World of Aventuria
World of Aventuria
World of Aventuria
New game rules for poisons and diseases both common and rare,
ancient magical tomes, additional Talents and more
Cover Art
Thomas Thiemeyer
Cover Design
Ralf Berszuck
Interior Illustrations
Nicolas Bau, Caryad, , Frank Freund, Jens Haupt,
Horus, Ina Kramer, Norbert Lösche, Don-Oliver Matthies,
Susanne Michels, Christian Turk and Ugurcan Yüce
Florian Don-Schauen, Thomas Römer
Box Editor:
Britta Herz
Editorial Staff:
Britta Herz, Ina Kramer, Thomas Römer
English-Language Credits
Ole Christiansen, Dr. Rainer Nagel, Thomas Plischke,
Jan van der Crabben
Additional Translation
René Lilly Heimpold, Thomas Römer
Christoffer Trossen
Development Assistance
Timothy Brown
Adam Jury
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Michael Brandt, Lena Falkenhagen, Ralf Hlawatsch, Jörg Raddatz, Thomas Römer and
Gun-Britt Tödter. With additions by Britta Herz, Heike Kamaris, Arne Kaminski, Stefan
Küppers, Gregor Rot, Hadmar Freiherr von Wieser, Karl-Heinz Witzko and Armin Abele
Table of Contents
The History of Aventuria 6 Aventurian Armies and Navies 28
The Nations of Aventuria 34
The Continent of Aventuria 20 ENDLESS PLAINS AND SKY WOLVES—
Aventurian Societies 23 THORWAL AND GJALSKA 44
World of Aventuria 3
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WOODCUTTERS AND COURTIERS— Calendars and Holidays 134
THE DWARFS OF AVENTURIA 69 Aventurian Superstition
IN THE NAME OF HOLY HORAS— and Fortune Telling 139
THE PROUD SONS OF THE DESERT— Plagues and Epidemics 142
THE JUNGLE OF THE FOREST PEOPLE 92 Folios and Parchment Collections 151
THE BLACK ALLIANCE OF AL’ANFA 93 Important and Notable
HARPY ’S BANNER AND CROSSED SABRES— Personalities of Aventuria 154
The Seas and the Lands Beyond 106 PERSONALITIES OF THE DWARFS 173
Life in Aventuria 118 CROWNED LEADERS 187
Index 189
4 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
World of Aventuria
Welcome to the World of Aventuria! about far-away lands, acquired either through hearsay or in whatever
Aventuria is a continent measuring some 3,000 middenmiles adventures he or she may have lived through already.
from north to south, and a little under 2,000 middenmiles wide at its We hope that this guide to Aventuria will be useful in your future
broadest point. Despite this expanse—or perhaps because of it—few gaming sessions. Perhaps this book can even instill a longing for travel
Aventurians ever leave the region of their birth. Visiting one or two that will lead you to roll your dice for many, many years to come. Let
“real cities” is a pinnacle of excitement for the average Aventurian. the world of The Dark Eye come alive on your game table—our world
The reason for this, of course, is that much of the pristine (and yours) awaits!
wilderness is not friendly to casual travelers. Impassable mountains and
deserts form barriers that separate the lands into distinct regions. Along September 1999
with dangerous swamps, moorlands, raging rivers and lonely prairies, For the editors,
these obstacles tend to dissuade the typical person from undertaking Britta Herz
extensive journeys. Staying home and appreciating what life has to offer
is not only sensible but also wise, especially if one considers the dangers Adventurers, ahoy!
posed by predatory animals and gangs of outlaws scattered across The World of Aventuria is looking for heroes willing to take up the
the land. In addition, one has to worry about strange and magical challenge of the ages. Do you have what it takes?
creatures, forces of nature, the moods of the gods, and even the powers The Dark Eye and Aventuria have been around for more than
of the spheres beyond, in making travel plans. Not surprisingly, very two decades now in the form of Das Schwarze Auge, as it is known in
few dare to make their way into the depths of the continent. its original German incarnation, though it only made its way into the
Of course, you aren’t the typical Aventurian, are you? English language in 2003. Just like any other game that has been around
This book is for all those willing to take a chance with the whims of for so long, we have a huge catalog of rulebooks and supplements that
fortune and nature in hopes of discovering adventure in far-away lands. we can draw from to translate into English. On one hand that’s a boon,
Here we provide a clear and unbiased look at Aventuria, including the but on the other hand it creates an interesting problem for us, one that
terrain, natural environments, and the people native to these regions. All loomed over us throughout the production of this book.
the delights and the dangers of the Aventurian continent can be found When this book was originally released in German, it had dozens
here: the frost-glittering plains of the Ice Lands, the eternal magic of the of sourcebooks to draw rules and world information from—sourcebooks
Elf Forest, the wild lands of the orks, and the rough charm of Thorwal. which have not yet been translated into the English language. What
You will hear about the burning solitude of the Khôm Desert, the that means is that if we just simply translated this book into English
ancient, gleaming cities along the mighty Mhanadi River, the steaming and published it as-is, a great deal wouldn’t make sense, at least yet.
jungles of the south, the mighty, ill-tempered metropolis of Al’Anfa, and And, of course, there are portions of this book (most specifically, the
even the inconceivable horrors of the demon-plagued realms. final chapter detailing numerous individuals important to Aventuria)
In addition, the people and nations of Aventuria are just as that utilize rules that are not covered in The Dark Eye Basic Rules.
fascinating and dangerous as the secrets the land conceals. As such, Additionally, the timeline has advanced from that presented in
this book takes a closer look on the peculiarities of Aventurian culture, the Basic Rules. Some nations have fallen and others have merged, and
examining philosophies, diversions and the daily struggles of its many borders have changed. Rather than try to adjust this sourcebook,
people. Still, players and Highlords should keep this one thing in along with all of the future The Dark Eye products that we translate into
mind: while the information contained in this book provides a great English, to fit in the world of 20 Haal (as presented in the Basic Rules),
deal of information on the people and nations of Aventuria, not even we have chosen to incorporate the changes that happened during the
the greatest of Aventurian sages has an equally broad knowledge of years of 20-29 Haal. A brief description of the events that transpired
his own world. Instead, numerous experts specialize in various topics: during that time is included in the first chapter of this book, The
experts in the arts of assassination, masters of Svelltian agriculture and History of Aventuria.
scholars of the Spheres. So, what you have in your hands is a somewhat edited version of
Highlords, it is your responsibility to sparingly use the information the original Geographica Aventurica—the World of Aventuria. We have
about the lands and people outside your game’s immediate setting. After removed some sections that require a greater knowledge of Aventuria
all, in Aventuria news does not spread within minutes (as it happens in than we currently have available, and have made some minor changes
our modern world), but instead within weeks, months, or even years. In to other chapters in order to bring it into line with the Basic Rules. We
general, the people have little interest in typical news from other lands, will, however, make all of the cut material available in other forms,
so much so that there is little that the common folk will ever see or have either in future products or on our website. Be sure to check out
need to know about. This centered approach is important to capturing on a regular basis—we will make periodic
the wild, untamed feel of Aventuria. updates, to include some of this material.
Players, you will also have to distinguish between what you know
of Aventuria, and what your character knows. Almost every Aventurian Good luck, and good gaming!
will know far more about his homeland than what this summary January 2006
contains; yet a character will only have fragments of knowledge Chris Trossen
World of Aventuria 5
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The History of Aventuria
The questions that surround the creation, legend, and history
of Aventuria are much in debate. The wise and learned discuss these
How Time Came to Pass
In the beginning, there was only order and stagnation. All
themes, form theories, and look for some proof behind the tales and infinity existed within the first sphere, and was unchanging.
myths we learn at our mother’s knee, as it has been since ancient Within that sphere, however, came a golden ship known as the
times. Occasionally, prophets and mediums of Aventuria hand down Ship of Time.
visions or realizations for the scholars to ponder. The rest of the time, The Ship of Time pulls the world through infinity, causing
determined explorers seek out forgotten sources of lore from which change. It steers toward the future, turning its back on the past.
new theories can be born (and others laid to rest). Most rare of all, a It is driven by the desires and hopes of all beings, and neither
creature could surface that was actually present in the days of legend man nor god may try to divert its course. Of course, this did not
and is willing to share that knowledge—this was the case with the stop Satinav the Thirteen-horned, once a half-god and mighty
re-emergence of the dragon, Fuldigor, who was discovered to have a magician whose ambition was to equal the All-god himself. In an
lair near Brazen Sword. effort to control time, Satinav shot up a rope into the vastness of
The chronicle below is based on such sources, gathered eternity. He hooked the Ship of Time and climbed the rope until
together and winnowed to eliminate any obvious falsehoods. Where at last he reached the prow of the ship. With a mighty leap, Satinav
information seemed contradictory or was unclear, everything is swung himself on board the ship and reached out his hand to take
presented so that the readers of this tome may consider all available of the wheel—certainly a near catastrophe for all of existence.
information before venturing abroad. In the end, no one knows the Luckily, Satinav’s steps on the deck of the Ship of Time sent
will of the gods, whose power is great enough that even truth can out vibrations to all creatures, just as a skipping rock sends ripples
alter over time at their will. across the surface of the water. Los saw Satinav and became
Of course, this work is not easily accessible to the common man angry, as was his wont when surprised. He waved his hand and
of Aventuria, nor should it be. Any information that can be distilled chains formed themselves from nothing, binding Satinav to the
to the understanding of a common swineherd is not likely to prove Ship of Time, within sight of the wheel but just out of reach.
useful to a scholar or adventurer needing detailed knowledge of an Satinav is now a passenger aboard that ship and always will
area. For those who have the determination to arm themselves with be, unaffected by time due to his place in the boat, ahead of the
knowledge as well as a sword and shield, however, the covers of this wake that stirs all things. He will stay on the ship for all eternity
book will always be as an open door. in penance for his crime. Los was not without pity, however, and
—Master Cyrus Blackspeare, of the Aventurian Explorers Society brought Satinav’s wife and daughters to keep him company. To
pass the time, he has begun writing the logbook of the vessel,
which is a history of all things in infinity. His daughters help
Myths of Ancient History him: Ymra, who records the past and the memories of all beings
on a black page, and Fatas, who shapes the future out of hopes
The World’s Creation and writes them down on a white page.
In the beginning, there was only Los, the All-god, alone
within infinity. He enjoyed his solitary existence, and was The War of Giants and the
extremely perturbed to realize suddenly that he was not alone.
His peaceful existence was disturbed by Sumu, the first giant, First Battle of the Dragons
who was born out of the collected thoughts of Los. During her death struggle, Sumu gave birth to the giants.
The All-god was very angry at Sumu’s appearance. He They were as mighty as the gods themselves, made from the
was swept away by his rage and anger and struck out at Sumu, mixed blood of Los and Sumu. Immediately after their arrival,
hoping to send her away. Sumu defended herself, but was unable they created the Twelve Great Dragons (amongst them also
to withstand the All-god’s blow and fell to the ground dead. Fuldigor, whom we mentioned earlier). After they were born,
Los did not escape unhurt; drops of his divine blood drops however, they discovered their birthright, the Creation born of
fell to the ground as well, turning into the deities. At the sight their mother’s very flesh, had already been divided among the
of his own blood, his reason was restored to him. He looked at children of Los, with nothing left for them.
Sumu’s corpse and felt regret, weeping divine tears. Even gods Angered at their half-siblings’ selfishness, the giants
Ingerimm, Efferd, Firun and Peraine charged the godly fortress
cannot always reverse their actions, and so Los was left mourning
Alvera. Their giant sisters, all huge and powerful (their names are
the death of the first giant. His tears fell upon the corpse of Sumu,
now forgotten) followed them. Only a giant by the name of Tsa
which became the world of Ethra. From the union of his tears and
did not want to partake in the fighting—her brother, Satinav, was
her flesh came the humans and all other living creatures, while
still tied to the Ship of Time. Subsequently, the giantess Kauca (a
the hair on her body formed all plants in the world.
feared typhoon of the southern Sea of Pearls was named after her)
was able to smash the gods’ citadel. It fell to earth as countless
glittering stones, where they still lay today, so numerous no one
6 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
History of Aventuria
could collect them all. In this age, we call them Gwen Petryl, and there was once a
they are scattered along all the shores of Aventuria. true culture among
The gods did not long allow this loss to go unanswered, the dragons, of such
however, and struck back. Hesinde hurled great and powerful subtlety and grandeur
spells, Rahja intoxicated the giants, and Phex surrounded that no human society
them with fog. Following the advice of Nandu and Hesinde’s has yet come close. A
wisdom, Rondra decapitated the 300-mile tall giant, Rashtul, gigantic city by the Wall
with her blade made of eternium. The giant fell, and he now of Rashtul, tailored for
lies in eastern Middenrealm, forming the Wall of Rashtul. The four-legged, winged
wild Ogeron aspired to swallow peaceful Travia, but Praios’ sun creatures the size of
scepter ripped him into a thousand pieces (his dismembered dragons, still serves as a
body then formed the modern race of the ever-hungry ogres). witness for these times.
The battle lasted for eons, much longer than the limited It is uncertain
mind of humans could comprehend. While they were thus when the era of the
occupied, however, the Sultan of Demons saw his chance to dragons took place, as
take over the undefended world. He sent his unholy troops to it is quite impossible to
infiltrate every refuge of the battle-torn world. give any dates or time
The Sultan of Demons might have succeeded were it not frames regarding the
for Tsa, a peaceful giant, and the mild-tempered goddess Travia. Aventurian prehistory—often, even the order of events are
The two saw the danger and advised their sisters and brothers subject to mere speculation. Nevertheless, the assumption that
to immediately cease fighting. The pair pointed out the evil Aventurian dragons are the descendents of the Elder Dragons
embodied in the Sultan of Demons and the threat he posed to rather than a separate species does seem plausible.
the world. They ceased their war, then, and together forced the
Sultan back from the face of Ethra.
From within himself, Praios created Ucuri, the first Trolls and Cyclops
demigod, and sent him to the giants. The gods and giants met Upon close inspection, it appears as if elves, humans and
in the sixth sphere to form a treaty. Efferd, Firun, Ingerimm, dwarfs were not the first cultural creatures in Aventuria. Instead,
Peraine and Tsa moved into the Alveran region. The godly all evidence points towards trolls, an ancient race that once
citadel was rebuilt, and six of the twelve dragons, children of ruled the land from a stronghold called the Troll Peaks. Today,
the giants, were chosen to serve as its guardians while the others only a few hundred of these creatures are left. Legends of troll
watched over the third sphere, the world. kings still circulate today, and a huge fortified structure without
Unfortunately, the giants still felt they were being slighted. known origin is referred
They received no honor, were given no duties or lands, and were to as “Troll Castle”. Very
left much as they had come. They became upset, and a quarrel little is known about
broke out again. This disagreement was mirrored among the trolls and their history;
dragons, some of whom felt honored by the gods enough for these large creatures are
everyone, and some of whom felt more loyalty to their slighted not always on good terms
creators. This eventually led to the First Dragon War, which left with humans, and are
the world burned and devastated. generally unwilling to
The battle between the dragons raged for untold ages, discuss their worldviews.
until lion-headed Famerlor eventually overthrew his brother, Cyclops keep to
Pyrdacor, putting an end to the fighting. Along with five other themselves as much
dragons, Famerlor settled by the gates of Alveran, while the as trolls do. They are
others—with the exception of Pyrdacor—moved into their supposedly children of
domain in the world of Ethra. Ingerimm, making them
At the end of the First Dragon War, the treaty that bonded nearly as ancient as the
the immortals was engraved into the Mystery of Kha, a troll race. Their native
stronghold of pure diamonds, which rests in the first sphere. strength and mastery of
The Mystery has six castles, each of which is also part of the the forge speaks for itself.
immediate world. In each castle lives one of the six Lords of the Many great Aventurian
Elements, who have control over fire, water, ice, earth, stone, weapons come from the
and air respectively. smithy of a Cyclops.
World of Aventuria 7
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History of Aventuria
The Nameless The Second Dragon War
All creatures agree that the world could be better off, that
things are never altogether right for everyone. The imperfect and the Fall of Lizard Culture
nature of creation is blamed on the Nameless, a god that once The lizard races were once a blooming, prosperous people
wanted to rise above all others. The Nameless—who once had in Aventuria. Buildings such as the Pyramid of H’Rabaal, and
a name in the past, though nobody knows it anymore—wanted even entire preserved cities, stand as testament to the advanced
to rule the world as a singular god. He confused the mortals and cultural and scientific understanding of the lizard races’
tricked them into praying to him alone (some sources say that a ancestors. One could almost wish that the monuments could
troll helped with this task). speak to release their secrets to us, but that is still impossible.
Initially, the other gods only observed his actions without Instead, we must rely on what scraps of myth and legend
interfering. After an eon of observation, however, they agreed remain, found in their current form of a handful of fairy tales
to finally put him in his place. To prevent any further trouble, found in Tulamidian culture. According to them, the lizards
the gods were eager to also abolish all life on Aventuria, but followed the Emperor Dragon, presumably Pyrdacor, whom
Hesinde and Phex loved the immortals and secretly hid twelve they worshipped for his knowledge and power. Pyrdacor ruled
by twelve of each kind. The gods, led by Praios, Efferd, Rondra over the jungle Zze Tha (located in the area of today’s Khôm
and Ingerimm, moved against the Nameless. They and their Desert).
Alveran troops—their host from on high—ploughed the earth After the end of the First Dragon War, Pyrdacor’s old
and all life with it, rendering the world void for a time. domain was taken from him—quite a merciful punishment.
Pyrdacor persisted in influencing the world’s order, however,
Prophets and Books—A Short which eventually led to the Second Dragon War. The gods
finally defeated him (some sources claim they were helped by
Addition to prehistory Elder Dragons) and took his earthly existence. These battles
The following are a few sources from which we ravaged and burned great parts of Aventuria; some parts were
accumulated the information presented here about removed entirely from this sphere. Pyrdacor’s stronghold was
Aventuria’s prehistoric times. These books were used: destroyed and dispersed among all winds—the most important
artifact from the dragon’s shelter, the First Dark Eye, supposedly
• Breviary of the Twelvegod Order lies buried under the ice of Yeti’s land.
• Annals of the Godly Age With the defeat of Pyrdacor, the lizards faced their downfall.
• Sphairologia—the Revelation of Nayrakis Only a few of their descendents (Achaz and Marus) still live
• Secrets of Life in the southern jungles by Maraskan and Orkland. Only in
• The Chronicles of Ilaris the south did the lizard high culture prevail until about 1800
• Beginning of Time b.H.; H’Rabaal was their political and religious center. The
• The Arcanum Tulamidian state of Mirham, however, eventually conquered
• Compendium Drakomagia even this last stronghold of lizard society. The expanding
• Prem’s Animal Life human race gained strength and eventually sealed the fate of the
• Ilumnestra—one of the most important prophets, said reptile creatures.
to have visions of the Celestial Order
• Niobara of Anchopal—once an advisor of Rohal the
Wise; met with Elder Dragon Fuldigor
• Rohal the Wise—greatest magician of all times; ruled
The Fire-Birth of the Dwarfs
According to legends, Angrosh created the dwarfs about
more than a hundred years as Steward over the New ten thousand years ago, with the express mandate of protecting
Empire the treasures of the earth—that this event occurred right at the
beginning of Pyrdacor’s terrible and destructive reign is surely no
After the war was won, the gods punished the Nameless by coincidence. For a time, the dwarfs remained hidden from the
taking his name and banning him from the world. That satisfied Pyrdacor (also known as the God Dragon) as they lived under the
the Twelve, but they regretted the utter destruction of life. Only earth. They were carefully hidden and stayed out of Pyrdacor’s
then did Hesinde and Phex reveal their subterfuge, much to the sight until Ordamon the Brave, the leader of the eighth and
relief of the other gods. The mortals were set upon the earth once smallest dwarf tribe, tried to rob Pyrdacor’s secret lair.
more to multiply and be fruitful, and the gods were pleased that Ordamon was caught. He withstood torture and was
they had not enacted a revenge that even they could not undo. eventually released again, but unknowingly led Pyrdacor’s
The Nameless swore revenge against the gods. He even magical spies to the sacred city of the Angroshim (an ancient
returned once, followed by a gruesome army of demons. name for the dwarfs). Standing before the gates of the city, he
He was defeated again by the gods, who then chained the realized his folly. Still, he managed to warn his people moments
Nameless to a starless gap in the sky (a constellation between before flames consumed him from the inside out. Many, many
the Mare and the Griffin). Nevertheless, even gods cannot dwarfs died in the ensuing battle, but the city was saved.
entirely extinguish another deity, and so the Nameless still This was the beginning of the overt hostilities between
tempts humans to this day.
8 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
History of the Lizardfolk the Wall of Rashtul and the Darpat, and the dragons were
ca. 9000 b.H.: Founding of the lizard-empires under tricked into promising eternal peace—a binding oath, thanks to
dragon-god Pyrdacor Brandan’s guile, that they were forced to honor. It is uncertain
ca. 8200–5200 b.H.: War against the dwarfs what kind of reward the Lord of Ore received from Brandan.
ca. 3100 b.H.: Second Dragon War sees victory of the After Brandan then deceived the dragons into promising
Twelvegods over Pyrdacor and his minions eternal peace to the dwarfs, Angrosh was showered with
ca. 1200–2750 b.H.: Tulamides under Bastrabun drive admiration and worship; long festivities were held in the name
out lizardfolk and exile most of them on the island of of the Lord of Fire. Singers and songwriters came up with
Maraskan, in the swamps around Selem and in the jungles numerous hymns praising the victory, and whoever performed
of the Rain Mountains the most beautiful liturgy stood in high honors. These efforts
ca. 1800 b.H.: Tulamidian victory over H’Rabaal; end of were among the highest artistic and technological achievements
the lizard high culture of the dwarf race, along with the spring lock and the crossbow,
and led to the formation of the first organized priesthood among
the dwarfs, the Ingerimm Devotional Brotherhood.
Pyrdacor and his dragons and the dwarfs. Organa, daughter of
Ordamon, fought with Ancarion, son of Pyrdacor, and defeated
him though she died in the effort. In retaliation, the dragons The Geode Revolt
wiped out the eighth tribe. Victory was still on the side of the Unfortunately, the advance of dwarfdom stops there. Xagul,
dwarf people, however—they won this major battle. The costs the first High King of the Dwarfs, came to power following the
of such a victory were high, though: only the city of Xorlosh end of the war of the dragons. He was under the influence of
survived the dragonfire. Two others were blown up or melted geode Abatrox, a well-meaning but radical druid who aspired
away, their fates lost to the mists of time. In the following years, to free the Angroshim from their earthly bonds. Xagul ordered
the Angroshim fortified their mines and tunnels as the war with the destruction of tool shops and forges at Abatrox’s suggestion.
the dragons lingered on. Pyrdacor’s negotiators repeatedly offered Taking a good thing too far, he wanted to abandon all memory of
peace for the exchange of the treasures of the earth, but the dwarfs the old arts so that the dwarfs were forced to live above the earth’s
honored their god-given duty and dismissed all schemes. surface, under the control of the Geodes. Luckily, Arch Geode
The war still lasted for thousands of years. Pyrdacor Darbash overthrew
developed ever-new plots, the most horrible of which involved Abatrox. Xagul died
the calling of magical stone creatures that the dwarfs could not by his own hand upon
harm. Weapons immediately became useless, and all seemed hearing of the revolt
lost. Then, when hope had all but fled, a number of dwarfs among his people.
began having visions of throwing down all arms and armor In the following
and using the powers of nature under the open sky to oppose period, priests of
their mighty enemy. Most doubted these visions and assumed Ingerimm tried to
that dragon magic had to be responsible for such nonsense. A save the remains: they
few dozen followed the call, however, led by Brandan, son of created a new writing
Brodosh. They were the geodes, the first druids of Aventuria. system, the Rogolan,
The first few decades were spent learning the new skills to preserve knowledge
they would need for survival in the open world. As their power for future generations.
grew, however, they began searching out ways to help their Thus formed the
brethren beneath the written language that
earth, who lost a little was later adapted by
more ground with every all Angroshim.
attack. Two hundred
years after heeding Ordamon’s Crown and
their visions, Brandan
formed an alliance with the Second Dragon War
the Elemental Lord of The next era burdened the dwarfs with a series of bitter
Stone, who was upset infighting. The peace with dragons was the ultimate cause for
at Pyrdacor’s abuse of this—while tribes grew, natural resources did not. The resulting
his children. struggle undermined social ties. In the beginning, the Mountain
The combined King’s authority was great enough to preserve order, but soon
power of the geodes the world of the dwarfs was shaken to its very foundation.
and the Lord of Stone Aghira of the Aboralm tribe was the most beautiful girl of
drove the dragons into all the dwarf lands. When she came of age to be married, suitors
retreat. Borders were from every dwarf city came to seek her hand, bringing gifts and
drawn along the Yaquir, presents with which to woo her. Aghira was proud and ambitious,
World of Aventuria 9
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
History of Aventuria
however, and nothing that she received was enough to tempt her. and crucial battle, Pyrdacor tried to make use of the dwarf ’s
Only Calaman, Son of Curthag of Curoban’s Tribe, managed to weaknesses—thus the Second Dragon War began. This time,
impress the girl so that she would at least consider him. however, Pyrdacor clearly went too far. He was finally banned
To prove the worth (and ambition) of Calaman, she suggested from Ethra by the gods. From this point forward, Angroshim
that a proper dowry gift would be a little thing from Pyrdacor’s history correlates with human development.
stronghold (namely Ordamon’s Crown). Quick as the wind,
Calaman was on his way. It did occur to him that he was about History of the Dwarfs
to disturb the peace that existed between dwarfs and dragons, but About 8500 b.H.: The city of Xorlosh is founded
Aghira’s beauty did away with all sense of reason in him. 8200 b.H.: Dragons attack Xorlosh
In the valleys of Wall of Rashtul, the dwarf met a creature 6000 b.H.: Angroshim settle on the Amboss
whose stature resembled that of the Angroshim. Yet it was of 5800 b.H.: Dwarfs from Amboss defeat a large army of
a taller figure, more slender, not as strong yet more adroit and Dragons
nimble, and it called itself a human. These creatures lived 5500 b.H.: Pyrdacor sends Ore Creatures against the dwarfs
in tents or natural caves by the side of the dragon empire, 5400 b.H.: Expedition of the Geodes under the leadership of
constantly on the run from Pyrdacor’s lizard troops. Brandan
Assaf, one of the humans, joined the dwarf in his task. 5200 b.H.: Treaty with the Lord of Ore
Together they entered the dragon’s stronghold and stole 5100 b.H.: The invention of poetical worship and formation
Ordamon’s precious crown. When he returned, the sight of the of the Ingerimm Devotional Brotherhood
gem overwhelmed Aghira. The wedding was immediately set 4900 b.H.: Xagul becomes first High King of dwarfs
for next year. The girl could not restrain herself, however, and 4500 b.H.: Rogolan is being accepted as the universal writing
began showing off her jewels to everyone who would consent system
to view them. Soon Calaman’s adventures were well-known 4068 b.H.: Calaman steals Ordamon’s Crown from
stories, told in every house. Pyrdacor’s stronghold
While many honored Calaman for his bravery, some 4065 b.H.: Day of Wrath: For the first time, one dwarf kills
despised him for jeopardizing the peace with his rash actions. another; the earth shakes, and the sons of Brogar
To set an example, the dwarf officials banned him from his move into Brazen Sword
native land for life. He was followed by members of his clan who 3100 b.H.: The Second Dragon War ends with Pyrdacor’s
supported him, however, leaving their homes and caves against defeat
the will of elders to move out into the world. They wandered
as far as the Troll Peaks, settled there and became known as The Eight Tribal Fathers of the Dwarfs
Diamond Dwarfs. Only Aghira stayed back in Xorlosh, as she Furalm, Brogar, Harbosh, Gurthar, Aboralm, Xoldarim,
feared the loss of her treasures more than anything else. Curoban, Ordamon the Brave
The crown was either to be given back or to be sacrificed
to Ordamon’s soul, but the jewelry had spent too much time in
Pyrdacor’s stronghold—inflicted with the dragon’s evil character,
a lust for power, and treacherous greed, the gem influenced its
new owners. Neither Aghira nor her clan was capable of handing
The Origin of the Elves
“The origin of the elves is a well-kept secret, yet it springs not from
over the crown. In the end, when the dwarf king, Xuragosh, the darkness but from within the light.”
personally came to demand it back, Aghira’s clansman Brogar —Rohal the Wise
led him into a trap and killed him—the first dwarf blood spilled
by dwarf hands since their creation in the dawn of time. Truly, the origin of the elves is subject to mere speculation.
Angrosh became very angry; he shook the ground, and set It is certain that they, just like nymphs, dryads and fairies, come
even cold stone aflame with his fury. According to the legend, from the world of light. There is probably an overlapping region
Aghira was turned into burning stone; her kinsmen fled from between Aventuria and the World of Light, which the elves
Xorlosh towards the northern Orkland, where they built the call sala mandra and which sits by the forests north of Lake
mystical fortress-city of Umrazim before vanishing from the pages Lamprey. The appearance of the first Light Elves most likely
of history. The rest of Brogar’s tribe left the city as well and moved coincides with the emergence of dwarfs and the rise of the
into Brazen Sword—only to disappear from the face of the earth. Lizard Empire.
By now, the dwarfs recognized the true power of the Some philosophers and magicians assume “sala mandra”
doomed crown. They tried to destroy the piece without success, refers to the Salamander Stones, where legend has it that
for any who could finally bring himself to strike a blow against Madaya, the last of the Old People, lies asleep and dreams up the
it was made too weak to actually break the piece. In the end, the fate of her people, the elves. Madaya was the patron of the elves,
crown was returned to the dragon in the hopes of ridding the and stood as their protector. When the Nameless began pulling
dwarf race of its evil influence. It was too late, however; the greed the elves into reality, tempting them with greed and power, she
for gold kept lingering within the heart of every Angroshim and withstood him and kept her people safe. During the struggle,
worked constantly against their strength as a group. In a final however, she was forced to give up her place in reality. It is
10 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
said that light elves, the One day, the Sky Wolf Liska wandered the earth. She was great
ancestors of silvan elves, with child and needed badly to rest. A woman by the name of Vae
sprang from Madaya took her in and asked her son, Mada, to clear his bed for the guest.
herself. He was upset about being made to give up his place for an animal,
In the following but he did as his mother bid him to do. The next morning, he stepped
time, the elves descended back into the hut to find two cubs with golden fur—Liska had
from the Salamander borne them during the night, then went to hunt while they slept.
Stones. They showed a Greed came over Mada, who could only see how rare their
preference for settling coats were and what a price they might bring. He grabbed both
along riverbanks, of them and ran. As he left the house, however, the young wolves
where they successfully began to whine terribly. Mada was terrified that he would be found,
fought off orks, goblins and so killed both cubs to keep them silent. His act only ensured his
and—with the help of discovery, however, as Liska could sense the lives of her pups as she
dwarfs—even Pyrdacor’s could her own.
lizard troops. They When Liska discovered the murder, she cried out, “You humans
expanded across the face will never forget this day!” She bounded off then and ascended
of the land, becoming prosperous and content. The elves did to heaven. She put the bodies of their children on a silver plate,
not adhere to their traditional life style, however—a failing that which appears on the firmament every morning. (It is referred to as
could have been due to the influence of the Nameless. Instead Madamal, or “Mada’s Shame” ever since.) Furious and revengeful,
of recalling their humble connections to nature and the light, Liska returned with Gorfang, Redtail, Ripgrief and the rest of
they called themselves “High Elves” and worshipped Pyrdacor, the Sky Wolves. They devoured the land, turned over the earth
the Lizard God. Under the rule of Simia, their first king, they and covered it all with a sea of urine. They would certainly have
erected amazing cities. The elves’ arrogance and vanity spread destroyed the entire earth, but Liska was moved when she spied two
like a cancer, but it ceased abruptly with the beginning of the human children, cowering and crying much as her own pups had
Second Dragon War. done. She begged her father for mercy and he consented, calling
Today’s Lea Elves, the shy Ice Elves and even the Steppe away the rest of the Sky Wolves. Only a small piece of the earth
Elves of the Green Plains all trace back to the High Elves. The
was left standing, however, scattered with mountains and lakes and
Lea Elves migrated quickly and lived in far-away places such as
surrounded on all sides by a sea of a salty broth.
Albernia and even Fountland, but all elves retreated far away from
Today, the Nivese live in the area between Kvill and Brazen
areas of human settlement. Only in 1024 b.H., did the Treaty of
Sword. In earlier times, however, their settlements stretched
Trallop ensure the lasting sovereignty of the elfish regions.
much further to the south, all the way to Nostria, Andergast and
Albernia, according to Admiral Sanin’s reports—even today, one
Humans in Aventuria still finds many red-haired people in these regions.
Orks and goblins were a constant threat to the Nivese.
Today we can distinguish between three different groups of
native Aventurian people: the Tulamides, the Nivese and the Forest While the redpelts were satisfied with the occasional attack, orks
People of the South (though the origin of the latter is in doubt). led entire wars against the Nivese. Some traditional tales speak
of battles in the Brinask marshland during “the years without
summer.” The hard winters had decimated the herds of the
The History of the Nivese Nivese, and the humans were weak and malnourished.
The fairies recognize only these especially red-haired The orks achieved one victory after another, and all seemed
individuals as human. They claim that the red-haired people hopeless. The shaman Jukuk-Speaks-With-Beasts, however,
have been in existence almost since the beginning, which used his powers to call upon the creatures of the land and river.
would give proof to the great age of Nivese people. Their lives Thousands of beavers built countless dams in the streams of the
differ a great deal from that of western immigrants and their marshland, all of which were swollen from a heavy rainfall. The
descendants—they strive for a balance with the laws of nature
humans laid a trap in a moor pit that was drained by the dams,
and seek brotherhood with the wolf, just as the Sky Wolves
and lured the orks into it.
command it. What happens if these god-like creatures become
Once they were there, the dams were opened all at once.
angry is described in the following Nivese myth of creation.
The hapless brutes were drowned as a whole, and Jukuk had
saved his people. He was disgusted by the hundredfold murder,
In the beginning, the land was flat and unimaginably huge.
however, as the Nivese were never given to great violence. He
Summers were long, and winters were short and mild. At that time,
disappeared into the forest and never returned.
the mystical Sky Lovers gave birth to two children: a human child When the people of Gyldenland settled in Aventuria,
and a wolf pup. Both were siblings and lived in peace, as did their they mixed with the Nivese population, but most of the wolf
children. From their parents, they learned that the fur of the wolf folk retreated to the regions they occupy today. Being nomadic
kept the humans warm, and the young wolves learned in return how people, the Nivese would generally settle on empty land. The
to use language. sparsely populated Fountland forms the exception. The first
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History of Aventuria
western settlers tried to enslave the shepherds, but the Nivese never do such a thing
either ignored the laws of nobility or migrated further west, – behaved like white-
leaving the region altogether. That did not help the authorities skinned intruders.
of the Fountland, since Nivese tent camps formed the last haven This was not the
of security for anybody traveling through the winter. Finally, the way Kamaluq would
“Edict of Festum” was passed by a congress of nobility, which expect of his people, so
freed the nomads of all custom and interest payments as long they were punished.
as they did not stay in a city or within five miles of a castle After the fall
or fortification. Further, the treaty liberated all Nivese from of the Kemi, many
Fountlandian jurisdiction. different tribes formed,
all quarreling with
History of the Nivese one another. The
About 1200 b.H.: The “years without summer”; battles Wudu tribe finally re-
against the orks in the Brinask marshland established an empire
1000 b.H.: Establishment of a human settlement in to the east of the Rain
Svellt Valley; orks are expelled and the Nivese fortify Mountains. They
their borders worshiped Visar, the
222 b.H.: Edict of Festum ensures autonomy and god of death, and maintained an extensive cult of death and
independence of Nivese-controlled Fountland sacrifice. Their center of worship was the Visra volcano; their
prophet was Nemeka (the “pale-as-death”), a deont of Boron
The People of the Divine from Bosparan. The Wudu Empire lasted for about 400 years
and disappeared with the second colonization of the Pearl Sea
Jaguar—The Forest People shore by Bosparan people.
Because of the many quarrels among tribes, entire
The Forest People have no written language, relaying all
their history as tales and myths called tayas. If you ask a forest villages became victims of Al’Anfanian woodcutters and slave
man about the creation of his people, he will answer: hunters. The western jungles were more fortunate, as the Rain
In the beginning, there was the forest, and in it were all the Mountains formed a protective wall against intruders. Slave
trees, plants and animals, and all was good. The Tachik (jungle hunters rarely dared to enter this territory, though around 330
skunk) ate as many greenberry leaves as it needed, the arm-thick H., settlers tried to colonize these lands as well. The shaman
snake ate the Tachik until it was satisfied, and the jaguar feasted Manaq foresaw the approaching danger, though, and realized
on the bark apes. Moreover, of course, the greenberry bushes grew the importance of unifying all tribes to form an effective alliance
enough leaves for all the Tachik. Kamaluq looked at his world and against the attackers.
was content. In his wisdom, however, he foresaw a creature with Manaq accomplished this difficult task in just two years.
two arms, two legs, pale skin and ugly hair growing from the face. The settlers, who had already built villages along the Mysob and
These brutes threatened the forest, chopping its trees for swimming Soudask, were driven out. The news of the defeat spread quickly
houses and killing animals for joy. So, Kamaluq beat them at their and sparked the Manakus Riots in Al’Anfa and other cities.
own game. He created mankind by combining parts of every animal Manaq was also the driving force behind the discovery of
and every plant, and he formed them into pairs. He breathed life the Jaguar Temple of Gulaghal; he furthermore made important
into them, and since they were his people, he gave them a well- decisions regarding the regulation of tribal privileges and
formed body of a beautiful color so that they would not have to hide responsibilities, which are still in place today. The guardians
behind clothes. of Gulaghal come from the Mohaha tribe, from the Oijaniha
It is uncertain if the Forest People really originate from tribe come the guardians of Kun-Kau-Peh as well as the priests
the Aventurian mainland. Scholars have discussed a possible of the Ghost Spider, the Anoiha people are responsible for the
migration from the southern continent of Uthuria, which protection of the cave of Gron’gu’mur, and the Napewanha
would hint on nautical capabilities of the Tocamuyac tribe. Old watch over the adherence of the taboo of H’Rabaal.
lizard and Tulamide documents refer to short, dark-skinned Those were the only major agreements that were
people dwelling in southern jungles and forest-covered islands. accomplished before old feuds started up again. Nevertheless,
This migration must have taken place before the arrival of the Forest People seem
Gyldenland people, which is why we look at those jungle tribes to live under a lucky
as native people. star—all attempts to
The few available documents, coupled with the tayas and colonize the jungle
information gleaned from several ruins seem to hint at a highly were futile. The
developed society of the so-called Kemi Forest People, which disturbed, half-crazed
seems heavily influenced by lizard culture. Why this culture settlers that escaped
ceased is unclear. The Forest People will only say that the Kemi the jungle alive told
– who naturally belong to a different tribe, for their own would of suddenly rising fogs,
12 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
glowing red eyes staring through the mist, inhuman screams, the city of Zamorrah at the crossing of the Gadang and Mhanadi
and razor-sharp teeth. River, as well as numerous fortifications that have been deserted
In recent times, there has been only one serious incident: and forgotten.
The Jaguar Temple of Gulaghal holds the Kettle of Rebirth, an These wizards were powerful magicians. They eventually
ancient lizard artifact. In 23 Haal, Borbarad attacked the temple destroyed the resisting lands of Goria by conjuring the Great
with a group of undead and ordered the shaman to activate the Swarm, a plague of locusts so virulent that is feared today.
kettle—he wanted to transform his six-fingered hand. His plan Sulman al-Nassori, the Sultan of Khunchom, finally defeated
failed and he disappeared again, but he left the guardians as well the Magician-Moguls with the help of many magical artifacts.
as the shaman behind as undead. It is due to the efforts of the He destroyed Zamorrah as well, expelling the independent
new High Shaman Tonko-Tapam Bohantopa that the temple is sultans and placing Satraps in place as city governors.
now cleared of demonic and undead forces. Sulman al-Nassori and his successors subsequently ruled
over a mighty empire that reached from Al’Anfa to Ysilia, with
History of the Forest People its center located by the Mhanadi and the Aranian region.
ca. 11000–5000 b.H.: Forest People tribes originate in Sulman pronounced his empire the Adamantine Sultanate,
Aventuria, possibly migrating there by sea from the naming it after a gigantic jewel that Bastrabun had brought
southern continent of Uthuria back from his lootings.
ca. 5500–1800 b.H.: Southern Aventuria is dominated by
lizardfolk, with the political and religious centre at The Adamantine Sultanate
H’Rabaal Despite their traditional quarrel with the lizard people, the
ca. 3800–1800 b.H.: Empire of the Kemi Tulamides in the central region adapted the reptiles’ ceremonies
ca. 1650–1250 b.H.: Empire of the Wudu and rites. The sultans separated themselves almost entirely from
338–330 b.H.: The shaman Manaq unites the nations and the common people: they were worshipped as demigods and
tribes of the Forest People. served by clerical devotees.
333 b.H.: The united tribes drive the white settlers from their Nevertheless, even the Adamantine Sultans eventually
land; ‘Manakus Riots’ in Al’Anfa had to accept that they were just part of the ever-changing
23 H.: Borbarad seizes the Temple of the Jaguars at Gulagal world. Their moment of humility came when a Bosparan army
24 H.: Tonko-Tapam Bohantopa liberates the temple and appeared by the upper Yaquir River, apparently on the hunt for
becomes new High Shaman goblins. They were assumed easy prey, and order was given to
attack the strangers—only to have the Sultanate army suffer a
The Rise of the Tulamides humiliating defeat. The following war against the Bosparans
took the life of the last Sultan of Nebachot. His widow,
and the Adamantine Sultanate Dassareth, unified the wealthy region of Oron with the rest of
The first record of Tulamidian ancestry comes from the Nebachot; she chose Zorrigan to be her new residence. Under
records of the dwarfs: about 4,000 years ago, Calaman encountered her rule and that of her female successor’s government, the
human people in the area of the Wall of Rashtul, worshipping “a empire earned the name of Haranija, Land of Queens (‘Arania’
beast-like god by the name of Feqz.” These humans lived in to the Bosparans).
remote villages, constantly on guard against Pyrdacor’s lizard Arania and the Bosparan people exchanged and shared
troops from the neighboring region of Zze Tha. their cultures to a great degree: the first Tulamidian temple,
The rise of the Tulamides began with the Second Dragon built in Llanka, was built in the name of Efferd. Another was
War and the fall of the Elder Dragon. Led by their heroes devoted to the worship of Raia (located in Zorgan).
Rashtul and his son Bastrabun, the Tulamides colonized Over the next centuries, the Adamantine Sultanate shrunk
Mhanadistan and drove the lizards to the south, to the swamps even further: The 100-year reign of Sheranbil the Fifth was
of Selem, and towards Maraskan. Bastrabun built a magical followed by a century of disorder, during which the empire was
fortified wall to protect the humans against lizard attacks, a weak and fell prey to foreign invasions. In the end, the Gorian
wall that was subsequently named after him. He was honored dynasty was replaced by yet another, which included the Ferkina
with the title of sultan. Shortly after the sultanates Khunchom clan. The northern and southern border regions revived,
(on the Mhanadi delta and Yalaiad peninsula), Thalusia (by however. The south saw the rise of the Great Sultanate of Elem,
the rivers Ongalo and Thalusim), Elem (by the Szinto) and supported by legions from Wajahd, a mysterious underwater
Gadang (around the area of Fasar) emerged in the ‘Land of the kingdom. It grew into an empire, defeated Thalusa, Mengbilla
First Sun.’ Other sultanates formed were Nebachot (around the and Mirham, and then fell apart again as a star fell into the sea
city-states of Baburin and Perricum), Oron (around Elburum), by the area of Selem. In the North, Arania went through the
Goria (around Anchopal) and Alhania (by the river Radrom). Silver Moon Age, a period of immense growth that reached its
A few rulers developed a greed for power, however. They peak about 1,000 years ago.
grew wise in the ways of magic and called themselves the Concluding this era, Bosparan Emperor Murak-Horas
Magician-Moguls of Gadang. Eventually, they conquered defeated the Adamantine Sultanate, which had already been
Mhanadistan and the land of what is now Arania. They built reduced to the areas of Mhanadistan and Goria. He occupied
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History of Aventuria
Khunchom but eventually died of a battle wound. His daughter, Kunga Suula to a halt and used this opportunity to drive the
Hela-Horas, blamed her father’s death on the Tulamides and Norbardes out of Starpnika. The Priest Emperors continued to
was ever after eager to humble the Tulamides and grind them prosecute the Norbardes, but after that dark era the oppression
beneath her heel. ceased. Today, the merchants and Norbard traders can still be
seen traveling the northern plains with their wagons and carts.
Early Tulamidian History
ca. 3000–2750 b.H.: Tulamidians under the heroes Rashtul- History of the Norbards
al-Sheik and Bastrabun ibn Rashtul drive out the ca. 2600 b.H.: The Tulamidian tribes of the Al’Hani and Beni
lizardfolk from Mhanadistan and settle there Nurbad migrate northwards
ca. 2750–2500 b.H.: Era of the sultanates 1018 b.H.: Starpnika founded
ca. 2600–2319 b.H.: Time of the Magician-Moguls of 943 b.H.: Goblin empire founded by the Kuunga Suula
Gadang 695 b.H.: Order of the Theatre conquers Starpnika
ca. 2350–2318 b.H.: The Scorpion Wars 658–528 b.H.: Norbardes prosecuted under the rule of the
2317–1010 b.H.: The Adamantine Sultanate Priest-Emperors
1874 b.H.: First encounter with a Bosparan army on the
upper Yaquir River
ca. 1865 b.H.: War against the Bosparans; last Sultan of
The Settlers from Gyldenland
In modern times, native peoples are not a major part of
Nebachot dies; his widow Dassareth declares Zorrigan Aventuria’s culture. Immigrants from a far-away continent
as new capital of the northern Tulamides called Gyldenland populate most of the continent.
1702 b.H.: Queen Dolopia III proclaims the independent
Kingdom of Arania
1502–1408 b.H.: Rule of the legendary sultan Sheranbil V the
The First Settlers
The Song of Jurga is the oldest known source that tells of the
early colonization of Aventuria by the people of Gyldenland. The
ca. 1400–1300 b.H.: Tulamides settle in Upper Yaquiria (the
104 verses talk of people that are generally known as the “Hjalding
later Emirate Almada)
People.” They refer to themselves as “Children of Swafnir.” They
from ca. 1270 b.H.: Rise of the Great Sultanate of Elem
arrived in the bay of Olport, coming from the north of the western
1099 b.H.: Elem is destroyed by a falling star; Great Sultanate
continent. It is certain that these people are the ancestors of the
Thorwal people; it seems likely that they mixed with the local
1010 b.H.: Emperor Murak-Horas defeats the Adamantine
Norbardes and built cities along the rivers and coastal regions.
Sultanate in the Battle of the Gadang
Less than a hundred years later, the Gyldenland people
arrived in southern regions, close to today’s city of Kuslik.
The Norbardes (Rumors have it that they were banned convicts, but solid
The Norbardes originated from the Tulamidian tribes of evidence is not at hand.) A short time later, godly Horas formed
Al’Hani and Beni Nurbad, who wandered out of Balash 2,500 an empire with borders similar to those of modern Fairfield.
years ago. In the course of their long and challenging history, He reigned for 500 years, established the city of Bosparan,
they scattered all across northern and eastern Aventuria, from then decided to finally take a seat among his ancestors in the
Olport to Tobria to the Brazen Sword. They lived in friendship realm of gods and leave the humans to their own fate. He is still
with the Nivese and the elves, who had already occupied the worshipped and honored as a deity in the area of Fairfield.
land before the arrival of the Norbardes. They traded goods and
news with the natives and were thus always-welcomed guests. History of the Thorwalians
Shortly before the fall of Bosparan, the Norbardes founded ca. 2625 b.H.: Hjaldingars from Gyldenland set foot in Olport
the city of Starpnika by the Born River. A harsh winter followed Bay
and took many lives, but the Norbardes held on. Not a hundred 1861 b.H.: Admiral Sanin discovers Thorwal, followed by
years later, the Kunga Suula founded their goblin empire within Thorwalian raids on coastal towns of the Old Empire
today’s Fountland. The Nivese and the elves were forced out, 701–562 H.: Southern Thorwal under the rule of the New
while the Norbard queen Danutja formed a treaty with the Empire
redpelts, a deal that served both sides quite well. Centuries later, 29–32 H.: Naval war of the nascent Thorwalian state against
Knights of the Order of the Theater brought the kingdom of the Horasrealm
14 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
The Bosparan Empire of terror, taxes were raised yet again—when the tax collectors
began arresting those who could not pay, the smoldering conflict
The land of Horas now went through a time of expansion.
broke into a bloody riot.
Many armies followed routes set by exploring adventurers, eager
The people of Gareth stormed the garrison and chased away
to take over land. One of the most well known campaigns is that
the soldiers of the Emperor. The news spread like a wild fire
of Admiral Sanin the Elder, who moved along the coast towards
through the entire nation—masses of people came to see the free
the north and along the rivers into the interior of the continent.
city. When the Emperor’s armies arrived to retaliate, they were
According to records of the time, the Bosparan emperors
opposed by a force double their size. The general did not dare
expected to encounter no real resistance whatsoever. The first
order the attack. When Fran heard of this, he sent out a second
encounter with dwarfs gave the troops of the Emperor a taste of
army as reinforcement. In the meantime, a count by the name of
reality—the Angroshim attacked an outpost by the Valley of the
Hluthar gathered an army of his own to fight by the side of the
Yaquir River, and killed all of the men except one. They carved
Gareth people. He arrived at the city simultaneously with Emperor
a message into the body of the survivor, and then sent him back
Fran-Horas, and the two sides immediately began fighting.
to Bosparan.
The battle raged with merciless fury—no one was willing
The army was reinforced; increasingly more troops moved
to step back and victory seemed impossible for either side. The
towards the east, south and north. While it was impossible to
Emperor then conjured up the Archdemons; their servants
confront and defeat the dwarfs, the goblins were driven out of
descended to earth only to slaughter first the army of Gareth
the area entirely by the Bosparan army. Cities like Punin, Drôl,
and then that of the Bosparans. One could have counted the
Havena, Ferdok, and Gareth were built. Emperor Belen-Horas,
survivors on one hand: Emperor Fran-Horas was one of them.
the initiator of this successful campaign, declared himself a
Fran would not speak a word afterward, and barely ate or drank.
godly Emperor and assumed the mantle of divinity. Fortunes
He died 4 years later, his screams echoing through the halls of
shifted, however—forty trolls came down from the mountains
the palace for hours as though the demons had come for him at
and slaughtered an army of a thousand men. Belen-Horas
last. His corpse was never found.
sent one expedition after another to beat back the troll army,
an endeavor known as the Troll War. The effort lasted for 16
years, and nearly exterminated the trolls entirely. In addition to The Dark Ages
the Bosparan victory, the army of the Adamantine Sultanate was With the terrible death of Fran-Horas, an age of ignorance
defeated in the Battle of the Darpat River Bend. and violence swept across the land. Most regions of the country
The price for these victories, however, was high. More and were deserted. Orks moved in en masse, with no one to oppose
more troops had to leave the borders to fuel these conflicts, them. Science and art were abandoned, emperors came and
giving orks and ogres a chance to fall in and attack the empire. went; they died or were overthrown and killed. For centuries,
Ultimately, the man-eating beasts feasted on the population the once-mighty army of Bosparan was paralyzed; humans living
of Gareth, who had no army left to protect themselves. These in scattered provinces worshipped ork deities and strange idols.
horrible events were linked to Belen-Horas’s declaration of Then, the elves and dwarfs accomplished in the Battle of Saljeth
godliness, which must have angered the gods. (by today’s Griffinsford) what the humans had failed so miserably
When the Emperor died, his son was only eight years old. to achieve—with unified strength, the orks were defeated.
