated AND who you need to tell actions in the risk assessment. I will then provide a summary of the findings and actions for the
crusher plant to the Stores Manager (these will be emailed initially with follow-up meetings if
required). The findings of the risk assessment will be included in the next available toolbox talk
where I will also advise the workers on the actions that are to be taken. A summary of the risk
assessment and actions to be taken will also be posted on the company intranet that all workers
have access to.
How you will follow up on the risk I will set diary reminders for roughly 10 days before the action is due to be completed. I will speak
assessment to check that the actions to the responsible person for each of the actions to find out the progress against each action.
have been carried out Should the action not be on target for completion, I will find out the reasons why, e.g., is it down to
finance or other resource issues such as worker time to complete actions. If any actions look like
they are not going to be completed on time I will speak to the Finance Director to see if additional
resource is available for the action. Actions that are very overdue (i.e. completion is more than six
months late) will be referred to the Managing Director via the Finance Director.

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