Effectiveness of Banana Peel-Based Liquid Organic Fertilizer

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1. Formulate at least one scientific question

-is really banana effective when it comes to liquid fertilizer?

- banana-peel fertilizer is effective on plant?

2. set selection criteria for studies relevant to your scientific problem

- When selecting related literature for my study, I prefer to select a topic that

contains many of the same variables that I used in mine. To put it another way, I

chose a rrl based on its relevance to my title, but it does not have the same topic

as mine

3.cite studies relevant to your scientific problem


Banana peel is an organic waste, which has nutrients that are useful for plants.


study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF)

made by banana

peel (BP) as a potassium source for eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) growth and

determine the

right balance between the use of BP-LOF and anorganic KCl fertilizer. The study

was conducted
in the Agricultural Experiment Field of UMY from September to November 2018.

The study

was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consisted

of 6 treatments

namely (1) 100% BP-LOF, (2) 80 % BP-LOF + 20% KCl fertilizer, (3) 60% BP-

LOF + 40%

KCl fertilizer, (4) 40% BP-LOF + 60% KCl fertilizer, (5) 20% BP-LOF + 80%

KCl fertilizer,

and (6) 100% KCl fertilizer as control. The results showed that the comparison

of BP-LOF application gave similar results to the growth and yield of eggplant

Keywords: banana peel waste, liquid organic fertilizer, potassium, eggplant








4. . Review, digest, and concisely state the relevance of the studies

This study cited is relevant to determining the effectiveness of banana-

peel as fertilizer to the plant. The relative study cited show that Banana

peels are good for gardens because they contain 42 percent

potassium (abbreviated to its scientific name K), one of the three major

components of fertilizer along with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and

shown on fertilizer labels as NPK. In fact, banana peels have the highest

organic sources of potassium. The study cited is relevant to the future

study in a case that it also focuses in identifying the fertilizing content of

the banana-peel which will be also one of the objectives of the future


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