A council was appointed to rule the empire in his stead until the The empire slowly recovered. The emperors of the Kuslik
successor was of age. The council acted wisely and started the dynasty had streets built and reclaimed lost territory, while the
Age of the Peace Emperors, during which the empire flourished Battle of Gadang eventually crushed the Adamantine Sultanate
greatly. The young provinces of Nostria and Andergast, and made it part of the Bosparan Empire. Emperor Hela-Horas,
however, used the opportunity to secede from Bosparan. The the ‘Beautiful Empress,’ was declared a goddess once again, though
two most notorious troublemakers of modern times therefore she was warned against such hubris. She cared little about doubts
also represent the oldest nations in Aventuria. and warning words coming from the Gareth priesthood, however,
When the Emperor Haldur-Horas came of age, it became and ridiculed the messengers, even burned them publicly.
clear he had not learned from the wisdom of the council. He had The city by the
the dubious honor of putting an end to the glorious Age of the Gardel was horrified
Peace Emperors, all to satisfy his own greed. The city of Gareth and moved against
had accumulated great wealth. According to the Emperor, that Hela-Horas. Gareth put
was only because its citizens were not paying enough taxes. He together an army and
tripled taxes with a swift hand and sent in the troops as the sent it toward Bosparan
Gareth people rejected his orders. The army attacked the city with the goal of removing
walls for 200 days, forcing the population to its knees, when they the insane emperor.
finally surrendered, their prosperity in ruins. Hela retaliated and
Haldur was murdered only 2 months later, and his son Fran moved her loyal forces
swore revenge. Of course, he looked no further for the killers than against the approaching
Gareth. There, he arrested and tortured individuals arbitrarily, army; both forces met by
earning him the name “Fran the Bloody.” On top of the campaign the Alamadan village of
World of Aventuria 15
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History of Aventuria
In a manner similar to her ancestor, Fran-Horas, Hela Initially, the strength of the Wudu tribe prevented any
called on demons to help give her victory, uncaring if her own further expansion. With the help of legions from the underwater
troops were killed in the process. Naturally, the demons were world Wajahd, however, Elem rose to great power, colonizing
only too willing to ascend from the Outer Hells and fall on their Thaluma and ending the reign of the Wudu people. Belenas was
mortal victims. What the empress did not know was just how conquered and renamed as Mengbilla. The decadent and cruel
much the gods despised such behavior by now. Four warriors nature of Elem became legendary, and only a falling star ended
dressed in golden armor appeared in the front row of the Gareth the tyranny by destroying the entire city.
army. As we know today, they were the avatars of the deities Mengbilla was conquered once again under the rule of the
Praios, Rondra, Efferd and Ingerimm. Kuslik dynasty, and Al’Anfa as well as Selem were rebuilt atop of
The gods’ presence wreaked havoc among the demons. the ruins.
Hela’s troops ran off in sheer panic; they were driven back to the
palace of the empress, followed by an angry Gareth mob. When The South During the Bosparan Age
she tried to take refuge there, lightning shot from the sky, breaking 2600–1300 b.H.: Age of the Tulamides; Mirham and
the walls of the palace and giving way to the empress’ residential Al’Anfa are built
halls. She called upon her dark craft again to summon the dead 1868 b.H.: Bosparan people start to build cities in the
to protect her, opposing the attacking legions with skeleton south
troops. As she ordered the attack, though, a disembodied voice about 1800 b.H.: The Tulamides defeat H’Rabaal
spoke, its words drowning out all other sounds. It said, “It ends 1634 b.H.: Bosparans drive out Tulamides
here, Hela,” and she sank before her throne, instantly dead. 1611 b.H.: Annexation of Sylla
The battered Gareth forces demanded revenge for the 1650–1250 b.H.: Rule of the Great Sultanate of Elem
devastating demonic battles. Taking their revenge, the army 1100–993 b.H.: Mengbilla is conquered once again by the
wandered through Fairfield for half a year, plundering and Kuslik Emperors; rebuilding of Al’Anfa and Selem
looting every building in sight. Afterwards, goblins came to
finish the job—it was to take another 700 years before the
central province of the Old Empire recovered again.
The New Empire
After the fall of Bosparan, Gareth became the empire’s
capital. Raul, a young army leader, was crowned the first
History of the Old Empire Emperor of the New Empire (also called “Middenrealm”).
1876 b.H.: Bosparan army moves up the Yaquir A peaceful period followed; during this “Age of the Wise
1874 b.H.: Bosparan army defeats the troops of the Emperors,” the nation’s leaders acted with both caution and
Adamanine Sultanate wisdom. Under their command, the empire expanded more
1866 b.H.: Belen-Horas declared himself a godly Emperor than ever, ranging from the icy plains in the north to the farthest
1866–1850 b.H.: Troll Wars south; humans even populated the island of Maraskan.
1865 b.H.: Battle by the Darpat River Bend, conquest Festum, a small city by the mouth of the Fount River,
of Nebachot (today’s Perricum), victory over the began to grow. The so-called Knights of the Theater explored
Adamantine Sultanate the land along the Fount River’s two major tributaries. The
1864 b.H.: First move of the ogres city of Neersand likewise prospered around the same time, and
1863 b.H.: Founding of Nostria and Andergast eventually the Thorwal troops joined the knights. The former
1847 b.H.: Independence of Andergast and Nostria threat from the west coast was now a powerful friend, and the
1849–1612 b.H.: Age of the Peace Emperors newfound allies set out to travel and explore the Bodir.
1611 b.H.: 200 days of Gareth Unfortunately, the last of the Wise Emperors died very
1562 b.H.: Second riot of Gareth young, and his son Rude was only three years old. A council of
1561 b.H.: First Demon Battle priests and elders held the power as regents until Rude was old
about 1550–1150 b.H.: The Dark Ages enough to govern, but the heir to the throne was killed before
1246 b.H.: Orks take Baliho his fifteenth birthday. The blame fell on the priests of Rondra, as
1134 b.H.: Battle of Saljeth the body had marks in the shape of a lion. The clergy of Praios
1010 b.H.: Battle by Gadung, Bosparan annexes the stepped in to assume control, before matters got out of hand and
Adamantine Sultanate the warrior-priests could pull off their expected coup.
993 b.H.: Second Demon Battle, the looting of Bosparan The empire’s new leaders closed the temples of the Great
Lioness one after another, prosecuting and killing the clergy and
The South During devotees of Rondra. Events such as the Harvest Feast Massacre
of Gareth in 658 b.H. brought fear and pain to many hearts.
the Bosparan Age Ultimately, they executed the Grand Master of the Order of the
The greed of the Bosparan Empire during its heyday was Theater—the last of the opposition—his order defeated in the
without measure. The cities of Corapia (Chorhop), Belenas Battle of Dragon’s Rift. To the citizens and especially the church
(Mengbilla) and Brabak were built, Sylla was annexed and of Praios, this was the sign that the priests could do no wrong.
following threats of Svelinya-Horas, and the Tulamidian settlers
hurried to leave Al’Anfa and Mirham.
16 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
The common people suffered greatly, however, especially regions had similar desires of independence, following Albernia’s
the devotees of Rondra. Taxes were tripled and labeled as “godly example. The fall of the New Empire became imminent, though,
appreciation”—which made them harder to refuse but no easier once the noblemen of Fairfield swore an oath, at the hunting castle
to pay. People starved, and when the inevitable rebellion broke Baliiri, in which they promised not to lower their weapons until
out, it was led by an old man named Rohal. He succeeded and they defeated the “Gareth oppressors.”
drove the priests out of the palace.
While the people were eager to lynch their oppressors, History of the New Empire
Rohal instead mercifully exiled them to the island of Jilaskan. 993–940 b.H.: Reign of Raul of Gareth
He took the throne for himself and remained there for more 940–660 b.H.: Rule of the Wise Emperors
than one hundred and twenty years. During this period, schools 830 b.H.: Colonization of Maraskan begins
and sciences flourished, elven prose became fashionable and the 658–528 b.H.: Age of the Priest-Emperors
Seminar of Elven Communication was founded. 656 b.H.: Knights of the Order of the Theater are defeated
The long reign of Rohal seemed unnatural, however. 527–404 b.H.: Reign of Rohal the Wise
The memory of Hela-Horas still in their minds, citizens of 403–398 b.H.: War of the Wizards
the empire would no longer suffer the threat of supernatural 397 b.H.: ‘Gareth Pamphlet’
oppression—no matter how fair their leader might seem. They 393 b.H.: An invasion of orks is halted after the battles of
proclaimed, “Out with the demon, he has no place on a throne!” Ferdok and the Blood Fields
Knowing he could no change their minds and their hearts, Rohal 292 b.H.: Albernia declares independence
left his palace with a “Farewell!” and was never seen again. 291 b.H.: Earthquake of Havena, a giant wave destroys
Once again, the nation was without a leader. A powerful almost the entire city
guild of magicians claimed that Rohal was one of its members, 249 b.H.: Oath of Baliiri, Fairfield declares its
and thus were the rightful rulers. A second guild quickly said the independence
same, and with no more reason than that, war returned to the
empire. The War of the Wizards is one of the darkest chapters of
Aventurian history: many lives were lost and the devastation was
beyond measure. So great were the destructive energies released
Al’Anfa and the South During
that some regions are still so contaminated by dark magic that the Age of the New Empire
life there is all but impossible. There were no winners or losers; Emperor Raul decided that the southern provinces were to
followers on both sides fled in great numbers, crazed with fear. be unified and governed by the Paligan family, with the city of
The unification of noble men and warriors, outlined by Sylla being the capital. Later on, the royal residence was moved
the Gareth Pamphlet, finally ensured stability. The House of to Al’Anfa. Emperor Gerbald the First eventually outlawed
Gareth became the hereditary heirs of the title Emperor, and the slavery, a move that was especially unpopular among the
magicians were prohibited from every ruling again. Additionally, Tulamide people. In order to keep the peace, the next Emperor,
in the wake of the war, many academies of magic were closed Menzel, reversed the law and granted slavery for the Tulamide
down while spells of possession and control were outlawed provinces. Themodates of Shoy’Rina became vice-king,
entirely. A great deal of magical knowledge was lost forever. following the wishes of the Al’Anfanian population.
There was The growth of Al’Anfa was spectacular: even the Manakus
finally peace among the Riots could not halt the rise of the city. 150,000 inhabitants
people, but before long populated the township, and it quickly gained a reputation of
the nation’s officials being the most corrupt and demoralized district in Aventuria.
and leaders spoiled that Citizens and visitors alike engaged in dubious pleasures, among
peace. They lacked which human sacrifices were considered rather harmless
foresight, fortune and activities. Punishment followed close behind, however: the
forcefulness—it was their Great Plague took the lives of two-thirds of the population.
fault that the throne lost The people of the city understood the message very well,
its authority and prestige. and quickly banned the vice-kings to a palace city (which was
Albernia, under the built on the ruins of Mirham) while the Council of the Twelve
governing hand of Prince (consisting of rich citizens and deonts of Boron) took control.
Toras, seceded from the The Boroni Velvenya Karinor assumed the title of matriarch and
empire. The once-rich declared the Rite of Al’Anfa as a new church.
province was ruined in the The nation of Brabak had time to advance as well: Governor
following year by a terrible Thiralion de Sylphur was crowned Ariakon the First, King of
earthquake, allowing Brabak. The city of Al’Anfa declared its formal independence;
Gareth to handily resume Mengbilla, Corapia and Port Corrad followed not much later.
control over the land About 100 years later, Brabak and Al’Anfa engaged in a war over
again. Nevertheless, other H’Rabaal. Sylla initially supported Al’Anfa, but quickly joined
World of Aventuria 17
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History of Aventuria
with Brabak and declared itself independent. Brabak won the The Fall of the New Empire
war, but it again lost the land around Khefu and Hôt-Alem in 241 b.H.: Peace of Kuslik, independence of Fairfield
the following decades to Middenrealm. 238 b.H.: Fountland secedes
234 b.H.: Maraskan secedes
The South during the 233 b.H.: Rastullah appears in Keft, Khôm tribes split from
Age of the New Empire empire
991–145 b.H.: Vice Kingdom Meridiana 145 b.H.: Al’Anfa and other southern cities declare
853 b.H.: Alphana (Al’Anfa) becomes capital of Meridiana independence
763 b.H.: The destruction of Mirham 91–60 b.H.: War of Succession
657 b.H.: Brabak and Hôt-Alem form the government of 6 b.H.: Battle of Jergan, Maraskan is re-conquered
Brabakia 0 H.: Emperor Haal’s inauguration
307 b.H.: Great Plague of Al’Anfa 2 H.: Arania and Khunchom declare independence
about 145 b.H.: Al’Anfa and Brabak separate from the
empire The Caliphate of Unau
135 b.H.: Independence of Mengbilla After the appearance of the one-god Rastullah and the
127 b.H.: Independence of Corapia declaration of the 99 Orders, Khôm declared itself independent
90 b.H.: Independence of Port Corrad from Middenrealm. Subsequently, the Novadis people
49–46 b.H.: War between Al’Anfa and Brabak established a powerful nation that included the Khôm desert
32 b.H.: Corapia is conquered by the Caliphate, renamed and its bordering regions; it proved its strength during the war
Chorhop against Al’Anfa (15–17 Haal). Currently these desert warriors
are under the command of Caliph Malkillah the Third, who
just recently moved his residence to the old caliph city Unau,
The Fall of the New Empire demonstrating the powerful position of orthodox desert sultans.
Speaking of this period as a downfall is probably an Further information on the history of the Caliphate of Unau can
overstatement—today, Middenrealm is still the largest realm in be found on p. 86.
Aventuria. It did lose a number of provinces, however, during
the subsequent 250 years. Fairfield was the first to declare its
independence after 8 years of civil unrest. The ensuing treaty, the Recent History
Peace of Kuslik, allowed the Gareth monarch Eslam to constitute
only one rule: the ruler of Vinsalt was only to hold the title of a Special Note
king, not that of Emperor. Maraskan and Fountland quickly The following section describes in general the events that
followed the example set forth by Fairfield. The Novadi people transpired after the year 20 Haal, the timeframe in which
witnessed the appearance of Rastullah by the Oasis of Keft, and The Dark Eye Basic Rules core book is set. This will take
the emerging ‘Caliphate’ split from Middenrealm as well. you up to date with the year 29 Haal. While it does not go
The line of unfortunate Emperors continued and eventually into details about the invasions by the ogres and orks, it
caused a war of succession after the death of Valpo the Drinker. should, in addition to the information provided about each
Seventy-four regents came and went during those 31 years of Aventurian nation in the chapter entitled The Nations
quarrel. A ferocious individual by the name of Perval put an end of Aventuria (starting on p. 34), provide you a sufficient
to the mayhem and placed himself on the throne. The empire grounding to design and play in a campaign set in the
had a leader again, but its people were bleeding to death. “current” Dark Eye timeframe.
After Perval’s reign, his children Bardo and Cella shared
the throne, but they concentrated rather on a lavish lifestyle than Middenrealm
governmental duties. Their cousin Reto could not bear the sight; Despite his weaknesses, Haal successfully defeated the
he removed the siblings from the throne and, naturally, assumed Maraskan rebels in Tuzak and forced them to retreat to Boran.
it himself. The empire recovered under his rule, and Maraskan Two years later, the Emperor declared himself a god; the Gareth
was re-conquered again (although local resistance was never people still remember the glamorous celebration of this event
broken). Reto’s son Haal was not as capable as his father, today. Another grand feast was held for his son, Prince Brin,
however: Arania and Khunchom split from the empire and commemorating his engagement to Princess Emer ni Bennain,
declared their independence just shortly after his inauguration. as it coincided with the royal tournament (held at the court of
the Emperor).
18 World of Aventuria
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History of Aventuria
A few years later, ogres invaded the eastern province of
Tobria (there are speculations about a correlation between
The Borbarad Campaign
The ork battles put the empire through a hard test, but
this attack and the dismissal and disappearance of an imperial
that was nothing compared to what was to follow: Borbarad,
magician by the name of Galotta). The army of more than a
the Master of Demons, returned. His spirit was conjured up
thousand man-eating ogres was defeated at the Trollgap, a
in Weiden, devastating a vast expanse in the process. After
passage between the Troll Peaks and Black Sickle. A little later,
acquiring a body and sending his adherents visions to join his
Emperor Haal disappeared mysteriously during a journey
ever-growing army, he moved on to conquer Maraskan, Tobria,
through the Fountland. Adding insult to tragedy, Queen Amene
Warunk, Beilunk and parts of Darpatia.
of Vinsalt assumed the title of Horas (the title of the first
The sorcerer also attempted to subdue Fountland, but the
emperors). Her action was seen as a clear violation of the peace
vicious Count Uriel of Needmark was the only ally he could
treaty of Kuslik, and relations between the two nations worsened
find. In the Battle of Ox and Oak, the army of Uriel defeated the
dramatically. War was nearly at hand.
Bronnjars, led by Thesia of Elmstone. Borbarad was defeated in
At the same time, the orks left their traditional settlements
the Battle of the Vallusian Meadows, however, where the loyalist
and overran the cities of the Svellt Valley, as well as the
army of the Fountland joined the Middenrealm’s army in a
Middenrealmian provinces of Griffinsford and parts of Meadows
bitter fight against his army and that of Uriel.
(they still occupy major parts of the Svellt Valley today). They
The horror of war was far from over, though. Maraskan
even reached the gates of Gareth, where they were eventually
was lost, and the rain of demonic fire hit not only Wehrheim
defeated in the Battle by Silk Meadows.
and Havena, but also Gareth, the imperial capital. Not until the
During this time of weakness, the Darpatian count,
Third Battle of Demons by the Trollgap did the alliance of free
Answin of Ravensmouth, saw his opportunity. He took over the
peoples destroy Borbarad and smash his demonic crown into
throne of Gareth by force, plunging the nation into civil war.
seven pieces.
Subsequently, honorable heroes took matters into their own
The prize for victory was steep—many brave heroes and
hands, defeated Answin, and Prince Brin finally accepted the
stern soldiers gave their life to save the souls of others. Both the
mighty patrimony of his father. He did not accept the Emperor
Protector of the Empire and the famed “Sword-King” Raidri
title however, as there was no proof for Haal’s death yet; rather
Conchobair fell. Moreover, the empire never could recover the
he followed Rohal’s example and assumed the title of Protector
lost lands; the gruesome helpers of Borbarand, who acquired a
of the Empire.
shard of the crown for themselved, continued the legacy of their
former master there. They stepped into power as Heptarchs.
Arania Today, the humans of Aventuria
Duchess Sybia discontinued the tributes to Gareth in the can only hope that the Twelve
name of Prince Arkos, who was to be the next king. Naturally, choose to take on these
his sister had similar ambitions; she wanted to be queen, and infernal forces themselves.
subsequently tried to kill Arkos. Her plan failed.
Arkos became king and married Princess Eleonora of
Baburin. Just a short time later, Dimiona repeated her attempt
to grasp the power; she did succeed in separating the Elburian
land from the kingdom and transformed it into the ‘Moghulate
of Oron.’ Eventually, Arania became a kingdom in 29 Haal.
World of Aventuria 19
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The Continent of Aventuria
Aventuria at a Glance a few weeks each year. Another land of ice is located in the Far
Geographic Borders: Sea of the Seven Winds in the west, North, but it is no godly power that keeps this land frozen: the
Ifirn’s Ocean in the north, Sea of Pearls in the east, Brazen Archdemon Nagrach and his servant, Glorana, control the taiga
Sword mountain range in the northeast, Southern Sea in and tundra north of Fountland.
the south The Nivese prairie sits in the northern region of Firun’s
Covered Area: Roughly 300 miles long, from Yeti’s Land domain. This landscape is dominated by tall grass, rolling hills,
in the north to Benbukkula Island in the south; the widest
and sparse birch tree groups. The Svellt Mountains mark the
stretch from coast to coast is 1,900 miles
Terrain: All types of land, from frozen tundra to tropical
western border, while the forest-covered Salamander Stones set
jungles the southern limits along with the Fountlandian Woods. The
Mountains and Mountain Ranges: Black Sickle, Brazen rivers Kvill and Oblomon run through these lands. The winters
Sword, Frozen Peaks, High Eternans, Goldenrock, here are harsh, long and snowy, usually lasting from the middle
Kosh Mountains, Maraskan Mountain Range, Red of Travia until the beginning of Ingerimm, but do eventually
Sickle, Salamander Stones, Troll Peaks, Rain Mountains, pass into short springs and summers.
Rashtul Wall The Fountland is home a majority of the Aventurian
Major Inland Lakes: Lake Alavi, Blue Lake, Lake population. Here are cities that actually deserve that title,
Cichanebi (salt lake), Loch Harodrol, Lake Angbar, Lake
with Festum one of the largest in Aventuria. The Fount and
Lamprey, Oxwater, Lake Thuran, Lake Ysli
Estimated Population: 4,060,000 humans (without Dark
Wealbeck Rivers are important waterways that begin in the
Lands; 279,000 in the Dark Lands, not counting Oron); northern interior and move south, emptying into the Tobrian
approx. 20,000 elves, 40,000 dwarfs, 80,000 orks and 200,000 Sea. A network of highways connects the major cities, and the
goblins countryside is safe for miles around each. Those who forsake
Nations: Al’Anfa, Andergast, Arania, Fountland, Brabak, the roads and take to the open country, however, will most likely
the Caliphate of Unau, Heptarch Empires (Dark Lands), pay a steep (and even deadly) price for their arrogance; one can
Horasrealm, Middenrealm, Nostria roam the Fountlandian forests for weeks without ever meeting
Important Cities: Al’Anfa (80,000), Fasar (23,000), Festum another soul, and though orks may not be plentiful, dangerous
(28,000), Gareth (189,000), Grangor (9,850), Havena
animals still abound.
(25,700), Khunchom (13,200), Kuslik (21,800), Rashdul
(7,250), Vinsalt (19,850), Zorgan (14,500)
The Svellt Valley is also home to a number of human cities.
Important Traffic Routes: Fount, Darpat, Great River, One of the most prestigious is Lowangen, which is home to an
Mhanadi, Svellt, and Yaquir Rivers are the most important academy for magicians. The Ork Skull Steppe sits behind high
waterways; a well-built network of roads runs through mountain ranges, west of the stream. True trees are a rare sight
Fairfield, Middenrealm, parts of Nostria, Andergast, and the here; shrubs, scrub trees and grass are the only vegetation. The
Fountland Bodir is the most important river, running down into the Sea of
Religions: Twelvegods belief throughout most of the Seven Winds by the city of Thorwal.
Aventuria (including the Dwarfen faith of Angrosh, The Orkland borders the Stone Oak Forest in the south,
Swafnir religion of the Thorwal people and the worship
which is the neighbor to the huge forests of Andergast and
of Horas in Fairfield); Rastullah the One-God is followed
among Novadis people; Rur and Gror are worshipped
Nostria. The Wide, Raller and Narrow Rivers all unite east
in Maraskan; the Nivese religion of the Sky Wolves; the of the Kosh Mountains to form one of the most important
worship of Kamaluq as well as other nature religions waterways in Aventuria, the Great River; they all spring south of
among the Forest People; ritual worship of Borbarad and the Darkencrest.
demonic cults throughout the Heptarch Empires The Great River runs towards the south through forests
Strange Locations: See description of each nation in and hills, leaving the peaks of the Kosh Mountains to its right.
Nations of Aventuria, starting on p. 34 It takes a sharp turn towards the west once it streams north
Holidays, Festivities and Masses, etc.: See Calendars and of the Iron Forest. It then narrows and becomes hazardous to
Holidays, starting on p. 34
cross, moving fast and even becoming rapids in some places;
the cliffs between Elvenhus and Elenvina speed the raging
river as it cuts through this section of the country. After this fast
Eternal Ice and passage, the river turns again, slowing and widening, leaving
the Windhague Mountains to its left. It then continues until it
Steaming Jungles eventually reaches the coast, opening into the Sea of the Seven
Winds, by the Middenrealm province of Albernia.
In the far north, Firun’s icy breath envelops the land with The northern border of Middenrealm is marked by the
eternal frost. The regions of the Misty Peaks, the Frozen Peaks, strange Lake Lamprey, south of the Salamander Stones, as
Yeti’s Land and the Grimmfrost Wastes are mostly covered with well as by the Fog Moors. The woods become sparse here and
a thick layer of ice. Only a small part of the coast thaws for just the fields are rich and fertile—this is the home of Gareth,
20 World of Aventuria
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Continent of Aventuria
the empire’s—and Aventuria’s—largest city. Winters in the
Middenrealm are also cold and carry plenty of snow, but they are The People of Aventuria
not nearly as strong as the Fountlandian winters. The climate
becomes milder the further one moves south; the cultivation Humans
of wine in the valley of the Yaquir shows to all how Rahja has In the upper north, various small tribes and clans of
overcome Firun’s icy grip. The Black Sickle Mountains and Troll humans known as the Northland Barbarians or Fjarningans
Peaks mark the eastern border of Middenrealm; beyond it, one live along the coast of Ifirn’s Ocean and in the warmer valleys
finds the Empires of Black Magic—former allies of Borbarad. south of the Grimmfrost Wastes. Further south, the Nivese live
These lands used to be green, fertile and covered with woods, but in forests and prairies along with dark-skinned, black-haired
demonic powers overtook nature’s bounty, turning flourishing Norbardes. The Thorwalians live in the northwestern coastal
meadows and blooming fields into deserted wasteland. area; it seems as if they mingled with the Norbardes to produce
The island of Maraskan, located east of the continent, also the Gjalsklanders, who feature red, blond and dark hair along
fell prey to those wicked forces—two such doomed empires with varying skin colors.
share the island. The jungles were not exactly safe in earlier The people of Middenrealm live further south, bordering
times, but at least people feared only their lives. Today, weird the regions inhabited by the Nivese and Thorwalians. They
and gruesome creatures grasp for one’s soul as well. make up the largest part of the Aventurian population; scholars
The gigantic Khôm Desert covers almost the entire width are certain they are the descendants of Gyldenland immigrants
of the continent. Without a local guide, this sea of sand is as who mixed with the native population (like the Tulamides).
deadly a labyrinth as the Fountlandian forests. Paths lead from Their skin is light, and their hair color ranges from blond to
oasis to oasis, but quite often, the marking poles are broken or black. Most people of Middenrealm live in northern cities (such
covered with sand. Northeast of the Khôm, on the other side of as Riva), the Fountland, and all regions south of Thorwal and
Khoram Mountains, one finds the hills and fertile basins of the Salamander Stones. They are especially concentrated in the
Mhanadi region sitting next to the Gorian Desert (compared region of the Horasrealm and the Middenrealm.
to which the Khôm looks like a paradise). This wasteland is The second largest group of humans is the Tulamides, a
entirely dead, though even the dead can sometimes walk. group native to Aventuria. They live south of the Yaquir and
Fairfield sits on the western side of the Khôm, protected are the ancestors of the Novadis, who believe in the One-god
from hot desert winds by Goldenrock and Eternan Mountains. Rastullah instead of the Twelvegods. The wild Ferkinas live
As the name suggests, Fairfield is the most fertile and most one near the Wall of Rashtul. The culture of the Ferkinas is very old;
of the densely populated regions in Aventuria; major cities are it presumably dates back to the reign of the dragon Pyrdacor,
often only a two-day’s journey apart. making the Ferkinas the ancestors of the Tulamides.
If snow is a rare occurrence in northern Fairfield, it is utterly An equally ancient civilization is that of the Troll Peakers—
unknown in the south. The geographic line from the cities Drôl they still adhere to their original lifestyle living in the Troll
to Selem marks the onset of steaming jungles, the home of the Peaks. The Troll Peakers view the giants as their ancestors and
Forest People. This far to the south, only the Rain Mountains the dwarfs as their brothers (they themselves are ‘only’ about
are high enough to carry snow on their peaks all year round. two paces high).
They separate the country into two halves, east and west. The The Forest People inhabit the southern tip of Aventuria and
western half, except for Brabak and the mouth of the Mysob, is the nearby forest-covered islands; they are also part of the native
home only to the forest people. The eastern half is home to the Aventurian population, although they themselves probably
gigantic metropolis of Al’Anfa; many forests have been cut and came from Uthuria a long time ago.
cleared since that city’s rise to power.
The Forest Islands link to the last of the mountain peaks,
lining up like pearls on a string. The immense variety of spices
The Salamander Stones are the lands of the Silvan Elves,
that grow here gave rise to the powerful trading house of
while the Lea Elves settled in the area between the Kvill and
Stoerrebrandt. Many pirates of the area would have lost their
Oblomon Rivers (and can be found nowadays along many rivers
heads to the authorities long ago were it not for one or the other
in northern and central Aventuria). The Children of the Wind,
of the hidden bays throughout the chain.
or Steppe Elves (a small elven people of horse riders), populate
the Green Plains, while the Ice Elves live in the Grimmfrost
Wastes and along the shores of Ifirn’s Ocean.
The Kosh Mountains, the dwarf city of Xorlosh, the Anvil,
and the Iron Forest are traditional homes of the dwarfs (of the
Anvil and Ore tribes). At times, they have spread to regions
east of Kosh as well, especially around Lake Angbar (the
Hill Dwarfs). The Diamond Dwarfs (from the Mountains of
Beilunk) had to leave their homes due to the Borbarad invasion
and moved to The Gorge.
World of Aventuria 21
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Continent of Aventuria
Other Races Religions in Aventuria
The shaggy yeti live in the far north on the island of Yeti’s
Land. Orks are found in the plains of the Orkland, while goblins Twelvegods: This is the most common belief in
live mostly in Red Sickle. Orks, goblins and sometimes ogres gather Aventuria, prevalent in Fountland, the Svellt cities,
in nomadic tribes—which move across the land, plundering and Middenrealm, Horasrealm, Arania and the southern cities.
looting—and are thus found throughout the whole continent. Temples devoted to the Twelve, as well as houses devoted to
The gigantic trolls and cyclops have to be the oldest Rastullah, can be found in Tulamidian regions, though the
creatures of Aventuria; the latter are especially well known for religious teachings merged with the dualistic worldview of
their skilled use of the forge. Kobolds, fairies, grolms, and other ancient Tulamides. The gods are individually worshipped
magical people also live across the continent in small numbers. by various groups as noted below:
While kobolds and grolms certainly originate from this world, Boron: Punin, Al’Anfa (where worship of Boron is
fairies come from Otherworld, a realm that sometimes connects almost a state religion)
to this world through trans-dimensional portals. Efferd: Albernia (province of Middenrealm); many
coastal cities, especially Havena and Bethana
Firun: Former major deity in Bjaldorn; recently gained
The Nations popularity throughout northern lands
The noble republic of Fountland is the northernmost Hesinde: Fairfield, Kuslik; among scholars and
organized state still intact. Middenrealm sits at its southern magicians
border; this feudal empire (ruled by an emperor) is currently led Ingerimm: The Middenrealm province of Kosh; among
by regent Emer ni Bennain for her daughter Rohaja. The petty all dwarfs (also found under the name of Angrosh)
kingdoms of Andergast and Nostria, both quite hostile towards Peraine: All rural areas, Arania
each other, are located in the northwest. Phex: Arania, Tulamide lands; hardly any public
The long-standing rival of Middenrealm is Fairfield, worship
which sits to the west of Goldenrock and Eternan Mountains, Praios: Entire Middenrealm; among nobility
with Vinsalt as its capital city. Since Queen Amene the Third Rahja: Fairfield, especially Belhanka; Arania; the
declared herself a Horas, this region is an empire too. Both the Middenrealm province of Almada
Kingdom of Brabak and Al’Anfa have forged alliances with Rondra: Thunderbrook, Meadows, northern Arania
some of the southern city-states. Swafnir: Thorwal, Prem, Olport; seen by some as son of
The Nivese and Forest People do not live in formal nations; Rondra and Efferd, Thorwalian whale-god
instead, they organize into tribes and clans. The Thorwalians Travia: Darpatia
also do not recognize kings or princes—they elect “hetfolk” who Tsa: Worshipped in Fairfield (serfs) and recently also in
in turn elect a “Supreme Hetman.” The authority of a hetman or Griffinsford, a Middenrealm province
hetwoman, however, in no way compares to that of a monarch.
The Heptarchies or Dark Lands in the north and east of Other Gods:
the continent came about after Borbaradian troops invaded Borbarad: Master of Demons, Bringer of Magic,
and conquered these areas. A dark witch called Glorana rules celebrated throughout the Heptarch Empires (east of the
the land between Paavi and Bjaldorn, the gruesome Dimiona Troll Peaks and Black Sickle); there also worship of the
governs Oron (which split from Arania in the past), and Yol- demonic archenemies of the Twelvegods
Ghurmak (located east of the Black Sickle, the former city of Kamaluq: God of the Forest People, often depicted as a
Ysilia) is controlled by Galotta, a powerful black magician. black jaguar
The undead emperor dragon Rhazzazor rules the area east of Rastullah: Khôm Desert, parts of Mhanadistan (larger
the Troll Peaks (by Warunk); Xeraan, another devotee of Black cities will also host temples of the Twelvegods); One-god
Magic, governs the eastern coast between Beilunk and Vallusa. (the Twelve are thought of as his servants)
The former Grand Marshal of the Middenrealm, Helme Rur and Gror: Southern part of Maraskan (Sinoda),
Haffax, oversees the major parts of Maraskan; only the power of neighborhoods of the Maraskan exiles along the east coast;
a demon-tainted jungle limits his powers (some say the forest is the Twin Gods of the Maraskan worldview
under the command of a chimera or other monstrosity). Sky Wolves: Mystical creatures worshipped by the Nivese
of the northern plains and Brazen Sword
The Nameless: Worship of this enemy to the Twelvegods
is prohibited everywhere; the practice of this cult is
prosecuted without mercy. A few lost souls still serve this
deity (also called “Rat-child”) in hidden temples and
cultural sites throughout Aventuria
22 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Societies
The forms of human co-existence that developed in Knighthood: This class of noble warriors forms the base
Aventuria—partly after long years of bloodshed and pain—are of the entire feudal system. Knights are not only excellently
as diverse as the habitats in which they were born. It ranges trained fighters on foot as well as on horseback, but they are
from the freedom-loving Thorwalians and the absolute power also required to keep a chivalric attitude and act as protectors
of the Fountlandian bronnjars, to the proud knights of the of the weak and champions against all evil. Although this ideal
Middenrealm and the cruel slaveholders of Al’Anfa. This is often ignored, it is nevertheless a shining example that can
chapter offers an overview of these different cultures, and the serve as guideline for all aspiring heroes. Even children from the
social structures that hold them together. highest strata of nobility up to the emperor are trained as varlets
(servants to knights) and eventually knighted.
World of Aventuria 23
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Aventurian Societies
and bonded parents do not have the guardianship over their powerful cities, they behave just like noble dynasties, feeling
children to begin with. superior even towards barons who have just been invested with
In the Middenrealm, four fifths of the rural population and a fief. The patricians (or bourgeoisie) own the vast majority of a
two thirds of the total population are bondsmen. city’s financial resources and often dominate the town council
Freedom: In terms of central Aventurian law, this term as well.
means freedom of movement—the right to leave one’s place Guilds: Guilds are part of every aspect of a craftsman’s daily
of residence and freely choose another one—and freedom of life; birthdays, weddings and funerals as well as the holidays of
arms—the basic right to bear arms and to fight in the imperial the guild’s patron saint are always celebrated together with the
army. Furthermore, freemen have the invaluable privilege of other members of a guild. Invalid master craftsmen and their
legal capacity—the rights to appeal to a court of their own relatives gain monetary support form the guild’s coffers. In some
volition, to enter marriage, to join a guild, engage in financial places, the guilds have the right to bear a coat of arms and a
transactions and acquire real estate. signet all of their own and are allowed to take measures against
Freemen are also simply called imperial citizens. competitors who are not organized in a guild (the so-called
Approximately every third Middlerealmian is such an imperial “bunglers”). The fact that rich merchants build large factories
citizen, including virtually all people living in towns or cities in the Horasrealm where they employ underpaid bunglers has
as well as a small percentage of peasants. The Horasrealm has almost ruined the old guilds.
slightly more freemen than the Middenrealm, while Nostria and To keep the number of practicing craftsmen and workshops
Andergast have considerably fewer. low (and the prices up), the number of apprentices, who remain
bonded to their master during the long, arduous years of their
The Burghers apprenticeship, is also kept low. After their trade test and their
acquittal, the apprentices become journeymen (and most of
Towns and cities have already replaced castles as major
centers of culture, education and science; in particular, the them stay in that rank for the rest of their lives). Only rarely,
Imperial Capital of Gareth and the trading towns of the a workshop is vacant so that a merited journeyman can take
Horasrealm are powers that are growing ever more self- a second trade test to become a master craftsman. The master
confident and can no longer be ignored by the noble classes. craftsmen are the leaders of the guild and elect a speaker from
In the Middenrealm, the League of Imperial Cities under among their midst who has to represent the guild in all external
the leadership of Gareth has been founded as a semi-official affairs, keep the charter, manage the guild coffers and hold court
representative body speaking for all burghers. over the town’s craftsmen.
Town rights: Towns and cities have numerous rights Free Guilds: This is a catch-all term for the numerous
villages do not have: the rights to build a city wall, to establish organizations or fraternities of workers and craftsmen
a militia or guard, to hire mercenaries, to make their own without any chartered rights and privileges who still find
municipal laws and to dispense justice in a free court (see strength in numbers—from the scholar’s guild and the
Justice and Law in Aventuria, p. 129). minstrel’s guild to the porter’s guild, the carter’s guild and
Burgomaster: The person who is responsible for even the beggar’s guild.
representing a city or town in all external affairs is often
called the burgomaster. He runs the town council and is also The Peasantry
frequently the supreme judge in a given settlement, if he has had Four out of five Middlerealmians live as peasants in rural
legal training. His main tasks are to supervise the city’s officials regions. This number is even higher in Nostria and Andergast,
and to set the political guidelines for his city. Generally, the and does not drop considerably even in the comparatively urban
members of the town council elect him. If the city is not entirely Horasrealm, as it takes about four peasants to feed a burgher
free and belongs to a noble count or provincial lord, the patron or noble with the fruit of their labor. Only in Nostria is the
of the city appoints a bailiff with the same rights. percentage of free peasants is clearly above the average of other
Town Council: This council consisting of 12 or 24 (in regions.
some cases even more) councilors is the governing body of a Like the other classes, the peasantry is divided into several
town or city. Its members are never elected, but rather chosen strata (ranchers, crofters and peons) among which strife is
from among the ranks of the patricians or the bourgeoisie. nothing out of the ordinary and the social boundaries nearly
Frequently, individual councilors hold important offices such impermeable. Every village is headed by a village judge who
as keeper of the seal, captain of the guard, captain of the fire goes by different names depending on what region you are
brigade or keeper of the wine cellar. Membership in the town in: alderman, bailiff, magistrate, mayor or peasantmaster. The
council is always honorary and quite expensive—and thus only village council—the gathering of all ranchers—is also quite
open to the richest burghers of a given town. important. Free imperial citizens are usually found only among
Patricians: In virtually all towns or cities, there are a the ranks of the ranchers and the village craftsmen who can
small number of venerable families whose members are either afford to pay the taxes a freeman has to pay.
affluent merchants or prosperous landowners. In rich and
24 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Societies
The Despotism of through impoverishment, while a successful freeman can be
accepted among the ranks of the nobility.
the Fountlandian The old Tulamidians did not have a feudal system in
the narrower sense, as either large family clans or an absolute
Bronnjars monarch with his viziers and mercenaries ruled the land. Even
today, a clearly structured noble hierarchy can only be found in
Fountland is a state governed by nobles without a monarch. Arania, which was part of the Middenrealm for many years.
The nation’s countless small fiefs have become hereditary
inheritances and are today ruled by frequently egomaniacal
nobles with grandiloquent titles. They conceive of themselves
The Aranian Noble Hierarchy
In Arania, there is a strange mix of Middlerealmian
as small kings and do not think much of cooperation between
feudalism and Tulamidian clan structure. The monarch is
regarded as the mother of the entire people and the other nobles
As the local nobles do not have a liege to whom they would
as subordinate leaders of tribes, clans and families: beneath the
owe loyalty and as they do not have to pay taxes, Fountland is
Mhaharani Shahi (the queen) stand several sultana (princesses);
more like a union of smaller states, rather than a true realm.
beneath the sultana is the emira (countesses), and beneath
Twice a year, the Noble Congregation convenes at Festum;
the emira the beyrouni (baronesses). Beneath a beyrouni
this institution passes laws, settles disputes and elects a Noble
stands either a harani (a squire) or a freewoman who has been
Marshal and six Noble Commanders as official representatives
appointed magistrate of a village and is now holding the title of
of Fountland every five years. Their actual power depends on
kadi. Men can also hold all these ranks, but this is the exception
the personal power of the respective holders rather than on the
rather than the rule.
office in itself.
Noble rank can either be inherited in the form of gainful
Bronnjars: This is the Fountlandian name for landowning
real estate or cattle, or it can simply be bought—for example
nobles. They are infamous for their absolute power and their
by rich merchants—as long as the aspirant pays for the
bad-tempered, oftentimes cruel treatment of their bondsmen.
characteristic costs of holding noble rank (such as the provision
Flat Nobles: According to the Fountlandian law of
of troops). In the latter case, the aspirant finds a place in the
succession, every child of a noble inherits his father’s title—
noble hierarchy as a beysa or bey (noblewoman or nobleman),
even if he misses out in all other regards. Thus, there are
somewhere between harani and beyrouni.
countless destitute dukes and counts that are snidely called “flat
Freemen: As a rule, only a person who maintains a
nobles,” spending their lives as connivers at the courts of more
household without any outside aid and who is able to pay
affluent nobles. In return for their host’s hospitality, flat nobles
an annual tax of 20 ducats per adult living in her household
often cede their right to vote during the Noble Congregation to
(instead of doing military service) is regarded as a freeman.
their hosts.
Hence, most freemen are rich peasants, merchants or successful
Bondsmen: The bondsmen are not only the wards, but
also the personal property of their bronnjar. They can be treated
Servants: Anyone who cannot pay his own taxes has
as gently or cruelly as his fancy commands—harassment and
to pledge servitude to his clan leader (in most cases one of
abuse are common, as are mindless games that risk the lives of
the harani or beyrouni). Legally, he has to be considered as
the serfs.
something similar to a half-freeman, as his patron can assign
Socage Farms: A typical form of settlement with the
him tasks requiring half a day’s work. Moreover, he is subject
homestead or castle of the bronnjar at its center. The bronnjar’s
to his patron’s jurisdiction and is only allowed to wear a dagger.
menial staff, along with some bondsmen who dwell in poor
On the other hand, he can still buy property and place contracts.
shanties nearby, till this so-called masterland. The other
Rich freemen can have half-free servants as well.
bondsmen live on farms in the vicinity. They have to pay high
Slaves: Slaves usually end up as such because they were
taxes and even give away some of their children to the bronnjar
unable to repay a debt or were sentenced as criminals to become
as hostages. He puts them to work in his menial staff, ensuring
the bonded slave of their former victim (or creditor). They are
the parent’s docility.
subject to their owner’s jurisdiction and placed under their
owner’s guardianship.
The Tulamidian A slave is obliged to work for his owner the whole day, but
the slave also has a right to shelter, food and clothing as well as
Plutocracy a “hire-purchase agreement.” If the slave works long enough,
he can eventually regain his freedom. Slaves are sold only in
In Arania and the city-states along the Mhanadi, the
exceptional cases and almost always live in their owner’s house.
ancient traditions of social rank and personal income are closely
There are very few plantations run on slave labor. Most often,
intertwined. They are still the social standard to which most
owners release loyal slaves at some point in time (upon the
of the nation cleaves: the rank into which a person is born is
owner’s death, for example) or exalt them to the state of half-
irrelevant. A noble can become a freeman or even a bondsman
free servants.
World of Aventuria 25
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Aventurian Societies
The Novadian The Slaveholder
Clan Society Societies of the South
The Novadis still hold to a clan-based society according This social structure is prevalent in the southern city-states
to their ancient traditions, especially among those living in or of Al’Anfa, Mengbilla, Chorhop, Selem, Thalusa and to some
around the Khôm Desert. extent Fasar.
Tribe: A group of nomadic cattle-breeders consisting Grandees: The ruling class of these cities is virtually always
of up to 100 members. The men mostly think of themselves comprised of a small, elite group of wealthy persons (slavers,
as descendants of a mutual ancestor who founded the clan. planters, ship-owners, generals, etc.) whose power is only
Women join a clan through marriage, and their daughters restricted by the limits they set for themselves. Often, the grandees
eventually leave the clan after their wedding. purport themselves as large families (as in Al’Anfa), while in
The duty of the individual member to contribute to the other places they call themselves guilds, circles or orders.
survival of the entire clan is sacred, as is the duty of the clan Regardless of what they call themselves, one thing never
as a whole to help individual members who need aid. The ties changes. The rulers are always corrupt and decadent. They
to one’s own clan are always more important than any other divide up their city-state like a giant cake—and now they fight
worldly duties and obligations. over the crumbs like cruel children.
Hairan: The leader of a clan is lord over life and death Fanas: In Al’Anfa, the members of the large, but mostly
during his clan’s treks through the desert. His word is the law. A poor middle and under classes are called fanas; elsewhere they
hairan can only be replaced in an oasis during the rainy season. are simply called mobs, plebs or rabble. There is a minority
Sheik: Each desert tribe consists of 15 to 25 clans that meet among them that is well off but still not allowed among the
only during the rainy season in an oasis that is regarded to be ranks of the grandees. Most fanas, however, are miserable
the shared property of the entire tribe. During such meetings, hucksters, craftsmen and laborers who work endlessly to fill the
the sheik—often the hairan of the most respected clan—settles coffers of their grandee employers.
disputes between individual clans and organizes the collection Slaves: Beneath the fanas are only the slaves. Most of the
of the tribute paid to the Caliph’s court. slaves in the cities of the Deep South are Forest People from
Sultan: Since ancient times, the desert people have been the Rain Mountains, or the descendants of those unfortunate
divided into larger tribal unions that own several oases. Today, souls who were taken from their homes. Up to one quarter of
there are nine sultans, who are set above the tribes in terms of the inhabitants of a typical city-state are slaves that are used and
status and authority. They are not rulers, however, but serve as abused without any consideration. The suffering of his slaves is
mediators between the clans, the tribes and the Caliph’s court, negligible for a grandee compared to the constipation of one of
rather than being the rulers of their people. In times of war, they his most favorite pets. The death of a slave is simply a calculable
also draw together the fighters that form the backbone of the loss of resources.
Caliph’s army.
Caliph: Initially, the Caliph was the supreme warlord of
the desert tribes; this office was limited in duration to times The Thorwalian
of war. Ever since the appearance of Rastullah, however, the
Novadis regard themselves as holy warriors that are bound to
spread Rastullah’s word. Thus, the caliph at Unau became their
Tribal Structure
The Thorwalians have retained a primal social structure.
permanent leader and warlord.
The most important features of that structure are the sense
In agricultural areas, the caliphs have appointed emirs
of community among a given group of fighters taking to the
as administrators—the true desert warriors would find the
sea, as well as the free elections held to fill nearly every rank
thought of being actually governed extremely discomforting,
of authority. The chain of authority is not top to bottom, but
even unbearable.
essentially exactly the other way round.
Mawdli: A mawdli (the plural is mawdliyat) knows
Otta: This term (the full expression would be ottajasko)
Rastullah’s commandments by heart, and are addressed whenever
applies to the community of sailors and warriors on a given
there is a complex legal dispute to settle. They primarily live in
ship (although an otta can comprise several vessels). Most of
the oases and act as advisors to sheiks and sultans.
the time, the members of an otta all come from the same coastal
The hairans of the nomadic clans rarely appeal to the
village. An otta is led by a hetman, and its members rule over
mawdliyat. To them, survival is usually of greater importance
the nearby villages from their semi-permanent camps or villages
than the exact legal position of a given dispute. Moreover, it
(the ottaskins).
has to be admitted that the mawdliyat are divided into several
Clan: A large, regional community of relatives (excluding
schools of thought when it comes to the proper interpretation
the ottajaskos). Guided by an elder who is well versed in the
of Rastullah’s laws, and thus interpretations and advice can
laws and traditions of his people, warriors, fishermen and
vary widely.
peasants co-exist (it would be an exaggeration to say that they
actually “live together”).
26 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Societies
Hetman/Hetwoman: The lifelong title held by the elected of everyday life in a village, just like a female knight who tries
leader of an otta or a village. A hetman is expected to be strong to win the heart of a noble’s son is nothing out of the ordinary.
and charismatic. A larger city usually has a High Hetman, while Only in particularly backwardly regions, such as Andergast, is a
the Supreme Hetman leads the entire nation. mild form of patriarchy is still practiced.
Jarl: A jarl is the equivalent of a clan elder for a larger region A far clearer kind of gender segregation can be found
under the rule of an otta. Just like the elders, the jarls are there to in (rural) Tulamidian regions, where women are highly
settle disputes and take care of minor administrative tasks. Jarls respected but do not have any economic power; in most
are elected by the inhabitants of several villages. Conflicts and Tulamidian cities, however, the circumstances can be called
squabbling with the hetman of the region’s dominant otta are rather “Middlerealmian.” The only thing that is different here
part of a jarl’s daily life. compared to such cities like Gareth is the strict division of labor.
Women can be merchants, scholars, magicians or deonts, but
Other People and Races female dockworkers, smiths or fighters are still a rarity.
Arania is a notable exception to that rule: here, women in
Among all other human people, the clan or the tribe is their role as managers of the family household have gained the
the most important social unit. Most of the time, there are no upper hand over their men and are also determining the fate of
other clearly defined hierarchies or structures whatsoever. The the entire nation.
elves do not have states or rulers, but every family or clan has Patriarchy in its strictest form is found among the Novadis.
particularly experienced members whose word is respected Norbard clans, on the other hand, are usually led by the muhme,
when it comes to their respective field of expertise (the healing an old woman. In Nivesian society, the men are responsible for
arts, for example). the hunt, while the women take care of the yurt—it is entirely
Though the Dwarfs have Mountain Kings who act as supreme possible and commonly accepted, however, to switch between
judges as well as contact persons for higher-ranking humans, most these gender roles.
dwarfs feel obliged only to their family—even the tribe is never as Division of labor among gender-lines is an utterly alien
important as one’s own kin. The orks, on the other hand, have a concept to the Thorwalians. In their culture, it is often the
rigid caste system, while the goblins live in clans that follow the woman who takes to the sea while the man waits with the
instructions and premonitions of their wise female shamans. children for his wife to return with her hard-won riches.
Lacking any form of hierarchy anyway, there is absolute
On Gender Equality gender equality in elven clans. Among the dwarfs, however, women
play a special role, as they are far rarer than their male counterparts.
Since Aventurian women are usually in no way inferior Dwarfen women often have the privilege to be able to choose from
to their male counterparts when it comes to strength and a large number of suitors. Orkish women have no rights at all, while
endurance, both genders are generally considered to have equal the culture of the goblins follows matriarchal principles based on
rights. In the Middenrealm, for example, a female smith is part female fertility and the intuitive abilities of the female shamans.
World of Aventuria 27
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Armies and Navies
On the following pages you will find an overview of the armies the service, a complete banner including staff officers, scribes,
and navies of the most important Aventurian land and sea powers. physicians, deonts and messengers can comprise sixty heads, but
most banners are almost constantly understaffed.
Military Units
The smallest military unit is the banner. A banner consists
of about 50 fighters and is subdivided into batches, lances or
routs of 10 fighters—a further subdivision into “hands” or
“stars” of five fighters is only common for “special forces.” In the
cavalry, a banner is called a squadron; for archers and support
units, the term company is used. Depending on the branch of
28 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Armies and Navies
Branches of the Military (in command of a lance, batch or rout), ensign/standard-
bearer (in command of the “first batch,” deputy of a captain
The primary military distinction between army units is that
or simply the person carrying the unit’s standard; usually, the
of infantry and cavalry.
of graduates of warrior academies enter service in this rank),
Light infantry are those troops that have been trained in close
lieutenant (deputy of a captain—most often in the cavalry—or
quarters fighting and are equipped with sword and shield, axe and
in command of half a company of sappers or bombardiers),
shield, spear and shield or bastard sword. These units enjoy an
captain (in command of a banner or squadron), colonel (in
excellent reputation, but they often suffer the heaviest losses during
command of a regiment) and marshal; in the Horasrealm
a battle as they trade in heavy armor for increased mobility.
the corresponding ranks are called recruit, soldier, corporal,
The extensive training of heavy infantry focuses on the more
sergeant, ensignio, lieutenant, capitan, colonello and marshal;
tactical combat of distinct units fighting against each other. They
in the new Aranian army, the rank of tshaush is equivalent to
have mastered various strategies and advances that can only show
that of corporal, bashar to sergeant, beybashar to standard-
full effect in the square or equivalent formations. The typical
bearer, agha to captain and miralay to colonel.
members of this branch are equipped with long pikes or halberds
(glaives, partisans, guisarmes and similar pole-arms) as well as
a short sidearm. Moreover, their armor is heavier than that of Mercenaries
the light infantry (the pikemen wear at least cuirass and helmet, Apart from the regular armies that essentially exist only in
the halberdiers partial or full suits of armor). These contingents the Middenrealm, the Horasrealm and Arania and the diverse
are provided frequently by towns and cities. Specially equipped noble guards, mercenaries form the backbone of most countries’
marines and amphibian units are also considered to be heavy military power. Mercenaries are professional fighters from all
infantry; although they are mostly lightly armed, they often have branches that are hired by nobles or rich merchants to go to war
ranged fire support, snipers and even grenadiers. or to protect caravans.
Archers equipped with longbows, war bows or crossbows The commanding officers of mercenary units are often
(and arbalette or balestra in the Horasrealm) are regarded as deonts of Kor, and the code of honor most mercenaries adhere
part of the infantry as well. Despite their low reputation in to—the Code of Khunchom—goes back to one of them. This
armies heeding to the rules of Rondra, their massive firepower “model contract” all would-be employers should read carefully
can be decisive in a battle. includes not only details in regard to payment (generally three
Finally, all “support units” are seen as infantry, too—from silver thalers per day for a private, five to eight silver thalers per
the sappers who build entrenchments and undermine enemy day for an officer and often even more for specialists), shares to
fortresses and the bombardiers with their catapults (deployed in booty and death grants, but also passages dealing with start and
the Horasrealm not only for sieges, but also in open battle) to termination of the work contract as well as the proper behavior
the batterers with their rams and siege towers and the pioneers of an employer, among other things.
who build bridges. The most important and most famous Aventurian
Only those horsemen that are truly lightly armed, with mercenary units are the Kuslikan, Hylailan and Premian
short lances, sabers or ravenbeaks and a shield for protection, Sea Mercenaries (roughly a regiment in strength each), the
are classified as light cavalry. In accordance with their similarly Tulamidian Riders from Fasar (two regiments), the Uhdenberg
light armor, they are sometimes called cuirassiers; their task is to Legion (roughly a regiment), the Lions of Thalusa (six
act as skirmishers and scouts, and they enjoy the reputation of companies) and the Al’Anfan Ducat Guard (five companies,
fearless daredevils. probably the best mercenary unit on the entire continent).
The task of heavy cavalry (also called chargers, battle riders The main centers of mercenary activity are the Horasrealm,
or dragoons, depending on their home region), on the other Mhanadistan and Al’Anfa, where individual mercenaries can be
hand, is to surround or disrupt the enemy’s infantry. To this end, hired as bodyguards, strong-arms or thugs.
they are equipped with long lances and sabers, bastard swords
or maces as sidearms; mostly, they wear partial or full suits of
armor. As the fighters of such units have to bring their own steed
Aventurian Hosts
What follows is a brief examination of the armies
and armor in most armies, they consist primarily of the nobles of maintained by the various Aventurian realms.
a given country.
Other forms of cavalry include mounted archers (to be Al’Anfa
found most frequently among the armies of the Tulamidian Nominally, the Al’Anfan army is divided into three “Black
lands, but also in the Horasrealm as arbalettieri), scouts and Legions” and the fighters aboard the “Black Armada.” In the
messengers. The latter are often assigned to a headquarters entire history of the city, these units were never at full strength—
regiment rather than being organized in units of their own. essentially, the city troops consist of 17 banners of permanently
hired mercenaries (including the Ducat Guard and the Black
Ranks Alliance of Kor), 10 banners of city and temple guards, 5 banners
In the Middenrealmian army the common ranks are of order warriors and about 500 freebooters. Ever since Al’Anfa
recruit, private, corporal (in command of a hand or a siege lost the war against the Caliphate, these troops only secure the
engine, but often simply the deputy of a sergeant), sergeant city’s holding, even though some of the units—such as the
World of Aventuria 29
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Aventurian Armies and Navies
Basalt Fist—are still a match to a full regiment of opponents of Dwarfs and Elves
any kind. Neither dwarfs nor elves know any distinct form of military
The southern city-states each have small war bands whose structure. Although most members are capable of bearing arms,
members are loyal to the respective ruler at their command. they rarely interfere in human affairs and essentially do not
In addition to that, the cities have their own militias and hire wage war as a race at any time. On those rarest of occasions
mercenary units (provided their coffers are well-filled). A when dwarfs or elves came to the humans’ aid in battle (during
standing army worthy of the name does not exist in this region; the Ork Storm and in the Trollgap Battle), virtually all of the
only Trahelia has a handful of regular units. fighters were volunteers, with the dwarfs loosely organized
along clan-lines and branches and the elves acting wholly on an
Arania individual basis.
Of the nine regiments of the Mhaharanyate, six are
mounted and one is even equipped with armored chariots. Apart Fountland
from these special features, the Aranian army is structured along Contrary to the Middenrealm or the Horasrealm, there
the lines of the Middenrealmian troops. The ranks are given are no regiments of the guards or other standing troops in
Tulamidian names, and many officers are female (in accordance Fountland. Instead, the nobles of the larger regions of Sevirya,
with Arania’s ancient traditions). Fount Stronghold and March are obliged to deploy contingents
in the event of war that add up to an overall strength of about 7
The Caliphate regiments; in addition, there are 2 regiments of naval troops and
Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of Novadi troops are the militias of the free towns and cities.
cavalry, traditionally organized in tribal units and renowned for The noble contingents are often as badly equipped as they
their untamable fierceness. This fiery passion proved to be the are miserably trained; the vast majority of troops consists of
downfall for the Caliph’s cavalry, however, in the war against the yeomen. As Fountland has never been involved in any war with
disciplined troops of Al’Anfa. another country, though, it is difficult to comment with any
Caliph Malkillah III saw the problem and reorganized his accuracy about the fighting power of its soldiers.
army. He even introduced the concept of permanent units of A noteworthy peculiarity of Fountland is the Winged
50 fighters (as is common across Aventuria), divided into two Ones—an order of Seviryan nobles with about 100 members,
groups: spahija (cavalry) and askarija (infantry). The cavalry easily recognizable due to the eagle, swan or dragon wings on
are mostly fighters armed with lances or mounted archers, while the backs of their suits of armor. Of the order’s members, three
the infantry is subdivided into archers and fighters trained for are equipped with artifacts of impressive magical powers, all
close combat. This army’s elite forces are the three batalyuni in the form of those highly vaunted wings. It is said that the
of murawidun (“the Caliph’s wards”), fighters that received ground starts to shake when the Winged Ones gather under the
intensive training from childhood on and are unwaveringly command of their “arbiters” (those three members equipped
loyal to their ruler. with the magic artifacts).
After a failed attempt to become the primary power in war-
torn Rashdul, the (regular) Novadi army has been reduced to The Horasrealm
1,500 horsemen, 1,000 foot-soldiers and 300 murawidun. Due Largely unscathed by the wars of the recent past, the
to this, Malkillah has to rely on the support of the tribal sultans Horasrealm has a powerful army at its command, consisting of
once again. 19 regiments of the guards (four of them mounted), 56 banners
of mercenaries (seven of them mounted) and 22 banners of
The Dark Lands warriors belonging to an order (all of them at least partially
mounted). Most of these units are considerably undermanned,
Since all of the Heptarchies are founded on military power,
however; nepotism, class conceit and corruption further reduce
it comes as no surprise that they all have large contingents of
the army’s actual effectiveness dramatically.
troops. The exception is Glorania, which has only a smattering
Still, some regiments of the Horas Legion (the Imperial
of mercenary units at its command). Xeraan’s demonoid Legion
Royal Guard) are definitely among the best units in entire
of Yaq-Monnith and Rhazzazzor’s undead Infinite Army-Worm
Aventuria when it comes to training and equipment—the only
also deserve special mention.
thing they lack is experience. The army of the Horasrealm is not
Galotta, Haffax and Dimiona rely on line troops of varying
as heavily armed as the Middenrealmian army, but the troops are
quality and loyalty. All troops of the Heptarchs count on magic
well-trained in pike formations, massive employ of crossbow fire
in all its (dark) forms, whether they have entire companies of
and assaults on horseback, as well as artillery and magic support.
undead among their ranks, receive air support by flying demons
or build mind-boggling siege engines. Frequently, the fighters
(or at least the officers among them) have entered pacts with one The Middenrealm
of the arch demons. Despite the Ork Storm, the Answin Crisis and the
Borbaradian Invasion (and the loss of territory the invasion
entailed), the 25 regiments of guards (seven of them mounted)
and the nine regiments of provincial lords (six of them
30 World of Aventuria
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Aventurian Armies and Navies
mounted, consisting of nobles and knights) still represent the The Tulamidian City-States
largest Aventurian army. Only a few of these regiments are at Khunchom, Rashdul, Thalusa and Fasar each have the
full strength, however, and those that are had their ranks filled personal guard of their respective provincial lord, militias and
hastily with inexperienced recruits. mercenary contingents (such as the famous Tulamidian Riders)
The main forces of the guards are heavy infantry equipped at their command. In the cities, the level of training enjoyed
with halberds and pikes, supported by heavy cavalry. In case of and the quality of equipment used by the militias is very high.
emergency, every county can enlist a yeomanry regiment, but The personal guards (that also serve representative functions)
the morale and equipment of these troops are far below the can be seen as capable fighting forces as well—hence, it comes
usual military standards. Mercenary units are uncommon in as no surprise that the cities have been able to defend their
the Middenrealm, though their numbers are on the rise. Due to independence so far.
the losses taken in recent years, tactics based on formations have
become less prominent, whereas the capabilities of the individual
fighter have been emphasized again (the Middenrealm has the
largest number of warrior academies of all Aventurian nations).
Aventurian Navies
Every Aventurian nation with a coastline tries to demonstrate
its power and independence through supporting a heavily armed
Nostria and Andergast navy. While every coastal nation can use a strong defense against
In both of these warring kingdoms, traditional war bands pirates and other sea-going raiders, navies are expensive; only the
and noble entourages can be found. They are made up of richest nations can support a true navy of any size. Many realms
noble commanders, a small number of knights accompanied have been ruined when they attempted to form a navy of their
by a handful of squires and finally a large mob equipped with own, as the building and maintenance costs of a fleet far exceed
improvised weapons, consisting of bondsmen the nobles forced the financial resources necessary to run an army.
into military service. In most cases, heavy sailing vessels (carraques, shivones,
Both countries are able to muster about 500 professional hulks, zedrakks) or rowing vessels (galleasses, triremes) form
fighters (and to force roughly 2,000 peasants into military the backbone of a fleet, all armed with various types of ballistas
service), but has never put such an ability to the test. It has to be and catapults. Lighter units, such as rigged caravels, cogs,
mentioned that both nations have a magic academy and never thalukks and lorchas, rowed biremes and dromones fulfill
hesitate to use magic in battles (up to now to no lasting effect). reconnaissance tasks.
Efferdan, the new King of Andergast, has announced Organized fleets are often subdivided into flotillas of a
his intent to reshape his land, but it remains to be seen if—or half dozen vessels. Most fleets are small, prohibiting much
how—this will affect the army. advancement in the way of naval tactics and complicated
maneuvers. Naval warfare is usually two ships dueling,
Orks exchanging one or two salvos over a longer distance before
In the end, the orks suffered heavy losses during the Ork they quickly enter into boarding range. Because of this, most
Storm (17–20 Haal), but were nevertheless able to hold the prize warships carry large contingents of naval mercenaries.
they had taken in the early stages of their war campaign, the Apart from the war-fleets of the larger and smaller realms
Svelltian City League. Since the blackpelts reproduce far more mentioned in the following paragraphs, the seas are sailed
quickly than the other races, it must be assumed that there will by a large variety of sailors who ignore the doctrine of Efferd
be several ten thousands of orks ready to fight again within a few and prey upon any who cross their paths. These pirates can be
years. Moreover, they will be able to draw upon the experience encountered primarily in the southern Sea of Pearls and the
and knowledge of the surviving veterans—and the legendary Charybbean Sea. Frequently, their ships outnumber the fleets
“Black Marshal,” Sadrak Whassoi, will lead them again. whose crews are entrusted with ensuring law and order on the
Orks mostly fight in loose, clan-oriented mobs with a wild high seas.
mix of various weapons. They also possess catapults, armored
chariots and a considerable number of mounted archers. Al’Anfa and its Allies
The “Black Alliance,” forged by the cities of Al’Anfa,
The Thorwalians Mengbilla and Mirham, has more than 200 vessels at its
Although individuals from the far north are counted among command. Most of them are galleasses, triremes and biremes
the most dangerous fighters in Aventuria, they have never propelled by slave labor and manned with ruthless and often
developed a military organization that exceeds the boundaries excellently trained sea mercenaries—and sometimes even by the
of their ship or village communities. The typical Thorwalian dreaded Al’Anfan ecclesiastical troops.
weapons are axe and shield, but javelins and all sorts of edged All the Al’Anfan military might cannot hide the fact,
weapons are also quite common. Bearing arms is a way of life in however, that the era of rowing vessels is coming to an end—even
Thorwal, and training in the use of those arms is a considerable in the southern Sea of Pearls and the Charybbean Sea. As the
portion of every youth’s education; every Thorwalian above the Black Alliance has only a few serious enemies, though, it controls
age of 14 has to be considered “armed and dangerous.” the seaways between the Forest Islands, in the Straits of Sylla and
in the Golden Bay almost undisputedly—at least, for now.
World of Aventuria 31
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Aventurian Armies and Navies
Arania Fountland
Situated on the coast of the Sea of Blood and locked in Though the roughly 80 armed ships of Fountland are
almost constant battle with the Heptarchs and the monstrosities considered to be a naval fleet with admiral ranks of its own, they
spawned by the sea, Mhaharani Eleonora has twelve squadrons are actually nothing more than armed merchant vessels and
at her disposal, each led by a galleass of the Perricum class their convoying ships. This fact does not diminish the quality
(originally Middenrealmian vessels that came into the of the vessels or their crews, however; after all, the shivone is
Mhaharani’s possession when Arania gained its independence), originally a Fountlandian design, and the training enjoyed by
consisting of biremes and triremes as well as several fast thalukks the crews rivals that of the Horasian sailors.
as convoying ships. This fleet is at the command of Admiral The Fountlandian fleet is mainly financed by the
Peliope of Rathmos. trading cities of Festum and Neersand (and through loans
the Noble Marshal Office takes—mostly from the merchant
The Caliphate prince Stoerrebrandt). The Festumian merchants introduced
Without a harbor of its own (as Khannemouth is nominally convoying quite early during their rise to wealth, and now they
Fountlandian territory), the Caliphate has a hard time are profiting considerably from it when their ships have to sail
maintaining a fleet. The Caliph’s activities remain restricted across the Sea of Blood.
to the raids of some Rastullah-fearing pirates, with El Harkir
certainly being the most famous of the lot. The Horasrealm
With more than 150 vessels, the fleet of the Horasrealm
The Dark Lands (which has included the fleet of the Sea King of Cyclopea for
On the Sea of Pearls and the Tobrian Sea, the fleets of three more than ten years now) may not be the largest, but certainly
Heptarchs threaten the seafaring of their neighboring nations. is the most powerful Aventurian fleet. Early on, naval officers
Moghuli Dimiona of Oron has about 20 biremes, triremes and attached great importance to standardized equipment for
thalukks at her disposal, many of which are occupied with the individual vessels, as well as to broadside battles and fleet tactics.
supply of the Oronian occupation army on the Yalaiad peninsula. The designs of the modern shivones of the King Therengar class
Lord-Principal Helme Haffax of Maraskan commands more or the galleasses of the Sea King Mermydion class reflect these
than 50 vessels of various sizes and classes—in many cases, clever decisions.
former parts of the Middenrealmian Pearl Seas Fleet—that are The Horasian fleet is divided into three sub-fleets (Home
deployed as coast guard and freebooters. Fleet, Cyclopean Fleet and Expedition Fleet) and subdivided
Portifex Maximus Xeraan owns the most important further into flotillas that have been distributed to the realm’s
“active asset,” although he nominally does not entertain a harbors (though it has to be admitted that the staff officers of
war fleet at all. He has roughly 3,000 pirates with about three the Expedition Fleet have never come any closer to their actual
dozen ships at his command, based at Mendena, on Rulat and area of deployment in the South Sea than Brabak). Though the
along the former east coast of Beilunk. These fleets are often service in the Horas Fleet is hard, dirty and dangerous work,
allied with numerous sea monsters and demons through a young Horasians constantly join the navy, proud to be part of
pact with Charyptoroth (Xeraan himself wears the shard of the fleet that represents the independence and revived glory of
Charyptoroth). These creatures range from sea serpents and the Old Realm’s successor.
algae-beings to Giant Kraken and the dreaded Ma’hay’tamim
(those infamous demon arks that serve as spawning-pools The Middenrealm
and breeding-grounds for further abominations). These “ship The greatest military power on firm soil naturally makes its
demons” are often manned with krakonians, renegade risso, presence known on the Aventurian seas as well with two fleets:
bloated zombies and bloodthirsty human mercenaries. the Western Fleet (that is based at Havena and Harben) and the
Pearl Seas Fleet (which operates solely out of Perricum).
32 World of Aventuria
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Aventurian Armies and Navies
The Western Fleet comprises slightly more than three The Southern City-States
dozen vessels, many of which are galleys of various sizes Whether you look at Brabak, Sylla, Chorhop or the Kemi
(including a ship of the Perricum class) that are not fit to sail the realm, only the smallest fleets sail under the flags of these states
high seas and are exclusively deployed to secure the delta of the and cities .They are all very generous, however, when it comes
Great River and the mouth of the River Tommel. Fast caravels to the distribution of letters of marque—nine out of ten vessels
patrol the coast between Nostria and Grangor to capture the of the Syllan fleet are pirate-ships, and Thorwalian ottas take
few pirates who raid in the area. The Western Fleet of the to the seas for Brabak. Virtually all of them have an enemy in
Middenrealm is at the command of Admiral Annlir Aneirin common (and only the fact that they have it gives them at least a
Galahan, the provincial lord Margrave of Windhague. small chance of survival): Al’Anfa.
After the severe battles during the Borbaradian Invasion, the
definite independence of Arania, numerous acts of sabotage and Thorwal
countless desertions, the Pearl Seas Fleet of the Middenrealm Though the Thorwalians are famous as the greatest nation
is merely a shadow of its former glory. It consists of two dozen of seafarers, they do not have a navy in the classic sense. What
vessels of different sizes and classes—virtually all in very bad they have, however, are roughly 300 ottas and the same number
shape and manned by sailors who have lost their spirit. The fleet of gnarls, which they use as trade vessels as well as landing-
is at the direct command of Imperial Admiral of the Fleet Rudon crafts when they want to pillage a settlement. Since their fast
of Mendena (who resides in Gareth, however). and handy ships are neither suitable for battles fought with
Worth mentioning is also the “Southern Fleet” of the ordnance nor for boarding another vessel, the people from the
Garetian Empire that is supposed to represent the power of the far north have to rely on their superior experience as sailors as
Crown in the South Sea and the colonies. In truth, it is more soon as they see war-ships of other nations on the horizon.
like a delinquent squadron of the Middenrealmian navy. Its four This problem has been approached in recent years with an
vessels (led by the modern shivone Star of Beilunk, while the ambitious program initiated by the Supreme Hetman Tronde,
other three units are swimming coffins that claim to be hulks and it seems as if the Thorwalians have come up with a new
and triremes) are based at Hôt-Alem and at the command design that is suitable for modern naval war without interfering
of Vice-Admiral Deirdre ni Sanin who was “promoted” to with the need for a close-knit community aboard their ships—
commander of the flotilla due to alleged involvements in the the only thing the design still lacks is some heavy ordnance.
mutiny instigated by her father.
The Tulamidian Coastal Cities
Nostria With the “Guardians of the Mhanadi,” about three dozen
The original Nostrian fleet was destroyed by the vessels of all sizes and classes are based at Khunchom, from
Thorwalians nearly a decade ago, threatening an end to the whence they strike against the pirates of the Dark Lands. At
Nostrian presence on the seas. The size and wealth of the least one novice of the Church of Efferd is assigned duty on
nation has proved an impediment to rebuilding the navy, each of these vessels at all times. Moreover, the crews do not
however, as has the ongoing hostilities with Andergast, which consist entirely of Tulamidians, but also include volunteers and
necessarily draw the lion’s share of Nostrian military spending. sea mercenaries from all four corners of Aventuria.
Hence, apart from some rafts manned by bombardiers and The Thalusian fleet comprises a dozen zerdrakks and
fishing-boats equipped with awe-inspiring “war-paint” on Lake thalukks. Up to now, the fleet has kept out of the fighting taking
Thuran, Nostria owns exactly a single war-ship—and is still place in the Sea of Pearls, but this restraint might well be due to
vastly superior to Andergast in a sea-battle. the recent change of power structures in the city.
World of Aventuria 33
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
How to Use This Chapter products may provide more detailed information. Finally,
This section of the World of Aventuria describes each of when dates are given, they are listed using the following
the continent’s nations in detail. For the most part, these convention: day-month(-year), such as 13 Praios or 27
descriptions should be self-explanatory. These descriptions Efferd, 470 b.H.
do use a number of terms that may not be familiar to most A few specific entries require some additional
readers, however. Most of those terms are related to the description:
governments or militaries of these nations and are defined The Important Traffic Routes entry lists major roadways
in the two previous chapters, Aventurian Societies, starting using the convention of “Vallusa-Festum-Neersand” which
on p. 23, and Aventurian Armies and Navies, starting on indicates the road begins in the city of Vallusa, continues on
p. 28; if you have skipped those chapters in order to get to Festum and ends in Neersand.
to the “meat of the book,” you should refer back to them Special Features literally lists features of the various
when you come across unfamiliar terms. Of course, some cities that are strange or not-usual. Universities and magic
of the words and phrases you come across will be in the academies and the like are listed under this heading. Magic
“original” Aventurian language and will have no direct academies list additional information in parentheses,
English translation. specifically the “type” of magic taught. Though this
Each of the nation entries begins with a brief statistical information is designed to be used with other game
snapshot. Additionally, each entry provides a brief products not yet published in English, we have chosen to
overview of one or more cities; these overviews include leave it in to give Highlords more options in designing their
a similar snapshot of each city. Not all of these nation adventures and to better make this product compatible with
and city “snapshots” contain the same information; only future The Dark Eye products.
those entries that apply to that specific nation or city are Important Pubs and Taverns are provided for most city
included. entries, listing not only drinking and eating establishments
Some specific individuals or families may be listed; but also hotels and hostels. The great majority of these list
those names are provided to assist Highlords in crafting some statistics in parentheses, such as (Q5/P5/B12). These
adventures, though specific character information on those indicate, in order, the Quality and the relative Price of the
individuals is not listed so as to give Highlords the greatest establishment (on a scale of 1 to 10, with average being 5)
amount of flexibility. Likewise, the names of interesting and and then the number of beds available in the establishment.
unique places is given; while there is not enough space in Highlords should use their own judgment in applying the
this book to specifically describe each, future The Dark Eye Quality and Price modifiers.
34 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Firun’s Empire Ice Elves live in the area of Grimmfrost Wastes (more about this
species on p. 52), and there is rumor about a tenacious group of
The grim deity of Firun is said to rule Aventuria’s far north:
“Ice Barbarians” who live here as well.
he covers the land with a thick layer of ice and grants only a
slow spring, leaving summer and fall to share only a few weeks
each year in some small coastal and inland areas. The most Information for the Highlord
famous settlement of any decent size in the region is Frisov, a The biting cold and eternal solitude of Firun’s land take a
small whale-hunter’s town of about 250 people. Frisov sits by heavy toll on soul and body–expeditions to this area require
the mouth of the Frisund River, which acts as a warm wedge careful preparation and will demand great sacrifices. In
between the Misty Peaks and the Ice Cliffs. In this area, trade addition, everything one could expect to find in the Far
in fish-oil, whalebones, and fur are common, even though the North is so rare and sparse that quests will fail as often as
latter was formerly sold only in Paavi. The locally gathered they will succeed. Nevertheless, there is a certain kind of
amber is also a valuable trade item in the bay area. adventurer for whom any amount of risk is worth the rare
Although the thick blanket of ice that covers the land seems and priceless treasure at the end of the journey. Those poor
to have existed forever, this could not be possible. Fabulous souls are the ones who come here, to the end of the earth in
treasures, frozen wonders, and even entire cities are said to rest search of treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
under the ice, though very few explorers ever come back with
news of such discoveries. Explorers brave (or foolhardy) enough Important Locations
to weather the harsh cold often find the bodies of previous
fortune hunters, frozen and preserved in ice so that it is nearly Frisov
impossible to tell if the corpse is a day, a week or many years One of the largest in the Far North, this town is a whale-
old. The Far North is no place for the living—only the dead hunters’ village by the mouth of the Frisund. It has recently
wander through the clear, cold nights, lost under the brilliant gained population due to immigrants from Paavi.
stars above.
Once in a great while, however, adventurers find a living Population: 250
devotee of Firun. Such hermits have widely varying reactions to Government: Norbard Irgjeloff dedicated himself to the
meeting strangers, often taking on their god’s cold, harsh, and position of reeve after his predecessor fell victim to
unpredictable temperament as they pass the years alone. A few an accident.
servants of the wrathful god go on a pilgrimage to cross the icy Garrison: Five bouncers of Irgjeloff
mountains without food; if the fasting hero ever gets to the other Temples: Shrine of Efferd
side, he is sure to be among the strongest and bravest of his tribe. Major Pubs and Taverns: Wind’s Break (Q3/P3/B6)
Of course, any interference would be looked on most unkindly, Mood in the City: Many friends are the best life
should any foreign explorers be so foolhardy as to interfere. insurance.
Despite the icy grip with
which Firun holds most of the
continent, he does not control
the entire land (which could
explain his merciless character).
The smoke of volcanoes veils
the Misty Peaks, and Yeti’s
Land is said to be home to the
Valley of the Walking Thunder,
which contains many plants and
animals that seem to be native to
Maraskan or southern Aventuria
than to the frozen wastes.
People of the
Far North
There is a surprising
amount of ethnic diversity in
the Far North, despite the low
population. The icy region
is also home to white-furred
yetis, which dig snow caves
during the wintertime. The
World of Aventuria 35
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jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Endless Plains and Sky Wolves—
The Land of the Nivese
“Whoever lays eyes upon the endless plains, the sea of grass and flowers and the clear
nights filled with countless stars will comprehend the wonderful might of godly hands.”
— From Wolf Land, by Kara Ben Yngerimm
38 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
him as a deliverer of the people, who will renew the bond the construction of human houses, and no one is allowed to posses
between humans and wolves in the future. Kailaekinnen is of a any more than what life demands.
milder nature. This shaman of Lieska-Leddu just recently drew Important Pubs and Taverns: Silent Forest Hostel (Q5/P5/B12)
attention for his prophecy of the demon winter in the east of the Town History: In 650 b.H., local elves harbor refugees from the
Nivese land.
Mood in the City: Elves continuously withdraw from city life
Ill-minded Ossipa Mogoljeff is actually not involved in while the human population grows.
this phenomenon. She leads the Norbard clan, Mogoljeff, and
is currently trying to re-establish the fading glory of the Nivese
as the primary trade partner of those settlements along the
A small port by the mouth of the Nuran Leskari River, on
Oblomon and Frisund.
the Gulf of Riva. In earlier times, this town was a commonly
frequented rest stop on the route to Paavi, the fur trade center.
Information for the Highlord Leskari has gained importance as a trade market ever since
Emphasize the desolate vastness of the land. Characters Paavi fell prey to Glorana the Ice Witch.
who maintain a close relationship with nature (hunters,
witches, druids, and the Moha) are fit for a journey into Population: 450
the northern land, even if they come from utterly different Government/Politics: Judge Darek represents the high order of
natural settings. Adventurers who are less used to nature the court, supported by his large clan of kinsmen.
may accompany such characters, but will have trouble Garrison: 5 town wards
surviving on their own. Temples: Firun, Swafnir
Special Features: An important temple of Firun; with Judge
Darek, small presents keep the friendship alive
Important Locations Major Pubs and Taverns: Thorleif ’s (Q4/P5/B12), the
northernmost tavern of Aventuria that serves real Premian Fire.
Farlorn Mood in the City: Whale-hunters are not welcome here
This tiny settlement consists of ten wood and two stone
buildings (Firun’s temple and the tavern/trade station). The local Oblarasim
Nivesian population hunts for survival and trades for all other Oblarasim is a gold-mining town on the Oblomon River.
necessities (weapons, tools, etc.) with the pelts they collect. Only the size of the population justifies the title of a city, for the
rest of the place seems more like an overgrown camp. Skewed
Population: 130 (almost exclusively Nivese) barracks line up along muddy tracks, and every other hut is
Temples: Firun either a tavern or a brothel. At least the latter gave refugees from
Special Features: An important temple of Firun, kept largely for Glorana’s wicked reign a place to work …
travelers and a few locals; the Sky Wolves have no set temples or
official clergy.
Population: 750 (40% Silvan Elves, 60% humans)
Important Pubs and Taverns: Ugdalf ’s (Q4/P6/B5)
Government/Politics: The strong rule the weak
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Ugdalf Urrisk, not exactly
Temples: Firun, Travia
a significant tradesman but the only around for more than a
Special Features: The Lea Elves living in the city are regarded as
hundred miles.
‘badoc’ (i.e. impure, disharmonic) by their kinsmen
Mood in the City: Mistrust for all strangers who are not Nivese
Major Pubs and Taverns: Silver Coin; Travine’s Dream Tavern;
by origin.
Goldberg’s (the gambling tables offer prizes that keep the promise
of the name, but the quality of the establishment does not). As
Gerasim far as bedrooms are concerned, there will always be some rat-hole
The city by the junction of the Oblomon and Selserbrook that is still available.
Rivers is home to Silvan Elves and humans. It was originally Mood in the City: Mistrust is everywhere; weapons are kept ready,
an elven settlement that accepted human refugees, on the and fights between elves and humans are daily business.
condition that the humans learn and accept the elven way of
life. The inhabitants live exclusively in tree homes, built in the
style of the Silvan Elves.
World of Aventuria 39
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
The Realm of the Black Bear—The Fountland
“The silent ruffle of tall dark trees
Along the stream’s own silver band.
This sound, just how it lightens me-
My heart is yours, oh Fountland.”
— From Ode to my Homeland, by Hannik of Hundehufen
Geographic Borders: Misa River and Dragon Stones in the south; The winter covers the land with snow as deep as a standing
Red Sickle and Green Plains in the west; North Weal Downs in man, and howling wolves gather quickly in their hunt for prey.
the north; and Brazen Sword in the east Seeking out the protection of a human settlement is, again, a
Terrain: Mostly dense forests, cultivated land around villages wise decision.
Mountains: Weal Mountains, otherwise see geographic borders
The Fountwood is an especially treacherous place, one
Estimated Population: About 150,000; 28,000 live in Festum
(15% Norbardes, 5% Nivese) that is easy to become lost in. The river enters it shortly after
Major Cities and Villages: Festum, Vallusa (although it legally Firunia, while the roads wisely avoid it altogether—there are no
does not belong to Fountland… yet), Norcastle, Firunia, paths or bridges leading into these woods. The giant Milzenis
Ouvenmas, Needmark, Neersand, Burntgrub lives in the middle of the forest, magically chained to a spring
Important Traffic Routes: The Fount and Wealbeck Rivers are from which from which he can only travel as far as half a day’s
the main waterways. Roads lead from Festum to Norcastle and journey. Milzenis is actually said to be quite a calm fellow, but
from Neersand to Needmark; a coastal road runs from Vallusa– he does get upset if he feels disturbed in his home. Who knows,
Festum–Neersand; primary ports are Festum and Neersand. though, how thankful he might become if someone were to lift
Dominant Religions: Twelvegods; especially honored are Rondra
his curse …
(by the nobility), Travia, Peraine, Ifirn; widespread superstition
Rulers: Fountland is a noble republic headed by Marshal Thesia Firunia is the door to Sevirya, a forest- and swamp-covered
of Elmstone northern province that stretches from Green Plains to the slopes
Insignia of Nobility: Silver snow-wolves in a blue circle, upon a of Brazen Sword by the city of Needmark. Brazen Sword is
red background the highest mountain range on the entire continent—so far,
Social Structure: Feudal rule by Bronnjares; bondsmen and serfs nobody has crossed it successfully. Its peaks stand more than
make up most of the population twelve thousand paces high, and dragons are said to live here
Important Clans/Influential Families: Elmstone, Needmark in greater numbers than anywhere else in Aventuria. Even the
(noble families), Stoerrebrandt (trading people) elder dragon, Fuldigor, is known to roam the area of Brazen
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: Urnislaw
Sword. The foothills are spotted with marble, tin and copper
of Uspiaunen (the magician who exiled giant Milzenis to
Fountwood), Rondragabund of Riedemer (saint of Rondra and mines, and the valuable atan pine tree is cut in the higher
Knight of the Order of the Theater) mountain regions (the bark’s healing powers are well known
Strange Locales: Brazen Sword, Dead Man’s Moor, Nagrach, and in high demand).
Fountwood Forest, the Transweal The Dead Man’s Moor is located halfway between Green
Local Festivities and Holidays: 8 Firun (the national holiday); Plains and Brazen Sword. This land is under the influence of
1 Phex (Day of Renewal); 7–12 Peraine (Meeting of Bards in Thargunitoth, Boron’s wicked arch enemy. Many devotees of
Norcastle, happening every four years); 1 Efferd (the naval parade Black Magic travel to this ground, either to practice their dark
by Festum); exposition of goods during Ingerimm and Travia (a art or to simply take in the unholy presence. The river Nagrach
week long, starting the first market day). has a similar reputation; it is named after the Archdemon of Icy
Death and seems to not come from this world…
Between Fount and The Nagrach River separates Sevirya and the Transweal;
Wealbeck Rivers the latter is a range of rugged clefts and mountains in the
eastern part of Fountland, including the Weal Mountains and
Following the course of the Fount River for roughly a
the more southern Widdershins. The mountain area is devoid
day’s journey from the great river’s mouth, one finds the deep
of any human settlements, but according to Fountlandian
forest for which Fountland is so famous. The river valley is
tales, there are numerous witches that meet in this location
dotted with many small villages, all nestled close to the river’s
along with strange elf, faerie and half-human creatures. The
edge. It looks like a charming, safe, civilized place. A few
Wealbeck River borders the Transweal to the west, while the
hours of travel into the woods, however, reveals the true face
Fount Stonghold lies behind the Wealbeck and stretches all the
of this environment:
way to the Fount River. The majority of the population lives
The Fountwood is so deep and wide that one could walk
here, between the river and the forest. The northern Half of the
the forest for days without meeting another human soul. Elks
province, however, is mostly covered by the Redeye Swamps, the
and boar roam about, as well as wolves, silver lions, and the
home of the redeyes or swamp grunts. These creatures are not
infamous black bears. A trip into this deserted wilderness should
exactly vicious (when encountered alone), but the area is still
only be attempted in a group, never alone. Waiting out the
unpleasant both to behold and to travel through.
winter over a glass of Meskinnes is the smartest plan altogether.
40 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
The March is a Fountland province located west and you into buying all the junk is gone, vanished from the face
south of the Fount River, bordering on Xeraan-held Pirate of the earth. Well, perhaps these traveling merchants are not
Coast as well as on Middenrealmian Tobria (governed by Duke quite that greedy and reckless, but they are certainly business-
Bernfrey). Even though Xeraan tries to maintain mostly normal oriented thinkers, moving in huge clans through Fountland
relations with his northern neighbor, he is still treated with and Nivese territory.
suspicion and mistrust (he is a practitioner of Black Magic, The Norbardes were the second people to colonize
after all). Agents from both sides cross the borders at night, Aventuria after the Nivese, and their looks compare easily to
while guardsmen patrol the river banks. The Dragon Stones in that of their Tulamide ancestors. They shave parts of their head
the south and Red Sickle in the west provide the borders for the (a strip from forehead to neck for the women, completely bare
Mark. The Red Sickle Mountains are the last large retreat for for the men) and the men often grow long mustaches. Women
goblins that still live according to their matriarchal traditions. usually lead a Norbard clan (they are referred to as Muhme
(‘venerated aunt’). Hesinde and her daughter Mokosha are
Serfs and Bronnjars celebrated as major deities; the latter is especially honored, as
she is the patron of the traveling merchant (her symbol is the
The Congregation of Nobility in Fountland elects the
Noble Marshal, who will then head the state for a term of diligent honey-bee).
five years (currently Thesia of Elmstone). The competencies
and limitations of this position really just depend on personal Information for the Highlord
authority—the marshal is, after all, the head of the army and The Norbardes can be used in a variety of ways. For
takes on the duties of a king. Still, rulership mostly rests with the example, if the adventurers forgot rope or torches at home,
noblemen, who have virtually boundless control over their land. these items can be placed in the hands of such traveling
This is especially the case for the Bronnjars of Sevirya. folk—who, of course, expect something in return for the
The so-called “flat nobles” are once-wealthy families who convenience. The Norbardes move around continuously
lost their property due to heritage division or gambling, though and have a keen interest in just about everything, as
they still hold privileges of nobility (such as voting rights within Hesinde would have it. In that way, they pick up all kinds
the Congregation). Finally, on the very bottom rung of the of secrets and rumors that they can share with a friendly
hierarchy, countless serfs struggle to make a living. The few guest by the nightly campfire.
independent cities have gone their own way, led by the example Remember, though: while these traders are generally
of Festum. welcome everywhere, they are also victims of mistrust.
If a Norbard clan is staying in a village when something
is stolen (or worse), it usually doesn’t take long for the
The Norbardes townspeople to find the wrongdoers—or, more specifically,
Suddenly, you find yourself in the wilderness with no gold a Norbard scapegoat. Despite their joyful lifestyle, the
left, holding on to fifteen feet of delicate brocade, a copper Norbardes form a strong community with each other, as
kettle, four dead chicken, a goat, and a cembalo. Before you can much as a protective measure against such suspicion as for
realize what happened, the clan of Norbardes that sweet-talked any other reason.
World of Aventuria 41
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
History Population: 1,300
Insignia: A winged, red figure of Rondra on a golden shield
About 816 b.H.: Emperor Gerbald gives the land beyond Government/Politics: Town governor Linjan of Hattenford
the Born River to the Knights of the Order of the Garrison: 40 guardians of Elmstone
Theater Temples: Hesinde, Peraine, Phex, Praios, Rahja, Rondra, Travia,
804–695 b.H.: Founding of the cities Festum, Neersand, Tsa
Norcastle and Needmark Special Features: To pay tribute for the victory by the Vallusian
656–526 b.H.: Reign of the Priest-Emperors Meadows, Countess Thesia covered the shield and armor of the
238 b.H.: Independence from Middenrealm Rondra statue with gold.
Important Pubs and Taverns: Old Trench Hotel (Q7/P7/B16);
28 Haal: Uriel of Needmark sides with Borbarad; the
Northland House (Q6/P7/B26); Huntsmen and Wild Boar (Q4/
defeat of Borbaradian host in the battle by the P4/B16)
Vallusian Meadows Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Lower Burntgrub hosts
many wagon builders due to the central position on the Fountside
Information for the Highlord Road and the connection between Norcastle and Needmark.
Mood in the City: People from Needmark are not welcome here.
The Fountland is interesting for many different character
types. A wanderer can easily get lost in Festum, one of
Aventuria’s largest cities, while hunters, witches, druids
and Nivese roam the huge forests. The winter here is harsh Festum
and long, forcing the inhabitants flock to urban centers or Festum, located by the mouth of the Fount River, is among
dig in for the winter. Be sure to also point out the deserted the largest cities in Aventuria. Mighty trade associations such
plains and immense forests—Sevirya’s name resembles as Stoerrebrandt and Northland Bank brought wealth to this
Siberia for a good reason. A source for adventures could be seaport town, though the Borbaradian presence in the Sea
the absolute assumption of authority by the nobility (as they of Pearls slowly eats up these fortunes. A toll bridge connects
control serfs without regard and mercy) or the eccentricity the city with Granary Island—the river is a mile wide in this
of the flat nobles. This land offers an abundance of location. Jodek’s Peak tops the western panorama of the city.
interesting characters and situations as humans try to make
Population: 27,500 (this is the official estimate, but in reality it is
a living in a rough land.
probably higher)
Insignia: White swan on a red background
Government/Politics: Festum does not obey the nobility, as it is
an independent city. It is ruled by the Grand Council, which is
elected by all citizens who pay the voting toll.
Garrison: 600 members of the warrior guild, 800 sea soldiers
Temples: Temples of all the Twelvegods, Swafnir, Rur and Gror,
Rastullah, Mokosha
Special Features: The old city was once planned on a drawing
board and consists mostly of blocks arranged around the market
square; the Admiral of Severitz Naval Academy; a goblin ghetto
in the western quarter of the city; Mercury Hall Academy of
Magic (gray, transformation of the inanimate); important temples
of Hesinde and Efferd.
Important Pubs and Taverns (a Small Selection): Market Hotel
(Q10/P10/B22); Old Lighthouse (Q4/P4/B10); Pearl of the Sea
(Q5/P5/B8); Reef of the Withering Throats (Q1/P3/B28)
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Moha ship builder
Kalatau Monalduin; the main offices of the Stoerrebrandt
merchant family
Important Cities Town History: Similar to many townships and villages in
of the Fountland southern Fountland, Festum was built to serve as military outpost
against goblins in 804 b.H.; independence is declared peacefully
in 238 b.H., but the empire nevertheless remains vengeful. Only
Burntgrub in 17 b.H. does Reto welcome the Noble Marshal of Festum; a
This city is separated into two parts: Upper Burntgrub, dark spot in the city’s history is the conquest of Granary Island by
which sits on a steep, fortified hill, and Lower Burntgrub, the Thorwal warlord, Atmaskot “Blood Guzzler,” in 68 b.H. After
located by the foot of that hill. The countess’ castle sits at the his execution, his skin was used to build the Thorwal Drum—an
unusual thing for the calm and business-minded people of
top; the Elmstone lands are governed from here, and only
Festum to do.
wealthy citizens live in the surrounding areas. Lower Burntgrub Mood in the City: The city and its freedom is something to be
is home to many entertainment venues and dubious characters. proud of—no one in Festum (no matter how unimportant he or
she may be) owes anything to anybody.
42 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
This is a port and trade city halfway down the Fount Population: 2,700
Insignia: Separated diagonally, a white fortress on a red
River. Many ships unload their cargo here, where the river
background in the top left, blue ermine in the bottom right (blue
leaves the road and continues on its way into Fountwood. As and silver)
pirates of the Dark Lands threaten the safety of sea travel, the Government/Politics: Governor Natascha Petrilowska (Free
trade over land across the Green Plains and through Norcastle City); Tsaden of Norcastle (born 15 Haal), a bastard child of
has increased lately—the “Door to Sevirya” has gained the fallen Count Isidor of Norcastle; he still struggles to find
additional importance. acceptance among local Bronnjars.
Garrison: 100 town guards
Population: 1,500 Temples: Firun, Hesinde, Peraine, Rondra
Insignia: Red lion and red river against a silver backdrop Special Features: The famous Norcastle Giants (a big, heavy
Government/Politics: A council of twelve rules this free city; its horse) are bred here; the well-known statue, “White Rondra of
goal is to regain independence from Festum. Norcastle” stands in front of the Temple of Rondra; Hall of Life
Garrison: 35 town guards, 10 to 40 mercenaries Academy of Magic (healing, white); winter camp of Nivese clans
Temples: Efferd, Firun, Hesinde, Peraine, Phex, Rondra outside the town.
Special Features: Firunen became a pilgrimage destination for all Important Pubs and Taverns: Hotel by the Market (Q5/P4/B20);
devotees of the winter god Firun after the fall of Bjaldorn. The Bathhouse (Q5/P4/S20); Albin of Hollerow Hostel (Q5/P5/
Important Pubs and Taverns: Festum House (Q7/P8/B28); Old B16); The Karen (Q3/P5/B20); Ogre’s Fist Tavern (Q2/P4/B10)
Lionsfort (Q7/P7/B22); The Jolly Wagoner (Q4/P4/B14); Zalpuk Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Several large trading
Hostel (Q5/P6/B4) associations have offices in this city, the most prominent among
Mood in the City: A busy mix of Norbardes, Nivese, traders and them being the Surjeloff Norbard clan.
rafters. Mood in the City: Open to the world, as a city of trade ought to be.
Neersand Needmark
Located by the mouth of Wealbeck River as it enters the Sea Standing by the port, this poor city appears no worse off
of Pearls, this city is home to Fountland’s naval fleet. The houses than any other. A bit further within its streets, however, one
of the city have been built alongside the river, just a bit off the finds a sea of small, skewed wooden houses, whose owners can
bank, then surrounded by a strong wall. only dream of wealth. Greytooth, the dark, unpleasant fortress
of the Count of Needmark, overshadows this already miserable
Population: 1,800 sight. The only relief to the eye is the picturesque view of Brazen
Insignia: A round blue kettle on a silver field topped by a red Sword, located east of the city.
mural crown
Government/Politics: Tjeika of Needmark is the warden of the Population: 1,450
crown and city governor. Ever since Festum lost its position as Insignia: A black and silver shield, with stag-beetle pincers
leading seaport, Neersand tries to gain popularity among foreign pictured in the center of the shield
tradesmen by advertising the “safe haven by the Wealbeck” and Government/Politics: Count Alderic of Needmark rules the city,
charging only minor port fees. squeezing every last drop out of it. His primary goal is to repay the
Garrison: 50 town halberdiers, the warrior academy with 25 debt he owes his sister, Tjeika, for assuming the throne.
students, the operating crews of two river galleys, 4 small and 4 Garrison: 30 guards of the count
medium sized war hulks, six caravels of the Bornian fleet (about Temples: Ingerimm, Peraine, Praios
1,000 sailors and sea soldiers). Special Features: Probably the only city with a seaport that is
Temples: Efferd, Peraine, Rondra prettier than the city itself; numerous tales abound concerning
Special Features: School of Mind Control Academy of Magic the Ingerimm temple (according to some of them, the temple
(gray); School of Rondra and the Knights of the Theater was built on a volcano that is appeased only by the clergymen’s
of Fountland by Neersand Warrior Academy; the whirling constant forging).
waters by the mouth of the river allow only a skilled pilot to Important Pubs and Taverns: Hotel Needmark (Q4/P5/B12); To
enter the seaport. the Brazen Sword (Q4/P6/B24); Huntsmen’s Rest (Q4/P5/B12);
Important Pubs and Taverns: Residence Hotel (Q6/P6/B29); Glowing Stove (Q6/P5/B14)
Hotel Neersand (Q5/P8/B26); Wealbeck View House (Q6/P8/ Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Arascha Walroder (a
B25); Ram Horn Tavern (Q4/P7/B14); Dune Pub (Q4/P5/B16) Rondra devotee whose services are not for sale)
Mood in the City: As Neersand is the starting point for Mood in the City: Oppressed and hopeless
most expeditions into Brazen Sword, everyone is used to
strange characters.
Ouvenmas’ prime passed years ago. The new count
Norcastle mercilessly exploits his people. Craftsmen have packed up
Being an important merchant city in Sevirya, this settlement and left town since nobody can afford their highly taxed goods
obviously profits from land trade. The city fortifications consist anyway, and there are only few travelers that still come along the
mostly of a palisade wall with enforced stone gates. The road to Needmark. It is only a matter of time before those pretty
buildings of the city are mainly constructed of wood. house facades begin to crumble and reflect the actual poverty of
the citizens.
World of Aventuria 43
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Population: 1,700 Population: 3,800
Insignia: White boar head on red background Insignia: A red tower against a blue field
Government/Politics: Count Ljasew of Utzbinnen-Ouvenmas; Government/Politics: A council of twelve governs the city, and
the political strategy of the count is limited to increasing his two governors exchange position of leadership on a weekly basis.
fortune. The goal of this council is to halt the Fountlandian influence, or
Garrison: 20 bailiffs to at least delay it.
Temples: Peraine, Phex, Rondra, Travia, Tsa Garrison: 20 town guards, 100 town militia, 25 Ardarites, 100
Important Pubs and Taverns: New Moon Hotel (Q6/P6/B26); fighters of the ‘Tobrian Homeland Army’ as well as two river-
By the Old Ouve (Q5/P6/B27); Fat Ertzel’s (Q5/P8/B18); Ertzel’s boats with 15 crew members each.
Scraggy Brother (Q5/P5/B14) Temples: Efferd, Peraine, Travia, Rahja
Special Features: The wonderful moated castle Ouvenstam in the Special Features: As the city can not expand horizontally, it grew
northeast of the city; an important temple of Peraine. vertically; the streets between high buildings (some are up to six
Mood in the City: Depression and despair—the opposite used floors tall) look almost like valleys; the city wall is 15 paces high
to be the case under the rule of the count’s predecessor, Tsaiane and protects the settlements against storm tides
of Ouvenstam (she is now worshipped as a holy woman); people Important Pubs and Taverns: Hotel Tobrian Square (Q8/P–
from Needmark are not welcome here. variable/B22); Hotel March Square (Q9/P9/B24); Rider’s Tavern
(Q5/P5/B10); Bridge Pub (Q3/P3/B35)
Vallusa Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: The “Vallusian Violet” is
a famous porcelain design
A port city on an island by the mouth of the Misa River
Town History: The first great victory over the Borbaradian troops
as it enters the Tobrian Sea. A bridge connects Vallusa with was won in the Battle of the Vallusian Meadows (28 Haal).
Fountland; a second bridge to the south was destroyed after the Mood in the City: With a demonic enemy in the south and too
troops of Borbarad conquered Tobria. good a friend in the north—Vallusa is currently not the right place
for anybody seeking safety and quiet happiness.
44 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
that represent the history of the entire nation), Holy Pillar 562 b.H.: Second (naval) Battle of Salta; Thorwal throws out
of Efferd by Olport, Eternal Ice Crystal of Ifirn by Olport, the Priest Emperors
haunted swamps in Gjalskaland, Berik Island (many magically 87 b.H.: Granary Island in the harbour of Festum is plundered
talented but odd characters), the pirate island of Gandar, Tulas by pirates under the lead of Atmaskot “Blood Guzzler;”
Jolskrim (longhouse) by Skerdu, Yumuda’s Island (northwest the Fountland people prosecute the Ottas of Thorwal
of Olport Stones). 8 Haal: Hetman Eldgrimm the Tall conquers Kendrar and
Local Festivities and Holidays: 30 Ron–2 Eff.: pilgrims journey in moves the southern border of Thorwal towards the banks
the name of Efferd from Prem to Thorwal during the night of the of the Ingval River
changing moon phase, row-boat competition, Games of Imman; 14–16 Haal: Death of Hetwoman Garhelt; her son, Tronde
1 Eff.: symbolic sacrifice of model ships by the Pillar of Efferd; Torbensson, takes her position
1 Tra: Day of Homecoming; starting the second day of Rohal 15 Haal: An attempted ork invasion fails after the legendary
in Tra: Games of Imman (two weeks long) take place in the city sword Grimring (aka Blade of Destiny; the blade of
of last year’s champion; from Hes. on: Hesinde Disputations at Hyggelik the Great) appears
Thorwal’s School of Clairvoyance; 1 Fir.: Winter Solstice (festivities from 15 Haal on: War against Al’Anfa, many Ottas either
during the time of the moon phase change include the catching of join the battles on their own or serve in the navy of the
the winter demon); 30 Fir.: Day of Ifirn (symbolic burning of the Fountland
winter demon); 14 Rah: the founding of Prem is celebrated. 29 Eff., 17 Haal: Occupation of Enqui, which rejected repeated
warnings and continued to hunt whales
The people of Thorwal have lived in the uninviting coastal from Bor., 17 Haal on: Occupation and liberation of Salta, its
strip in northwest Aventuria for more than two and a half millennia port and some parts of Nostria by Hetman Eldgrimm the
already. They maintain a culture of unique communality, marked
from Per., 17 Haal on: Some Ottas participate in the defense
by devotion, bravery, strength, and honesty, but also by superstition against the Orkstorm; many refugees from the Svellt
and pride. The foreign observer will encounter an abundance of nation find shelter
folk tales and a confusing legal system. The knowledge of the Ing., 28 Haal: Thorwal warriors (under the lead of Foggwulf)
people is handed on through Skalds, the Thorwal bards, yet many and Gjalskaland mercenaries (headed by Rastar
aspects of their history remain in the dark. All that is left is the “Ogrescare”) fight in the Third Demon Battle on the side
myth of tattooed, weapon-bearing giants who were eager to drink of the free people
and quarrel any time. Their ancestors seem to originate from
legendary Hjaldingard in Gyldenland.
A true Thorwal soul takes the world as it is, trusting only
in Swafnir, the son of Efferd and Rondra. They understand Information for the Highlord
themselves as the people chosen by the whale-god, and they accept Thorwal is seen as one of the least civilized areas in
in good faith the harsh winters and the twists of personal fate Aventuria, yet it offers a wide spectrum of cultures: From
(such as succumbing to the uncontrollable Whale-Rage and being the ‘cosmopolitan’ city of Thorwal, the historic Olport
outcast as a Child of Swafnir). Yet, these good-hearted people are and ancient Prem, to the Gjalskan “barbarians,” the
as swift to anger as they are to laugh. When whale hunters and Svellt Valley refugees squatting in Enqui, the Nostrians
slave traders raise their ire, they hunt down the offenders without in conquered Kendrar and the weird folk dwelling on
mercy. Anyone who has witnessed how passionately these sailors some of the Olport Stones Islands. Yet the local mood
throw themselves and their ships into the furious sea, without remains somehow the same everywhere: filled with pride
hesitation, understands how the time of the Thorwal people and for the homeland and a healthy desire for adventure and
their great dragon ships has not yet passed. competition, as well as a yearning for distant lands.
Challenge a Thorwalian—and you might end up on a
History journey taking you to the most remote parts of the world!
Anger a Thorwal woman, and you may have a brawl on
About 2620 b.H.: The Hjaldingans leave Gyldenland and
arrive in Aventuria (near Olport) under the lead of Jurga your hands—and afterward, the two of you might as well
2600–1800 b.H.: Founding of Olport, Thorwal and Prem end up in a pub, drinking like fast friends, assuming you
1861 b.H.: Admiral Sanin the Elder discovers the settlement proved yourself worthy of the honor. Countless songs talk
of Thorwjald; subsequently, the Hjaldingans lead a of heroes and lovers throughout Thorwal history and their
merciless war against the hated settlers of Bosparan, seen legendary deeds—today, any Thorwalian worth his or her
as offspring of their Gyldenlandian oppressors. They loot
salt is still ready to go down in history. Thorwal itself is a
Grangor, Bosparan and other cities, which earns them the
name “Thorwal Pirates.”
demanding place to live, requiring courage, strength, some
1500–1000 b.H.: Settlement of Aventuria’s northeastern craftiness and much appreciation for pathos in order to
coastline, building of Hjalmefjord, Riva and Tjolmar; appreciate the capricious nature of their homeland. This
the Hjaldingans and Norbardes mix to form the Gjalskan pirate and seafaring nation serves as an ideal starting point
tribes for many expeditions, leading into Gyldenland, the Eternal
702 b.H.: First (naval) Battle of Salta; Gareth is victorious and Ice, the Deep South, or even the Land-o’-Giants.
occupies Thorwal for two centuries; the Priest-Emperors
outlaw the Swafnir faith
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Important Places in Thorwal Special Features: The distinctive landmark of the city is the
“Independent Warrior School of Castle Defiant,” which is located
high above the city; the Swafnir temple has been built right below the
Kendrar castle, resting on poles above the sea (each hour, an artificial fountain
A typical Nostrian port town by the Sea of the Seven Winds, rises from below the water); Hjalske distillery (home of the genuine
Kendrar is flourishing under the rule of the Thorwalians. Premian Fire); The Stone, a five and a Half pace high monolith of
black stone, smoothed by centuries of wind and water; an astounding
Population: c. 1,100 collection of coastal and high seas maps at the hetman’s house.
Government/Politics: Hetman Eldgrimm the Tall Important Pubs and Taverns: Premian Yard (Q5/P9/S16),
Garrison: 50 warriors of Eldgrimm’s Otta Middenrealmian style)
Temples: Swafnir, Travia, Phex, Rahja Mood in the City: People here have a direct approach, as is typical for
Town History: This Nostrian town was conquered by Eldgrimm most Thorwalians; genuine mix of ‘pirates’ and ‘honest seafolk.’
Oriksson the Tall, after a bet, thus moving the border of Thorwal
down to the Ingval River. Thorwal
Mood in the City: The citizens are comfortable with the This is the largest city of the Thorwalian lands, located on the
Thorwalians and are indeed glad about losing their Nostrian mouth of the Bodir River as it enters the Gulf of Prem. It has been
tax duties. The Thorwal use Kendrar as a trading hub, which the political center of all Thorwal people for most of its 2,000 years.
generates profits for both sides; further, they love the “foreign”
flair of “their” city. Population: About 8,500 during the summer, around 12,000
during winter months
Olport Government/Politics: Hasgar Tildasson, Hetman of the Bodir (of the
This city of the Hjaldingans (and home of Thorwalian Surensdottir Otta), and Supreme Hetman Tronde Torbensson steer
‘nationalism’) is their oldest settlement, located by the mouth of the fate of the (a bit anarchic) community, in unison with the People’s
Council and the Captain’s Assembly; only known punishments are
the Nader River where it enters Ifirn’s Ocean. High-rising chalk
exile, fines or execution, jail sentences are unknown.
cliffs and long winters are the typical of this ancient port. Garrison: 90 warriors of the Hetguard, 50 soldiers of the Wind
Conqueror Otta, 30 bailiffs and port guards; two-thirds of the
Population: ca. 2,500 (40% Nivese and Norbardes, 5% elves) population are armed and ready to go to battle anytime
Government/Politics: Togal Raskirson is Hetman of the Nader area. Temples: Swafnir, Travia, Efferd, Phex, Peraine, Tsa
He is the 41-year-old captain of the Storm Drifter Otta, who spends Special Features: School of Clairvoyance Magician’s Academy
more time out at sea than in the ancient fortress of the hetfolk. (clairvoyance and analysis, grey); largest map collection of
Garrison: 100 warriors of the Storm Drifter Otta Aventuria; colorful mix of people in the western city (Harbor
Temples: Efferd, Swafnir, Ifirn, Travia or Foreigner’s Town); much-visited imman stadium; orktown;
Special Features: Whale-shaped Swafnir temple decorated Ugdalfskronir, former imperial keep with warrior school; semi-
with various artifacts from 2,500 years of local and Thorwalian annual Hjalding (meeting of hetfolk from all Thorwal).
history; Eternal Ice Crystal of the Ifirn temple; ancient Hall of Important Pubs and Taverns: None in the eastern part of
the Wind magician’s academy (transformation of the inanimate, Thorwal (traditionally, guests are welcome in private homes);
elementalism, grey), a fortified temple of Efferd; numerous steep, numerous establishments in the western part of the city, with
sharp rocks which rise above the water of the port entrance (such widely varying cost and quality.
as the Column of Efferd) or remain hidden in shallow depths—a Mood in the City: Rough, direct and heartfelt during the summer;
local pilot is needed for successful passage. crowded and lively during the winter, with hefty drinking orgies
Important Pubs and Taverns: the Hostel (Q4/P5/S20), run by that may result in friendship or fistfights; only whale hunters and
Selma Halmarsdottir, the only tavern available slave traders are not welcome here.
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: the Nikku Rangoldson
family maintains the only snow-badger breed in Thorwal Waskir
Town History: 2,600 years ago, Jurga supposedly came ashore by This settlement is located in the highlands between the
today’s Jurga Square and founded the settlement of Olafjord; the Great Olochtai mountain range, the Gulf of Hjalding, and the
academy of magic is almost as old as Olafjord itself.
Grey Mountains.
Mood in the City: Hospitable but rough; the traveler encounters
a lifestyle that has been shaped by the elements of water, wind and
Population: ca. 2,250
ice (and ultimately by the power of several gods).
Government/Politics: Anhild Iransdottir is Hetwoman of Waskir of
the Farseesson Otta, who quarrel constantly with the Nunnur Otta
Prem Garrison: 50 warriors of the Farseesson Otta, 30 warriors of the
This port-city of Thorwal sits on the shores of the Gulf of Nunnur Otta
Prem; built partially on steep cliffs, it rises above the basin of the Temples: Rondra, Travia, Ifirn/Firun
haven. Self-proclaimed “Guardian of the Gulf.” Special Features: The superstitious folk worships many demi-
and quarter-gods, as well as legendary heroes; supposedly child
Population: about 2,750 sacrifices at midsummer feast to appease swamp spirits; a fortified
Government/Politics: Hetwoman Thora Thurboldsdottir Rondra temple serves as a refuge; Waskir (a spelt schnaps distilled
Garrison: 50 warriors of Hetwoman Thora, 35 fighters of Castle from sugared spelt beer).
Defiant, 20 port guards Mood in the City: Rugged and provocative, superstitious, cut off
Temples: Swafnir, Rondra, Travia from the rest of the world during winter months.
46 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Unwanted Neighbors—The Orks and Their Land
Geographic Borders: Highlands surrounded by the mountain as arbach. These creatures speak their own language, but have
ranges of Great Olochtai, Firun’s Wall, Blood Barrier, Stone Oak no knowledge of writing. All tribal and racial history, legend and
Forest, and the Thasch Mountains culture is preserved and taught by Tairach priests.
Terrain: Highland steppe, sparse hills and mostly treeless The religion of the orks has only two main gods: the
bull-headed Brazoragh (god of battle, hunt, leadership and
Mountains: See above
Rivers and Waterways: Bodir River, Anchorite Lake (northwest of weather) and Tairach, the god of knowledge and death. The
Phexcaer), Lake Dairuch (in the Blood Barriers) priest of Brazoragh is also the chief of the tribe; a Tairach priest
Population: Roughly 80,000 orks, about 3,000 humans in the usually functions as shaman. Other gods, such as Gravesh
Bodir valley; also Achaz, Grolms, Deepdwarves… and three (deity of forgery and fire) or Rikai (god of farming) play only a
giants minor role.
Important Cities and Villages: Khezzara, Kharkush, Phexcaer, The major ork tribes are the Orichai with 20,000 members
Orrakhar (the “typical” orks; heavily fragmented into separate clans), the
Dominant Religions: Shamanistic Orkish faith in Brazoragh and Korogai, renowned for their metalcraft (around 20,000, a large
part living in the occupied Svellt valley), and the Zholochai
Ruler: Ashim Riak Assai, the ‘Aikar Brazoragh’
National Symbol: In modern times a white bull’s skull on a red (about 15,000 individuals) who represent the warrior elite.
disc on black Aside from that, there are the Truanzhai (about 10,000, semi-
Social Structure: Caste system with dominating warrior and priest nomadic, living as traders and crafters in western Orkland), the
castes; the god-king and messiah of the orks Aikar Brazoragh is Olochtai (a clan of 4,000 that is considered barbaric even by ork
main authority. standards), the Mokolash (2,500 orks living in the swamps of
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: The giants the Bodir springs), and the nomadic clan of Tscharshai. A few
Orkmuncher, Ninefinger and Glantuban; the “Grey Count,” new clans formed during the ork wars, such as the Gharrachai,
Jirtan Orbas of Phexcaer; supposedly a group of griffins led by the Thasch, Hilval and Rorwhed orks. The infamous
Tordochai, who lived for revenge ever since their defeat in the
Strange Locales: Phexcaer (“town of thieves”); “Orkenhoard”
(legendary treasure); the settlement Ohort (which is mainly battles of 400 years ago, are supposed to have been extinct since
occupied by the Holberks, a magical cross breed of elves and orks); the Orkstorm.
lost ruins of the dwarfen city of Umrazim.
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The Nations of Aventuria
History Important Places in Orkland
About 4000 b.H.: First record of orks who, according to their
own history, have lived in Orkland for several ten thousand Khezzara
years; destruction of the dwarfen city of Umrazim
This capital of Orkland was erected in 15 Haal, about 50
About 2500 b.H.: Hjaldingans drive orks out of coastal areas
miles behind the Thasch Gate (the broad pass between the
1699 b.H.: Ork uprising in Albernia, where they are kept as
slaves, fails due to a plague Thasch and the Blood Barrier). The town is secured by an
1550–1150 b.H. (Dark Ages): Several tribes and clans of earthen wall topped by palisades and a good dozen towers.
orks move into Middenrealm and temporarily even There are only few stone buildings; among them is the palace
occupy Gareth of the Aikar Brazoragh, a stronghold which serves as a treasure
1246 b.H.: Nargazz Bloodfist conquers Baliho and builds an chamber for stolen goods; lots of smithies, brickyards and
ork empire, the ‘Kinkdem of da Norrth’ wheelwright’s shops for the gigantic ork chariots.
1134 b.H.: A unified army of elves and dwarfs defeats the
orks in the Battle of Saljeth and ends the occupation of Population: estimated 5,000 (about 5% human slaves)
Middenrealm; the appearance of Griffin Scraan Insignia: A white bull’s skull on a red disk on black
725 b.H.: The outpost of Myrburg is granted city status (later Government/Politics: As the capital and palace city, Khezzara
named Phexcaer) follows the Aikar Brazoragh
From 695 b.H. on: Beginning of thorough human settlement Garrison: Estimated 500 Khurkach of all tribes; about 1,000
in the area of the upper Bodir River valley additional troops dispersed throughout tent-camps in the area
393 b.H.: Middenrealm is weakened by the War of Magicians, Mood in the City: Militant and barbaric
the tribes of Tscharshai and Tordochai attack the land
again; divided by a tribal feuds, the Tordochai are defeated
by the “Blood Fields” of Gareth while the Tscharshai lose Kharkush
a crucial battle near Ferdok This Ork settlement in the southern foothills of Firun’s Wall
From 10 Haal on: Ashim Riak Assai unifies ork tribes; is supposedly located close to the old dwarfen city of Umrazim;
founding of Khezzara it is further the unofficial capital city of the Korogai and center of
15 Haal: Due to the appearance of the legendary blade ironwork, armor smithing and weapon smithing in ork lands.
Grimring, the planned orkish invasion of Thorwal
is aborted Population: ca. 1,500 Korogai
23 Peraine, 17 Haal: Beginning of the “Orkstorm” under Garrison: ca. 500
the military supervision of the ‘Black Marshal’ Sadrak Temples: Gravesh
Whassoi; after a quick defeat of the Svelltian City League, Special Features: Dwarfencoal fuels the furnaces of ork forges,
parts of the seized lands are colonized which results in a good yield and excellent steel.
Beginning of 19 Haal: Orks attack Middenrealm; Griffinsford
falls, the orks prevail in the battle of Orkenwall; a fake Orrakhar
attack on Warkhome enables the army to advance along An ork town on the shores of Lake Dairuch by the western
the Great River and the Rakula, where ork troops are side of the Blood Barrier mountains. It is inhabited by about
finally defeated in the area of Silk Meadows (1/2 Phex); 1,000 Zholochai and survives through fishing and the trade of
Griffinsford is liberated by the end of the year and most forged goods. It is typical for the Zholochai orks that Khurkach
orks are driven back to Bearwoods; the last orks are make up about a third of the population.
expelled in 27/28 Haal; however, the occupation of the
former Svelltian League continues Phexcaer
A small town in Orkland. One
half of the population is made up
of citizens, peasants and craftsmen,
Information for the Highlord the other half are usually wanted
Orkland is one of a few places in Aventuria that may scoundrels and rogues. The
serve as a ground for far-reaching expeditions, especially primary trade of the village is
those involving the history of dwarfs. Another opportunity farming, fishing, maintaining
for adventure lies in cautious, diplomatic contact with orks trade relations with ork
and mounting the first visit to Khezzara. Finally, it should settlements and fencing of
be mentioned that giants, grolms, unicorns and dragons— stolen property. The
and don’t forget those ancient griffins–know their fair share local bridge is the
of well-kept secrets in addition to common information. only opportunity
to cross the Bodir
River for many
dozens of miles in
either direction.
48 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Population: ca. 1,300, nearly all human Town History: Founded under the name of Myrburg during the
Government/Politics: Many small gangs and a few influential Age of Wise Emperors; besieged by orks in 396 b.H., but saved
individuals form a complicated power structure by the giant Orkmuncher, only to be attacked and occupied again
Garrison: None, most people of Phexcaer wield and are capable just a few decades later. In 196 b.H., the rogue Jirtan Orbas and
of handling weapons his gang saved the city from an attack of the Zholochai, and Orbas
Temples: Phex, Peraine becomes governor of Myrburg. The town is renamed Phexcaer,
Special Features: It is wise for one’s own safety to become a one of the largest temples to Phex in Aventuria is erected.
“member” in one of the local gangs, no matter how short the stay Since then, the town has become a refuge for all kinds of shady
may be (costs vary between 1 and 10 ducats) characters. It was left nearly untouched during the Orkstorm due
Important Pubs and Taverns: Several establishments of varying to the appearance of the Thorwalian “Blade of Destiny.”
quality, in addition to brothels and gaming halls Mood in the City: No respect for law, anarchy, only softened by
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Only simple goods are the common interest of keeping the town alive; tensions between
produced here, but absolutely anything can be bought and sold in citizens and “crooks;” rivalries between gangs; the life of a stranger
this city if one just brings enough money and patience. does not count for much.
Once a flourishing economic power, the Svelltian City and losers have all grown accustomed to the daily routine of a
League has been reduced to a small group of isolated, self- shared life and culture.
sufficient settlements due to the orkish invasion. The once well- The lives of the Svellt Valley people are determined by
kept streets are now falling apart; gangs, highwaymen, and high three tribes (apart from all the Korogai orks who settled here)
tariffs threaten tradesmen and travelers alike, who naturally that formed just recently during the Ork Wars. The northern
prefer to take their business elsewhere. Only Riva seems Rorwhed Orks are led by Chief Mardugh Orkhan, a Tairach
untouched by the decay, while even Enqui (which has never priest blessed by Ingerimm. He rigidly follows his goal of
even been a formal part of the league) has undergone drastic forming a functioning nation and believes in the power of
changes, mostly due to the massive number of refugees. Twelve progressive diplomacy. An oft-repeated saying of his is, “one does
years have passed, however, since the orks celebrated their not slaughter the cow that gives milk.” Sometimes, Orkhan even
victory here. A new generation has grown up, and the winners forms treaties with defeated enemies or neighbors (a political
World of Aventuria 49
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The Nations of Aventuria
approach that often benefits both sides). In the south, the
Thasch orks once besieged Lowangen, led by Harkhash Drugh.
Important Places in Svelltland
Their anger at the human resistance only fuels continuing
bloody skirmishes.
Lonesome port city by the Svellt delta. Its buildings are
The Hilval orks reign in the center of Svelltland, an area
mostly pole constructions, with a few stone houses by the port.
by the upper run of the Hilval River that is close to their native
The most notable reason for visitors to come to the city is the
land. They believe in the forceful collection of tributes, but aside
craftsmen’s quarter, the strange Palace on the Hill of Will-o’-
from that they prefer a peaceful and reclusive lifestyle. Thus,
the-Wisps or the Thorwalian quarter. Apart from that, the city
no human could say with certainty if the old chief Shurak
is a showcase of crushing poverty, as masses of refugees live in
Yellowtooth is still head of the tribe.
ramshackle huts or on rafts and barges.
In the area of the Hilval orks one can find the self-
proclaimed Emperor Reno I of Svelltia and his wild bunch.
Population: ca. 4,000 (10% Thorwal people, 60% refuges)
Reno Goodpart is a fur-trader by profession and hopelessly unfit Government/Politics: Hetman Ingald Ingibjarsson is the young
for this job. Yet, he is the last hope for all Svelltland people—and governor of this town, and has a hard task ahead of him in a city
a welcome straw-puppet for the shady Otho Urdorf, a former where those who have power rule, not merely someone with a
lieutenant and strategist from Deepenborg. title and a fine house; the Thorwalian population obeys Thorwal
Ultimately, the Svelltland is home to venerable citizens jurisdiction and patrolling Thorwalian armed rafts secure the
and lawless scoundrels, reputable thieves, “honorable” street area; whale hunting is punishable by death.
criminals, rebels, and civilized as well as barbaric orks. Locals Garrison: 70 warriors of the Ingibjara otta, 50 warriors of the town
honor both human and ork deities.
Temples: Peraine, Firun, Efferd, Swafnir, Rondra, Phex
Special Features: The city’s “palace” hosts a gaming hall, two
History brothels, and an abundance of crooks selling seized or stolen
2000 years ago: Tjolmar is allegedly founded by dwarfen property; most Thorwalians reside in a newly built Ottaskin
survivors from Umrazim settlement outside of city limits.
1000 years ago: Thorwalian records indicate the founding of Town History: Once an independent whale hunter town,
Hjalmefjord; later on, the city receives the name Riva Enqui was attacked and conquered by Thorwalians in 17 Haal;
561 b.H.: Official founding of Riva however, the city was never bothered by orks. Many refugees
543 b.H.: First reports of Gyldenland settlers by the Svellt, have settled here.
establishment of Lowangen Mood in the City: Despair and greed; the legendary Thorwal
398 b.H.: Orks destroy the small town of Roremund, the uprightness is confronted by those rough customs of lawless
predecessor of Deepenborg mobs. Naturally, there is a strong desire among refugees to finally
340 b.H.: Document of Lowangen; Lowangen, Tjolmar and return to home.
Deepenborg form the City League
316 b.H.: Gashok becomes a member Gashok
123 b.H.: Riva becomes a member; the league now has a sea- This is a small town by the crossing of two important traffic
routes, from Lowangen to Thunderbrook and from Trallop to
56 b.H.: The Zorgan Plague spreads
17 H.: Thorwalians take over Enqui; shortly afterwards, orks Deepenborg and Riva.
(mostly Korogai from Firun’s Wall) attack the Svellt
Valley. The City League falls apart, and many residents Population: 950 (10% orks)
seek refuge in the region of Enqui and Lowangen. Garrison: 30 ork warriors
From 19 Haal onward: End of fighting; occupation and/or Temples: Tairach; the Dualists are allowed to practice their
tributes of the defeated towns and cities cult on an open field; the once important Boron temple is now
desecrated, and most people avoid it out of superstitious beliefs;
the public temple to Phex stands empty as well—the deonts have
gone into hiding.
Information for the Highlord Special Features: Mostly shrewd, lawless mobsters, ex-dualists,
The Svelltland and its townships offer a variety of whores and half-orks live here (along with rigidly orthodox
scenarios (regarding civilization, vegetation, and relations dualists who view the ork occupation as a test of moral and
between humans and orks). It is a wild land, where religious strength). The ork camp sits further east, a little outside
fists overrule a signed treaty anytime. Strange customs the city.
and codes of honor have developed here among those Important Pubs and Taverns: Wild Man’s House (Q5/P7)
humans that were defeated by orks; ragtag gangs, heroes Town History: A formerly free city and important member of the
Svelltian City League, occupied by orks since 17 Haal
and strange figures dominate the Svelltland, now more
than ever. This land holds something for every brave
adventurer, be it to protect a journey, defend the honor
of the gods, negotiate with orks, or to find a character of
doubtful or mysterious reputation.
50 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Lowangen Population: 330 (25% humans, 10% Deepdwarves, 5% dwarfs)
A heavily fortified free trade city on an island in the Government/Politics: Chief Mardugh Orkhan is the
unchallenged leader. Some of the human population has lived
Lowangsvellt River, surrounded by orkish-held territory.
here for a long time, while others were brought in as slaves; the
dwarfs are allied with orks.
Population: 9,700, along with the many refugees from various Temples: Altar of Tairach and of Ingerimm
ork wars Special Features: Mardugh Orkan is a deont of Ingerimm; “Black
Government/Politics: An elected council of guilds determines Spirit” of the Boron temple (a bound soul of a former Boron
city law and names the magistrate; prosecution is via fees or deont); Alvinia the witch; Deepdwarves living in mines under
execution—there is no prison; humans pay annual tribute to orks the village
Garrison: 800 regular troops, 750 militia Mood in the City: Quarrels and even fights are quite common
Temples: Phex, Travia, Tsa, Rahja, Hesinde, Peraine, Boron, here, but Mardugh’s rigid authority does ensure a relatively
Firun, Ingerimm peaceful community.
Special Features: Academy of Shaping Magician’s Academy (gray,
transformation of living creatures); Magician’s Academy Hall of
Power (black, control); castle of the Gray Staffs of Perricum; Svellt Deepenborg
Valley Draught-horses; Festival ‘Market and Games’ during Phex This city lies by the mouth of the Ror, as it enters the Svellt.
and Peraine It is unusual in that it boasts the only fortified castle in the area,
Important Pubs and Taverns: Hammer and Anvil Guesthouse sitting high above the banks of the Svellt River.
(Q4/P5); Salamander Stones Tavern (Q7/P9); Ork’s Demise Pub
(Q3/P4); Bright Refuge Hotel (Q8/P8) Population: 1,200 (5% orks)
Town History: Town rights for 500 years, then the first siege by Government/Politics: King Arion the Third of Westak-
orks 70 years later; founding member of Svelltian City League; in Deepenborg governs, but only with the consent of local orks; their
17 to 18 Haal; payment of tributes since 19 Haal General T’Rrahgh presides over city law, tariff tolls and tribute
Mood in the City: This town lives off its former wealth; the payments
humans here are defiant and always looking for allies against the Garrison: 20 personal guards of the king, 50 ork warriors
orkish threat Temples: Tairach (formerly Rondra), Travia, Hesinde, Rahja
(Eternal Vineyards, Circle of Lethvan), Firun (missing deont),
Riva Boron
Riva is a wealthy, independent port city by the mouth of Special Features: The ruins of Castle Roremund (destroyed by
Kvill River on the shores of the Gulf of Riva. It has a sturdy, orks in 398 b.H., ghosts roam here); both royal family and ork
occupants live in Deepenborg Castle
well-fortified castle, a large harbor, cobblestone roads, a long
Important Pubs and Taverns: Duck’s Beak Guesthouse (Q6/P5);
city wall, and well-crafted wooden houses give this settlement Northern Light Hostel (Q5/P5); The Golden Treasure Eatery
its character. The town Hall is a large stone building. This city (Q8/P8)
is a major trade center north of the Orkland. Prominent Merchants: Royal Trade Office, the fur market
Population: 2,300
Garrison: 50 town guards and some militia
Old city by the Svellt. The Svellt Road ends here, while the
Temples: Firun, Efferd, Phex, Tsa, Travia, Rahja
Special Features: The Nivilaukaju (according to a Nivese
route to Riva begins from this city as well. Mostly pole houses, as a
legend, this a woman who was turned to stone by Liska; means of dealing with yearly floods. The only architectural structure
every new moon phase, the Nivese sacrifice a karen to of note is the ancient dwarf bridge with two fortified ramps.
appease Liska); Stoerrebrandt College Academy of Magic
(gray, clairvoyance and combat); public school. Population: 1,220 (5% dwarfs)
Important Pubs and Taverns: Many, most of good quality Government/Politics: Tjolmar has a town council, and a peace
Prominent Craftsmen: Vardari, maker of musical treaty with orks
instruments (Q15/P10, string instruments) Garrison: 20 town guards, 10 ork and 10 dwarf warriors in each
Town History: Riva was built about 600 years ago on top of bridge ramp, respectively
the ruins of the Thorwalian village of Hjalmeford; a former Temples: Firun, Ingerimm (ancient dwarf cult), Ifirn, Rahja
trade port of the Svelltian City League; peaceful coexistence Important Pubs and Taverns: Trallop Giant Tavern (Q6/P9)
here between humans, elves and Nivese. Town History: Tjolmar was built about 1,500 years ago,
presumably by the Hjaldingans/Early Thorwalians; the dwarfs of
Rorkvell Tjolmar betrayed their neighbors during the ork war by letting the
invading forces across the bridge—thus Tjolmar itself was spared,
A former human mining town in the Rorwhed Mountain
and is still the only tribute-free city in the southern part of the
region, and a stronghold of the Rorwhed ork population. former City League—and into the League proper.
Mood in the City: Tense relations between humans and dwarfs;
strangers are generally not trusted
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The Nations of Aventuria
In Deep Forest, By Lovely Meadows—
The Land of the Elves
Geographic Borders: Salamander Stones (Silvan Elves), the All elves have very sharp senses and innate magic ability.
northern rivers and streams by Frisund (Lea Elves), Green Plains, Most elves living outside of the Salamander Stones are Lea
Lake Lamprey, north-western border of Red Sickle Mountains Elves, whose homes are the river meadows north of the highland
Terrain: Forest-covered mountains and meadows by the river range (spreading to the cold Frisund River and Lake Alavi). Lea
Mountains: Salamander Stones
elves build their pole houses in places like Garetia and Almada;
Rivers and Waterways: Kvill, Oblomon, Frisund, Amper, and
Rathil Rivers; Lake Lamprey some even move into the cities, where the ‘pointy-ears’ typically
Estimated Population: 4,000 humans, 6,000 Silvan Elves, 12,000 find a mixed reception at best. The cities of Thunderbrook,
Lea Elves, 500 steppe elves Kvirasim, and Oblarasim host a large number of Lea Elves.
Important Cities and Villages: Thunderbrook, Uhdenmount, Closely related to them are the ‘Children of the Wind,’
Kvirasim a nomadic group of steppe elves that move across the Green
Social Structure (Elves): Clan structure Plains, the highland between Kvill and Brinask and the steppe
Influential Families (Humans): Kolenbrander of Trallop between Kvill and Letta.
(tradesmen, they control the trade with Thunderbrook and The Ice Elves live even further north, in the Grimmfrost
Uhdenmount), Kowang (Ore Barons of Uhdenmount, of Norbard
Wastes, to be precise (along Icebreak Bay and Amber Bay). Their
descent), Mountainwatch (also Ore Barons of Uhdenmount,
related to Kolenbrander). homeland consists of ice, cold seawater and rocks. Firewood is
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: Athavar Peace- rare; these elves commonly build their shelters out of ice. Those
Song (deceased magician of the Silvan Elves), Heleon (Rondra who live in such harsh lands cannot afford hospitality, and thus
deont, initiated the construction of a temple by Thunderbrook), strangers will encounter little more than peaceful but decisive
Mother Herdgard (built the Travia temple on the Green Plains). rejection. Those who cannot care for themselves cannot be
Strange Locations: Salamander Stones, Lake Lamprey, Fog allowed to endanger others.
Moors Ask a Garetian about the origin of elves and he (depending
Local Holidays/Festivities: In Thunderbrook, many holidays on his experience) will answer that they stem “from the
that commemorate Rondra are celebrated with a heartfelt passion
Netherhells” or “out of the Salamander Stones.” The first
assumption is entirely false, and the latter is only true for Silvan
Elves. The homes of these creatures can barely be described with
The Elf People human words—neither hut nor tree house accurately describe
The physical characteristics of elves these elven shelters, which are made out of living wood. The
include slender bodies, pointed ears, large, Silvan Elves live as hunters and gatherers, and except for the
slanted eyes (which can be of unusual colors, settlements of Kvirasim and Gerasim, they have no contact
like purple); and elegant, athletic movement. with humans. They are generally peaceful and compassionate
Some humans harbor odd beliefs about people, but they are also quick to defend their homeland.
these creatures—supposedly, they procreate A quarrel between Silvan Elves and humans could have
by sprouting from budding trees during the unpredictable results; an injured traveler will never
full moon. It is said their glance has mystical know whether to expect pity and support or Firun-like
powers (of seduction); that if in danger, elves indifference to his plight.
can remove themselves from this world and
travel to the Faerie realms. Those tales are little
more than nonsense, however, despite their
An elf and a man can certainly produce
widespread popularity among humans.
viable offspring, though humans generally view
Another major assumption, that all elves
these mixed-bloods with mistrust and superstitious
are notorious thieves, is based on their notion of
fear—very few would admit openly to such a family
personal property, which stands out among all
background. The elves are a bit more tolerant, if
other Aventurian cultures. Except for the most
only because it typically falls to the elven mother
intimate possessions (one’s name, bow and
to care for these children. They do view such a
musical instrument), all property is negotiable.
member of their community as belonging to a
If a market stand has many, many more apples
different culture, however; as a result, creatures
than the owner could possibly ever eat, for
of mixed origin are not truly accepted anywhere.
example, then why ought one ask before
Many will try to pass as a human, which does
taking an apple?
work sometimes. Pretending to be an elf among
elves is impossible.
52 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
The Salamander Stones The pathway between Trallop and Thunderbrook along the
lake might be a safe choice; the tracks leading directly through
The peaks of Salamander Stones are up to 3,000 paces
the swamp, however, should only be used with great caution.
high. This mountain range belongs to one of the most wild
Explorers who are unfamiliar with the wilderness and its dangers
and, at the same time, most romantic lands of Aventuria. Clear
should look for a local guide to help them through the maze.
streams have cut deep valleys and canyons into the land. The
Scattered bands of orks are eager to take any traveler’s life and
mountainsides are covered with mighty maple, pine, redwood,
possessions. Some magicians supposedly retreated to this area
spruce, and birch trees that stand up to 100 paces tall. The light
after the War of the Wizards, and even though they are almost
falling through the interwoven branches of the forest paints
certainly long dead, one might still run into one of their successors
shimmering designs of light on a carpet of grass, flowers and
(or, in a less fortunate situation, they might find you first).
ferns. There are anthills as big as two grown men, gigantic
mushrooms that could feed a party of five, and butterflies that
sparkle with myriad colors—even the creations of the great The Green Plains
Daria Windest are put to shame. It is obvious to any wandering Vast grasslands, generally called the Green Plains, stretch
traveler that this must be the land of the Silvan Elves, even northeast of the Salamander Stones and north of Red Sickle.
though they almost never show themselves. There are almost no trees on the Green Plains. Small ponds
This idyllic setting should be approached with caution, serve as the only water sources, fed by the rain and drying
however; the saber-tooth tiger is not any less hungry here than up during the dry seasons. Neither streams nor rivers are
elsewhere, and the Kvill adder is just as poisonous as in other anywhere to be found, though some small brooks occur here
parts of the continent. It is said that, in case of a battle between and there during the seasonal thaw, also quickly drying up as
elves and humans, the forest becomes as deadly as it is beautiful. the summer approaches.
The area is mostly inhabited by steppe elves and goblins;
The Fog Moors the only human settlement worth mentioning is Travington.
This town is still quite young, and grew up around the Travia
The Fog Moors extends west of Lake Lamprey—it is truly
temple built by Mother Herdgard in 10 Haal. Currently,
a gloomy and hostile place. Dense fog hangs over a stinking
Travington hosts about 200 individuals, with its population
morass of stagnant water, spotted with dead tree trunks. A
slowly rising—due to the Borbaradian occupation of Tobria,
constant gurgling sound from beneath the water, caused
all goods traded between Middenrealm and Fountland are
ostensibly by rising swamp gases, challenges the strength
now traded via the Green Plains. The Green Plains offers an
courage of any wanderer.
opportunity for everybody, including both thieves and guards, to
better their finances.
Lake Lamprey
Many mysteries surround this largest Aventurian lake, and
the number of explorers who have attempted to pierce these
secrets is beyond counting. It is the nature of secrets to resist any
investigation, however; hardly any of those brave adventurers
ever return. The investigators of Aventuria have to rely on mere
speculations: a freshwater serpent colony is said to live in the
depths of the lake, as well as a portal that supposedly connects
the continent to the Seventh Sphere. Another rumor speaks of
a Satinav (time) gate that leads to Havena and the time of the
great earthquake and flood.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Important Places in the Population: 760 (70% Silvan Elves, 20% Lea Elves, 10% mixed-
Land of the Elves blood elves)
Government/Politics: Problems are discussed among the
different elf clans; everybody is allowed to participate in the
Thunderbrook decision-making process
Palisades, built only a dozen years ago to weather the Temples: Peraine (one deont)
Ork Storm, surround approximately 100 wooden and stone Special Features: For decades, missionaries of Peraine have tried
houses. A pilgrim expecting a mighty fortress of Rondra to spread their belief to no avail
is going to be quite disappointed. The local temple of the Mood in the City: Elven composure, calmness and tolerance
lioness sits outside of the city, in a cavern behind the famous
Thunder Falls. Uhdenmount
This old mining town in Red Sickle Mountains by
Population: 2,100 (25% Lea Elves, 5% Silvan Elves) the upper Rathil River has been independent for the last
Insignia: Silver wave-pole on red background, topped by a wall 270 years. This city was built as a trading outpost for elves
crown and humans and was granted trading rights in the Trallop
Government/Politics: ‘Rondracracy’ under Princess-Deontess Treaty. Uhdenmount is the highest city (sits on the highest
Aldare VIII Thunderclap of Thunderbrook land) in Aventuria.
Garrison: 40 Rondra deonts, 60 Rondra warriors and 50 town
Population: 1,850 (40% humans, 30% dwarfs, 10% Lea Elves,
Temples: Rondra, Hesinde, Travia
10% goblins, 10% orks)
Special Features: Wooden buildings of the Seminar of Elven
Insignia: A black hammer and ax crossed in front of a silver
Communication and Natural Healing Magician’s Academy
background, topped by a wall crown
(gray) in an elm grove; a monastery of the Anconites (Order of
Government/Politics: Competing Ore Barons keep the city under
the Healing Beneficiaries) just outside of the city; legendary Lake
their rule and the governance of their Mining Council; the strong
rule the weak, and carrying a weapon is mandatory. Trallop Gorge
Important Pubs and Taverns: Guesthouse Lovely Tune (Q5/
Kolenbrander is the most important trading partner of this city.
P6/B10); Thunder Fall Pub (Q2/P3/B22); Hotel Thunder Fall
Garrison: 200 mercenaries of the Uhdenmount Axmen and the
Uhdenmount Legion, 30 town bailiffs of the Mining Council
Town History: Following a vision, Rondra-deont Heleon led a
Temples: Ingerimm (ork deonts, among others), Peraine, Firun;
dozen of fellow fighters (those that had survived the massacre of
those sites are also visited by orks and goblins as they represent the
the Priest Emperors) to the Thunder Fall
embodiment of their gods as well
Mood in the City: Utterly peaceful
Special Features: home garrison of the Uhdenmount Legion
(which is composed of humans, dwarfs, goblins and orks),
Kvirasim Tiljaniel Forest (occupied by Lea Elves), several mines (slate, ore,
Kvirasim is one of the most amazing cities of the Aventurian some silver); Therbunites hospital, Boron Tunnel outside of the
continent, as it is almost invisible to the approaching traveler. city (underground burial site)
This is not due to elf magic, however, but rather that the tree Important Pubs and Taverns: Hotel Court Uhdenmount (Q8/
houses are hidden in such a way so that they become visible P10); Wagon Station Brother O’Aves (Q6/P5); Shanjas Divan
only when one stands directly below them. Local humans Guesthouse (Q7/P7, services of Rahja); Mercenary’s Tavern
quickly blend in with elves as they adapt the local clothing
styles and behavior.
54 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Oddities and Saltarels—
Upstart Kingdom of Nostria
Geographic Borders: Ingval and Ornib Rivers, Lake Thuran,
Tommel River, Lakeland, Sea of the Seven Winds
Local history starts with the year of independence (1847 b.H.).
Terrain: Narrow coastal strip, lakes, forest-covered highlands
The Nostrian history is as idealized and unreliable as nowhere
Mountains: None worth mentioning
else in Aventuria–useful sources are thus hard to come by. It is
Rivers and Waterways: Ornib, Ingral, Urlan, Tommel, and Nabla
certain though that Nostria and its neighbor state Andergast have
Rivers; numerous waters of the Lakeland area
repeatedly declared war on and later formed peace treaties with each
Estimated Population: 40,000
other (currently, some kind of truce exists between those two rival
Important Cities and Villages: Nostria, Salta, Salterhaven
nations). Of particular note is the Fraternization of Joborn in the
Important Traffic Routes: Havena–Nostria–Salta–Thorwal
year 860 b.H. (see also History of Andergast) and the Thorwalian
Road; the Tommel and Ingval Rivers serve as waterways; Nostria
occupation of Salta and northwestern Nostria (17 to 22 Haal).
and Salterhaven are the main seaports of the region
Dominant Religion: Twelvegods belief is predominant
Rulers: King Kasimir
National Symbol: Silver Saltarel fish on a blue background Information for the Highlord
Social Structure: Kingdom; more free peasants than in the The land of Nostria as an upstart nation that would love to be
Middenrealm of some worldly importance. Nostria offers adventures for nearly
Important Royal Families: Almost all noble families are somehow all kinds of characters.
related to the king, thus they all have some (varying) degree of
Local Heroes: None worth mentioning
Important Places in Nostria
Strange Locales: Chalk cliffs of Halleru
Local Festivities and Holidays: 13–14 Rondra: Tournament in Nostria
capital; 2 Praios: birthday of the king This is a port city by the mouth of the Tommel River, where
it enters the Sea of the Seven Winds. It is also the residence of
The Nostrian Lakeland stretches from the Tommel River King Kasimir IV of Nostria. The narrow, angled alleys lead past
to the Albernian border. Mostly pine trees grow in this sandy, two-story buildings, as well as the town houses of the Nostrian
meager soil. Fertile grass-covered hills sit north of Lakeland, nobility. The King’s castle is an elaborate fortress by the right
giving way to forest regions in the east. The chalk cliffs by shore of the Tommel.
Halleru (south of Joborn) are indescribably beautiful; it is said
that a group of Satuarian Sisters meets on their peaks once a Population: 6,400
year, during the Night of Witches. Insignia: Silver Saltarel fish under a silver rampart against a blue
backdrop; wall crown on top
The Nostrian forests are known for their abundance of
Government/Politics: Kasimir IV rules as legitimate king;
game; the famous Nostrian crown deer roams in these forests.
Nostria is an important port by the Sea of the Seven Winds, so
First and foremost, the saltarel must be mentioned, as this fish is trade relations with Havena are frequent and steady (recently,
pictured on the nation’s arms; it repeatedly returns to its breeding there have been cautious efforts to form such bonds with Thorwal
grounds on the coast, and has made the region famous. as well).
The people of this land have mostly dark or honey-brown hair; Garrison: 250 royal Nostrian warriors
blond is possible, but occurs less often. Half the population lives in the Temples: Boron, Efferd, Peraine, Rahja, Rondra, Travia, Tsa
towns and cities, while the rest dwell in villages and tiny settlements. Special Features: Many representative buildings in the
Nostria is a quiet, peace-loving region. Its residents are fiercely Poltrion-Tormlyn-Style (pompous street fronts with ramshackle
buildings behind)—rarely does a capital city represent its land
proud of their homeland, though those from more “exciting” lands
this accurately; Magician’s Academy of Light and Darkness
often find little within Nostria to keep their attention. Nevertheless,
(transformation of the inanimate, white)
travelers should hold back on their jokes—angry Nostrians are no Important Pubs and Taverns: Nostrian Court (best hotel in town,
less dangerous than raging Thorwalians or Albernians. Q8/P9/B40); Father Balder (clean, thick stews, Q5/P5/B12);
The most important events in recent Nostrian history were Wooden Leg (miserable establishment by the port, Q2/P3/B10);
the ongoing wars with Andergast. While these quarrels were Mouse Hole (only for those who can’t afford the Wooden Leg,
subject to countless jokes throughout Aventuria, the Nostrians Q1/P1/B15)
themselves had nothing to laugh about. Boron was the sole Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: None worth mentioning;
beneficiary of these conflicts. Nostrian craftsmen are known for their ability to improvise
Mood in the City: One is proud of what has been accomplished,
A king heads the state (currently Kasimir IV) and governs
despite all the hardships of a never-ending war
the land, along with a small group of noblemen. No other state
issues as many official titles (where else can one find Wojwodes,
Enormities and Bombasts?). The competition among authorities
is therefore fierce.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Salta and Salterhaven
These twin cities by the mouth of the Ingval River are
the dockyard and sawmills for Stone Oak wood coming from
Andergast (in spite of all wars and against the will of the
monarch). It is further the economic center of Nostria. Many
craftsmen have settled around the marketplace area: the well-
known smith’s quarter and the temple of Ingerimm are both
located in the southern part of the city.
Andergast is a small country that derives its meager wealth any modernity or innovation—they have neither resources nor
from breeding Teshkal heavy horses and selling hard, fireproof interest in any cultural advance or modern trends.
Stone Oak wood, which is probably the most sought-after wood Recently introduced succession laws have placed the old king’s
in Aventuria. The capital city grew out of a tiny woodcutter’s son-in-law on the throne: the young King Efferdan of Hussbek-
town; until recent years, Andergast was little more than a Galahan is the husband of Queen Varena, the oldest daughter of
group of small settlements and keeps dispersed throughout former King Wendolyn VII. Efferdan himself is an exiled nobleman
dense forests. The constant battle against Nostria in the west, from the Horasrealm who settled here after fleeing Kuslik. He
however, and the northern threat from the orks have adapted brought along a small group of followers and courtiers who
these people to a sinister, robust, and superstitious life, rejecting opposed the rule of the Horas Empress. With the help of his sister-
56 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Important Places of Andergast This town sits on the northwestern border of the Bladegrass
Steppes. It is best known for the breed of heavy horses that is
Andergast raised here. After weathering a few ork attacks, the construction
The capital is a small, smoky settlement in the middle of a of town fortifications (trenches and palisades) has been initiated.
sparsely populated forest. By northern standards, however, this
place is considered a major city. Population: ca. 900
Insignia: A black horse head on green
Population: 5,850 Government/Politics: Baroness Ossyra of Teshkal (she does
Insignia: A green oaken branch on a silver background, above a consider the opinions of three major horse-breeding families)
red crown Garrison: 15 guards of the baroness, one company of town militia
Government/Politics: King Efferdan, advised by a council of Temples: Fortified temples of Rondra, Travia and Peraine, Rahja
tradesmen, craftsmen and woodcutters Important Pubs and Taverns: Tramping Hooves Hostel (Q5/P6);
Garrison: A company of city guards (about 30), Royal Guards Ork Tooth Tavern (Q4/P4)
(about 50 Halberdiers) Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: The horse auction in
Temples: Rondra, Praios, Travia, Hesinde, Tsa, Peraine, Ingerimm Ingerimm is worth mentioning; some equipment traders have
Special Features: The streets are bare and muddy; Half-timbered settled here
buildings are skewed, often leaning and resting on each other, Mood in the City: Farmer-like stubbornness and tenacity, but
forming dark alleys that rarely see any sunlight; pigs roam one that is used to strange travelers passing through; the local
everywhere and dig up the earth, turning streets into mud tracks; opulation deeply despises the orks
castle Andergast, the “king’s castle” is only a small fortress (yet
World of Aventuria 57
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jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Under the Griffin’s Flag—Middenrealm
Geographic Borders: Sea of the Seven Winds; Tommel River; vassals. These bondsmen owe service and loyalty to the
Darkencrest Mountains; Fog Moors/Lake Lamprey; Dragon Emperor, who in return assures their safety and protection. The
Stones, Black Sickle, Troll Peaks, and Rashtul Wall Mountains; provincial lords represent the next level of authority below the
Yaquir Valley Emperor; they do not all rank the same, however, in terms of
Terrain: All types
prestige and authority.
Mountains: Windhague Mountains, Kosh Mountains, the
Anvil, Iron Forest, Dragon Stones, Black Sickle, Troll Peaks, The provinces of Kosh, Garetia, Darpatia, Albernia and
Rashtul Wall Almada are led by a King; the Northern Marches, Meadows and
Estimated Population: Gareth City (189,000), Garetia (315,000 Tobria are ruled by a Duke, while Margraves head the settlements
humans, 1,000 dwarfs, 500 elves), Darpatia (257,000 humans, of Griffinsford and Windhague. These provincial lords split
800 dwarfs), Kosh (79,000 humans, 15,000 dwarfs), Griffinsford up their estates to subordinate Counts, who then continue to
(47,000 humans, 1,000 dwarfs), Free Tobria (15,000 humans, 500 distribute to the land among Barons. The Barons themselves
dwarfs), Northern Marches (169,000 humans, 10,000 dwarfs), continue the chain of interdependency by supplying the lower
Almada (220,000 humans, 2,000 dwarfs, 1,000 elves), Albernia nobility (namely landed Knights and Squires) with land.
(210,000 humans, 500 elves), Windhague (12,000 humans),
The Mountain Kingdoms of the Angroshim (their surface
Meadows (116,000 humans, 1,000 elves)—a total of 1.6 million
humans, 30,000 dwarfs and 3,000 elves. holdings forming ‘Mountain Freeholds’) hold an exceptional
Important Cities: Gareth, Havena, Punin, Warkhome, Perricum, status, according to the Lex Dwarfia. While dwarfs are
Rommilys, Angbar, Elenvina, Perainefords, Griffinsford, Trallop, subordinates of the Emperor, they can only be judged by their
Harben mountain king.
Important Traffic Routes: Great River, Yaquir and Darpat
Rivers; a network of well-developed imperial highways runs
through the country
The Provinces
Dominant religion: Twelvegods belief is predominant
Rulers: Imperial Regent Emer ni Bennain Albernia
National Symbol: Red griffin in a golden circle against a blue Provincial lord: Queen Invher ni Bennain, residing at
background Havena
Important clans and Influential Families: House of Gareth Wide meadows, lakes and swamps cover the land. The
(imperial family), noble families of provincial rulers, Rastburger Moorsap is the infamous marshland of the Great River delta
family (a merchant’s clan from Havena), Stoerrebrandt (trader
that surrounds Havena. A corduroy road transects the Moorsap,
from Fountland, has branch offices in every large city), artisan
guilds have a large influence throughout most cities.
providing a passable road through that otherwise impassable
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters (a small region; however, any that leave the dam will most likely
selection): Hluthar of the Northern Marches (saint of Rondra), disappear into the ground forever.
The Green Knight (a noble yet eternally tragic character from Another local danger is the Farindel Forest between when
Garetia), Yassia (witch, Albernia), Emperor Haal of Gareth Winhall and Honeyngton—many more people have stepped
(disappeared in 17 Haal under mysterious circumstances), Rhys into these woods than left them. What happened to these
the Cutter (saint of Ingerimm, Albernia). travelers will always remain a mystery; speculation speaks of
Strange Locales: Farindel Forest (Albernia), Demon’s Fallows ancient curses and a gate leading to the realm of faeries.
(on the outskirts of Gareth), The Gorge (sacred volcano in the
Both the long coastline and the legacy of the Thorwalian
northern Rashtul’s Wall), Nahemas Tower (in the drowned part of
Havena), Hanging Glacier (holy site to Firun in the Black Sickle),
ancestors have shaped the independent spirit that has developed
other “magical” forests such as the Imperial Forest in Garetia and in this area; Efferd is a widely worshipped deity, and bards
the Bluefirs (in Meadows). share their bittersweet songs night after night. Spirits and fairy
Local Festivities and Holidays: 1 Pra. (major holiday of Praios), creatures, such as water sprites and nymphs, play a major role in
10 Pra. (Memorial Day, commemorates the Ogre Battle), 6 local beliefs and customs.
- 9 Ron. Founding Day (National holiday commemorating the
founding of the nation), 15–16 Ron. (Sword Fest, several knightly Windhague
tournaments), 1 Eff. (Colors and Lights Festival in Perricum),
Provincial lord: Margrave Radulf Eran Galahan, Admiral
wine harvest celebrations in Almada starting 15 Tra., 12–15 Phe.
(Trade fair in Trallop), 21 Ing. Day of Weaponsmiths (Celebration
of the Western Fleet, residing at Harben
of trade and craftsmen guilds), 21–23 Ing. (Trade fair in Angbar), The high peaks of the Windhague Mountains and their
22 Ing. Commemoration of the Third Demon Battle. forest-covered valleys shape the landscape of this small province
by the Sea of the Seven Winds. The few inhabitants of this
Authority Structure mountain range live by the western side of the mountains; some
of the remote valleys, however, are home to several ork tribes
The Emperor holds the ultimate authority in the
as well as witches. Gangs of brigands also use these valleys as
Middenrealm hierarchy and maintains his courts in Gareth.
hideouts. Even a few prison camps are scattered throughout
Legally, he owns the entire land and lends parts of it to his
the forest, where villains repay their sins by chopping wood
60 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
for the Emperor’s fleet in Harben. The dwarfs, who once lost a thousand Garetians. Fertile fields cover the land, pushing the
battle against the West Wind Dragons in this area, tend to shun Imperial Forest further and further back. Noble and wealthy
Windhague altogether—it is rare that one finds one of their men hunt the outskirts of this woodland (their countless country
mine tunnels here. castles and retreats are scattered throughout the area surrounding
the metropolis), but the center of the forest is said to contain a
Northern Marches legendary city of the High Elves–the discovery of this city has
Provincial lord: Duke Jast Gorsam of the Great River, been the goal of many lost expeditions. Garetia is an ancient place
residing at Elenvina with a long past, and not just because of the historical Demon’s
The landscape here consists mostly of mountain ranges, Fallows (the eternally scarred battlefield of the First Demon
though the north also sports rolling hills and dense woods. The Battle), which is located just southwest of the capital.
Great River winds its way through the Kosh Mountains, the
Ingra Knolls and the Iron Forest. The part of the river between Almada
Elvenhus and Elenvina is infamous and feared by locals for its Provincial lord: Queen Rohaja of Gareth, represented
countless underwater rocks and dangerous river pirates. It seems by Crown Regent Dschijndar of Falkenberg-Ravensmouth,
to those who live here that the druid cult has always been part residing in Punin
of this rough, fissured land, home to Brendan’s Ring (the most Capital City: Punin
sacred of all Geode sites) and Xorlosh, the sacred mountain The mild climate of Almada makes for an easy living:
refuge of the dwarfs. cultivating wine and tending horses are common activities in
these lands. The locals themselves possess a certain joviality
Kosh that results in a loose tongue and (influenced by the Tulamide
Provincial lord: Queen Rohaja of Gareth, represented by legacy) a certain eagerness to quarrel. One subject of discussion
Prince Blasius of Eberstamm, residing at Angbar and disagreement, for example, is the Emperor’s throne. There
This area is as mountainous as the neighboring province are voices that speak in favor of cutting all ties to the empire;
of Northern Marches. It includes Kosh Mountains (hence the most of the nobility feel deceived by Gareth, especially after
name of the region) as well as extensions of the high Anvil the inauguration of Rohaja, Queen of Gareth—according to
mountain range. Swamps and fertile lands sit next to the Great Alamadanian customs, the throne belongs to the male successor.
River and the area around Lake Angbar. There is an obvious Because of this, the separatist movements have gained renewed
connection between the Kosh area and dwarf culture—they attention and momentum in recent years.
make up a quarter of the population and have turned the
province into a center of Aventurian craftsmanship. Free Tobria of the Twelvegods
The dwarf influence might also be the reason for that Provincial lord: Duke Bernfrey of Ehrenstein, residing at
distinct straightforwardness, or even stubbornness, that the Perainefords
average person seems to possess. Further, so-called Basketmen are Not much is left of what was once the largest province of
typical for the Kosh region; these people are mountain farmers the empire. Except for a small, meager strip by the western side
who move into lowlands and valleys during summer months to of the Black Sickle and the Dragon Stones (which are ruled by
sell the goods they produce during the long winter period. imperial dragon Apep, who governs as a marshal in service of the
duke), all of the land has fallen into the hands of Borbaradian
Griffinsford troops. The only connection to the empire is the Sicklestep Pass
Provincial lord: Margravine Irmenella of Griffinsford, and a few dangerously narrow mountain trails that lead through
residing in Griffinsford the Dragon Stones.
Fertile fields in the southwest, dense and remote forests Overall, this region is only sparsely populated, as most
in the northeast and the highlands of Darkencrest Mountains refugees coming from the east move on towards Garetia,
mark the region of the Griffinsford land; traditionally, Praios is Almada, and even as far as Albernia. This is no surprise,
worshipped by a majority of the locals. The region has suffered considering the high altitudes and worthless soil that settlers to
tremendously under the rule of the orks that fell upon the land this region would have to put with, not to mention that this area
in 17 Haal. The immigrants coming from the equally devastated borders the demonic lands of ‘Emperor’ Galotta. Who knows if
provinces of Tobria, Warunk and Beirunk are welcome here (so some Arkhobal demon doesn’t live in that oak tree behind the
long as they can be fed), for they can help rebuild what the next turn …?
blackfurs once demolished. There are still ork gangs roaming
the countryside, occasionally attacking single farm houses or Darpatia
lonely travelers. Provincial lord: Queen Rohaja of Gareth, represented by
Princess Irmegunde of Ravensmouth
Garetia Capital City: Rommilys
Provincial lord: Queen Rohaja of Gareth Darpatia also suffered under the Borbaradian invasion, yet
The lives and aspirations in this core province of the empire is far more fortunate than Tobria. In earlier times, the province
really center around one goal: to feed almost two hundred extended all the way to the Radrom River, where Black Sickle
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The Nations of Aventuria
and the Troll Peaks form today’s eastern boundaries. Refugees Information for the Highlord
live here in great numbers, and large untouched forests are The Middenrealm is home to more than one and a half million
just waiting to be turned into useful farmland. New settlers humans, but even that is not enough to do more than thinly
receive all possible help, as the Darpatian people are hearty and populate the land. There are still many areas without even a
welcoming, worshipping and living under the peaceful laws of single human soul: these are the places where black magicians
Travia. Even the House of Ravensmouth (which will govern build their towers, brigands go into hiding and where druids
and witches perform their rituals. Here, the sinister past all too
until the inauguration of the still youthful Queen of Gareth)
often meets the present—in short, it is a great place for explorers.
follows the commands of the laws of the Benevolent Goddess The Highlord of a Middenrealm campaign should differentiate
precisely—at least when it comes to marriage policies and the between the provinces—he or she is encouraged to come up with
protection of the family’s welfare. a few additional regional oddities and strange customs.
This land offers a wide potential range of tension-filled
Meadows interactions between feudal nobility, merchant families and
Provincial lord: Walpurga Lionhead of Meadows, residing guilds of uprising cities, as well as the many different orders and
at Trallop churches that are trying to spread the word and glory of one of the
Twelve. All this calls for a genuine hero to struggle in the name
This province is the center of Aventuria’s cattle farming.
of justice. Tobria, Darpatia and the city of Perricum are all good
Cattle barons (some coming from noble families) maintain
base camps for most expeditions into the Black Lands—the latter
huge parcels of grazing grounds, live in luxurious mansions, offers many expeditions that lead into the demonic empires that
enjoy their wealth thoroughly and are otherwise quite hostile lie beyond the Black Sickle and The Troll Peaks.
towards each other. These large-scale entrepreneurs do not
shy away from unconventional methods when they seek to
eliminate competition. Aside from these cut-throats, however,
Important Places
true Rondralike knighthood does still exist in its traditional ways
in most parts of Meadows.
of the Middenrealm
Unrest and riots broke out when Lord Baeromar of Angbar
Goltring-Meadows placed himself on the throne without even Residence of the princes of House Boarstem and capital of the
asking first; with help from the Northern Reaches, Duchess Kosh kingdom; largest dwarf settlement outside of the mountain
Walpurga defeated the troublemaker. Subsequently, the kingdoms; it is also the center of Aventurian craftsmanship.
Northern Reaches duke Jast Gorsam now has influence in the
entire area all the way to the Pandlaril River. Population: 5,000 (35% dwarfs)
Additionally, the infamous Borbaradian campaigns actually Insignia: A red dwarf bagpipe against a golden backdrop
started in the area of Meadows, leaving a scar upon the land. It was Government/Politics: Imperial Prefect Bosper of Stippwitz;
in a valley between the Red Sickle and the Dragon Stones that a imperial city
sinister magician conjured up the Demon Master; today, a barren Garrison: 3 companies of Imperial Angbar Sappers, 1 banner
desert of dust still reminds the traveler of this sacrilegious act. of Imperial Angbar Longswords, 1 company of Royal Kosh
Halberdiers, 2 squadrons of Royal Angbar Battle Riders, 50 dwarf
militia, 10 Guard Sheriffs (bodyguard of the prince)
History Temples: Ingerimm, Rondra, Boron, Hesinde, Efferd, Phex,
993 b.H.: The Second Demon Battle near Brig-Lo; Bosparan Praios, Tsa
falls, Gareth becomes capital city, Raul is crowned Special Features: Angbar is home to the main temple of the
Emperor human rite of Ingerimm; silver and iron mines outside of the city;
808 b.H.: Slavery is outlawed the castle of the white magic order of Rohal’s Guardians; guilds
660–527 b.H.: Age of the Priest Emperors and trade associations are of major importance; many local dwarfs
527–404 b.H.: Reign of Rohal the Wise engage in fishing
403–398 b.H.: War of the Wizards Important Pubs and Taverns: House Sirbensack Hotel (best
249–241 b.H.: Elmstone separates from Middenrealm house in town, Q10/P8/B18); Bagpipe (dance Hall, Q7/P5); The
233–219 b.H.: The Khôm Desert separates from Middenrealm Bloody Bull (Q4/P4/B22)
18 b.H.: Reto seizes power Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Grisom, son of Gorben (a
10 Haal: Ogres destroy Tobria and burn down Ysilia; Battle of blacksmith), the wheelwright’s shop Artaxesh and Sons (building
the Thousand Ogres in the Trollgap war chariots for 800 years)
17 Haal: Emperor Haal disappears mysteriously in Fountland; Mood in the City: Inviting, friendly towards dwarfs
Answin of Ravensmouth seizes the throne
17–19 Haal: (Third) Ork Storm Baliho
18 Haal: Answin’s regime topples; Brin of Gareth becomes The center of Meadow’s cattle business; the town is divided
Protector of the Empire
into the two parts: the northern part is the home to the nobles of
29 Haal: Third Demon Battle in the Trollgap, Brin dies; Emer
ni Bennain becomes regent of the empire the city and is well-maintained; the southern part of the city is
29 Haal: Crown Princess Rohaja, daughter of Emer, becomes wild, but not run-down or abandoned. It hosts most of the area’s
Queen of Garetia, Almada, Kosh and Darpatia entertaining establishments.
62 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Population: 3,100 Important Pubs and Taverns: Father River Guesthouse (Q5/
Insignia: Two silver wagon wheels against a red background, all P5/B18); Hotel by the Triumph Arc (best place in town, Q10/
under a wall crown P10/B15); Grapnel’s (miserable establishment, Q1/P3/B16);
Government/Politics: Count Avon Nordfalk of Mossground; imperial city the Pensioners House, Water View (lower medium price range,
Garrison: 1 company Dragonsgate Pikemen, 1 squadron Ducal Q4/P4/B10)
Meadows Horsemen, 10 knights (under the authority of the Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Darka Danzmann, ship
count), 20 town bailiffs owner; many dwarf weaponsmiths
Temples: Phex, Praios, Rahja, Travia, Shrine of Efferd Mood in the City: Open-minded and tolerant, the way a trade city
Special Features: The Sword and Shield Warrior School at a water ought to be; the people of Elenvina are moderately well off and
castle north of the city; a 1,000-year old oak serving as a gallows tree generally appreciate culture over simple entertainment
Important Pubs and Taverns: Silver Coin (cattle driver’s bar, not
entirely safe, Q3/P4/B10), Emperor’s Pride and Ork’s Demise Elvenhus
(Q5/P5/B12), the North Star Game House (Q8/P9), Hotel
This is a port city on the Great River, located between the
Pandlaril (P8/Q8/B22)
Iron Forest and the Kosh Mountains. The city is separated by
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Jobdan Boswitz and
Marja Ganjeff (cold-blooded cattle barons) the river, with ferries keeping the two parts connected. The
Mood in the City: Many quarrels and fights between cattle drivers northern portion of the city is home primarily to the dwarfs; the
or rivaling cattle barons; everyone’s dagger is sheathed loosely and southern part (the actual city) holds the port and all temples
ready for a fight except that of Ingerimm.
Elenvina Eslamsgrub
Trade city on the banks of the Great River, protected by the This small city is an important trade station and resting
ducal castle of the Northern Marches. The city consists mostly place. Approximately 100 houses sit inside its city walls. In some
of grand architecture, such as the triumph arc, the Trade Hall places, the destruction caused by the Ork Storm is still visible.
and the temple of Praios. The latter is quite splendid, second
only to the Gareth Sun Palace. Population: 1,500
Insignia: Golden grain above a blue wave-lined shield on a red
Population: 4,000 (about 150 dwarfs) background; a wall crown sits above
Insignia: Golden duke’s crown on blue above a blue miniver; the Government/Politics: Town marshal Ginaya of Deepensprings;
images are separated by a waveline imperial city
Government/Politics: Imperial Prefect Quendan of House Garrison: 1 squadron of Griffinsford Border Horse, 8 town
Twinbridge Castle bailiffs
Garrison: 3 banners of Imperial Northern Marches Pikemen, 1 Temples: Peraine, Praios, Rondra, Travia
banner of Ducal Riverguards, 100 mercenaries from the Order of Special Features: Beer—a specialty called Eslam’s Brew
the Thunder, 30 town guards Important Pubs and Taverns: Pale Ork Skull (affordable
Temples: Efferd, Hesinde, Phex, Travia, Praios accommodation, Q3/P4/B12+1); Riva Parlor Guesthouse (hearty
Special Features: The Academy of Leadership Magician’s meals with plenty of turnip syrup, Q6/P7/B12)
Academy (control, white); the dome of the Trade Hall is the Mood in the City: Orks are hated by most, and hairy humans are
largest free-standing dome in Aventuria; the town hosts an organ met with suspicion; otherwise, Eslamsgrub is a very hospitable
built by elf Silverkind and the dwarf Ingrosh; a local trademark is and welcoming place
the Elenviner, a thoroughbred horse. Town History: Emperor Eslam II had this city built as a trade
station between Warkhome and Griffinsford
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The port brought modest wealth to this city. The streets are Population: 189,000
built in an orderly fashion and are well paved. The flow of goods that Insignia: A red fox against a golden background
travel from Gareth and the central empire to the west coast turned Government/Politics: Mayor and council of Gareth (from Old
out to be quite a profitable business for the (taxing) authority. Gareth); magistrate under the order of the Count of Raul’s March
(from New Gareth); council and city of Kilngrounds; a overseers
Population: 2,450 (about 4% dwarfs) of the treasury; court and military affairs in the southern quarter
Insignia: Three blue tournament lance-heads on silver Garrison: 250 town guards plus garrisons of several Royal and
Government/Politics: Regent Ernbrecht of Roachbow governs in Imperial regiments
the name of Count Grovin of Great River Temples: all Twelvegods (many temples twice), additional deities
Garrison: 2 squadrons Imperial Ferdok Lanciers (all female), 15 such as Ucuri, Aves or Simia
town and 10 royal customs guards patrolling the river Special Features: Magician’s Academy of Magical Armor (anti-
Temples: Efferd, Ingerimm, Peraine, Phex, Praios, Rondra magic, white); Sword and Staff Magician’s Academy (battle,
Special Features: The famous Light Ferdok Barley Brew (known white); major Praios temple in New Gareth (City of Light, home
well throughout Aventuria); the first major port on the Great to the Sun Palace); important Phex temple (patron deity of the
River; the tin foundries are known for their artful miniatures; the city) and Ingerimm temple (guilds); imperial residence; Demon’s
local count is a dwarf Fallows (cursed since the First Demon Battle); Silk Meadows (the
Important Pubs and Taverns: River’s Devil (Q4/P4/B12), battlefield where the orks were once defeated).
Ferdok Court Hotel (Q8/P8/B16); Beaver’s Castle (Q3/P3/ Important Pubs and Taverns: Hotel Sea Eagle (probably the best
B28); Hammer and Anvil (Q5/P5/B10); Anchor’s Place (shady establishment in all of Aventuria, Q10+/P10+/B32); Elm Staff
establishment, Q4/P3) Hotel (mostly magicians, Q6/P8/B22); Sword and Armor Hotel
Mood in the City: This town wants to be more tolerant than (adventurer’s and mercenary’s pub, Q5/P4/B38); Hero’s Rest
Gareth, thus people take it upon themselves to be thoroughly Hostel (for the modest traveler, Q2/P2/B36)
straightforward Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Thorn Eisinger, the
blacksmith of a hundred heroes; wheelwright Ferrara; every trade
Gareth and craft available in every degree of quality
This capital of Middenrealm is without a doubt the largest
city of Aventuria and is home to more people than, say, the The History of Gareth
entirety of Fountland. Nearly all Aventurian goods—be it whale 1869 b.H.: Founding of Gareth by the Bosparans
blubber from Frisov or shrink-heads from the rain forest—can 1864 b.H.: Attacking ogres decimate the population and the
be found here. size of the city
The city’s core, Old Gareth, is the only part of the city 1611–1610 b.H.: Revolt against Haldu-Horas’ drastic increase
of taxes; the Emperor brutally squashes the rallying
encircled by a wall; generous avenues, ostentatious town houses
and huge chancellery buildings characterize this quarter. 1562–1561 b.H.: Renewed revolt against the cruel leadership
Wealthy noblemen and rich merchants live in splendid mansions of Fran-Horas, the First Demon Battle takes place south
(surrounded by gardens that are more like huge parks) in New of the city
Gareth, the western part of the city. This quarter is also home to the 994/993 b.H.: Hela-Horas declares herself a goddess;
New Imperial Residence and the Sun Palace, the main temple of she publicly executes a delegation from Gareth and
Praios—together they are the center of worldly and clerical power. subsequently triggers a mighty uprising; this war leads to
The South Quarter presents itself in quite a different light. the Second Demon Battle near Brig-Lo and the eventual
People here appreciate the small things in life, such as catching looting of Bosparan; Gareth becomes capital of the New
a fat street-rat before the stray dog gets to it (even better if one
393 b.H.: Orks suffer defeat by the gates of the city in the battle
catches the dog along with the rat!). Narrow alleys, sky-high by Bloody Fields
house blocks, burned ruins, skewed shacks, prostitutes and 249–241 b.H.: Elmstone separates; Gareth is now capital city
impoverished beggars, as well as the random corpse in a dark of Middenrealm
corner, are a typical sight in this part of town. 21 b.H.: Day of Shame, outrage over a scandalous audience
The Kilngrounds, a section of the city just east of Old with the imperial twins Bardo and Cella
Gareth, offers an only slightly less horrid picture. Gigantic 18–1 b.H.: Reto forcefully claims the throne
house blocks dominate the scene, and there is only little space 0–17 Haal: Emperor Haal
left for anything else. Occasionally, a fire will clear entire 17–18 Haal: Answin Crisis
17–19 Haal: Ork Storm, the Blackfurs are defeated by Silk
blocks—coincidentally, that might just be the same location that
a wealthy investor had in mind for future projects. 17–28 Haal: Brin of Gareth becomes Protector of the Empire
Steedknoll, a village north of the city, is slowly growing 21–23 Haal: Schism within the church of Praios
together with the ever-expanding metropolis. This settlement 28 Haal: Night of the Burning Sky–Borbarad’s flying demons
houses a cattle market, racetrack and countless farmhouses. shower the city with fire
Many refugees from the defeated eastern provinces have 29 Haal: Inauguration of Rohaja as Queen of Garetia
“settled” here; these people work as day laborers and otherwise
live from hand to mouth.
64 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Griffinsford Population: 25,700
Griffinsford suffered terribly under the Ork Storm, but by Insignia: a silver crown over waving silver lines on a blue
now locals have repaired most of the damage. The city stretches
Government/Politics: residence of King Cuanu ui Bennain and
all around Praios’ Mountain, where both the temple and Queen Invher ni Bennain, his daughter
margrave’s residence have their place. Most wealthy citizens live Garrison: One banner each of the I and II Imperial Albernian
on Praios’ Mountain area as well. Guards Regiment, 2 squadrons of the Royal Bodyguards Regiment
“Niamad Bennain” (heavy cavalry) 2 banners of the Havenian
Population: 3,800 Riverguard Regiments (longsword), 1 squadron Abilactrian Light
Insignia: A golden griffin on a blue background Horse, 100 city bailiffs
Government/Politics: Margravine Irmenella of Griffinsford Temples: all Twelvegods except Firun
Garrison: 1 squadron Imperial Griffinsford Border Horse, 1 Special Features: Magic is forbidden except for magical healing.
banner of Provincial Griffinsford Longswords, 3 companies of Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Branch offices Gerad
town militia and a dozen town guards Ongswin & Son and Alvida Rastburger
Temples: Ingerimm, Peraine, Praios, Rondra, Travia, Tsa City History: Founded in the year 1869 b.H. by the members of
Special Features: An important temple of Praios; fortified castle an expedition under Admiral Sanin, but was nearly destroyed 200
in the port’s entrance; desecrated ritual site to Peraine where the years later by orks. After 1611 b.H., became the Prince’s residence.
Duglums Plague once entered the city; dog race in Rahja After Rohal’s disappearance, the weakened city was ruled by
Important Pubs and Taverns: Count’s Head (Q6/P5/B22); Boot several factions of mages, each acting in their own best interests,
(Q4/P5/B12); The Thirsty Horse (Q5/P6/B24) until Niamad Bennain, descended from river pirates, finally
Mood in the City: Optimism and a willingness to rebuild what defeated the mages and officially put a ban on the use of magic.
has been destroyed; a heartfelt hate for anyone who looks even That ban remained for a long period, only loosened in 12 Haal.
remotely like an ork The most destructive event in the city’s history was the Great Sea-
quake of 16 Ing. 291 b.H. where Efferd, in his rage, sent a giant
Harben flood wave (‘The Deluge of Wrath’) to wash over the city; only
This capital of the Windhague province has been built 5,000 of the city’s original 60,000 residents survived.
Mood in the City: loyal to Efferd and mercantilistic, traditional
into the mountain on terraces; from the landside, one can reach
Albernian; though the finest days of the Havenian docks are
the city only via a small, guarded mountain pass. South of the long over; nevertheless still an important trading harbor on the
fishing harbor is a heavily fortified military port (sporting its own Middenrealm’s western shores. The Boron Cult and magicians
Rondra temple), main naval base of the Imperial Western Fleet. are both mistrusted and feared.
Population: 1,700
Insignia: Three silver ships, arrayed in an inverted triangle in
Twice the capital of Albernia, both times Honeyngton
front of a blue backdrop; above sits a wall crown
Government/Politics: Imperial Prefect Bosper of Mersington; ceded the honor to Havena. The city’s people see themselves as
imperial city residents of the second largest city of the province, and thus as
Garrison: 1 banner Royal Albernian Elite Guard, 2 banners of big-city dwellers. However, they bear little grudge against the
Provincial Windhague Axmen, 900 sailors and naval warriors Havenians—the widespread reverance for Peraine has taught
Temples: Efferd, Praios, Rondra the residents humility. Honeyngton’s central location makes it
Special Features: An important temple of Efferd; military port the heart of Albernia, much more than the “outback” metropolis
Important Pubs and Taverns: Dolphin (soldier’s pub, Q3/ Havena could ever hope to be.
P3); Hotel Admiral (Q8/P9/B14); Masthead (well-managed
establishment, Q5/P5/B12) Residents: 2,697
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Female shipwright Insignia: Quartered, in the first and fourth fields is Saint Teria’s
Trondhilde Azzenbrat, who can even patch fishnets earthen pot and honeycomb in gold on red, in the second and
Mood in the City: Strangers are often suspected of spying third fields are the Prince’s Crown and the three-towered gate in
silver on blue.
Havena Government/Politics: Residence of Countess Franka Salva
The largest harbor city in the western New Realm, Galahan, ruled by Reeve Cuil ui Harmlyn.
Albernia’s capital of Havena lies at the mouth of the Great Garrison: one banner of the II Imperial Albernian Guards
River. In addition to wealthy neighborhoods of villas, one can regiment, one banner of the Royal Bodyguards Regiment
also find farm yards and closely build poor neighborhoods “Niamad Bennain,” one squadron Abilactrian Light Horse, 30
city guards
contained within the city walls. In the west of the city the Lower
Temples: Peraine, Hesinde, Praios, Tsa, Boron, Phex, Travia
City stretches, the part of town that in 291 b.H. was destroyed Special Features: St. Teria’s Honey crucible, every four years
by a large earthquake, and is still regarded as being cursed. Honeyngton’s Bard gathering.
Havena is an important trade city, that has left its prosperous Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Paper manufacturer
days far behind. Karjelin, Family Braelghan (maker of Honeyngton sausages),
Apiculture Vialligh.
City History: Founded around 1820 b.H. as a leper colony,
Honeyngton grew quickly, due to the miraculous healing of
the sickness through the Goddess Peraine, earning it status as
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Provincial capital. Served as capital until 1611 b.H. when the Warkhome Guards), III Imperial Home Guards regiment (The
Prince’s residence moved to Havena. In 291 b.H. was again Troll Peaks), 4 banners Royal Garetian Halberdiers, 2 squadrons
for a period of 20 years the Prince’s residence after Havena was Royal Garetian Horse Guards, 2 banners Provincial Perricum
destroyed; before and afterwards was the second most important Sabers, about 1,000 sailors and sea soldiers of the Royal Sea of
Albernian city. Pearls Fleet, as well as a constantly changing number of knights of
Mood in the City: friendly and hospitable, as long as guests respect the Ardarite Order and the church of Rondra.
the laws of Travia and Peraine. Still proud of their former status Temples: Efferd, Rondra, Praios, Boron, Hesinde, Phex,
of Prince’s City, and maintains the seat of the most important Ingerimm, Rahja
Countess of Albernia. Special Features: Perricum has recently strengthened its position
as military outpost against the Dark Lands; it is home to Lion’s
Kyndoch Castle (the highest temple of Rondra and the seat of the Sword of
Swords), a castle of the Ardarite Order, the admiralty of the Sea
The Windhague town of Kyndoch is located right by the
of Pearls Fleet, and an IGIA residence as well as the High Castle
intersection of the imperial highway and the Great River (the of the Order of the Gray Staffs; Magician’s Academy School of
barony sitting on the other side of the river goes by the same Exorcism (anti-magic, white), which trains exorcists and soul
name, yet it belongs to Northern Marches). This small town healers and has already treated many war veterans.
ships mostly fruit, wine (the (in)famous Windhague Tongue- Important Pubs and Taverns: Emperor Reto Hotel
Twister), grains and wood to the rest of the continent. Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Armory and tool shop
Rutaris and Daughters
Population: 1,250 Mood in the City: A restless city; the last frontier before the Dark
Government/Politics: Town mayor Efferdan Windock Lands, so a visitor is likely to meet many refugees, warriors and all
Garrison: 1 banner Royal Albernian Pikemen kinds of brave (or reckless) characters
Temples: Efferd, Phex, Travia
Special Features: ferry across the Great River
Important Pubs and Taverns: Wave Breaker (Q4/P4/B10);
History of Perricum
Ferryman Hotel (Q7/P9/B12); Wild Pig (Q1/P2/B12) About 2700 b.H.: Tulamide settlers from Khunchom founded
Mood in the City: Torn and rugged-looking adventurers may this town under the name of Nebachot
be mistaken for escaped convicts coming down from various 1865 b.H.: St. Leomar along with Bosparan troops captures the
mountain camps city; renamed to Perricum
Perainefords Punin
This is the capital of Free Tobria by the upper Tizam River. Almada’s capital is, after Gareth and Havena, the largest
Duke Bernfrey of House Ehrenstein resides in an estate close to city in the Empire, and is influenced by the Garethian, Horasian
the Peraine monastery. During recent times, the construction of and Tulumidian cultures. Wide-reaching trade agreements,
city fortifications (palisades) was completed. Many refugees live the Acadamy of Higher Magic and the two Aventurian main
in this city, and most goods are short in supply and expensive. temples (Boron and Tsa) make the Imperial city on the Yaquir
a melting pot of the most diverse peoples and occupational
Population: 4,000 (most of them refugees from southern Tobria) groups; they also and have an important influence on the skills
Insignia: A silver stork above a silver wave-lined shield against a of the city. Due to this mixture, the citizens are somewhat less
green backdrop, a wall crown is shown above hotblooded than the country Almadani, yet still proud advocates
Government/Politics: Chancellor Delo of Gernotsprings of their ideals and traditions.
Garrison: 1 regiment Tobrian Home Guards, parts of the Wolf
Guard regiment, mercenaries of the Storm Banner Residents: 20,300 (10% Tulamides/Novadis, 1% each elves
Temples: Peraine, Rondra, Firun and dwarfs)
Important Pubs and Taverns: Gleaming Steel (Q3/P3/B20, Insignia: two crossed golden keys on a green background
provides only one large sleeping hall) Government/Politics: Burgomaster Rinaya di Madjani
Mood in the City: Varies between optimism and despair, as almost Garrison: one banner each of the I–III I&R Almadanian Guards
everybody here has experienced a tragic loss Regiment, 3 banners of the Great Prince’s Bodyguards Regiment
“Eslam” (light cavalry), 3 squadrons of the Puninian Horse Guard
Perricum cavalry (ravensbeaks), 1 squadron of the Imperial Valquirian
This port city by the mouth of the Darpat River is a Horse Archers, one banner each of the Ragathian Cuirassier
Regiment and the Heavy Guard Horse Regiment “Yaquir,” one
stronghold of the Rondra church and serves as an important
squadron Tulamidian riders, 100 city guards.
outpost in the fight against the Dark Lands. Temples: All Twelvegods except for Firun; main temple of Boron
(Rite of Punin), very important Temple of Tsa, in addition
Population: about 10,000 temples for various divine children and demigods, one prayer-
Insignia: A silver dolphin jumping over a golden sabre, on a blue house to Rastullah.
backdrop Special Features: Eslamidian residence, Mada thermal baths,
Government/Politics: Imperial city gladiator (in reality: show fighters’) academy, Yaquir Stage, arena
Garrison: (currently, most of the troops listed here exist only for horse and wagon sports, and the Academy of Higher Magic
on paper): I Imperial and Royal Garetian Guards regiment (grey, metamagic), once founded by Fran-Horas.
(Perricum Guards), II Imperial Darpatian Guards regiments (II
66 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: long-established merchant Population: 1,400
family Sfandini (printers) and Galandi; important but less traditional Government/Politics: Town Master Odumir of Ibenborg-
are the Assirefs (armorers) and Ganielle Dallenstein (art trade) Ibenborg; imperial city
City History: Founded in the year 1847 b.H., the ‘Heart of Garrison: 1 company Imperial Northern Marches Crossbows, 1
Almada’ was long fought-over, as desert riders of the Adamantine banner Ridgesrock Honor Guards
Sultanate raided north of the Yaquir river; magician’s academy Temples: Boron, Ingerimm, Peraine, Praios, Rondra
founded in 1612 b.H. by Crown Prince Fran (the latter Fran- Special Features: Small misdeeds are punished with rigid fees;
Horas). During the following centuries place of many bloody hot sulfuric springs; due to high tariffs, goods and products are
feuds of the Almadanian nobility; Prince’s Residence in 991 more expensive than for dozens of miles around
b.H., Free Imperial City in 201 b.H.. In 18 Haal the ‘Battle of Important Pubs and Taverns: Wild Unicorn (Q3/P5/B16); Kosh
the Twelve’ took place before the town gates, leading to the city’s View Hotel (Q6/P9/B20); The Wise Count, Pensioners Hotel
renunciation of the rule of Answin the Usurper. (Q4/P6/B10)
Mood in the City: Culturally a colorful mixture of Tulamides, Town History: Count Greifax the Crazed ruined the city with his
Novadi, Middenrealmians, Horasians, dwarfs and elves; very outrageous military spending
open to magic and enterprises. Tension between “Peppersacks” Mood in the City: Sometimes a traveler will encounter suspicion
(rich merchants) and ancient nobility, rich and poor, adherents of and mistrust—Count Greifax enforced and cultivated this
the Twelvegods and Rastullah believers. attitude during his reign
Ragath Rommilys
The seat of the Count of Ragath acquired its status as Darpatia’s capital by the Darpat River. Several princely and
Imperial City in 25 Haal. In order to buy their freedom from the count residences, as well as other city houses belonging to noble
count, the residents indebted themselves to Radia of Franfield families, line the streets of the Oldcastle city quarter. A Praios
of Ragathsprings, Reeve of the hinterland. That generated a temple, an IGIA branch office and a monastery of the Order of
competition for power between the Imperial Reeve and the the Banishing Light are located here. The southwest quarter of
Reeve of Ragathsprings. The former Tulamidian-influenced the city hosts various entertainment venues and a Rahja temple.
Almadanian style of construction is now hard to find; both
the fortress and the city are mostly builtin old Gyldenlandian Population: 8,900 (and an additional 1,000 pilgrims
and the newer Garethian styles. Buildings in the wealthier and refugees)
neighborhoods are predominantly constructed of stone, with Insignia: Two big red keys next to each other on a golden
background, a rose above
hints of both grandeur and fortification.
Government/Politics: Prefect Godefried of Gorz-Windwater
Garrison: 1 regiment ‘Ogrewatch’ Imperial Darpatian Guards,
Residents: 1,830
a company of Royal Darpatian Guards (‘Troll Peaks Blades’), 50
Insignia: Golden Griffin on a red background (now halved)
town guards
Government/Politics: Imperial Reeve Sforigan of Ragath, who is
Temples: All Twelvegods
attempting to deflect the influence of the Reeve of Ragathsprings
Special Features: Institute of Information Magician’s Academy
Garrison: 2 squadrons of the Imperial Ragathian Battle Rider
(clairvoyance, white); main temple of Travia; community houses
Regiment (in a state of rebuilding), 1 banner of the Yaquirian
of the Mephalite Order, the Badilakan Order and the Order of the
Heavy Guards Regiment (pikemen), 20 mercenaries of the
Banishing Light; exemplary sewage system.
“Almadanian Bills,” 30 Castle Guards of the Count
Important Pubs and Taverns: Pearl of Darpat Hotel (elegant
Temples: Praios, Rahja, Peraine, Ingerimm (old cult) Phex
guests, game tables Q10/P10/B27); Holy Sword (Q4/P4); The
Special Features: If the city debts, including interest, are not repaid
Lively Darparelle (Q5/P5/B12); Travia’s Stove (pilgrim’s hostel
to Radia of Franfield by 37 Haal, her family will retain control of
close to the Travia temple, Q4/P1/B40+)
Ragath as a security; city also has a magnificent Temple of Praios
Mood in the City: Rommilys’ people view their city as the
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Caya Culfaran (smith),
stronghold of order, loyal magic and good manners, opposing the
tin foundry of Garosh, son of Giltrax, Winepress Jarcosan
neighboring Dark Lands
City History: In 1866 b.H. the fortress Ragath was founded, and
then overrun by goblins 300 years later. In 991 b.H. declared
county seat; Imperial city since 25 Haal Taladur
Mood in the City: Ragath is one of the best fortified cities in the The Imperial City, Taladur is in many respects a border city;
province, guarding the gate to Almada; the citizens are proud it lies at the edge of County Forestguard, is the last outpost of the
and upstanding dwarf residents of Anvil and Iron Forest, and last station on the
Iron Path to Kosh and the Northern Marches. The pursuit of
Ridgesrock wealth and influence, familial feuds and political intrigue are
Ridgesrock is surrounded by walls that are far too mighty for standard operating procedures for the city’s clans, whose rivalry
this poor town; in the heart of the city sits a castle that is also quite with each other—focused on gaining the most strength and
over-sized. The Ridgesrock people live mostly from woodcutting power—is embodied by their ‘battle towers.’
and mining. The local passage through the Kosh Mountains—
the Griffin Pass—ensures a steady income through custom fees,
yet the city is so hopelessly indebted that these measures could
hardly help to accumulate any wealth for its citizens.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Residents: 1,350 (around 15% dwarfs) 150 town guards, 50 artillerymen and siege engineers, 10 Imperial
Insignia: Golden tower with ramparts and gate, on blue Treasure Guardsmen
background Temples: Efferd, Ingerimm, Praios, Rahja, Rondra, Tsa
Government/Politics: Residence of Count Rabosh, son of Special Features: Important temple of Praios; a monastery of
Reshmin of Forestguard; ruled by Imperial Reeve Salatori the Holy Order of the Banishing Light; Warkhome Imperial
Ernathesa Academy of Strategy and Tactics; the home of the imperial ducat
Garrison: 30 Axemen of Count Rabosh, 1 group of Pikemen mint; a ferry crosses the Dergel river
(Lansquenets of Taladur), diverse mercenaries of the nobility Important Pubs and Taverns: Night Drill (soldier’s pub, Q3/P3),
Temples: Ingerimm, Travia Count’s Hotel (Q8/P9/B15), Mother Travine’s (Q5/P5/B14)
Special Features: 16 fortified towers of various noble families Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Armorer Bakshan Arvo
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Zayxobar Armory, Mood in the City: The enemy is never far away; the virtues of
Tandori Wiremill, Ubolosh Silver Smith, Hayando Falconry, discipline, strength and loyalty are of crucial importance within
Amazetti Bronze Smelter this “steel heart of the empire”
City History: Former dwarf trading post with the elves of the
Yaquir valley, Taladur gained prestige for the humans with the Winhall
settling of Almada; the residents inherited the dwarf virtue, but
Lying at the southern bank of the Tommel river, this small
also gained their quarrelsomeness.
city is the portal to the Kingdom of Nostria. Ruled for years by
Mood in the City: Diligence and humorlessness plague the
Taladurians—nowhere else in Almada exists so much competition the mostly-absent Count, then Margrave Raidri Conchobair, the
amongst the residents; the Imperial Reeve has the law on his side, city has only recently woken from its blessed sleep under his
but Clan Tandori is the real power. ambitious daughter Rhianna. The construction of the Temple of
Rondra was completed—and dedicated to the memory of Raidri
Trallop Conchobair—under the name “Temple of the Sword King.”
This city by the shore of Lake Lamprey spreads over
Residents: 1,389
four islands and sits by the mouth of the Pandralil River.
Insignia: Black raven with outstretched wings over a black city
The population lives off of trade with Baliho, Uhdenmount, wall, on a silver background
and—to a small extent—Thunderbrook (a dangerous road Government/Politics: Residence of Countess Rhianna
west of Lake Lamprey through the Fog Moors connects Conchobair
Trallop and Thunderbrook). Garrison: 1 banner of Imperial Albernian Axemen (in the process
of rebuilding), 30 Winhallian Tommel Guards
Population: 3,500 Temples: Rondra, Boron, Praios, Peraine, Firun,
Insignia: A silver lamprey against a blue background, a wall Special Features: Important Boron temple, Temple of the
crown is pictured above Sword King (Rondra), Rondra’s Art of Sword-Fighting Warrior
Government/Politics: Duchess Walpurga of Meadows Academy
Garrisons: 1 banner of Imperial Meadows Guards, 1 squadron Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Herxen family (hides
of Ducal Lanciers (‘Round Helmets’), 3 banners of Ducal and furs)
Pikemen, 1 banner of Ducal Guards, 80 knights of the Order of City History: Built around 1690 b.H., over the ruins of
the Thunder Tommelsford, which had been destroyed by orks, Winhall was the
Temples: Boron, Firun, Peraine, Phex, Praios, Rahja, Rondra, Travia capital city of the fiefdom of the same name, (which seceded from
Special Features: Important Phex temple (Hall of Mist); the Albernia in 248 b.H. under Count Conchobair). In 189 b.H. Count
houses belonging to the Therbunites and the Badilakans orders Hjalbin lost his freehold to the Bennains as a gambling debt; it was
are the only accommodations in this town; trade fair 12–15 Phex bestowed to Raidri Conchobair by Prince Cuanu ui Bennain of
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Tradesman Trallop Gorge Albernia in 10 Haal. Since 21 Haal given to Margrave Raidri by
Kolenbrander Imperial Protector Brin, the province fell back to Albernia after
Mood in the City: A general mistrust for strangers his death. Cuanu awarded Rhianna Conchobair, the illegitimate
daughter of Raidri, the fiefdom after her father’s death.
Warkhome Mood in the City: Rurally friendly
A mighty wall as well as a ditch encloses this garrison city
in northern Darpatia (‘The Iron Heart of the Empire’); the
count’s castle sits on a rock in the southwest of Warkhome.
Clean, rectangular street design, pretty houses and several large
barracks dominate the city’s appearance.
68 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Ingerimm’s Governors—The Dwarfs of Aventuria
Areas: Anvil, Iron Forest, Kosh Mountains, some in Darkencrest The dwarf society consists of four different cultures: the Ore,
and northern Rashtul Wall Anvil, Hill and Diamond dwarfs (for the sake of completeness,
Estimated Population: 37,500 (9,500 Ore dwarfs, 8,500 Anvil dwarfs, the Wild dwarfs in Brazen Sword and the Deepdwarves from
7,500 Hill dwarfs, 4,500 Diamond dwarfs, 4,000 dwarfs in several Orkland should also be mentioned).
different human cities all over the continent, 1,000 in Darkencrest,
The Geodes hold a special position in society—they view
1,000 in Dragon Stones, 800 Wild dwarfs, 700 Deepdwarves)
Important Cities and Villages: Xorlosh (1,600) themselves as mighty “deonts of the earth,” living a quite
Dominant Religions: Angrosh (Ingerimm) faith non-dwarf lifestyle among the woods and meadows. When
Rulers: High king of the dwarf peoples, Albrax, son of Agam; examining the Geodes, one has to distinguish between two
Mountain King Arombolosh, son of Agam (Freehold Forest different schools: the Servants of Sumu view the world as filled
Guard, Anvil dwarfs); King Cendrash, son of Odmar (Diamond with spirits and souls with whom one has to live in harmony.
dwarfs); King Nirwulf, son of Negromon (prefect of the Hill The Masters of the Earth, on the other hand, attempt to put
dwarfs); Mountain King Tschubax, son of Tuagel (Freehold themselves above the inanimate environment, trying to channel
Xorlosh, Ore dwarfs); Mountain King Fargol, son of Fanderam its energies.
(Freehold Iron Forest, Ore dwarfs); Mountain Kings Gilemon,
son of Gillim (Freehold Koshim, Ore dwarfs); Gorfar, son of
Gurobead (Imperial Domain Shradok, Ore dwarfs). The Dwarf People
National Symbol: Two crossed hammers in front of a flame above
an anvil (symbol of Angrosh) Ore Dwarfs
Social Structure: Dwarf tribes and clans determine the politics of
The conservative ore dwarfs, the largest and oldest of the
mountain kingdoms
Influential Families: The age of a clan greatly determines its
dwarf cultures, live in underground cities in the areas of the
importance Kosh Mountains, Ingra Knolls and Iron Forest. Their lifestyle is
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: Mountain highly traditional, providing them with a complicated ritual for
King Raxamosh (in alliance with the elves, he defeated the orks almost everything they do.
near Saljeth); Organa, daughter of Ordamon (she defeated a The ore dwarfs greatly respect age; brotherhoods, guilds,
horde of dragons led by Pyrdacor’s son in 8200 b.H.); Brandan orders and warrior clans play a major role in their society. Ore
(also called Brendan, a mighty Geode that defeated Pyrdacor’s dwarfs dislike leaving their home for long periods of time,
creatures in 5200 b.H.). which is why “small” errands are often handed over to the
Strange Locations: The Gorge (volcano, sacred site to Angrosh, in
traveling adventurer.
nortern Rashtul’s Wall); Malmarzrom, the ‘Cave of the Hammer’
(Ingerimm/Geode sanctuary in Anvil Mountains)
Local Festivities and Holidays: Annual holidays are uncommon; Anvil Dwarfs
Kosh’s native festivities (Angbar Trade Fair 21–23 Ingerimm; Most humans would characterize the common Angrosho
Kosh Valley Beer Fest on first Market and Praiosday in Travia) are as a quarrelling, hard-drinking loudmouth who does not
celebrated together with the human population. especially care about hygiene (to say the least). While untrue
as a whole, these stereotypes do fit the dwarfs that inhabit the
The Angroshim caves, meadows and woods of the Anvil area. While ore dwarfs
adhere to sinister rituals and ceremonies, Anvil dwarfs lead a bit
The Dwarfs—the Angroshim—are strong, long-lived,
and tenacious. With a height of about 1.4 paces, they are not less rigid of a life: drinking, feasting, bawling along to thumping
exactly the tallest creatures of Aventuria, but neither are they rhythms and bagpipe screeches and maybe a genuine fistfight
the shortest). They are known for their frugality, as well as are the features of a good pastime.
their ability to handle their drinks. Dwarfs are not exactly quiet Other dwarf people, whose culture is quite similar to that of
and—as rumor has it—they have a strong aversion to water. the Anvil dwarfs, live in Dragon Stones and Darkencrest.
The Angroshim worship Ingerimm, whom they call
Angrosh, and it is in his place that they protect the treasures of Hill Dwarfs
Ethra. The most important property of every dwarf people is the This people of Angroshim may be the most ‘weighty’ of
Holy Hall, each inside of a mountain. The dwarf kingdoms are all dwarf cultures, for they appreciate nothing more than a
headed by Mountain Kings, who act more like high judges than good meal and their greatest invention—the Ferdok beer. Hill
absolutist monarchs—often they serve as mediators between dwarfs live in the foothills of Kosh Mountains around the Lake
humans and dwarfs. In times of great threat, the dwarfs may Angbar area; mineral resources in this region are scarce (thus
also elect a High King, an honor that is currently bestowed upon they do not live in caves but circular huts). The art of forgery is
an Anvil dwarf by the name of Albrax, son of Agam. well known to hill dwarfs, although they have not refined this
The core of a dwarf community is the clan, whose kinsmen craft as well as other dwarf cultures did. Further, they care little
are usually related. These clans will are loosely affiliated by about accumulating wealth; quite contrary to their brothers and
tribes; the common Angroshim is far more devoted to his clan, sisters, they are happy to spend their gold on a comfortable and
however, and feels less loyalty to the tribe as a whole. joy-filled life.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Diamond Dwarfs a legendary, lost city in Orkland said to house unimaginable
Diamond dwarfs engage in trade and maintain a thievish treasures. Deepdwarves avoid the light. Until recently, they lived
culture, just as Phex would have it. Regarding the arts, they are only in mountain caves that surround the Orkland; now, they
blessed both by Angrosh and Hesinde. Their city and Holy Hall are slowly spreading into the Middenrealm area.
was located in the Beilunk Mountains area, but the Borbaradian
invasion forced them out. Currently, diamond dwarfs are Information for the Highlord
exploring the Goldenrock and Rashtul’s Wall regions. Dwarfs may trust a group of humans when it comes to small,
petty affairs, however, an important task does require a dwarf
to accompany a group of characters and vouching for his non-
A Dwarf City dwarf comrades.
A typical dwarf typically sits by the edge of a valley and is by
no means exclusively an underground settlement. The furnaces
often sit under the open sky (due to the poisonous gases that Important Places
develop during the smelting process) along with gardens, lakes,
sheep pastures and maybe some living houses.
of the Dwarfs
A thick wall, upon which crossbowmen stand guard, often
secure these cities. A massive steel gate bars the way into the
This city, hidden in a valley in the northern Iron Forest,
mountain where one can find forgeries, mushroom gardens,
is the sacred home of the Angroshim and the residence of
quarters, weapon chambers and of course, the temple to
Mountain King Tschubax, son of Tuagel. This settlement is built
Angrosh, the Holy Hall.
both above and below the ground. It sports furnaces, magnificent
houses and temporary quarters for the dwarfs that visit the city
(those are located just outside of city walls). A heavy steel gate
History of the Dwarf People leads to the inside of the mountain, which protects tool shops,
About 8500 b.H.: Founding of Xorlosh quarters, weapon chambers and the Holy Hall of Angrosh.
About 8200 b.H.: Battle of the Burning Sky: dragons
attack dwarf settlements and mines, only Xorlosh Population: 1,500 (only dwarfs)
survives Government/Politics: Mountain King Tschubax, son of
About 6000 b.H.: First Angroshim settle in the Anvil Tuagel
area Temples: Angrosh
Special Features: Main temple of the dwarf Ingerimm
About 5100 b.H.: Formation of the first devotional
following; humans can visit this city only with a rarely
brotherhood of Angrosh, which leads the religious granted permission
movement Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Dwarfs are
About 4500 b.H.: Introduction of Rogolan as the first naturally great craftsmen
universal written language of the Angroshim Town History: Xorlosh was built about 8,500 years ago and
4065 b.H.: Day of Wrath, for the first time in history, is therefore the oldest known settlement of Aventuria
dwarf is slain by dwarf; Aboralm’s people flee north Mood in the City: A joyful mood paired with a devout
and the sons of Brogar move into Brazen Sword Angrosh faith
1876 b.H.: Anvil dwarfs attack a Bosparan army outpost;
they encounter Gyldenland people for the first time
1134 b.H.: With the help of Elf King Tasilla, Mountain
King Raxamosh defeats the orks by Saljeth (later
883 b.H.: The Lex Dwarfia is announced; this document
assures the special privileges of the Angroshim
28 Haal: Albrax, son of Agam, becomes high king
70 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
In the Name of Holy Horas—
Fairfield and its Bordering Provinces
Geographic Borders: Windhague Mountains, Goldenrock, High
Society and Economy
Eternans, Loch Harodrol, Sea of the Seven Winds The nobility is the ruling class in the Horasrealm, yet
Terrain: Phecadi Valley, Yaquir Valley, Lower Yaquiria, Land of enterprising town-patricians challenge this power structure.
Sikram, Chababia, Drôl March, Cyclops Islands The Horas empress repays services to her state with titles and
Mountains: Windhague Mountains, Goldenrock, Eternans honors, drawing many noblemen to her court and encouraging
Rivers and Waterways: Yaquir, Phecadi, Sikram, Onjet, Chabab, them to delegate their power as defenders and governors of the
Harotrud land to the State Council of the Golden Eagle. This order of
Estimated Population: About 600,000 (Horasians) mostly scholars of civilian and state law represents the imperial
Important Cities and Villages: Vinsalt, Kuslik, Grangor, Arivor, administration, which over the last years has developed into a
Methumis, Neetha, Belhanka, Silas, Bethana, Drôl, Rethis,
mighty, self-sufficient and hard-to-control bureaucracy.
Teremon, Horasia, Aldyra, Pertakis, Bomed, Thegun
Important Traffic Routes: Imperial roads: Seneb–Horas Socially, however, the nobility still stands for the status quo
Road (Bethana–Arivor–Methumis–Neetha), Yaquir Road for which even the richest merchant strives. Cabals and duels
(Kuslik–Vinsalt–Brig-Lo); Royal roads: Goldenrock Highway of honor, salons and lounges (where the political, cultural,
(Grangor–Vinsalt–Marudret–Methumis), Coastal Highway artistic and scientific elite meet) mark life in this upper strata of
(Grangor–Drôl) society. The nobility occupies itself with mistresses and pet dogs,
Dominant Religions: Twelvegods belief, especially Hesinde, sparkling ‘Bosparanian’ champagne and perfumed tobacco,
Rahja, Rondra, Efferd, Nandus, Peraine and Tsa (the latter among sporting wigs, laced handkerchiefs and calling cards—titular
peasants); holy Horas as mediator between gods and humans importance is crucial. Nowhere else in Aventuria will one find
Rulers: Empress Amene-Horas, governing as Amene III, Queen
more ranks and varying degrees of power (there is a Genuine
of Yaquira
National Symbol: A gold and red eagle on green (symbolizing Secret Councillor and a Governing Court Councillor, for
Yaquiria), a golden sun disc on blue (representing the Old instance). Here are some noble titles of ascending power (titles
Empire) in italic represent titular ranks that hold no estate or governing
Social Structure: Feudalism with an ascending middle class living power): Esquirio/a, Signore/a, Cavalliere/a, Gransignor/a,
in the cities Baron/ess, Comtess/a, Count/ess, Marchese/a, Duke/Duchess,
Important Noble Families: Firdayon (imperial family, controlling Granduco/a, King/Queen, Emperor/Empress.
Horasia and Chababia), Thaliyin (Kingdom of Hylailos), Trade companies hold most of the economic power, their
Berlinghan (Dukes of Methumis), Garlishgrotz (Dukes of business relations extending from Ifirn’s Ocean to the Forest
Grangor), Marvinko (Sikram County), Oikaldiki (Thegun
Islands. Some bank and trade houses even hand out shares
Local Heroes and Saints: (Arch-)Holy Horas, St. Geron, St. that are traded by investors and speculators. Wealthy families,
Lutisana, St. Thalionmel, St. Rahjalina; several local saints newly-rich merchants and manufacturer owners dominate the
Strange and Peculiar Locations: Ruins of ancient Bosparan; the city life. Ceramic, linen and luxury goods such as glassware
hunting castle Baliiri near Vinsalt (declaration of independence); and mechanical devices are mass-produced by privileged
Mantrash’Mor in Goldenrock (monastery to all the Twelvegods); manufacturers–’classic’ guilds have little influence. Advanced
the stronghold of imperial dragon Shafir in the High Eternans; technologies also gave rise to printing houses, which now
citadel of Uppercrags (one of the most modern fortresses publish novels, non-fiction books and even periodicals.
in Aventuria); Chabab Fords near Neetha (miracle of St. The country is spotted with mansions, small summer castles
and large estates; a Barony is separated into several different
Local Festivities and Holidays: 7 Pra.: Horas’ appearance
(official ceremonies); 8 Ron.: Fall of Bosparan (reflection and estates (each of a few villages) belonging to the rural nobility or
commemoration); 20–29 Hes.: Vinsalt Opera Days; 19 Tsa: stewards of the royal houses. Many people are desperately poor;
Independence Day, 4 Per.: Day of Thalionmel (local holiday in they survive as day workers or traveling harvest helpers, pulling
Neetha); 8–12 Rah.: trade fair and carnival in Grangor; 20–25 carts with their meager belongings from one farm to another in
Rah.: knightly tournaments in Arivor. hope of some work.
The empire is divided into the Kingdom of Yaquiria
A good thousand years after the fall of Bosparan and the (Fairfield proper), the Kingdom of Drôl, the Kingdom of Both
destruction of Fairfield by Garetian armies, this region has risen Hylailos (the Cyclops Islands) and the colonies on the Forest
once again as a mighty and highly developed empire, competing Islands, all four political entities having different political
with Middenrealm in many ways. The diverse landscape is power, of course.
characterized by warm sun, sufficient rain and fertile soils; there In Yaquiria, the wealthiest and most important part of the
are still untouched cedar forests and marble ruins dating back to empire, the power of the Queen and Empress is held in check by
the Bosparan Age. the Crown Convent (comprised of representatives of the cities,
World of Aventuria 71
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The Nations of Aventuria
the clergy and the nobility), convening every three months in
Arivor to discuss and influence laws and political priorities.
2485–1850 b.H.: Horas’ appearance and time of settlement;
The Empress is supported by two factions of the Crown the Gyldenland people move into Fairfield and announce
Convent: the Hesinde Patriots emphasize the importance of Bosparan to be their new capital
culture and technology; they tend to favor inner reforms such 1849–1612 b.H.: Peace Emperors. Bosparanians acquire large
as reconstruction and education programs. This group is led by parts of western and central Aventuria
Princess Aldare, State Secretary (and Hesinde deont) Abelmir about 1550–1150 b.H.: Dark Ages. Fairfield remains as one of
of Marvinko, and Duke Eolan of Methumis. The Horas Patriots the last strongholds of civilization
support political and military might and glory, an extended 1155–993 b.H.: Kuslik dynasty. These rulers strengthen the
system of treaties, expansion of the colonial estates as well as the country; Silem-Horas emphasizes culture and codifies
Twelvegods belief
radical defeat of all unrest. The Archduke of Horasia, Hakaan of
993 b.H.: Fall of Bosparan: the population of Gareth rises
Horasia, is their best known spokesperson; State Marshal Folnor against conjurer-empress Hela-Horas, destroys the capital
Sirensteen and State Admiral Gilmon Quent are naturally in and loots the surrounding areas
favor of this group’s aspirations. 935–250 b.H.: Kuslikan Age: Fairfield continues to be exploited
The other factions are basically loyal to the state as well, yet and oppressed under the rule of the Kuslik Dukes;
they stand up for their own interest with stern opposition to the however, Rohal the Wise allows for the construction of
patriots: the Rondrians symbolize the old knightly world view Vinsalt in the area of ancient Bosparan
and the lower (rural) nobility; they disagree to modern armies 249–241 b.H.: War of Independence. Count Khadan Firdayon
of mercenaries, imperial dominance, bureaucracy, the power vows along with other noblemen to fight for the
independence from the Middenrealm (the meeting takes
of merchants and other modern affairs. Nepolemo ya Torese, a
place in the hunting castle of Baliiri); after 8 years of civil
very influential man, is their leader: as ‘Archregent’ he governs war, Fairfield becomes an independent kingdom under
the county Arivor, as High Deont the local Rondra following, Khadan I, and the Firdayon family moves into the king’s
and as Grand Master and Seneschal the Ardarite Order. Another castle; the ducal family of Galahan maintains control over
Rondrian leader (for the time being) is Duke Cusimo of Grangor. Kuslik
The Libertarians work towards freedom of thought 17 Haal: Horas-Proclamation. A document proves that the
and trade, refuting imperial customs, political pressures and Firdayon family descended from Silem-Horas; Queen
bureaucracy—some even advocate the distribution of positions Amene III assumes the title of Horas and subdues the
based on merit rather than blood. Their official representative Cyclops Islands as well as Drôl
26 Haal: Princess Kusmina of Kuslik attempts several times
is Count Mondino of Belhanka, an individual known for his
to have the queen killed; instead, she is exposed and
ability to live life to its fullest (despite his lack of property). executed. The house of Galahan is stripped of all its
Other libertarian supporters include tradesmen such as the power, and the Princedom of Kuslik becomes part of
wealthy shipowner Fiaga ya Terdilion. the Archduchy Horasia; many additional constitutional
The Kingdom of Drôl has no king per se; a senate of nine changes are passed without much opposition from the
Drôl city patricians (‘His Majesty the Senate of Drôl’) takes crown convent
care of political affairs and governs the area that extends north 27 Haal: After border skirmishes, the Congress of Oberfels
of Mengbilla. The Guardian of Order, Marchese Praionor VII results in the Peace of Weidleth, a treaty between the
di Balligur, shares his influence with a wealthy trade company Middenrealm and the Horasrealm, which settles all
border disagreements
owned by Senator Fildorn di Cerastelli. Overall, the Drôl people
are interested in spreading the glory of their home city.
72 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Information for the Highlord Garrison: 2 companies of Hylailian Naval Mercenaries, 20 town
The Horasrealm is a land of modern culture and technology, as guards
well as of political conspiracies and intrigues. Common heroes are Temples: Rahja, Efferd, Tsa, Peraine
either uncultivated Middenrealmian or northern people, making Special Features: The city is scattered across several islands by the
a mess of everything they start, or they are part of the Horasian mouth of the Sikram River. Belenora is the main island hosting
society, eager to gain social status and constantly striving for respect the flower market and the magic school, Spiritwalk Academy
among their military, clerical or academic peers. If presented that (movement, gray); Jardinata is home to the palazzo of the count
way, the Horasrealm is ideal for a cloak-and-dagger-style game, and the mansions of the patricians; Paradisela hosts the Rahja
with an emphasis on courage, diplomacy, style, humor, elegance temple (where the lover of the goddess is chosen once a year)
and the always slightly inflated attitude. Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Trading house and
For adventures that go beyond lodge houses, tea parties and shipping office Terdilion, caravel dockyards Cabazzo, six different
glamorous ballrooms, one can embark on expeditions into perfume manufacturers
the colonies or search for the forgotten ruins of the ancient Town History: After the fall of Bosparan, Belhanka was one of
Bosparan days. the first cities to revive again as the Cup of Rahja was brought
here; the growing wealth enabled the citizens in 4 b.H. to buy
the count’s political power before his wasteful spending ruined
Important Cities of the the city.
Horasrealm Mood in the City: Belhankans indulge into the sensuous and the
artful, while the scent of perfume lingers in the air.
Arivor Bethana
This conservative “City of Rondra” unites the power of This old port town is home to the Aventurian main temple
nobility, church and order. of Efferd.
Population: 7,370
Population: 1,580
Insignia: Quartered, green and silver, two passant black lions in
Insignia: Half-split and divided, a black anchor on silver in the
the top right corner
top right quarter, a silver trident in a golden crown on blue in the
Government/Politics: Arivor is governed by an arch-castellan
upper left quarter, the bottom half pictures a golden Horas eagle
appointed by Nepolemo ya Torese, the seneschal of the Ardarite
on green
Order and ‘Archregent’ of the county of Arivor
Government/Politics: Baroness Hesindiane of Bethana-Aralzin
Garrison: A company of Ardarite warriors
and the city council preside over town regulations
Temples: Rondra, Hesinde, Travia, Boron, Tsa, Rahja
Garrison: 1 company of Archducal Horasian Bowfolk, 10 town
Special Features: The ruins of the old castle sit next to the theater
(where the Crown Convent meets) on Goldenhelm Rock; below
Temples: Efferd, Hesinde, Travia
Goldenhelm, in Swordfields, the tournament court, the High
Special Features: Bethana hosts the Efferd temple in which
Castle of the Ardarites, the Rondra temple and the Palazzo
the Keeper of the Circle (the highest deont) resides; the loyal
Acano, the magistrate building of Arivor county, mark the center
magician’s academy Hall of Perfect Battle (combat, white);
of power.
the IAC credit bank emerged from the oldest trading house in
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Saladan the Blacksmith
Town History: The Horas Emperors used to reside in Arivor
Town History: It was here where Gyldenland settlers first stepped
during the winter; after the fall of Bosparan, both goblins and
on Aventurian ground; the settlement grew around a monument
the Garethians looted this city until Lutisana of Kullbach, along
devoted to Efferd and even survived the destruction that followed
with eleven companions, defeated the goblins and founded the
the fall of Bosparan
legendary Order of the Theater. Since then, the city is closely tied
Mood in the City: A quiet, sleepy town consisting of old buildings
to Rondrian culture, and the High Deont is also the ruler of the
and narrow alleys
surrounding land.
Mood in the City: The people of Arivor despise most modern
ideas; many of them manufacture weapons; the city becomes a Drôl
hotbed of intrigues during the Crown Convent’s meeting Known for its velvet lace, this city shares the cultures of
both Fairfield and the Southern Colonies.
The flourishing trade city of Belhanka is known for its Population: 2,200
Insignia: Divided red over gold, top the golden crown of the
sensuous arts and its close ties to the church of Rahja.
kingdom of Drôl, bottom a red rose
Government/Politics: A nine-headed senate of patrician families
Population: 4,870
rules the kingdom and the city of Drôl
Insignia: Quartered, silver and red; a green garland of roses with
Garrison: 50 town guards, 1 company of royal halberdiers, 100 sea
red blossoms in the upper right corner, a golden cup with a red
soldiers and mercenaries
heart in the upper left, a rampant horse in the bottom right corner
Temple: Efferd, Phex, Boron, Rahja, Praios
and a purple grape in the lower left
Special Features: Drôl is known for its artful flower arrangements
Government/Politics: Belhanka is a free city under the rule
(real, painted or carved), the town park with its hanging gardens
of a powerful city council; the impoverished count is solely a
must be the most exceptional example. The numerous lace shops
representative figure
helped the city accumulate its wealth.
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Town History: After the fall of Bosparan, Drôl became the Kuslik
capital of a province that extended from Neetha to Chorhop. A bastion of knowledge and the arts, culturally Kuslik is
The eventual loss of Neetha changed the fortunes of the city,
one of the leading cities in Aventuria.
the di Balligur family (long holding the title of a Margrave and
Guardian of Order) lost its power to the citizens. In reality,
Mengbilla controlled the city until the Horasrealm conquered Population: 21,800
the land. Insignia: Half-split and divided, a linen scissor with three needles
Mood in the City: Southern customs dominate—a joy of living, in blue on silver in the upper right, open folio with the letters HH
corruption and a certain carefree attitude prevails; numerous in silver on blue in the upper left, golden Horas eagle against a
domestics from the Chirakah tribe of forest people characterize blue background in the bottom half
the city picture Government/Politics: Archduke Hakaan is also the Baron of Kuslik;
Burgomaster Efferdan Pitchstone leads the city’s administration
Garrison: 100 town guards, 1 company of the Archducal Guard, 1
Grangor company Baronial Guard, 400 marines, 100 naval mercenaries
This wealthy city of islands and channels is the most Temple: Hesinde, Praios, Rondra, Efferd, Peraine, Phex, Tsa,
important port for the trade with the Aventurian North and the Rahja plus numerous shrines devoted to a countless number of
main naval port of the Horasrealm as well. saints and demigods
Special Features: Kuslik is the major stronghold of the church of
Population: 9,850 Hesinde and further maintains the largest library in Aventuria (Hall
Insignia: split in white and black, on each field a lily in reverse of Wisdom). The town has three magician’s academies: The white
colors Hall of Antimagic, the Hall of Metamorphosis (transformation
Government/Politics: A free city; its rich citizens elect a new of the inanimate, gray) and the Institute of Arcane Analysis
Town Master every five years (independent, no specialization). The Hall of Arts and the Magical
Garrison: 120 town guards of the Twin-lily Guard, 30 channel Theater are proof of the artistic ambitions of the Kuslikans.
watchmen, 40 mercenaries, about 2,000 sailors and marines of the Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Royal Kuslikan Coaches
imperial fleet wheelwrights
Temple: Efferd, two Travia temples, Phex, Tsa, Boron, Rondra, Town History: This ancient town, once founded by Horas himself
Peraine, many additional shrines as Cuslicum, used to be Bosparan’s seaport by the Sea of the Seven
Special Features: Grangor sits on four islands by the mouth of Winds. The wise Kuslik Emperors, who led the Old Empire into a
the Phecadi River, the islands are interconnected via numerous bright future, originate from this area. After the Fall of Bosparan,
bridges; the only peculiar attraction is the local School of the city was a regional capital, but since the independence, Vinsalt
Apparitions (illusion, grey) has become more dominant as a center of politics and intrigue.
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Liegerfield & Sandfort Mood in the City: Kuslik is conscious of its tradition, independent
trading company and quite skeptical of the cult and power of Horas authorities.
Town History: A water dragon destroyed this ancient city three The people here are friendly towards Gareth; they have an overall
times, Thorwalians plundered it more than once. With the cosmopolitan character.
independence came the status of a Free City; since then, Grangor
has grown to a leading mercantile power in northwest Aventuria. Methumis
Mood in the City: Grangor is a flourishing and modernized trade city, The enormous university, a prestige object of a scholarly
its citizens are known for their uprightness and matter-of-fact attitude duke, largely influences Methumis and its character as a city.
Population: 3,400
Insignia: Three blue fish on silver, accompanied by three black
fishing hooks
Government/Politics: In place of his brother Count Eolan, Prince
Romin of Berlinghan rules the city
Garrison: 1 company of ducal guards, 50 sailors and marines of
the Imperial Horasian Navy, 25 town guards, about 50 students
of military arts
Temple: Efferd, Hesinde, Tsa, Rahja, Phex, Ingerimm
Special Features: The Count Eolan University has faculties all
over the city; one of them is the Academy of Magical Knowledge
(clairvoyance, white). This institution is one of only a few
higher schools that exist in Aventuria; also famous are the town
fortifications (‘Colorful Walls’), the probably largest fresco painting
in Aventuria, and the New Residence in the northern part of town.
Town History: Methumis came to be under the rule of the Peace
Emperors, but was destroyed after the Fall of Bosparan; the city
revived only after the independence
Mood in the City: The students, which come from all parts of
Aventuria, give the city its charm—its bustle outdoes even the
busy local port
74 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Neetha Hesinde temple; the lizard garden near the Tsa temple is home to an
The “White Guard,” for a long time the southernmost city unbelievable number of different reptiles from all over Aventuria.
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Radox & Dollberg
of Fairfield, is militarily up to date but lacks economic strength.
Town History: Once home to the mighty and pompous Silem-
Population: 5,500 Horas palace near the Sikram bridge, the good location led to the
Insignia: Two crossed red swords over a red four-piered bridge on founding of Silas on the spot of the ruined palace after Bosparan’s
silver, blue waves below Fall; the local Marvinko family once almost acquired the throne
Government/Politics: Residence of Archduke Timor Firdayon of of the Emperor.
Chababia Mood in the City: This is a busy place; the countless Diamond
Garrison: 3 companies I&R Vinsaltian Pikemen, 1 squadron Dwarfs, most of them are jewelers or goldsmiths, during the last
Uppercrag Light Horse, 4 companies Archducal Chababian years even refugees from the Beilunk Mountains, are a visible
Pikemen, 1 company of the Ardarite order, 50 marines of the trademark of Silas.
Horas fleet
Temple: Rondra, Praios, Efferd, Hesinde, Rahja, Phex, Tsa,
Horas Vinsalt
Special Features: Neetha is home to the Thalionmel Bridge (a The capital of the Horasrealm is naturally the political center,
place of pilgrimage for many followers of Rondra) and to a castle but it also competes with Kuslik over cultural importance; the
of the Ardarite Order; a castle of the Gray Wands sits by the glamour and glory of the Horas Court permeates the entire city.
Chabab River
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: The dockyards of Igurio Population: 19,850
and Daughters; Archducal Corset Manufacture Insignia: Rohal the Wise (in natural colors) holding a red model
Town History: After the fall of Bosparan, Neetha was assigned of the city, on silver
to the province of Drôl, after the independence the deeds of Government/Politics: Baron Tanglan of Vinsalt, powerful town
St. Thalionmel protected it against the Novadis. The growth guilds and naturally the court of the Emperor all influence local
of the Horasrealm has yet to benefit this region; however, the politics
recapturing of the Cyclops Islands by Amene-Horas’ troops has at Garrison: Imperial Body Guard Regiment “Horas’ Guard,” 5
least brought an end to Neetha’s isolation. companies II Imperial Elite Guards, 1 squadron I&R Vinsaltian
Mood in the City: Neetha was cut off from Vinsalt for a long time, Guard Horse, 50 temple guards, 50 town bailiffs
so the locals have become very stubborn and suspicious. Temples: All Twelvegods, Phex and Travia each twice; shrines to
several demigods (especially Horas and Nandus)
Silas Academies: The warrior-academy Art of War and Life; the
Silas is known for its Hesinde temple and the craftsmanship magician’s academy Anatomic Institute (healing, white)
of the many local dwarfs. Special Features: The debris of old Bosparan ruins was used
in construction of the modern palace and on temple hills; the
Population: 3,300 (10% Angroshim) old Bosparan city south of the Yaquir is a run-down, dangerous
Insignia: Two silver bugles with golden belts over a silver place and a hot-bed of crime, but a grandiose palace quarter is in
greyhound with a golden collar on red planning for “Southern Vinsalt.”
Government/Politics: Countess Irionya governs this city in place Town History: The ruins of Bosparan were long deserted; only
of her son, Count Croenar of Marvinko Rohal eventually allowed for the construction of Vinsalt; initially,
Garrison: 3 companies of the count’s halberdiers, 20 town guards this city was the residence of a count and (since the independence)
(5 of them are market guards), 20 channel custom guards also of the king; it is now the Emperor’s official seat.
Temples: Hesinde, Tsa, Ingerimm, Peraine, Efferd Mood in the City: Joyous, turbulent and always a bit dramatic
Special Features: The Temple of the True Serpent dates back and blasé.
to Bosparan times and is—next to Kuslik—the empire’s main
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The Nations of Aventuria
Isles of Fire—The Kingdom of Both Hylailos
“The Isles of fires by the edge of infinite waters. A last sign of culture borders elementary
— from the notes of Harika of Bethana on her voyage to Gyldenland
Prisoners of the Horasrealm toil away in numerous mines,
Geographic Borders: Sea of the Seven Winds, the Cyclops
while banned noblemen live a much easier life: Their ‘home’ is
Terrain: Pailian Volcanoes, Kingswood (forest in the middle of the Merymakon, a complex of mansions on Hylailos that sports
Hylailos) even an old Gyldenlandish stadium.
Mountains: The volcanoes Amran Nemoras (2,000 paces high) The islands and their secrets tempt and attract all kinds of
and Nun’Kun’tur (both on Pailos), Amran Kutaki (on Kutaki), folk: Alchemists search for sulfur, cinnabar and other substances.
Amran Khallas (on the western shore of Pailos) Daredevils visit the fairies in their spellbound forests, while the
Rivers and Waterways: Sea of the Seven Winds, Cyclops Sea (area truly brave explore the abyss of volcanoes, hoping to find a
between the islands), Sea of the Mourning Bells (west of Pailos), cyclops and perhaps acquire one of their valuable weapons.
Nyssides (sole year-round river, Hylailos)
Estimated Population: 20,000
Important Cities and Villages: Rethis, Teremon, Garen (on History
Hylailos) 1868 b.H.: Discovery of the islands and initial settlement by
Important Traffic Routes: Coastal road on Pailos and Hylailos Gyldenland people
Dominant Religions: Twelvegods belief, especially Efferd, 1830 b.H.: Appearance of the griffin Garafan in Baltraea
Peraine, Rahja 1646 b.H.: Rohafan the One-Eyed has all followers of Praios
Rulers: Palamydas Thaliyin A’Layis Hyphon dyll Rethis, the Sea killed
King of Both Hylailos 1560 b.H.: A stream of refugees arrives after the First Demon
National Symbol: The symbol of the Horasrealm along with Battle
the old insignia of the Cyclops Islands (a golden eye with 1559 b.H.: Pailos demands independence; after the victory of
a red eyeball on blue) as a heartshield on the chest of the Thalassocratess Menkirdes she proclaims: “Pailos is mine,
Horasian Eagle as if it were a second Hylailos,” coining the term “of both
Social Structure: Feudalism, no important middle class Hylailos”
Important Noble/Influential Families: House Thaliyin (family 1111 b.H.: “Unity of Land and Sea” treaty with the fairies
of the Sea King), Cosseira (Dukes of Teremon) (initiated by King Merymakos I)
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: Gil-Pathar, 241 b.H.: The Peace of Kuslik suspends all trade relations with
a legendary cyclops blacksmith; many cyclopes, minotaurs and Fairfield and maintains the island’s loyalty to the Emperor
fairy creatures of all kinds; Algor Tonn (alchemist, inventor of in Gareth
the Hylailian Fire); several sea kings, especially: Odenius the 61 b.H.: Sea King Palamydas disappears during a hunting trip
Ingenious (mechanical wonders) and Merymakos I (established 18 Phex 17 Haal: the Treaty of A’Layis Hiphon; Mermydion II
the “Unity of Land and Sea” treaty with fairies). secures independence from Middenrealm via an alliance
Strange Locations: Labyrinths, fairy woods (Hylailos, Phenos), with the Horasrealm
Oracle of Praios on Baltraea, gigantic “Columns of the Sky” 4 Praios 18 Haal: Mermydion II dies; Amene becomes the
(Mylamas); on Pailos: Rainbow Falls of Tsa, the Fifth Lighthouse, queen of both Hylailos and Pailos
ruins of Palakar (necropolis destroyed by a volcano). 27 Haal: Sea King Palamydas returns from the fairy forest
Local Festivities and Holidays: Last Windsday in Peraine: 20 Hesinde 27 Haal: Palamydas vows loyalty to Amene and
Regatta of the Seven Winds (from Teremon to Rethis); every 4 becomes Sea King again
years in the beginning of Boron: Regatta of the Brave; 1 Praios:
crowning ceremony of the Sea Kings.
Information for the Highlord
The sunny, dry and often barren islands off the coast of the The Cyclops Islands are like a mystical extension of the
Horasrealm offer their inhabitants a relatively safe life, one far Horasrealm: today a duel in Vinsalt, an affair with Countess O.,
away from wars and demonic threats. The biggest islands are tomorrow on a hunt for minotaurs. While adventures in Fairfield
home to the only two large cities, Rethis and Teremon; besides have a more worldly character, it is ‘on the Cyclopes’ (as the Horas
people refer to these islands) where one can easily run into fairies,
those there are only a few fishing villages and pirate hideouts.
fauns and water sprites.
The islands produce some well-known goods: Phraisheep
After all, the islands are also a place of ancient traditions and
wool, spices, Efferdfruit (cuttlefish, mussels etc.) and the highly stories; they were never harmed by wars or foreign troops, and so
valuable purple. it’s possible that some distant mystery—maybe even dating back
to the early age of Gyldenland settlers—still awaits discovery.
76 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
Important Cities on the Teremon
The dark houses are lined up along a steep cliff, topped
Cyclops Islands by the duke’s residence; a bay offers incoming ships protection
against storms.
There is a constant bustle between the white lime-washed Population: 1,610
houses of the capital city. Ships from all harbors and the Insignia: A white steed and a golden purple-mollusk on purple
Horasian fleet dock here regularly. Government/Politics: The town prefect is Brilydion A’Hiralphis
dyll Lyios, in the name of Duke Berytos Cosseira, who counteracts
Population: 2,020 the power of the Sea King and the Horas by working only towards
Insignia: White over blue, the upper white half shows a black his own hedonistic interests
ship, the blue half depicts two silver dolphins Garrison: About 150 sailors and marines of the Imperial Horasian
Government: Prefect Aldemar of Highrock and Marvinko in the fleet, 1 company of the Sea King’s guard, 25 town guards and port
service of Amene-Horas and Sea King Palamydas watchmen
Garrison: 300 marines and sailors of the Imperial Horasian fleet, Temples: Rahja/Aves, Efferd, Hesinde
2 companies of the Sea King’s sea guards, 1 company of Arivor Special Features: Library/cartography in the temple of Hesinde;
Longswords, 15 town and port guards Love Caves in the Rahja temple (statue of the many-breasted
Temples: Efferd, Praios, Tsa, Horas shrine Rahja); mighty fortifications that protect the city against pirate
Special Features: A stone light house in the shape of a Cyclops; attacks
A’Layis Hiphon, the castle of sea kings; the Merymakon, a penal Important Pubs and Taverns: Cyclops View Hotel (luxurious,
colony (an additional 500 “locals”) outside of the city Q7/P8/B30)
Important Pubs and Taverns: Silver Jug (modest and simple, Mood in the City: One lives a calm life, yet always in the shadow
Q7/P7), Green Moon (bad reputation, Q4/P4), The Flying Fish of ducal festivities and the troops of Horas
(port tavern, Q3/P4/B10), Travia’s Castle (the name says it all,
Q6/P5/B50), Pirate Scare (sailor’s tavern, Q4/P5/B8)
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Purple-dye shops,
dockyards of the Sea Kings
Town History: Since its founding in 1849 b.H., the fates of the
archipelago were determined from within this city
Mood in the City: The outlook on life is typically southern and
easy-going, yet everyone works hard and with devotion
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The Nations of Aventuria
Arania is an important economic power, home to many by Satraps, ‘viceroys’ or governors of the Adamantine
peasants and craftsmen. In addition, the area is home to the Sultanate; only over time do the mighty Satraps of
Moon Office Merchants (called Mada Basari in Tulamidian), Nebachot regain their confidence to accept the sultan’s
a lay-order of the God of Trade that owns many caravans and title once again
About 1865 b.H.: War against the Bosparanians: the last
outposts throughout the Tulamidian lands (rumor has it that
sultan of Nebachot falls; his widow, Dassareth, unifies
this group shares some not-so-public information with Aranian the wealthy Oron region with the remains of Nebachot
royalty). Princess Sybia, a trade lord’s daughter, is referred to and chooses Zorrigan to be her new residence; under her
as “Moonsilver Sultana” and is considered the highest deont of and her successors’ rule, the region comes to be known
Phex; she both leads and represents the Mada Basari Order. It as Haranija, Land of Queens; formally independent since
is common to buy one’s way into noble ranks by accumulating 1702 b.H.
wealth through business or adventure—earning money is 1200–750 b.H.: Moonsilver Age: Arania flourishes (climaxing
considered entirely reputable among the Aranian people. about 1,000 years ago); Queen Mygdonia, a blessed
Women are held in high esteem in Aranian society. Contrary regent, resides along with King Arkos (the First) at
to southern Tulamidian customs, females hold domestic power: Zorgahan; Arkos is a courageous fighter who wields the
the privilege of controlling the treasure chest and maintaining a blade Zhimitarra—the Amethyst Lioness—and is one of
dominant position in trade affairs has emerged from common the twelve founders of the Order of the Theater; the court
is also home to Pher Drodont, a magician who is quite
household duties, while the ideals of knighthood ask of men to
familiar with dragons
treat women with courtesy. A husband himself will be insulted From 738 b.H. on: Garethian Age: after King Amaryd’s death
if his wife does not attract any adorers—the romantic wooing of and the loss of the Amethyst Lioness, Queen Ithome is
a lady is a sign of status also for the mate, and chastity is only a forced to hand the kingship to Emperor Menzel; Arania
minor concern. becomes an imperial province led by local princes, while
The 100-man strong knightly Order of the Rose is a bright Goria and Khunchom are added; the War of the Wizards
example of military as well as artistic unity, dedicated to the and the Zorganpox take their toll on the land; under the
protection of the Church of Rahja and its teachings. The Bearer lead of Emperor Reto, Arania becomes outpost and supply
of the Amethyst Lioness, Mhaharan Arkos Shah, is the head of base for the campaign against Maraskan; Sybia al-Nabab,
a Zorgan far traders’ daughter, marries the Aranian Prince
the order. In general, orders of various gods or saints are very
Muyaraban a year before Reto leaves his position; she soon
common to Aranian culture, and many monasteries (some of becomes the mother of Arkos and Dimiona
them being the most wealthy land owners) host more or less Since 2 Haal: Independence: in the name of Prince Arkos,
god-fearing brotherhoods and sisterhoods. Some abbots are even Sybia discontinues all tributes to Gareth and plans for his
recognized as Haranim or Beyrounim of the surrounding lands. future inauguration.
These monasteries are often cultural and academic centers of an 25 Haal: Dimiona fails in her attempt to kill the Prince Arkos
entire region. 26 Haal: Prince Arkos is crowned Prince and Heir-Apparent
Witches band together into a special kind of sisterhood; and marries Princess Eleonora Baburin
they exist in great numbers and have quite some considerable 28 Haal: Dimiona tries again to gain control over all of Arania;
she fails and instead separates the Elburian region, the
power, as guild magic is shunned (and once even prosecuted)
later Mogul Empire Oron, from Arania
by officials for centuries. Even the Grand Vizier of Arania, Mara Praios 29 Haal: Kingdom of Arania (Maharanyate) is
ay Samra, is a publicly known witch. It is not clear if they have proclaimed
anything to do with the numerous wild cats that stray the cities
and villages without harm, but it is certain that anybody who
harms such a cat would have to face the anger of all Aranians. Information for the Highlord
Arania seems to have sprung right out of “1001 Arabian Nights,”
History filled with smart-talking djinni, wise story-tellers, seductive
dancers, deceitful traitors, ancient monuments and treasure
2900-2500 b.H.: Age of the Fire Peoples: the sultanates
Nebachot (around the area of Baburin and Perricum), chambers that offer great opportunities for exotic adventures.
Oron (around Elburum), Goria (around Anchopal), Those could be developed around artifacts from ancient times,
Khunchom (by the Mhanadi and on the Yalaiad romantic love affairs or bold spy jobs and mighty spells. In this
peninsula) and Gadang (around Fasar) existed in the area region, adventurers are highly respected individuals—that is, if
of modern-day Arania fortune is on their side.
2500-2325 b.H.: Magician-Moguls: wizards from Fasar control
Aranian lands, building many now-deserted or -lost
towers and forts
Important Cities in Arania
About 2325 b.H.: Scorpion Wars: Khunchom Sultanate defeats
the Magician-Moguls in fierce battles and through the use
of magical artifacts; all conquered lands become part of a The Grove of Peraine has made this oasis settlement by the
new large empire edge of the Gror famous. It draws many hundreds of pilgrims
2300–1870 b.H.: Adamantine Sultanate: the Aranian region each year.
supplies the sultanate with grain and is initially governed
Population: 1,000 to 1,500
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The Nations of Aventuria
Insignia: A golden oil lamp under a silver star against a red This town is mostly known for being a stronghold of the
background Rondra following—the oldest intact statue of the goddess stands
Government/Politics: The town obeys the rule of Sultana here. Fine arts and Businesses thrive here as well.
Mara ay Samra of Goria, while it is governed by the palace
vizier of Goria Population: 7,200
Garrison: Horse regiment The Fearless, 1 company of the Insignia: Silver sphinx on red beneath silver ramparts
Sultana’s personal guards Government/Politics: Sultan Merkan ordered a vizier to be the
Temples: Peraine, Rondra, Phex, Rahja town regent
Special Features: The Peraine Grove stretches south of Garrison: Chariot regiment Nebachot, 20 town guards
the Anchopal fields and protects them against dust storms Temples: Rondra, Rahja, Phex, Hesinde, Boron, Tsa, Peraine,
from the Gor, the city itself hosts the Healing Well, which Ingerimm
pilgrims use to fill their pumpkin jugs with sacred water; Special Features: The three-winged Rondra temple resembles the
the fortress of Keshal Rohal at the Star’s Gate is a castle of cuirass of a fallen female giant and serves as main temple of the
the Gray Wands. Tulamidian rites of the Church of Rondra—the building holds the
Town History: Ever since the Scorpion Wars against the statue of the Six-Armed Rondra (formerly located at Nebachot),
Magician-Moguls, Anchopal has been sitting in the middle while the painting of the prone goddess by St. Ascandear is owned
of a barren steppe—only the miracle of Peraine brought by the Rahja temple; in Baburin, one can also find the main house
forth a grove that now protects the settlement against of the white healer-magicians of the Anconite Order.
incoming winds. Mood in the City: As northern and southern populations have
Mood in the City: Anchopal stirs and bustles along with mixed with each other, the “Baburanian Jumble of Tongues”
every incoming caravan; otherwise it is a lively but small became reality; the peace with Middenrealm turned this border
oasis surrounded by steppe. fortress into a turbulent market-place by the Barun-Ulah.
The capital city of Arania is part of the front-line against the
Mogul Empire, its people especially focusing on the worship of
joyous Rahja and cunning Phex.
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The Nations of Aventuria
The Shikanydad of Sinoda—Free Maraskan
Geographic Borders: The southern tip of Maraskan; the eastern former rebels and freebooters. Only rarely do the four mystical
coast of the Shikanydad borders on the Sea of Pearls, the western Tetrarchs apply their power; of them, only Mulziber (Festum) and
shore on the Gulf of Tuzak; the undefined northern borders run Keideran-Dajin (Khunchom) are generally known.
along the foothills of the Amdeggyn Massif National Symbol: White pearl on yellow
Terrain: Flat coastal strip, forested hills towards the inland, Social Structure: Oligarchy, strongly influenced by religion; day-
altitude increases drastically in the north laborers and free farmers toil on large plantations
Mountains: 3,000-pace tops of the Amdeggyn Massif Important Noble Families: the Haran’s (“Baron’s”) family of
Estimated Population: About 15,000; growing Sinoda; a sizable portion of local nobility (Harans, Baruuns,
Important Cities and Villages: Sinoda Dshunkars) originates from the occupied part of Maraskan
Important Traffic Routes: The former fishing port of Sinoda and therefore owns no land (while still holding power); the
is insufficient for ships from the continent and is supported by Wezyradim are equal to other noblemen.
irregular landing points (beaches, bays); the old roads leading Local heroes: King Dajin VII, whose rebirth is expected (the most
towards the northern portion of the island have lost their influential local myth); many rebel leaders of the last decades, for
function. example “The Haran”
Dominant Religions: Rur and Gror belief Strange Locations: The monkey island of Beskan
Rulers: None; the Alabaster Council is an alliance of the former Local Festivities and Holidays: 29 Rondra: begin of the Maraskan
Maraskan nobility, the Wezyradim (a caste of magistrates) and New Year
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Information for the Highlord Population: 2,000 (growing, should reach 4,000 by 32 Haal)
The Shikanydad is a front-line state whose major goal is the Insignia: A white pearl on yellow
conquest of the much larger portion of the island; hardly any Government/Politics: The town master is Haran Reojian; Sinoda
Maraskanian doubts such a campaign would be successful. is also the capital city of the Shikanydad
The war is conducted without mercy, and negotiations with Garrison: 200 armed fighters serving the War-Wezyradim, most
the minions of Black Maraskan (mostly viewed as demons) of them belonging to the Beni Fountrech (who were born in exile
are out of the question. The Alabaster Council is a gathering of in Festum); 20 additional guardsmen of the Haran and some
independent chiefs and warlords, rather than a real government. of the Baruuns, as well as former guerilla fighters; the civilian
The actual power relations between its members are difficult population is well-used to using their reapers (straight-bladed
to make out, as temporary alliances are constantly forged and scythes) as weapons
dropped. Having been imprisoned or prosecuted during the Temples: Rur and Gror, Efferd (Efferd’s temple is in ruins; a
Middenrealmian occupation (for example, as a pirate or rebel small attached building, however, is still in use).
leader) is a sign of honor. Magic Academies: Reborn School of the Fourfold and Beautiful
The priesthood is quite influential, yet it rarely uses its power. The Transformation of the Benisabayad (transformation of living
Maraskan character unites many contradictions—the tolerant, creatures/anti-magic, grey)
peaceful religion and the philosophical tendencies of scholars are Special Features: The cultural center of the city is the Abudijian
opposed by the willingness to the use of brutal force at any time; Theater, in which one can marvel at the gruesome “Honeyngton
this seems to be the legacy of the Ferkina tribes and could also Tales”
be accredited to the country’s dangerous environment—and the Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Many blacksmiths
local belief in rebirth. (originally from Tuzak), upholsterers and printers (cloth as well
The Shikanydad can be an appropriate setting for most heroes, as paper), local stonecrafters, tailors, weavers and carpet makers
but serves especially well as a base camp and starting point for from Khunchom as well as Al’Anfa
campaigns into Black Maraskan. Overzealous promoters of the Town History: The youngest of the Maraskan cities received its
Twelvegods belief should expect some mockery, however—when town rights only in 516 b.H.; Sinoda has been governed by the
it comes to the world and its deities, the Maraskan people have the present Haran family for the last 300 years (except for the years of
last word… always. foreign occupation).
Mood in the City: Optimistic, vivid, and bellicose
Sinoda, “the Sting”
Over the course of only a few days in 29 Haal, this
formerly picturesque southern Maraskan port town and center
of tobacco cultivation doubled its population. Since then,
Sinoda has become a hopelessly crowded, ever-growing city
with seemingly never-ending construction activity and a small
port that has become utterly insufficient. The town scenery
used to be dominated by small cubical houses (most of them
lined in alabaster from nearby mines), but new city quarters
are emerging year after year and the immigrants from Festum
are introducing their traditional brick towers to this area. The
Alabaster Residence is once again home of a true Haran and
also hosts the regular meetings of the Alabaster Council.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Proud Sons of the Desert—The Caliphate
“36. He who pleases Rastullah will practice benevolence on all God-Names
throughout the year. (…)
41. He who pleases Rastullah never holds back his anger when his honor (…added: or)
his friend’s, father’s, son’s, horse’s, wife’s or daughter’s honor is in doubt or has been hurt.”
— excerpt from Rastullah’s 99 Commandments
Geographic Borders: Midsection of the Yaquir River; Goldenrock The Caliphate is home to the Novadis of the Khôm Desert
Mountains, (High) Eternan Mountains, northern border of the area. They follow the order of Rastullah, whose voice announced
Lizard Marshes, Mountains of Unau and Khoram Range the 99 Commandments 250 years ago in the region of Keft.
Rivers and Waterways: Yaquir, Mhanadi, Szinto, Arrati, and Since the appearance, the quarrelling desert nomads have rallied
Chaneb Rivers; Cichanebi Salt Lake
around their shared belief and created an alliance that just
Estimated Population: 50,000 (90% Novadis, 10% others, mostly
Tulamides) recently proved its strength to the troops of Al’Anfa—there is still
Important Cities and Villages: Unau, Mherwed, Keft no army that could challenge these people on their own territory.
Important Traffic Routes: several caravan routes The Novadis view themselves as “chosen by Rastullah;” they are
Dominant Religions: Rastullah belief, its main prayer-house proud, righteous, easy to anger and experienced in warfare. Caliph
stands in Keft Malkillah’s ability to govern these people borders on magic.
Rulers: Caliph Malkillah III Mustafa ibn Khalid ibn Rusaimi Most Novadis are nomadic cattle herders that move their
National Symbol: A golden-colored split lizard skull on red small clans, along with their goats, sheep and horses, from one
Social Structure: Alliance of nomadic tribes waterhole to another. Only during the wet season do they gather
Important Noble Families: Maugirides (family of the caliph)
on family grounds to cultivate some land. A few farmers have
Local Heroes and Saints: Hahmud Dhach’gamin, author of the
first report about Rastullah’s appearance; ar-Yerhani, the first settled along the great rivers close to the region’s borders, living
Mawdli, Malkillah ibn Hairadan, founder of the Caliphate a rather calm and peaceful life in service of the Emirs and Beys
Strange Locations: Keft Oasis of the caliph—a desert dweller, however, could never commit to
Local Festivities and Holidays: 9 Efferd: Fourth Rastullahellah, such a regulated and subjugated lifestyle.
Day of Reminiscence; 22 Boron: Fifth Rastullahellah, most The core region of the Caliphate is the Shadif steppe south
important festivity; 25 Firun: camel-race in Unan and Mherwed; of the Khôm proper, known for being home to the most valuable
5 Tsa: First Rastullahellah, a time of fasting; 18 Peraine: Second horse race of Aventuria. Its population, the Beni Shadif, is the
Rastullahellah, a holiday with many troop parades and ceremonial leading tribe of the Novadi people—the caliphs of the last four
loyalty vows; 1 Nameless: Third Rastullahellah, Day of Vendetta.
generations came from their tribe. The traditional residence of their
84 World of Aventuria
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The Nations of Aventuria
History of the caliph. In the case of an attack from or against neighboring
lands, however, it is the warriors of local tribes that the caliph relies
233 b.H.: Rastullah appears in Keft, announces the 99
Commandments on. In the desert, these fighters are nearly impossible to defeat.
230 b.H.: Emperor Eslam recognizes the independence of Two other groups also help determine the course of politics
Khôm in the region: the first is a group that the caliph has gathered
226 b.H.: Tugruk Pascha’s attack on Neetha, the attempt to together at his court consisting of the successors of the tribe leaders,
conquer the city, is repulsed by St. Thalionmel individuals the caliph treats both as guests and hostages. To their
222-218 b.H.: Malkillah, the first caliph of the Novadis, Council of the Nine; despite its common disagreements, the caliph
conquers the Szinto Valley will listen well if all nine members speak with one voice.
2nd Century b.H.: Internal wars and weak caliphs paralyze the
The other notable forces are the law schools of the Mawdliyat
Caliphate; only Mherwed is taken in 134 b.H.
104 b.H.: Grand Vizier Rafim al-Maugir (a Ben Shadif) topples (plural of Mawdli, political and religious judges and exegetics)
Caliph Hashnabnah and calls himself Malkillah II which study the commandments of Rastullah; their members
about 70 b.H.: Malkillah II conquers southern Almada (south forming a kind of priesthood in all but name. Two traditions are of
of the Yaquir, the modern Emirate Amhalassih) major importance: the fairly liberal School of Unau and the very
34-26 b.H.: Chamallah (36–12 b.H.) cannot subdue Fairfield; rigid School of Keft, which has a large following among desert
he conquers Chorhop, however, and does not return until tribe members. The latter gave rise to the hermit Abu Machad,
Unau revolts who won the respect and devotion of many young Novadis by
25 b.H.: Caliph Chamallah moves his capital to Mherwed after preaching against a pampered, spoiled life in the city and by
defeating the Unau revolt
praising the traditional ways of the nomads. The caliph dislikes
4 Haal: Hasrabal of Goria kidnaps Nedime, a daughter of
Caliph Abu Dhelrumun his tirades against even the slightest compromise towards non-
15–17 Haal: Al’Anfa attacks the Caliphate after growing believers, yet he cannot (and would not) move against Machad.
tensions; the unfortunate Caliph Abu Dhelrumun dies
(as does his foe Patriarch Tar Honak); with the help of Information for the Highlord
desert tribes, Sultan Mustafa of Unau becomes Malkillah “Dangerously alien” is always the best way to describe this
III after the expulsion of the Al’Anfan troops Caliphate: one does not just go on a journey to Keft or Unau, for
28 Haal: The Caliphate attacks the city of Rashdul, then under both land and people have no mercy for mistakes or ignorance.
the command of sinister conjurers, but fails to defeat This region offers an ideal background for strenuous journeys
them; lots of line troops are lost, and subsequently, the and trade expeditions. Forgotten places in the middle of a hostile
influence of city- and farm-dwelling Novadis diminishes desert leave nothing but legends to prove their existence (one is
while the desert sultans gain power more likely to stumble across such a lost city in a sandstorm than
29 Haal: Caliph Malkillah moves his residence back to Unau to actually find it) and would certainly function well as game focal
once again on 23 Boron (in the beginning of the year 263 points. In addition to tales and ruins, a game could center on
after Rastullah’s appearance), the strong position of the those numerous feuds between the Novadis and the neighboring
desert sultans is being reconfirmed people. For foreigners, it is nearly impossible to make any friends
here, only exceptional characters will accomplish such a task.
sultan has been for a long time and is again now, Unau, a desert
town on the southern shore of the Cichanebi Salt Lake. Additional Important Novadis Settlements
to the Shadif Sultanate, the most loyal—and also original—region
of the state, the caliph rules three additional provinces (Balash, Keft
Amhalassih and Szinto) which are governed by announced Emirs The place of Rastullah’s appearance and revelation, Keft is
and two or three subordinate Beys. They, along with their viziers a sacred and central part of the Novadi culture.
and magistrates, are known to be greedy and corrupt.
The nine proud tribal sultans present a quite different Population: 1200, plus about 600 additional pilgrims
picture: they are the leaders of the Beni Novad, Beni Terkui, Insignia: A white tent on gold
Beni Kharram, Beni Shebt, Beni Kasim, Beni Ankhra (all in Government/Politics: Mawdli Marwan al-Hendj is the highest
the Khôm Desert), the Beni Erkin near the Mhanadi Springs authority
as well as the quarrelling Beni Brachtar (in Chababia) and Beni Garrison: 150 Murawidun (scimitar fighters), 20 temple guards
Arrat (in Arratistan, west of the High Eternans). The sultans Temples: Rastullah
Special Features: Even today, Keft consists of nothing more than
head small tribes and clans, yet they can’t truly govern them
flat clay buildings—time seems to have stopped for centuries; the
(just as the caliph has no power over the sultans). Independence modest law school of the orthodox Mawdliyat (who avoid any
is highly valued, while it is mostly the Rastullah belief that involvement in city life) is isolated from the rest of the town
unites these groups. The sultans of Fasar, Selem and Rashdul Town History: The oasis became known only after the
are mere allies of the caliph; their loyalty is questionable. appearance of Rastullah, and has since then been the spiritual
The Mohaha eunuch called The Mautaban commands both focus of the Novadis
bodyguards and the small army of the caliph, and carries the Mood in the City: The conservative attitude of the half-nomadic
starblade Esravun (made of meteor iron). As an executor (in both Keft people is as strong as the aversion against foreign infidels;
senses), he is more famous and more feared than any other servant trade and business is only conducted by those who live here;
numerous petty fights among pilgrims
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Mherwed Unau
The former residence of the Caliph is still an important stronghold This desert settlement is the traditional capital city of the
for the defense of the Mhanadi provinces of the Caliphate. Caliphate and represents the largest military victories of this nation.
Population: 5,500 (65% Novadis) Population: 7,800 (almost solely Novadis people)
Insignia: Golden donkey’s head (frontal) on a red background Insignia: A gold-colored split lizard skull on blue
Government/Politics: Mherwed belongs to the Emirate of the Government/Politics: Unau belongs to the caliph, but it is governed
Mhanadi and is governed by its Emir by Grand Vizier Jikhbar ibn Tamrikat
Garrison: 100 Spahija (lanciers), 50 Murawidun (scimitar Garrison: 200 Spahija (lanciers), 100 Murawidun (scimitar
fighters), 50 town guards fighters), 50 guards of the “Yellow Hearts”
Temples: Rastullah, Tsa (secret), Phex (secret) Temples: Three prayer-houses devoted to Rastullah
Special Features: The new palace of the caliph is deserted and mostly Special Features: Shepherds make up a large portion of the
empty—the caliph decided to use its valuable interior to decorate population, though it is only during the wet seasons (starting Rondra
the praying-houses of Unau and Keft instead. What remains is the and Tsa) that they live in the city and cultivate land; many others
Sorcery School of the Caliph (conjuring of elementary powers, work outside of Unau on the salt lake (its salt is next to glass and
gray); its leader is Mwadli Mherech ben Tuleyman, a grandson of porcelain the most lucrative source of income). The underground
Caliph Hashabnah (who was toppled by Malkillah II). water system of the city supplies the settlement and the caliph’s
Town History: This ancient city is famed for being the birthplace palace Al’Shoriot with mountain spring water (the caliph just paid
of Bastrabun ibn Rashtul—it had little more to offer until it for an extension of this vital structure).
became the capital city for a few decades Town History: Unau was built by the Middenrealm to further the
Mood in the City: The loss of the caliph’s court brought poverty to subjugation of Khôm, but instead it became the base of Novadis
Mherwed, but at least now followers of the Twelvegods can meet power
for their services without trouble Mood in the City: The presence of the caliph brought glory (and a
much better water supply) to Unau, while its citizens still maintain
their distrustful attitude towards infidels; the mourning spirits of the
victims of many battles still echo through the night.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Heirs to the Adamantine Sultanate—
Mhanadistan, Balash and Thalusia
Geographic Borders: Rashtul Wall, Khoram Range, Mountains of
The Balash is a fertile and wealthy land by the Mhanadi River,
Unau, Gorian Desert, Gulf of Tuzak
Terrain: Upper Mhanadistan, Balash, Thalusia extending from the mouth of the Gadang River to the delta—
Mountains: Rashtul Wall, Khoram Range, Mountains of Unau, locals refer to this area as the Fertile Sickle. This is the cradle of
Ashubim (also Rashdul Mountains), Awalakim (aka Khunchom Tulamide culture, home to such ancient cities as Khunchom,
Mountains), Thalus Massif, Bull’s Hump (between Ongalo and Rashdul, Mherwed and many others. Politically, Mherwed
Thalusim Rivers) is part of the Caliphate, while Khunchom and Rashdul are
Rivers and Waterways: Gadang, Mhanadi, Ongalo, and Thalusim independent city states: Rashdul has recently grown under the
Rivers rule of mighty Sultan Hasrabal and extended far beyond the
Estimated Population: 600,000 (75% Tulamides, 25% Balash, controlling both the southern and eastern region of
Middenrealm people)
Goria all the way to the Sea of Pearls.
Important Cities and Villages: Khunchom, Rashdul, Fasar,
Thalusa Thalusia is the least modernized and poorest region of
Important caravan routes: Cedar Road (Fasar–Punin), Sultan’s the Tulamidian Southeast: Middenrealmians have never really
Road (Mherwed–Rashdul–Khunchom) settled the valleys of the Ongalo and Thalusim Rivers, and local
Dominant Religions: Twelvegods belief, mostly Rahja and Phex customs reflect this. The sultan of Thalusia is as incapable of
Rulers: Several rulers of towns and city-states controlling the large plantations landlords as the princes and
Social Structure: Tulamidian money-based aristocracy dukes before him were. Each Hairan, Baron, Sheik and Bey
Important Noble Families: Kulibin (Khunchom) governs his serfs and slaves with the help of mercenaries. Some
Local Heroes and Saints: Rashtul the Father, Bastrabun the of these workers escape oppression by joining gangs of brigands
Magician, Sulman al-Nassori (the first Adamantine Sultan),
and descending into a lawless life.
Sheranbil V the Long-Lived
Strange Locations: Ruins of Yash’Hualay (lizard town in the area of Hired soldiers are nowhere as common anywhere else as
the Mhanadi delta); caves in Al’Saffach mountain (old lizard relics) they are here by the Mhanadi River: the most important temples
Local Festivities and Holidays: 2–8 Boron: Carnival (and of Kor, the mercenary’s god, stand in Fasar and Khunchom.
Aventurian meeting of the jesters) in Khunchom, 19–25 Peraine: Knighthoods exist only in northern Arania. In the heart of the
street- and harvest-festival in Fasar Tulamidian lands fighting for money is considered a craft like
any other—an attitude that emerges from the teachings of Phex,
the god of trade and fortune.
Tulamides have lived in Mhanadistan for thousands of Nowadays, more and more mercenaries are hired through
years, as evidenced by the very traditional lifestyle people lead, the Moon Office of the Mada Basari. This merchant’s order
especially in the outskirts of the land—almost as if Satinav worships Phex and controls numerous bases and caravanserais
himself forgot these folk altogether. The Ferkina tribes live in the along the Mhanadi River; they trade many of the Mhanadian
western mountain ranges; the Shai’Aian are native to the Rashtul valuables, whether fruits, porcelain or gem stones.
Wall, while the Mherech live in the area of the Khoram Range.
These mountain folk are mostly raiders, riding on small ponies
and maintaining archaic, bloody customs—they accept neither
the Twelvegods nor the teachings of Rastullah. Among the
Tulamides of Mhanadistan and Arania, they have about the same
reputation as orks have in the Middenrealm: some city and farm
people will not even recognize them as human, even thought they
merely continue the life of the original Tulamide culture.
The Upper as well as the actual Mhanadistan is the hilly
area between the Gadang River and the Khoram Range, a
somewhat fertile land where people grow mostly wheat and
millet. This provides enough food to feed the large city of Fasar
as well as the surrounding villages and even allows for some
trade. Any complex government structure disappeared with the
arrival of the Novadis about 200 years ago; the former baronies
of the Fasar March have become independent “village-states”
under local rulers. Town names like El’Rampart are evidence of
the traditional mingling of cultures. There is even an old count’s
castle in the far west (Erkenstein on the Cedar Street) that still
keeps Novadis forces at bay.
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The Nations of Aventuria
One of the customs of Phex is the practice of young men
disguising themselves in simple, grey clothes and wandering History
the lands for a year and a day, trying to make it on their own. 3000–2750 b.H.: Early Tulamidian Age: Led by Rashtul and
The position of an “adventurer” is thus quite respected, and his son Bastrabun, the Tulamides settle in Mhanadistan
fairy tales of glorious fortune hunters earning the goodwill of and drive out the lizardfolk into the Rain Mountains, the
swamps of Selem and to Maraskan
Phex are very popular. Even the powerful nobility relies on
2750–2500 b.H.: Age of the Sultanates: Mhanadistan undergoes
the help of adventurers, especially since there is no universal political change as the Sultanates Khunchom (by the
bureaucratic order in place. The separation between the slow- Mhanadi and the Yalaiad Rivers), Thalusia and Gadang
handed, superficial and perhaps even benevolent nobleman (around Fasar) arise; the realms of Nebachot (around
and his practical, sly and sometimes treacherous majordomo, Baburin and Perricum), Oron (around Elburum), Goria
steward or vizier has become a standard stereotype, but this (around Anchopal) and Alhania (by the Radrom River)
cliché of the helper doing the dirty work and carrying out develop in the north, while Elem (by the Szinto River)
inhumane orders to keep his master’s reputation clean is often emerges in the southwest
not too far from the truth. From 2600 b.H. on: The tribes of the Beni Nurbad and
Al’Hani, predecessors of the Norbardes, move north
The Tulamides have learned to respect power, be it that
2500–2325 b.H.: Age of the Magician-Moguls: these wizards
of a wizard, a large-scale merchant, cattle-baron or landlord. from Fasar dominate Mhanadistan and what is now
The concept of restricting governmental power to only a few Arania; they build the city of Zhamorrah by the junction
noble families (and keeping out the merchants and mages) is of the Gadang and the Mhanadi Rivers
considered to be a sign of northern foolishness. 2325 b.H.: Adamantine Sultanate: with the help of magic
The separation of a settlement into a Lower City for the artifacts, Sulman al-Nassori, sultan of Khunchom, defeats
mob and an Upper City for the wealthy, which cannot even be the Magician-Moguls, destroys Zhamorrah and adds the
entered by the poor, is common to most regional cities. This Mogul territory to a new large empire
gap between different layers of society is nowhere as obvious 2300–1010 b.H.: Sulman and his successors control a huge empire
which extends from Al’Anfa to Ysilia with the Mhanadi
and crass as it is in Fasar, where the nobles wander the bridges
region at its core; the earlier enmity towards the lizards
between their towers, never descending to the common people. is followed by an adoption of their rites and ceremonies;
Further, the Mhanadistan people laugh at and mock the idea the Adamantine Sultans withdraw from public—they have
that the powerful and mighty should have any responsibility for themselves worshipped as demigods and served by the
their subordinates—a concept not so foreign to the Aranians. priesthood; Nebachot is lost during the first war against
Here, power is to be used and relished—an attitude which is the Bosparanians (about 1865 b.H.); Haranija (Arania;
reflected by an art-loving, sensualist and wasteful lifestyle that around Baburin/Oron) become practically independent;
occupies itself mostly with horse and camel races, hunting the Adamantine Sultanate continues to shrink even further
excursions with falcons and leopards, wine-parties, ostrich- in size over the following centuries.
1502–1408 b.H.: The almost centennial reign of Sultan
pulled buggies, elaborate feasts and love affairs.
Sheranbil V is followed by a century of confusion during
In such ways, it is another local custom in Mhanadistan which the empire remains weak
and Thalusia to take away a woman’s power and imprison 1010 b.H.: Emperor Murak-Horas is victorious in the battle by
her in a highly secured seraglio or harem—a tradition that the Gadang River and occupies Khunchom (he himself
becomes more and more rigid the further south one ventures: dies of a battle wound); his daughter Hela-Horas is eager
women here are kept like pets or cattle, depending on their to destroy Tulamidian pride
youth and beauty. 993–150 b.H.: Garethian Age: The New Empire gives rise to
In short, Mhanadi is a place where refined civilization and the duchies Balash (along with the counties Rashdul,
bloodthirsty barbarity become an inseparable mix. This land is Khunchom and Goria), Thalusia and the March
Mhanadistan (around Fasar); they are exempt from the
not exactly lacking the rule of law, but rather there are too many
prohibition of slavery throughout the Middenrealm
different coexisting laws and cultures for a peaceful unity to 738 b.H.: The new province of Arania develops and gains
settle in. the county of Goria from Balash; Rashdul eventually
revolts against the Priest-Emperors and separates as well;
Information for the Highlord part of the duchy Balash (that is, the remaining county
Mhanadistan is a land of the Tulamides, yet it has a rougher, Khunchom) is added to Arania under the rule of Rohal
less coherent character than Arania. Life can be very short if From 150 b.H. on: Independence: the advance of the Novadis
one interferes with the business of a mighty city or country lord, hands independence to Thalusia and Fasar; only the most
therefore, this land is ideal for adventures that focus on intrigues, northern county of the Mhanadistan March is still controlled
feuds, reckless raids and courageous robberies. Good and bad by the Emperor and becomes a part of Arania; Mherwed
becomes less important as it is the effectiveness of a mercenary suffers defeat and Rashdul, Fasar and Thalusa form a
and the slyness of a thief that truly counts. Aside from that, rather weak union against the Novadis; this city alliance
Mhanadistan gave rise to the Aventurian civilization, and is thus strengthens the separatist movement of Khunchom as Arania
naturally full of ancient tombs and forgotten lizard temples. itself becomes independent, and eventually Khunchom joins
the union as its fourth member; the alliance falls apart after
the Al’Anfan campaign against the Caliphate.
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Important Cities of Mhanadistan Town History: Fasar is one of the oldest human cities and used
to be the capital of the Magician-Moguls from the Gadang area,
Fasar until victorious Khunchomans claimed the city. They placed
This fourth-largest city in Aventuria is located in the highlands Satraps as governors of the city; soon they became Emirs, Sultans,
of Mhanadistan, as well as a melting-pot of peoples and cultures. Margraves and, after the independence in 150 b.H., also Princes,
but they still have to share their power with other Eminencies.
Population: Roughly 23,000 (50 % Tulamides, 25% Mood in the City: Fasar is a city of eternal power struggles;
Middenrealmians, 20 % Novadis, 3% dwarfs)—probably more those not involved protect themselves by looking the other way
Insignia: A green hill and red fox sitting on top, against a silver or adopting a cynical attitude. Everybody cares about his own
background (old arms of the Free Imperial City of Fasar) business and pretends to be invincible, mocking those that stand
Government/Politics: Several “Eminencies”: Prince Khajid ben in the way of danger. Only the stupid offer themselves as target by
Farsid; Malik Bey, sultan of the Novadis; Lazlo Fitz Stratzburg, wearing the colors of the Eminencies without their approval.
Guardian of Order Tulamidistan; Manach ter Goom, far trader;
Habled ben Cherek, tradesman, and others Khunchom
Garrison: 1,000 Tulamidian horsemen (mercenaries), 99 Novadi This turbulent port city is the “melting pot by the
mercenaries, 100 temple guards of Rahja, 50 Sun Legionnaires Mhanadi,” where Tulamides mingle with many other people.
and Praios temple guards, 300 mercenaries of diverse Eminencies
Temples: All Twelvegods except for Efferd and Firun; several
Population: 13,200
demigods and a few ancient Tulamidian idols
Insignia: Two crossed blue Khunchomer scimitars on silver
Special Features: Fasar has been without city walls for centuries
Government/Politics: Grand Prince Selo Kulibin and nine city
and has grown in an entirely chaotic manner south of the Gadang
springs. The white towers of the Eminencies rise high above the
Garrison: 600 Khunchom guardsmen, 200 sailors and marines of
skewed shacks of the impoverished masses; they are connected
the Khunchom Fleet
with bridges and galleries so that the high society can live truly
Temples: all Twelvegods (except Firun); also Kor, Rastullah, Rur
elevated lives, escaping crowded alleys. Some parts of the city, such
and Gror
as the Prince’s palace, the large Al’Achami Academy of the Powers
Special Features: Two of the nine Mhanadi River arms (the
of the Mind (control, black) or the dwarf ’s quarter are surrounded
Green and the Deep Mhanadi) run through the city, providing
by a wall, while other Eminencies live in palatial structures that
Khunchom its unique nature. The weapon foundries as well
are more like a city within a city. Novadi and Shai’Aian tent camps
as the Maraskan Trade Office have both helped the city gather
are scattered around Fasar.
its wealth. The House of the Codex harbors one of the most
important shrines of the mercenary god Kor. The Dragon-Egg
Academy (transformation of the inanimate, grey) is famous for its
magical artifacts.
Important Pubs and Taverns: Noble Mhanadi Hotel
Town History: The ancient city of Khunchom became famous
more than 2,000 years ago as the center of Tulamidian culture
and residence of the Adamantine Sultans. The last Emperors of
Bosparan eventually subdued the city and kept it under imperial
control, the last years as a part of Arania. Since 2 Haal, the city has
regained its independence.
Mood in the City: Khunchom is quite cosmopolitan and open-
minded; its alleys are bustling with life by night as much as by
day. A great jester’s festival in the beginning of Boron draws many
spectators into the city.
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Rashdul Thalusa
Rashdul represents all of the Tulamidian fairy tales— This Tulamidian port city by the mouth of the Thalusim
especially today, as wizard-sultan Hasrabal controls the city. River sits in the middle of rice fields and swamp lands.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Fading Glory of Ancient Times—
Selem and the Lizard Marshes
“So, you think parchment is for reading? Do you know not that books are written to take
hold of the knowledge, to capture it…?”
— Heshdan al-Azzar, Feruzef of the Silam-Horas Library by Selem
Geographic Borders: Szinto River, Shadif Plain, Bed of Selem No normal human lives close to where the Achaz, and
(Urlem Lake) and Sea of Pearls even stranger creatures, dwell. The former live in pole houses;
Terrain: Selem Swamps, Lizard Marshes, Tar Swamps they are known for their worship of “Hranga” as well as their
Rivers and Waterways: Szinto; hundreds of nameless lakes fishing and hunting lifestyle. Despite these hardships, humans
throughout the swamplands
do occasionally enter these lands on their search for spices,
Estimated Population: 1,800 in Selem (about 120 Novadis, about
300 Achaz), some 12,000 humans in the lower Szinto Valley, about reptile skins, Tsa’s Spring of Eternal Youth, and the treasures
2,200 humans inhabit the Lizard Marshes, living mostly in the and artifacts of ancient Achaz kings.
trade stations of Port Zornbrecht and Port Kellis (30% Novadis),
some hundred Achaz and small Zilite population, Marus
throughout the swamps, an unknown number of Krakonians
About 3000–2500 b.H.: The lizard kingdom of Ciszk’Hr
below the sea in the Bed of Selem.
comes to be in the area of today’s Lizard Marshes
Important Cities and Villages: Selem, Port Zornbrecht (on a
2700–2600 b.H.: The Tulamides establish the city of Elem as an
headland south of Selem), Port Kellis (on a headland southeast of
important trade post
the mouth of the Chaneb river)
About 2750 b.H.: Founding of the Ban of Bastrabun, a magic
Rulers: (Nominal) Marshal-Gubernator Oderin du Metuant
bulwark that protects the Shadif against the Lizard
(Al’Anfa; residence in Port Corrad), Great King Ghulsev XXIX
as successor to the Elemite rulers (limited to the city), both
About 2500 b.H.: The Sultanate of Elem achieves practical
positions somewhat challenged by the authority of the Sultan of
Selem, Eslam ibn Qusrah, and that of the Emir of Malkillabad,
2317 b.H.: The first Adamantine Sultan grasps control over
Sheik Jassafer.
Important Noble Families: The Old Families (descendants of
1398 b.H.: Selemite troops, among them also lizard
the first Tulamide settlers; their blood is said to be tainted by the
mercenaries, drive the local population out of the Shadif
blood of lizards)
1334 b.H.: Founding of Great Elem (Tulamidya: Hôt-Elem;
Local Heroes, Saints and Mysterious Characters: Several—for
today: Hôt-Alem)
example, Krsh Tss’Kt (“The Prophet of Renewal,” an Achaz
1260 b.H.: With the help of Achaz and Krakonian mercenaries,
messiah), Tubalkain of Thousand Years (Ice Conjurer); Arch
the Great Sultanate of Elem conquers the emirates of
Librarian Heshdan al-Azzar, Josmabith saba Marbod, High Sister
Mirham, Thalusa and Mengbilla
of the Noionite Order (both in Selem).
About 1100 b.H.: A meteor falls into the Bed of Selem; the tidal
Strange Locations: Hall of the Last Secrets, Silem-Horas Library
wave destroys Elem
(both in Selem); Noionite Monastery (Szinto valley); Ban of
1082 b.H.: The fleet of the Old Empire conquers Elem
Bastrabun, the underwater world of Wahjad, about 2 dozen pre-
219 b.H.: Malkillah I conquers Selem
Tulamide and lizard ruins.
22. Firun, 15 Haal: Al’Anfans conquer Selem; the Great King
pays homage to the patriarch; the Sultan of Selem breaks
It is said that the town of Elem (also called Lem) was a camp, dismantles his tent city in the Szinto Valley and flees
large, wealthy and powerful place, but also spoiled and deeply
heretical, and so the gods themselves destroyed it. Today, Selem
represents little more than a faint memory of the old glory and Information for the Highlord
has long since become a synonym for poverty, decay and unrest The Lizard Marshes and Selem are perfect places for digging up
of all kinds. This city has endured many foreign occupations the past and letting the players discover the territory on their own,
with the lethargic passiveness of a bystander. for no Aventurian knows just what the swamp looks like from the
The fertile Szinto Valley is a real breadbasket, while Selem inside. The Achaz, Zilites, Marus, Krakonians and other lizard
has not much more to offer than the products of the Lizard races present a whole array of exotic figures. Encourage awe and
respect for the mysterious past by connecting every solved riddle
Marshes—goods with which no upright and honest Novadi
to an even larger mystery of long gone cultures. Wahjad on the
would ever want to have anything to do. The traveler will have ocean floor below the Bed of Selem, the Hall of the Last Secrets
to make his way through malicious swamps and thick mangrove to Selem (a former Magician’s Academy rendered useless by
forests, avoiding the various poisonous creatures and large means of ill-begotten conjurations) and the rotting archives of the
lizards (such as devourers and alligators), battling with pressing Selem-Horas Library all offer material for unique adventures. In
heat and humidity. addition, there are the dark mysteries of the Lizard Marshes and
the unspeakable cults that worship dying gods, just to mention
one possible plot.
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Selem Population: 1,800 in Selem (about 5% Novadis, about 17%
This rotten city by the Szinto River mouth belongs to the Achaz)
Caliphate (or Al’Anfa, depending on how one looks at it) only Insignia: Black moray on blue
Government/politics, peculiarities, town history, written
on paper, as it is little more than an isolated and publicly ignored
sources: See regional descriptions
haven for the crazed and addicted. Ruins of Old Elem surround Garrisons: 20 personal guards of the Great King
the populated parts of town—ten thousand and more could Temples: Efferd, Peraine/Tsa, Boron (Rites of Al’Anfa), Satuaria
find space within these skewed and tumbled structures. The & Satinav, various secret temples of lizard idols
deteriorating mansions of the Old Families lay scattered around Important Pubs and Taverns: Caravanserai
the hill that is home to the Great Emperor’s palace; here, the ruler Mood in the City: Hidden behind the all-encompassing decay are
dwells in isolation from the rest of the city’s population. Several the horrors and mysteries of times long gone; that which is not
trading posts—Little Grangor, Little Al’Anfa, Little Festum and dead lies eternally in Selem
so on—are located on islands by the mouth of the Szinto River.
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The Nations of Aventuria
Boron’s Raven and Slave Gold—
The Black Alliance of Al’Anfa
Geographic Borders: Loch Harodrol, Rain Mountains
Terrain: Askania, South-Elemite peninsula, area surrounding of
Mountains: Rain Mountains
Rivers and Waterways: Hanfla, Nordask, and Arrati (Osdask)
Estimated Population: 100,000
Important Cities and Villages: Al’Anfa, Mengbilla, Mirham, Port
Important Traffic Routes: Caravan route from Port Corrad to
Mengbilla, Palace Road from Al’Anfa to Mirham
Dominant Religion: Twelvegods belief, mostly Boron (Rite of
Ruler: Patriarch Amir Honak of Al’Anfa
National Symbol: The golden silhouette of a golden crowned
raven against a black backdrop
Social Structure: Al’Anfanian slaveholder-society
Important Families: Honak, Zornbrecht, Paligan (Al’Anfa),
Shoy’Rina (Mirham), Garbelstone (Mengbilla)
The Al’Anfanian portion of the Alliance includes not
Local Heroes and Saints: St. Nemekath, St. Velvenya Karinor
(first matriarch of the Rte of Al’Anfa), Bal Honak
only some of the mainland but also large parts of the Forest
Strange Locations: Visra volcano, swamps of Al’Bor (a mysterious Islands, which provide slaves and jewels to the empire. It is this
region of Mengbilla which hosts a secret Boron temple) colony that has made the Black Alliance a prime enemy of the
Local Festivities and Holidays: 1 Rahja–1 Praios: Feast of Joy; Horasrealm, even though their territories border only in the area
from 2 Boron on, for four days: trade fair and slave auction; 30 of Drôl and Mengbilla. It is in this region where Horas Legions
Boron: Day of the Great Sleep and the Black Cohorts often engage in bloody battles.
The actual power of the Black Alliance focuses on the sea:
Before the coming of the Borbaradian empires, most Al’Anfa demands a customs fee from every merchant that passes
Aventurians would have referred to Al’Anfa and the Black South Aventuria, and its Black Armada is always ready to back
Alliance as the darkest and most wicked place on their continent. up such claims: Several thousand seafarers on 120 ships, among
The slave trade, drug trafficking and even common business them the infamous Black Galleys, form one of the largest battle
with velvet, diamonds, opals, fancy woods, cocoa and spices all fleets in Aventuria (not to mention the numerous corsairs and
contribute to the bad image of Al’Anfa (while also contributing privateers that roam the waters).
to the wealth of its population). The Armada protects not only the shores, but also the three
The unscrupulousness by which wealth is gathered and major trading convoys: the Silk Caravan from Port Corrad to
kept together is just another factor adding to the bad reputation Mengbilla, the Adamant Convoy, which comes from the Forest
of this “plague-spot of the south”: here, one will stop at nothing Islands and carries gems and spices and the Northland Fleet.
just to get ahead, and it seems as if even the highest clerics are The latter, after years of meager income, is profiting again from
just out to accumulate wealth and power. The Guardian of trade with Sea of Pearls ports such as Khunchom, Sinoda and
Order of the Church of Praios, for example, is also the openly Perricum—as well as Mendena, Jergan and Elburum.
corrupt High Judge of the city. Typical for this part of Aventuria The pirate haven Charypso on Altoum is not an official
is the strict and formal adherence to laws: throughout the member of the Black Alliance, yet is closely associated, similar to
Black Alliance, the Boroni, Grandes and the cartels justify their the relationship with the Great King of Selem and the Sultanate
tyrannical rule with old and often contradictory regulations of Thalusa. The alliance itself is very eager to turn these city-
which they demand be followed to the letter. Should neither states into loyal followers.
twisted laws nor intrigues further the cause, however, the Hand The Grandes are patient and love large-scale projects
of Boron will come into play—the patriarch’s secret service that that will bear fruit only in the years and decades to come. The
is feared because of its skilled assassins. locals are convinced that, one day, Al’Anfa will rule Aventuria;
In the Alliance, no church is as powerful as that of Boron. meanwhile, the ends justify all means. It seems as if all partners
The position of the patriarch has been handed on through of the Alliance silently agreed upon letting the northern empires
heritage for the past three generations—since then, martial law fight the Borbaradian threat and wear out their own troops.
has turned the patriarch of the Church of Boron into the most Conquering the subsequently battle-torn and weakened
powerful leader of the Black Alliance and all its loyal cities. empires would be easy game—until then, one might as well
secure a few profitable deals with the heptarchs…
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The Nations of Aventuria
History Information for the Highlord
5500–1800 b.H.: Lizard Age: Lizard creatures dominate the
The Black Alliance is a great power and an exotic world, filled
south of Aventuria, their political and religious center is
with foreign delights and dangers. The cities of this land possess a
H’Rabaal; the influence and power of the lizard people
certain atmosphere of corrupt temptation, inviting and relentless
slowly wanes
at the same time. Entanglements and bad surprises are part of the
2600–1630 b.H.: Tulamidian Age: Elem erects border forts
game; not being familiar with the intriguing ways of the Grandes
Mirham and Al’Anfa
families and cartels could result in a short life—executioner’s blocks
1800 b.H.: The emirate of Mirham defeats H’Rabaal and puts
and slave chains are never far. The decadent Roman Empire as well
an end to the reign of the lizards
as the bloody and ruthless rule of the Spanish colonial masters in
1634 b.H.: Bosparanian troops expel the Tulamides from the
Latin America are perfect models for the Black Alliance.
region and establish the colonial city of Belenas by the
Nordask River
1650–1250 b.H.: The Wudu Empire: this tribe of the Forest
People worships the death god Visra and maintains an
Important Cities of the
excessive cult of death and sacrifice; their “Pale-as-death” Black Alliance
Prophet Nemeka is a deont of Boron who was once
banned from Bosparan; their center of worship is the Visra Al’Anfa
volcano near deserted Al’Anfa This capital city of the Black Alliance is also known as
1260–1100 b.H.: Great Sultanate of Elem: supported by “City of the Red Gold,” “Black Pearl,” and “Plague-spot of the
mercenaries from the underwater kingdom of Wajahd,
South”—all names it has undoubtedly earned.
Elem rises to power, subdues Thalusa and destroys the
Wudu Empire; in 1200 b.H., Belenas is conquered and
Population: 80,000 (25% slaves)
renamed Mengbilla; the heresy and ruthless cruelty of
Insignia: A golden crown on black (rarely used)
Elem becomes legendary; only a falling star puts an end
Government/Politics: Theocracy under the rule of Amir Hanok
to the reign of terror, destroying the capital
and plutocracy (a money-based hierarchy) under the High
1100–993 b.H.: Bosparan Age: the Kuslik Emperors re-conquer
Council of Twelve (consists of Boron priests and Grandes)
Mengbilla and build Alphana and Selem (on the grounds
Garrison: 1 company of warriors of the “Basalt Fist” Order
of former Elem)
(Boron), 2 companies of warriors of the “Order of the Black
991–145 b.H.: Vice-kingdom Meridiana: the south becomes a
Raven” (Boron), 2 companies of warriors of the “Black Lion
province under the lead of House Paligan
Order” (Kor), 5 companies of the “Ducat Guard” (mercenaries),
853 b.H.: The capital of Meridiana moves from Sylla to
5 companies of the “Black Company of Kor” (mercenaries), 2
Alphana, which receives its old name Al’Anfa again
companies of temple guards, 6 companies of town guards, 300
763 b.H.: Mirham is destroyed; the Al’Anfanian family
Shoy’Rina obtains the vice kingdom under the lead of
Temples: Boron and all other Twelvegods; several demigods and
Rohal the Wise
361 b.H.: Founding of Port Corrad
Special Features: A gigantic 40-pace tall, almost finished
333 b.H.: Manakus riot: the slaves of Al’Anfa revolt
monumental statue stands over the port entrance near the
307 b.H.: The Great Plague reduces the population of this
infamous slave island; the Bal-Honak Arena is known for its
largest and most spoilt metropolis in Aventuria (which
brutal gladiator fights; the University maintains departments of
had grown to about 150,000 people); the vice-kings are
law, medicine, natural studies, Al’Gebra, nautical studies, military
banned to the newly built palace city atop of Mirham’s
strategy and magic (clairvoyance/battle, black)–this institution
ruins; the “Council of Twelve” (consisting of citizens
represents education, knowledge and the sciences; the estates
and deonts of Boron) grasps control; Velvenya Karinor,
of eight powerful families sit on Silver Mountain, as does the
High Deont of Boron announces the Rites of Al’Anfa and
gloomy City of Silence, the Boron temple, the path for the funeral
becomes first matriarch
procession, the graveyard and the high-rising Raven’s Rock; the
From 145 b.H. on: Independence: after years of self-
dark Visra volcano is located about three miles north of the city.
government, Al’Anfa formally declares its independence;
Important Pubs and Taverns: Pearl of Al’Anfa Hotel, Hotel
Mengbilla follows (135 b.H.) and so does Port Corrad (70
Important Trade Houses: Honak, Zornbrecht, Paligan, Karinor,
49 b.H.: The war with Brabak begins; Patriarch Bal Honak
Bonareth, Ulfhart, Wilmaan, Florios, Kugres (all Grandes
invokes martial law but has to abandon Sylla
16 Haal: During a reckless attack on Mherwed, Bal Honak’s
Mood in the City: The second-largest town of Aventuria never
son, Tar Honak, dies; Amir Honak manages to consolidate
sleeps—even at night there is a constant bustle in the streets; the
the empire
Grandes are arrogant, scrupulous, cynical, cunning and pleasure-
seeking, while their subjects are eager to imitate that behavior.
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Mengbilla Temples: Boron (Rite of Al’Anfa)
The port city by the Nordask River is famous for its purple- Special Features: The white King’s Palace is next to the New
Residence in Gareth the largest building in Aventuria and
dye shops and infamous for its slave market.
therefore dominates the character of the entire town; only the four
gray towers of the School of Variable Shape (transformation of the
Population: 5,000 living, black), formally part of and ruled by the royal court, do not
Insignia: A white shark head on black, frontal quite fit into the picture.
Government/Politics: A High Council consisting of nine Town History: Initially built to serve as a Tulamidian border
representatives of the most important cartels elects a Great fort, Mirham is an ancient settlement; today’s palace city was
Emir to be the highest judge and commander, currently Dulhug established only a few centuries ago by Vice-King Huntas II
Ankbesi; the high priests of the Boron temple carry quite some Mood in the City: Mirham is a sole residential town in the midst
political weight. of a jungle; many noblemen were once sentenced to live here in
Garrison: 100 town guards, 100 “Black Guards” isolation, and so they dream of old times and new opportunities to
Temples: Boron (Rite of Al’Anfa), Efferd, Rahja, Hesinde (Praios reestablished the old royal power in Al’Anfa.
and Phex cults are prohibited)
Special Features: Mengbilla is ruled by a few cartels (disguised as
guilds) such as the slave and drug traders, courtesans, alchemists Port Corrad
and the Garbelstone family; even visitors regularly have to pay Al’Anfa occupies and controls this port city on the mouth of
their dues so they do not fall into slavery. the Arrati River with harsh martial law.
Outstanding Merchants: Main office of House Gerbelstein
Town History: Founded as Belenas, this place was later renamed Population: 800
Mengbilla and became subject to Elem; the city gained temporary Insignia: Four silver crowns (1:2:1) on black
independence in 135 b.H. and is now controlled by Al’Anfa Government/Politics: Generalissimus Oderin du Metuant, who
Mood in the City: Gloomy; a melting pot of various abhorrent is also the oppressive general prefect of Al’Anfa
Tulamidian and Middenrealm customs, this region is mainly Garrison: 10 “Black Raven” guards of the general prefect, 50
controlled by criminal groups and cartels. fighters of the Al’Anfan Foreign Legion, and 50 mercenaries of
the “Black Company of Kor”
Mirham Temples: Boron (Rite of Al’Anfa), Efferd, Phex, Travia
Al’Anfa entirely controls this royal residence. The city is Special Features: Many pirates roam the bays of the surrounding
swamplands, especially hunting down stragglers from the annual
home to decadent noblemen and their slaves.
Silk Caravan
Town History: Established in 316 b.H., this town went through
Population: 1,150 a period of growth under the rule of the Rhudainer merchant
Insignia: Golden king’s crown on black dynasty, which was quickly terminated by the Al’Anfanian
Government/Politics: King Damian as ‘Mirhamionette’ of the conquerors during the Khôm War
Al’Anfanian Council of Twelve Mood in the City: The city is still under martial law; slaves from
Garrison: 100 Al’Anfa town guards every corner of the continent make up most of the population
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5500–1800 b.H.: Lizard Age: lizard populations
dominate southern Aventuria; H’Rabaal becomes
their political and religious center, which also influences
the development of the realm of the Kemi Forest People
(supposedly from 3800 to 2000 b.H.)
1800–1630 b.H.: Tulamidian Age: the emirate of Mirham
defeats H’Rabaal and puts an end to the Lizard Age,
Aranian freebooters establish the city of Shila (today’s
1886–993 b.H.: Bosparan Age: Corapia (today’s Chorhop)
is founded in 1868, establishment of Brabak in 1755,
acquisition of Sylla in 1611; all cities undergo periods of
King Miziron III governs 80,000 people. Nevertheless, this monarch 991–145 b.H.: Vice-kingdom Meridiana: Raul unifies the
is anything but a self-indulgent and mighty tyrant, as the great south to form the large province of Meridiana with Sylla
families of the empire limit his power: the ten members of the Brabak being the capital city; only the town and region of Corapia
Audienza are only supposed to advise the king. They have developed becomes a part of the Drôlian March; in 853, Alphana
(Al’Anfa) becomes the new capital of Meridiana while the
into a kind of government themselves, however, interfering with the
power of Brabak and Hôt-Alem slowly wanes; since 657,
monarch’s plans and often cutting his large spending. both cities form the separate entity of Brabakia
Each of the three largest Grand Families is entitled to from 144 b.H. on: Independence: Governor Thiralion di
send two representatives to the Audienzia. The deSylphur Sylphur becomes Ariakon I, King of Brabak, while
are the ruling dynasty and support most of the royal staff and Corapia breaks away from the Middenrealm in 127
administrative positions (they generally support peaceful trade). b.H.; Brabak wins the war against Al’Anfa (49–46 b.H.)
The Charazzar are a century-old royal family from H’Rabaal; in the area of H’Rabaal. Sylla, formally aligned with
their obvious physical degeneration may be due to the traditional Al’Anfa, becomes independent; throughout the following
custom of incest, while some even suggest that lizard magic may centuries, Brabak loses the land around Khefu and Hôt-
Alem to the Middenrealm; in 32 b.H., the Caliphate takes
be the cause. This family supports the development of plantations
Corapia and renames it Chorhop
and slavery; its members have the right to claim the position of
the Royal Grand Marshal. Their wealth is largely due to the
trade of jungle plants, valuable wood and Iryan leather. The Important Colonial Cities
Hammerfist emerged from a Thorwalian Otta; they reject the
idea of slavery and continue to battle the Black Alliance at sea.
of Southern Aventuria
Traditionally, this family appoints the Royal Grand Admiral. Brabak
Four additional Grande Families maintain each one seat This port by the cape is a preferred residential area for rich
in the Audienzia: the Geraucis are mostly ship-owners and noblemen, a powerless king and some ruthless practitioners of
merchants, while the Bocadilio are commonly in the business of Black Magic.
speculating and owning as well as lending land. Both families
usually do support the king. The Zeforika family, allies of Population: 2,950
the Hammerfist, are successful dock and shipyard owners. Insignia: A red harpy on gold
Last, the duBerilis earn their money by running brothels and Government/Politics: Just like the kingdom, this city is governed
maintaining an army of semi-enslaved debtors, whom they lend by King Mizirion III and the Grandes of the Audienzia
to paying clients. This practice explains their traditional alliance Garrison: 1 company of Royal Halberdiers, 150 marines of the
with the Charazzar, as they share their attitude towards slavery. Royal Fleet, about 250 freebooters
The remaining southern cities are city-states under the Temples: Efferd, Phex, Rahja, Boron (nominally Puninese, but
with Al’Anfan liturgy)
influence of larger powers: Chorhop formally belongs to the
Special Features: The Dark Hall of Spirits is one of the oldest and
Caliphate, Hôt-Alem is a protectorate of the Middenrealm and darkest magic academies; between the school and the king, there
Sylla has close ties to Arania. Only the small kingdom of Trahelia seems to be a silent agreement of not interfering with each other’s
(see p. 98) has been able to defend its hard-won independence. business (after all, the Dark Hall was an ancient institution already
before the current dynasty took over the throne)—magicians can
Information for the Highlord focus on their studies of demonology and necromancy without
The kingdom of Brabak and the other colonies are similar disturbance.
to Central and South America during the age of piracy: Few Important Pubs and Taverns: Brabak Admiral and Gilden
settlers populate the border regions of an exotic wilderness, Mysob hotels
while countless freebooters travel the seas. Ancient secrets, relics, Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Dockyard of the Zeforikas,
intrigues and decadent lifestyles dominate the urban scenes; all Geraucis shipowners
the while, the lack of authority leads to a less governed individual
life than seen elsewhere in Aventuria.
96 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Mood in the City: Since “East, West and South meet here,” many H’Rabaal
Brabakians have come to believe that they live in the center of Surrounded by jungle and plantations, this city is home
the world and nothing could happen without their knowledge of
to ancient lizard ruins and monuments, with some newer
it; at the same time, one cultivates an attitude of tolerance and
liberalism that invites all kinds of controversial philosophers, free- buildings almost hidden in between.
thinkers, obscure preachers and scrupulous black magicians—
their company is even regarded as chic. Population: 950 (10% Mohas, 5% Achaz)
Insignia: Black armor-turtle on green
Government/Politics: The family of the Charazzar (led by the old
Chorhop ‘king’ Azzaph) controls this city
The Caliphate and the Black Alliance both struggle to Garrison: 20 town guards, 1 lance of Royal Brabakian
control this port city by the Soudask River. Phex, the God of Halberdiers
Fortune, is considered a major deity. Temples: Hesinde, Tsa, several lizard deities
Special Features: In and around H’Rabaal, there is much archaic
Population: 1,350 (20% Novadis) evidence of the Lizard Age: the temple complex itself is either
Insignia: The fur colors of a leopard (black rings on gold) covered by jungle underbrush or has sunk into the swamp, yet six
Government/Politics: Nominally subject to the Caliph in Unau, pyramids are still well visible; some of the old houses were made
the city is governed by a Steward Curate of Phex, dockyard-owner of large turtle shells (these gigantic creatures are now extinct);
Adnan Zeforika. A lottery system determines the appointment of the Napewanha, a local group of forest people, fear and avoid
the state’s nine highest positions the city.
Garrisons: 70 guards Town History: This place is one of the oldest settlements in
Temples: Phex, Rastullah, Boron (Rite of Al’Anfa) Aventuria; it was established more than 5,400 years ago as a
Special Features: Behind the scenes, both the Novadi Hairan religious center for southern lizard populations. The Charazzar
Rastafan ibn Thabarullah and the Boronic “Guardian of the have ruled here as kings and moguls ever since the Tulamides
Night” possess much power, which is why the foreign policies of conquered the land in 1800 b.H.; later, they lost their domain as
the city are unpredictable they were subdued by the kingdom of Brabak.
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: The galley-dockyards of Mood in the City: The H’Rabaalese follow obscure,
the Zeforikas, wood and iron carvers traditional customs and are otherwise quite solitary characters
Town History: The Tulamide rebels established this city as they (they may even behave in a hostile way towards strangers,
were running from prosecution by the Adamantine Sultanate; unless a Charazzar gives orders to the contrary); there are no
later on, the Peace Emperors settled here and renamed the place hostels or accommodations.
Corapia; after being part of the Drôlian March for a long time,
Caliph Chamallah conquered and renamed the city. Sylla
Mood in the City: The Chorhopian passion for gambling is
Proud freebooters live in this city; they mostly quarrel with
widely recognized; every tavern owns at least a few game tables;
equally well-known is the people’s eagerness to imitate the glory Al’Anfa and Charypso. The cutlass is a symbol of rank.
of the wealthy Al’Anfan high society.
Population: 1,600
Insignia: Two golden, crossed cutlasses below a golden turban
Hôt-Alem against a turquoise background
This small, often fought-over port city by the mouth of the Government/Politics: The female leader of the city, referred to
Tirob River is the only southern colony of the Middenrealm. as Harani, is chosen out of a group of most successful corsairs
(currently Zulhamin Alschera); a Harani will be admiral and
Population: 1,800 town governor
Insignia: Three white scimitars vertical on red Garrison: None (about 1,000 armed individuals)
Government/Politics: Governed by a Prince-Protector (currently Temples: Efferd, Phex, Rahja, Tsa
Refardeon II), Hôt-Alem is property of the New Empire Special Features: A famous site is the 80-pace tall lighthouse
Garrison: 1 company of princely town guards (“Protector in the shape of a slim pyramid; the poorest of the poor live in
Salpikon”), 2 companies of the “Lions of Thalusa” its lightless caverns and hallways; the Aranian Mada Basari
Temples: Efferd, Praios, Boron (Rite of Punin), Rondra maintains an important office in the city
Special Features: Hôt-Alem, as a base of Middenrealmian Town History: Aranian pirates and freebooters (mostly women)
influence, is home to a bastion of the Golgarite Order (which is established Shila in about 1800 b.H.; the settlement later falls
loyal to Punin); the local Praios-Illuminate Solareon di Morundi is into Bosparan hands; under the rule of the Wise Emperors,
also one of the Twelve Orderly Inquisitory Counselors. Port Emer Sylla became the longtime capital of the southern province of
is located on the island of Brinland, about 60 miles off shore. Meridiana; in later days, its was often allied with Arania.
Town History: This town was built to serve as an outpost of the Mood in the City: The aranian-tulamidian heritage is still very
sultanate of Elem; the Praios following gained local support during much alive and shapes the local culture (names, traditional
the battle against the Wudu; after changing hands numerous times, costumes and sabre dances).
the town belongs to the Middenrealm again (since 20 Haal).
Mood in the City: The upper society tries to imitate the lifestyles of
Middenrealm (the Protector’s Palace is a miniature version of the
Gareth New Residence); they adore Gareth fashion styles and hold
various tournaments and hunts throughout the surrounding lands.
World of Aventuria 97
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
Kingdom in the Jungle—
Trahelia or the Kahet ni Memi
Since 4 b.H., Kahet ni Kemi—or, according to the old Khefu
reading, “Trahelia”—has been practically independent from the The capital city of the realm sits near the marshlands of
Middenrealm. The empire of Nisut (Queen) Peri III is mostly made the far-reaching Astaroth River Delta. The slow, muddy river
up of small settlements and forts in the coastal area. Forest people is alive with crawling creatures, snakes, alligators and fish.
and lizardfolk live mostly out in the woods, but at times one might Friendly, indulgent southerners walk the alleyways of the city
also encounter them in villages. Humans are careful to keep up as well as dark-dressed knights of the Boronic Order of Laguan.
good relations with these people—anything to the contrary would A major part of the town is the eastern “island city” with its
certainly lead to the downfall of the local human population. palaces, “Old Khefu,” with its floating marketplace (which may
There is the ever-present threat of the jungle absorbing roads at times consist of hundreds of boats), and the infamous “south
and farmlands of the realm, while the climate throughout the quarter,” (home to the poor, the forest people and those who
entire land is nearly unbearable to Middenrealmians. There are avoid the light). This rundown part of town stretches around
no large cities, and even the royal court lacks the gold and the the old Horasian garrison building.
workforce to rebuild Khefu (the largest settlement and thus the
capital of the Kahet ni Kemi) and revive the glory of past centuries. Population: 1,200 (20% Tulamides, 20% Forest People)
Yet, it is the memory of the country’s heritage that drives the Kemi Garrison: 1 company of Neseruken elite troops, 1 company of
people to prevent any quarrel in this melting pot of cultures. The warriors belonging to the Holy Order of Laguan
state-sponsored church of Boron supports that effort; it maintains Temples: Boron, Rondra, Praios, Efferd, Rastullah
uniquely ascetic and orthodox rites and worldviews.
The country’s political relations to the outside world are
quite stable; a treaty with the Horasrealm and the friendship to
former archenemy Brabak has ensured peaceful times.
98 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
a colony of the well-known Festum trading house, is located
in the northern part of the island. A local accountant recently
Important Places
disappeared along with a shipload of spices and tropical woods. on the Forest Islands
Whoever manages to get him to Festum for a “discussion” of the
matter can certainly count on Stoerrebrandt’s gratitude. Charypso
This large pirate hideout stretches from the shore of the
Pirate Treasures Ilara River all the way to the northern cliffs and rocks. Most
houses are mere ruins, at best skewed shacks.
Most freebooters know of hidden bays and small forest
islands in which a crew can remain undercover (and of which
Population: 1,700
the Black Serpents know nothing). Of course, there are always Government/Politics: Rule of the mob
numerous rumors of buried treasures; from time to time, Garrison: 15 “bailiffs” (experienced thugs), about 400 freebooters
a stranger in a far-off Havena port tavern may even offer a Temples: Efferd, Phex (both in miserable condition)
map to such a site. These parchment or leather pieces are not Important Pubs and Taverns: The Drunken Parrot (Q2/P5/B22),
necessarily fake documents, but their authenticity is certain only Lavish Loot (Q30/P6/B14) Merciful Perval Hotel (Q4/P8/B16,
when either the gold has been found or a throat has been cut Dagon Lolonna, the ruthless leader of the Black Serpent pirate
over the possession of this document. gang, resides here in a suite that deserves Q8).
Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: Agnild Galmstump,
carver of wooden legs
Ibonka Mood in the City: If you think Al’Anfa represents the pinnacle of vice
For the Utulu, a native tribe that lives on the eastern Forest and violence, then Charypso will have you reconsider that assumption
Islands, Ibonka is a taboo zone. Truly, all visitors ought to be
warned about a visit to this island, despite the countless stories Port Stoerrebrandt
of legendary diamond fields. The few that ever returned never This port city and “Fountlandian colony” on the island of
spoke a word again or were barely capable of a frenzied giggle. Iltoken mostly exports spices to all of Aventuria.
Only pirates seem to know no fear; they joke of how beautiful
naked Utulu maids and lads live on this island—who would Population: 670
not lose their mind over such a sight? The fact that they do, Insignia: A silver falcon on red (trading house Stoerrebrandt)
however, never steer their ships towards the island must surely Government/Politics: Radulf Hadermann as the representative of
be due to unfavorable winds … House Stoerrebrandt
Garrison: 1 company of Neersand mercenaries, a handful of
former mercenary marines from Llanka (Thorwalians)
Information for the Highlord Temples: Rondra, Swafnir, Travia
The open sea, tropical beaches, island groups and hidden Special Features: Thhe only safe haven of the Forest Islands
bays— all this creates a picture that is more than fit for any Important Pubs and Taverns: The Shrunken Head (unpleasant
‘Spanish Main’-style pirate adventure. In this scenario, seafaring sailor’s pub, Q2/P4/B10), Hotel Vikko Stoerrebrandt (Q6/P7/B10)
professions and Thorwalians have an opportunity to shine; Prominent Craftsmen and Merchants: All of the city is a “branch
the exploration of an island might demand the experience of a office” of the Stoerrebrandt trading house
wilderness-adapted individual (preferably a Moha). Town History: In 24 b.H., Vikko Stoerrebrandt bought this land
from the Miniwatu for a dozen metal weapons
Mood in the City: Marked by loyalty to the Stoerrebrandt
trading house
World of Aventuria 99
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
The Nations of Aventuria
The Dark Lands
This term—sometimes also called “Black Lands” or In occupied Tobria itself, three “heptarchs” battle over
Heptarchies—refers to all those nations and regions that were (and supreme power: former Imperial Court Magician Galotta controls
still are) conquered, partly devastated and subsequently occupied the northwestern part (along the Black Sickle mountains) and has
by Borbarad’s demonic troops and are now ruled by his successors, aligned himself with the arch-demons Blakharaz and Agrimoth.
the so-called heptarchs. (They were named after the seven beams He rules over a realm that he supposes to be the Next Empire.
of the Demon’s Crown, an artifact of Borbarad’s reign.) Impassable forests are controlled by demons, either by possessing
or horribly transforming the plants and animals. Surrounding
Glorania: The Frozen Realm villages suffer under the tyranny of diabolic creatures and
unscrupulous noblemen acting in the name of an insidious law
Still-free Fountland separates this empire of Glorana
(“The Ice Witch”) from the demonic realms of Tobria; it is the system. Galotta himself governs over Yol-Ghurmak (the former
northernmost of all the Dark Lands. The region extends from city of Ysilia) by the Ysli Lake—an architectural marvel sprung
Brazen Sword in the east all the way to Blue Lake in the west, from from the sketchboard of a madman.
the Northweal Downs as southern border to the Grimfrost Wastes The undead dragon Rhazzazor rules the southwest of
in the north. The Archdemon Belshirash (or Nagrach) as ruler of Tobria, the once rich and fertile region around Warunk and the
twisted ice and frost has covered the land with a white shroud of former Darpatian County of Troll Peaks, now collectively known
eternal winter. Snow and ice will not thaw even during summer as Warunkia. This “dragolich” has gathered around himself a
months, but a few small areas, heated by volcanoes or hot springs, group of necromancers, for he is a creature of and devotee to
are fit for some farming and grazing Karen cattle herds. Thargunitoth, the arch-demon of undeath and nightmares. The
The Ice Palace near the crowded city of Paavi is Glorana’s Omegatherion, a many-bodied demon summoned during the
center of power. From here, she sends looters and mercenaries on invasion, has devastated great parts of the land, while seemingly
iceboats (sail-powered sleds) all across the land to capture strong leaving life in the cities and villages undisturbed—life that
young men and women or summons a horrid pack of demons, consists of those ever-present legions of skeletons, man-hunters
Nagrach’s Wild Hunt, to this task. Theriak, the “Blood of Sumu” and zombies roaming the streets, that is. Further, mercenaries and
(a highly condensed liquid life-force), is the wealth of this region; guards drag innocent individuals or would-be refugees to Warunk
the captives toil under demonic supervision in the icy deserts to and the Golden Pyramid so they may, literally, pay their blood tax.
unearth this valued commodity until they are literally wasted. The Wall of Death, the former Ogre Wall, is now the strongest
Few humans live in Glorana’s empire; among them are many bulwark against any Middenrealmian offensive; it is located in the
Nivese and Norbardes. About half of them live in the towns and cities Trollgap to the west of the Tobrian Heptarchies.
of Paavi, Eestiva and Bjaldorn, where one of the very few Twelvegod The coastal area between the Beilunk Mountains and the
sanctuaries still stands. This Crystal Palace, dedicated to the winter- marshy shores south of Vallusa, plus the baronies of the hinterland
god Firun, offers refuge and shelter are subject to the rule of the black magician Xeraan, ruling
to the few fugitives that successfully from the port city of Mendena. He is in alliance with the arch-
escape from the grip of the Ice Empire. demon Tasfarelel, the Lord of Greed, and possesses the Shard of
Glorana’s supremacy is Charyptoroth. He serves his demonic master by squeezing the last
challenged by Kyrjaka, a demon scrap of gold out of the land and its people to fill his vast treasure
she-wolf, as well as by Iloinen Swan- vault with gold. For this purpose alone, he established a virtual
Daughter, a demi-goddess, who roam religion, the cult of the Demon Master, which hands out positions
the icy lands with their warriors, and honors to those who are willing to pay. Xeraan reigns with
seeking to overthrow the witch (for brutal tyranny and continuously threatens the pirates traveling the
different reasons). eastern seas between Vallusa and Thalusa with the conjuring of
terrible water monsters into paying him stiff taxes and fees. The
heavily fought-over and besieged port city of Ilsur is the only place
The Disputed in the region currently not controlled by Xeraan.
Lands of Tobria The struggle for power over the entire eastern mainland
The eastern province of has not yet led to a full-scale war; but since the area of the Black
the Middenrealm (along with it the Sickle is a good defense against foreign attacks (only a few passes,
marches of Warunk, Beilunk and parts heavily guarded), however, it is only a matter of time until the three
of Darpatia) was the first to fall under heptarchs will get at each other’s throat.
the attack of the Dark Hordes. The
determined warriors of this region, Oron: Place of Dark
under the lead of their young Duke
Bernfrey, lost everything but a small and Rotting Lust
stretch of land by the southern border The Mogulate Oron, the former eastern part of Arania, is the
of the Dragonstone mountains. smallest but also the wealthiest of all the Heptarchies. It includes
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year of the Blessed d
Rohal's reign
The Sea of the the ocean and gains strength the further it moves away from
Aventuria; it is a good wind to catch for travels to Gyldenland.
Seven Winds Aside from the unsteady northeastern Brabak Drift, the
Askanian Breeze offers the only opportunity to travel out west,
“We have left behind us the region of the Pailian Maelstrom; while a returning explorer can coast back on the Gyldenland
the thin column of smoke of Amran Nemoras has disappeared below Current. This current starts in the shallow waters east of
the horizon, and for two hours there has been nothing but green- Gyldenland and works its way across the Sea of the Seven
blue water. The triplecross tells us that we are on the latitude of Winds to eventually arrive at the Olport Stones (on its way
Mengbilla. I had the course adjusted to west-south-west and ordered giving rise to the mighty Rondrikan).
Endless Forests
“The fjord coast is now behind us in the north, and a vast, 200-
pace high endless forest covers the southern coast (almost a straight
line ENE by E). Even though some trees are similar to those from the
vicinity of Brabak and the Forest Islands, most of them are unknown
to us. We have turned back northwest to enter to mouth of a huge river,
which carries yellow-brown water for dozens of miles into the sea.”
“…have now spent the third day on the river, which has narrowed
its stream from seven miles to one mile wide. So far, we have encountered
four large and eleven small streams that join this river, which has by
now turned W. Except for a few sandbanks close to the shore, we have
not had any problems with the passage (our main navigator is on long-
boat of the the Avesfriend, probing the passage). The forest is very thick
and allows no sight between the trees up to a height of some two dozen
paces. There seemed to be some movement in the treetop (triangulated
to a height of up to 300 paces), and some thought they saw a tree house,
but even our smallest boats could not get ashore.
There are all sorts of fish in this river, varying in size from a
finger’s length to three paces; we have encountered many different
birds and multipedes that are somewhat onerous but not aggressive;
in the trees creatures the like of bears and apes, another one looks like
a large, naked mole.”
The Empire “Deep in Gyldenland, a river is said to cross the land from
north to south, already as wide as a mile as its springs from the
“Once, the realm of Cantera and Corabis ruled the entire land
earth. It joins another river running east to west and a tower stands
between the southern Sea of Silence to the northern Ice Wall, from
Life in Aventuria
Science and Education Archdemons in the lands of the Heptarchies, the tribal culture
of the Novadis with their worship of Rastullah (although
The following text is a translation of parts of a heretofore Rastullah is also honored in the lands of the Tulamidians who
unpublished work titled In Nandus’ Name, Education, Culture also believe in the Twelvegods) and the veneration of ancestors
and Science in the 26th Century. It was collected by the church and spirits in the lands of the Forest People have not been able
of Nandus and printed in parts by Stührmann & Mezzani of to change this.
Grangor. We have adapted some of the texts in minor details and The Cult of Twelve is no monolithic block of mindscapes.
would like to take the time to point out that the perspective of Rather, it offers room for a multitude of schools of thought.
this text might be overly biased in favor of the Horasrealm and These different schools often emphasize different hierarchies
the Church of Nandus. of the gods, attach special importance to some of the children
of the gods or accentuate their workings differently (often
Technological Advancement diverging from the Edict of Silem-Horas or the rules of the
It is hard to describe a world in which magic phenomena Church of Praios). Typical representatives of such sects or of
and divine intervention are rare, but nevertheless existent, (mostly) ethnic preferences are the beliefs held by Norbards and
using terms and expressions of our own Earth—a world Thorwalians as well as the Maraskan dualism.
in which these forces never existed and that was plunged The worship of demons in the Black Lands has been
into centuries of stagnation several times by the decline and mentioned above, but one has also to mention that numerous
fall of empires. Very generally speaking and from a purely cults of the Nameless One are on the rise even (or especially)
technological point of view, Aventuria has entered the Age in these darkest of times; therefore, we have to be ever vigilant
of Enlightenment and Discovery. The Horasrealm is at the against these tempters.
forefront of this development, with some provinces of the There are as many philosophies that attempt to explain
Middenrealm, Nostria and Andergast, as well as Thorwal, the structure of the world, the Mystery of Kha and the role of
being the least developed nations. humans and gods within it as there are philosophers. Especially
worthy of mention are the Neo-Rohalists (who teach a pure
Philosophy and Religion philosophy and world-view without any ethnic judgments), the
Despite all nay-sayers and critics, the worship of the Honorable Servants of Tsa and Simia (whose maxims are highly
Twelvegods is the most widespread Aventurian religion, at moral, but whose followers nonetheless preach constant change
least partly due to the fact that this belief system is the one and renewal), the Warkhomian School of the philosophers of the
that is closest to the cosmic truths and human desires alike state (that develops models for highly functional communities—
since the Edict of Silem-Horas. Even the forced worship of the even Imperial Privy Councilor Dexter Nemrod is an adherent of
this school) and finally the Magician-Philosophers (whose almost
agnostic ideas in regards to the nature of the world and models
of explanation are often the cause of heated arguments with the
Church of the Twelve).
Besides these major schools of thought, a great number of
other philosophies have come into existence, but adherence to
many of those is punishable by incarceration and banishment,
as their theses are simply considered too dangerous and volatile.
Centers of free thought are Brabak, Fasar and Thorwal, where the
locals do not seem to care about the ramblings of madmen and
where freedom of thought has been a long-honored tradition.
The return of Borbarad and the subsequent forced
cooperation between the rival guilds of magicians (and even the
Daughters of Satuaria and the Servants of Sumu) has furthered
the art and science of magic in the past few years more than in
all the four centuries prior to these fateful times. The largest
advances have been made in the field of Elemental Hexology,
but many spells of the druids, witches and geodes have also
been deciphered and finally put into writing. Even the magic
of the shamans and barbarian cultures has been catalogued
Newspapers, Flyers
and Periodicals
Due to the advent of the letterpress, information, rumors
and gossip are all now widely available to the public at large.
This technique employs moveable type made of wood, lead
alloys or brass. In the beginning it was used primarily for civic
decrees, but by now the technique is wide-spread and even some
regular newspapers have appeared. They have a circulation of
up to 1,000 and are not only read in academic circles but also—
mainly as placards—in small towns and villages. Wherever the
papers are distributed there usually is a person who can read it,
even if it is only the mayor or the local deont.
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1 Nameless Third Rastullahellah; Novadis; Day of Revenge
and Charms superstitious meanings, as they are believed to protect from bad
luck, the evil eye and curses.
These things are supposed to bring good luck and drive
off bad luck, to heighten the abilities of their bearer or to make
up for his weaknesses. In Aventuria, some pieces of jewelry
Animals, Plants and desert, especially birds and their flight. Elves know badoc, which
disturbs one of their most precious values, the harmony of the
Strange Creatures soul, and the Forest People fear all things taboo.
Dwarfs are, perhaps because of their deep mistrust
An Aventurian’s knowledge of the rules governing his world is towards all things magic, one of the most superstitious people
very limited in most cases. He does not know about the anatomic of Aventuria. “He who washes Mother Earth off his skin will
structure of cat’s eyes, but he sees them glow at night and notices be washed off Her skin in turn! Grolms are dwarf children
that a cat does not trip in the dark. It is not unlikely that the abducted by gnomes and disfigured by magic. He who feels the
superstitious belief of cats being able to see in the dark and look into ground shake without all others noticing will die soon”—all
the very souls of humans by the light in their eyes hails from this these sayings are accurate examples of dwarf superstition.
observation. In addition, every wise Aventurian knows that witches
keep cats as familiars, that elves speak to them and order them to
carry messages to their loved ones and that cats in heat concentrate
the power of the earth in their bodies, making it possible for humans
Fortune Telling
It does not matter if an Aventurian believes that his future
to use it by stroking them. Similar beliefs concern ravens (which are lies in the hands of the gods or that it is shaped by his own
regarded as witches’ animals or Boron’s messengers), toads, snakes deeds—gazing into the future will never be possible for him.
and even fleas, which always find itchy places to scratch. Few Aventurians claim to be able to tell the future or to be
Potent plants are the plants linked to deities, such as knowledgeable in the art of prophecy. Even rarer is the fortune
Peraine’s garlic. Ebony grows where dwarfs lost their gold. teller who really knows how to part the mists of time.
Mandrake grows under trees that have witnessed a murder. Characters with a desire to know their fates should not waste
The mandrake draws its magic from the hate that lead to this their breath on charlatans. These “soothsayers” rely on wits and
dreadful deed, but if the murderer pulls it out of the earth, sweet words, foretelling a glorious future to young heroines and
it has to serve him. Another superstitious belief states that a beautiful and brave maiden to handsome peasant boys. Of
exceptionally big and strong plants are enchanted humans or course, these common fortune tellers cannot be expected to tell
elves; for this reason, they must not be harmed. the truth—prophecies of pain and sorrow do not fill one’s purse or
There also are innumerable explanations for the miraculous draw new customers into the fortune teller’s tent, regardless of how
powers attributed to certain creatures, such as healing herbs,
140 World of Aventuria
jeroen vermaning (order #2090064) 6
Aventurian Superstition and Fortune Telling
brooding and mysterious it looks. People closely observe the behavior of their
celebrating at fairs do not search for geese. The predictions gained from
answers to their most urgent questions, this mostly concern a given region or
but rather the exotic flair of glittering temple.
glass spheres, colorful Inrah cards and Far more complex is the art of dream
the excitement of the mysterious. interpretation. Mostly, only deonts of
Astrology is another means of the Twelvegods are able to perform it
trying to foresee the actions of the successfully. The Bishdarielite branch of
hand of fate, using the progress of the the Church of Boron and the Noionites,
planets and the stars through the sky an order associated to the cult, are the
to prophesy the forthcoming. It is a true masters of this art. Witches and
‘scientific’ form of prophecy and can shamans also have access to this method,
mostly be found in places adhering to but they have a harder time telling
the Hesindian faith—in the temples of true dreams sent by the Twelvegods
the goddess, in magic academies and in apart from the nightmares sent by the
the towers of magicians. archdemonic counterparts of Boron and
The heroes will often be confronted Hesinde—or from profane dreams.
with the art of prophecy in the form of Runecasting is closely related
talented mountebanks, clear-sighted witches or shamans. It is to bonecasting. Sometimes, the bones used by a shaman are
an individual talent, depending on the aptitude and the (often also carved with symbols resembling runes. Runecasting can
very) personal teacher of the fortune teller. be subject to very different rules. Thorwalian runes are only
Although tradition mostly dictates the objects or natural carved on one side, while druidic runes use both sides. On top
phenomena used for prophecy, the exact way the fortune teller of that, there are many alphabets which vary greatly regarding
performs his task varies individually. A very gifted fortune teller the number of their letters.
will, from time to time, know the true meaning of seemingly Many fortune tellers cast all runes available; others cast a
accidental events—a bird’s cry, a sudden gust of wind, etc. Mostly, random number, and few choose the runes by chance. Some cast
prophecies rely on means which are (at least in common belief) them on an empty surface, others draw stars with five or six tips or
linked to divine or magical powers. A great number of professional use a special cloth. Many only interpret the runes that fall around
fortune tellers tend to specialize in three or fewer means of a central spot, while others spend hours observing the position of
prophecy, truly excelling in only one of them. Aventurians trying each and every rune, the relation to other runes and the meaning
to tell the future on a more casual basis—which is certainly true of runes overlapping each other. If bones are used instead of
for your hero—usually are limited to one way of prophecy. runes, it generally is the geometric structure that is being used for
clairvoyant prophecies. There are very few shamans who are able
Different Forms to interpret the position of individual bones.
Inrah cards are most common among mountebanks,
of Fortune Telling both for charlatanry and for real fortune telling. Thanks to
Observing the forms and intensity of hand lines, the art of the invention of printing, almost every traveling group of
hand reading is widely known, as hands are both an instantly mountebanks owns one or two decks and has at least one person
available and very individual means to tell the future. Talented familiar with interpreting them. Nevertheless, many fortune
charlatans are also very successful with hand reading, as calluses, tellers prefer hand-drawn cards fixed onto thin wooden plates.
dirt or jewelry on a customer’s hand can tell much about him. Inrah was first mentioned in Thalusa over 500 years ago.
Another possibility is the art of the Tulamides to read a The motifs depict a fusion of many peoples’ legends. These
person’s eyes, observing the tiny veins, the pattern of the iris, often gaily colored cards depict the thirteen known gods, the
the color of the eyeball and the wrinkles on the lid. Both kinds eight planets (demigods) and Mada’s Mark, Sumu and Los,
of fortune telling can give information about the nature and the symbols of life and death, signs from day-to-day life (the Sultan/
future of a given person, but cannot provide universal prophecies. the Emperor, the Bull or the Bread) and, in the Khôm Desert,
This is also true for drink reading, which is very common in Rastullah and Rur and Gror on the island of Maraskan.
southern Aventuria and concentrates on the patterns of tea These 49 cards form the occult part of the game, the so-
leaves or wine spices remaining inside the drinking vessel. called symbol cards. The profane part consists of the 72 trump
Prophecies from a crystal sphere sprang from the legends or elemental cards in the lines of the six elements, with the
surrounding the rare Dark Eyes. Very few spheres—the crystal balls picture cards of the Prince, the Magician, the Fortune Teller, the
of the true illusionists and the cristallomancers of the lizardfolk—are Knight and the Squire and the number cards from ace to seven.
more than a precious masterpiece of craftsmanship, but the reflections Prophecies using Inrah cards employ a variety of different
of the light inside the sphere can be a viable means to assist in methods. The most common formation is the Tree, which consists
meditation. Additionally, they are the most common tool of charlatans. of 12 cards, but the small and the large Wheel of Fate are also
The behavior of animals is interpreted in various ways. applied. If the master of Inrah does not wish to see the future itself
The Novadis rely on the flight of birds, while followers of Travia but seeks help with a difficult decision, he uses the Star instead.
Diagnosis and Treatment (balm of healing, witch’s spit) do give the patient vitality points,
but do not cause recovery. Only special healing spells (such as
In order to recognize and to treat a disease, the hero has a reversed curse of pestilence) are able to remove the disease.
to make two Treat Disease tests. The healer can take both tests The rest, body and mind spell allows the patient to roll CN with
to heal himself, which may be more difficult than treating a difficulty decrease of SP*/2. The healing effect of hibernate
another person. like bear stops all diseases of a level up to SP* for the duration
A diagnosis can be made by succeeding at a simple test of the spell, stronger illnesses are slowed down ten times.
with no difficulty increase (but see below for lingering diseases). The use of healing herbs that have previously been charged
Success at this test grants all knowledge of the methods given by elixirs of sumu should result in a corresponding difficulty
under treatment and remedies; a failure means that the healer decrease of the treatment test. Reckon pestilence (difficulty
cannot diagnose the disease; a spectacular failure means that the increase of 1/3 level) can be substituted for the first Treat
diagnosis is wrong. The latter may cause additional damage to Disease test. A successful band of pain makes the spellcaster
the patient, if the Highlord chooses. A diagnosis takes one game take the first damage roll without having the chance to reduce
turn, three game turns for lingering diseases. it with a CN roll. Diseases caused by still-active Hektabeli
Given that the necessary aids are available, a second test (sickness demons) can be cured by applying the penatgramma
(taking half an hour) determines if the treatment is successful. or revert invocatio maior exorcisms.
The difficulty increase always equals at least the level of the
Children’s Diseases
Aventurian Diseases and Harmless Sicknesses
On the following pages you will find a list of common
There are many sicknesses that may be noteworthy in
Aventurian diseases.
everyday life of common Aventurians, but are merely a minor
annoyance to most heroes.
Terms Adult Aventurians have usually survived all of the (highly
Most terms are self-explanatory; the following rules cover contagious) children’s diseases, such as crimson (level 2D),
the majority: gooseblains (level 1), autumnpox (level 3D) or redcheek (level 2)
Duration: incubation time / actual duration of sickness (or and are usually immune to them. It seldom happens that these
until premature healing or death). illnesses reappear during adulthood, but are usually over after
Cause: standard causes for this infection. Contact means a few days in bed (duration: level days, damage: level points of
touch, proximity means arm’s length, nursing means prolonged exhaustion per day; effects doubled if not resting). They usually
proximity. Remember: 5% equals one point on D20. If ever a do not cause noticeable damage and the fever accompanying them
cause is present, heroes can roll CN with a difficulty increase of can be treated everywhere. For orks and goblins, human children’s
one-half of the level of the disease (be sure to include Resistance diseases are much more severe, often deadly (crimson and
to Disease, lowered CN due to overexertion and so forth); autumnpox: level tripled, contagious on 25% if sick person is near,
if successful, the hero is unaffected. In especially dangerous damage D6+2 DP / day, duration D6 plus tripled level days).
areas or following direct contact, rolls should be made once per Simple illnesses such as dripnose (level 1), the bowelflow/
day; prolonged exposition to the disease should increase the swift difar (level 2) or the grassa (level 3) usually cause a lowered
difficulty. The probabilities of infection can be converted to DIs endurance and strength without any noteworthy loss of vitality
as follows: 5%: –2, 10%: –1, 15%: +/–0, 20%: +1, etc. points (duration: D3 plus level days, damage: D3 plus level DP
Treatment: All manner of tending to the patient without per day, level times D3 points of exhaustion per day). Strenuous
applying special herbs or brews, along with any damage hikes, combat and drunk nights are not advisable during
reductions. Identification of the disease and knowledge of the sickness (duration doubled, Highlord’s choice). These
treatment (Treat Disease test) is necessary. Rest means no sicknesses are only seldom treated, and even then only with
exertions: no hiking, climbing or combat; bed rest requires household remedies.
Various Addictions The addicted person requires rest and seclusion for a
longer period of time than someone who simply has a disease.
Addictions to low dosages of poisons and other drugs of any
The healer can try one test per week on each Treat Poison, Treat
kind, including healing herbs, are widespread in some regions
Disease and Treat Psyche. The difficulty increase for all tests
of Aventuria. Alchemists seem to suffer heavily from addictions,
corresponds to the level of the disease. If both Treat Poison and
given their ease of obtaining such substances, but addictions are
Treat Disease are successful, the physical effects are suspended
also prevalent among common people.
for one week; on a success of Treat Disease and Treat Psyche, the
Addictions (if not noted otherwise, their level corresponds
mental effects are suspended for one week. The addiction is only
with the poison level; the Highlord must determine the level
cured if all tests are successful. If the cured person ever takes the
for herbs) are very complicated diseases. They require intensive
drug again, though, his addiction is renewed.
treatment and there are usually no remedies.
Addiction means that the addicted person has to take a dose of
his preferred drug every d3 days. If he cannot do so, he suffers from Other Diseases
a difficulty increase to all his talent tests of one-half the poison Some states of physical and mental health can only be
level, and a difficulty increase of one-third the poison level to all his seen as diseases in a broader sense. Apart from various mental
attribute tests. After another d3 days, these effects are doubled; d3 confusions and the mysterious Duglum plague, which is
days later the difficulty increases rise to one-and-one-half times the transmitted by Demons, there is Lycanthropy. The latter disease
poison level for talent tests and the poison level for attribute tests; cannot be fully healed by the use of talents, but it is more of a
the patient also suffers from a loss of half the poison level in VP per curse than a disease.
day until he takes another dose of the drug or else the addict dies.
Aventurian Poisons
Heritage disputes, unbearably loud neighbors, rivals in in a Cook test, in order to modify the food to suit the poison. The
love—all those problems occur in Aventuria as they do everywhere victim can try to detect the poison with a Perception or Danger
else, and are sometimes solved with one of the preparations below, Sense test in order to notice it before eating a deadly dose, with a
if an honest blow or a Rondra-complaisant duel are not an option. difficulty increase of the level of the poison plus the Cook talent
Naturally, this way of solving problems is illegal in almost all points that the assassin has left.
parts of Aventuria. The Warkhome Index (which is not only part Contact Poisons: The poison takes effect upon contact with
of Middenrealmian law, but also in the Horasrealm, in Fountland, skin. Contact poisons are especially suited for traps (or deadly
Arania, Nostria, Andergast and the Caliphate of Mherwed) door handles!), but usually a thin leather glove suffices to prevent
outlaws the use of velvet whiff, shurin bulb, tinzal, swampnode, poisoning. Cloth is typically not a suitable substitute. Contact
gonede, sunsura, black lotus, omrais, coucris, tulmadron, boabungaha poisons are also easily useable as weapon poisons.
and purple flash, and punishes any offender severely. Breath Poisons: Breath poisons made of fine dust or pollen,
Whoever kills or permanently damages his victim counts as a which the victim has to inhale. (Poison gas for means of an
poisoner (for whom there are no mitigating circumstances) and is assassination is unknown in Aventuria.) If handled carelessly they
put to death by the most disgraceful and painful means. Production are as dangerous for the assassin as for the victim. They are best
of such poisons is punished with 30 years in the dungeon—and suited for traps. Some breath poisons are used in low dosages to
possession of such a substance carries a sentence of 5 years. act as narcotic drugs. In order to apply a breath poison in close
Besides perfumes, love elixirs or healing potions, alchemists combat, the assassin has to succeed an DE+8 test. If the test fails,
are still diligently distilling poisons, for this is still a most lucrative the poison has no effect; if the unmodified test would fail, too, the
practice. Usually substances from poisonous plants or animals assassin has poisoned himself. Small funnel-shaped blowpipes
are extracted, distilled, concentrated and then mixed with other make the test easier by 5 points.
components that increase the poison’s effect. Some mixtures are
even empowered with astral energy or particular spells.
Weapon Poisons: Small wound, great effect: weapon poisons, Poisons
Prices, durability, and effect of the poisons listed below vary,
usually stiff pastes, are basic equipment for any assassin, but are
sometimes also used for hunting. They are applied to the blade or depending on the quality. We use average values here. The prices
tip of the weapon, and enter the bloodstream of the victim as soon are given for one application/use and usually include the bribe
as one damage point is done with the weapon. needed to obtain illegal substances. The code after the name of the
Food Poisons: In this case the poison is mixed with food and poison describes its level as well as whether it is a weapon, food,
consumed. Only rarely is the victim actually willing to do so or contact or breath poison. If you, as the Highlord, want to improvise
cognizant of what he is doing. In order to be effective, then, the a poisonous substance, apply D6 times level DP (start and duration
mixtures or powders have to be secretly mixed with wine or a meal, earlier/faster for higher-level poisons). If the poison is to reduce
and are preferably muted in odor or taste. In order to poison food attributes, apply three times the level as ‘point-hours’ (e.g., a loss of
or drink without the victim noticing, the assassin has to succeed 2 points ST for 3 hours for a lvl 2 poison).
Level: Make a CN test with a difficulty of the in Al’Anfa or Mengbilla. Effect: Paralysis, as above/lighter paralysis
poison level as soon as the hero is poisoned. If Production: The difficulty increase to an (–1 each)
the test is successful, the hero takes only half alchemy, plant lore or cook skill, as stated Duration: 1 day/12 hrs
the rolled damage. If the roll succeeds, even Start: 2 GT
on a difficulty increase of poison level plus 10 Arachnae (1/W) Durability: 6 months
points, the hero takes no damage at all from A weapon poison that is distilled from the Price: 30 D
this (single) act of poisoning. The test can be digestive secrete of the cave spider. Arachnae Production: Alchemy +10
modified by immunities or resistance against slightly paralyzes the victim (AV/PV –2 each)
special types of poisons. and is thus popular with kidnappers. Banedust (15/F)
Effect: The numbers or text before the slash Effect: Paralysis, as above/lighter paralysis A very rare and peculiar alchemical food
shows the full effect of the poison, that listed (–1 each) poison. Its recipe is known to only few
after the slash is the halved effect. Duration: 1 hour/6 GT magicians and deonts.
Start and Duration: When the effects begin Start: Immediately Effect: No ASP-regeneration the following
to take place and how long they last Durability: 3 months night; loss of 1D6+2 ASP/GT/no ASP
Durability: The time span (under normal Price: 5 D regeneration; one-time loss of 2D6 ASP
circumstances) after which a poison works Production: Alchemy +3 Duration: 3D6 GT/immediate
only with half effect (as per successful CN Start: 1 GT
test); after double that time span, the poison
Arax (5/W) Durability: 12 months
A distilled version of arachnae, which Price: 250 D
is rendered harmless.
has stronger effects (AV, PV, AG, DE, ST Production: Alchemy +10
Price: The average market price where
–2 each) and is used as weapon poison as
available (see above), for one dose, includes
well. Counts as animal poison for purposes
cut for a fence—prices are significantly lower
of immunity/resistance.
Poisonous Animals In the following list, we have presented the most commonly
encountered specimens. Raw animal and plant poisons can be found
and Plants in every good apothecary and can be refined to be used as weapon
poisons (animal poisons) and food poisons (plant poisons). Their
durability is very limited, however; no longer than a week, at best
The easiest method of being poisoned is simply being bitten by
a venomous animal or unwittingly eating a poisonous plant. Such (which is why they aren’t available outside of their home regions).
animals and plants exist all across Aventuria, though they are more As stated above: A successful CN test (with a difficulty increase
common in the south and on Maraskan. of poison level) halves the effect of the poison.
Avicularia (3/W) Emerald Spider (5/W) hour, if not 1 is rolled as damage. Additionally:
Found in southern Aventuria, south of the Found in Thorwal, Orkland, and Svelltvale. hallucinations (courage test, if failure CO –1).
Yaquir river. 1D20 DP after bite, distributed CN test or the victim is unconscious for 3D6x5 The attributes regenerate within D20 hours
over the same number of CR. CR. If CN test is successful, then slight nausea after the poison effect is over.
(all attributes –2) for 10 CR.
Blind Fish (1*/W) Maraskan Tarantula (Age*/W)
Found in the Southern Sea, Sea of Pearls, Fire Newt (9/W) Found in Maraskan, Arania, and Mhanadistan.
and Sea of Seven Winds. 1 DP, CL and RM –1. Found in Thorwal, Orkland, and Svelltvale. The poison level depends on the age of the animal.
If CL is 0, the victim falls into a coma for D20 Insidious poison, caused by bite (1 DP per hour), Age (usually 2D6 years) x D6 DP per bite.
GT. Poison level rises by 1 per bite. which results in death if antidote is not taken.
Moray Eel (2/W)
Boron Viper (10/W) Fire Scorpion (8/W) Found in Southern Sea, Sea of Pearls, and
Found in southern Aventuria and Maraskan. 2 Found in Khôm, Mhanadistan and Southern Sea of Seven Winds. 1 DP/GT, 2D6 total.
DP/CR, AV/PV/AG/ST –1/CR for 3D6 CR, then Aventuria: Effect like the hellpain spell (with
regeneration of combat values and attributes by 7 points left: intense pain, uncontrollable
Morfu (5/W)
Found all across Aventuria, except in
1 per hour. If ST is 0, then paralysis; per GT a muscle twitching, loss of 7 endurance points
Maraskan. It shoots (numerous) horn splinters
D20 roll, if 20, the heart stops beating. per CR until unconscious, 4 points exhaustion
(1D6–1 HP), which cause 1D6 DP each.
afterwards), lasts D6 x D6 CR.
Cave Spider/Tree Spider (5/W)
Found over all Aventuria. AV, PV, AG, DE, Kvill Viper (6/W) Mysob Viper (5/W)
Found in southern Aventuria. 1D6+2 DP
CN, ST –1 each per bite. Regeneration of 1 Found in Svelltvale, Meadows, Salamander
on the first bite, 2D+4 on the second bite, and
point each per day. Stones, and Green Plains. Per CR 2 DP and
so forth.
ST–1 for 3D6 CR.
Desert Scorpion (7/W)
Found in Khôm, Mhanadistan, and Arania. Leafhead Viper (12/W) Nettle Viper (3/W)
Found in northern and central Aventuria.
2D20 DP after bite, distributed over the same Found in southern Aventuria. Effect comes
D20 DP (first bite), D6 DP (second bite);
amount of CR. 2D20 hours after the bite, D6 DP/hour for
takes effect immediately after bite.
D6 x D6 hours. CL and IN lowered by 1 per
Folios and
Parchment Collections
Since the invention of the printing press 50 years ago, the
circulation of written work has increased in a way that would
not previously have been possible using ink, pencil and gold-
leaf. This does not mean, though, that every citizen can enter a
bookstore and buy the title of his choice (the Horasrealm may be
an exception to the rule). Most printing presses are in the hands
of sovereigns; those books that contradict the contemporary
ideology still have to be written by hand—as is also the case for
magical works.
On the following pages we are going to present to you a
sample of Aventurian works. The tomes listed here are merely
a section of the books in circulation, and is not a complete
directory of Aventurian books.
In order to improve a Talent from a book, the hero has
to have a TP in Read/Write of at least 4 and understand the
language of the book.
The availability indicates where the book can be acquired—
from a merchant, at a bookstore or in the library. A d20 roll vs.
availability quickly determines if the book is available at the
current location.
The given value of the book strongly depends on its
condition. Often books in a bad condition are sold at 50% of
their value. One has to note, though, that used books are seldom
for sale—books are still such a rare commodity that their owners
typically do not wish to part with them.
The subject tells the reader what talents can be improved
by reading the book, as well as in what range the improvement
can take place. If the reader has a TP of at least the first
bracketed value, he can use the book as a teacher (see Teaching
Yourself, The Dark Eye Basic Rules p. 127), thus using the
standard column although he is teaching himself. Once the he possesses two books of the same subject, the modifiers for
talent prowess exceeds the second value given, the book is only the improvements are cumulative. For example, whoever is in
interesting to the reader as a reference. Hence, the entry “Dance possession of the Herbarium Kuslikum and the Folio of Herbal
(3/11)” means that a hero who has a TP of 3 in Dance gains a Lore and wants to improve his TP from 8 to 9 can do so using
bonus to his improvements until he has reached a TP of 11. If the A column of the ACT.
1000 Years of the Printing, Trade (each 3/5); CL 12 needed to in the academies of Fasar and Khunchom, while
Middenrealm gain bonuses another one is in private possession in Methumis)
(Temple of Hesinde in Punin, 1000 BF, Value: 200 D (original)/5–15 D (copies)
500 pages)
Al’Emazzin Subject: Animal Lore (12/14); CL 13
(Omar bin Kasim, Khunchom, 912 b.H., and Ancient Tulamidyan 12 needed to
A special edition of the temple of Hesinde
240 pages) gain bonuses
in Punin, with splendid illustrations as well
A complete, though difficult to understand,
as numerous cuttings and engravings. A
compendium of all areas of Aventurian life,
dissertation on lizardfolk and saurians in general. Almanac of Popular Belief
It includes numerous descriptions and a theory (Gilda of Honeyngton-Salperin,
interesting even for the already well-educated
that interconnects amphibians with lizardmen Honeyngton, 72 b.H., 180 pages)
Aventurian. Manuscripts are in the temple of
and dragons. Only fragmentary translations A comprehensive collection of superstitions,
Hesinde in Punin; 500 numbered originals,
exist, which all miss the main points of the book. carefully researched with few comments.
no copies.
The manuscript is lost; of the 20 originals, 17 Entertaining reading not only for magicians
Availability: 4
are unaccounted for. There are about 150 copies and deonts, but anyone with an interest
Value: 150–250 D
total of four different translations. in such matters. The manuscript is in the
Subject: All Lore Talents (6/8), Alchemy,
Availability: 1 (for a copy; the originals are family’s private collection. 120 first copies,
Cartography, Light Engineering, Mining,
Who’s Who?—
Important and Notable
Personalities of Aventuria
The following chapter on special personalities of Aventuria Peculiarities: Personal notes and idiosyncrasies.
is an overview and orientation for the Highlord as well as for Connections and Financial Power: Here we categorize
the players. The entries consist of a concise description and connections and financial power of persons, which represents
the usual set of attributes, talents and spells. It will help you the hierarchy in the relevant region. It is important to know
understand the person’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as that for some countries there is only limited information—
their use in the game. Ashim Riak Assai has “immense connections” among orks, but
so has the Patriarch of Al’Anfa in the south and Nahema all
Lost in Translation
Translating a game from one language into another is more conform to the rules presented in The Dark Eye Basic Rules, or do
difficult a proposition than you might expect. It’s one thing to we do nothing? Or perhaps a little of all three?
take a stand-alone board game and translate its rules (and other What we’ve chosen to do here is a little of all three. Perhaps it’s
associated text) into a different language. It’s entirely a different not the choice that you would make, but it does give you the most
feat to take an existing game line, with dozens of supplements, and amount of flexibility in using these characters in your campaigns
bring it to a different country, especially one where the market is without having to wait to get those rules in your hands.
significantly different. So, with that said, here’s what we did (in general terms): we
Those are the problems we’ve run into with the World of have left the listed professions unchanged; we have either deleted
Aventuria. Das Schwarze Auge has been in print in various or changed the Advantages, Disadvantages and Talents that are
editions for over twenty years now, but this is the first translation not covered in the Basic Rules (though we have included two of
into English. It’s not the fact that we’re translating a book from the most commonly used Talents and one new Advantage; see
German into English that’s causing us the problems, it’s that the Missing Pieces sidebar on p. 155); Important Spells causes
we’re translating a book that references half a dozen others— us more problems as only a handful of the hundreds of available
books that are currently not available in English—that’s causing spells have been translated into English, so we have kept the
the problems. entire information block (which means that you will either have
For the most part, it wasn’t until this chapter that we ran into to use the most applicable of the currently available spells or make
the problems. As we pointed out in the introduction to this book, up your own, at least until we can get the books that contain
we cut some material that either directly referenced other Das all of that information translated and published!). Spells and
Schwarze Auge products or that we felt would only make sense powers that are not described in the Basic Rules are set off within
once we’ve translated more of the extensive library of game brackets to aid you in determining what they are; the magical
products into English. But no other section directly referenced disciplines available include: Abilities, Anti-Magic, Clairvoyance,
other products as much as this chapter does. Communication, Damage, Demonic, Domination, Elemental,
And therein lies the problem. There are literally hundreds of Force, Healing, Illusion, Influence, Invocation, Limbo, Meta-
new professions, talents, spells and the like that have been added Magic, Object, Spirits, Summoning, Telekinesis, Temporal,
to the game within those dozens of DSA products that aren’t yet Transformation and Transmutation.
published in English, and this chapter makes wide use of those Good luck, and keep an eye on the official The Dark Eye website
new elements. ( We’ll keep you informed on the
That presents us with a quandary. Do we just cut out those progress of the sourcebooks we still have coming!
entries that use these new elements, or do we change the entries to
Personalities of Fountland
THE FESTUMIAN GOBLIN The matriarch of the goblins of Festum is STOERREBRANDT, MERCHANT,
QUARTER AND ‘CAPTAIN’ OF exceptionally wily for a goblin. She is also a SHIP-OWNER AND PATRON
THE GOBLIN BANNER OF THE shaman, giving her arcane powers with which He is probably the richest man of Aventuria
to awe her followers. She has not only secured and the current, long-standing patriarch of the
the professions of clearers, rat-catchers and trash trade house with the same name. He cultivates
Dravuvo Kaiba is the contact of choice for
collectors for her people, but has also managed his jovial, uncle-like image, but has the power
the Festumian magistrate concerning the red-
to control smuggling and fencing in Festum. to force concessions out of sovereigns through
pelted population of the city. He has proven
Born: Around 1000 b.H. a myriad of methods (trade boycott, buying
to be a tough negotiator, even though he often
Hair: Red-brown up debts, marriage politics) giving him power
has to ask for time to think things over. Usually
Eyes: Red-violet unequalled in Aventuria.
he roams western Fountland in search of herbs
Profession: A brilliant shaman with a strange His empire consists of 68 offices, 25 ships,
and pelts, officially commissioned by Festumian
charisma 150 wagons, as well as shipwrights, cartwrights,
tanneries. On his journeys he exchanges news
Outstanding Attributes: CO 18, IN 17, CH mines and plantations. He promotes art and
with messengers of various goblin tribes.
18; Local Knowledge (all of Festum) the exploration of magic, is known to be a
Sometimes he can be found in the remote city of
Outstanding Talents: Fast Talk 18, Persuade Fountlandian patriot and a loving father—all
Uhdenberg—nobody knows how he manages most profitable pursuits, indeed.
12, Streetwise 12
to cross the Red Sickle that quickly. Born: 16 Phex, 42 b.H.
Peculiarities: The Mantka Riiba really is the
Born: 6 Haal Hair: Grey-white
Kunga Suula, high shaman of the goblins
Fur: Red Eyes: Brown
with a knowledge (own or inherited) from
Eyes: Yellow Profession: Perfect merchant, brilliant politician
2,000 years of goblinic history
Profession: Masterly chieftain, competent Outstanding Attributes: CL 17, CH 14
Connections: Considerable
local politician Outstanding Talents: Persuade 14, Etiquette
Financial Power: Considerable
Outstanding Attributes: IN 13, DE 15 12, Fast Talk (Haggle) 17 (19), Appraise 20,
Game Use: Even in the role of Mantka Riiba,
Outstanding Talents: Streetwise 14, Human Calculate 14, Law 13, Trade 20
she is an eerie informant, rival or employer.
Nature 9, all Wilderness Talents 7+; Peculiarities: Can always call on mercenaries,
speaks Garethi fluently with a strong magicians and artifacts for protection
Fountlandian accent SEPHIRIM ISYAHADAN, Connections: Immense
Connections: Sufficient (humans HIGH DEONT OF THE NAMELESS Financial Power: Immense
considerable (goblins) Sephirim, a man of many faces, was born Game Use: Employer for really big expeditions,
Financial Power: Sufficient (thus probably the in the Nameless days of the year to an awful a patron for artists and scientists
richest goblin of Aventuria) destiny. An early prophecy predicted that this
Game Use: Contact for both the ‘civilized’ man would cause great peril, and thus far THESIA J. ELMSTONE, COUNTESS
goblins of Festum and Uhdenberg and it seems all too true. Sephirim is skilled at
some tribes of the Red Sickle; speaker for playing fair when he means foul, of charming
his victims into his clutches. By the time he OF FOUNTLAND
Mantka Riiba
After her valiant performance on the
drops the façade of the charismatic noble and
Vallusian Meadows, where the army of
LINDION DARKHAIR, SILVAN ELF reveals the true face of the powerful deont of
the ‘winged’ riders turned the fate in favor
Lindion is an amoral, merciless hunter, who the rat-child, it is usually too late.
of the allied forces, Jadvige was quickly
heeds only the laws of nature. He is totally Born: 20 b.H.
been promoted to Noble Marshal by the
disinterested in financial matters: He takes what Hair: Black
Fountlandian nobility. Since then, the most
he needs and keeps it for as long as he needs it— Eyes: Blue and green famous Sewerian bronnjar in modern times
equipment and company alike, as he has proven in Profession: A charming seducer and masterful can be found leading the Fountlandian army.
his loveless affair with the Amazon princess Gilia. man of intrigue She has the austerity and competence of a
Born: Unknown Outstanding Attributes: CO 16, CH 16 veteran commander and uses all her power to
Hair: Black Outstanding Talents: Willpower 15, Persuade prevent any Borbaradian infiltration.
Eyes: Brown 16, Human Nature 14 Born: 29 b.H.
Profession: Perfect ranger and hunter Peculiarities: Glass eye (green, on the right), Hair: Light blonde
Outstanding Attributes: DE 16, AG 17, IN 17 a birthmark on his chest shaped like the Eyes: Blue-grey
Outstanding Talents: Survival 18, Traps 14 horned demon head Profession: Brilliant fencer, witty public
Important Spells: be my friend 16; [eagle’s Connections: Great speaker and politician
wings 15; lightning find you! 12] Financial Power: Great Outstanding Attributes: CO 17, CL 15, CH 18
Connections: Low Game Use: Sephirim is the man in the Outstanding Talents: Swords 18, Willpower
Financial Power: Low shadows; a puppetmaster obscured behind 15, Warcraft 15, Ride 14, Carouse 14; a
Game Use: Lindion first thinks of himself, then countless lies and intrigues. His methods number of special combat abilities
of other elves. He is neutral to disapproving and plans can be discerned, but never fully Peculiarities: Her age does not touch her beauty
towards humans and would only help them seen—or exposed. He is the symbol of an Connections: Very great
if it coincides with his interests. immense, unfathomable danger. Financial Powers: Great
Game Use: Employer of Rondra-pleasing heroes,
mostly on expeditions against Glorania
of the Middenrealm
the most expensive beauty ointments in all young ladies—and often seems to be more
ALARA PALIGAN, Aventuria, including some magical ones liked by Aves than by Rondra. It is said that he
WIDOW OF THE EMPEROR Connections: Immense—has had Rahjaic has even visited the fairy realms.
The wife of the missing Emperor Haal has relations with many powerful people of the Born: 4 b.H.
shared her bed with more men than a prostitute realm, and family relations to Al’Anfa Hair: Blonde
in the harbor of Havena, a well-known secret Financial Power: Immense Eyes: Deep green
that has been the scandal of the court for years. Game Use: Alara can be a dubious employer Profession: Brilliant cavalry officer, competent
Whomever the lady from Al’Anfa grants the or the focus of an adventure, as many strategist
favor of her charms cannot be sure whether it influential people have a grudge against Outstanding Attributes: CO 18, AG 16, ST
is a blessing or a curse. He might be rewarded the empress. 15; Gift: Danger Sense 10
by riches, but he might also be entwined into an Outstanding Talents: Jousting 17, Swords 17,
intrigue that otherwise would cause her head to ALRIK OF BLUEFIR AND OF THE Ride 16, Etiquette 10, Human Nature 10
roll… The former empress knows that she isn’t MOUNTAIN, GUARD COLONEL Peculiarities: He doesn’t seem to be so well-off
getting younger and that make-up cannot veil with Ingerimm, for it is said that he returns
her age for much longer, but that doesn’t stop from every battle with a broken sword.
As a young captain, he saved the Imperial
her from dreaming of a fountain of youth. Connections: Considerable (one of the heroes
army on the Silk Meadows and was promoted
Born: 26 b.H. of the Middenrealm)
by Prince Brin to be the highest commander
Hair: Black Financial Power: Considerable (if not in
of his age ever present in the Imperial forces.
Eyes: Dark brown service, he is living off a nice pension)
Ever since, he can be found in the front lines of
Profession: Master of intrigues Game Use: Employer or commander of
daring cavalry attacks, making the difference
Outstanding Attributes: CH 16, Superstition, daring, Rondra-pleasing endeavors, usually
between victory and defeat.
Greed under the direct command of the Imperial
Alrik fought in the battle of Griffinsford
Outstanding Talents: Seduce 13, Etiquette Regent; alternatively, the commander of the
and against the hordes of Borbarad. Bluefir
14, Fast Talk 12, Statecraft 10 proverbial cavalry that rescues the heroes
is quite young for a colonel, and wherever he
Peculiarities: Alara possesses a number of from danger.
appears (he travels a lot) he is the heartthrob of
Personalities of Arania
ARKOS II, SHAH OF ARANIA Game Use: He loves to appear incognito as Outstanding Attributes: IN 12; Curiosity
Formally, Princess Sybia’s son rules a “Red Knight” of the rahjaic Order of Outstanding Talents: Persuade 10, all Treat
Arania at the side of his consort, Mhaharani the Rose, and seeks contact with beautiful talents masterly
Eleonora of Arania. The talented bard lets his and noble women as well as with other Peculiarities: [Eleonora is a magical dilettante
wife govern the country, however, while he is adventurers who he inspires to valor and (balm of healing, sense pestilence)]
more interested in fine arts, heroes, beauty to see beauty. Connections: Great
and charm. He never takes initiative in Financial Power: Very great
flirtations, though, forcing would-be partners ELEONORA, Game Use: Eleonora is only seldom caught
to come to him. MHAHARANI SHAHI OF ARANIA in an adventurous situation, but she might
Born: 1 b.H. The daughter of the count of Baburin is the happen to be interested in a strange sickness
Hair: Black true ruler of Arania. She feels a strong affinity or wound.
Eyes: Brown to Peraine and can often be encountered
Profession: Masterly bard and competent traveling the lands to help and comfort the LEATMON PHRAISOP II,
warrior diseased. The spinsterish healer only recently SERVANT OF LIFE
Outstanding Attributes: CH 14 learned to appreciate the pleasures of life As a minor, the grandnephew of the former
Outstanding Talents: Swords 14, Sing 16, from Arkos: now she wants to make up for Servant of Life in Zorgan, he was the only one
Play Instrument 12 many lost years, and is not averse to informal to survive when Oronian assassins massacred
Peculiarities: Arkos wields the ‘Amethyst Lion’ relationships or short affairs. his family—only because the goddess created
Zhimitarra, one of the twelve legendary Born: 3 Haal an apple tree in which he could hide. The
swords of the Order of the Theater Hair: Red-brown church of Peraine proclaimed him to be the
Connections: Great Eyes: Green new Servant of Life, but he will only be
Financial Power: Great Profession: Masterly healer and representative able to assume office when he turns 18 (40
Personalities of the
Caliphate, Mhanadistan
and the Lizard Marshes
ABU KHOMCHRA Financial Power: Minimal Profession: Master wizard and competent
Abu Khomchra is the hereditary title of a Game Use: Abu Khomchra embodies the tyrant
Novadi mystic, who has always lived in the Wal- magical side of the Novadis—mysterious Outstanding Attributes: AG 17; Superstition
el-Khomchra mountains north-west of Keft. He and shunned, but in times of danger ready Outstanding Talents: Anatomy 12
shelters children who have been expelled from to do all it can for the people, even though it Peculiarities: Dolguruk only reluctantly uses
the desert tribes due to their magical aptitude. does not even understand his methods. magic (domination, influence), because he
He is seen as an eerie, yet Novadi-friendly fears Blakharaz’ revenge.
authority. The skinny hermit can only seldomly DOLGURUK, Connections: Considerable
be seen in “civilized” oases, and he never enters SULTAN OF THALUSA Financial Power: Considerable
the cities of the infidels. His word is held in high The ostracized Lea Elf joined the Cult of Game Use: Dolguruk is an evil tyrant who
esteem by the order of dervishes, second only to the Lord of Revenge in order to gain power. capriciously governs his city
the teachings of the Mawdliyat. After a failed ritual, however, he fled to
Born: 30 b.H. Thalusa where he became executioner. His HASRABAL BEN YAKUBAN,
Hair: White-grey demonic mark, the inky black skin that covers SULTAN OF RASHDUL
Eyes: Black his whole body, helps him to have an aura The chieftain of the Beni Avad always
Profession: Brilliant dervish and perfect of dread. It was especially helpful when he dreamt of a new Realm of Goria—he is already
hermit overthrew the paranoid sovereign Ras Kasan ruling the city, the land and the academy of
Outstanding Attributes: IN 19, AG 15 and seized power. He is a despot who collects Rashdul and the Chaluk Valley, and nobody
Outstanding Talents: Survival (Desert) torture devices and loves to see fear in people’s knows where his golemides will march next.
18(20) eyes. He is reluctant to make an official Being a typical Tulamide potentate, the
Peculiarities: Abu Khomchra is master of pact with Oron until his city-state becomes wizard sultan fancies luxury and uncontested
ancient Tulamidian magic. He believes in stronger. power. Alongside Dimiona, he must be seen as
the unity of the sleeping giant Rashtul and Born: 20 b.H the most dangerous enemy of Arania.
the awakened Rastullah. Hair: None Born: 40 b.H.
Connections: Sufficient Eyes: Black Hair: Grey
Personalities of the Deep South Game Use: He-She can ask for help from the Connections: Minimal
heroes, secretly or openly protect them, or Financial Power: Low
OF AL’ANFA, HEAD OF THE try to include them in his ambitious plans. Game Use: A famous swordfighter who
AL’ANFANIAN RITE OF THE emanates a divine aura
The pleasure-addicted son and heir of MIZIRION III, KING OF BRABAK
Patriarch Tar Honak is slowly growing into a No other monarch is so often frowned upon
The man behind the scenes of the
leader of the city. Deeply faithful to Boron, his for being bankrupt; no other monarch has to
Patriarch’s throne is very knowledgeable in
goals are diverging more and more from the fight such a rebellious council of nobility, which
arcane lore as well as in intrigues. Due to
materialistically-oriented Council of the Twelve, controls government spending. Mizirion’s
his charisma, it is said he can even convince
but he lacks the sinister aura of his father, strongest weapon is unpredictability, which
people to stab themselves in the heart.
preventing him from fully seizing power. keeps him one step ahead of his adversaries.
Born: 14 Hesinde, 18 b.H.
Born: 8 Boron, 6 b.H. The country is more important to him than
Hair: Black
Hair: Dark brown morale, even though he is well aware of the
Eyes: Black
Eyes: Grey-green power and reputation of Brabak abroad. His
Profession: Perfected intrigue-master and
Profession: Master of intrigues, brilliant greatest dream is the ‘Golden Alliance’ with
diplomat, masterly magician
rhetoric, brilliant seducer the Horasrealm, which would also fill up his
Outstanding Attributes: CL 16, CH 17
Outstanding Attributes: CO 15, CH 17 treasury.
Outstanding Talents: Fast Talk 15, Seduce
Outstanding Talents: Seduce 15, Human Born: 34 b.H.
12, Arcane Lore 16, Human Nature 13,
Nature 13, Statecraft 13 Hair: Grey
Statecraft 15
Connections: Immense Eyes: Blue
Important Spells and Rituals: (Domination,
Financial Power: Immense Profession: A competent but unpredictable
Influence, Object) Be my friend, horriphobus;
Game Use: He is a collector of cursory love monarch
[hellpain, hard melt!, burn dead matter]
affairs, initiator of Boron-pleasing quests or Outstanding Attributes: CL 17
Peculiarities: Lover of the patriarch of
the brain of intrigues. Outstanding Talents: Fast Talk (Haggle) 20,
Connections: Immense Statecraft 12
HEY-SHEY, MOHA-ADVENTURER Financial Power: Very great Connections: Great
Hey-Shey (Sun) of the Oijaniha tribe was Game Use: Irshan Perval is the ultimate Financial Power: Sufficient
saved from a painful death in Al’Anfa by a puppeteer behind the scenes of Al’Anfa and Game Use: Mizirion of Brabak always needs
handful of adventurers. Together with the the whole south; his intrigues can extend money, and therefore supports everything
beautiful Moha youth, the adventurers traveled into the northern realms. that seems to be lucrative. At the same
to Thorwal, where a jealous drunkard stabbed time, he is always in need of help against
the boy. Having pity on him, the goddess of life his “loyal counselors,” the noble families of
saved him; since that time he has worshiped the country.
both rainbow and jaguar. He respects life, ALANFANIAN SWORD MASTER
both that of his allies and his enemies. Due to After a long and glorious career as famous
gladiator in the arena of Al’Anfa, Lucan lost the NAREB EMANO WRATHBREAK,
many recurring dreams, he has gained a vast
favor of the patriarch and took part in the Flight ALANFANIAN GRANDE
knowledge of, and talents in, healing.
of the Ten on the day of big sleep in 29 Haal. Being an heir of the founder of the
Back in the rainforest, the healer helps
When he survived the jump (but became blind), former South Kingdom, Nareb embodies
his people in any possible manner. The
the event of a century had happened—much to the disrespect, brutality and greed of the
Al’Anfanian grandes have spent much money
the displeasure of the patriarch. Yet, following Wrathbreak family. Less with intrigue than
trying catching him, without any result.
Boron’s will, his life was spared and he was with despotism, he enforces his plans with
He now dreams of uniting the jungle tribes
freed. Despite his blindness, Lucan Quesada effective violence.
against slavers.
is one of the most-feared swordfighters of the Born: 32 b.H.
Born: 7 b.H:
south, and he claims that Boron has opened his Hair: Bald
Hair: Blue-black
eyes. He has embarked on a quest through the Eyes: Blue
Eyes: Black
Aventurian south, though whether for wisdom Profession: Despot, master of intrigues
Profession: Masterly Oijaniha-warrior
or for glory, no one can say. Outstanding Attributes: CH 8, ST 19; Greed
Outstanding Attributes: CH 17; Curiosity,
Born: 3 Haal Outstanding Talents: Wrestling 16, Statecraft 14
Hair: Black Peculiarities: Comes from the bloodline of
Outstanding Talents: Treat Wounds 18, Treat
Eyes: Black the Kings of the South and Fasarian nobles;
Poison 12, Treat Disease 12, Treat Psyche
Profession: Brilliant swordfighter he weighs over 200 greatpounds and moves
13, Brawling (Hruruzat) 15
Outstanding Attributes: IN 18, AG 17 about in a flamboyant two-person sedan.
Peculiarities: Rainbow lizard amulet, which
Outstanding Talents: Many combat talents Connections: Immense
prevents Hey-Shey from dealing deadly
brilliant to perfect; numerous accompanying Financial Power: Immense
blows in combat
special abilities (blind fighting, of course, Game Use: Being a brutal blackmailer and
Connections: Low (great among Moha-
among them) quasi-despot of Al’Anfa, many adventures
Peculiarities: Despite his blindness, Lucan can revolve around him and his fight with
Financial Power: Low
‘feels’ his environment the Honaks or Paligans.
Crowned Leaders
In the following tables, you will find the most important emperors 1528–1502 b.H. Alef-Faizal
and kings, sultans and caliphs of the various Aventurian periods and 1502–1408 b.H. Sheranbil V al-Shahr
Tulamidian Rulers 1297–1263 b.H.
Mustafa ibn Abu Nuwas
1263–1248 b.H. Nahema saba Mustafa
3002–2772 b.H. Rashtul al-Sheik
2772–2750 b.H. Batsrabun ibn Rashtul THE ADAMANTINE SULTANS,
THE SULTANS OF KHUNCHOM 1248–1205 b.H. Yadail al-Musaf
2750–2731 b.H. Bastrabun ibn Rashtul 1204–1183 b.H. Kalkarib ibn Yadail
2730–2709 b.H. Perhiman ibn Bastrabun 1183–1106 b.H. Interregnum
2709–2674 b.H. Yadda ibn Perhiman 1106–1051 b.H. Bheraimi ibn Shahr
2673–2631 b.H. Nabatil al-Waqih 1045–1010 b.H. Najari ibn Bheraimi*
2631–2599 b.H. Manoyla saba Nabatil
2599–2576 b.H. Ifriqis ibn Omeid *In 1011, Murak-Horas defeats the Tulamides. The lands of the
2576–2536 b.H. Waddif al-Sadiq Adamantine Sultans become provinces of Bosparan and, subsequently,
2536–2505 b.H. Waddif al-Retef the New Empire.
2504–2458 b.H. Waddif al-Nabti
2458–2423 b.H.
2423–2398 b.H.
Waddif al-Karibi
Waddif al-Yarush
The Old Empire
2398–2358 b.H. Waddif al-Wakiah
2358–2317 b.H. Sulman al-Nassori
2485–1940 b.H. Horas
1893 b.H. Dalida-Horas
I DYNASTY 1873–1849 b.H. Belen-Horas
2317–2306 b.H. Sulman al-Nassori
2306–2278 b.H. Rhukeyef ibn Sulman THE PEACE EMPERORS
2278–2249 b.H. Omar Shadif 1849–1814 b.H. Seneb-Horas II
2248–2216 b.H. Gassir al-Tarifa 1814–1792 b.H. Asmodena
2216–2168 b.H. Amir al-Dhubb 1792–1734 b.H. Nasul
2168–2125 b.H. Toba al-Akran 1734–1712 b.H. Arn
2124–2085 b.H. Kharibet I 1712–1691 b.H. Yulag
2085–2053 b.H. Quasran Yanuf 1691–1656 b.H. Isiz
1656–1624 b.H. Svelinya
THE ADAMANTINE SULTANS, 1624–1612 b.H. Thuan
II DYNASTY 1612–1211 b.H. Haldur
2053–2011 b.H. Rufis Riyyam al-Muktar 1611–1557 b.H. Fran
2011–1967 b.H. Sheranbil I al Yakrub
1967–1963 b.H. Sheranbil II THE DARK AGES
1963–1902 b.H. Sheranbil III 1557–1522 b.H. Olruk
1902–1865 b.H. Morbai ibn Dhuri 1522-1483 b.H. Olruk II
1865–1832 b.H. Yasmal ibn Mordai 1483 b.H. The overthrow of Olruk II by
1832–1795 b.H. Kharibet II Imperial Marshal Halmar
1795–1781 b.H. Sheranbil IV al-Wazzif 1483–1475 b.H. Halmar
1781–1729 b.H. Shahr Halel 1475–1474 b.H. Bender
1792–1687 b.H. Haidan ibn Shahr Halel 1474–1470 b.H. Dozman
1687–1635 b.H. Abu Shadad 1470–1419 b.H. Yarum
1419–1394 b.H. Niotha
THE ADAMANTINE SULTANS, 1394–1363 b.H. Dalek
III DYNASTY 1363–1322 b.H. Dalek II
1635–1579 b.H. Hasrabal al-Milta 1322–1293 b.H. Jel
1578–1553 b.H. Hailif ibn Sinhedi 1293–1252 b.H. Usim
1553–1536 b.H. Khorim ibn Hailif 1251–1184 b.H. Usim II
1536–1529 b.H. Erkhaban ibn Hailif 1184–1155 b.H. Dalek III
*The Old Empire fell after the victory of the rebellious Garethians *Haal disappeared under mysterious circumstances during a hunt in
during the Second Demon Battle. Fountland in 17 Haal. His son Brin was awarded the title of Protector
of the Realm by the Imperial Grand Council, to rise to Emperor 12 years
The Emperors after Haal’s disappearance. Brin died 28 Haal in the Third Demon
Battle; his wife Emer assumed regency for her daughter Rohaja.
of the New Empire
After many years of small-scale war and quarrel, Fairfield, once the core
THE WISE EMPERORS province of the Old Empire, regained its independence and recognition
940–895 b.H. Debrek in the Peace of Kuslik.
895–874 b.H. Nardes
874–873 b.H. Sigman 241–224 b.H. Khadan
873–821 b.H. Sighelm 224–193 b.H. Dettmar
821–780 b.H. Gerbal I 193–180 b.H. Alborn
780–738 b.H. Menzel 180–170 b.H. Kusmara
738–718 b.H. Gerbald II 170–152 b.H. Alborn
718–684 b.H. Rude I 152–127 b.H. Elissa
684–660 b.H. Ugdalf 127–107 b.H. Amene
Rude II* 107–81 b.H. Barjed
*Rude II was too young to assume the throne after his father, and was 81–54 b.H. Amene II
placed in the guardianship of a council of deonts. Rude II was killed 54–22 b.H. Therengar
before coming of age. 22 b.H.–3 Haal Tolman
Since 3 Haal Amene III (assumes the title of
658–645 b.H. Aldec NOVADI CALIPHS
645–581 b.H. Noralec The desert tribes separated from the New Empire and renounced the
581–579 b.H. Kathay Twelvegods belief after the appearance of Rastullah by the Keft oasis.
579–541 b.H. Gurvan
541–538 b.H. Amelthona 218–207 b.H. Malkillah ibn Hairadan
538–528 b.H. Gurvan II 207–201 b.H. Omar al-Karim
528–527 b. H The great riot led by Rohal 201–179 b.H. Mukarib al-Kafur
527–404 b.H. Rohal the Wise 179–174 b.H. Sahir-Ilram
404 b.H. The beginning of the Wizard 174–173 b.H. Abu Marwan
Wars, following Rohal’s 173–161 b.H. Yerdawan al-Nadab
resignation 161–140 b.H. Khusrau ibn Schiram
140–100 b.H. Haschabnah, ‘al-Schaddai’
100–36 b.H. Malkillah II al-Yanuf
36–12 b.H. Chamallah al-Ghatar
391–348 b.H. Eslam
12 b.H.–12 Haal Abu Dhelrumun
348–330 b.H. Tolak
Since 17 Haal Malkillah III
330–296 b.H. Alrik
(Mustafaibn Khalid)
296–265 b.H. Eslam II
265–246 b.H. Eslam III
246–221 b.H. Eslam IV
221–184 b.H. Bodar
184–150 b.H. Bodar II
150–113 b.H. Eslam V
113–91 b.H. Valpo*
*During the governance of the Eslamides, the New Empire starts to fall
apart. After the death of Valpo, the empire plunges into a 30-year war of
succession—the Emperorless Age— from which eventually Barduron
of Gareth emerges as victor. After his sudden death, his son Perval
attains the crown.